
On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Henry Favretto <e...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> Well, I'm pretty sure what we see in the log is actually passed to
> festival because I can clearly hear the voice saying "backslash" in my
> example :) (the trailing numbers are being omitted however).

I have checked the source code carefully. First we log using the
formatter %S which displays quotes and escapes special characters:
    dlog#f 3 "Synthetizing %S to %S" s local ;
Then we call the synthesis script in a very direct way, passing s as
it is, without escaping or anything:
    execv cmd [| cmd;s;local |]

In your logs, you saw:
    Synthetizing "Now playing - M\246bius - Untitled Track" to

I have checked that it means that the special character \246 appears
as such in the string s passed to the script. The string s does not
contain four characters including the backslash, otherwise the
backslash would be escaped when displayed using %S. Here is an OCaml
session showing this:

# let s = "\246" ;;
val s : string = "\246"
# String.length s ;;
- : int = 1
# Printf.printf "%S\n" s ;;
- : unit = ()

# let s = "\\246" ;;
val s : string = "\\246"
# String.length s ;;
- : int = 4
# Printf.printf "%S\n" s ;;
- : unit = ()

So the problem must be in one of the next steps. The only thing I can
see is in the liquidtts script, where we have (in a context where $1
refers to our string s above):
    echo $1 | @TEXT2WAVE@ -f 44100

Right now, I'm a bit puzzled regarding what could go wrong, and how
the shell should behave regarding this echo $1.

> liquidtts behaves slightly different when called directly: In my case the
> special characters (like umlauts äöü) are just ignored (e.g. no voice
> saying "backslash") which is more what I expected to get as I'm using an
> English voice for festival (it probably doesn't know how to pronounce
> umlauts...)

This might be your shell doing something with the accent. The special
charcter \246 is latin1; does your shell use the same charset?



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