Good news! The New England Technical Services Librarians (NETSL) Executive
Board has extended the nomination deadline for its annual NETSL Award for
Excellence in Library Technical Services.

We know you've got someone in mind. They've inspired you by meeting
challenges head on; they're innovative practitioners that keep the technical
services department ahead of the curve; the library as a whole flourishes
because of their efforts; they put the service in technical services!

Eligible librarians include those who live outside of New England but whose
service to the profession has impacted New England libraries, and  those who
reside in New England and have made contributions on a national level
through publications, service, or innovations in practice.

Nominations will be accepted until February 17th. The award will be
presented on April 15, 2010 at the NETSL Annual Spring Conference:
Crosswalks to the Future at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA.
Go to for additional

Eligibility for nomination is as follows:

* Nominees may be NETSL/NELA members, but membership in the Association is
not required.

* A nomination must be accompanied by a written statement that includes the
reasons for nomination and a narrative summary of the nominee's career and
achievements. The person's resume or CV may be used to meet this

 * You do not have to be a NETSL member to make a nomination.

* Please send your nominations and the above documentation to the NETSL
Vice-President no later than Wednesday, February 17, 2010. Contact
information for Amira Aaron, NETSL Vice President, appears below.

* Current members of the NETSL Executive Board are not eligible for

Past Recipients include: Martha Rice Sanders, David Miller, Lisa Palmer,
Catherine Willis, Matthew Beacom, Robert L. Cunningham, Dr. Sheila Intner,
Birdie MacLennan, and Lynda Kresge.

Additional details are available on the NETSL section of the NELA Web site:

If you have further questions or would like to nominate someone, please

Amira Aaron
NETSL Vice-President/President-Elect
781-248-1806 (cell)

NETSL is a section of the New England Library Association and is affiliated
with the ALCTS Council of Regional Groups. For more information on NETSL,
visit our website at:

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