Hey All,

A while back I built a Micor Repeater. And had all sorts of fun with the
squelch circuit.  Why is there 2 squelches on that unit, 1 for audio and one
for PTT control?  Also Keyed A- and Keyed A+, where are those control lines
generated from, which transistor is it that sinks current for keyed A- and
which one is the source for keyed A+ or even which module does that?  They
way I built it was the simplest way possible (that I know of), I have a
station control module, a squelch gate and a TOT (which I think I could have
omitted but decided not to).  The whole thing is puzzling to me, even though
I did manage to get a nice sounding sensitive HAM repeater out of it (could
never have done it without the manuals)

Thanks Guys,

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