On Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 3:14:34 PM UTC-7, Robby Findler wrote:
> I usually use metafunctions for that purpose. It might be nice if there 
> were more such functions built into redex that came with their own renders, 
> I guess. 
More than once, I've gotten stuck typesetting in Redex and go back to 
LaTeX. It would be nice to have something like a Redex cookbook to 
demonstrate visually interesting outputs.

> Overall, I think we're missing a higher-level for rendering. I like the 
> low-level that is there, but it is, um, low level. I think the collection 
> of stuff in the unstable redex packae is a good start but we need more. 
I am profoundly interested in eliminating LaTeX from my workflow. A 
high-level rendering engine would go a long way towards that.

> Robby
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 4:33 PM, Andrew Kent <pnw...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Oh wow, yep that's exactly the piece-wise behavior I was hoping 
>> for, thanks! 
>> I guess my only question then is if there are better ways to get 
>> "and"/"or" behavior and rendering or if my hacky metafunctions are what 
>> people usually use for that purpose.
>> Best,
>> Andrew
>> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 4:23 PM, Robby Findler <
>> ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> Maybe this is a helpful piece of part of the puzzle?
>>> #lang racket
>>> (require redex)
>>> (define-language L
>>>   (b ::= 1 0)
>>>   (n ::= natural))
>>> (define-metafunction L
>>>   ∪ : n n -> n
>>>   [(∪ n_1 n_2)
>>>    0
>>>    (side-condition (term (lt n_1 n_2)))
>>>    or
>>>    1
>>>    (side-condition (term (gt n_1 n_2)))
>>>    or
>>>    2
>>>    (side-condition (term (eq n_1 n_2)))])
>>> (define (infix id lws)
>>>   (list ""
>>>         (list-ref lws 2)
>>>         (~a " " id " ")
>>>         (list-ref lws 3)
>>>         ""))
>>> (with-compound-rewriters
>>>     (['∪ (λ (lws) (infix "∪" lws))]
>>>      ['lt (λ (lws) (infix "<" lws))]
>>>      ['gt (λ (lws) (infix ">" lws))]
>>>      ['eq (λ (lws) (infix "=" lws))])
>>>   (render-metafunction ∪))
>>> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 10:46 AM, Andrew Kent <pnw...@gmail.com 
>>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>>> In some recent redex tinkering I've been doing I've had to hack around 
>>>> two (somewhat related) things that I could easily imagine being "built-in" 
>>>> features for redex:
>>>> 1. boolean combinators (e.g. and, or)
>>>> 2. a piece-wise form (i.e. basically a "cond" that you can use on the 
>>>> rhs of a metafunction definition which renders in the classic piece-wise 
>>>> way using a large curly brace)
>>>> Both of these are things that are used ubiquitously to describe 
>>>> mathematical algorithms in a clear way... neither adds actual 
>>>> expressiveness to redex (you can certainly model the functionality of both 
>>>> using the current tools), but I think it might be nice to be able to use 
>>>> these common mathematical "features" and have them "just work" (and 
>>>> render!!!) as expected without boilerplate and hoops.
>>>> In case examples are more helpful, for "or" and "and" boolean operators 
>>>> I threw together some silly functions that give "or" and "and" behavior 
>>>> and 
>>>> allow me to render them how I want (e.g. OR is not parenthesized when 
>>>> rendered, POR is). Unfortunately you obviously don't get the 
>>>> short-cuirtining behavior we sometimes want with "or":
>>>> ```
>>>> (define-metafunction sst
>>>>   OR : or-bool ... -> bool
>>>>   [(OR any_1 ... true any_2 ...) true]
>>>>   [(OR any_1 ...) false])
>>>> ;; duplicate definition that will be rendered with parens
>>>> (define-metafunction sst
>>>>   POR : or-bool ... -> bool
>>>>   [(POR any_1 ... true any_2 ...) true]
>>>>   [(POR any_1 ...) false])
>>>> (define-metafunction sst
>>>>   AND : and-bool ... -> bool
>>>>   [(AND any_1 ... false any_2 ...) false]
>>>>   [(AND any_1 ...) true])
>>>> ;; duplicate definition that will be rendered with parens
>>>> (define-metafunction sst
>>>>   PAND : and-bool ... -> bool
>>>>   [(PAND any_1 ... false any_2 ...) false]
>>>>   [(PAND any_1 ...) true])
>>>> ```
>>>> Here's an example function that uses some of those boolean operators:
>>>> ```
>>>> (define-metafunction sst
>>>>   gamma : s s N -> bool
>>>>   [(gamma s_1 s_2 ∅) false]
>>>>   [(gamma s_1 s_2 (set-cons (× t_1 t_2) N))
>>>>    (AND (POR (subtype s_1 t_1)  or  (gamma (t-diff s_1 t_1) s_2 N))
>>>>         and (POR (subtype s_2 t_2)  or  (gamma s_1 (t-diff s_2 t_2) 
>>>> N)))])
>>>> ```
>>>> and here it is rendered:
>>>> [image: Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 11.29.58 AM.png]
>>>> For a piecewise operator, again certainly you can model the behavior 
>>>> just using the current tools, but if you imagine a metafunction that wants 
>>>> to pattern-match on the lhs of the definition and then piece-wise dispatch 
>>>> on the right-hand side of the definition to clearly illustrate to a reader 
>>>> what is going on... I don't think there's really a nice way to get that 
>>>> sort of figure/behavior currently (although I certainly could be 
>>>> mistaken!). The only example I had for piecewise currently I've rewritten 
>>>> a 
>>>> decent amount to fit the current set of tools redex has:
>>>> [image: Screen Shot 2018-03-14 at 11.34.21 AM.png]
>>>> What I wanted to do initially was just pattern match on the n_1 and n_2 
>>>> for a _single_ last clause (instead of the last 3 that appear there now) 
>>>> that then uses a piece-wise to determine what should happen. Instead, 
>>>> initially I had 3 identical pattern matching clauses that used "where" 
>>>> clauses to decide which to use... that was awful to look at (way to much 
>>>> identical pattern matching going on) so I refactored it and settled on 
>>>> using helper functions to pull out the fields of n_1 and n_2 (instead of 
>>>> pattern matching) and "where" clauses to determine which case to use.
>>>> One more quick note -- part of the reason I'm bothering to write this 
>>>> email is because I think these features would support (what I believe is) 
>>>> one of the primary goals of redex: the ability to generate clear, tested 
>>>> figures for papers/talks/etc. This week I'm writing a tutorial that 
>>>> features tons of regex-generated figures that are heavily tested to help 
>>>> avoid silly mistakes (thank you redex!) and that's where this stream of 
>>>> thoughts emerged.
>>>> Anyway, I know we're all busy, and I hope this doesn't come across too 
>>>> "feature request"-y, but I at least wanted to hear peoples thoughts on the 
>>>> matter (or possible other alternative approaches) if anyone has a sec and 
>>>> is interested ;-)
>>>> Best,
>>>> Andrew
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