Bedfordshire Spare Ribs 
2½ lbs (1¼ kg) meaty pork spare ribs
1 finely chopped onion
Garlic to taste
Juice of a lemon
1 teaspoon ginger
4 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar, rounded
6 tablespoons tomato ketchup
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
2 dessertspoons French mustard
Pinch of celery salt
Salt and pepper
4 tablespoons water 
Put the spare ribs in a roasting tin and roast off fat for 30 mins on a
medium heat. 
Meanwhile, fry the onion, then assemble all the other ingredients. 
Pour fat out of roasting tin and combine the ribs with the mixture. 
Cook at gas mark 4/350F/180C for two hours, turning occasionally.

There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.

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