Re: [R] conditional assignments and calculations

2004-10-03 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Michael Lachmann lachmann at writes:

: Hello!
: I am using the TeXmacs interface to R. (Though I encountered a similar 
: problem when using Sweave)
: In doing calculations I often ecounter this scenario: I'll have some 
: calculations in my file:
: --
: B=huge.calculation.on(A)
: C=another.calculation.on(B)
: --
: Now, if A has already been read, I don't need to re-read it. If B has 
: already been calculated, I don't need to recalculate it. But I would 
: like to be able to just press 'enter' on each of them.
: So, I would like R to somehow figure out dependencies (a bit like in 
: Makefiles)
: I implemented something like this with the following functions:
: --
: touch=function(x) {attr(x,last.updated)=Sys.time();x}
: last.updated=function(a) {
:if( length(attr(a,last.updated)) == 0 ) {
:   Sys.time()
:} else {
: }
: depends-=function(a,value,...) {
:if( length(attr(a,last.updated)) == 0 ) {
:  a - value
:  a -touch(a)
:} else {
:  lu=(sapply(args,function(x) last.updated(x)-last.updated(a)  0 ))
:  if( sum(lu)0 ) {
: a - value
: a -touch(a)
:  }
: }
: Then I can implement what I wanted above as follows:
: --
: if( !exists(A) ) {; A=touch(A) }
: depends(B,A)=huge.calculation.on(A)
: # this means the assignment 'B=huge.calculation.on(A)' is
: # done only if A has been updated more recently than B.
: depends(C,B)=another.calculation.on(B)
: # dito for C more recent than B.
: --
: And now I can carelessly press 'enter' on these expression that might 
: otherwise take hours to compute. Each variable has a datestamp of the 
: last time it was updated, and I do each calculation conditional on 
: whether certain variables have been recently changed. I can also save 
: A,B,C to a file,later load them, and the calculations will not be redone.
: But this solution is quite ugly, because of several problems:
: 1. To call 'depends(A,B)=f(B)' the first time, A has to already exist, 
: otherwise I get an error (before I enter the depends- function.)

The technique used to implement mulitple return values shown in

could be adapted to this problem.  Using that technique the code would 
look like this:

   depends[A,B] - f(B)

and A would not have to pre-exist.

You define a structure with a class of depends, say:

   depends - structure(NA, class = depends)

and then define the [-.depends action on that structure
in an analogous way to what was done there.

: 2. I would also like to have a convenient way to do
: if( !exists(A) ) {; A=touch(A) }
: maybe something like:
: depends(A)
: But that doesn't work, because of 1.
: or
: A %set%
: But that doesn't work, because I haven't figured out a way for a 
: function to change one of its variables.
: (Maybe I could do A=A %set, but that is really ugly...)

Is this what you want?

R f - function(x,v) assign(as.character(substitute(x)), v, parent.frame())
R x # x does not exist
Error: Object x not found
R f(x,3)
R x # now it does
[1] 3

- can be used if the   eval.parent is a third way (see #3 below).

: 3. It would be nice to be able to do touch(A) instead of A=touch(A)

touch - function(x) 
x - 3

: 4. If I modify A without calling 'A=touch(A)', then B will not be 
: updated next time I call 'depends(B,A)=huge.calculation.on(A)'. So it 
: would be nice to have the variable's 'last updated' time updated 
: automatically. (Though then it is a bit problematic to decide what the 
: 'last updated' time should be for variables loaded from a file...)

If its done in a function you could use on.exit to ensure that it gets
updated when leaving the function.

: 5. The whole thing is rather cludgy. But I haven't found a good way to 
: implement it.
: Suggestions?
: Thanks,
: Michael

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[R] creating new varFunc classes in nlme .. error: Don't know how to get coefficients for .. object

2004-10-03 Thread J
Hello.  I am trying my hand at modifying the varFunc
class varExp, but I must be missing a step.  All I
want to do right now is make a working copy of varExp,
call it varExp2, and then later change it. 
coef.varExp2, coef-.varExp2, and Initialize.varExp2
all seem to work properly after I construct them.  I
can successfully use the commands:

v2 - varExp2(form = ~age|Sex,fixed = c(Female=0))
v2 - Initialize(v2, Orthodont)

But, after this when I type v2 at the prompt, I get
the message: 

Error in coef.varFunc(x, uncons = FALSE, allCoef =
TRUE) : Don't know how to get coefficients for varExp2

Im not sure what to do.  Im sure it is a simple fix or
statement I need to enter.  Can anyone offer
suggestions?  Do I have to use the command
varFunc(varExp2) at some point?

As background, I created VarExp2 by using:

varExp2 - function (value = numeric(0), ... [and the
rest of the VarExp function] ...)  At the end of the
function I had to change the statement: c(varExp,...
to c(varExp2...

Then I used:

setMethod(Initialize,varExp2, function (object,
data, ...)
form - formula(object)
... [and the rest of the Initialize.varExp
function] ...)

I did the same with the coef and coef- functions.  

Im not sure why coef, coef-, and Initialize seem to
work (they produce the same output and attributes as
varExp), but still I get the error message.  Would it
have anything to do with the warning I get when I
create the coef.varExp2 and other functions:

In the method signature for function coef-, class
varExp2 has no current definition in:
matchSignature(signature, fdef, where)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Do I somehow
need to tell nlme where to find my new functions?  John

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Re: [R] Reading multiple files into R

2004-10-03 Thread Roger Bivand
On Sun, 3 Oct 2004, Vikas Rawal wrote:

 Thanks Kevin and Roger. This gave me the clue and was a great help.
 I have been trying it out. There is some problem in the code that still 
 needs to be figured out.
 For the first 9 files, paste(wb-0, i, vc.dbf, sep=) works fine.
 But as you rightly guessed, I have more files.
 So when I use paste(wb-, formatC(i, width=2, flag=0), vc.dbf, 
 sep=), does not work.
 formatC works find if I use it in cat(paste.). It 
 displays the file names correctly.
 But when I use it in, it gives the following error.
 res[[i]] -, format(i, width=2,flag=0), 
 vc.dbf, sep=))
 Error in, format(i, width=2,flag=0), 
 vc.dbf, sep=))
 Error in, format(i, width = 2, flag = 
 0),  :
 unable to open DBF file
 Of course, the data files are all right. I can read them individually.
 What do you think could be the problem?

Look for the difference between:

 for(i in 1:12) cat(paste(wb-, format(i, width=2,flag=0),vc.dbf, 
+ sep=), \n)


 for(i in 1:12) cat(paste(wb-, formatC(i, width=2,flag=0),vc.dbf, 
+ sep=), \n)

You need formatC(), not format(). sprintf() is:

 for(i in 1:12) cat(paste(wb-, sprintf(fmt=%0.2d, i),vc.dbf, 
+ sep=), \n)

for the same as formatC().

On the rbind question:

 Now I have a vector of lists res. I would like to append all these 
 components into one single dataframe.
 I tried the following:

 rbind(for (i in 1:17) res[[i]]) - distvc

 But this will not work. It works if I individually specify all the res 

this works:

 xx - list(df1=data.frame(x=rnorm(10), y=rnorm(10), f=rep(A, 10)), 
+ df2=data.frame(x=rnorm(10), y=rnorm(10), f=rep(B, 10)))
 xxx - NULL
 for(i in 1:length(xx)) xxx - rbind(xxx, xx[[i]])

for() loops are not a bad thing if you are not repeating the operation 
(like reading in data) very frequently, and seem to me easier to debug 
than more sophisticated constructions. This for() loop will run slower as 
xxx grows, because it needs to re-allocate memory each time round. I would 
be tempted for many and large xx[[i]] to pre-allocate the combined data 
frame and just slot in the rows for each list component, if I knew that 
the numbers and classes og the columns were identical. But rbind() is 
cleaner, even though it will be slower - again, if you only need this a 
few times, the time hit is compensated for by simplicity.

 Kevin Bartz wrote:
  Roger Bivand wrote:
  On Fri, 1 Oct 2004, Vikas Rawal wrote:
  I want to read data from a number of files into R.
  Reading individual files one by one requires writing enormous amount 
  of code that will look something like the following.
  In this case, you could pre-allocate a list and:
  res - vector(mode=list, length=9)
  for (i in 1:length(res)) res[[i]] -, i, vc.dbf, sep=))
  res - vector(mode=list, length=9)
  for (i in 1:length(res)) cat(paste(wb-0, i, vc.dbf, sep=), \n)
  wb-01vc.dbf wb-02vc.dbf wb-03vc.dbf ...
  gives a check on what file names are being used.
  For 10 to 99 preserving the 01-09, use paste(wb-, formatC(i, 
  width=2, flag=0), vc.dbf, sep=).
  If the token is a character (string) that varies, you can roll out a 
  character vector of tokens first and step along it.
  res - vector(mode=list, length=length(LETTERS))
  for (i in 1:length(res)) cat(paste(wb-, LETTERS[i], vc.dbf, 
  + \n)
  wb-Avc.dbf wb-Bvc.dbf wb-Cvc.dbf ...
  Is there a better way of doing this?
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  Good call. Here's a somewhat more R-ified version:
  res - lapply(paste(wb-, formatC(1:99, width=2, flag=0), vc.dbf,

Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Breiviksveien 40, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 93 93

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[R] Re: creating new varFunc classes in nlme .. error: Don't know how to get coefficients for .. object

2004-10-03 Thread J
Ah!! After way too many hours of work Ive answered my
own question.  To get varExp2, a copy of varExp, to
work as a new varFunc, one needs to use this sort of

update.varExp2 - function (object, data, ...)
print (enter update)
val - NextMethod()
if (length(val) == 0) {
aux - coef(val, allCoef = TRUE)
if (!is.null(grps - getGroups(val))) {
aux - aux[grps]
attr(val, logLik) - sum(log(attr(val,
weights) - exp(-aux *
setMethod(update, varExp2, update.varExp2)

And then do the same for all methods used by varExp
(see methods(class=varExp)).  When writing the
setMethod for coef-.varExp2, use
cat(coef-.varExp2) in the statement.  Or at least
that worked for me.

But I still have an unanswered question from the other
day (see [R] two questions on nlme: error messages and
nested variance).  What is the best way in nlme to
model the variance when the variance of the variance
is not constant but is dependent on a covariate?  

Thanks.  John

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[R] Excluding data in R

2004-10-03 Thread Laura Collins
I was hoping someone could help me!


How do you exclude outliers from a set of data?  





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Re: [R] Excluding data in R

2004-10-03 Thread Kevin Wang

On Sun, 3 Oct 2004, Laura Collins wrote:

 How do you exclude outliers from a set of data?

Your question is too vague.  I'm assuming you have a data frame and
already know exactly which observations are the outlier(s).  If your data
frame is called foo.df, and say observation 5 is an outlier, then
something like:
  foo.df[-5, ]
will exclude it.


Ko-Kang Kevin Wang
PhD Student
Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
Building 27, Room 1004
Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI)
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200

Ph (W): +61-2-6125-2431
Ph (H): +61-2-6125-7407
Ph (M): +61-40-451-8301

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[R] If loops

2004-10-03 Thread Laura Collins


I'm a complete beginner to all this so I was hoping someone could help


What I'm trying to do is to write a function that returns the
coordinates where a vector x is equal to a.  So say I invent a vector x:


If a is a-8.


I want the function to return the coordinates of x where the number 8
appears (i.e. 2 4).

I know I need to set up an if loop but I'm really not sure how to do


Any advice or clues will be much appreciated.





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Re: [R] If loops

2004-10-03 Thread Uwe Ligges
Laura Collins wrote:

I'm a complete beginner to all this so I was hoping someone could help

What I'm trying to do is to write a function that returns the
coordinates where a vector x is equal to a.  So say I invent a vector x:
If a is a-8.

I want the function to return the coordinates of x where the number 8
appears (i.e. 2 4).
I know I need to set up an if loop but I'm really not sure how to do

Any advice or clues will be much appreciated.

Please read An Introduction to R, the R FAQ and learn to use the help 
system as well as the mailing list archives (as described in the Posting 
Guide cited below at the end of your).

Uwe Ligges



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RE: [R] If loops

2004-10-03 Thread Liaw, Andy
 From: Laura Collins
 I'm a complete beginner to all this so I was hoping someone could help
 What I'm trying to do is to write a function that returns the
 coordinates where a vector x is equal to a.  So say I invent 
 a vector x:
 If a is a-8.
 I want the function to return the coordinates of x where the number 8
 appears (i.e. 2 4).
 I know I need to set up an if loop but I'm really not sure how to do

You don't if you use R (or S-PLUS):

which(x %in% a)

or even something like

x.good - x[! x %in% a]


 Any advice or clues will be much appreciated.

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[R] help working with persp plot function

2004-10-03 Thread Steven K Friedman

I don't understand why this is not working.  Help is appreciated. 

I need to plot the following as a surface, but persp returns an error. 

1  465459.7 175924.1 0.85
2  466145.8 324017.3 2.30
3  467720.2 372143.1 1.56
4  470293.2 348064.8 2.87
5  476566.9 205501.8 0.94
6  44.9 142561.0 1.31
7  479207.0 162919.6 3.04
8  480890.8 290641.3 2.20
9  488865.9 159201.4 2.30
10 490328.3 248049.0 2.81 

Note that the X_COORD column is sorted in an increasing order. 

Error in persp.default(X_COORD, Y_COORD, TPCP) :
  increasing x and y values expected 

Ok so why is the function returning an error message? 

Thanks for your time and insights. 

Steve Friedman   email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Forestry
Michigan State University
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Re: [R] help working with persp plot function

2004-10-03 Thread Andrew Robinson
Hi Steve,

persp() is looking for x and y to be the coordinates on the axes
rather than corresponding directly to the points. So, something like

x - c(1:3)
y - c(1:3)

z - c(1:9)

Take a look at the third example in help(persp) to clarify.

For your data you might try the surface() function in the fields
package - see .e.g

Good luck!


On Sun, Oct 03, 2004 at 06:08:57PM -0400, Steven K Friedman wrote:
 I don't understand why this is not working.  Help is appreciated. 
 I need to plot the following as a surface, but persp returns an error. 
 1  465459.7 175924.1 0.85
 2  466145.8 324017.3 2.30
 3  467720.2 372143.1 1.56
 4  470293.2 348064.8 2.87
 5  476566.9 205501.8 0.94
 6  44.9 142561.0 1.31
 7  479207.0 162919.6 3.04
 8  480890.8 290641.3 2.20
 9  488865.9 159201.4 2.30
 10 490328.3 248049.0 2.81 
 Note that the X_COORD column is sorted in an increasing order. 
 Error in persp.default(X_COORD, Y_COORD, TPCP) :
   increasing x and y values expected 
 Ok so why is the function returning an error message? 
 Thanks for your time and insights. 
 Steve Friedman   email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Department of Forestry
 Michigan State University
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Andrew Robinson  Ph: 208 885 7115
Department of Forest Resources   Fa: 208 885 6226
University of Idaho  E : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 441133W :
Moscow ID 83843  Or:
No statement above necessarily represents my employer's opinion.

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[R] compile R-1.9.1 with Portland fortran

2004-10-03 Thread Jin Shusong
Dear R-users,

  Has any one compiled R-1.9.1  successfully with Portland
pgcc pgCC and pgf77?  I can not configurate it with
./configure since it told me 
checking for Fortran name-mangling scheme... configure:
error: cannot compile a simple Fortran program
  Can any one give me some advice.  Thank you.

  My platform: Linux-2.4.26, pentium4, portland compiler 5.1 


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[R] Could anyone tell me how to extract pvalue from lm fitting?

2004-10-03 Thread Frank Duan
Dear R people,

I have a naive question: after fitting lm to a data, I can't extract
the pvalue corresponding to a specific covariate in a direct way.
Could anyone give me a hint?

Thank you very much.


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[R] Off-Topic: LaTeX package listings

2004-10-03 Thread Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen
I ask here since I learnt from this list that the LaTeX package listings 
should be good
for typesetting R code. I encountered one problem:
 X %*% V

in the output the * in %*% disappears! same with %/%, etc, the /
Any ideas?
Kjetil Halvorsen.
Peace is the most effective weapon of mass construction.
  --  Mahdi Elmandjra
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Re: [R] Off-Topic: LaTeX package listings

2004-10-03 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Sun, 2004-10-03 at 21:26, Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:
 I ask here since I learnt from this list that the LaTeX package listings 
 should be good
 for typesetting R code. I encountered one problem:
   X %*% V
 in the output the * in %*% disappears! same with %/%, etc, the /
 Any ideas?

That's because the % is a comment character in LaTeX. Thus, anything
after it will be ignored.

For program code, you generally want to use the 'verbatim' or
'smallverbatim' environment:

  X %*% V

In the verbatim environment, all characters are treated literally,
rather than interpreted by any special meaning.

Outside of that, say in a regular LaTeX document, you can escape the



Marc Schwartz

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