[rohrpost] Arse Elektronika 2009: Of Intercourse and Intracourse

2009-06-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Arse Elektronika 2009:

Sexuality, Genetics, Biotech, Wetware, Body mods.


Call for Papers, Performances, Machines and Sponsors.


Scottish SF author Iain Banks created a fictitious group-civilisation 
called Culture in his eponymous narrative. The vast majority of 
humanoid people in the Culture are born with greatly altered glands 
housed within their central nervous systems, who secrete - on command 
- mood- and sensory-appreciation-altering compounds into the person's 
bloodstream. Additionally many inhabitants have subtly altered 
reproductive organs - and control over the associated nerves - to 
enhance sexual pleasure. Ovulation is at will in the female, and a 
fetus up to a certain stage may be re-absorbed, aborted, or held at a 
static point in its development; again, as willed. Also, a viral 
change from one sex into the other, is possible. And there is a 
convention that each person should give birth to one child in their 
lives. It may sound strange, but Banks states that a society in which 
it is so easy to change sex will rapidly find out if it is treating 
one gender better than the other. Pressure for change within society 
would presumably build up until some form of sexual equality and 
hence numerical parity will be established.

Does this set-up sound too futuristic? Too utopian? Too bizarre?

We may not forget that mankind is a sexual and tool-using species. 
And that's why our annual conference Arse Elektronika deals with sex, 
technology and the future. As bio-hacking, sexually enhanced bodies, 
genetic utopias and plethora of gender have long been the focus of 
literature, science fiction and, increasingly, pornography, this year 
will see us explore the possibilities that fictional and authentic 
bodies have to offer. Our world is already way more bizarre than our 
ancestors could have ever imagined. But it may not be bizarre enough. 
Bizarre enough for what? -- you might ask. Bizarre enough to 
subvert the heterosexist matrix that is underlying our world and that 
we should hack and overcome for some quite pressing reasons within 
the next century.

Don't you think, replicants?


Please send us [arse2009 AT monochrom.at] your papers, ideas, machines!
Deadline: July 31, 2009!


Festival Schedule:

October 1: Film festival(*), opening ceremony and Prixxx Arse 
Elektronika(*) Gala

October 2: Literature, fiction, reading
October 3: Talks and discourse
October 4: DIY workshops
(*) Separate calls will be out shortly.


Arse Elektronika 2009 will take place in San Francisco, USA.



rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze
Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.openoffice.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] Arse logic

2009-06-29 Diskussionsfäden Marlena Corcoran
It may sound strange, but Banks states that a society in which it is  
so easy to change sex will rapidly find out if it is treating one  
gender better than the other.

The assumption here is that people would choose to be the gender that  
is treated better.

rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze
Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.openoffice.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

Re: [rohrpost] Betreff: Dearest Tinkebell,

2009-06-29 Diskussionsfäden Guido Braun

Fazit: Im Internet bin ich kein Hund. 

jeder sollte einen hund im internet haben.

++ white heat/white light +
+ http://39317.eu/ 

rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze
Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.openoffice.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] _____-micro_research workshops:19//Fluxus - Scheme livecoding, animation, games and plants with Dave Griffiths [UK] + performance

2009-06-29 Diskussionsfäden m

A series of weekly working groups and workshops at _-micro_research
[Berlin]; an independent research centre focusing on the expanded
construction and experience of free software and open hardware.


July 4th 2PM: workshop: Fluxus - Scheme livecoding, animation, games and plants
with Dave Griffiths [UK] at pickledfeet

July 5th 8PM: performance: Fluxus live coding with Dave Griffiths and
all participants at General Public

Forthcoming matter: 

schmelzolan robots, software radio, hydrogen line, micro-cuisine,
kitchen sink chemistry, Kicad, openEEG, fiction generation,
thoughtography, org-mode

... contact if you're interested in leading [un]-related workshop.


July 4th 2PM: workshop: Fluxus - Scheme livecoding, animation, games and plants
with Dave Griffiths [UK] at pickledfeet

In this workshop you will find out about the emerging art form of
livecoding and learn how to write simple scripts to create animations in
3D space. After an introduction to the scheme programming language and
how to use it to build shapes and animate them, you will be let loose on
prototype game code for groworld - a game still in production which
takes elements from guerilla gardening, permaculture and plant growth.

No previous programming experience required. Interest in games and
plants a bonus :)

Please install fluxus prior to the workshop, which you can find here:

Windows version not recommended at present due to instability, an
alternative is to use a bootable CD linux distro such as this one
which will be made available on the day: https://devel.goto10.org/puredyne

Details: http://www.pawfal.org/fluxus/

Cost: 10 euros (including food).

Please email m...@1010.co.uk to reserve a place (strictly limited)


July 5th 8PM: performance:  Fluxus live coding with Dave Griffiths and
all participants at General Public

Dave Griffiths is one part of Slub:

Slub sound emerges from slub software; melodic and chordal studies,
generative experiments and beat processes. Process-based sonic
improvisations; live generative music using hand crafted and live coded
apps, scripts and l-systems in networked synchrony. With roots in UK
electronica and tech culture, slub build their own software environments
for creating music in realtime. Only custom composition and DSP software
is used. Everything you hear is formed by human minds.

Slub project their screens so that the audience are able to appreciate
their live software development process, which does not adhere to
industry quality control standards. They communicate using OSC over UDP
and eyebrow gestures. The output ranges from extra slow gabba, through
intelligent ambient to acid blues glitch.


Free entry at:

General Public
Schönhauser Allee 167c
U2  Senefelder Platz 



Workshops led by field-expert practitioners extend over realms of code
and embedded code, environmental code, noise, transmission and
reception, and electromysticism. Workshops solely utilise free
software and GNU toolbase.

Practitioners at pickledfeet have included Martin Kuentz
(p...@scrying.org), Julian Oliver (http://selectparks.net/), Derek
Holzer (http://soundtransit.nl), Jeff Mann (http://jeffmann.com),
Martin Howse (http://1010.co.uk), Fredrik Olofsson
(http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/), Florian Cramer
(http://cramer.plaintext.cc:70/), Brendan Howell, jo FRGMNT
grys(http://tob.de.vu/), mikomikona
http://www.zuviel.tv/mikomikona.html, Antony Hall
(http://antonyhall.net), Gijs Gieskes (http://gieskes.nl/), Alexei
Blinov (http://www.raylab.com), Valentina Vuksic

_-micro_research, pickledfeet, Linienstrasse 54, Berlin 10119

U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.

Telephone: 3050187482. 


_-micro_research is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Berlin 2009




rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze
Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.openoffice.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] konferenz zu suchen und suchmaschinen (amsterdam 13-14.11)

2009-06-29 Diskussionsfäden geert lovink

Society of the Query conference: 13 - 14 November 2009
Location: Trouw Amsterdam
Organized by the Institute of Network Cultures

More info and material on: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/query/

In the information society the current reality is an increasing  
dependence on technological resources to create order and to find  
meaning in a gigantic quantity of online data. Searching has surpassed  
browsing and surfing as main activity on the web. This development  
turned the search engine into our most significant point of reference.  
Its focus on efficiency and expansion of services tends to veil the  
nature of the technology as well as underlying (corporate) ideologies.

In this query driven society, The Society of the Query conference  
seeks to analyze what impact our reliance on resources to manage  
knowledge on the Internet has on our culture. The theory of a semantic  
web lurking around the corner revives the ‘human vs. artificial  
intelligence’-debate. The centralizing web demands to critically  
question the distribution of power, the diversity and accessibility of  
web content, while promising alternatives for the dominant paradigm  
surface in peer-to-peer and open source initiatives. Finally, the  
question arises what role politics and education, after having  
invested substantially in media intelligence, can play in the creation  
of an informed users’ group.

For two days, the Society of the Query conference aims to zoom in on  
some of the essential themes surrounding web search by critical  
analysis and the contextualization of developments in interface design  
and the organization of knowledge. The Institute of Network Cultures  
seeks to achieve this specifically by uniting researchers, theorists,  
activists, artists and professionals working in this area and by  
creating a platform for not only realized projects and recent  
research, but also for open questions and predictions.

Conference Themes

Society of the Query
Digital Civil Rights and Media Literacy
Alternative Search (1)
Art and the Engine
Googlization of Everyday Life
Alternative Search (2)

Society of the Query
Because the web lacks editorial monitoring, we have become more  
dependent on technological resources when trying to find meaningful  
content within the vast amount of data on the web. Traditional methods  
to decide what information is valuable and useful are absent. In  
recent years, people have become increasingly dissatisfied by Google’s  
PageRank-algorithm, which is based of the popularity of a web page.  
Also, new semantic layers have been added to the principal  
architecture of the web. This conference session will focus on  
'searching' on the level of the software and will discuss the notion  
of the organization of knowledge within the theoretical framework of  
the humanities and computer science.

Questions to be discussed in this session include: What is the history  
of the organization of knowledge? Which ideologies make up the  
foundations for  the concept  of ‘ontology’? And, what role will human  
expertise play in the era of ‘machine understanding’?

Moderator: Geert Lovink

* Yann Moulier Boutang (F), editor of Multitude’s special issue on  
Google (May 2009).
* Matteo Pasquinelli (NL), Author of Animal Spirits (2008) and  
Google’s PageRank: Diagram of the Cognitive Capitalism and Rentier of  
the Common Intellect” (2009).
* Teresa Numerico (IT), (PhD in History of Science) is a researcher in  
Philosophy of Science at the University of Salerno, where she teaches  
New Media.
* David Gugerli (CH), author of “Suchmaschinen – Die Welt als  
Datenbank” (2009).

Digital Civil Rights and Media Literacy
In 2005, John Batelle characterized Google as a ‘database of intents’:  
a valuable archive of individual and collective wishes. As the number  
of services offered by search engines is expanding, large amounts of  
personal information are gathered, stored and used for commercial  
purposes. The current technological climate seems to be one in which  
the user is virtually unaware of who or what is behind the web  
applications they use on a daily basis.

Questions to be discussed in this session include: How does the  
intermediary function of search engines threaten digital civil rights  
such as the right to privacy and freedom of expression? What role can  
politics play in protecting these rights? How can the way search  
engines are designed aid to protecting our autonomy? How will the  
legal framework concerning search engines be shaped? And, after  
substantial investments in media intelligence, how are these matters  
raised on a national and European level?

Moderator: Caroline Nevejan

* Nart Villeneuve (CA), Open Net Initiative.
* Joris van Hoboken (NL), doctoral candidate at the Institute for  
Information Law at the University of Amsterdam. His research focuses  
on digital civil rights and the legal framework concerning search  