[R] bivariate weighted kernel density estimator

2006-04-23 Thread Erich Neuwirth
Is there code for bivariate kernel density estimation?
For bivariate kernels there is
kde2d in MASS
kde2d.g in GRASS
KernSur in GenKern
(list probably incomplete)
but none of them seems to accept a weight parameter
(like density does since R 2.2.0)

Erich Neuwirth, University of Vienna
Faculty of Computer Science
Computer Supported Didactics Working Group
Visit our SunSITE at http://sunsite.univie.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-4277-39464 Fax: +43-1-4277-39459

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Re: [R] second try; writing user-defined GLM link function

2006-04-23 Thread Jessi Brown
Ok, I think I have things figured out.

Predict.glm still doesn't work (with type=response); however, the
problem with the strange behavior of the betas and the results of
predict.glm with type=link was simply due to data issues. I had
converted my Program MARK input file (which needs only three piece of
information; age of nest at start, age of nest when last alive, and
age of nest when observation ends) directly to a data matrix.
Therefore, the successful nests were observed for only one interval
(age of nest when last alive=age of nest when observation ended), and
during that interval, their mean age was around 34 days (since the
nest cycle lasts 68 days). Those nests that failed later were forced
into a second interval that had a later mean nest age. So the glm's
were performing as expected from the data supplied.

So, I went back to the original nest site visitation data and broke
those 68 day intervals (as well as all others) into the much shorter,
original visitation intervals. And now the resulting daily survival
rate estimates are more believable, corresponding well to the
equivalent Program MARK output.

I think (correct me if I'm wrong, Mark) that the only detail left to
examine is the true effective sample size for use when calculating
AICc values, as each observation interval does not comprise an
independent observation. That is apparently easily done by hand, but
would be convenient to include in a future avian package (subtle

Thanks to all for their advice in this matter.

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Re: [R] Monitor() in R2WinBUGS

2006-04-23 Thread Uwe Ligges
Doran, Harold wrote:

 I have an array from an mcmc simulation and I'd like to try and use the
 monitor function in R2WinBUGS. The R2WinBUGS package is in the search
 path and when I try help(monitor) the help page appears for the
 function. But, when I try and use it the following happens:

Please read the title of that help page:
... - intended for internal use only
hence it is hidden in the package's Namespace and has no examples.

If you really want to use it, you can get it by:


Uwe Ligges

 Error: couldn't find function monitor
 I've searched the archives but have not seen any issues with this
 posted. The following are also in the search path
  [1] .GlobalEnvpackage:R2WinBUGS package:BRugs
 package:MASS  package:methods  
  [6] package:stats package:graphics  package:grDevices
 package:utils package:datasets 
 [11] Autoloads package:base   
 I've also tried the following just to see what would happen
 Warning message:
 'monitor' has a help file but no examples file in: example(monitor) 
 Any thoughts on how to reconcile this?
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[R] help! A quetion about the Elasticnet package in R

2006-04-23 Thread 邓敏
 Can anybody help me to run the Elasticnet package of R to build some model,
i am a freshman to R language , when i use the Elasticnet package to my
data,  it  always reture a error, but i can't settle that problem. I
consider if there is any constrant of the data to that package? Can anyone
help me to run the elasticnet and  check my data as you convenient? I put
the data in attachment.

Thank you very much!

Best regards

Richard, DENG Min
Department of Nankai University
Tianjin, 300071, P. R. China
P: +86 22 2350 0091
M: +86 1375 235 2719

Richard, DENG Min
Department of Nankai University
Tianjin, 300071, P. R. China
P: +86 22 2350 0091
M: +86 1375 235 2719
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Re: [R] how to draw a circle

2006-04-23 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
You may want to have a look at the package pgirmess and the function 

Kind regards,


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[R] (no subject)

2006-04-23 Thread Ilija Barukcic
Ilija Barukcic, Jever, Germany. GMT + 1h.


you are receiving this message from me 
as someone who potentially 
has bought the first Edition of my book 
Causality. New statistical methods.
ISBN 3 - 8 3 3 4 - 3 6 4 5 - X.

Your email address was obtained either through my friends, 
your publication, a colleague or via correspondence with 
I am pleased to announce, that a web page is 
established at


where you can get some more information
(Erratum etc.)

The mathematics of the first Edition of my book above 
is perfect and proved. 
In so far no changes are needed.
But besides of all, their are to many misprints
in the first Edition.

If you should be dissatisfied with the 
misprints, please feel free to contact me
without any obligation for you.

I will make sure, that you can get a copy
of the sec. Edition of my book above
without any costs for you.
You must not pay anything, 
I will pay the shipping costs too.

I you have decided to by my book above,
please wait until the sec. Edition.

The second Edition should be on the market
before the XXIIIrd International Biometric Conference
in Montréal, Québec, Canada. July 16 - 21, 2006.
I am invited to take part at this conference.
I have accepted the invitation.
You can contact me there personally.
I hope I can take some books of the
second Edition with me to this conference.

You could profit from the sec. Edition too.
The mathematics has of course not changed.
The mathematics is proved and stable!

But there are still view additions:
As a addition, you have the possibility to undertake 
a two tailed test to discover causal
relationships from observational data, 
a left sided test to discover causal
relationships from observational data
with power, p value etc.

Further, it is derived, how you can use
n-dimensional cdf to discover causal
relationships from observational data.

Further, in the coming Edition,
I have proved, that the formula of the causal relationship
is absolutely compatible with Einstein's Theory of Relativity 
and with Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle. 
Although this is something more for a philosopher or
a physicists but not that much for a statistician, a biostatistician or an 
epidemiologist. The same with the derived formula of the unity of gravity and 

Best wishes,



0. Rep.

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[R] Comparing GLMMs and GLMs with quasi-binomial errors?

2006-04-23 Thread Dennis Hansen
Dear All,

I am analysing a dataset on levels of herbivory in seedlings in an 
experimental setup in a rainforest.
I have seven classes/categories of seedling damage/herbivory that I want to 
analyse, modelling each separately.

There are twenty maternal trees, with eight groups of seedlings around each. 
Each tree has a TreeID, which I use as the random effect (blocking factor).

There are two fixed effects: DISTANCE - distance to maternal tree; two 
levels 'CLOSE' or 'AWAY' (four groups of seedlings each per tree), and 
PLATEAU - whether the maternal tree grows on the 'UPPER' plateau (bad soil) 
or 'LOWER' plateau (good soil).

In each group of seedlings, we randomly selected one seedling where we 
scored herbivory. Levels of herbivory for each of the seven herbivory 
categories was scored as proportion of leaves attacked. Obviously, I don't 
want to use a more complicated model than necessary - but I equally 
obviously want to take the random effect 'TreeID' into account.
Hence, for each herbivory category, I initially fitted a GLMM using the 
'glmmPQL' command from the MASS library(after using the 'cbind()' command on 
the two columns with total number of leaves per seedling and number of 
leaves attacked by that herbivory category) - and then compared these models 
to GLMs without the random effect.

## model example1: leaf mines GLMM
proportion.leafmines - cbind(leaves.affected, total.leaves - 
leafminesGLMM - glmmPQL(proportion.leafmines  ~ PLATEAU * DISTANCE, 
random=~1| TreeID, family=binomial(link=logit))
##AIC(leafminesGLMM) =  474.773

## model example2: leaf mines GLM
leafminesGLM - glm(proportion.leafmines  ~ PLATEAU * DISTANCE, 
##AIC(leafminesGLM) = 207.9465

...and so on, for all seven herbivory categories. In four of the cases, the 
AIC is much lower (as in the example bove) for the GLMs than for the GLMMs - 
whereas in three other cases, clearly TreeID is an important random factor, 
as the AIC values of the GLMs are much higher than the ones for the GLMMs. 
There is not a big difference in significance levels - some marginally 
significant ones now become significant, while some significant ones now 
become marginal.
However, there is one complication to simply using the AIC scores to 
evaluate which model is the best; for almost all the cases where the GLM has 
the lower AIC, the data are overdispersed, and I need to fit the model with 
a quasibinomial, rather than with a binomial error structure. BUT - using a 
GLM with quasibinomial error structure, I of course no longer get an AIC 

-so, my main question is: can I simply use the GLM with quasibinomial error 
structure instead of the GLMM if the GLM with binomial error structure has a 
lower AIC score than the GLMM?

Any input on how I can compare such models would be greatly appreciated!


Dennis Marinus Hansen
Institute of Environmental Sciences
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich
tel: +41 (0) 44635 6122
fax: +41 (0) 44635 5711

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Re: [R] bivariate weighted kernel density estimator [Broadcast]

2006-04-23 Thread Liaw, Andy
locfit() in the locfit package can do that.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Erich Neuwirth
Sent: Sun 4/23/2006 3:13 AM
To: r-help
Subject: [R] bivariate weighted kernel density estimator [Broadcast]

Is there code for bivariate kernel density estimation? 
For bivariate kernels there is 
kde2d in MASS 
kde2d.g in GRASS 
KernSur in GenKern 
(list probably incomplete) 
but none of them seems to accept a weight parameter 
(like density does since R 2.2.0) 

Erich Neuwirth, University of Vienna 
Faculty of Computer Science 
Computer Supported Didactics Working Group 
Visit our SunSITE at http://sunsite.univie.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-4277-39464 Fax: +43-1-4277-39459 

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Re: [R] Extract AIC, BIC

2006-04-23 Thread Spencer Graves
  Which Garch function are you using?  help.search(garch) identified 
garch functions in fOptions, fSeries, and tseries.  If you try 
RSiteSearch(garch, functions), you might find others.

  I just tried 'library(tseries)' and tried an example in 
help(garch).  I modified this slightly to produce the following:

  n - 1100
  a - c(0.1, 0.5, 0.2)  # ARCH(2) coefficients
  e - rnorm(n)
  x - double(n)
  x[1:2] - rnorm(2, sd = sqrt(a[1]/(1.0-a[2]-a[3])))
  for(i in 3:n)  # Generate ARCH(2) process
x[i] - e[i]*sqrt(a[1]+a[2]*x[i-1]^2+a[3]*x[i-2]^2)
  x - ts(x[101:1100])
  x.arch - garch(x, order = c(0,2))  # Fit ARCH(2)
  summary(x.arch) # Diagnostic tests


  Getting the BIC would be slightly more difficult, but the following 
would lead you to code that you should be able to modify to get what you 

[1] garch
[1] coef.garch*  fitted.garch*logLik.garch*plot.garch*
[5] predict.garch*   print.garch* residuals.garch* summary.garch*

Non-visible functions are asterisked
[1] AIC.default* AIC.logLik*

Non-visible functions are asterisked

  hope this helps,
  spencer graves

Sumanta Basak wrote:

 Hi All,
 How can extract AIC,BIC from a fitted Garch model?
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[R] Question about bicreg

2006-04-23 Thread John Fox
Dear Adrian and Ian (and r-helpers),

I encountered a curious result in developing an example using the bicreg
function in the BMA package: I noticed that pairs of models with equal R^2
and equal numbers of predictors had nevertheless different BIC values.
Looking at the bicreg function, the definition of BIC appears to be the
usual one, or close to it [bic - n * log(1 - r2/100) + (size - 1) *
log(n)], though in the quick look I took, I didn't quite see where size
was coming from.

In any event, I've appended some output. The data are the 1987
baseball-salary data (with which you might be familiar); I can send you the
data set, if that proves useful, but at this point simply wanted to run the
question by you.

Any help would be appreciated,


 snip ---

 br - bicreg(X, log.salary, maxCol=33)

bicreg(x = X, y = log.salary, maxCol = 33)

  65  models were selected
 Best  5  models (cumulative posterior probability =  0.2022 ): 

p!=0EV SD model 1 model 2 model
3 model 4 model 5   
Intercept   100.0  -5.712e-01  0.6720850  -9.097e-01  -9.099e-01
-1.001e+00   1.610e-01  -1.146e+00
atbats1.2  -7.598e-05  0.0006955   .   .   .
.   .
hits  7.9   4.280e-04  0.0023605   .   .   .
.   .
homers2.3  -1.562e-04  0.0011977   .   .   .
.   .
runs  0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .   .   .
.   .
rbis  0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .   .   .
.   .
walks93.4   6.686e-03  0.0025198   7.512e-03   7.753e-03
8.239e-03   6.739e-03   6.247e-03
years 0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .   .   .
.   .
career.atbats   100.0   8.316e-01  0.1272297   9.004e-01   9.014e-01
9.151e-01   6.858e-01   9.426e-01
career.hits 100.0  -1.098e-03  0.0004007  -1.284e-03  -1.269e-03
-1.651e-03  -6.317e-04  -1.557e-03
career.homers 2.4   4.541e-05  0.0003012   .   .   .
.   .
career.runs  54.6   8.680e-04  0.0008855   1.704e-03   1.688e-03
1.529e-03   .   1.614e-03
career.rbis  36.2   3.764e-04  0.0005293   .   .
9.876e-04   .   1.051e-03
career.walks 59.5  -6.551e-04  0.0006580  -8.521e-04  -8.894e-04
-9.950e-04   .  -1.583e-03
putouts   0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .   .   .
.   .
assists   8.3  -4.809e-05  0.0001787   .   .   .
.   .
errors0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .   .   .
.   .
middle.infield   44.2   7.835e-02  0.1082097   1.475e-01   .   .
.   .
center.field  1.1  -1.619e-03  0.0177267   .   .   .
.   .
catcher  71.8   1.537e-01  0.1182395   2.406e-01   2.123e-01
2.009e-01   .   2.107e-01
dh3.4  -6.842e-03  0.0425172   .   .   .
.   .
atbats.year  98.8  -7.200e-03  0.0014719  -7.737e-03  -7.159e-03
-7.116e-03  -6.448e-03  -7.556e-03
hits.year98.8   2.608e-02  0.0050614   2.572e-02   2.470e-02
2.808e-02   2.457e-02   2.732e-02
homers.year  11.1   1.966e-03  0.0058173   .   .   .
.   .
runs.year 4.3   4.312e-04  0.0022034   .   .   .
.   .
rbis.year50.7   4.702e-03  0.0049808   1.010e-02   8.065e-03   .
7.805e-03   .
walks.year   20.5   2.386e-03  0.0052883   .   .   .
.   8.710e-03
average   0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .   .   .
.   .
career.average0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .   .   .
.   .
onbase1.2  -9.736e-02  0.8998396   .   .   .
.   .
career.onbase 1.2   7.627e-02  0.6997039   .   .   .
.   .
arbitration  41.1   1.099e-01  0.1527324   .   .   .
2.982e-01   .
freeagent   100.0   3.991e-01  0.2066829   2.520e-01   2.525e-01
2.693e-01   6.452e-01   2.560e-01

nVar 11  10  10
8   11 
r2 0.844   0.841   0.841
0.833   0.844
BIC   -4.261e+02  -4.259e+02
-4.255e+02  -4.251e+02  -4.250e+02
post prob  0.053   0.049   0.038
0.032   0.030

John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list

Re: [R] help! A quetion about the Elasticnet package in R

2006-04-23 Thread Leon
邓敏 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Can anybody help me to run the Elasticnet package of R to build some model,
 i am a freshman to R language , when i use the Elasticnet package to my
 data,  it  always reture a error, but i can't settle that problem. I
 consider if there is any constrant of the data to that package? Can anyone
 help me to run the elasticnet and  check my data as you convenient? I put
 the data in attachment.

 Thank you very much!

 Best regards

Please, correct your typos.


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[R] RGL and scales of axes

2006-04-23 Thread Saptarshi Guha
Is there anyway i can set the aspect ratio options in an RGL  
graphic? Like in lattice.
panel.cloud has an option called aspect=c(r1,r2) where r1 is the y/x  
ratio and r2 is z/x ratio.

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question.

Thanks for any pointers.

Saptarshi Guha | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.stat.purdue.edu/~sguha
A professor is one who talks in someone else's sleep.

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Re: [R] info : Manova - eigenvector analysis and canonical analysis

2006-04-23 Thread Spencer Graves
  Have you considered the sem package (for structural equation 
modeling), which (to me at least) is a generalizion of MANOVA with 
canonical analysis.  Alternatively, have you considered partial least 
squares (e.g., packages pls or plsgenomics)?  I haven't used them, 
but they sound like generalizations of the problem you are trying to 
solve.  If you try something and can't get it to work, please submit a 
simple, self-contained example showing what you tried and explaining why 
that didn't quite seem to work for you.  (Before submitting another 
post, however, please also read the posting guide! 
www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html.  I believe that people who 
follow more closely that guide tend to get more useful answers quicker 
than people who don't.)

  hope this helps,
  spencer graves

Céline Hauzy wrote:

 Hello everybody !
 I try to obtain in R eigenvectors and canonical analysis on MANOVA results, 
 but I don't find how to process?
 In particular, I would be interesting to obtain standardized canonical 
 coefficients of the canonical variates. There analysis give some 
 information on the correlation between response variates.
 My data are organised in 2 terms (one is continu, one is a factor) and 3 
 response variates (continus).
 summary(manova(cbind(dureeL,dureeI,dureeR)~denst*etatav, data=durt))
 Df  Pillai approx F num Df den DfPr(F)
  denst  1  0.3047  10.6629  3 73 6.795e-06 ***
  etatav 1  0.1070   2.9146  3 73   0.03995 *
  denst:etatav   1  0.0324   0.8138  3 73   0.49035
 Residuals  75
 Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
 I hope you can help me.
 best regards
 Céline Hauzy
 Céline Hauzy
 Laboratoire Bioemco
 Ecole Normale Supérieure
 46 rue d'Ulm
 75230 Paris Cedex 05
 Tel : 01 44 32 38 78
 Fax : 01 44 32 38 85
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[R] Cohen-Daubechies-Fauraue (CDF) 9/7 wavelet-transform

2006-04-23 Thread Annika Wetzko

I have to make use of the Cohen-Daubechies-Fauraue (CDF) 9/7
wavelet-transform, but have not found these biorthogonal wavlet in the
released packages waveslim, wavethresh or wavelets.

Is there any package doing this transform?
Or can anybody send me the function doing this? I would be very grateful
of that.


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[R] lme: null deviance, deviance due to the random effects, residual deviance

2006-04-23 Thread Patrick Giraudoux
A maybe trivial and stupid question:

In the case of a lm or glm fit, it is quite informative (to me) to have 
a look to the null deviance and the residual deviance of a model. This 
is generally provided in the print method or the summary, eg:

Null Deviance:  658.8
Residual Deviance: 507.3

and (a bit simpled minded) I like to think that the proportion of 
deviance 'explained' by the model is (658.8-507.3)/658.8 = 23%

In the case of lme models, is it possible and reasonable to try and get the:
- null deviance
- the total deviance due to the the random effect(s)
- the residual deviance?

With the idea that Null deviance = Fixed effects + Random Effects + 

If yes how to do it ? A lme object provides the following:

 [1] modelStruct  dims contrastscoefficients
 [5] varFix   sigmaapVarlogLik 
 [9] numIter  groups   call method 
[13] fitted   residualsfixDFfamily

so no $null.deviance and $deviance elements as in glm objects...

I tried to find out an answer on R-help  Pineihro  Bates (2000). 
Partial success only:

- null deviance: Response: possibly yes: see 
http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/05/12/17796.html (Spencer 
Graves). The (null?) deviance is -2*logLik(mylme), but a personnal trial 
with some glm objects did not led to the same numbers that the one given 
by the print.glm method...

- the deviance due to the the random effect(s). I was supposing that the 
coefficients given by ranef(mylme) may be an entry... but beyond this, I 
guess those coefficients must be weighed in some way... which is a far 
beyond my capacities in this matter...

- residual deviance. I was supposing that it may be 
sum(residuals(mylme)^2). With some doubts as far as I feel that I am 
thinking sum of squares estimation in the context of likelihood and 
deviance estimations... So  most likely irrelevant. Moreover, in the 
case I was exploring, this quantity is much larger than the null 
deviance computed as above...

Any hint appreciated,

Patrick Giraudoux

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] help! A quetion about the Elasticnet package in R

2006-04-23 Thread Spencer Graves
Dear Leon:

  How good is your Manderin?  I am pleased and humbled that Mr. Dengmin 
has made the effort to put his question in English.  I don't know his 
background, but my Eastern-language enabled email provided a rendition 
of Richard Dengmin in the form or two Chinese characters, suggesting 
that it might have been difficult for him to learn enough English just 
to be able to prepare the question he posted to this list.

  Beyond this, it has not always obvious how to use a spell checker for 
email software.  Even if you have a Spell button on your email 
software, it might only work in your primary tongue without some 
less-than-obvious effort to configure it to also check text in other 
languages.  I know that my previous attempts to write something in a 
language other than my Mother tongue have tended to display much higher 
rates of spelling and grammar errors -- some even to the point of 
failing to communicate.  Therefore, I try to avoid criticizing someone 
else's use of language, except to ask for clarification where the 
meaning is not clear (or when it seems that some friendly, copy editing 
suggestions might be favorably received).

  Best Wishes,
  Spencer Graves

Leon wrote:
 邓敏 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Can anybody help me to run the Elasticnet package of R to build some model,
i am a freshman to R language , when i use the Elasticnet package to my
data,  it  always reture a error, but i can't settle that problem. I
consider if there is any constrant of the data to that package? Can anyone
help me to run the elasticnet and check my data as you convenient? I put
the data in attachment.

Thank you very much!

Best regards

 Please, correct your typos.

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] help! A quetion about the Elasticnet package in R

2006-04-23 Thread Leon
Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Dear Leon:

 How good is your Manderin?  I am pleased and humbled that Mr. Dengmin 
 has made the effort to put his question in English.  I don't know his 
 background, but my Eastern-language enabled email provided a rendition 
 of Richard Dengmin in the form or two Chinese characters, suggesting 
 that it might have been difficult for him to learn enough English just 
 to be able to prepare the question he posted to this list.

Manderin is my second language and English third. English is difficult
for us. We learn it since the first year of high school.

 Beyond this, it has not always obvious how to use a spell checker for 
 email software.  Even if you have a Spell button on your email 
 software, it might only work in your primary tongue without some 
 less-than-obvious effort to configure it to also check text in other 
 languages.  I know that my previous attempts to write something in a 
 language other than my Mother tongue have tended to display much higher 
 rates of spelling and grammar errors -- some even to the point of 
 failing to communicate.  Therefore, I try to avoid criticizing someone 
 else's use of language, except to ask for clarification where the 
 meaning is not clear (or when it seems that some friendly, copy editing 
 suggestions might be favorably received).

 Best Wishes,
 Spencer Graves

I'm not criticizing the use of language either. I feel that if she
well prepared her post she is more likely to get an answer. That's
just my suggestion. Nothing offensive. Sorry if I have caused some
uncomfortableness. I really don't mean it.

 Leon wrote:
 邓敏 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Can anybody help me to run the Elasticnet package of R to build some model,
i am a freshman to R language , when i use the Elasticnet package to my
data,  it  always reture a error, but i can't settle that problem. I
consider if there is any constrant of the data to that package? Can anyone
help me to run the elasticnet and check my data as you convenient? I put
the data in attachment.

Thank you very much!

Best regards

 Please, correct your typos.


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Kullback Liebler

2006-04-23 Thread Tolga Uzuner
Dear R Users,

Does anyone have an implementation of KL apart from what is in reldist ? 
Something with flexibility to take in empirical data for two sets, or 
their CDF or their density, flagged separately for each ?


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] help! A quetion about the Elasticnet package in R

2006-04-23 Thread Spencer Graves
Dear Leon:

  Please forgive me.  As I said, I'm pleased and humbled that so many 
others learn English.  I reacted as I did because I've heard too many 
people (fortunately NOT on this list) criticize or make fun of others 
whose use of language was obviously not native.

  Best Wishes,
  spencer graves

Leon wrote:

 Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Dear Leon:

How good is your Manderin?  I am pleased and humbled that Mr. Dengmin 
has made the effort to put his question in English.  I don't know his 
background, but my Eastern-language enabled email provided a rendition 
of Richard Dengmin in the form or two Chinese characters, suggesting 
that it might have been difficult for him to learn enough English just 
to be able to prepare the question he posted to this list.
 Manderin is my second language and English third. English is difficult
 for us. We learn it since the first year of high school.
Beyond this, it has not always obvious how to use a spell checker for 
email software.  Even if you have a Spell button on your email 
software, it might only work in your primary tongue without some 
less-than-obvious effort to configure it to also check text in other 
languages.  I know that my previous attempts to write something in a 
language other than my Mother tongue have tended to display much higher 
rates of spelling and grammar errors -- some even to the point of 
failing to communicate.  Therefore, I try to avoid criticizing someone 
else's use of language, except to ask for clarification where the 
meaning is not clear (or when it seems that some friendly, copy editing 
suggestions might be favorably received).

Best Wishes,
Spencer Graves
 I'm not criticizing the use of language either. I feel that if she
 well prepared her post she is more likely to get an answer. That's
 just my suggestion. Nothing offensive. Sorry if I have caused some
 uncomfortableness. I really don't mean it.
Leon wrote:

邓敏 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Can anybody help me to run the Elasticnet package of R to build some model,
i am a freshman to R language , when i use the Elasticnet package to my
data,  it  always reture a error, but i can't settle that problem. I
consider if there is any constrant of the data to that package? Can anyone
help me to run the elasticnet and check my data as you convenient? I put
the data in attachment.

Thank you very much!

Best regards

Please, correct your typos.

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] help! A quetion about the Elasticnet package in R

2006-04-23 Thread Leon
Dear Spencer,

No worries:-)

-- Leon

Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Dear Leon:

 Please forgive me.  As I said, I'm pleased and humbled that so many 
 others learn English.  I reacted as I did because I've heard too many 
 people (fortunately NOT on this list) criticize or make fun of others 
 whose use of language was obviously not native.

 Best Wishes,
 spencer graves

 Leon wrote:

 Spencer Graves [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Dear Leon:

   How good is your Manderin?  I am pleased and humbled that Mr. Dengmin 
has made the effort to put his question in English.  I don't know his 
background, but my Eastern-language enabled email provided a rendition 
of Richard Dengmin in the form or two Chinese characters, suggesting 
that it might have been difficult for him to learn enough English just 
to be able to prepare the question he posted to this list.
 Manderin is my second language and English third. English is difficult
 for us. We learn it since the first year of high school.
   Beyond this, it has not always obvious how to use a spell checker for 
email software.  Even if you have a Spell button on your email 
software, it might only work in your primary tongue without some 
less-than-obvious effort to configure it to also check text in other 
languages.  I know that my previous attempts to write something in a 
language other than my Mother tongue have tended to display much higher 
rates of spelling and grammar errors -- some even to the point of 
failing to communicate.  Therefore, I try to avoid criticizing someone 
else's use of language, except to ask for clarification where the 
meaning is not clear (or when it seems that some friendly, copy editing 
suggestions might be favorably received).

   Best Wishes,
   Spencer Graves
 I'm not criticizing the use of language either. I feel that if she
 well prepared her post she is more likely to get an answer. That's
 just my suggestion. Nothing offensive. Sorry if I have caused some
 uncomfortableness. I really don't mean it.
Leon wrote:

邓敏 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Can anybody help me to run the Elasticnet package of R to build some model,
i am a freshman to R language , when i use the Elasticnet package to my
data,  it  always reture a error, but i can't settle that problem. I
consider if there is any constrant of the data to that package? Can anyone
help me to run the elasticnet and check my data as you convenient? I put
the data in attachment.

Thank you very much!

Best regards

Please, correct your typos.

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] distribution of the product of two correlated normal

2006-04-23 Thread Yu, Xuesong


Does anyone know what the distribution for the product of two correlated
normal? Say I have X~N(a, \sigma1^2) and Y~N(b, \sigma2^2), and the
\rou(X,Y) is not equal to 0, I want to know the pdf or cdf of XY. Thanks
a lot in advance.



[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] Reorganizing rows and columns

2006-04-23 Thread kewley
I'm sure this is a simple task, but how to do it has escaped me.

I have imported data from two separate files (each file contains the
results from an information retrieval algorithm) organized into a list.
They are organized by File,Query, and Rank (in that order):

Doc   Query   Rank
5 1   1
9 1   2
7 1   3
5 2   1
7 2   2
9 2   3

Doc   Query   Rank
4 1   1
5 1   2
9 1   3
8 2   1
5 2   2
7 2   3

I need to rearrange the data so that it is sorted by Query and Document,
with columns for rank1 and rank2 (from files 1 and 2, respectively). For

Doc   Query   Rank1   Rank1
4 1   NA  1
5 1   1   2
7 1   3   NA
9 1   2   3
5 2   1   2
7 2   2   3
8 2   NA  1
9 2   3   NA

My goal is to perform a Spearman/Kendall test to check the correlation
between the rankings.

Any help would be appreciated.

Andrew Noyes

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Reorganizing rows and columns

2006-04-23 Thread Gabor Grothendieck
Use merge:

# test data
both - list(structure(list(Doc = c(5, 9, 7, 5, 7, 9), Query = c(1, 1,
1, 2, 2, 2), Rank = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)), .Names = c(Doc, Query,
Rank), class = data.frame, row.names = c(1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6)), structure(list(Doc = c(4, 5, 9, 8, 5, 7), Query = c(1,
1, 1, 2, 2, 2), Rank = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3)), .Names = c(Doc,
Query, Rank), class = data.frame, row.names = c(1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6)))

merge(both[[1]], both[[2]], all = TRUE, by = 1:2)

 I'm sure this is a simple task, but how to do it has escaped me.

 I have imported data from two separate files (each file contains the
 results from an information retrieval algorithm) organized into a list.
 They are organized by File,Query, and Rank (in that order):

 Doc   Query   Rank
 5 1   1
 9 1   2
 7 1   3
 5 2   1
 7 2   2
 9 2   3

 Doc   Query   Rank
 4 1   1
 5 1   2
 9 1   3
 8 2   1
 5 2   2
 7 2   3

 I need to rearrange the data so that it is sorted by Query and Document,
 with columns for rank1 and rank2 (from files 1 and 2, respectively). For

 Doc   Query   Rank1   Rank1
 4 1   NA  1
 5 1   1   2
 7 1   3   NA
 9 1   2   3
 5 2   1   2
 7 2   2   3
 8 2   NA  1
 9 2   3   NA

 My goal is to perform a Spearman/Kendall test to check the correlation
 between the rankings.

 Any help would be appreciated.

 Andrew Noyes

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] question about cumulating random effects in lmer

2006-04-23 Thread zhongmiao wang
I am studying the effect of schools on student achievement growth over
time. School effect is random. The effects of schools in prior years
are assumed to be persistent till the current year. Thus, the total
school effect in the second year is like J=J2+J1. Does anyone know how
to model this kind of cumulating random effects in lmer? Thanks in

Best Regards
Zhongmiao Wang

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Question about bicreg

2006-04-23 Thread John Fox
Dear Adrian and Ian (and r-helpers),

To answer my own question: The difference is simply due to rounding; that
is, there are actually small differences in the R^2 values that account for
the differences in the BICs. 

Sorry for the false alarm,

 -Original Message-
 From: John Fox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 9:35 AM
 To: 'Adrian Raftery'; 'Ian Painter'
 Cc: 'r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch'
 Subject: Question about bicreg
 Dear Adrian and Ian (and r-helpers),
 I encountered a curious result in developing an example using 
 the bicreg function in the BMA package: I noticed that pairs 
 of models with equal R^2 and equal numbers of predictors had 
 nevertheless different BIC values.
 Looking at the bicreg function, the definition of BIC appears 
 to be the usual one, or close to it [bic - n * log(1 - 
 r2/100) + (size - 1) * log(n)], though in the quick look I 
 took, I didn't quite see where size
 was coming from.
 In any event, I've appended some output. The data are the 
 1987 baseball-salary data (with which you might be familiar); 
 I can send you the data set, if that proves useful, but at 
 this point simply wanted to run the question by you.
 Any help would be appreciated,
  snip ---
  br - bicreg(X, log.salary, maxCol=33)
 bicreg(x = X, y = log.salary, maxCol = 33)
   65  models were selected
  Best  5  models (cumulative posterior probability =  0.2022 ): 
 p!=0EV SD model 1 
 model 2 model
 3 model 4 model 5   
 Intercept   100.0  -5.712e-01  0.6720850  -9.097e-01  -9.099e-01
 -1.001e+00   1.610e-01  -1.146e+00
 atbats1.2  -7.598e-05  0.0006955   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 hits  7.9   4.280e-04  0.0023605   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 homers2.3  -1.562e-04  0.0011977   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 runs  0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 rbis  0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 walks93.4   6.686e-03  0.0025198   7.512e-03   7.753e-03
 8.239e-03   6.739e-03   6.247e-03
 years 0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 career.atbats   100.0   8.316e-01  0.1272297   9.004e-01   9.014e-01
 9.151e-01   6.858e-01   9.426e-01
 career.hits 100.0  -1.098e-03  0.0004007  -1.284e-03  -1.269e-03
 -1.651e-03  -6.317e-04  -1.557e-03
 career.homers 2.4   4.541e-05  0.0003012   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 career.runs  54.6   8.680e-04  0.0008855   1.704e-03   1.688e-03
 1.529e-03   .   1.614e-03
 career.rbis  36.2   3.764e-04  0.0005293   .   .
 9.876e-04   .   1.051e-03
 career.walks 59.5  -6.551e-04  0.0006580  -8.521e-04  -8.894e-04
 -9.950e-04   .  -1.583e-03
 putouts   0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 assists   8.3  -4.809e-05  0.0001787   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 errors0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 middle.infield   44.2   7.835e-02  0.1082097   1.475e-01  
  .   .
 .   .
 center.field  1.1  -1.619e-03  0.0177267   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 catcher  71.8   1.537e-01  0.1182395   2.406e-01   2.123e-01
 2.009e-01   .   2.107e-01
 dh3.4  -6.842e-03  0.0425172   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 atbats.year  98.8  -7.200e-03  0.0014719  -7.737e-03  -7.159e-03
 -7.116e-03  -6.448e-03  -7.556e-03
 hits.year98.8   2.608e-02  0.0050614   2.572e-02   2.470e-02
 2.808e-02   2.457e-02   2.732e-02
 homers.year  11.1   1.966e-03  0.0058173   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 runs.year 4.3   4.312e-04  0.0022034   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 rbis.year50.7   4.702e-03  0.0049808   1.010e-02   
 8.065e-03   .
 7.805e-03   .
 walks.year   20.5   2.386e-03  0.0052883   .  
  .   .
 .   8.710e-03
 average   0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 career.average0.0   0.000e+00  0.000   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 onbase1.2  -9.736e-02  0.8998396   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 career.onbase 1.2   7.627e-02  0.6997039   .  
  .   .
 .   .
 arbitration  41.1   1.099e-01  0.1527324   .  
  .   .
 2.982e-01   .
 freeagent   100.0   3.991e-01  0.2066829   2.520e-01   2.525e-01
 2.693e-01   6.452e-01   2.560e-01

[R] bivariate weighted kernel density estimator

2006-04-23 Thread Adrian Baddeley
Erich Neuwirth writes:

 Is there code for bivariate kernel density estimation?
 but none of them seems to accept a weight parameter

In package 'spatstat' the function density.ppp performs weighted kernel 
including bivariate kernel density estimation.

At the moment it only offers the Gaussian kernel
but we plan to include other kernels.

Adrian Baddeley

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] garch warning

2006-04-23 Thread stat stat
Dear r users,
  Few days ago I posted the same topic but unable to receive any suggestion. So 
I am asking this same question. 
  I was trying to fit a garch(1,1) model to my dataset. But while executing I 
got a warning message NaNs produced in: sqrt(pred$e). And got the estimated 
sd's along with five NA, but as per my best knowledge I should get only one 
NA i.e. corresponding to the first observation only. If anyone tell me why I 
got this message it will be a great advantage for me.
  With regards,

thanks in advance


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R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Reorganizing rows and columns

2006-04-23 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
Suppose your data frames are A and B:

AB - merge(A, B, c(Doc, Query), all=TRUE)
AB[order(AB$Query, AB$Doc),]

gets the answer you are asking for.  (Not sure why you want to sort it to 
use a correlation test, as those are indifferent to ordering.)

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm sure this is a simple task, but how to do it has escaped me.

 I have imported data from two separate files (each file contains the
 results from an information retrieval algorithm) organized into a list.
 They are organized by File,Query, and Rank (in that order):

 Doc   Query   Rank
 5 1   1
 9 1   2
 7 1   3
 5 2   1
 7 2   2
 9 2   3

 Doc   Query   Rank
 4 1   1
 5 1   2
 9 1   3
 8 2   1
 5 2   2
 7 2   3

 I need to rearrange the data so that it is sorted by Query and Document,
 with columns for rank1 and rank2 (from files 1 and 2, respectively). For

 Doc   Query   Rank1   Rank1
 4 1   NA  1
 5 1   1   2
 7 1   3   NA
 9 1   2   3
 5 2   1   2
 7 2   2   3
 8 2   NA  1
 9 2   3   NA

 My goal is to perform a Spearman/Kendall test to check the correlation
 between the rankings.

 Any help would be appreciated.

 Andrew Noyes

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] Comparing GLMMs and GLMs with quasi-binomial errors?

2006-04-23 Thread Prof Brian Ripley
AIC is only valid for maximum likelihood fitting, so not for PQL and also 
not for quasi-binomial.  In particular, who said AIC() was valid when 
applied to a glmmPQL fit?  (Certainly not the book it supports!)

You say TreeID is a `blocking factor', but you have a treatment (PLATEAU) 
that is confounded with your blocks.  That complicates things, but with a 
maximum of four blocks in each level of plateau, you have very little
information on the difference in soil type if you believe TreeID has 
appeciable variability.

You can choose between the glm and glmmPQL fits by testing if the
TreeID variance component is non-zero, although the distribution theory is 
only very approximate.

A much simpler analysis would be to analyse the two soil types separately 
with TreeID as a classic blocking factor (a fixed effect).  That would 
tell you the effect of DISTANCE within each level of PLATEAU and provide 
enough info to do a t-test to compare the estimated effects.  As for the 
effect of PLATEAU, just use the mean proportions for each tree and a 
two-sample t-test.

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Dennis Hansen wrote:

 Dear All,

 I am analysing a dataset on levels of herbivory in seedlings in an
 experimental setup in a rainforest.
 I have seven classes/categories of seedling damage/herbivory that I want to
 analyse, modelling each separately.

 There are twenty maternal trees, with eight groups of seedlings around each.
 Each tree has a TreeID, which I use as the random effect (blocking factor).

 There are two fixed effects: DISTANCE - distance to maternal tree; two
 levels 'CLOSE' or 'AWAY' (four groups of seedlings each per tree), and
 PLATEAU - whether the maternal tree grows on the 'UPPER' plateau (bad soil)
 or 'LOWER' plateau (good soil).

 In each group of seedlings, we randomly selected one seedling where we
 scored herbivory. Levels of herbivory for each of the seven herbivory
 categories was scored as proportion of leaves attacked. Obviously, I don't
 want to use a more complicated model than necessary - but I equally
 obviously want to take the random effect 'TreeID' into account.
 Hence, for each herbivory category, I initially fitted a GLMM using the
 'glmmPQL' command from the MASS library(after using the 'cbind()' command on
 the two columns with total number of leaves per seedling and number of
 leaves attacked by that herbivory category) - and then compared these models
 to GLMs without the random effect.

 ## model example1: leaf mines GLMM
 proportion.leafmines - cbind(leaves.affected, total.leaves -
 leafminesGLMM - glmmPQL(proportion.leafmines  ~ PLATEAU * DISTANCE,
 random=~1| TreeID, family=binomial(link=logit))
 ##AIC(leafminesGLMM) =  474.773

 ## model example2: leaf mines GLM
 leafminesGLM - glm(proportion.leafmines  ~ PLATEAU * DISTANCE,
 ##AIC(leafminesGLM) = 207.9465

 ...and so on, for all seven herbivory categories. In four of the cases, the
 AIC is much lower (as in the example bove) for the GLMs than for the GLMMs -
 whereas in three other cases, clearly TreeID is an important random factor,
 as the AIC values of the GLMs are much higher than the ones for the GLMMs.
 There is not a big difference in significance levels - some marginally
 significant ones now become significant, while some significant ones now
 become marginal.
 However, there is one complication to simply using the AIC scores to
 evaluate which model is the best; for almost all the cases where the GLM has
 the lower AIC, the data are overdispersed, and I need to fit the model with
 a quasibinomial, rather than with a binomial error structure. BUT - using a
 GLM with quasibinomial error structure, I of course no longer get an AIC

 -so, my main question is: can I simply use the GLM with quasibinomial error
 structure instead of the GLMM if the GLM with binomial error structure has a
 lower AIC score than the GLMM?

 Any input on how I can compare such models would be greatly appreciated!


 Dennis Marinus Hansen
 Institute of Environmental Sciences
 University of Zurich
 Winterthurerstrasse 190
 8057 Zurich
 tel: +41 (0) 44635 6122
 fax: +41 (0) 44635 5711

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Brian D. Ripley,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UKFax:  +44 1865 272595

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide!