> 'alive' might be too strong of a word, lol.  'exists' would better fit it
> these days I'd say,
> but keep checking...

good :-)

> It used to be much more lively.  I wonder if that one porno spam that was
> allowed out (transmitted to this group) by accident last spring tuned some
> folks out?

> You didn't say if you were looking to get feedback on your robot/site or
> not - if you are: Cool robot, seems to be nice and quick, with the easiest
> of user interfaces (input URL only - can't get simpler than that).

Thanks, i'n thinking of making an advanced features page or preferences with
more options.

You might
> want to run it thru a spell checker, there's a free one I know of that is
> of an HTML checker at: http://www2.imagiware.com/RxHTML/ ,

mmm spell checker? for spidered paged or for my web site? i know i don't
have a good english. I live in Spain.

and also
> consider making your main version 100% english language- although I'd also
> encourage
> you to make different languages versions of it - every country has
> web sites that they need to check. I like the way one of my clients shows
> his different language versions - see the bottom of http://beefjerky.com/

Yes, my idea is to make it in very different languages.

> But yes, very nice robot.  :-)
> Steve

Thanks for the  feedback.  ;-)

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