
                 Summary: Using '@N*' to define the interatomic interactions
for a model-free analysis fails when using non-backbone 15N spins.
                 Project: relax
            Submitted by: bugman
            Submitted on: Mon 17 Nov 2014 10:08:56 AM UTC
                Category: relax's source code
Specific analysis category: Model-free analysis
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: bugman
         Originator Name: 
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
                 Release: 3.3.2
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: All systems



During the dauvergne_protocol model-free auto-analysis, the error seen is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/relax/relax-trunk/test_suite/system_tests/model_free.py", line
810, in test_dauvergne_protocol_sphere
    dAuvergne_protocol(pipe_name='sphere test', pipe_bundle='sphere test',
results_dir=ds.tmpdir, diff_model=['local_tm', 'sphere'], mf_models=['m1',
'm2'], local_tm_models=['tm0', 'tm1'], grid_inc=3,
diff_tensor_grid_inc={'sphere': 5, 'prolate': 5, 'oblate': 5, 'ellipsoid': 3},
min_algor='newton', mc_sim_num=2, max_iter=1, conv_loop=True)
  File "/data/relax/relax-trunk/auto_analyses/dauvergne_protocol.py", line
246, in __init__
  File "/data/relax/relax-trunk/auto_analyses/dauvergne_protocol.py", line
600, in execute
  File "/data/relax/relax-trunk/auto_analyses/dauvergne_protocol.py", line
888, in multi_model
  File "/data/relax/relax-trunk/prompt/uf_objects.py", line 225, in __call__
    self._backend(*new_args, **uf_kargs)
  File "/data/relax/relax-trunk/pipe_control/minimise.py", line 213, in
    api.grid_search(lower=model_lower, upper=model_upper, inc=model_inc,
scaling_matrix=scaling_matrix, constraints=constraints, verbosity=verbosity)
  File "/data/relax/relax-trunk/specific_analyses/model_free/api.py", line
1028, in grid_search
    self.minimise(min_algor='grid', lower=lower, upper=upper, inc=inc,
scaling_matrix=scaling_matrix, constraints=constraints, verbosity=verbosity,
  File "/data/relax/relax-trunk/specific_analyses/model_free/api.py", line
1233, in minimise
    raise RelaxError("The spin '%s' has %s dipolar relaxation interactions
defined, but only a maximum of one is currently supported." % (spin_id,
RelaxError: RelaxError: The spin '#sphere_mol1:9@NE1' has 10 dipolar
relaxation interactions defined, but only a maximum of one is currently

The problem occurred earlier during the set up stage when defining the
interatomic interactions:

relax> interatom.define(spin_id1='@N*', spin_id2='@H*', direct_bond=True,
spin_selection=True, pipe=None)
Interatomic interactions are now defined for the following spins:

# Spin_ID_1             Spin_ID_2               
'#sphere_mol1:9@NE1'    '#sphere_mol1:1@H'      
'#sphere_mol1:9@NE1'    '#sphere_mol1:2@H'      
'#sphere_mol1:9@NE1'    '#sphere_mol1:3@H'      
'#sphere_mol1:9@NE1'    '#sphere_mol1:4@H'      
'#sphere_mol1:9@NE1'    '#sphere_mol1:5@H'      
'#sphere_mol1:9@NE1'    '#sphere_mol1:6@H'      
'#sphere_mol1:9@NE1'    '#sphere_mol1:7@H'      
'#sphere_mol1:9@NE1'    '#sphere_mol1:8@H'      
'#sphere_mol1:9@NE1'    '#sphere_mol1:9@H'      
'#sphere_mol1:9@NE1'    '#sphere_mol1:9@HE1'    

Obviously the NE1 Trp indole spin of residue 9 should not be defined to have a
dipole-dipole interaction with all protons in the system, as is happening


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