Re: [SC-L] informIT: Building versus Breaking

2011-09-03 Thread Chris Schmidt
On 9/3/2011 11:22 AM, Kevin W. Wall wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Chris Schmidt wrote:
 On Sep 2, 2011, at 10:44 AM, Goertzel, Karen [USA] wrote:
 What we need is to start building software that can fight back. Then we
 could become part of cyber warfare which is much sexier than software
 assurance. :)
 Simple. Owasp esapi + owasp appsensor + honeypot = win
 I'd still consider that defensive. If you want cyber warfare and are willing
 to go over to the dark side, you can define your own custom AppSensor response
 actionsto act offensively. For instance, you could easily try to
 download malware
 to the attacker or mount a DoS attack against them.

 Personally, I don't recommend such escalation though, even if it is a
 strategy. Reacting in that manner is likely to make you a criminal as well.

That may be, but there are ways to fight back without breaking the law..
Hence the honeypot, let the attacker exploit the hell out of a system
that does absolutely nothing track all of his movements and gather as
much intel about them as possible - then provided you have good audit
logging you have more information than you can handle about the attack
to forward on to the feds for appropriate vanning. Granted, this is
making some pretty hefty assumptions about the state of the app in
question, the skill of the attacker, and the vanning abilities of the
men in black, but it is far more sexy than purely writing defensive code
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Re: [SC-L] informIT: Building versus Breaking

2011-09-01 Thread Chris Schmidt
I agree on the terminology of whitehat vs. blackhat here Sergio, but in
almost every other regard I disagree completely.

 To design and build proper software and hardware there are a lot of
 conferences out there, as well as trainings and a huge amount of literature.
 There are very good books when it comes to secure software development.

This is 100% false and misleading. Yes, there are great security tools out
there, and yes there are great development conferences - however, the two
*rarely* if *ever* intermingle. See my blog Cross Pollination; It's not
just for Bees (
or-bees.html) for my thoughts on this subject in particular.

Additionally, students are taught how to write insecure code from the time
they write their first Hello World application. This topic has been
discussed a great many times and hasn't changed much. Go to your local
bookstore and pick up a java book, flip to the section on JDBC and tell me
that the first thing you learn to do is something other than build a dynamic
SQL statement with untrusted user input. Show me an MVC book that covers
proper contextual output encoding or building a Data Access Control policy.
Pick up a Tomcat Book and tell me where it says you should disable the
InvokerServlet. Pick up a .Net book and tell me where the chapter on using
AntiXSS is. I could go on and on, but I really don't think it is necessary.

 Every year what is presented, in the best security conferences, are new
 techniques that developers need to be aware of in order to build secure
 products. Most of the presentations talk about things that were wrongly
 designed and/or corner-cases which were not considered.

I think we can agree that the majority of flaws that get exploited are due
to improper or missing security controls. This is a fundamental flaw in
engineering software. I have sat with some of the best software architects
and looked at their architecture diagrams and specifications. I have seen
the missing controls, I have seen the specifications lacking or using
controls improperly. I have seen damn smart developers make really stupid
mistakes when trying to make security decisions in code simply because they
don't really understand what it means to write secure code.

 There are also a lot of tools and libraries which help development teams to do
 things right, specially libraries and templates like Microsoft Safeint as well
 as the safe APIs, which prevent developers from shooting themselves.
 They just need to use them. There are also managed languages, APIs to handle
 SQL securely, etc. It is just that a lot of developers don't use what is
 available to them.

See above statements.

 Blackhat is great as it is now, there are talks about new defense technologies
 from time to time too. Having more talks about defense would be use, in my
 opinion, to sale products than anything else. I don't believe it would do any
 good to Blackhat.

Again, I completely disagree. As a general rule, people that break software
know enough about engineering to be able to spot flaws in code - they don't
really *understand* terms like 'Agile' or 'Inversion of Control' and
conversely most developers may have heard of SQL Injection or Cross Site
Scripting but have *no* concept of the depth of the problems. Only by
bringing the builders and the breakers together and getting them involved in
the other side will we begin to see changes. Blackhat is a *perfect*
opportunity to do this. Where else are there thousands of security
professionals who are great at breaking stuff but not so good on
understanding what it really takes to build something - how to architect
software and systems - or the nuances of specific languages, libraries, and
development methodologies. Also the argument that this is what the vendor
area is for - complete and utter BS. You show me the magic box that takes
poorly written code in one side and spits out well architected and secure
code on the other and then we can talk. Products don't fix software problems
- and we can all agree that the application is the attack surface that
everyone should be focusing on right now I think.

 Blackhat IS about breaking stuff, the vendors area offers defense products and
 services to improve your security. For building stuff (as in development)
 there are other conferences out there. People go to Blackhat to be aware of
 what things might go wrong in order to protect better themselves. And even
 then many good talks overlap unfortunately.

Yes, Blackhat is absolutely about breaking stuff, this is a major part of
the problem. Developers generally don't go to Blackhat - they go to JavaOne.
How many talks are there at JavaOne on the latest 0-day in Spring or Struts.
How many speakers go to ApacheCon to talk about the vulnerabilities in
Cocoon or HTTPD? None! We want developers to come to blackhat and learn
about doing this - but there are very few, if any development 

[SC-L] ESAPI 2.0GA Released!

2011-05-11 Thread Chris Schmidt

Friends, Romans, Countrymen - Lend me your ears!

It is my pleasure to announce the official release of ESAPI 2.0GA!

This release features some key enhancements over ESAPI 1.4.x including,
but not limited to:

 * Upgrade baseline to use Java5
 * Completely redesigned and rewrote Encryptor
 * New and Improved Validation and Encoding Methods
 * Complete redesign of the ESAPI Locator and ObjectFactory
 * More unit tests
 * ESAPI Jar is now Signed with an OWASP Code Signing Certificate
 * ESAPI Jar is Sealed
 * And much, much more

We understand that a lot of you have been waiting a very long time for
this, and so have we! It was important that we take our time with this
release to make sure we had addressed everything possible prior to it
going out. Included in that process was:

 * Peer review of the ESAPI Codebase
 * Code and Architecture Review of new Encryption
 * Adding and fixing unit tests
 * Tons of discussion and interaction with the OWASP Community and

Without the feedback from our users, we could have never accomplished
some of the awesome enhancements that have been made to the library
since the last major release, so we owe you all a debt of gratitude for
helping us design and implement controls that will ultimately help you
write more secure applications.

We are currently in the process of getting a whole new suite of
documentation, with a focus on integration tasks and actually using
ESAPI in real applications - look for those documents over the next
couple monthes, as well as a whole new contribs section in our
repository aimed at providing turnkey components and solutions to some
of the more commonly encountered integration points for ESAPI.

You can download the full distribution of ESAPI 2.0GA from our home on
Google Code at:

The latest API Docs can always be found at:

Within the next 24-48 hours the distribution to Maven Central should be
updated as well and you should be able to start using 2.0GA in your
Maven projects as soon as that happens. Maven dependency will be:


As always, we would love to hear your feedback on the release and if you
have any questions at all, you can join the ESAPI-User Mailing List here:

Thanks again to the OWASP and ESAPI Community for helping us build and
release the tools that help make the internet just a little bit more sane!

The ESAPI Development and Management Teams

P.S. Please forward this along to any colleagues or distribution lists
that may be interested.

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[SC-L] ESAPI Contribs now Live!

2011-05-11 Thread Chris Schmidt

All -

In addition to last night's release of ESAPI 2.0GA, I would like to 
direct your attention to a new section on the ESAPI page on Google Code.

ESAPI Contribs

Download page for Contribs is located

Source Code for Contribs will be available

This will be the repository for any approved contributed modules to the 
ESAPI Community. Right now there is an example of one such component 
available - and within the next couple of days instructions on how to 
submit your contributions to the community will be live on the site as 

Again, your feedback is most welcome.

The ESAPI Development and Management Teams
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Re: [SC-L] Question about HIPAA Compliance in application development

2011-04-26 Thread Chris Schmidt
 For example, there are HIPPA access control requirements that demand that you 
 only give doctors access to transmit patient data in a minimal way; only 
 transmitting data needed for a diagnosis. Good luck coding that. It's also 
 bad medicine.

Sounds like contextual access control to me - someone wrote a pretty good blog 
about that once :)

I do however, agree on the bad medicine point - just like in diagnosing 
software bugs, often something seemingly unrelated to the problem you are 
addressing is either a contributing factor or the root of the problem itself! 
This is why engineers should be the ones writing the standards instead of 
standards authors. :)

Sent from my iPwn

On Apr 26, 2011, at 12:19 PM, James Manico wrote:

 The most cost-effective way to handle these requirements is to get your HIPPA 
 auditor drunk nightly.
 I'm being partially serious here because these and other HIPPA requirements 
 (1) Technically ambiguous
 (2) Often in conflict with other HIPPA requirements
 (3) Impossible to achieve cost effectively
 For example, there are HIPPA access control requirements that demand that you 
 only give doctors access to transmit patient data in a minimal way; only 
 transmitting data needed for a diagnosis. Good luck coding that. It's also 
 bad medicine.
 And now, let me leave you with a few lyrics from the Bon Jovi song bad 
 medicine. He was singing about medical software, I'm fairly sure:
 I ain't got a fever got a permanent disease
 And it'll take more than a doctor to prescribe a remedy
 And I got lots of money but it isn't what I need
 Gonna take more than a shot to get this poison outta me
 And I got all the symptoms, count 'em 1, 2, 3
 Jim Manico
 On Apr 26, 2011, at 2:35 AM, Rohit Sethi wrote:
 Hi all,
 Has anyone had to deal with the following HIPAA compliance requirements 
 within a custom application before:
 Implement electronic mechanisms to corroborate that electronic protected 
 health information has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized 
 Implement security measures to ensure that electronically transmitted 
 electronic protected health information is not improperly modified without 
 detection until disposed of.
 How have you actually implemented these controls in applications? Have you 
 used a third party tool to do this? Does §164.312(c)(2) simply boil down to 
 sufficient access control?
 Rohit Sethi
 SD Elements
 twitter: rksethi
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Re: [SC-L] Java DOS

2011-02-15 Thread Chris Schmidt
I would assume just about any app with a shopping cart does. This is of course 
compounded by libraries like struts and spring mvc that autobind your form 
variables for you. Use a form with a double in it and your boned.

Sent from my iPwn

On Feb 14, 2011, at 8:57 AM, Wall, Kevin wrote:

 Jim Manico wrote...
 It's not that tough to blacklist this vuln while you are waiting for your
 team to patch your JVM (IBM and other JVM's have not even patched yet).
 I've seen three generations of this filter already. Walk with me, Rafal and
 I'll show you. :)
 1) Generation 1 WAF rule (reject one number only)
 This mod security rule only blocks a small portion of the DOSable range.
 The mod security team is working to improve this now (no disrespect meant
 at all!)
 SecRule ARGS|REQUEST_HEADERS @contains 2.2250738585072012e-308
 phase:2,block,msg:'Java Floating Point DoS Attack',tag:'CVE-2010-4476'
 Depending how  when the exponent conversion is done, this mod_security rule
 may be completely ineffective. For example, if an attacker can write this
 floating point # as the equivalent
 (which note, I have not tested), then the test above is invalid. I presumed 
 this was why Adobe's blacklist *first* removed the decimal point. Adobe's 
 could be generalized a bit to cover appropriate ranges with a regular 
 but I agree wholeheartedly with you that what you dubbed as the Chess 
 (I like it) is the best approach short of getting a fix from the vendor of 
 So on a somewhat related note, does anyone have any idea as to how common it 
 is for
 application developers to call ServletRequest.getLocale() or 
 for Tomcat applications? Just curious. I'm sure it's a lot more common than
 developers using double-precision floating point in their applications (with
 the possible exception within the scientific computing community).
 Kevin W. Wall   Qwest Risk Mgmt / Information Security
 kevin.w...@qwest.comPhone: 614.215.4788
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 they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration
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Re: [SC-L] [WEB SECURITY] Re: Backdoors in custom software applications

2010-12-23 Thread Chris Schmidt
Jeff Williams did a talk about this at Blackhat last year as well for Java

Paper here:

On 12/17/10 8:56 AM, Chris Wysopal wrote:

 Here is a paper that I wrote with Chris Eng that covers major categories of
 backdoors with examples.
 Our Blackhat presentation
 -Original Message-
 From: Jeremy Epstein []
 Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 6:10 PM
 To: Sebastian Schinzel
 Cc: Secure Coding; websecurity
 Subject: [WEB SECURITY] Re: [SC-L] Backdoors in custom software applications
 There was an interesting example in a NPS thesis about a decade ago
 introducing a back door into a device driver.  I can't remember the student's
 name, unfortunately.  Phil something-or-other.
 On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 3:18 PM, Sebastian Schinzel 
 Hi all,
 I am looking for ideas how intentional backdoors in real software
 applications may look like.
 Wikipedia already provides a good list of backdoors that were found in
 software applications:
 Has anyone encountered backdoors during code audits, penetration tests, data
 Could you share some details of how the backdoor looked like? I am
 really interested in a technical and abstract description of the backdoor
 (e.g. informal descriptions or pseudo-code).
 Anonymized and off-list replies are also very welcome.
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Re: [SC-L] [Esapi-dev] OWASP CSRFGuard

2010-10-29 Thread Chris Schmidt
My gut feel here is that we gain a lot more by merging the work done here
into ESAPI. CSRFGuard is and has been a great project, but as it stands ­
unmaintained right now (although it is a very simple project, with a very
low level of maintenance) it seems to me that a lot of traction and momentum
could be gained for the code by merging with the ESAPI project which is one
of the more active OWASP Projects AFAIK.

This is really just my $0.02 and I don¹t want to discount the work that has
been done on CSRF-Guard. As I stated it is a great project and I personally
have used it in 3 projects succesfully, but I also think that as such a
small project it seems to be an easy one to forget about in the grand scheme
of things.

On 10/29/10 9:09 AM, Jim Manico wrote:

 The OWASP CSRF guard project ( ) has recently
 been deemed ³inactive² and I¹m trying to help bring it back to life.
 I¹m taking a survey of folks who have used CSRFGuard. In particular, I would
 like to understand any potential modifications CSRFGuard users have had  to
 make in order to implement it successfully for their website. I¹d also like to
 hear of any success stories of using CSRFGuard out of the box.
 Any feedback regarding this matter is greatly appreciated.
 Thanks kindly + Aloha,
 Jim Manico
 OWASP Podcast Producer
 OWASP ESAPI Project Manager
 Esapi-dev mailing list

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Re: [SC-L] working on java security help from experts

2010-04-05 Thread Chris Schmidt
Also be sure to check on as there is a *ton* of great
information on the site.

Here are some good starting points:

And also some good information on doing code review in general:

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Romain Gaucher wrote:

 CERT has also a many rules for Java (good and bad examples) as part of
 their secure coding practices.
 You can find that here:

  - Security consultant, Cigital

 From: [] On
 Behalf Of Martin, Robert A. []
 Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 2:49 PM
 To: Matt Parsons
 Subject: Re: [SC-L] working on java security help from experts

 The Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) has a view of issues that can
 occur in Java applications.

 See: for a listing of all the
 details or: for a list of the
 items where the names are hyper-links to the content about them.

 The entries include description, code examples, real world CVE examples
 of the issue in many cases, references and in most cases pointers to the
 attack patterns effective against the issue.


 Matt Parsons wrote:
  I am trying to become an expert in source code review in java application
 security.  Are there any experts on this list that are willing to share some
 of their knowledge?   I am reading Java Security by Scott Oaks and I am
 rereading all of the Sun Docs on java security.  Any help would be greatly
  Matt Parsons, MSM, CISSP
  315-559-3588 Blackberry
  817-294-3789 Home office
  Do Good and Fear No Man
  Fort Worth, Texas
  A.K.A The Keyboard Cowboy
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Chris Schmidt


Check out OWASP ESAPI for Java

OWASP ESAPI for JavaScript

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