[R] omitting integer(0) rows from data frame

2013-10-30 Thread Jack Tanner
I'm not sure if this is correct behavior or not, but it seems counterintuitive 
to me:

dat - data.frame(id=1:5, let=letters[1:5])
# A. omits the first row
dat[- 1, ]

# B. unexpectedly omits ALL rows
dat[- integer(0), ]

It would be less surprising if there were no rows omitted in the (B) case.

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[R] compatibility of load() in R 2.15.2

2012-11-25 Thread Jack Tanner
I have some large-ish files that are the output of save() from R 2.15.1, which
that version can load() just fine. After upgrading to 2.15.2, load() no longer
works on these files. Is this a known issue?

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[R] as.POSIXct questions

2012-07-19 Thread Jack Tanner
The following three calls all produce the same result (my machine is in EST):

 as.POSIXct(0, tz=, origin=ISOdatetime(1970,1,1,10,0,0)) 
[1] 1970-01-01 10:00:00 EST
 as.POSIXct(0, tz=EST, origin=ISOdatetime(1970,1,1,10,0,0)) 
[1] 1970-01-01 10:00:00 EST
 as.POSIXct(0, tz=GMT, origin=ISOdatetime(1970,1,1,10,0,0)) 
[1] 1970-01-01 10:00:00 EST

EST is -5:00 GMT. Is it a bug that the third call above does not produce

[1] 1970-01-01 5:00:00 EST


(Under R 2.15.1, Windows 64-bit)

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[R] memory growth with rbind and lapply

2012-05-12 Thread Jack Tanner
This version of my code makes the R process consume unreasonable amounts of RAM:

  datf - rbind(lapply(mylist, function(item) {
  with(item, data.frame(col1, col2, col3))

This version works fine:

  datf - lapply(mylist, function(item) {
  with(item, data.frame(col1, col2, col3))
  datf - do.call(rbind, datf)

Is this to be expected?

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Re: [R] BRugs crash, question

2012-04-04 Thread Jack Tanner
Bob O'Hara rni.boh at gmail.com writes:

 On 4 April 2012 05:35, Jack Tanner ihok at hotmail.com wrote:
  samplesBgr(beta) # crash
  samplesBgr(beta, plot=FALSE) # also crash
  Have you plotted your histories? I haven't used samplesBgr() much, so I
 don't know how stable it is (although I do know it's slow).

Yes, plotting histories, densities works fine. Above, beta was an array of
parameters; plotBgr of a singleton parameter also crashes.

 samplesStats() calls internal OpenBUGS functions (not R functions), so
 that would mean saving the whole BUGS run (like externalise in OpenBUGS
 itself. From you code fit$Stats should give you the same as
 sampleStats('*'): if you want more use BRugsFit(..., coda=T) and work with
 the coda object it produces (check the documentation for BRugsFit and coda).

I thought about that, but that's not good either. fit$Stats doesn't have
parameter names attached. Is there a way to figure out where in
fit$Stats[,mean], say, beta ends and theta begins? They seem to be in
arbitrary order, as below.

The downside to BrugsFit(..., coda=TRUE) is that you don't get DIC (even if you
also pass DIC=TRUE).

List of 3
 $ Stats:'data.frame':  194 obs. of  8 variables:
  ..$ mean : num [1:194] 0.536 0.552 0.037 0.33 0.327 ...
  ..$ sd   : num [1:194] 0.4505 0.214 0.1398 0.0789 0.3183 ...
  ..$ MC_error : num [1:194] 0.02775 0.011 0.00696 0.00346 0.02071 ...
  ..$ val2.5pc : num [1:194] -0.341 0.16 -0.215 0.179 -0.291 ...
  ..$ median   : num [1:194] 0.5238 0.5409 0.0331 0.3279 0.3227 ...
  ..$ val97.5pc: num [1:194] 1.429 1.043 0.327 0.488 0.974 ...
  ..$ start: int [1:194] 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 
  ..$ sample   : int [1:194] 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 ...
 $ DIC  :'data.frame':  3 obs. of  4 variables:
  ..$ Dbar: num [1:3] 8.94 1661 1670
  ..$ Dhat: num [1:3] 17.2 1556 1573
  ..$ DIC : num [1:3] 0.686 1766 1767
  ..$ pD  : num [1:3] -8.26 105.3 97.01

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[R] BRugs crash, question

2012-04-03 Thread Jack Tanner
(Using BRugs 0.7-5, R 2.14.2 32-bit on 64-bit Windows 7, OpenBUGS 3.2.1)

1. BRugs crashes R for me as follows. Sorry about the lack of detail; please let
me know if / how to supply a more useful bug report on this issue.

fit - BRugsFit(...)
# BRugs and OpenBUGS runs fine, the parameter estimates are reasonable 
# across 3 chains
samplesBgr(beta) # crash
samplesBgr(beta, plot=FALSE) # also crash

2. I'd like to run a bunch of models via BRugs, saving the state after each one,
like so:

for (m in models) {
  fit - BRugsFit(paste(m$modelname, .bug), ...)
  save(fit, paste(m$modelname, .RData))

After I load the saved fitted objects in a new R process, BRugs functions like
samplesStats() no longer work. Is it possible to somehow load the saved objects
and use samplesStats and other BRugs functions?

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Re: [R] logistic regression

2012-04-03 Thread Jack Tanner
Melrose2012 melissa.patrician at stonybrook.edu writes:

 alive - (fflies$living)
 dead - (fflies$living[1]-alive)
 glm.fit - glm(cbind(alive,dead)~fflies$day,family=binomial)

Your call to glm() is not doing what you think it's doing. What you want to do
is probably closer to 

glm.fit - glm(living ~ day, data=fflies, family=binomial)

Where ffiles$living has exactly two values, e.g., alive or dead or some
other pair.

After you do this, you want to examine glm.fit very carefully. Make sure you can
interpret all of the output of summary(glm.fit). Until you do, there's no point
in trying to plot.

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[R] RFE: vectorized behavior for as.POSIXct tz argument

2011-12-02 Thread Jack Tanner
x - 1472562988 + 1:10; tz - rep(EST,10)

# Case 1: Works as documented
ct - as.POSIXct(x, tz=tz[1], origin=1960-01-01)

# Case 2: Fails
ct - as.POSIXct(x, tz=tz, origin=1960-01-01)

If case 2 worked, it'd be a little easier to process paired (time, time zone)
vectors from different time zones.

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Re: [R] RFE: vectorized behavior for as.POSIXct tz argument

2011-12-02 Thread Jack Tanner
David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net writes:

 sapply(tz, function(ttt) as.POSIXct(x=x, tz=ttt,  

Sure, there's no end of workarounds. It would just be consistent to treat both
the x and the tz arguments as vectors.

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[R] perfectionism

2011-11-25 Thread Jack Tanner
I have a named vector:

 z - c(1, 2, 3, 2)
 names(z) - c(a,b,c,b)
 f - c(b,c)

I want to know the index in z of the first occurrence of each of the values in 

One implementation is 

 sapply(f, function(x) which(names(z)==x)[1])
b c
2 3

Is which() smart enough to stop when it finds in z the first occurrence of every
value from f, or does it search through all the values in z only to report the
first one?

Are some more elegant ways of writing this code?

Just curious.

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Re: [R] perfectionism

2011-11-25 Thread Jack Tanner
jim holtman jholtman at gmail.com writes:

  match(f, names(z))
 [1] 2 3

Jim, thanks so much, that's right on.

Patrick, thanks to you too, but yours is not the same as what I asked:

 z - c(3,4,5,4)
 names(z)- c(a,b,c,b)
b c 
4 5

Yours returns the actual values in z, not the indexes in z, i.e., not

[1] 2 3

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[R] term lists with tm package

2011-08-30 Thread Jack Tanner
I've got a sparse term list of the form

term1 doc1
term2 doc1
term3 doc2

I'd like to load this into a Corpus, as defined in the tm package. I was
thinking that one way to do this is to iterate over the list building up the i,
j, v vectors for a simple_triplet_matrix, and then to use that as an input to

Is that the best way to go? Any hints? Thanks in advance.

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Re: [R] Splitting Datasets

2011-03-27 Thread Jack Tanner
Wainscott, Robert LT robert.wainscott at cvn74.navy.mil writes:

 I want to split dataset ZIDL, into individual datasets based on the
 string content of variable Dept.

There are many, many ways to do this, depending on what you're really after.
Here's one:

depts = levels(factor(zidl$dept))
for (i in 1:length(depts)) {
  tiny.dataset = subset(zidl, dept==depts[i])
  # now do whatever processing you need with tiny.dataset

Read the Introduction to R and the help page for the subset command, 
i.e., ?subset

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[R] altering a call variable from quote()

2011-03-27 Thread Jack Tanner
I have a variable of mode call:

 b = quote(b==3)
b == 3

Now I want to append  x  2 to the value of b. How do I do that?

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Re: [R] Import variable labels to data frame columns

2011-03-27 Thread Jack Tanner
AjayT ajaytalati at googlemail.com writes:

 The data looks like this,
 Id=1 time=2011-03-27 19:23:40 start=1.4018   end=1.4017   
 Id=2 time=2011-03-27 19:23:40 start=1.8046   end=1.8047 

Something like this would do:

lines = scan(file, nlines=1, ...)
fields = strsplit(lines[1], \s+, perl=TRUE)
k.v.pairs = sapply(fields, function(f) {
  strsplit(f, =)
df.row = sapply(k.v.pairs, function(k.v) {

You can then rbind() the df.row values to get a data.frame. Note that this
assumes that all your input records have all the same fields and all in the same

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Re: [R] altering a call variable from quote()

2011-03-27 Thread Jack Tanner
Jack Tanner ihok at hotmail.com writes:

  b = quote(b==3)
 Now I want to append  x  2 to the value of b. How do I do that?

Never mind, I figured it out:

substitute(b  x  2, list(b=b))

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[R] slow dget

2010-11-05 Thread Jack Tanner
I have a data structure that is fast to dput(), but very slow to dget(). On
disk, the file is about 35MB.

   user  system elapsed 
 142.931.27  192.84 

The same data structure is fast to save() and fast to load(). The .RData file on
disk is about 12MB.

   user  system elapsed 

I imagine that this is a known speed issue with dget, and that the recommended
solution is to use load, which is fine with me. If so, perhaps a note to this
effect could be added to the dget help page.

All timings above using

R version 2.12.0 (2010-10-15)
Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)

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[R] correlation significance testing with multiple factor levels

2010-01-21 Thread Jack Tanner
[Apologies in advance if this is too statistics and not enough R.]

I've got an experiment with two sets of treatments. Each subject either received
all treatments from set A or all treatments from set B. 

I can compute the N pairwise correlations for all treatments in either set using
cor(). If I take the mean of these N pairwise correlations, I see that the
effects of treatments in set A are much more correlated than the effects of
treatments in set B. (Mean correlation for set A is 0.6, mean for set B is 0.1).
This is probably wrongheaded, but I'd like to be able to report whether this is
a significant difference. I know about cor.test(), but I don't know whether/how
I can adapt that for my use case.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

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[R] RFE: bQuote like sQuote

2010-01-18 Thread Jack Tanner
I'm writing SQL queries, and it's very handy to be able to use sQuote for string
parameter values. It makes me wish that I could use an sQuote-like function for
enclosing column names and other identifiers in backticks, i.e., select `foo`
from `table`. Obviously I can do this with paste(), I'm just asking for
syntactic sugar.

Oh, a buglet: the sQuote help page, See Also section, the reference to Quotes
{base} is not hyperlinked.

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[R] serialized plot object (2 years later)

2009-11-22 Thread Jack Tanner

About 2 years ago, Tobias Verbeke asked:

I am looking for a way to capture the binary string that in normal use of 
graphics devices will bewritten to (most commonly) a file connection... Is 
there a way of capturing the binary `jpeg string'
[generated by jpeg()]?


Brian Ripley's answer was Nope, unfortunately, they write to files not 
connections and no R object 
is involved.

Is this still the case?
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[R] a sequence that wraps around

2009-09-16 Thread Jack Tanner
I'd like to have something like seq() where I can pass in a length of the
desired sequence and a right limit so that the sequence goes up to the limit and
then starts again from 1.

# works now
seq(from=2, length.out=3)
[1] 2 3 4

# what I want
seq(from=2, length.out=3, rlimit=3)
[1] 2 3 1

# additional examples of what I want
seq(from=2, length.out=4, rlimit=3)
[1] 2 3 1 2
seq(from=2, length.out=4, rlimit=4)
[1] 2 3 4 1
seq(from=2, length.out=3, rlimit=2)
[1] 2 1 2

I can write this procedurally, but it seems like there ought to be a cleaner R
way of doing it. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Re: [R] a sequence that wraps around

2009-09-16 Thread Jack Tanner
Henrique Dallazuanna wwwhsd at gmail.com writes:

 Try rep:
 rep(2:4, length.out = 3, times = 10)

That's close, but it doesn't wrap to start at 1.

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Re: [R] a sequence that wraps around

2009-09-16 Thread Jack Tanner
Szabolcs Horvát szhorvat at gmail.com writes:

 You could use the modulo operator.
  # additional examples of what I want
  seq(from=2, length.out=4, rlimit=3)
  [1] 2 3 1 2
 seq(from=1, length.out=4) %% 3 + 1

Ah, that's so slick. You're off to a great start! Huge thanks to you and 
everyone else who responded.

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[R] turning a list into a function's params

2009-09-13 Thread Jack Tanner
Apologies for the noob question. I need to split setting up a plot and drawing
it into two functions. One determines the properties of a plot (data, axis,
labels, etc.), and the other plots it (using a preferred device, image
dimensions, etc.).

get.props = function() {
  list(x=x, y=y, xlab=foo, ylab=bar)

myplot = function() {
  props = get.props()
  plot(props) # Doesn't work

What's the right way to call plot() with all the components of props broken out
as separate parameters to plot()? Note that the components of props may be
different from call to call (sometimes there's only x data, sometimes there's no
ylab, etc.).

Thanks in advance for your time and help.

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[R] RConsole processing crashes Rgui.exe

2009-08-30 Thread Jack Tanner
Using R 2.9.2 on Windows XP SP3.

1. Edit ~/Rconsole, and set

font = TT Bitstream Vera Sans Mono

2. Start Rgui.exe
3. Go to Edit, GUI Preferfences
4. Rgui.exe crashes

Rgui.exe does not crash if I do not access GUI Preferences (i.e., if I just use
R), and it does correctly use Bitstream Vera Sans Mono as my font. Nor does it
crash if I edit RConsole to set the font back to Lucida Console and then try to
access GUI Preferences.

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Re: [R] RFE: vectorize URLdecode

2009-08-30 Thread Jack Tanner
Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com writes:

 URLdecode.vec - Vectorize(URLdecode)
 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Jack Tannerihok at hotmail.com wrote:
  Could URLdecode be modified to actually process all elements of the vector, 
  not just the first?

Sure, that's a fine workaround. But is this a legitimate RFE? Should I file 
a bug?

It seems like the warning itself is coming from charToRaw(), but the rest 
of URLdecode() might need an upgrade to deal with a charToRaw that processes 
all the elements in the vector.

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[R] RFE: vectorize URLdecode

2009-08-29 Thread Jack Tanner
In R 2.9.2,

 URLdecode(c(a%20b, b%20c))
[1] a b
Warning message:
In charToRaw(URL) : argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored

Could URLdecode be modified to actually process all elements of the vector, not
just the first?

Thanks in advance

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[R] suggestion for paired t-tests

2009-07-24 Thread Jack Tanner
There's a funny inconsistency in how t.test handles paired=T or paired=F. If x
and y parameters are lists, paired=F works, but paired=T doesn't.

 a = subset(lg, condition==a)[score]
 b = subset(lg, condition==b)[score]
 t.test(a,b, paired=TRUE)
Error in `[.data.frame`(y, yok) : undefined columns selected

But this works
 t.test(a,b, paired=TRUE)

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