[R] filehash package: error in unserialize(con)

2007-08-29 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

This question is related to the filehash package only.

I would like to use the filehash package because of it's ability to deal
with large amounts of data.  I've set up a filehash database on a network
drive and populated it with several GB of data.  Somehow, I must have
corrupted the files because I cannot access the objects anymore.  Here is
what I do:

 filehashOption(defaultType = RDS)  # need this, dbInit will fail
 db  - dbInit(//nas-msw-07/app/Prices/Historical)
 hPP - db2env(db)# put all the data in an enviroment

 (commod xyz ex %in% ls(hPP))
[1] TRUE
 dbExists(db, commod xyz ex)
[1] TRUE
 dbFetch(db, commod xyz ex)
Error in unserialize(con) : error reading from connection
 hPP[[commod xyz ex]]
Error in unserialize(con) : error reading from connection

How do I get to touch the data again?  It's really slow to recreate the
filehash again, and it seems to be very fragile.  Any suggestions much

Thank you,

Adrian Dragulescu

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] Problem Connecting to Oracle with R from Windows XP

2007-08-18 Thread Adrian Dragulescu
You also need the ROracle package.

On 8/15/07, Song, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I installed RGui 2.5.1 and package DBI on Windows XP and tried to connect
 to Oracle database which is on a Linux server. When I tried to use
 dbDriver(Oracle), I got an error as follows:

  drv - dbDriver(Oracle)

 Error in do.call(as.character(drvName), list(...)) :

 could not find function Oracle


 Could anyone tell me how to connect to Oracle with R from Windows XP? Do I
 need to configure any environment variables? Do I need to configure ODBC? Do
 I need to install any other packages? I have Oracle client 10g installed on
 my computer and I can connect to the Oracle database using other client
 software like Toad, SQLPlus, or SQL Developer.

 Thank you very much.


 Alex Song

 Data Management Specialist / Spécialiste en gestion des données

 National Forest Inventory / Inventaire forestier national

 Pacific Forestry Centre / Centre de foresterie du Pacifique
 Canadian Forest Service / Service canadien des forêts
 Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada

 Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada

 506 West Burnside Road / 506 chemin Burnside ouest

 Victoria, BC V8Z 1M5

 Phone (250) 363-3342

 Facs: (250) 363-0775


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R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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Re: [R] the large dataset problem

2007-08-04 Thread Adrian Dragulescu
Take a look at the package filehash.  It allows you to work with large
objects in R (bigger than your RAM) by storing them on the disk.  The
objects are represented as pointers in R and have a small footprint in
memory.  You can load all of them in an environment and access them with the
$ operator. I think filehash is more general than R.huge.  R.huge works very
well with numerical 2D data only.

Adrian Dragulescu

On 7/31/07, Eric Doviak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just a note of thanks for all the help I have received. I haven't gotten a
 chance to implement any of your suggestions because I'm still trying to
 catalog all of them! Thank you so much!

 Just to recap (for my own benefit and to create a summary for others):

 Bruce Bernzweig suggested using the  R.huge  package.

 Ben Bolker pointed out that my original message wasn't clear and asked
 what I want to do with the data. At this point, just getting a dataset
 loaded would be wonderful, so I'm trying to trim variables (and if possible,
 I would also like to trim observations). He also provided an example of

 Ted Harding suggested that I use AWK to process the data and provided the
 necessary code. He also tested his code on older hardware running GNU-Linux
 (or Unix?) and showed that AWK can process the data even when the computer
 has very little memory and processing power. Jim Holtman had similar success
 when he used Cygwin's UNIX utilities on a machine running MS Windows. They
 both used the following code:

  gawk 'BEGIN{FS=,}{print $(1) , $(1000) , $(1275) ,  $(5678)}'
   tempxx.txt  newdata.csv

 Fortunately, there is a version of GAWK for MS Windows. ... Not that I
 like MS Windows. It's just that I'm forced to use that 19th century
 operating system on the job. (After using Debian at home and happily running
 RKWard for my dissertation, returning to Windows World is downright

 Roland Rau suggested that I use a database with RSQLite and pointed out
 that RODBC can work with MS Access. He also pointed me to a sub-chapter in
 Venables and Ripley's _S Programming_ and The Whole-Object View pages in
 John Chamber's _Programming with Data_.

 Greg Snow recommended  biglm  for regression analysis with data that is
 too large to fit into memory.

 Last, but not least, Peter Dalgaard pointed out that there are options
 within R. He suggests using the colClasses= argument for when reading data
 and the what= argument for scanning data, so that you don't load more
 columns than necessary. He also provided the following script:

  dict - readLines(
  D.lines - grep(^D , dict)
  vdict - read.table(con - textConnection(dict[D.lines])); close(con)

 I'll try these solutions and report back on my success.

 Thanks again!
 - Eric

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 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
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and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

Re: [R] learning lattice graphics

2007-05-27 Thread Adrian Dragulescu
Check the documentation link from



On 5/26/07, Tyler Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've just produced my first lattice plot - the graphic is very
 impressive, but I only partly understand how it works. I crimped from
 examples in MASS and the help pages to get most of what I want done.
 Howver, I find both MASS and the help pages are a little too terse for
 my needs as a beginner. Can anyone suggest web or print resources for
 lattice graphics that provide a more thorough introduction? I've been
 through the FAQ and standard manuals, but didn't see what I needed



 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] how to avoid infinite loops when sourcing R files

2007-05-09 Thread Adrian Dragulescu


I have a bunch of R files in a directory and I want to source all of them
with something like lapply(files, source).

I have a main.R file
parms - set.parms()
cat(I'm done with main.R\n)

Then I have set.parms.R function
set.parms - function(){
  cat(I'm in set.parms.\n); flush.console()
  directory - C:/Temp/
  files - dir(directory, \\.[rR]$, full.name=T)
  files - files[-grep(set.parms.R, files)] # remove infinite loop
  lapply(files, source)  # source them all

  cat(Exiting set.parms.\n); flush.console()

And other functions f1, f2, f3, etc. in the same directory that also
source set.parms.R.  For example:
f1 - function(){
  cat(I add two numbers.\n); flush.console()

Because of the source command in f1, I get into an infinite loop.  This
must be a common situation but I don't know how to avoid it.
I need the source(set.parms) in f1, f2, f3, etc. because I want use a
different combination of them in other projects.


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] R in a production environment

2007-02-10 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

Recently there have been a lot of discussions on the list on the use of R
in industry and comparisons with SAS  SPSS.  These are very important
questions and it might be worth having them all grouped together for
reference.  I would like to add to these topics a related one.

Can we share our experience of using R in a production environment?  I
work in a financial company that is cautiously interested in using R in a
production environment.  I'm trying to convince them that R is serious
software, modern and powerful.  Their first question is who else out
there is using R.  I can guess from some contributed packages, or from
the list postings, but it would be great if there would be a centralized
place.  We could have a standard set of questions and a contact
person (maybe on the wiki site?)

What do you think?  I believe it could create a snowball effect to
increase the visibility and use of R beyond academia and personal use.


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] autofill for a tkentry field

2007-01-01 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

Hello all,

I'm experimenting with tlk/tk and I find it very useful. I would like to
have the text of a tkentry be automatically filled when the user starts
typing, according to a  predetermined list.  I've found a solution on the
tcl wiki pages, but I don't quite know how to translate it in R... Here is
the tcl code: http://wiki.tcl.tk/13267

And here is my code that does not work.
 autofill - function(){
cat(I was here!)
entry - tclvalue(f1)
ind - grep(entry, fruitList)
if (length(ind)0){f1 - tclVar(fruitList[ind[1]])}

  fruitList - c(Apple, Banana, Peach, Pear, Plum, Mango)
  tt  - tktoplevel()
  pw  - tkframe(tt)
  ppw - tk2labelframe(pw, text=Fruits:)
  f1  - tclVar()
  entry1.f - tkentry(ppw, width=30, textvariable=f1, validate=key,

I don't know how to pass arguments to the autofill function, so I can
manipulate the textvariable.  Any help is much appreciated.  If we get a
working solution, maybe we should add this example to

Thank you,

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] Installing package rpvm under Windows

2006-11-13 Thread Adrian Dragulescu


I'm trying to install the rpvm package under Windows, but I am having
problems.  I have pvm3.4 installed properly.

I've defined the system variables
  PVM_ROOT = C:\PROGRA~1\pvm3.4\
  PVM_ARCH = win32

When I try to install, I get this:
C:\R\PackagesRcmd INSTALL rpvm_1.0.1.tar.gz

-- Making package rpvm 

   WARNING: this package has a configure script
 It probably needs manual configuration

  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
  making DLL ...
gcc  -shared -s  -o rpvm.dll rpvm.def rpvm_core.o rpvm_ser.o utils.orpvm_res.o
 -Lc:/PROGRA~1/R/R-24~1.0/bin   -lR
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x44): undefined reference to `pvm_perror'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x49): undefined reference to `pvm_exit'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x197): undefined reference to `pvm_mytid'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1c7): undefined reference to `pvm_parent'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x207): undefined reference to `pvm_exit'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x2a8): undefined reference to `pvm_pstat'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x352): undefined reference to `pvm_kill'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x3ba): undefined reference to `pvm_tasks'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x6bf): undefined reference to `pvm_spawn'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x7b7): undefined reference to `pvm_initsend'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x7f7): undefined reference to `pvm_mkbuf'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x837): undefined reference to `pvm_freebuf'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x867): undefined reference to `pvm_getsbuf'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x897): undefined reference to `pvm_getrbuf'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x8d7): undefined reference to `pvm_setsbuf'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x917): undefined reference to `pvm_setrbuf'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x97d): undefined reference to `pvm_pkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x9f2): undefined reference to `pvm_pkdouble'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xa43): undefined reference to `pvm_pkstr'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xa9e): undefined reference to `pvm_pkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xad4): undefined reference to `pvm_pkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xb2e): undefined reference to `pvm_pkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xb5f): undefined reference to `pvm_pkdouble'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xbc1): undefined reference to `pvm_pkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xbf8): undefined reference to `pvm_pkstr'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xcc5): undefined reference to `pvm_pkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xcf5): undefined reference to `pvm_pkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xdc5): undefined reference to `pvm_pkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xdf5): undefined reference to `pvm_pkdouble'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xe6e): undefined reference to `pvm_send'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xee4): undefined reference to `pvm_mcast'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xf43): undefined reference to `pvm_recv'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xf9e): undefined reference to `pvm_nrecv'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0xffe): undefined reference to `pvm_probe'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x107c): undefined reference to `pvm_trecv'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x113d): undefined reference to `pvm_bufinfo'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1217): undefined reference to `pvm_upkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x12ac): undefined reference to
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x130b): undefined reference to `pvm_upkstr'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1374): undefined reference to `pvm_upkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x13b4): undefined reference to `pvm_upkstr'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1421): undefined reference to `pvm_upkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x146f): undefined reference to `pvm_upkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x14c1): undefined reference to `pvm_upkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x150f): undefined reference to
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1561): undefined reference to `pvm_upkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x15be): undefined reference to `pvm_upkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1611): undefined reference to `pvm_upkint'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x166e): undefined reference to
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x16c0): undefined reference to `pvm_config'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1894): undefined reference to
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x191c): undefined reference to
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x19c7): undefined reference to
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1a27): undefined reference to `pvm_halt'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1acc): undefined reference to `pvm_mstat'
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1b53): undefined reference to
rpvm_core.o:rpvm_core.c:(.text+0x1ba3): undefined reference to 

Re: [R] Suppress blanks/spaces in character

2006-10-27 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

 c - abcdef  ghi
 gsub( +, , c)
[1] abc def ghi

On Fri, 27 Oct 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all

 I'm have a character vector and would like to suppress the blanks if there 
 are more than one after the other.


 Character value is: abc def  ghi
 The result should be: abc def ghi

 I know that it's possible to delete the leading blanks with the command 
 trim. But how can I delete blanks within a character?

 Thank you very much in advance for an answer

 R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
 and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] ROracle error in Windows. Memory could not be read.

2006-10-19 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

I've seen from earlier posts that other people had problems installing
ROracle under Windows.  I run R-2.3.1.

I got the Windows binaries for ROracle from

Here is my session:
Loading required package: ROracle
Loading required package: DBI
[1] TRUE
 drv - dbDriver(Oracle)
 con - dbConnect(drv, user=USER, password=PASS, dbname=TEST)

A window pops up, with the message:  The instruction at 0x6260c621
referenced memory at 0x4a280ae2.  The memory could not be read.  And R

Something is working, because I get to establish an Oracle driver.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] greek letters, text, and values in labels

2006-07-25 Thread Adrian Dragulescu


I want to have a title that will look something like:
Results for \theta=2.1, given that I have a variable theta=2.1, and
\theta should show on the screen like the greek letter.

I've tried a lot of things:
theta - 2.1
plot(1:10, main=expression(paste(Results for, theta, =, eval(theta

or using bquote
plot(1:10, main=paste(Results for , bquote(theta == .(theta

or using substitute, etc.  I could not make it work.  This should be easy.

I would appreciate your help.


R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

[R] weird behavior of nsmall in format

2006-02-13 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

From the help page of format, nsmall should control the number of digits.

  format(0.123456789, nsmall = 10)
[1] 0.1234567890
  format(0.123456789, nsmall = 1)
[1] 0.1234568
  format(0.123456789, nsmall = 2)
[1] 0.1234568
  format(0.123456789, nsmall = 8)
[1] 0.12345679

It adds zeros fine but for format(0.123456789, nsmall = 1) I want the
result to be 0.1.

I want to format numbers with a fixed number of digits.  A combination of
round and format + nsmall does the job.  sprintf will do it too, but I
wondered if the current implementation of nsmall in format is correct.



R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] how to clear the last error?

2006-02-09 Thread Adrian Dragulescu


I would like to clear the last error that I get with geterrmessage().  Not
even rm(list=ls()) clears it.  Can I set it to NULL somehow?

Thank you,

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] problem with DCOM server in R 2.1.0

2005-04-20 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

Hello list,

I just installed R 2.1.0.  When I try to run the Server 01 - Basic test
I get the error Fatal error: unable to open the base package.

Any solution?

Thank you,
Adrian Dragulescu

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] dumping the summary of lm to a text file

2005-02-17 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

Hello list,

I have a linear regression

 ctl- c(4.17,5.58,5.18,6.11,4.50,4.61,5.17,4.53,5.33,5.14)
 trt- c(4.81,4.17,4.41,3.59,5.87,3.83,6.03,4.89,4.32,4.69)
 group  - gl(2,10,20, labels=c(Ctl,Trt))
 weight - c(ctl, trt)
 reg- lm(weight ~ group)

 sreg   - summary(reg)

and I would like to dump exactly what I see on the console with
print(sreg) to a text file.  I've tried using cat but it did not work.
I've read the list questions but I did not see a solution.

Can you help with this?

Thank you,
Adrian Dragulescu

R-help@stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] memory problems with lm

2004-04-29 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

Hello list,

I've seen the recent discussions documenting problems with lm.

I have encountered the following problem.  I use WinXP Pro with
service pack 1, and R 1.9.0, on a XEON 2GHz, with 1GB of RAM.

  std.dev mean
NSTRDSP  7.403749e-01 1.215686e-01
CPFGEP   9.056763e+00 1.815686e+00
WSWOLF   4.703588e+05 1.112832e+05
NPILGRIM 1.017640e+06 2.134335e+05
WSNMILE  1.367312e+07 1.892021e+06
WSHIDESL 1.830811e+07 1.892021e+06
 reg - lm(log(mean) ~ log(std.dev), data=eff.fro)
Error in model.matrix.default(mt, mf, contrasts) :
cannot allocate vector of length 1074790452
[1] -2.1072763  0.5964635 11.6198339 12.2710808 14.4531561
[6] 14.4531561
 reg - lm(log(eff.fro$mean) ~ log(eff.fro$std.dev))
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3360077 Kb
 lef - log(eff.fro)
std.dev   mean
NSTRDSP  -0.3005986 -2.1072763
CPFGEP2.2035117  0.5964635
WSWOLF   13.0612512 11.6198339
NPILGRIM 13.8329973 12.2710808
WSNMILE  16.4309427 14.4531561
WSHIDESL 16.7228546 14.4531561
 lef - log(eff.fro)
 reg - lm(lef$mean ~ lef$std.dev)

Here the my computer completely crashed.  A window poped-up and said
memory problem at address ..., and if I want to debug.

I ran the same code one more time, and it worked but it did not work
how I wanted (where is the slope?):
 reg - lm(lef$mean ~ lef$std.dev)

lm(formula = lef$mean ~ lef$std.dev)



lm(formula = lef$mean ~ lef$std.dev)

  1   2   3   4   5   6
-10.655  -7.951   3.072   3.723   5.905   5.905

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
(Intercept)8.548  2.9992.85   0.0358 *
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

Residual standard error: 7.346 on 5 degrees of freedom

I ran again:

  reg - lm(log(mean) ~ log(std.dev), data=eff.fro)

and I get the pop-up:
The instruction at 0x6b4c45a5 referenced memory at 0x0032374a.
The memory could not be read.  Click OK to terminate the program.

Any ideas?  Thank you,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

RE: [R] memory problems with lm

2004-04-29 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

If I enforce the variables to be numeric it works fine.

`data.frame':   6 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ std.dev: num [, 1:6] 7.40e-01 9.06e+00 4.70e+05 1.02e+06 1.37e+07 ...
  ..- attr(*, dimnames)=List of 1
 $ mean   : num  1.22e-01 1.82e+00 1.11e+05 2.13e+05 1.89e+06 ...
 used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb)
Ncells 578941 15.51166886 31.2
Vcells 589444  4.52377385 18.2
  std.dev mean
NSTRDSP  7.403749e-01 1.215686e-01
CPFGEP   9.056763e+00 1.815686e+00
WSWOLF   4.703588e+05 1.112832e+05
NPILGRIM 1.017640e+06 2.134335e+05
WSNMILE  1.367312e+07 1.892021e+06
WSHIDESL 1.830811e+07 1.892021e+06
 reg - lm(log(as.numeric(mean)) ~ log(as.numeric(std.dev)),

lm(formula = log(as.numeric(mean)) ~ log(as.numeric(std.dev)), data =

 (Intercept)  log(as.numeric(std.dev))


On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Liaw, Andy wrote:

 Can you show us the output of str(eff.fro)?  Do you have other things in the
 global environment or the search path that's taking up memory?  What does
 gc() say?


  From: Adrian Dragulescu
  Hello list,
  I've seen the recent discussions documenting problems with lm.
  I have encountered the following problem.  I use WinXP Pro with
  service pack 1, and R 1.9.0, on a XEON 2GHz, with 1GB of RAM.
std.dev mean
  NSTRDSP  7.403749e-01 1.215686e-01
  CPFGEP   9.056763e+00 1.815686e+00
  WSWOLF   4.703588e+05 1.112832e+05
  NPILGRIM 1.017640e+06 2.134335e+05
  WSNMILE  1.367312e+07 1.892021e+06
  WSHIDESL 1.830811e+07 1.892021e+06
   reg - lm(log(mean) ~ log(std.dev), data=eff.fro)
  Error in model.matrix.default(mt, mf, contrasts) :
  cannot allocate vector of length 1074790452
  [1] -2.1072763  0.5964635 11.6198339 12.2710808 14.4531561
  [6] 14.4531561
   reg - lm(log(eff.fro$mean) ~ log(eff.fro$std.dev))
  Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3360077 Kb
   lef - log(eff.fro)
  std.dev   mean
  NSTRDSP  -0.3005986 -2.1072763
  CPFGEP2.2035117  0.5964635
  WSWOLF   13.0612512 11.6198339
  NPILGRIM 13.8329973 12.2710808
  WSNMILE  16.4309427 14.4531561
  WSHIDESL 16.7228546 14.4531561
   lef - log(eff.fro)
   reg - lm(lef$mean ~ lef$std.dev)
  Here the my computer completely crashed.  A window poped-up and said
  memory problem at address ..., and if I want to debug.
  I ran the same code one more time, and it worked but it did not work
  how I wanted (where is the slope?):
   reg - lm(lef$mean ~ lef$std.dev)
  lm(formula = lef$mean ~ lef$std.dev)
  lm(formula = lef$mean ~ lef$std.dev)
1   2   3   4   5   6
  -10.655  -7.951   3.072   3.723   5.905   5.905
  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
  (Intercept)8.548  2.9992.85   0.0358 *
  Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1
  Residual standard error: 7.346 on 5 degrees of freedom
  I ran again:
reg - lm(log(mean) ~ log(std.dev), data=eff.fro)
  and I get the pop-up:
  The instruction at 0x6b4c45a5 referenced memory at 0x0032374a.
  The memory could not be read.  Click OK to terminate the program.
  Any ideas?  Thank you,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide!

 Notice:  This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains
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PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

Re: [R] cumulative density function

2004-03-19 Thread Adrian Dragulescu

Because the result is a list, you can get your number like this:

You don't have an expression for the probability function?  You can do
a nonlinear regression to a distribution you belive in, and then
integrate that.  Or, you can calculate the experimental cdf by simple


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
PLEASE do read the posting guide! http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html

[R] profile error on an nls object

2004-03-18 Thread Adrian Dragulescu
Hello all,

This is the error message that I get.
   hyp.res - nls(log(y)~log(pdf.hyperb(theta,X)), data=dataModel,
+  start=list(theta=thetaE0),
+  trace=TRUE)
45.54325 :   0.100  1.3862944 -4.5577142  0.0005503
3.728302 :   0.0583857346  0.4757772859 -4.9156128701  0.0005563154
1.584317 :   0.0194149477  0.3444648833 -4.9365149150  0.0004105426
1.569333 :   0.0139310639  0.3824648048 -4.9024001228  0.0004089738
1.569311 :   0.0137155342  0.3888648619 -4.8979817546  0.0004137501
1.569311 :   0.0136895846  0.3893564152 -4.8976182201  0.0004141057
1.569311 :   0.0136876315  0.3894059947 -4.8975821760  0.0004141343
   hyp.res.S - summary(hyp.res)

Formula: log(y) ~ log(pdf.hyperb(theta, X))

 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|)
theta1  0.0136876  0.0359964   0.3800.705
theta2  0.3894060  0.3079860   1.2640.211
theta3 -4.8975822  0.2219928 -22.062   2e-16 ***
theta4  0.0004141  0.0005457   0.7590.451
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.1542 on 66 degrees of freedom

Correlation of Parameter Estimates:
theta2 -0.02168
theta3 -0.02029  0.997736
theta4 -0.97182 -0.008054 -0.008952

   pr1 - profile(hyp.res)
1.825584 :   0.3894059947 -4.8975821760  0.0004141343
1.58426 :   0.373691474 -4.909091289  0.000824045
1.583673 :   0.4176596873 -4.8774106487  0.0008176545
1.583670 :   0.4196944963 -4.8760375504  0.0008187918
1.583670 :   0.4199010211 -4.8758854269  0.0008188162
1.624899 :   0.449756713 -4.854643555  0.001215014
1.624743 :   0.46804752 -4.84185838  0.00122343
1.624741 :   0.470384534 -4.840195293  0.001224199
1.624741 :   0.470638282 -4.840013199  0.001224298
1.624741 :   0.470670500 -4.839990112  0.001224309
1.692158 :   0.522188258 -4.803565745  0.001635778
1.691853 :   0.540794581 -4.791027785  0.001650730
1.691847 :   0.544973564 -4.788090229  0.001652321
1.691847 :   0.545500818 -4.787718964  0.001652616
1.691847 :   0.545592388 -4.787654441  0.001652658
1.784749 :   0.622277872 -4.734086833  0.002091090
1.784039 :   0.642139831 -4.721442413  0.00211
1.784022 :   0.649929188 -4.716068239  0.002119126
1.784021 :   0.651094995 -4.715267692  0.002119963
1.784021 :   0.65136956 -4.71507850  0.00212012
1.784021 :   0.651420684 -4.715043256  0.002120153
1.901667 :   0.760981513 -4.639871097  0.002604136
1.899765 :   0.782870773 -4.627113544  0.002644289
1.899703 :   0.798044378 -4.616913842  0.002653139
1.899699 :   0.800930030 -4.614996517  0.002655646
1.899699 :   0.801815115 -4.614404602  0.002656286
1.899699 :   0.802033012 -4.614258879  0.002656455
1.899699 :   0.802090888 -4.614220164  0.002656499
2.042311 :   0.960722487 -4.508069592  0.003221186
2.036028 :   0.985442669 -4.495703574  0.003291724
2.035767 :   1.017849320 -4.474692317  0.003317203
2.035736 :   1.026482531 -4.469203277  0.003326355
2.035733 :   1.029937702 -4.466987738  0.003329627
2.035732 :   1.031114541 -4.466233213  0.003330776
2.035732 :   1.03153247 -4.46596514  0.00333118
2.035732 :   1.031679019 -4.465871141  0.003331322
2.035732 :   1.031730150 -4.465838341  0.003331371
1.583425 :   3.595503e-01 -4.918824e+00  1.793668e-05
1.583270 :   3.783622e-01 -4.905413e+00  2.175254e-05
1.58327 :   3.793739e-01 -4.904683e+00  2.134353e-05
1.58327 :   3.794562e-01 -4.904622e+00  2.133204e-05
1.624847 :   0.3695765499 -4.9116128267 -0.0003687005
1.624748 :   0.3877816645 -4.8985581022 -0.0003699797
1.624747 :   0.3890277914 -4.8976645481 -0.0003706884
1.624747 :   0.3891837724 -4.8975508910 -0.0003707385
1.693266 :   0.3989123147 -4.8904787597 -0.0007628478
1.693170 :   0.4172349434 -4.8774484377 -0.0007692982
1.693168 :   0.4193992605 -4.8759045536 -0.0007705839
1.693168 :   0.4197576966 -4.8756463144 -0.0007707548
1.693168 :   0.4198094076 -4.8756090629 -0.0007707816
1.788041 :   0.450653198 -4.853510937 -0.001173674
1.787884 :   0.469850125 -4.840178495 -0.001186483
1.787878 :   0.473941725 -4.837285088 -0.001188994
1.787878 :   0.474783800 -4.836687703 -0.001189518
1.787878 :   0.474960093 -4.836562526 -0.001189627
1.787878 :   0.474996400 -4.836536741 -0.001189650
1.908362 :   0.531011661 -4.796878005 -0.001614805
1.907987 :   0.552282889 -4.782714884 -0.001637055
1.907965 :   0.560264832 -4.777154923 -0.001642437
1.907964 :   0.562346209 -4.775709348 -0.001644026
1.907963 :   0.56295255 -4.77528733 -0.00164447
1.907963 :   0.563123513 -4.775168321 -0.001644596
1.907963 :   0.563172014 -4.775134556 -0.001644632
2.053048 :   0.653571857 -4.712183501 -0.002111091
2.051874 :   0.678913471 -4.696423681 -0.002150202
2.051785 :   0.69544095 -4.68518302 -0.00216328
2.051772 :   0.701166962 -4.681323343 -0.002168564
2.051770 :   0.703471045 -4.679765756 -0.002170603
2.051769 :   0.704360670 -4.679164327 -0.002171397
2.051769 :   0.704707691 -4.678929683 -0.002171706
2.051769 :   0.704842651 -4.678838422 -0.002171826
2.051769 :   0.704895042 -4.678802995 -0.002171872