[Samba] domain users in local groups with Winbind/Samba/Redhat

2003-02-21 Thread Matthias Rutzki
Hi all,

Sorry to mislead you, but I hope you're on the right
track now.
No problem.Your answer was the first thing which really helps me on my

My problem is, my server is in an NT 4 resource domain and I can't create 
domain global groups with members from account domains in it.  
I have the same problem

Probably it works with NT global groups. But I don't have access to any PDC
in my domain. I can't assimilate the domain or even one global group in this
domain so that it suit my requirements.
I am working on a project which rebuilds an Windows NT Dataserver. Because
of cost and stability reasons we had the idea to migrate from Windows NT to
Unfortunately the guidelines of this project contain things like comfortable
administration and a smoothly change between the systems. So after finishing
this project non-unix experts have to administrate this system. Without
local groups it doesn't seems to be very practical to accomplish this migration.
Probably we have to retain Windows NT. 
Hopefully the local group feature will be available on Samba 3.0 at any

Thank you very much for your help. 
This saved me a lot of time.



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[Samba] domain users in local groups with Winbind/Samba/Redhat

2003-02-20 Thread Matthias Rutzki
Hello again,

at the beginning thank you for your support.Today I had the time to test the
various proposals.Finally the gpasswd thing works in that way that I can
add any user to local groups.Even domain users...
Unfortunately the group members still can not access the shares. 

I have done it in this way:
1. stop smbd  nmbd 
2. add winbind use default domain = yes to the smb.conf 
3. create a testgroup with groupadd test1 
4. add my domain user (without the domain (domain+)) to this group with
gpasswd -a rutzki.matthias test1 
5. create a share called testshare with valid users = @test1 in smb
6. start smbd nmbd
7. logged in domain on a WIN98 System
8. try to access the testshare
9. System asks me for a password.

So, it seems that the samba does not find my user.Same failure when I add my
user with 
gpasswd -a west3+rutzki.matthias test1 to the local group.
Here is my winbind log:

#access to testshare with valid users = west3+rutzki.matthias (this works
[ 8690]: getgroups west3+rutzki.matthias
[ 8690]: gid to sid 10250
[ 8690]: gid to sid 11001
[ 8690]: gid to sid 11255
[ 8690]: gid to sid 11257 

#access to testshare with valid users = @test1 or valid users =
+test1(ends in password request):
[ 8690]: getgroups west3+rutzki.matthias
[ 8690]: gid to sid 10250
[ 8690]: gid to sid 11001
[ 8690]: gid to sid 11255
[ 8690]: gid to sid 11257 
[ 8690]: getgroups west3+rutzki.matthias
[ 8690]: getgroups west3+rutzki.matthias
[ 8690]: getgroups west3+rutzki.matthias...(approx.: 30 times this message)

Has anyone an idea what winbind is doing there? Perhaps you need some other
winbind related configuration data:


passwd: files winbind 
shadow: files winbind
group:  files winbind 

security = domain 
winbind separator = +
winbind uid = 1-2
winbind gid = 1-2
winbind use default domain = yes
winbind cache time = 10
winbind enum users = no #(large domain)
winbind enum groups = no #(large domain)
template shell = /bin/bash
path = /1
guest ok = no 
writable = no 
browseable = yes
valid users = @test1 
write list = @test1 

auth required   /lib/security/pam_env.so
auth sufficient   /lib/security/pam_winbind.so
auth sufficient  /lib/security/pam_unix.so likeauth
use_first_pass nullok
auth required   /lib/security/pam_deny.so
accountrequired   /lib/security/pam_winbind.so
password  required  /lib/security/pam_cracklib.so retry=3 type=
password  sufficient /lib/security/pam_unix.so nullok use_authtok md5
passwordrequired  /lib/security/pam_deny.so
session required  /lib/security/pam_limits.so
session required  /lib/security/pam_unix.so

I hope that will help you.Thank you for your help.



--- David Boynton david.boynton2 at asu.edu wrote:
 Well, I got this to work once by manually editing
 the /etc/group file, like 
 adding the line:
 localgroup:x:gid: domain+user1,domain+user2,etc
 I don't know if this is a safe thing to do, however.

I don't believe you can safely manually edit this
file, as you would probably also have to edit
/etc/gshadow to match.  Unix/Linux has a tool called
gpasswd that will do this for you:
gpasswd -a user group

It lets you add users to a group without them existing
in /etc/passwd (they don't even have to exist at all).
Combine this with winbind use default domain = yes
in smb.conf and you're ready to go.

For example, in the domain ABC for the user john, do
this to add him to a 'local' Unix group called

gpasswd -a john smbusers

With winbind use default domain = yes you don't need
to prefix it with your domain.  Slick, huh?  (:

Good luck,

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[Samba] domain users in local groups with Winbind/Samba/Redhat

2003-02-14 Thread Matthias Rutzki

I am running a Samba 2.2.7a on Redhat 7.3 in a NT domain. For authentication
I am using the domainusers.This is done by Winbind 2.2.7a which verifies the
existens of the users on the PDC. So I dont't have to create local users
(/etc/passwd) for users who want to connect to the shares in the smb.conf.
I authorise them by adding valid users = domain+domainuser to the smb.conf.
This works very well.
Now my problem:
By writing valid users = @localgroup or +localgroup 
I can authorise local groups (/etc/group) to connect to the shares.
Now I want to add the domainusers to some local groups.Putting the
domainusers in groups should save much time because otherwise I have to add each
domainuser for every share seperatly.
E.g. valid users = domain1+domainuser domain2+domainuser2
I have tried it with: usermod -g localgroup domain+domainuser
which ends in this message: usermod: domain+domainuser not found /etc/passwd
I know this is message is right because there is no domainuser in
/etc/passwd. But how can I assort the domainusers?
Is there a way to use groups of domainusers who are verified by winbind in
the smb.conf?

Thank you for your efforts.



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Re: [Samba] domain users in local groups with Winbind/Samba/Redhat

2003-02-14 Thread Buchan Milne
 Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 11:37:53 +0100 (MET)
 From: Matthias Rutzki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Samba] domain users in local groups with Winbind/Samba/Redhat
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 Precedence: list
 Message: 8
 I am running a Samba 2.2.7a on Redhat 7.3 in a NT domain. For authentication
 I am using the domainusers.This is done by Winbind 2.2.7a which verifies the
 existens of the users on the PDC. So I dont't have to create local users
 (/etc/passwd) for users who want to connect to the shares in the smb.conf.
 I authorise them by adding valid users = domain+domainuser to the smb.conf.
 This works very well.
 Now my problem:
 By writing valid users = @localgroup or +localgroup 
 I can authorise local groups (/etc/group) to connect to the shares.
 Now I want to add the domainusers to some local groups.Putting the
 domainusers in groups should save much time because otherwise I have to add each
 domainuser for every share seperatly.
 E.g. valid users = domain1+domainuser domain2+domainuser2
 I have tried it with: usermod -g localgroup domain+domainuser
 which ends in this message: usermod: domain+domainuser not found /etc/passwd
 I know this is message is right because there is no domainuser in
 /etc/passwd. But how can I assort the domainusers?
 Is there a way to use groups of domainusers who are verified by winbind in
 the smb.conf?

valid users = @localgroup @'Domain1+group1'

|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

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Re: [Samba] domain users in local groups with Winbind/Samba/Redhat

2003-02-14 Thread mrutzki
Am 14 Feb 2003 um 15:52 hat Buchan Milne geschrieben:

  Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 11:37:53 +0100 (MET)
  From: Matthias Rutzki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [Samba] domain users in local groups with Winbind/Samba/Redhat
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
  MIME-Version: 1.0
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
  Precedence: list
  Message: 8
  I am running a Samba 2.2.7a on Redhat 7.3 in a NT domain. For authentication
  I am using the domainusers.This is done by Winbind 2.2.7a which verifies the
  existens of the users on the PDC. So I dont't have to create local users
  (/etc/passwd) for users who want to connect to the shares in the smb.conf.
  I authorise them by adding valid users = domain+domainuser to the smb.conf.
  This works very well.
  Now my problem:
  By writing valid users = @localgroup or +localgroup 
  I can authorise local groups (/etc/group) to connect to the shares.
  Now I want to add the domainusers to some local groups.Putting the
  domainusers in groups should save much time because otherwise I have to add each
  domainuser for every share seperatly.
  E.g. valid users = domain1+domainuser domain2+domainuser2
  I have tried it with: usermod -g localgroup domain+domainuser
  which ends in this message: usermod: domain+domainuser not found /etc/passwd
  I know this is message is right because there is no domainuser in
  /etc/passwd. But how can I assort the domainusers?
  Is there a way to use groups of domainusers who are verified by winbind in
  the smb.conf?
 valid users = @localgroup @'Domain1+group1'
My experiences with Samba in domains are not very big. So, what does 'Domain1+group1' 

Domain1 = any Domain in my Network or the Domain which Samba has joined?
group1= any group that exists in Domain1?

But thank you for your answer.It seems that this kind problem is poorly documented...

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Re: [Samba] domain users in local groups with Winbind/Samba/Redhat

2003-02-14 Thread Buchan Milne
 Am 14 Feb 2003 um 15:52 hat Buchan Milne geschrieben:

valid users = @localgroup @'Domain1+group1'

 My experiences with Samba in domains are not very big. So, what does 
 Domain1 = any Domain in my Network or the Domain which Samba has joined?
 group1= any group that exists in Domain1?

Remember that there is not really a distinction between domain groups
and local grops on unix. With winbind (assuming you had used + as the
domain seperator), winbind will return groups to the system as
DOMAIN+username for any domain trusted by the domain winbind is a
member of. The use of the quotes protects the string from being mangled
by samba (especially where there are spaces in the group name).

 But thank you for your answer.It seems that this kind problem is poorly documented...

I have not run winbind in a mutli-domain setup before, but this is
supposed to work.

You should try some experiments with
$ getent passwd
$ getent group
$ wbinfo -g
$ wbinfo -u

to see more. Note that getent is a generic command on unix, and will
show any entries that are accessible (from local files, NIS, ldap,
winbind etc). wbinfo is specific to winbind.


|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

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Re: [Samba] domain users in local groups with Winbind/Samba/Redhat

2003-02-14 Thread David Boynton
Well, I got this to work once by manually editing the /etc/group file, like 
adding the line:

localgroup:x:gid: domain+user1,domain+user2,etc

I don't know if this is a safe thing to do, however. :)


On Friday 14 February 2003 03:37 am, Matthias Rutzki wrote:

 I am running a Samba 2.2.7a on Redhat 7.3 in a NT domain. For
 authentication I am using the domainusers.This is done by Winbind 2.2.7a
 which verifies the existens of the users on the PDC. So I dont't have to
 create local users (/etc/passwd) for users who want to connect to the
 shares in the smb.conf. I authorise them by adding valid users =
 domain+domainuser to the smb.conf. This works very well.
 Now my problem:
 By writing valid users = @localgroup or +localgroup
 I can authorise local groups (/etc/group) to connect to the shares.
 Now I want to add the domainusers to some local groups.Putting the
 domainusers in groups should save much time because otherwise I have to add
 each domainuser for every share seperatly.
 E.g. valid users = domain1+domainuser domain2+domainuser2
 I have tried it with: usermod -g localgroup domain+domainuser
 which ends in this message: usermod: domain+domainuser not found
 /etc/passwd I know this is message is right because there is no domainuser
 /etc/passwd. But how can I assort the domainusers?
 Is there a way to use groups of domainusers who are verified by winbind in
 the smb.conf?

 Thank you for your efforts.



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