[bug #23017] Multidimensional numpy arrays are not being stored as IEEE 754 arrays in the XML state and results files.

2014-12-02 Thread Edward d Auvergne

 Summary: Multidimensional numpy arrays are not being stored
as IEEE 754 arrays in the XML state and results files.
 Project: relax
Submitted by: bugman
Submitted on: Tue 02 Dec 2014 07:52:23 PM UTC
Category: relax's source code
Specific analysis category: All analyses
Priority: 5 - Normal
Severity: 3 - Normal
  Status: None
 Assigned to: bugman
 Originator Name: 
Originator Email: 
 Open/Closed: Open
 Release: 3.3.3
 Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: All systems



The following relax code demonstrates the problem:

from numpy import array

pipe.create('test', 'mf')
cdp.test = array([1, 2, 3.])
cdp.test2 = array([[1, 2, 3.], [4, 5, 6]])
state.save('test', force=True)

Opening the test.bz2 file, the XML for the numpy arrays is:

test type=dtype('float64')
array([ 1.,  2.,  3.])
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 240, 63], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 64]]
test2 type=dtype('float64')
array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
   [ 4.,  5.,  6.]])

The test2 tag should also be represented with the non-truncating
ieee_754_byte_array tag.


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Re: Implement handles for nmrglue in relax

2014-12-02 Thread Edward d'Auvergne
Hi Troels,

I have just fixed the numarray storage in the relax data store.  This
was actually a regression, as multidimensional numpy arrays were
previously stored as IEEE 754 byte arrays
(https://gna.org/bugs/?23017).  I've now fixed it in the trunk, so it
can be ported to your nmrglue branch using the svnmerge.py script.
Then your spectral data storage should be of much higher quality and
not suffer from floating point truncation artefacts.



On 2 December 2014 at 20:20, Edward d'Auvergne edw...@nmr-relax.com wrote:
 Hi Jonathan,

 Thank you for your reply to our public mailing list.  It can take a
 while to appear (http://news.gmane.org/gmane.science.nmr.relax.devel),
 as the mailing list maintainer, Chris MacRaild, is in a very different
 time zone 
 Those not signed up to the list need to wait for the maintainer to
 accept the message.  Anyway, I'm sure Troels will expand on this
 relax-nmrglue topic in the nmrglue forums.  For your points, please
 see below:

 A few points regarding nmrglue in this discussion.  The main nmrglue
 website is www.nmrglue.com, links to that site are best in any documentation
 or credits.  The source code and issue tracker are on GitHub at

 The relax mailing lists (relax-announce, relax-users, relax-devel, and
 relax-commits, see http://www.nmr-relax.com/communication.html) are
 archived locally, with Gmane (http://gmane.org/), The Mail Archive
 (https://www.mail-archive.com/), and MARC (http://marc.info/).  So the
 nmrglue links will be amplified.  This should really help nmrglue pop
 up higher in search engine results.  Crosslinking can further improve
 the rankings.  Anyway, Troels is giving you plenty of links, see the
 recent changes by Troels at
 (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.nmr.relax.scm/24567 for

 The representation of NMR data is in NumPy multi-dimenstional ndarray
 objects [1].  These can be serialized to strings using the .tostring() or
 .tobytes() methods.  Spectral metadata is stored in a Python dictionary,
 there are a number of options for serializing these.  Also both objects can
 be pickled.

 Troels, the relax data store XML representation can handle numpy
 ndarrays as is.  In relax, try:

 relax from numpy import array
 relax pipe.create('numpy_test', 'mf')
 relax cdp.test = array([[1, 2, 3.], [4, 5, 6]])
 relax state.save('test')

 The 'test.bz2' XML file can then be loaded via state.load without
 problem and cdp.test will be the correct numpy array.  Note there is a
 truncation artefact present, as the XML looks like:

 pipe desc=The contents of a relax data pipe name=numpy_test 
 global desc=Global data located in the top level of the data pipe
 test type=dtype('float64')
 array([[ 1.,  2.,  3.],
[ 4.,  5.,  6.]])

 Ideally I would modify the data store to_xml() methods use the numpy
 tobytes() methods and then store proper byte arrays using Gary
 Thompson's float.py module to store the byte arrays, such as we
 currently do with floats:

 relax pipe.create('numpy_test', 'mf')
 relax cdp.test = 1.23456
 relax state.save('test', force=True)

 Which gives:

 test type=float
 [56, 50, 143, 252, 193, 192, 243, 63]

 The value is just there for users to read.  On the other hand, the
 loading of the state file reads the data from the
 ieee_754_byte_array XML tag.  Tell me if you have any truncation
 artefact problems when saving states with spectral nmrglue data, and
 I'll look into this full precision float support.  Due to horrible
 compatibility problems, non-truncating pickling (Python or numpy) is
 not an option.

 Python 3 support is available in the development version of nmrglue,
 0.5-dev, available on GitHub.  There is an issue with installing the package
 in a Python 3 environment which I need to work out but then I plan or
 releasing version 0.5 which will be the first release to support Python 3.
 Expect it out and available on PyPI by the end of the week.

 I've been watching this.  There are still a lot of type() calls that
 need to be replaced by isinstance().  And the unfortunate set()
 function which rightfully no longer exists.  The following command
 picks up a lot of the problems:

 $ 2to3 -j 4 -w -f buffer -f idioms -f set_literal -f ws_comma -x
 except -x import -x imports -x long -x numliterals -x xrange .

 If you need help, have a look at the relax compat.py module

Re: Implement handles for nmrglue in relax

2014-12-02 Thread Jonathan Helmus
I uploaded the nmrglue logo in a number of formats including a SVG and 
PS from which high-res raster images can be created to 
https://github.com/jjhelmus/nmrglue_logo.  Feel free to include these or 
files generated from these in relax.

- Jonathan Helmus

On 12/01/2014 12:37 PM, Jonathan Helmus wrote:

Edward and Troels,

A few points regarding nmrglue in this discussion.  The main 
nmrglue website is www.nmrglue.com, links to that site are best in any 
documentation or credits.  The source code and issue tracker are on 
GitHub at https://github.com/jjhelmus/nmrglue.

The representation of NMR data is in NumPy multi-dimenstional 
ndarray objects [1].  These can be serialized to strings using the 
.tostring() or .tobytes() methods.  Spectral metadata is stored in a 
Python dictionary, there are a number of options for serializing 
these.  Also both objects can be pickled.

Python 3 support is available in the development version of 
nmrglue, 0.5-dev, available on GitHub.  There is an issue with 
installing the package in a Python 3 environment which I need to work 
out but then I plan or releasing version 0.5 which will be the first 
release to support Python 3.  Expect it out and available on PyPI by 
the end of the week.

I have an SVG file of the nmrglue logo from which the small jpg 
was created.  I'll need to find where it is stored on my computer at 
home but I'll send it along with a higher resolution png/jpg once I 
locate it.

Best of luck on getting relax to play nicely with nmrglue.  If 
there is anything I can do to help on the nmrglue side feel free to 
ask.  nmrglue is BSD licensed and I would like to keep it that way, if 
you send any code my way I'd appreciate if it could be licensed under 
the same terms.


- Jonathan Helmus


On 11/27/2014 07:30 AM, Edward d'Auvergne wrote:

Hi Troels,

This appears to be the main nmrglue website http://www.nmrglue.com/ .
I can see here that there is an nmrglue icon
(http://www.nmrglue.com/images/nmrglue_logo.jpg).  This may be useful
for the relax GUI graphics for the spectrum.nmrglue_* user function
menu entries and wizard pages.  The wizard graphics (in the
graphics/wizard directory) have a width of 200 px though.  You should
ask on the nmrglue forum
(http://groups.google.com/group/nmrglue-discuss) about the use of such
a graphic and if there is a higher resolution version.



On 27 November 2014 at 12:16, Edward d'Auvergne 
edw...@nmr-relax.com wrote:


This sounds good.  And rather simple, the backend of the
spectrum.nmrglue_read user function could simply be the single line of
the tutorial 

import nmrglue as ng
dic,data = ng.pipe.read(test.fid)

For the *.ft2 files, how big are they?  I wonder if you can downsample
the original *.fid files so that the *.ft2 files are within 10 to 100
kB (using the nmrPipe extract command, etc.).  Anyway, just add a
system test, and we can then discuss more of the design before
implementing the nmrglue interface.  From your aims, it sounds pretty
straightforward.  If the number of relax spectrum.nmrglue_* user
functions expand significantly to access more of the nmrglue
functionality, maybe we can create a dedicated nmrglue user function
class later on.  Anyway, we just have to make sure that relax
continues to operate smoothly when the scipy/matplotlib/nmrglue
packages are absent.

One problem will be storage of the nmrglue data.  This will probably
not fit into the relax data store, as it absolutely requires to_xml()
and from_xml() methods to allow the data to be saved and read again.
Any ideas?  We could create a special class in lib.spectrum.nmrglue
which uses the singleton design pattern
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_pattern), as is used
extensively in relax.  Just 'grep -i' for 'singleton'.  The data
storage would then be temporary.  Or, ideally, we could modify the
nmrglue data structures to be convertible to and from XML. Some ideas
should be discussed with the nmrglue authors though (which is why I
have CCed Jonathan, so he knows we are developing a simple
relax-nmrglue interface).  At the moment, I don't know much about the
nmrglue designs.

For the user functions, do you know if nmrglue has an icon that we can
use for the menus and user function wizard pages in the GUI?



On 27 November 2014 at 11:54, Troels Emtekær Linnet 
tlin...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Edward.


I will add the corresponding .ft2 files. To limit size use, I will 
add just

very few .ft2 files.

I will add wrapper functions which will:
- read a ft2 file
- read a range of ft2 files according to a glob of file names
- plot the spectrum

manipulate the numpy arrray,