Re: Support terminate build on files listed twice.

2013-08-26 Thread R P Herrold

On Mon, 26 Aug 2013, Jeffrey Johnson wrote:

See other comments:
Resolving simple build flaws rather than detecting and terminating a 
configurably is what is needed.

Avoiding unexpected breakage and avoiding new support load 
models is a Good Thing (tm)

I would write that:

Resolving simple build flaws and emitting a warning,
rather than ...

just as GCC permits, but does not require, -Werror and 
-pedantic-error as options

That enables the Pedant to engage in self-abuse, without 
permitting him to become the dictator to require everyone else 
to follow the pedant's path to salvation or damnation

-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

refined implementation of set-versions

2012-04-20 Thread R P Herrold

On Fri, 20 Apr 2012, Alexey Tourbin wrote:

I have just learnt that rpm5 project has borrowed set-string
implementation recently from ALT Linux. At the very same time, I was
working on on a new and improved encoding scheme which can make

... This is exciting news -- This seems like it would be a 
useful library.  What package in ALT are you doing this work 
in, or alternatiely, is there a version control repository 
that I could check out to read your ongoing work?

Thank you

-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

Re: building rpm 5.4.1

2011-07-31 Thread R P Herrold

On Sun, 31 Jul 2011, Jeff Johnson wrote:

Java is an atrocity … cvs is just mildly senile … works fine if speak slowly …

* chuckle *   I've recently been tracking a SVN using project 
with a daily SVN pull -- SVN seems to have followed in its 
ancestor's path as to not being a speed daemon

- R
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

Re: ordering issues

2011-01-15 Thread R P Herrold

On Thu, 13 Jan 2011, Matthew Dawkins wrote:

The question I have for both Jeff and Per, is flattening initial rpms
packages to get these needed pieces in place before and actual chroot
install begins and super unacceptable hack?

I have no idea what a 'super unacceptable hack' is as a goal 
goodness metric

The goal is to build 'complete' chroots here, for later 
use either as an install image, or a build environment, right?

1.  Make up a MANIFEST of all the packages (ir if binaries, 
the holding package in tour distribution of choice) that HAVE 
to be in the final chroot

2. Do some minimal prep of the chroot -- on items we know RPM 
is doing to look at ./etc/mtab ./etc/fstab ./var/lib/rpm/, a 
minimally populated ./etc/passwd setup, --bind mounts, etc

3. Copy the rpms (and such dependencies as are revealed in a 
moment) into a staging area inside the chroot 
./var/spool/staging/ or such

4. foreach ELEMENT in MANIFEST, walk a
rpm -ivh --root=(chroot)  --noscripts (ELEMENT)
and identify anything missing, re-order seqecnce to cut noise 
if it offends, and tweak steps 2 and 3 above

5.  When happy, re-run it
rpm -Uvh --force --root=(chroot) (ELEMENT)

Build environments less picky than install images as to 
bootloader fixup; extra points for adding SElinux pass at the 
end of all that

As I recall, yum intentionally does not expose some of those 
options; differing DB environments inside and out side the 
chroot require a fixup of one want to execure rpm transactions 
inside the chroot

Automate steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 to taste.  Eventualy, you'll be 
satisfied.  There is not s single general solution, no 'one 
ring to rule them all' because one may or may not stub one's 
toes on a given sub-issue.

If that is a 'super unacceptible hack' so be it

-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

building question as to the DISPLAY variable

2010-11-04 Thread R P Herrold

Cruising my bugs upstream (I file them, and advance them in 
front of the Fedorian borg's autocloser to amuse myself, and 
not with much expectation of resolution)  I just got the 
semi-annual set of proposed auto-closes of neglected bugs, and 
am re-verifying and advancing them today

One is this

Yanko Kaneti 2009-07-14 11:20:46 EDT

You can't expect to have DISPLAY in the buildroot. The 
builders are nominally headless boxes.

my reaction to this is:

what a crock -- there are virtual, and framebuffer, and lord 
know how many ways to express what SEEMS to be a X DISPLAY 
environment inside a build instance (chroot, machine without a 
running X, whatever)

Obviously environments without X at all -- Cocoa, etc, -- must 
solve this as well

What are the team's thoughts to suggest here?

-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

Re: building question as to the DISPLAY variable

2010-11-04 Thread R P Herrold

On Thu, 4 Nov 2010, Michael Jennings wrote:

On Thursday, 04 November 2010, at 10:13:09 (-0400),

Fix the package that erroneously assumes that lack of $DISPLAY
implies lack of Tk for build.

I did not give enough context -- I did a run of several 
hundred R ad-on packagings, and several need or want a 
DISPLAY, to pass ther 'make test' phase equivalent and frankly 
if I can 'fake' its presence in a reasonable future-proof 
manner, as a short term and purely tactical expedient, I'll do 

[herr...@centos-5 build]$ cd R
[herr...@centos-5 R]$ find -name *.src.rpm | wc
374 374   14175

as it lets me clean one some blockers

btw -- Hi, Michael ... I was wading through early cAos build 
design documents I wrote many many moons ago and though of you 
and Mezz

-- Russ
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

RPM: rpm-5_3: rpm/macros/

2010-10-16 Thread R P Herrold

On Sat, 16 Oct 2010, Jeff Johnson wrote:

Fixup the Snake eggs too please (i.e. Python eggs aren't building on CentOS 5.5 
grr ...)

as I recall, I have to add a package not present in the 
upstream in its 5 series, to solve this


as I recall, prolly pulled from Raw Hide, but I've had to 
build so much snake stuff for 5 I rather forget -- six needs 
to issue, dammit

[herr...@centos-5 ~]$ rpm -qa pyth\* | grep orc
[herr...@centos-5 ~]$
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

Would patches for Windows be accepted? (No, please go away is OK)

2010-01-10 Thread R P Herrold

On Sun, 10 Jan 2010, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

I have been doing some initial small steps to make RPM work on
Windows. (Well, a subset, just package management, definitely not the
rpmbuild aspect for instance.)

there is a somehwat stale version in Cygwin as well, to which 
you may also want to look.

-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

RPM: rpm-5_1: rpm/ CHANGES rpm/lib/ fsm.c librpm.vers rpminstall...

2008-10-08 Thread R P Herrold

On Mon, 6 Oct 2008, Jeff Johnson wrote:

There's also a test for MakeMaker that might be usefully added to AutoFu.
OTOH its also perfectly OK to assume that perl implies MakeMaker
is installed imho.

I am away from the test bench with the correct environment, 
but don't I recall that the perl in RHEL 3 lacked MakeMaker? 
Portibility to platforms with older perls may be impaired.

-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

Mandatory/enforcing checks for reproducible builds

2008-09-28 Thread R P Herrold

On Sun, 28 Sep 2008, Jeff Johnson wrote:

There are two big lies with rpm packaging methodolgy.

(aside) The other lie is that rpm install transactions are 
atomic iff there are no packaging flaws or install host 

But this lie is reproducible builds, which is true wrto 
rpmbuild iff the build host is set up (including 
configuration) equivalently/identically.


I'll work up a proof-of-concept example over the next couple of months ...


The saying is:
If you are not the lead dog, the view never changes.

Looking at:

I am pretty sure we have been on this Iditarod before. 
Infinite looping, anyone?  ;)

-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

Re: Is there an implementation for PCRE - POSIX interconversion?

2008-04-19 Thread R P Herrold

On Sat, 19 Apr 2008, Jeff Johnson wrote:

A little reading indicates that I have inadvertently worded 
my question re a PCRE - POSIX conversion implementation 

I was hoping that the _SYNTAX_ can be interconverted for a 
significant subset of all possible PCRE - POSIX 
expressions. I'm perfectly willing to try a imperfect, known 
flawed, interconversion of _SYNTAX_ if the patterns that are 
typically needed by RPM can be mostly converted reliably.

Note: significant and typically needed. YMMV, as always.

I think this article encapsulates the issue I was noting in my 
IRC remarks yesterday, mentioning classical Unix, FSF, 
procmail !, and other varaints;

[ Perl has a more predictable and much richer syntax than the 
[ POSIX basic (BRE) and extended (ERE) regular expression 
[ standards.  ... other utilities ... have adopted syntax 
[ similar to Perl's — for example ...  PCRE ... [and others not 
[ listed each] use regular expression syntax similar to Perl's

That is, there has been a 'pick and choose' over time, and of 
course a series of 'improvements' and 'regularizations'

The implied requirement of a quest to find a prebuilt tool to 
automatically do all possible inverse transforms, from the 
initial use of the bare '-', was probably doomed to 'no 
reply' -- The article notes that there is an incompatible 
even in the standard for simplest variation of POSIX 'basic' 
and 'extended' forms:

[ The meaning of metacharacters escaped with a backslash is 
[ reversed for some characters in the POSIX Extended Regular 
[ Expression (ERE) syntax

so absent an option switch, no 'perfect' inverset (',-.') set 
of transform can exist.  Move a few generations away into PRCE 
and ...

-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

Re: Is there an implementation for PCRE - POSIX interconversion?

2008-04-19 Thread R P Herrold

On Sat, 19 Apr 2008, R P Herrold wrote:

wtf ???  These two block qoutes got recormatted by alpine 
1.10, or the ML software  ... gr

[ Perl has a more predictable and much richer syntax than the [ POSIX basic 
(BRE) and extended (ERE) regular expression [ standards.  ... other utilities 
... have adopted syntax [ similar to Perl's — for example ...  PCRE ... [and 
others not [ listed each] use regular expression syntax similar to Perl's

[ The meaning of metacharacters escaped with a backslash is [ reversed for 
some characters in the POSIX Extended Regular [ Expression (ERE) syntax

-- R
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

RE: Is there an implementation for PCRE - POSIX interconversion?

2008-04-18 Thread R P Herrold

On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, Wichmann, Mats D wrote:

Hey speaking of wars, let's provide another excuse to put 
PCRE into LSB :-)  (I've already been thinking about that, 

Bad Mats; bad bad Mats


-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

Re: rpm-5.0.Z releases and rpm-5.1 ROADMAP

2008-02-05 Thread R P Herrold

On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Jason Corley wrote:

   - integrated depsolver

The issue there, as I see it, is what (existing, additional, 
new ?) mechanisms will be devised to specify 'target 
repositories' to consider in doing the dep-solveing.  A whole 
set of structures in the yum space have emerged, to specify 
candidate repositories to use (along with some lily gilding 
about excludes, and priorities.)  Also the format has been 
tweaked with some changes occasionally.

No reason not to accept the hint (pointer) to the top of 
archives, as per 'createrepo' as that has become familiar, but 
should one suck in the metadata, or pull it off the observed 
binary RPM's found?  Debian solved it another way -- should 
RPM 'grok' /etc/apt/sources.list as well?

What other archive identification mechanisms are out there 
which need to be considered which I have missed? BSD ports 
pointers? HP Depot pointers ;) ?

-- Russ herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

Re: vcheck(1), was: Re: RPM 5 status quo

2007-07-23 Thread R P Herrold

On Mon, 23 Jul 2007, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

which in turn points to a dead link.  Is there a new reference archive?

Yes, vcheck(1) some times ago disappeared on the net.

thank you.

-- Russ Herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

Re: testing RPM 5 in practice: Berkeley-DB to SQLite migration with --rebuilddb

2007-07-22 Thread R P Herrold

On Sun, 22 Jul 2007, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

Well, as I already said twice on rpm-devel@, I would like to use SQLite
in OpenPKG -- at least as a fully functional alternative to Berkeley-DB,
i.e., until we officially decided to use SQLite only, I want to use BDB
still by default (for stepping up from RPM 4 to RPM 5) and let us switch


I just just do not understand this infatuation with SQLite, 
but when carried in parallel to BDB, or rolling in a 
filesystem flatfile store, it is perhaps harmless to fall in 
love with an idea.

But, I guess I do not understand this:
   until we officially decided to use SQLite only

'we' MUST mean some OpenPKG decision, because it clearly does 
not reflect a decision for the database direction that 
mainline RPM5 development has in any way 'officially decided'.

Jeff has made it completely clear that pushing in different 
database backends has been tried, but that he has not seen a 
sufficient use case for HIM to be interested in chasing what 
is clearly to him, a poor and pointless change.  Why badger 
him to discuss things which he clearly has little interest 
beyond historical knowledge, and no developmental interest in?

The BDB model, and the SQL model are not a one to one mapping 
in API; it is a forced fit at best to graft SQLite syntax onto 
a tool with BDB in its roots.  Some kind of perl-DBI like 
abstraction _may_ be possible, but the overhead for adding the 
database abstraction hooks will _gain_ nothing from Jeff's 
clearly stated point of view; rather it will add points of 
failure, and cost in maintenance.  How is this a win here?

-- Russ Herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication

vcheck(1), was: Re: RPM 5 status quo

2007-07-22 Thread R P Herrold

On Sat, 21 Jul 2007, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

Sorry, the particular web user interface currently is not available in
public or even as Open Source. Only the underlying vcheck(1) program and
the over 1000 %track sections we developed using this tool are available
as Open Source.

Google looking in the openpkg archive finds this:

which in turn points to a dead link.  Is there a new reference 

-- Russ Herrold
RPM Package Manager
Developer Communication