Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Clustering - visualization?

2016-05-14 Thread Robert DeLisle
Thanks, Curt!  I'll give those a look.  It'll give me a very good reason to
start digging into SciPy a bit more and exploit the added functionality
that will bring.

Regarding my original question and for anyone else that might be

I did indeed find an answer through a lot of code dredging.  I found the
Murtagh.ClusterData() function in RDKit, and was able to generate clusters
from that.  The function returns a single member list, that single member
being a Cluster object.  I can feed that object to ClusterVis.ClusterToImg
to get the dendrogram I wanted.  Here's a short code snip showing the

c_tree = Murtagh.ClusterData(dists,nfps,Murtagh.WARDS,isDistData=True)
rdkit.ML.Cluster.ClusterVis.ClusterToImg(c_tree[0], size=(500,500),

I can then break the cluster tree into subtrees:

rdkit.ML.Cluster.ClusterUtils.SplitIntoNClusters(c_tree[0], 5)

And I've written a short function to extract out the individual structure
memberships for each group:


groups = ClusterUtils.SplitIntoNClusters(c_tree[0], 5)

def GetGroupMembers( grp, memberlist=[] ):
for child in grp.GetChildren():
if (child.GetData() is None ):
GetGroupMembers( child, memberlist )
memberlist.append( child.GetData() )

return memberlist

print GetGroupMembers(groups[0])

On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Curt Fischer <>

> Hi Robert,
> For the number of molecules you are interested in, it's viable to use
> SciPy / NumPy clustering functions instead of rdkit's built in C-linked
> functions.  This approach will probably not be as fast rdkit's built-in
> clustering functionalities, and will probably not scale to tens of
> thousands of molecules as well as rdkit's functions, but if you use SciPy
> or NumPy in other types of technical computing, this approach may be more
> transparent, generalizable, and easier to use.
> I have an example Jupyter notebook in GitHub that describes what I mean;
> here are the GitHub and nbviewer links:
> Here are some of the most important parts of the code for generating a
> dendrogram.
> 1. Generate a numpy fingerprint matrix from a list of rdkit Molecules.
> for smiles in smiles_list:
> mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
> mols.append(mol)
> fingerprint_mat = np.vstack(np.asarray(rdmolops.RDKFingerprint(mol, fpSize = 
> 2048), dtype = 'bool') for mol in mols)
> 2. Generate the distance matrix.  *pdist* and *squareform* are from
> *scipy.spatial.distance*.
> dist_mat = pdist(fingerprint_mat, 'jaccard') dist_df = pd.DataFrame(
> squareform(dist_mat), index = smiles_list, columns= smiles_list)
> As far as I can tell, the Jaccard distance is equivalent to one minus the
> Tanimoto similarity.
> 3. Perform hierarchical clustering on the distance matrix and show the
> dendrogram (see the github notebook for the plot). *hc* is
> *scipy.cluster.hierarchy*.
> z = hc.linkage(dist_mat)dendrogram = hc.dendrogram(z, labels=dist_df.columns, 
> leaf_rotation=90)
> A helpful page for dendrograms using SciPy is this one:
> Good luck!
> Curt
> On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 9:11 AM, Robert DeLisle <>
> wrote:
>> Next up is clustering...
>> I've got about 350 structures to cluster and I've worked through the
>> example code from the RDKit Cookbook (
>>  All
>> seems well and good there, but I would like to see the dendrogram.  I see
>> that there is a ClusterVis module to generate images, PDF, and SVG, but all
>> require a Cluster object as input.  I don't find anywhere a description of
>> acquiring or building that object based upon the results of clustering.
>> Any tips?
>> -Kirk
>> --
>> Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
>> bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
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>> untouched!
>> ___
>> Rdkit-discuss mailin

[Rdkit-discuss] Clustering - visualization?

2016-05-14 Thread Robert DeLisle
Next up is clustering...

I've got about 350 structures to cluster and I've worked through the
example code from the RDKit Cookbook (  All seems
well and good there, but I would like to see the dendrogram.  I see that
there is a ClusterVis module to generate images, PDF, and SVG, but all
require a Cluster object as input.  I don't find anywhere a description of
acquiring or building that object based upon the results of clustering.

Any tips?

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j___
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] GetSubstructMatch vs MMFFOptimize

2016-05-14 Thread Robert DeLisle

I'm working on a project in which I want to align a collection of
structures with their most similar structures and display the results in
PyMOL.  To accomplish this, I've built a Python script similar to the one
attached here in which I start with pairs of structures, find the MCS of
those structures, create a template based on the MCS and a 3D conformation
of the structure of interest, and then generate a constrained conformation
of a query structure.  I tried to comment the attached code enough to lead
you through the process.

What I find is that quite often, the ConstrainedEmbed() function fails with
the error "molecule doesn't match the core" which seems very odd since the
pairs for which it fails are very similar.  The attached .png shows one
such pair and their MCS.

What I've found is that when I generate a 3D conformation for the first
structure and optimize it with MMFF (MMFFOptimize), this often causes
GetSubstructMatch to fail finding the MCS within the structure.  If instead
I used UFFOptimize, everything seems to work OK most of the time.

In my code, I've noted where the error occurs and flanked it with some
print statements to show what happens.  Specficially, at like 36 I have the
MMFFOptimize line, and at 37 the UFFOptimize line.   I've also attached a
set of structures for which MMFF fails.

While using UFFOptimize produces great results, I'm curious regarding why
MMFFOptimize creates a problem.  And, whether this is a bug which should be
fixed, or just a glitch related to atom typing and other parameterizations
that occur with MMFF.

Thanks for any explanation or ideas.

Struct1 Cc1cc(NC(=O)CSc2ccc3nnc(CCNC(=O)c4c4)n3n2)no1
Struct2 CCOc1c1NC(=O)CSc1ccc2nnc(CCNC(=O)c3ccc(C)cc3)n2n1
from copy import deepcopy

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem import Draw
from rdkit.Chem import rdFMCS

from rdkit.Chem import PyMol

#get the structures
fin = open('Substruct.txt', 'r')
mols = []
for l in fin:
arr = l.strip().split('\t')

#find the maximum common substructure
mcs = rdFMCS.FindMCS( mols, completeRingsOnly=True, 
 ringMatchesRingOnly=True )
mcs_mol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(mcs.smartsString)

#check the mcs - looks reasonable
z = [ AllChem.Compute2DCoords(m) for m in mols + [mcs_mol] ]
img = Draw.MolsToGridImage( mols + [mcs_mol], subImgSize=(300,300),
  legends = ['Struct1', 'Struct2', 'MCS'] )'Substruct.png')

#here's where the error occurs
#before MMFF optimization, GetSubstructMatch is correct
print mols[0].GetSubstructMatch(mcs_mol)

#create a 3D structure for the first 
#AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(mols[0]) #UFF works!

#after MMFF optimization, substruct match no longer correct
print mols[0].GetSubstructMatch(mcs_mol)

#create a template from the mcs and structure 1
mcs_match = mols[0].GetSubstructMatch(mcs_mol)
template = deepcopy(mols[0])
for i,a in enumerate( template.GetAtoms() ):
if (i not in mcs_match):

template = Chem.DeleteSubstructs(template, Chem.MolFromSmarts('[#0]'))

#create a 3d structure for the second constrained to the mcs
mols[1] = AllChem.ConstrainedEmbed(mols[1], template)

#show the results in PyMOL
pymol.ShowMol(mols[0], name='Struct1')
pymol.SetDisplayStyle('Struct1', 'sticks')
pymol.ShowMol(mols[1], name='Struct2', showOnly=False)

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j___
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] PyMOL from RDKit? (Resurrection)

2016-04-23 Thread Robert DeLisle

Thank you!  That works perfectly.  I'm not sure what step I was missing
before, but your script does the trick.

In working with this, I found myself wanting to save some PyMOL files
programatically, but I see that there is not a Save option in the RDKit
PyMOL code.  I added the snip below to the MolViewer class and it seems to
work nicely.  I don't know if it is generally useful or if it should be
added to the code base - I'll let Greg make that decision.


  def SaveFile(self, filename):
 id =
 return id

I've attached my modified file as well.

On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Paolo Tosco <> wrote:

> Dear Robert,
> I have just built the latest PyMOL on CentOS 7, I started it:
> pymol -R
> and then I ran the following Python script:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import os
> import rdkit
> from rdkit import Chem
> from rdkit.Chem import PyMol
> from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
> s = PyMol.MolViewer()
> mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles \
>   ('CCOCCn1c(C2CC[NH+](CCc3ccc(C(C)(C)C(=O)[O-])cc3)CC2)nc2c21')
> mol = AllChem.AddHs(mol)
> AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol)
> AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule(mol)
> s.ShowMol(mol, name = 'bilastine', showOnly = False)
> s.Zoom('bilastine')
> s.SetDisplayStyle('bilastine', 'sticks')
> I obtained the expected display:
> Cheers,
> p.
> On 04/22/2016 09:09 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:
> Back again!
> I apologize for resurrecting an old topic, but I'm once again trying to
> work with PyMOL through RDKit.  I've been following the approach in this
> thread (
> but it seems not to work any longer.  I'm using PyMOL 1.8 on Fedora and I
> see that the xml-rpc file is current, so that's no longer a problem.  When
> I step through the process and hit this step:
> s.ShowMol(m,name='ligand',showOnly=False)
> nothing happens in the PyMOL viewer.  It just remains blank.
> Any updates on operating with PyMOL?
> -Kirk
> --
> Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
> Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
> your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
> reduces your MTTR. Get your free 
> trial!;130105516;z
> ___
> Rdkit-discuss mailing 
> listRdkit-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net
# $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Greg Landrum and Rational Discovery LLC
#   @@ All Rights Reserved @@
#  This file is part of the RDKit.
#  The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
#  which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
#  of the RDKit source tree.
""" uses pymol to interact with molecules

from rdkit import Chem
import os, tempfile

# Python3 compatibility
  from xmlrpclib import Server
except ImportError:
  from xmlrpc.client import Server

class MolViewer(object):
  def __init__(self,host=None,port=9123,force=0,**kwargs):
global _server
if not force and _server is not None:
  if not host:
  serv = Server('http://%s:%d'%(host,port))
  _server = serv

  def InitializePyMol(self):
""" does some initializations to set up PyMol according to our

"""'set valence,1')'set stick_rad,0.15')'set mouse_selection_mode,0')'set line_width,2')'set selection_width,10')'set auto_zoom,0')

  def DeleteAll(self):
" blows out everything in the viewer "

  def DeleteAllExcept(self,excludes):
" deletes everything except the items in the provided list of arguments "
allNames = self.server.getNames('*',False)
for nm in allNames:
  if nm not in excludes:

  def LoadFile(self,filename,name,showOnly=False):
""" calls pymol's "load" command on the given filename; the loaded object
is assigned the name "name"
if showOnly:
id = self.server.loadFile(filename,name)
return id

  def SaveFile(self, filename):

[Rdkit-discuss] Aligning in 3D

2016-04-22 Thread Robert DeLisle
In working with RDKit I've been able to align 2D structures based upon a
common core of MCS using


The next step for me is to generate 3D structures and align them based upon
that same common core.  Obviously this leads to multiple steps, not the
least of which is generating conformations that are consistent across the
common core for the various molecules.  I seem to recall the ability to
generate a conformation and minimize it (either UFF or MMFF) and apply
constraints based upon an input substructure, but I cannot find the details.

Any tips to accomplish this one?

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Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] PyMOL from RDKit? (Resurrection)

2016-04-22 Thread Robert DeLisle
Back again!

I apologize for resurrecting an old topic, but I'm once again trying to
work with PyMOL through RDKit.  I've been following the approach in this
thread (
but it seems not to work any longer.  I'm using PyMOL 1.8 on Fedora and I
see that the xml-rpc file is current, so that's no longer a problem.  When
I step through the process and hit this step:


nothing happens in the PyMOL viewer.  It just remains blank.

Any updates on operating with PyMOL?

Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!;130105516;z___
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] errors?

2016-04-18 Thread Robert DeLisle
Even better!  Thanks, Greg.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016, 12:37 AM Greg Landrum <> wrote:

> Hi Kirk,
> Welcome back!
> Those were fixed for the 2015.09 release:
> Best,
> -greg
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 1:11 AM, Robert DeLisle <>
> wrote:
>> Long time no message!
>> Anywho, I've been working today with RDKit 2015.03.01 and in the process
>> of generating a grid of molecule depictions (Draw.MolsToGridImage()), I
>> received the error message below.
>> From the last line, it seems there has been an API change that changes
>> tostring() to tobytes().  I also found that fromstring() needs to change to
>> frombytes().
>> When I made these changes and saved the results, everything works fine.
>> I thought it might be useful to know given the upcoming release.
>> -Kirk
>> raceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "", line 57, in 
>> legends = lbls)
>>   File
>> "/storage/software/RDKit/RDKit_current/rdkit/Chem/Draw/", line
>> 316, in MolsToGridImage
>> **kwargs),(col*subImgSize[0],row*subImgSize[1]))
>>   File
>> "/storage/software/RDKit/RDKit_current/rdkit/Chem/Draw/", line
>> 94, in MolToImage
>> img,canvas=_createCanvas(size)
>>   File
>> "/storage/software/RDKit/RDKit_current/rdkit/Chem/Draw/", line
>> 50, in _createCanvas
>> canvas = Canvas(img)
>>   File
>> "/storage/software/RDKit/RDKit_current/rdkit/Chem/Draw/",
>> line 67, in __init__
>> imgd = image.tostring("raw","BGRA")
>>   File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/PIL/", line 686, in
>> tostring
>> "Please call tobytes() instead.")
>> Exception: tostring() has been removed. Please call tobytes() instead.
>> --
>> Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications
>> Manager
>> Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple
>> tiers of
>> your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
>> reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!
>> ___
>> Rdkit-discuss mailing list
Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!;130105516;z___
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] errors?

2016-04-17 Thread Robert DeLisle
Long time no message!

Anywho, I've been working today with RDKit 2015.03.01 and in the process of
generating a grid of molecule depictions (Draw.MolsToGridImage()), I
received the error message below.

>From the last line, it seems there has been an API change that changes
tostring() to tobytes().  I also found that fromstring() needs to change to

When I made these changes and saved the results, everything works fine.  I
thought it might be useful to know given the upcoming release.


raceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 57, in 
legends = lbls)
  File "/storage/software/RDKit/RDKit_current/rdkit/Chem/Draw/",
line 316, in MolsToGridImage
  File "/storage/software/RDKit/RDKit_current/rdkit/Chem/Draw/",
line 94, in MolToImage
  File "/storage/software/RDKit/RDKit_current/rdkit/Chem/Draw/",
line 50, in _createCanvas
canvas = Canvas(img)
line 67, in __init__
imgd = image.tostring("raw","BGRA")
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/PIL/", line 686, in
"Please call tobytes() instead.")
Exception: tostring() has been removed. Please call tobytes() instead.
Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!;130105516;z___
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] RDKit from Java

2014-11-30 Thread Robert DeLisle

I've been working with RDKit from Java for a while now and I'm spinning my
wheels due to being too new to Java.  I'm very comfortable with RDKit from
Python, but Java is a new animal for me.  I've downloaded the RDKit Java
binaries and I have this:


The two DLLs are most likely C++ libraries that are compiled into .dll so
that the code can use them.  I know this is true for boost and I'm guessing
the GraphMolWrap.dll is similar.

The two .jar files are the pieces of interest, but I cannot seem to find
any documentation on RDKit from Java to get started.  I can find some other
examples - mostly the KNIME nodes for RDKit - that give me some clues
toward function names, etc. but I'm stuck as to how to even get started.

I did find this:

At the bottom I see a Jython console session, but I'm just not able to
convert this into a .java file which I can compile with javac and then
actually run.

Any tips on how to import libraries into a very simple chunk of Java code?
Or better yet, 5-10 lines of a .java file that does something mindlessly
simple would be great to help me get started.

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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit from Java

2014-11-30 Thread Robert DeLisle
By the way, I'm looking through the Java wrapper and I'm not seeing any
functions that would provide access to the 2D depiction code from Java.
Does that exist and I'm just not seeing it?


On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 9:37 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:

 Thanks, Greg!  That helps a lot.  I think I'm on the right track now, and
 if I can wrap my head around how to get all the dependencies to talk to
 each other appropriately (DLLs, etc.), I should be on my way.  Any tips on
 configuration are always appreciated.  (This is what I get for venturing
 into Java world, right?)

 As for the archaeology, like I tell everyone - I'm thorough.  8^D


 On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Greg Landrum

 Hi Kirk,

 On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 2:14 AM, Robert DeLisle

 I've been working with RDKit from Java for a while now and I'm spinning
 my wheels due to being too new to Java.  I'm very comfortable with RDKit
 from Python, but Java is a new animal for me.  I've downloaded the RDKit
 Java binaries and I have this:


 The two DLLs are most likely C++ libraries that are compiled into .dll
 so that the code can use them.  I know this is true for boost and I'm
 guessing the GraphMolWrap.dll is similar.


 The two .jar files are the pieces of interest, but I cannot seem to find
 any documentation on RDKit from Java to get started.  I can find some other
 examples - mostly the KNIME nodes for RDKit - that give me some clues
 toward function names, etc. but I'm stuck as to how to even get started.

 Yeah, the code for the knime nodes has too much knime and not enough
 RDKit to be useful as a place to learn.

 I did find this:

 At the bottom I see a Jython console session, but I'm just not able to
 convert this into a .java file which I can compile with javac and then
 actually run.

 Wow; that's ancient. Nice archaeology to find it. :-)

 Any tips on how to import libraries into a very simple chunk of Java
 code? Or better yet, 5-10 lines of a .java file that does something
 mindlessly simple would be great to help me get started.

 The Java (and C#) wrappers are under-documented and there's very little
 sample code out there.
 Probably your best bet is the testing code for the java wrapper:
 This isn't comprehensive, but it does contain at least a starting point
 for most of the functionality.


Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration  more
Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit from Java

2014-11-30 Thread Robert DeLisle
Thanks again, Greg!

I can imagine 2D depiction is a tricky bit of code.  I'll leave that one to
the experts.

All the best!

On Nov 30, 2014 9:47 PM, Greg Landrum wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 5:39 AM, Robert DeLisle

 By the way, I'm looking through the Java wrapper and I'm not seeing any
 functions that would provide access to the 2D depiction code from Java.
 Does that exist and I'm just not seeing it?

 The only thing currently available is the ToSVG() method that's on the
 ROMol class. This is what is used within Knime.

 I do really hope to have better depiction options available for the next
 release -- Dave Cosgrove submitted an excellent starting point earlier this
 year --  but that's a time-consuming bit to get right.


Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server
from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards
with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration  more
Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] RDKit on Win7 - DLL load failed

2014-11-09 Thread Robert DeLisle
Hi again, all!

I'm trying to install RDKit on a 64-bit Windows 7 instance (in
VirtualBox).  I've done the following:

installed Python 2.7 (32-bit)
installed NumPy (for Python 2.7 32-bit)
installed PIL (for Python 2.7 32-bit)

environment variables are:

RDBASE = c:\RDKit_2014_09_1

From a Python instance, I get this:

Python 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:03:49) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
on win
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import rdkit
 from rdkit import Chem
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File C:\RDKit_2014_09_1\rdkit\Chem\, line 18, in module
from rdkit import rdBase
ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

I've search the discuss archives, and found details about making sure the
VC++ redistributables are present - they are.  I see in RDKit\lib there are
two files named *vc100*.dll, so I assume having the msvcp100.dll and
msvcr100.dll are the correct versions.  I've tried moving them to the
RDKit\lib folder - no luck.  I've also tried renaming any/all of them
without the *100* version stamp - again, no luck.

Running dependency walker, PYTHON27.DLL
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit on Win7 - DLL load failed

2014-11-09 Thread Robert DeLisle

On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:

 Hi again, all!

 I'm trying to install RDKit on a 64-bit Windows 7 instance (in
 VirtualBox).  I've done the following:

 installed Python 2.7 (32-bit)
 installed NumPy (for Python 2.7 32-bit)
 installed PIL (for Python 2.7 32-bit)

 environment variables are:

 RDBASE = c:\RDKit_2014_09_1

 From a Python instance, I get this:

 Python 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:03:49) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
 on win
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import rdkit
  from rdkit import Chem
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File C:\RDKit_2014_09_1\rdkit\Chem\, line 18, in module
 from rdkit import rdBase
 ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

 I've search the discuss archives, and found details about making sure the
 VC++ redistributables are present - they are.  I see in RDKit\lib there are
 two files named *vc100*.dll, so I assume having the msvcp100.dll and
 msvcr100.dll are the correct versions.  I've tried moving them to the
 RDKit\lib folder - no luck.  I've also tried renaming any/all of them
 without the *100* version stamp - again, no luck.

 Running dependency walker, PYTHON27.DLL

Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit on Win7 - DLL load failed

2014-11-09 Thread Robert DeLisle
Let's try this one last time.  Somehow I got two early sends of that
e-mail.  I apologize for the now triple post!

As I was saying...

I'm trying to install RDKit on a 64-bit Windows 7 instance (in
VirtualBox).  I've done the following:

installed Python 2.7 (32-bit)
installed NumPy (for Python 2.7 32-bit)
installed PIL (for Python 2.7 32-bit)

environment variables are:

RDBASE = c:\RDKit_2014_09_1

From a Python instance, I get this:

Python 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:03:49) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
on win
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import rdkit
 from rdkit import Chem
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File C:\RDKit_2014_09_1\rdkit\Chem\, line 18, in module
from rdkit import rdBase
ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

I've search the discuss archives, and found details (links below) about
making sure the VC++ redistributables are present - they are.  I see in
RDKit\lib there are two files named *vc100*.dll, so I assume having the
msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll are the correct versions.  I've tried moving
them to the RDKit\lib folder - no luck.  I've also tried renaming any/all
of them without the *100* version stamp - again, no luck.

Running dependency walker, PYTHON27.DLL is marked as not found.  I do see
it in C:\Windows\SysWOW64, however.  It also appears that all of the marked
DLLs have a 64 next to them, suggesting everything has been compiled for
64-bit.  I've double checked that I am indeed using the 32-bit versions of
RDKit.  (I tried going to 64-bit, but I find that NumPy isn't available for
64-bit Python.)

The last piece that I notice off, is within the file, the compressed directory is actually
titled RDKit_2014_03_1.  I assume this is just a typo, but is it the right

Any help is greatly appreciated.


RDKit-discuss archive links:

On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:


 On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Robert DeLisle

 Hi again, all!

 I'm trying to install RDKit on a 64-bit Windows 7 instance (in
 VirtualBox).  I've done the following:

 installed Python 2.7 (32-bit)
 installed NumPy (for Python 2.7 32-bit)
 installed PIL (for Python 2.7 32-bit)

 environment variables are:

 RDBASE = c:\RDKit_2014_09_1

 From a Python instance, I get this:

 Python 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:03:49) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
 on win
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import rdkit
  from rdkit import Chem
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File C:\RDKit_2014_09_1\rdkit\Chem\, line 18, in module
 from rdkit import rdBase
 ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

 I've search the discuss archives, and found details about making sure the
 VC++ redistributables are present - they are.  I see in RDKit\lib there are
 two files named *vc100*.dll, so I assume having the msvcp100.dll and
 msvcr100.dll are the correct versions.  I've tried moving them to the
 RDKit\lib folder - no luck.  I've also tried renaming any/all of them
 without the *100* version stamp - again, no luck.

 Running dependency walker, PYTHON27.DLL

Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit on Win7 - DLL load failed

2014-11-09 Thread Robert DeLisle
Done and done!

Downloaded, unzipped, and working!  Thank you, Greg.  And, no worries at
all.  If I had a nickel for every silly mistake I've
many stars are there in the universe?

Thanks also for the links to 64-bit NumPy.  I'll definitely give those a go.


On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 9:26 PM, Greg Landrum wrote:

 Hi Kirk,

 It looks like I made a stupid mistake when creating the win32 binaries and
 zipped the wrong directory. :-(

 I just replaced the win32 binaries on both github and with new
 versions that should be correct.

 FYI, you can get win64 python binaries for numpy and many other useful
 packages here:


 On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 12:46 AM, Robert DeLisle

 Let's try this one last time.  Somehow I got two early sends of that
 e-mail.  I apologize for the now triple post!

 As I was saying...

 I'm trying to install RDKit on a 64-bit Windows 7 instance (in
 VirtualBox).  I've done the following:

 installed Python 2.7 (32-bit)
 installed NumPy (for Python 2.7 32-bit)
 installed PIL (for Python 2.7 32-bit)

 environment variables are:

 RDBASE = c:\RDKit_2014_09_1

 From a Python instance, I get this:

 Python 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:03:49) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
 on win
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import rdkit
  from rdkit import Chem
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File C:\RDKit_2014_09_1\rdkit\Chem\, line 18, in module
 from rdkit import rdBase
 ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

 I've search the discuss archives, and found details (links below) about
 making sure the VC++ redistributables are present - they are.  I see in
 RDKit\lib there are two files named *vc100*.dll, so I assume having the
 msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll are the correct versions.  I've tried moving
 them to the RDKit\lib folder - no luck.  I've also tried renaming any/all
 of them without the *100* version stamp - again, no luck.

 Running dependency walker, PYTHON27.DLL is marked as not found.  I do see
 it in C:\Windows\SysWOW64, however.  It also appears that all of the marked
 DLLs have a 64 next to them, suggesting everything has been compiled for
 64-bit.  I've double checked that I am indeed using the 32-bit versions of
 RDKit.  (I tried going to 64-bit, but I find that NumPy isn't available for
 64-bit Python.)

 The last piece that I notice off, is within the file, the compressed directory is actually
 titled RDKit_2014_03_1.  I assume this is just a typo, but is it the right

 Any help is greatly appreciated.


 RDKit-discuss archive links:

 On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Robert DeLisle


 On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Robert DeLisle

 Hi again, all!

 I'm trying to install RDKit on a 64-bit Windows 7 instance (in
 VirtualBox).  I've done the following:

 installed Python 2.7 (32-bit)
 installed NumPy (for Python 2.7 32-bit)
 installed PIL (for Python 2.7 32-bit)

 environment variables are:

 RDBASE = c:\RDKit_2014_09_1

 From a Python instance, I get this:

 Python 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:03:49) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
 (Intel)] on win
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import rdkit
  from rdkit import Chem
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File C:\RDKit_2014_09_1\rdkit\Chem\, line 18, in module
 from rdkit import rdBase
 ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

 I've search the discuss archives, and found details about making sure
 the VC++ redistributables are present - they are.  I see in RDKit\lib there
 are two files named *vc100*.dll, so I assume having the msvcp100.dll and
 msvcr100.dll are the correct versions.  I've tried moving them to the
 RDKit\lib folder - no luck.  I've also tried renaming any/all of them
 without the *100* version stamp - again, no luck.

 Running dependency walker, PYTHON27.DLL


 Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] RDKit from Java

2014-08-29 Thread Robert DeLisle
Hello, all.  Long time, no see.

I have a project in which an application is being developed in Java and I
would like to use some of the RDKit functionality to enhance it.  I can
easily write the Python code to do what I need, but I need to get that into
a form that can be accessed from Java.

The only solution I've come up with is to use something akin to py2exe
which has the nice feature of not requiring the full Python and RDKit
installation on the target machine, but would require some type of
intermediate step (probably a file process) to pass data between Java and
the .exe.  Ideally, it would be nice to pass the results through
interfaces, but that's being quite hopeful.

I've searched through the RDKit-discuss archives for this type of thing,
but I haven't seen anything that really answers my question.  Also, I know
there are RDKit KNIME nodes, so surely there's a direct way to this that
I'm not aware of.

Any suggestions or tips are greatly appreciated!

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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Editable molecule confusion

2013-05-31 Thread Robert DeLisle
Another attempt - see Code Block 3, below.  In this case, I construct the
ring systems from the group up using an EditableMol.  Once again it fails
during sanitization, but now I think I know why.  The original structure
has an indole with a substituted nitrogen.  During building, that nitrogen
does not have a hydrogen attached, so the valence is not satisfied and
sanitization fails.  If I change this to an indane, it works just fine.

The problem is, I cannot add hydrogens to the nitrogen until after the
EditableMol is converted to a Mol, but I cannot convert it to a Mol until
hydrogens are added.  All of this would require some fairly sophisticated
logic about the nitrogen which I'm not sure I want to include for this
simple task.

Code Block 3:
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem

sdin = Chem.SDMolSupplier('test.sdf')
sdout = Chem.SDWriter('rings.sdf')

for m in sdin:

  em = Chem.EditableMol(Chem.Mol())
  indexmap = {}

  for a in m.GetAtoms():
if ( a.IsInRing() ):
  indexmap[a.GetIdx()] = em.AddAtom(Chem.Atom(a.GetAtomicNum()))

  for b in m.GetBonds():
if ( b.IsInRing() ):
indexmap[b.GetBeginAtomIdx()],indexmap[b.GetEndAtomIdx()],b.GetBondType() )

  for nm in Chem.GetMolFrags(em.GetMol(), asMols=True):

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:

 I am attempting to reduce a molecule (attached SDF) to just its ring
 systems using Code Block 1 at the bottom.

 The problem is that when I get through the loops removing non-ring
 atoms/bonds, and convert the EditableMol back to a Mol, I end up with 7
 disjoint sets of atoms:

 ((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14), (15,), (16,), (17,
 20), (18,), (19,))

 It appears that when I remove an atom from the EditableMol by index, the
 indices are reassigned.  I tried to test this with the inelegant code in
 Code Block 2, which gives me the expected sets of atom indices with respect
 to number and size:

 ((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14), (15, 16, 17, 18,
 19, 20))

 - but it still fails to sanitize when I convert back to a Mol.

 What am I missing here?  Also, is there an easier (ie, existing) way to do
 this?  I'm just looking to reduce the molecule to its ring systems and
 write those to an SD file.


 Code block 1:
 from rdkit import Chem

 sdin = Chem.SDMolSupplier('test.sdf')
 sdout = Chem.SDWriter('rings.sdf')

 for m in sdin:

   print len(m.GetBonds()),len(m.GetAtoms())
   em = Chem.EditableMol(m)

   for a in m.GetAtoms():
 if ( not a.IsInRing() ):
   print a.GetIdx(), m.GetAtomWithIdx(a.GetIdx()).GetSymbol()

   for b in m.GetBonds():
 if ( not b.IsInRing() ):
   a1 = b.GetBeginAtomIdx()
   a2 = b.GetEndAtomIdx()

   m3 = em.GetMol()
   print len(m3.GetBonds()), len(m3.GetAtoms())

   f = Chem.GetMolFrags(em.GetMol())
   print f

   #for f in Chem.GetMolFrags(m3,asMols = True):

 Code block 2:
 from rdkit import Chem

 sdin = Chem.SDMolSupplier('test.sdf')
 sdout = Chem.SDWriter('rings.sdf')

 for m in sdin:

   print len(m.GetBonds()),len(m.GetAtoms())
   em = Chem.EditableMol(m)

   active = True

   while ( active == True ):
 active = False
 for a in m.GetAtoms():
   if ( not a.IsInRing() ):
 print a.GetIdx(), m.GetAtomWithIdx(a.GetIdx()).GetSymbol()
 active = True
 em = Chem.EditableMol(m)

   active = True
   while ( active == True):
 active = False
 for b in m.GetBonds():
   if ( not b.IsInRing() ):
 active = True
 a1 = b.GetBeginAtomIdx()
 a2 = b.GetEndAtomIdx()
 em = Chem.EditableMol(m)

   m3 = em.GetMol()
   print len(m3.GetBonds()), len(m3.GetAtoms())

   f = Chem.GetMolFrags(em.GetMol())
   print f

   #for f in Chem.GetMolFrags(m3,asMols = True):

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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] RDKit_2012_09_1 build errors

2012-12-11 Thread Robert DeLisle
Long time no email.

I'm attempting to build RDKit on CentOS 5.8 and I'm getting the following

In file included from
 from /usr/local/include/boost/math/tools/tuple.hpp:90,
 from /usr/local/include/boost/random.hpp:52,
 from /opt/RDKit_current/Code/RDGeneral/utils.h:17,
 from /opt/RDKit_current/Code/RDGeneral/utils.cpp:11:
/usr/local/include/boost/fusion/adapted/std_pair.hpp:17:1: error: ‘access’
is not a class or namespace
/usr/local/include/boost/fusion/adapted/std_pair.hpp:17:1: error: expected
unqualified-id before ‘’ token
/usr/local/include/boost/fusion/adapted/std_pair.hpp:17:1: error: ‘access’
is not a class or namespace
/usr/local/include/boost/fusion/adapted/std_pair.hpp:17:1: error: expected
unqualified-id before ‘’ token

Clearly seems to be a boost problem, but I'm just not able to track it
down.  I followed these instructions:, and it appears
boost 1.48 built OK.

Any tips?

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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] Fwd: Building on CentOS 5.8: Python-related tests fail

2012-06-22 Thread Robert DeLisle
Just my $0.02.  You may realize and have tried all of this already, but...

I've spent a lot of time getting RDKit built on CentOS since version
5.4.  The newer versions make this much easier with  updated CMake,
GCC, etc.  One problem that I've had is trying to build while still
having CentOS' standard (i.e., old) Boost libraries still installed.
I know that CMake has some flags with which to set the Boost library
location, but I could never get them to work and the build to see the
newly built Boost library when the system standard was present.  The
only thing that worked for me was to remove the system boost and build
my own.  The make system then finds the custom build without a


On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Leonardo Trabuco wrote:
 Hi Greg,

 Thanks for following up. Below is the output you asked for. Looks like an
 import error in the boost library. Any ideas?

 Thanks again,

 UpdateCTestConfiguration  from
 Start processing tests
 UpdateCTestConfiguration  from
 Test project
 Constructing a list of tests
 Done constructing a list of tests
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
   3/ 76 Testing pyBV
 Test command: /usr/bin/python2.6
 Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 1, in module
     from rdkit import DataStructs
 line 11, in module
     from rdkit import rdBase
 undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4
 -- Process completed
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into
 Changing directory into

[Rdkit-discuss] Giant SD file with RDKit

2011-11-21 Thread Robert DeLisle

I'm working with a huge SD file that by all ways I measure it contains
~5,050,000 structures.  (This is an eMolecules dataset.)  In processing the
file, I've run into an odd error.  Even with the following very simple
code, the file seems to be bottomless.  I let it run overnight and I saw
number as high as 42,000,000.

Any ideas?


from rdkit import Chem

sdin = Chem.SDMolSupplier

for i,m in enumerate(sdin):

   if ( i % 10 == 0 ):
  print 'Structure #' + str(i)
All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Giant SD file with RDKit

2011-11-21 Thread Robert DeLisle

Thanks for the quick response.

I checked the file as you suggested and I get this:

000 2424 2424 000a

So it appears to end with (0x0a), correct?

Getting the file to you might be a trick as it is over 4 GB compressed.

My intention was to partition the file into multiple, smaller files, but
this weird error occurred.


On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Eddie Cao wrote:

 Hi Robert,

 It might help to create a small SD file consisting only of the last few
 structures in the SD file to make sure the error was not because the file
 does not end properly. Specifically, the latest RDKit release has a bug
 that causes it to stuck if the file does not end with line-feed character
 (0x0a). An easy way to check is to run `tail -1 INPUT.sdf | hexdump`. If
 the last character is not 0a, then you are a victim of this bug. The
 following example uses a bad SDF that ends with character 24:

 $ tail -1 test.sdf | hexdump
 000 24 24 24 24

 If you provide a link to the SD file, I can also help you check.


 On Nov 21, 2011, at 10:20 AM, Robert DeLisle wrote:


 I'm working with a huge SD file that by all ways I measure it contains
 ~5,050,000 structures.  (This is an eMolecules dataset.)  In processing the
 file, I've run into an odd error.  Even with the following very simple
 code, the file seems to be bottomless.  I let it run overnight and I saw
 number as high as 42,000,000.

 Any ideas?


 from rdkit import Chem

 sdin = Chem.SDMolSupplier

 for i,m in enumerate(sdin):

if ( i % 10 == 0 ):
   print 'Structure #' + str(i)

 All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
 contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
 security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
 data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
 Rdkit-discuss mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Giant SD file with RDKit

2011-11-21 Thread Robert DeLisle

Good catch!  I had wondered if there might be a size problem but couldn't
make the connection that you made.  I'll find another method to partition
the file.


On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Andrew Dalke da...@dalkescientific.comwrote:

 On Nov 21, 2011, at 7:47 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:
  Getting the file to you might be a trick as it is over 4 GB compressed.

 I think that's a clue.

 RDKit uses tell/seek operations on the underlying file stream, like this:

  ROMol *SDMolSupplier::next() {
PRECONDITION(dp_inStream,no stream);
// set the stream to the current position

 d_molpos contains std::streampos elements,

 MolSupplier.h:std::vectorstd::streampos d_molpos; // vector of
 positions in the file for molecules

 and I can't tell if that's a 32-bit or 64-bit value, but there's
 code which assumes it's an unsigned 32-bit integer:

  std::string SDMolSupplier::getItemText(unsigned int idx){
PRECONDITION(dp_inStream,no stream);
unsigned int holder=d_last;
unsigned int begP=d_molpos[idx];
unsigned int endP;
try {

 My guess is that there's an overflow in this code, causing it to
 loop from 2**32 back to 0.


 All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
 contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
 security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
 data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
 Rdkit-discuss mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Giant SD file with RDKit

2011-11-21 Thread Robert DeLisle

In thinking about this, an unsigned 32-bit integer should give me over 4
billion values, and a signed 32-bit gives 2 billion.  I know that the file
has slightly over 5 million structures and ~300 million lines.  Neither of
these is over the limit, so I wouldn't expect an overflow.


On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Robert DeLisle rkdeli...@gmail.comwrote:


 Good catch!  I had wondered if there might be a size problem but couldn't
 make the connection that you made.  I'll find another method to partition
 the file.


 On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 12:01 PM, Andrew Dalke 

 On Nov 21, 2011, at 7:47 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:
  Getting the file to you might be a trick as it is over 4 GB compressed.

 I think that's a clue.

 RDKit uses tell/seek operations on the underlying file stream, like this:

  ROMol *SDMolSupplier::next() {
PRECONDITION(dp_inStream,no stream);
// set the stream to the current position

 d_molpos contains std::streampos elements,

 MolSupplier.h:std::vectorstd::streampos d_molpos; // vector of
 positions in the file for molecules

 and I can't tell if that's a 32-bit or 64-bit value, but there's
 code which assumes it's an unsigned 32-bit integer:

  std::string SDMolSupplier::getItemText(unsigned int idx){
PRECONDITION(dp_inStream,no stream);
unsigned int holder=d_last;
unsigned int begP=d_molpos[idx];
unsigned int endP;
try {

 My guess is that there's an overflow in this code, causing it to
 loop from 2**32 back to 0.


 All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure
 contains a definitive record of customers, application performance,
 security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this
 data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
 Rdkit-discuss mailing list

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Giant SD file with RDKit

2011-11-21 Thread Robert DeLisle
Andrew - thank you for the clarification.  Obviously a character offset
into the file makes much more sense than a line offset.  oops.  8^)

Greg - thanks for the link. I may give that a try.  I have a different
approach in place now, so this file is taken care of.  I genuinely hope I
don't have to process this many structures too often 8^)  but I'll
certainly give the ForwardSDMolSupplier a try just in case I do.

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Greg Landrum


 On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Robert DeLisle
  In thinking about this, an unsigned 32-bit integer should give me over 4
  billion values, and a signed 32-bit gives 2 billion.  I know that the
  has slightly over 5 million structures and ~300 million lines.  Neither
  these is over the limit, so I wouldn't expect an overflow.

 The determining factor is, unfortunately, the file size, not the
 number of lines.

 If you're willing to live on the bleeding edge for a bit, there's an
 RDKit branch that contains a new way of working with SD files that is
 well suited to dealing with large files:

 The new feature is the ForwardSDMolSupplier, this can be initialized
 from a filename:
 In [3]: suppl = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier('PubChemBackground.sdf')

 or a python file-like object:
 In [4]: suppl2 = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(file('PubChemBackground.sdf'))

 You can read out molecules by looping over the supplier:
 In [5]: for mol in suppl2:
   ...: if mol is None: continue
   ...: print mol.GetNumAtoms()

 Since these work using file-like objects, you can directly read from
 compressed files:

 In [6]: suppl3  = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier('bigfile.sdf.gz'))

 The differences to the standard SDMolSupplier :
  - the ForwardSDMolSupplier is not random access; you cannot ask for
 a particular item
  - there's no reset method, if you want to go through the molecules
 more than once, you have to create the supplier from scratch.

 Coincidentally, this was inspired by some suggestions Andrew has made
 in the last week or so.

 I will be merging this branch back into the trunk sometime in the next
 week, but the code is there, mostly tested, and usable now.


All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] [Rdkit-devel] Beta of Q2 2011 Release Available

2011-07-05 Thread Robert DeLisle
It works here on CentOS 5.6.  Testing with my code goes fine, but the test
step (ctest from the build directory) results in 72/76 tests failed.
Problem with the test DB?

On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 5:40 AM, Greg Landrum wrote:

 Dear all,

 This morning I tagged the beta for the Q2 2011 (2011.06 in the new
 numbering) release in svn:

 and uploaded a source distribution to the google code site:
 If there's demand for it, I will also put up a windows binary.

 As usual: if no show-stopper bugs appear, I will do the release itself
 in about a week.

 Excerpts from the release notes are below.

 One highlight I will call your attention to is that, thanks to some
 nice work from Eddie Cao, it is now possible to generate InChI codes
 from within the RDKit :

 In [2]: inchi = Chem.MolToInchi(Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1c1C(=O)O'))
 In [3]: print inchi

 and then convert the InChIs to InChI keys:

 In [4]: print Chem.InchiToInchiKey(inchi)

 There is also experimental and partial support for converting InChI
 back into a molecule:

 In [5]: m2 = Chem.MolFromInchi(inchi)
 In [6]: print Chem.MolToSmiles(m2)

 Note that this last bit is not something InChI is actually designed
 for, so it's probably not a good idea to rely on it.

 Best Regards,

 **  Release_2011.06.1 ***
 (Changes relative to Release_2011.03.2)

  - Eddie Cao, Andrew Dalke, James Davidson, JP Ebejer, Bernd Wiswedel

 Bug Fixes:
  - A problem with similarity values between SparseIntVects that
   contain negative values was fixed. (Issue 3295215)
  - An edge case in SmilesMolSupplier.GetItemText() was fixed. (Issue
  - The drawing code now uses dashed lines for aromatic bonds without
   kekulization. (Issue 3305420)
  - AllChem.ConstrainedEmbed works again. (Issue 3305420)
  - atomic RGP values from mol files are accessible from python (Issue
  - M RGP blocks are now written to mol files. (Issue 3313540)
  - Atom.GetSymbol() for R atoms read from mol files is now
   correct. (Issue 3316600)
  - The handling of isotope specifications is more robust.
  - A thread-safety problem in SmilesWrite::GetAtomSmiles() was fixed.
  - some of the MACCS keys definitions have been corrected

 New Features:
  - The smiles, smarts, and reaction smarts parsers all now take an
   argument, replacements, that carries out string substitutions
  - There is now optional support for generating InChI codes and keys
   for molecules.
  - the atom pair and topological torsion fingerprint generators now
   take an optional ignoreAtoms argument
  - a function to calculate exact molecular weight was added.
  - new java wrappers are now available in $RDBASE/Code/JavaWrappers
  - the methods getMostCommonIsotope() and getMostCommonIsotopeMass()
   have been added to the PeriodicTable class.

 New Database Cartridge Features:

 Deprecated modules (to be removed in next release):
  - The original SWIG wrappers in $RDBASE/Code/Demos/SWIG are deprecated

 Removed modules:

  - The quality of the drawings produced by both the python molecule drawing
   code and $RDBASE/Code/Demos/RDKit/Draw is better.
  - the python molecule drawing code will now use superscripts and
   subscripts appropriately when using the aggdraw or cairo canvases
   (cairo canvas requires pango for this to work).
  - $RDBASE/Code/Demos/RDKit/Draw now includes an example using cairo
  - A lot of compiler warnings were cleaned up.
  - The error reporting in the SMILES, SMARTS, and SLN parsers was improved.
  - the code for calculating molecular formula is now in C++

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All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes 
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Friday evening problem... Centos RDKit -- again

2011-06-10 Thread Robert DeLisle
I will defer to Greg's expertise for a more accurate answer, but I would
suspect that the problem is the difference in using the system version of
Python and a version of RDKit that is built with a newer version of GCC.
You may be getting stuck in  dependency confusion between the two versions.

You should be able to build and install Python 2.7 without disturbing the
system's Python 2.4.3.


On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 12:00 PM, JP wrote:

 I am installing the brand new RDKit (2011_03_2) on CentOS (lol!) on a
 Friday evening (6.54pm here in Oxford)...  So I probably deserve the misery
 of the following.

 I have already gone through the whole RDKit on Centos installation
 procedure and pain on other machines and I now am undaunted by it.  Bring it
 Still I installed everything (almost) according to the book ( with the exception
 that I stuck to Python 2.4.3 (Python 2.7, doesn't play nicely with Rocks)

 And I get this anti-fancy error message

  from rdkit import Chem
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
   File /share/apps/RDKit_2011_03_2/rdkit/Chem/, line 18, in ?
 from rdkit import rdBase
 ImportError: /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found
 (required by /share/apps/RDKit_2011_03_2/rdkit/

 Any ideas?

 [jp@xxx build]$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH


 [jp@xxx build]$ echo $PYTHONPATH

 [jp@xxx build]$ echo $RDBASE

 Any sympathy will be greatly appreciated.


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 Rdkit-discuss mailing list

EditLive Enterprise is the world's most technically advanced content
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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Friday evening problem... Centos RDKit -- again

2011-06-10 Thread Robert DeLisle
Check the version of gcc fort that working build.  It may not match yours.
Not that it fixes your problem, unfortunately.
On Jun 10, 2011 1:14 PM, JP wrote:
 It seems someone got it to work with python 2.4 on Centos
 (at least according to
 But even this is god knows how many permutations (gcc / boost / mpfr / gmp
 / bison / flex etc) away from mine...

 I'd be interested in Greg's take on supported platforms.

 What a start to the weekend!

 On 10 June 2011 20:04, Robert DeLisle wrote:

 I can't blame you there. One ring to bind them would be preferred.

 Have you searched the RDKit discussion list archives regarding Python
 version compatibility? I vaguely remember something about older versions
 Python in general, but I don't know if it applies to this case.

 On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 1:00 PM, JP wrote:

 Hi there Kirk,

 Your suggestion was interesting to tinker with -- but it doesn't help my
 specific case.

 If I set the environment to work with python 2.7 (and RDKit), I break
 ROCKs functionality which I need from time to time.
 I do not want to stay switching between p2.4 and p2.7 in the same

 On 10 June 2011 19:20, Robert DeLisle wrote:

 I will defer to Greg's expertise for a more accurate answer, but I
 suspect that the problem is the difference in using the system version
 Python and a version of RDKit that is built with a newer version of
 You may be getting stuck in dependency confusion between the two

 You should be able to build and install Python 2.7 without disturbing
 system's Python 2.4.3.


 On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 12:00 PM, JP

 I am installing the brand new RDKit (2011_03_2) on CentOS (lol!) on a
 Friday evening (6.54pm here in Oxford)... So I probably deserve the
 of the following.

 I have already gone through the whole RDKit on Centos installation
 procedure and pain on other machines and I now am undaunted by it.
Bring it
 Still I installed everything (almost) according to the book ( with the
 exception that I stuck to Python 2.4.3 (Python 2.7, doesn't play
nicely with

 And I get this anti-fancy error message

  from rdkit import Chem
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in ?
 File /share/apps/RDKit_2011_03_2/rdkit/Chem/, line 18, in
 from rdkit import rdBase
 ImportError: /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not
 found (required by /share/apps/RDKit_2011_03_2/rdkit/

 Any ideas?

 [jp@xxx build]$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH


 [jp@xxx build]$ echo $PYTHONPATH

 [jp@xxx build]$ echo $RDBASE

 Any sympathy will be greatly appreciated.


 EditLive Enterprise is the world's most technically advanced content
 authoring tool. Experience the power of Track Changes, Inline Image
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EditLive Enterprise is the world's most technically advanced content
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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Friday evening problem... Centos RDKit -- again

2011-06-10 Thread Robert DeLisle
Greg and JP,

For my own education, could this be related to having upgraded GCC through
the CentOS install instructions, but using the old Python?  The new version
of RDKit would have been built with the newer GCC but the old Python may not
refer to the correct libraries?

Or am I mixing concepts here?


On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Greg Landrum


 On Friday, June 10, 2011, JP wrote:
  I am installing the brand new RDKit (2011_03_2) on CentOS (lol!) on a
 Friday evening (6.54pm here in Oxford)...  So I probably deserve the misery
 of the following.

 Nobody deserves the misery of working with Centos. ;-)

  I have already gone through the whole RDKit on Centos installation
 procedure and pain on other machines and I now am undaunted by it.  Bring it

 Good attitude!

  Still I installed everything (almost) according to the book ( with the exception
 that I stuck to Python 2.4.3 (Python 2.7, doesn't play nicely with Rocks)
  And I get this anti-fancy error message
  from rdkit import ChemTraceback (most recent call last):  File
 stdin, line 1, in ?
File /share/apps/RDKit_2011_03_2/rdkit/Chem/, line 18, in
 ?from rdkit import rdBaseImportError: /usr/lib64/ version
 `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by

 That is a glibc problem. It means that you are using something that
 has been built with a version of g++ that is more modern than the
 version of libstdc++ (I think) that is being found. You might want to
 google around a little bit for the error message in combination with
 centos and see what you can find. Believe it or not, this doesn't have
 much to do with the rdkit.


  Any ideas?
  [jp@xxx build]$ echo
  [jp@xxx build]$ echo $PYTHONPATH :/share/apps/RDKit_2011_03_2
  [jp@xxx build]$ echo $RDBASE/share/apps/RDKit_2011_03_2
  Any sympathy will be greatly appreciated.

 EditLive Enterprise is the world's most technically advanced content
 authoring tool. Experience the power of Track Changes, Inline Image
 Editing and ensure content is compliant with Accessibility Checking.
 Rdkit-discuss mailing list

EditLive Enterprise is the world's most technically advanced content
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Editing and ensure content is compliant with Accessibility Checking.
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] Fwd: Re: Re: Re: Bug in MolToFile?

2011-04-19 Thread Robert DeLisle
Keeping everyone on the thread..
-- Forwarded message --
From: Robert DeLisle
Date: Apr 19, 2011 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Bug in MolToFile?
To: Greg Landrum


Thank you again for the off-line assistance.

Just to update the status for the others out there, the new Draw code does
work in my hands.  And, it is as simple as downloading just the
/rdkit/Chem/Draw directory from the SourceForge svn trunk and copying it
into the existing source tree.

Downloading that same directory from the Google Code trunk isn't very useful
- oops.


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Greg Landrum

 Hi Kirk,

 On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 6:46 PM, wrote:
  I just repeated the process - I copied the most recent release to a new
  directory, copied in the rdkit/Chem/Draw directory from SVN, no build
  this time - I get the same error:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 227, in module
  File, line 50, in create_2D_depiction
  Draw.MolToFile(m, picture_parent_folder+'/'+name+'.png', (picture_size,
  picture_size) )
  File /opt/RDKit_2011_03_1_up1/rdkit/Chem/Draw/, line 56, in
  import cairo
  ImportError: No module named cairo
  I looked at the __init.py__ file from the SVN set and I see this:
  def MolToFile(mol,fileName,size=(300,300),kekulize=True,
  # original contribution from Uwe Hoffmann
  import cairo
  Line 56 is import cairo

 I'm really confused...
 it's different

 If you go to that directory and do: svn info what do you see?

  def MolToImageFile occurs on line 100.
  What have I done wrong here? Has anyone else out there tested it?

 I haven't heard back from anyone yet.


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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Installation driving me mad (RDKit on Centos 5.4 final)

2011-02-23 Thread Robert DeLisle
JP and George - Excellent!  I'm glad to hear my CentOS install walk-through
is going to good use.  8^)

Greg - I'm reasonably sure that when I tried to build NumPy in the absence
of the linear algebra libraries, I received an error and the build failed.
Unfortunately, I didn't bother to try them one at a time to verify which was
needed.  I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.  8^)  I edited the
Wiki stating that the libraries may or may not be necessary.

Regarding repos necessary, I see that all but atlas can be found in the
base repo, which I assume is the CentOS default.  I'm puzzled as to why
blas* and atlas* aren't there.  I did put in a link to the epel repository
RPM, which should cure the yum install problem for all linear algebra


On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 6:04 AM, George Papadatos gpapada...@gmail.comwrote:

 Fair enough, I did not know that! However, according to the same
 documentation, these packages are highly recommended for NumPy and required
 for SciPy:
 any case, here is a repository for CentOS 5/RHEL 5 with the necessary rpms
 (for those who can't access yum): that,
 Kirk's walk though has been most helpful.


 On 23 February 2011 11:12, Greg Landrum wrote:

 Let me elaborate on that... from the numpy installation page
 NumPy does not require any external linear algebra libraries to be
 installed. However, if these are available, NumPy’s setup script can
 detect them and use them for building. A number of different LAPACK
 library setups can be used, including optimized LAPACK libraries such
 as ATLAS, MKL or the Accelerate/vecLib framework on OS X.


 On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Greg Landrum
  I'm not convinced of that. I'm pretty sure that I have built numpy on
  redhat and ubuntu systems without ever installing lapack.
  On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:06 PM, George Papadatos wrote:
  ...yet you need them to build Numpy...
  On 23 February 2011 11:03, Greg Landrum
  To be very clear: you do not need *any* of these packages to install
  On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:53 AM, JP
   Great wiki - I wonder how I missed that.
   But the first instruction
   sudo yum install atlas, atlas-devel, blas blas-devel lapack
   Gives me the following error:
   No package atlas, available.
   No package atlas-devel, available.
   No package blas available.
   No package lapack available.
   Is there a repos I have to add to /etc/yum.repos.d/ ?
   On 22 February 2011 18:41, Robert DeLisle
   What are your environment settings?  You should have at minimum,
   $RDBASE = the directory where you have installed the RDKit code
   $LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/local/lib:/$RDBASE/lib
   At least this worked for me for a CentOS installation, detailed
 here -
   Another possibility is your PATH variable.  Make sure that
   pathnames precede any /usr options.
   This will ensure looking into /usr/local first.
   There also may be options for cmake that will force it into the
   directory.  I've found in the past that even though
   it says in the initial output that is looking in the correct
   boost and python, it doesn't necessarily follow its
   own advice.
   On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 9:44 AM, JP
   I ended up not using yum to install Numpy - I installed it from
   which was only slightly painful.
import platform; print platform.python_version()
   # /usr/local/lib/python2.7/platform.pyc matches
   import platform # precompiled from
import numpy as N
a=N.random.randn(10, 10)
   In /usr/lib64/ I can find some
   What should I do?
   On 22 February 2011 16:23, wrote:
   Are you sure that your NumPy installation is going to the correct
   instance? I see from the logs that you have Python 2.7 installed,
   least that is what cmake is finding at /usr/local/lib. You use
 yum to
   install NumPy, but the standard installation of Python on CentOS
   is 2.4
   and it is located in /usr/lib. Which version of Python has NumPy?

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit on CentOs 5

2011-01-06 Thread Robert DeLisle
 was up and
  If you run into any problems, please post them so that we can
  (hopefully) help and others can benefit in the future.
  On Jan 6, 2011 10:11am, Igor Filippov [Contr]
   Dear Kirk,
   Thank you so much! I'm in the process of compiling gcc-4.5.1 right
   having got gmp, mpc, and mpfr built with the older version of gcc.
   Your instructions have to be preserved for the others, I can't
   I'm the only one using CentOs/RHEL on a server/compute node.
   Greg, don't take it as a slam but compiling the Linux kernel is a
   in a park compared to a recent RDkit. I'm working on it second day
   I'm barely half-way through the process of installing dependencies.
   without python the version of gcc which comes with CentOs 5 (4.1.2)
   cannot compile RDKit.
   On the other hand the RPM packages for Fedora have been painless to
   install, how nice it would be to have the RDKit RPMs for CentOs!
   On Wed, 2011-01-05 at 17:41 -0500, Robert DeLisle wrote:
I have been able to reproducibly build RDKit on CentOS 5.5, but it
required a significant amount of updating of the build components.
The attached walk-through script should get you there.  I do not
recall ever seeing that particular error, however.
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Igor Filippov [Contr] wrote:
Dear All,
Has anyone successfully compiled RDKit on CentOs 5? I'm
running into the
following error message:
   [ 15%] Building CXX object
 error: numpy/arrayobject.h: No such file or directory
On CentOs 5 arrayobject.h is part of python-numeric
and it's
located in:
I'm attempting to compile RDKit_2010_09_1, using boost
x86_64 system.
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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

[Rdkit-discuss] RDKit build on Fedora 14

2010-11-19 Thread Robert DeLisle

After finalizing my build of RDKit on CentOS (as per my previous message
thread), I decided to give it a shot on Fedora 14.  I'm happy to report that
this build goes incredibly smoothly without even a hiccup.  The details for
Fedora 14's standard install are:

GCC 4.5.1-4
Boost 1.44.0
Python 2.7
NumPy 1.4.1
cmake 2.8.2
flex 2.5.35
bison 2.4.3

I then moved on to imaging and found the standard PIL (v1.1.7) installation
did not have Freetype support, but the Freetype2 (v2.4.2) libraries are
installed.  I rebuilt PIL with the following modification to its
file in order to direct it to the correct libraries and include files.

change line 40 from



FREETYPE_ROOT = usr/lib64,/usr/include

I was also able to get aggdraw in place by modifying its in a
similar manner, but you don't have the benefit of decomposing the library
and include directories as with PIL.

change line 21 from:

FREETYPE_ROOT = ../../kits/freetype-2.1.10



and, change line 56 from

library_dirs.append(os.path.join(FREETYPE_ROOT, lib))

library_dirs.append(os.path.join(FREETYPE_ROOT, lib64))

That's it.  Easy.  8^)

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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5

2010-11-17 Thread Robert DeLisle
Peter - This is great!  I've only browsed through the script you have, but I
do see a few differences.  I'll give it a shot now and report back.  Thank
you so much for posting this.

Greg - I ran ldd on, and here's the output: = /opt/RDKit_svn_20101115/lib/
(0x2ad72659b000) = /opt/RDKit_svn_20101115/lib/
(0x2ad7267d6000) =
/usr/local/lib/ (0x2ad726ba5000) = /usr/local/lib64/
(0x2ad726df7000) = /lib64/ (0x2ad72712f000) = /usr/local/lib64/ (0x2ad7273b2000) = /lib64/ (0x2ad7275c9000) = /lib64/ (0x2ad72792) = /lib64/ (0x2ad727b23000) = /lib64/ (0x2ad727d3f000) = /lib64/ (0x2ad727f43000)
/lib64/ (0x0031f700)

It does look like it is refering to the correct instances of what I've
built.  There are a few system level C/C++ library references, but I'm not
seeing anything odd here.  What's your take on it?


On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:34 AM, Peter Schmidtke wrote:

 Hey Greg,

 yep that would be great, as right now they are only on a group internal
 blog ;) I saw that you recently changed you linux build instructions
 (concerning database things, boost numerical bindings etc...), but I did
 this before this came out ;)

 First lets see if Robert comes through the install process without major
 problems and then you can post it on your wiki (I might have forgotten some
 Some things are based on installing pycuda on those machines, this is why
 signals and things like that are compiled with boost (might be worth to
 mention somehow in case people need both).



 On 17/11/2010, at 14:25, Greg Landrum wrote:

  Dear Peter,
  Thanks for posting these very detailed instructions. Do you mind if I
  post them to the wiki (with credit of course) to make them easier to
  I made a few comments and suggestions below:
  On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Peter Schmidtke
  Dear Robert,
  I recently ran also into several problems while installing rdkit on a
  Centos 5.3. It's a real headache. Anyway, this time I've written up a
  of how to do it step by step, I hope I didn't forget anything in the
  However, now it works just fine on our Centos machines. Here's the step
  step installing guide :
  Centos is a stable but not very userfriendly OS. This becomes obvious
  one wants to install python packages like pycuda etc...Centos comes with
  very old python version, 2.4, but lots of newer features, like pycuda
  require a newer python version. Lets start the lengthy install process
  Centos :
  Installing Python 2.6 or newer
  If you already have python2.7 installed, please check that it was
  with --enabled-shared. If this is the case you should have
  in /usr/local/lib. If not, you should have libpython2.7.a. If the second
  the case, you have to install python2.7 with the following way :
  Download the current version from python (source code). Like with 2.6 or
  (don't grab the 3.x for now) :
  Next untar and unzip the file, go to Python-2.7 directory and issue :
  ./configure --enable-shared; make; sudo make install
  This installs python in the /usr/local/ directory.
  Add the RPMForge repo to yum :
  su -c 'rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.1-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm'
  Then install atlas, lapack, blas :
  yum install atlas-c++.x86_64 atlas-c++-devel.x86_64 lapack.x86_64
  lapack-devel.x86_64 blas.x86_64 blas-devel.x86_64
  Now we can install fftw3 :
  yum install fftw3.x86_64 fftw3-devel.x86_64
  Now we could potentially install numpy 1.3 or 1.4, but as python2.7 is
  new there are some problems. I downloaded :
  then untar and unzip this whole thing and go to the numpy directory
  Download the following patch :
  and apply it in this directory using :
  patch -p0  numpy-1.4.0-python-2.7.patch
  Now build numpy using python build; python install
  Numpy should now be accessible from python2.7, simply try a import numpy
  after launching python to check.
  First we need to install the boost libraries and their python bindings.
  Download boost to your downloads 

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5

2010-11-17 Thread Robert DeLisle

In /agg2/include/agg_array.h
change line #523 from this:

unsigned align = (alignment - unsigned(ptr) %  alignment) % alignment;

to this:

unsigned align = (alignment - (unsigned long)(ptr) % alignment) % alignment;

I can then get aggdraw to build, but running the gives a
segmentation fault.  If I go ahead and install, it seems to work just fine
and the images produced from RDKit are much improved.  The build process is:

export CFLAGS=-fpermissive
python build_ext -i
python install

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Robert DeLisle wrote:

 Peter - This is great!  I've only browsed through the script you have, but
 I do see a few differences.  I'll give it a shot now and report back.  Thank
 you so much for posting this.

 Greg - I ran ldd on, and here's the output: = /opt/RDKit_svn_20101115/lib/
 (0x2ad72659b000) = /opt/RDKit_svn_20101115/lib/
 (0x2ad7267d6000) =
 /usr/local/lib/ (0x2ad726ba5000) = /usr/local/lib64/
 (0x2ad726df7000) = /lib64/ (0x2ad72712f000) = /usr/local/lib64/
 (0x2ad7273b2000) = /lib64/ (0x2ad7275c9000) = /lib64/ (0x2ad72792) = /lib64/ (0x2ad727b23000) = /lib64/ (0x2ad727d3f000) = /lib64/ (0x2ad727f43000)
 /lib64/ (0x0031f700)

 It does look like it is refering to the correct instances of what I've
 built.  There are a few system level C/C++ library references, but I'm not
 seeing anything odd here.  What's your take on it?


 On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 6:34 AM, Peter Schmidtke pschmid...@ub.eduwrote:

 Hey Greg,

 yep that would be great, as right now they are only on a group internal
 blog ;) I saw that you recently changed you linux build instructions
 (concerning database things, boost numerical bindings etc...), but I did
 this before this came out ;)

 First lets see if Robert comes through the install process without major
 problems and then you can post it on your wiki (I might have forgotten some
 Some things are based on installing pycuda on those machines, this is why
 signals and things like that are compiled with boost (might be worth to
 mention somehow in case people need both).



 On 17/11/2010, at 14:25, Greg Landrum wrote:

  Dear Peter,
  Thanks for posting these very detailed instructions. Do you mind if I
  post them to the wiki (with credit of course) to make them easier to
  I made a few comments and suggestions below:
  On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Peter Schmidtke
  Dear Robert,
  I recently ran also into several problems while installing rdkit on a
  Centos 5.3. It's a real headache. Anyway, this time I've written up a
  of how to do it step by step, I hope I didn't forget anything in the
  However, now it works just fine on our Centos machines. Here's the step
  step installing guide :
  Centos is a stable but not very userfriendly OS. This becomes obvious
  one wants to install python packages like pycuda etc...Centos comes
 with a
  very old python version, 2.4, but lots of newer features, like pycuda
  require a newer python version. Lets start the lengthy install process
  Centos :
  Installing Python 2.6 or newer
  If you already have python2.7 installed, please check that it was
  with --enabled-shared. If this is the case you should have
  in /usr/local/lib. If not, you should have libpython2.7.a. If the
 second is
  the case, you have to install python2.7 with the following way :
  Download the current version from python (source code). Like with 2.6
 or 2.7
  (don't grab the 3.x for now) :
  Next untar and unzip the file, go to Python-2.7 directory and issue :
  ./configure --enable-shared; make; sudo make install
  This installs python in the /usr/local/ directory.
  Add the RPMForge repo to yum :
  su -c 'rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.1-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm'
  Then install atlas, lapack, blas :
  yum install atlas-c++.x86_64 atlas-c++-devel.x86_64 lapack.x86_64
  lapack-devel.x86_64 blas.x86_64 blas-devel.x86_64
  Now we can install fftw3 :
  yum install fftw3.x86_64 fftw3-devel.x86_64
  Now we could potentially install numpy 1.3 or 1.4, but as python2.7 is
  new there are some

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5

2010-11-16 Thread Robert DeLisle
I'm sorry for the slow response.  Busy day.

For this install, I started on a CentOS 5.5 system that was up to date with
all package upgrades.  Following is what I've done so far:

installed blas, blas-devel, lapack, lapack-devel through yum

I had problems in the past with the standard GCC package on CentOS which is
version 4.1.2, so I rebuilt the GCC 4.4.5 package and included mpfr 2.4.1

Installed cmake 2.8.2
Installed flex 2.5.35

CentOS's Python installation is v2.4.1, so I built and installed 2.7.  Due
to errors found later in the process, I built this with the -fPIC switch and
also enabled Unicode UCS4 support

./configure CFLAGS=-fPIC --enable-unicode=ucs4

Built and installed NumPy 1.5.0

Boost on CentOS 5.5 is v1.33, so I built and installed boost 1.44 with the
following commands:

./ --with-libraries=python,regex
./bjam address-model=64 install

Finally, with RDKit I have $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 10:11 PM, wrote:

 No, I made sure to include the address-model=64 switch to bjam.

 Tomorrow when I get in I'll update the thread with all the steps I've


 On Nov 15, 2010 9:52pm, Greg Landrum wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:38 AM, Robert DeLisle
   Yes, that is also true.
   The error in my most recent messages stems from the default build of
   supporst Unicode UCS2, but apparently boost expects UCS4.  A rebuild of
   Python with UCS4 enabled fixed that problem.
   Now I get a similar error related to Py_InitModule4 not being defined.
   what I can find, this is a 32-bit - 64-bit problem in which this was
   as Py_InitModule4_64 in the 64-bit Python libraries but that change may
   have cascaded to all necessary parts of the build process.  Most of the
   changes involve some substantial changes to the accessing code, but I'm
   still looking for a better option.
  Could it be that the boost libraries you are using were not built in
  64bit mode? I've managed to force a 64bit build in the past with the
  following command line:
  ./bjam address-model=64 cflags=-fPIC cxxflags=-fPIC install
  Best Regards,

Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5

2010-11-16 Thread Robert DeLisle
-- Forwarded message --
From: Robert DeLisle
Date: Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5
To: Greg Landrum, Robert DeLisle

'm sorry for the slow response.  Busy day.

For this install, I started on a CentOS 5.5 system that was up to date with
all package upgrades.  Following is what I've done so far:

installed blas, blas-devel, lapack, lapack-devel through yum

I had problems in the past with the standard GCC package on CentOS which is
version 4.1.2, so I rebuilt the GCC 4.4.5 package and included mpfr 2.4.1

Installed cmake 2.8.2
Installed flex 2.5.35

CentOS's Python installation is v2.4.1, so I built and installed 2.7.  Due
to errors found later in the process, I built this with the -fPIC switch and
also enabled Unicode UCS4 support

./configure CFLAGS=-fPIC --enable-unicode=ucs4

Built and installed NumPy 1.5.0

Boost on CentOS 5.5 is v1.33, so I built and installed boost 1.44 with the
following commands:

./ --with-libraries=python,regex
./bjam address-model=64 install

Finally, with RDKit I have $LD_LIBRARY_PATH set with /usr/local/lib first to
avoid conflicts with the system packages.  GCC and Python are both in
/usr/local and these are the instances referred to by my user and root.  For
RDKit, the following commands were done:

cmake -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF -DBOOST_ROOT=/usr/local ..
make install

I have also installed FreeType2 and PIL - both seem fine with Python 2.7.  I
attempted aggdraw, but the self-test seem to always give me a Segmentation
Fault.  I found that I can build aggdraw using the code as-is as long as I
include CFLAGS=-fpermissive, or there is a one line code change that makes
the compiler happy on 64-bit.  Either way I still get the seg fault upon

Regarding RDKit, the first group of errors I received consisted of that
requiring Python be built with -fPIC and what seems to be the typical

Initially, an -fPIC error would occur around 87% which was not cured by the
Python rebuild or any other modification.  I found that by switching to the
SVN code, the problem was solved.  Upon inspecting the errors logs, it
appeared that the build process was always referring to the system Boost
install and not my new install despite having set -DBOOST_ROOT correctly.

Currently, the build goes to completion but upon issuing 'from rdkit import
Chem' wihtin Python 2.7, I get an error related to Py_InitModule4 not being
defined.  From a little Google searching for Py_InitModule4 the only thing
I've seen thus far is a conflict in various packages on code built on 32-bit
or 64-bit systems.  It seems that this name has been renamed to
Py_InitModule4_64 on 64-bit systems but that change may not be reflected in
all code necessary.  It seemed a widespread problem and not specific to any
one application or library, which makes me think it is something in a Python
include file.

I appreciate any help that anyone can provide.  Please let me know if I need
to clarify or add any details.


On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 10:11 PM, wrote:

 No, I made sure to include the address-model=64 switch to bjam.

 Tomorrow when I get in I'll update the thread with all the steps I've


 On Nov 15, 2010 9:52pm, Greg Landrum wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:38 AM, Robert DeLisle
   Yes, that is also true.
   The error in my most recent messages stems from the default build of
   supporst Unicode UCS2, but apparently boost expects UCS4.  A rebuild of
   Python with UCS4 enabled fixed that problem.
   Now I get a similar error related to Py_InitModule4 not being defined.
   what I can find, this is a 32-bit - 64-bit problem in which this was
   as Py_InitModule4_64 in the 64-bit Python libraries but that change may
   have cascaded to all necessary parts of the build process.  Most of the
   changes involve some substantial changes to the accessing code, but I'm
   still looking for a better option.
  Could it be that the boost libraries you are using were not built in
  64bit mode? I've managed to force a 64bit build in the past with the
  following command line:
  ./bjam address-model=64 cflags=-fPIC cxxflags=-fPIC install
  Best Regards,

Beautiful is writing same markup. Internet Explorer 9 supports
standards for HTML5, CSS3, SVG 1.1,  ECMAScript5, and DOM L2  L3.
Spend less time writing and  rewriting code and more time creating great
experiences on the web. Be a part of the beta today
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5

2010-11-16 Thread Robert DeLisle
I apologize for that doulbe post before - itchy send finger.

Here's the specific error I'm getting after the build process has otherwise

 from rdkit import Chem
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /opt/RDKit_svn_20101115/rdkit/Chem/, line 18, in
from rdkit import rdBase
ImportError: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol:

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Robert DeLisle
 Date: Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 3:03 PM
 Subject: Re: Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5
 To: Greg Landrum, Robert DeLisle

 'm sorry for the slow response.  Busy day.

 For this install, I started on a CentOS 5.5 system that was up to date with
 all package upgrades.  Following is what I've done so far:

 installed blas, blas-devel, lapack, lapack-devel through yum

 I had problems in the past with the standard GCC package on CentOS which is
 version 4.1.2, so I rebuilt the GCC 4.4.5 package and included mpfr 2.4.1

 Installed cmake 2.8.2
 Installed flex 2.5.35

 CentOS's Python installation is v2.4.1, so I built and installed 2.7.  Due
 to errors found later in the process, I built this with the -fPIC switch and
 also enabled Unicode UCS4 support

 ./configure CFLAGS=-fPIC --enable-unicode=ucs4

 Built and installed NumPy 1.5.0

 Boost on CentOS 5.5 is v1.33, so I built and installed boost 1.44 with the
 following commands:

 ./ --with-libraries=python,regex
 ./bjam address-model=64 install

 Finally, with RDKit I have $LD_LIBRARY_PATH set with /usr/local/lib first
 to avoid conflicts with the system packages.  GCC and Python are both in
 /usr/local and these are the instances referred to by my user and root.  For
 RDKit, the following commands were done:

 cmake -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF -DBOOST_ROOT=/usr/local ..
 make install

 I have also installed FreeType2 and PIL - both seem fine with Python 2.7.
 I attempted aggdraw, but the self-test seem to always give me a Segmentation
 Fault.  I found that I can build aggdraw using the code as-is as long as I
 include CFLAGS=-fpermissive, or there is a one line code change that makes
 the compiler happy on 64-bit.  Either way I still get the seg fault upon

 Regarding RDKit, the first group of errors I received consisted of that
 requiring Python be built with -fPIC and what seems to be the typical

 Initially, an -fPIC error would occur around 87% which was not cured by the
 Python rebuild or any other modification.  I found that by switching to the
 SVN code, the problem was solved.  Upon inspecting the errors logs, it
 appeared that the build process was always referring to the system Boost
 install and not my new install despite having set -DBOOST_ROOT correctly.

 Currently, the build goes to completion but upon issuing 'from rdkit import
 Chem' wihtin Python 2.7, I get an error related to Py_InitModule4 not being
 defined.  From a little Google searching for Py_InitModule4 the only thing
 I've seen thus far is a conflict in various packages on code built on 32-bit
 or 64-bit systems.  It seems that this name has been renamed to
 Py_InitModule4_64 on 64-bit systems but that change may not be reflected in
 all code necessary.  It seemed a widespread problem and not specific to any
 one application or library, which makes me think it is something in a Python
 include file.

 I appreciate any help that anyone can provide.  Please let me know if I
 need to clarify or add any details.


 On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 10:11 PM, wrote:

 No, I made sure to include the address-model=64 switch to bjam.

 Tomorrow when I get in I'll update the thread with all the steps I've


 On Nov 15, 2010 9:52pm, Greg Landrum wrote:
  On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 12:38 AM, Robert DeLisle
   Yes, that is also true.
   The error in my most recent messages stems from the default build of
   supporst Unicode UCS2, but apparently boost expects UCS4.  A rebuild
   Python with UCS4 enabled fixed that problem.
   Now I get a similar error related to Py_InitModule4 not being
 defined.  From
   what I can find, this is a 32-bit - 64-bit problem in which this was
   as Py_InitModule4_64 in the 64-bit Python libraries but that change
 may not
   have cascaded to all necessary parts of the build process.  Most of
   changes involve some substantial changes to the accessing code, but
   still looking for a better option.
  Could it be that the boost libraries you are using were not built in
  64bit mode? I've managed to force a 64bit build in the past with the
  following command line:
  ./bjam address-model=64 cflags=-fPIC

[Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5

2010-11-15 Thread Robert DeLisle
I've been working to build RDKit on Centos 5, and I'm hitting a very common
error.  Unfortunately, none of the standard fixes have helped.


The error that I'm seeing is this:

[ 82%] Building CXX object
[ 83%] Building CXX object
[ 83%] Building CXX object
[ 84%] Building CXX object
Linking CXX shared library
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/../lib64/libboost_regex.a(instances.o): relocation
R_X86_64_32 against
::do_get(boost::re_detail::cpp_regex_traits_basechar const, unsigned
long)::s_data' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with
/usr/lib/../lib64/libboost_regex.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/] Error 1
make[1]: *** [Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/CMakeFiles/SLNParse.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

I've taken the standard steps of building Python (v2.7) with the -fPIC
flag.  Specficially, I attached CFLAGS=-fPIC to configure in the Python
build.  This solved the first instance of this type of error occuring at
about 3%.

I've also tried the two fixes for Boost with the following command line to
build RDKit:

cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/usr/local -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF ..

I still get this error, and I notice that the Boost libraries that are being
referred to are actually the system installation in usr/lib64 and not those
that I've build in /usr/local/lib.  It would seem that I can't seem to force
make to look in the right location.

Any tips are greatly apprciated.

Centralized Desktop Delivery: Dell and VMware Reference Architecture
Simplifying enterprise desktop deployment and management using
Dell EqualLogic storage and VMware View: A highly scalable, end-to-end
client virtualization framework. Read more!
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5

2010-11-15 Thread Robert DeLisle
Yep, I've defintely done that.  I've even gone so far as to wipe out the
directory entirely and start with a fresh RDKit directory.  I also looked
into the cache file and seen that the library directories appear to be set
as /usr/local/lib and /user/local/lib64, but one the error occurs, it refers
to /usr/lib64.  I can't seem to find any reason for this.


On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Eddie Cao wrote:

 Have you tried to remove the CMake cache file before rerun cmake?

 rm -f CMakeCache.txt

 After rerun cmake, take a look at that file again and make sure things like
 Boost_INCLUDE_DIR and Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS all point to  /usr/local/include
 and /usr/local/lib, etc.


 On Nov 15, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:

  I've been working to build RDKit on Centos 5, and I'm hitting a very
 common error.  Unfortunately, none of the standard fixes have helped.
  The error that I'm seeing is this:
  [ 82%] Building CXX object
  [ 83%] Building CXX object
  [ 83%] Building CXX object
  [ 84%] Building CXX object
  Linking CXX shared library
  /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/../lib64/libboost_regex.a(instances.o): relocation
 R_X86_64_32 against
 ::do_get(boost::re_detail::cpp_regex_traits_basechar const, unsigned
 long)::s_data' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with
  /usr/lib/../lib64/libboost_regex.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  make[2]: *** [Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/] Error 1
  make[1]: *** [Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/CMakeFiles/SLNParse.dir/all] Error 2
  make: *** [all] Error 2
  I've taken the standard steps of building Python (v2.7) with the -fPIC
 flag.  Specficially, I attached CFLAGS=-fPIC to configure in the Python
 build.  This solved the first instance of this type of error occuring at
 about 3%.
  I've also tried the two fixes for Boost with the following command line
 to build RDKit:
  cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/usr/local -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF ..
  I still get this error, and I notice that the Boost libraries that are
 being referred to are actually the system installation in usr/lib64 and not
 those that I've build in /usr/local/lib.  It would seem that I can't seem to
 force make to look in the right location.
  Any tips are greatly apprciated.
  Centralized Desktop Delivery: Dell and VMware Reference Architecture
  Simplifying enterprise desktop deployment and management using
  Dell EqualLogic storage and VMware View: A highly scalable, end-to-end
  client virtualization framework. Read more!
  Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Centralized Desktop Delivery: Dell and VMware Reference Architecture
Simplifying enterprise desktop deployment and management using
Dell EqualLogic storage and VMware View: A highly scalable, end-to-end
client virtualization framework. Read more!
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5

2010-11-15 Thread Robert DeLisle
It must be something in the release version of RDKit.  I just grabbed the
SVN version, put it in the same location, followed the same procedures, and
it has just compiled fine without any other changes on my part.

Greg - any ideas what the difference is here?  Not that it matters given
that the SVN is working, but just for curiosity's sake.

Sadly, now I get this from with Python:

 from rdkit import Chem
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /opt/RDKit_svn_20101115/rdkit/Chem/, line 18, in
from rdkit import rdBase
ImportError: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol:


On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:

 Yep, I've defintely done that.  I've even gone so far as to wipe out the
 directory entirely and start with a fresh RDKit directory.  I also looked
 into the cache file and seen that the library directories appear to be set
 as /usr/local/lib and /user/local/lib64, but one the error occurs, it refers
 to /usr/lib64.  I can't seem to find any reason for this.


 On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Eddie Cao wrote:

 Have you tried to remove the CMake cache file before rerun cmake?

 rm -f CMakeCache.txt

 After rerun cmake, take a look at that file again and make sure things
 like Boost_INCLUDE_DIR and Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS all point to
  /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib, etc.


 On Nov 15, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:

  I've been working to build RDKit on Centos 5, and I'm hitting a very
 common error.  Unfortunately, none of the standard fixes have helped.
  The error that I'm seeing is this:
  [ 82%] Building CXX object
  [ 83%] Building CXX object
  [ 83%] Building CXX object
  [ 84%] Building CXX object
  Linking CXX shared library
  /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/../lib64/libboost_regex.a(instances.o): relocation
 R_X86_64_32 against
 ::do_get(boost::re_detail::cpp_regex_traits_basechar const, unsigned
 long)::s_data' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with
  /usr/lib/../lib64/libboost_regex.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  make[2]: *** [Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/] Error 1
  make[1]: *** [Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/CMakeFiles/SLNParse.dir/all] Error
  make: *** [all] Error 2
  I've taken the standard steps of building Python (v2.7) with the -fPIC
 flag.  Specficially, I attached CFLAGS=-fPIC to configure in the Python
 build.  This solved the first instance of this type of error occuring at
 about 3%.
  I've also tried the two fixes for Boost with the following command line
 to build RDKit:
  cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/usr/local -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF ..
  I still get this error, and I notice that the Boost libraries that are
 being referred to are actually the system installation in usr/lib64 and not
 those that I've build in /usr/local/lib.  It would seem that I can't seem to
 force make to look in the right location.
  Any tips are greatly apprciated.
  Centralized Desktop Delivery: Dell and VMware Reference Architecture
  Simplifying enterprise desktop deployment and management using
  Dell EqualLogic storage and VMware View: A highly scalable, end-to-end
  client virtualization framework. Read more!
  Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Centralized Desktop Delivery: Dell and VMware Reference Architecture
Simplifying enterprise desktop deployment and management using
Dell EqualLogic storage and VMware View: A highly scalable, end-to-end
client virtualization framework. Read more!
Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Building RDKit on CentOS 5

2010-11-15 Thread Robert DeLisle
Yes, that is also true.

The error in my most recent messages stems from the default build of Python
supporst Unicode UCS2, but apparently boost expects UCS4.  A rebuild of
Python with UCS4 enabled fixed that problem.

Now I get a similar error related to Py_InitModule4 not being defined.  From
what I can find, this is a 32-bit - 64-bit problem in which this was defined
as Py_InitModule4_64 in the 64-bit Python libraries but that change may not
have cascaded to all necessary parts of the build process.  Most of the
changes involve some substantial changes to the accessing code, but I'm
still looking for a better option.

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Eddie Cao wrote:

 Make sure /usr/local/lib appears before /usr/lib64 in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
 It seems python import loads the system boost rather than your custom boost.


 On Nov 15, 2010, at 2:44 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:

 It must be something in the release version of RDKit.  I just grabbed the
 SVN version, put it in the same location, followed the same procedures, and
 it has just compiled fine without any other changes on my part.

 Greg - any ideas what the difference is here?  Not that it matters given
 that the SVN is working, but just for curiosity's sake.

 Sadly, now I get this from with Python:

  from rdkit import Chem
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File /opt/RDKit_svn_20101115/rdkit/Chem/, line 18, in
 from rdkit import rdBase
 ImportError: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol:


 On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Robert DeLisle rkdeli...@gmail.comwrote:

 Yep, I've defintely done that.  I've even gone so far as to wipe out the
 directory entirely and start with a fresh RDKit directory.  I also looked
 into the cache file and seen that the library directories appear to be set
 as /usr/local/lib and /user/local/lib64, but one the error occurs, it refers
 to /usr/lib64.  I can't seem to find any reason for this.


 On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Eddie Cao wrote:

 Have you tried to remove the CMake cache file before rerun cmake?

 rm -f CMakeCache.txt

 After rerun cmake, take a look at that file again and make sure things
 like Boost_INCLUDE_DIR and Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS all point to
  /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib, etc.


 On Nov 15, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Robert DeLisle wrote:

  I've been working to build RDKit on Centos 5, and I'm hitting a very
 common error.  Unfortunately, none of the standard fixes have helped.
  The error that I'm seeing is this:
  [ 82%] Building CXX object
  [ 83%] Building CXX object
  [ 83%] Building CXX object
  [ 84%] Building CXX object
  Linking CXX shared library
  /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/../lib64/libboost_regex.a(instances.o):
 relocation R_X86_64_32 against
 ::do_get(boost::re_detail::cpp_regex_traits_basechar const, unsigned
 long)::s_data' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with
  /usr/lib/../lib64/libboost_regex.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  make[2]: *** [Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/] Error 1
  make[1]: *** [Code/GraphMol/SLNParse/CMakeFiles/SLNParse.dir/all] Error
  make: *** [all] Error 2
  I've taken the standard steps of building Python (v2.7) with the -fPIC
 flag.  Specficially, I attached CFLAGS=-fPIC to configure in the Python
 build.  This solved the first instance of this type of error occuring at
 about 3%.
  I've also tried the two fixes for Boost with the following command line
 to build RDKit:
  cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/usr/local -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF ..
  I still get this error, and I notice that the Boost libraries that are
 being referred to are actually the system installation in usr/lib64 and not
 those that I've build in /usr/local/lib.  It would seem that I can't seem to
 force make to look in the right location.
  Any tips are greatly apprciated.
  Centralized Desktop Delivery: Dell and VMware Reference Architecture
  Simplifying enterprise desktop deployment and management using
  Dell EqualLogic storage and VMware View: A highly scalable, end-to-end
  client virtualization framework. Read more!
  Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] How to trap the exceptions in RDKit?

2010-10-22 Thread Robert DeLisle
The easiest trap is simply this:

if (m is None):
  #error handling code

The problem that I have had is that this will effectively skip bad
molecules, but in a large SD file, it is difficult to find out which
molecules they were.

sd = Chem.SDMolSupplier(test.sdf)

for m in sd:
 if m is None:
  #how do I get more information about the broken molecules?
  #do the normal stuff.

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 8:51 AM, wrote:


 your molecule itself is not ok - the Sn has a larger valence then
 permitted. There was a similar case recently about phosphor. I would guess
 that you should fix your molecule first.

 In your code example below your molecule m is None and hence the rest will
 not work.

 Hope that helps



 10/22/2010 04:41 PM
 [Rdkit-discuss] How to trap the exceptions in RDKit?

 I have the following code which raises an exception because the molecule is
 not up to its expectations. But I can’t find a way to trap the exception.
 Can someone suggest one, please?

 from rdkit import Chem
 from rdkit.Chem import AvailDescriptors
 from rdkit.Chem import Crippen

 # I tried this way
 molog = Crippen.MolLogP(m)
 print molog
 # and also this way first
 if AvailDescriptors.descDict['MolLogP'](m):
mollogp = AvailDescriptors.descDict['MolLogP'](m)

 I also wanted to calc. NumHDonors and NumHAcceptors. But if it failed on
 one descriptor, will it fail on other descriptors as well?
 Any suggestions?

 p.s. to Eddie. Turned out my server has the 11g client and the installation
 on the server works fine. I guess I must have missed a line or two of
 instructions that the client must be 11g’s and not the DB itself. My PC had
 oracle 9 and 10 clients.

 *From:* Eddie Cao [] *
 Sent:* Wednesday, October 20, 2010 4:26 PM*
 To:* Kuntamukkula, Sridhar (HlthcrScience)*
 Subject:* Re: [Rdkit-discuss] [Rdkit-devel] How to build the RDKit?


 Being not an Oracle user, I cannot give you a concrete answer, but a quick
 Google search indicates that it might be a version inconsistency between the
 client and the server. Are you sure you are connecting to 11g? Please
 contact your database administrator for problems regarding Oracle database
 or ask the folks on the cx_Oracle mailing list:



 On Oct 20, 2010, at 11:03 AM, 

 I have downloaded the “*Windows x86 
  11g, Python 2.5)” to my PC and installed it.
 From Python command-line, when I try to connect to oracle, I get the
 following error.

 Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Sep 19 2006, 09:52:17) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
 on win
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import cx_Oracle
  con = cx_Oracle.connect(user, pwd, chemdev)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-24315: illegal attribute type

 I have originally used the connstr=user/p...@chemdev' and this gave me the
 same error as above.
 Then I found the above syntax in the cx_oracle_doc folder’s readme.txt and
 am lost now.

 MY PC has Windows XP, Oracle is on a different server (with a TNS entry
 “chemdev”) and I just added TNS_ADMIN Registry_entry and the path of
 TNS_ADMIN to the PATH env. Variable.
 From a command prompt, sqlplus user/p...@chemdev works fine.

 Any thoughts?

 Many thanks

 *From:* **[mailto:] *
 Sent:* Wednesday, October 20, 2010 2:07 AM*
 To:* Eddie Cao*
 Cc:* **;
 Kuntamukkula, Sridhar (HlthcrScience); **
 Subject:* Re: [Rdkit-devel] How to build the RDKit?

 Hi Sridhar,

 congrats on getting things working. One more comment - maybe you want to
 post these kind of questions rather in the discuss than the devel list. It
 is much more populated and you will for sure get replies quicker.


   *Eddie Cao *****

 10/19/2010 11:49 PM

 Re: [Rdkit-devel] How to build the RDKit?

 Hi Sridhar,

 Congratulations! If 

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Error depicting a smiles string

2010-05-03 Thread Robert DeLisle

I found the files of interest and ran a few tests.  The files resulting from
the tests are in the attached archive and here are the details.

The structures in question came from the non-aggregators set of Shoichet
which were available on his web page.  My original intent was to convert the
SMILES files from the Shoichet set to SDF.  This went smoothly enough until
I had to process the SDF for a different purpose.  Four structures were
found to cause problems.

In the attached archive, each offending structure has 5 associated files
named according the the NGC ID associated with the original SMILES:

.smi - The original SMILES.

.sdf - The result I had found in my SMILES to SDF conversion having nan as
the atom coordinates.

.mol - Generated manually today by:
m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('offending SMILES')
print file ('blah.mol','w+'), Chem.MolToMolBlock(m)

_fix.smi - This is the RDKit generated SMILES for the structure.

_fix.mol - The result of the following after the code snip above:
print file ('blah_fix.mol','w+'), Chem.MolToMolBlock(m)

Only 14662 did not result in a fixed mol file.  Interestingly, the first bad
conversion only has nan for coordinates of the platinum hexachloride.  After
the SMILES round-trip, all coordinates are nan.

Please let me know if you need any further details.


On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 10:24 PM, Greg Landrum

 On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Greg Landrum
  I don't see any problems in your script, so I have to assume that it's
  a problem with the binary you're using. I'm travelling and don't have
  a windows machine handy, so this will have to wait until I'm back home
  this weekend.

 Ok, I was able to reproduce this on my windows box. It's clearly a
 problem with the windows build:

 In [29]: m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('OC(=O)C11')

 In [30]: AllChem.Compute2DCoords(m)
 Out[30]: 0

 In [31]: print Chem.MolToMolBlock(m)
 --- print(Chem.MolToMolBlock(m))

 RDKit  2D

  8  8  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0999 V2000
   -1.#IND1.#QNB0. O   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   -1.#IND1.#QNB0. C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   -1.#IND1.#QNB0. O   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   -1.#IND1.#QNB0. C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   -1.#IND1.#QNB0. C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   -1.#IND1.#QNB0. C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   -1.#IND1.#QNB0. C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
   -1.#IND1.#QNB0. C   0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
  1  2  1  0
  2  3  2  3
  2  4  1  0
  4  5  1  0
  5  6  1  0
  6  7  1  0
  7  8  1  0
  8  4  1  0

 I will look into this and see where the problem lies.

 Note: whatever is going on here doesn't affect every depiction; other
 molecules do end up with correct coordinates.

 Best Regards,

 Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
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Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit and PIL

2010-04-03 Thread Robert DeLisle
Oops!  I meant Q4_2009.

I was working on a Windows system with Python 2.6.  I did not build PIL from
source - I simply downloaded the Windows installer.  Reverting to the 1.1.6
version was the only change I made that fixed the font error.

I have another LINUX system that has the same font error that I want to
check.  I don't remember which version of PIL was installed on that one, but
I'm reasonably sure it was 1.1.7.  Once I test that one, I'll let you know
if I get a similar result.  I'll also capture the complete error message on
the Windows system and send that to you.

I hope your vacation was good.


On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 8:19 AM, Greg Landrum wrote:

 Hi Kirk,

 On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 2:47 PM, wrote:
  While updated various parts of my system, I found that the latest version
  RDKit (Q3_2009) combined with the latest version of PIL (1.1.7) leads to
  errors when trying to execute Draw.MolToImageFile(...)

 FYI: there is a Q4_2009 version.

  The error stated
  cannot load font and not image was generated. When I downgraded to PIL
  v1.1.6, all is fine.
  Nothing mission critical here, just an FYI.

 Thanks for the information. Which system was this on? Did you build
 PIL both times yourself or get it in binary form? The reason I ask is
 that 1.1.7 works fine for me on the Mac:
 [3] m = Chem.MolFromSmiles('c1n1')
 [4] Draw.MolToImageFile(m,'blah.png')
 [5] import Image
 [6] Image.VERSION
 Out[6]: '1.1.7'

 The cannot load font type errors are, I think, generally related to
 freetype, so I'm a bit surprised that one version would work and the
 other not.

 Best regards,

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Re: [Rdkit-discuss] beta of Q4 2009 release up

2010-01-20 Thread Robert DeLisle

Interesting.  My failed Fedora 12 (32-bit) did not have any issues with
PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR but rather the CMake - Boost library issue that Greg


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:48 AM, Gianluca Sforna wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 6:03 AM, Greg Landrum
  Please note that the new release supports cmake-based builds and is,
  consequently, much easier to build than before. Notes on how to do
  builds on linux/mac are here:
  Windows instructions will be here (I'm still working on these):

 I tried a build in my Fedora 12 x86_64, but a simple mkdir build; cd
 build; cmake ..; make failed because PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR was not
 correctly set.
 Is there a reason why we are doing that hackery to find python libs?

 BTW, the following patch fixed my build:

 diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
 index 2f5be8f..f42198b 100644
 --- a/CMakeLists.txt
 +++ b/CMakeLists.txt
 @@ -24,39 +24,10 @@ set(RDKit_PythonDir ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/rdkit)
  # defines macros: rdkit_python_extension, rdkit_test

 -# pull in python:
 -# start with a bit of hackery to allow the user to provide their own
 -# path to python:
 -  MESSAGE(STATUS Found Python libraries in ${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR} as
 -  MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR Python libraries not found)
 +find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED)
  find_package(NumPy REQUIRED)



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Re: [Rdkit-discuss] SearchDb functionality in Q32009

2009-11-30 Thread Robert DeLisle

Yes, that did the trick - thank you.  Interestingly, my previous version
didn't seem to have that dependency.  Odd.

Now if I can just get my apache web server to recognize it as well.  8^)


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Greg Landrum

 Dear Kirk,

 On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 10:06 PM, wrote:
  With a previous version of RDKit I had been able to do this:
  import SearchDb
  from SearchDb import parser
  What are the new namespaces to get this back up? is in $RDBASE/Projects/DbCLI. This isn't in the usual
 recommended PYTHONPATH, so you'll have to add that directory
 explicitly, something like:

 hope this helps,

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Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Compiling on Red Hat linux

2009-03-27 Thread Robert DeLisle
Can't you get a 32-bit source file and rebuild it for 64?

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 2:36 PM, George Oakman wrote:

  Thank you all for great comments, what I need to so is starting to be

 I just can't find a X86_64 lapack RPM for RHEL4, but I'll keep looking.
 If one of you knows where I could find it that'd be great.


  Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 15:46:10 -0400
  Subject: Re: [Rdkit-discuss] Compiling on Red Hat linux
   How about now?
  Ah, this is much better! Would it be possible to add a bullet point with
  options for python-less build?
even (?!) the default?
   That's definitely possible, but I wonder how advisable it is.
   What fraction of active linux boxes are running 64bit?
  I switched all of the linux computers I control to 64 bit for a couple
  of years now. Out of 60+ systems I think I have 32-bit installed on 2,
  one being my old home PC...
  There is simply no good reason to run 32-bit linux on 64-bit hardware.
  All of the old 32-bit programs work fine for me, and there is a bonus
  that I don't have the ancient 2/4 Gb filesize/RAM limits.
  Rdkit-discuss mailing list

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Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit - DbCLI

2008-11-24 Thread Robert DeLisle
Fantastic!  Thanks, Greg!

After I got things working I've been able to generate a database and do some
preliminary searches.  I'm impressed at how quickly I can search ~100,000
compounds with SMARTS patterns.  I have a feeling this one is going to get a
lot of use.


On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 12:45 AM, Greg Landrum

 Dear Kirk,

 On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 12:38 AM, Robert DeLisle
  After running through the process with exception handling in place I was
  able to isolate 10 structures that were being problematic.  All of them
  at least one bond designated as 0 order in the SD file - much as you
  for some of the other structures previously.  I assume that these passed
  initial import step but are failing upon descriptor generation for
  I suppose the only request that I have is for more graceful error
  I've attached my (admittedly sloppy) version of showing what
  did to isolate the errors.

 The problem here was in the mol file parser: it was not correctly
 setting up bonds that have order 0. Now it generates a warning (order
 0 isn't technically allowed by the ctab spec) and sets the bond up
 correctly. I also added some error checking to handle other bogus bond

 This was entered as issue 2337369
 and fixed in rev892.


Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit - DbCLI

2008-11-20 Thread Robert DeLisle

After running through the process with exception handling in place I was
able to isolate 10 structures that were being problematic.  All of them had
at least one bond designated as 0 order in the SD file - much as you found
for some of the other structures previously.  I assume that these passed the
initial import step but are failing upon descriptor generation for obvious

I suppose the only request that I have is for more graceful error handling.
I've attached my (admittedly sloppy) version of showing what I
did to isolate the errors.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 1:33 PM, wrote:

 Indeed I can. Luckily I had a console window open with the error in place
 just as I saw your message:

 [13:21:16] INFO: Done: 54500
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File C:\RDKit_Q32008_1\Projects\dbcli\, line 222, in module
 mol = Chem.Mol(str(pkl))
 RuntimeError: Unknown exception

 I've just wrapped this one in a try-catch block as well.

 On Nov 20, 2008 1:17pm, Greg Landrum wrote:
  Can you send me the console output without disclosing things you
  oughtn't to disclose?
  FYI: the deprecation warnings ought not to be causing the problem.
  There ought to be a bug report filed against this already, but it
  looks like I forgot to submit it. grn.
  On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 9:06 PM,   wrote:
   Thanks for the quick response.
   In reading my original question I realize I didn't explain myself well.
   Sorry about that. 8^)
   I'm trying to set up a database of ~100,000 structures which will be
   by very few structures at a time. While running I get to
   step that gives an output of:
   'Generating fingerprints and descriptors:'
   In reading the output more closely I see that there are some
   warnings that mention a distance matrix - that's where my original
   regarding a pairwise computation step came from. Regardless, after
   50,000 structures, I get a 'Runtime: unexpected exception' message and
   Python stops. Having done a bit more research I see that each molecule
   passed through Atom Pair, Fingerprint, and Descriptor generation. I
   it is failing somewhere within those steps, but I haven't yet
   where or why. I have just wrapped all of those procedures in try-catch
   blocks in hopes of finding the offending structure. Once I have it,
 I'll do
   some tests on it and send it your way.
   On Nov 20, 2008 12:41pm, Greg Landrum wrote:
   [moving a general-interest question to the mailing list]
   Hi Kirk,
   On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 6:03 PM,   wrote:
I have another question on DbCLI. After getting rid of problematic
structures, I was able to get DbCLI to the pairwise comparison step,
   I'm not sure what the pairwise comparison step is with the DbCLI
   Step one is loading the database with, step 2 is doing
   searches with What are you asking about?
dataset has on the order of 100,000 structures. After about 50,000
structures Python issued an Unexpected error response and stopped.
likely due to the enormous size of a pairwise distance table for
dataset? Have to had problems with very large datasets in the past
this typically worked smoothly?
   I must admit that I've never queried with that number of structures.
   My typical use case is to have a large database (10^5-10^6 compounds)
   and query that with a few (~10) structures. The code hasn't really
   been written to deal with giant query sets. That is doable, but it
   would require some reworking. Probably the best bet would be to
   support loading the queries from a database as well; that way you
   wouldn't have to reprocess the queries every time and could pretty
   easily handle the only loading a few at a time problem.
   It's an interesting thing to think about.

# $Id: 665 2008-05-15 04:33:40Z glandrum $
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Re: [Rdkit-discuss] H-bond Acceptor problem

2008-10-28 Thread Robert DeLisle
I agree with Nik an additional 2 pence.  In fact, while reading Greg's
original note, my thoughts were essentially identical to Nik's comments.


On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 2:40 AM, wrote:

 Hi Greg,

 maybe some comments on your suggestions.

  1) Should the renaming mentioned above (i.e. the NumHAcceptor and
  NumHDonor descriptors start returning the official Lipinski values
  and the existing functions are renamed to NumHAcceptorAlt and
  NumHDonorAlt) be done?

 Personally, I would guess that most people would not expect to receive an
 N/O count if they are asking for H-donors and acceptors. Hence, I would
 propably use a different naming convention that includes the Lipinski
 specification (e.g. LipNumHAcc or similar). That way people will not get
 confused by very high counts for those values.

  2) Is the above SMARTS reasonable for the more detailed HAcceptor

 As you say - they are very basic but to me they look reasonable. If you
 actually want to tune them at a low level than I would propably change the F
 definition to fluoro's attached to aromatic rings only ( I know there is a
 lot of papers out there that discuss this issue ) but that's only me and I
 would guess that over time people should fine-tune these definitions to
 their own like anyway.

 My 2 pence

  *Greg Landrum*

 28.10.2008 06:55
 Re: [Rdkit-discuss] H-bond Acceptor problem

 I wanted to make one more post on this topic, ask a couple questions
 (at the bottom of the post), and give people a few days to comment
 before I regenerate the regression test data and commit a change for
 this bug.

 On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 8:19 PM, Hans Purkey
  If the intention is to follow Lipinski's definitions of Hbond acceptors,
  then  it should be a simple N+O count (look back at the original paper
  that is how he difined it for simplicity).

 For those who are coming to this late, this is the NOCount()
 descriptor, which is already present in the RDKit.

  However, if the descriptor is intended to match a more
  definition of HBA, then N-H shouldn't be a part of it.

 I don't think I agree with this. There are plenty of cases of
 nitrogens with attached Hs that act as H-bond acceptors (I did a CCD
 search yesterday to be sure), but that's a side topic.

 Back to the main topic: since these descriptors are all defined in a
 module named Lipinski, and since this all qualitative anyway, I'd
 propose the following change:
 The existing NumHDonors and NumHAcceptors (with fixes, discussed
 below) be renamed to NumHDonorsAlt and NumHAcceptorsAlt and NOCount
 and NHOHCount be aliased to NumHAcceptors and NumHDonors. I'd then
 deprecate NOCount and NHOHCount (they will generate warnings when used
 in the next release and then be completely removed in the release
 after that).

 For the purposes of fixing the more complex HAcceptor descriptor I
 propose the following SMARTS:

 HAcceptorSmarts = Chem.MolFromSmarts('[$([O,S;H1;v2]-[!$(*=[O,N,P,S])]),\

 There are two changes here: the third line and the last one.
 The third line includes nitrogens that have three neighbors and that
 are not connected to another atom that has a non-ring double bond to
 O, N, P, or S.
 The last line includes Fs that are not connected to another atom that
 has more than one F attached (to exclude CF3 and CF2).

 I realize these are not highly tuned, very detailed definitions like
 those in the fdef file discussed elsewhere on this thread, but are
 they acceptable for a qualitative descriptor?

 So, the two questions:
 1) Should the renaming mentioned above (i.e. the NumHAcceptor and
 NumHDonor descriptors start returning the official Lipinski values
 and the existing functions are renamed to NumHAcceptorAlt and
 NumHDonorAlt) be done?
 2) Is the above SMARTS reasonable for the more detailed HAcceptor

 Thanks for any feedback,

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[Rdkit-discuss] RDKit to PyMol

2008-10-18 Thread Robert DeLisle

I notice within the Python API that RDKit has the ability to communicate
with PyMol.  I have not, however, been able to find an example and haven't
quite figured it out on my own.  Could you provide an example of opening a
file in PyMol through RDKit, please?


Re: [Rdkit-discuss] H-bond Acceptor problem

2008-10-15 Thread Robert DeLisle
Good point, Hans.

I see that within the available descriptors there are NHOHCount and NOCount,
which I assume are equivalent to Lipinski's Donors and Acceptors.  Also
there are NumHAcceptors and NumHDonors which I would expect to differentiate
themselves from the Linpinski versions in some way.


On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Hans Purkey wrote:

 If the intention is to follow Lipinski's definitions of Hbond acceptors,
 then  it should be a simple N+O count (look back at the original paper and
 that is how he difined it for simplicity).

 However, if the descriptor is intended to match a more intuitive/realistic
 definition of HBA, then N-H shouldn't be a part of it.


 On Oct 15, 2008, at 11:50 AM, Greg Landrum wrote:

  [heh, worse than sending a message without an attachment is hitting
 send before the message is done and sending a message without text...

 On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 7:59 PM, Robert DeLisle

 As you know, I've been working with descriptors in RDKit, and I think
 found a bug in the calculation of H-bond Acceptors.  Attached is an
 structure, N-methyl-1H-indole-6-carboxamide.  When I calculate
 for this structure, I get 3.  I've looked at numerous other strucures and
 seems that nitrogens are always counted.  I went into the code and found
 definitions used for HAcceptors:

 Here's a simpler case showing the same behavior:
 [15]  m2 = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CNC(=O)c1c[nH]cc1')

 [16]  Lipinski.NumHAcceptors(m2)
 Out[16]: 3

 so that confirms the wrong count


 Unless I'm misinterpreting the SMARTS (a very good possiblity), both NH
 groups are being counted as an acceptor due to matching
 $([Nv3;H1,H2]-[!$(*=[O,N,P,S])]), but shouldn't the amide NH be excluded
 according to this same definition?

 Out[20]: ((1,),)

 Only matches one nitrogen... the amide nitrogen. The aromatic N
 matches the second but last definition:
 [29]  m2.GetSubstructMatches(Chem.MolFromSmarts('[$([n,o,s;+0])]'))
 Out[29]: ((6,),)

 The problem is that the first definition matches an N that is single
 bonded to an atom that isn't doubly bonded to O,N,P, or S. It does not
 exclude Ns that are single bonded to an atom that is doubly bonded to
 O,N,P, or S. So your amide with a secondary N matches. The problem
 isn't the matcher, it's the definition.

 Is that clear?

 I agree that this is a bug in the definition and will fix it. Would
 you mind entering the bug at or should I do it?


 This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's
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 Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the
 Rdkit-discuss mailing list

Re: [Rdkit-discuss] RDKit Descriptors

2008-09-18 Thread Robert DeLisle

Thank you for the response.

I was able to get PEOE_VSA1 through PEOE_VSA14, SMR_VSA1 through SMR_VSA10,
and EState_VSA1 through EState_VSA11 working.  Are these the correct limits
on the vector components?

I was unable, however, to get Slogp_VSA or VSA_EState working with any
integer suffix between 1 and 10.

I've also done a correlation analysis on all the descriptors that I've
gotten working.  After computing descriptors for some 24,000 compounds I
removed those with less than 10% variance and limited correlations between
variables to a maximum of 0.85 (using KNIME).  I'm happy to send a list of
the resulting descriptors or a correlation matrix if you or anyone else is

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 11:36 PM, Greg Landrum

 Dear Kirk,

 On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 12:58 AM, Robert DeLisle
  I've finally found time to start using RDKit and started with descriptor
  calculation.  Following the examples on the wiki
  (, I get a
  KeyError any time I attempt to obtain HeavyAtomCount, RingCount,

 HeavyAtomCount and RingCount were introduced after the May release, so
 they're in the subversion version of the code. They will be in the Q3
 release (which will happen sometime in the next couple of weeks,

  SMR_VSA, Slogp_VSA, EState_VSA, and VSA_Estate.

 The various X_VSA descriptors are vector-valued and you access them by
 element, so you could ask for PEOE_VSA4 or Slogp_VSA10.

  (BTW, what is the
  difference between the two last VSA descriptors?)

 The standard VSA descriptors provide map summed VSA values into bins
 determined by the other descriptor. So, for example, SMR_VSA uses
 atomic contributions to the VSA and uses bins determined by atomic
 contributions to the SMR. EState_VSA is the same, it just uses atomic
 EState values. VSA_EState is reversed: atomic EState values are put
 into bins determined by the VSA contributions.

 Best Regards,

[Rdkit-discuss] RDKit Descriptors

2008-09-17 Thread Robert DeLisle
I've finally found time to start using RDKit and started with descriptor
calculation.  Following the examples on the wiki (, I get a KeyError
any time I attempt to obtain HeavyAtomCount, RingCount, PEOP_VSA, SMR_VSA,
Slogp_VSA, EState_VSA, and VSA_Estate.  (BTW, what is the difference between
the two last VSA descriptors?)

-Kirk DeLisle