Re: [SC-L] Silver Bullet 111: Marcus Ranum

2015-07-10 Thread Kevin W. Wall
Ah, I the dirty trick is that you are finally doing reruns.
Syndication can't be far behind. ;-)

Sent from my Droid; please excuse typos.
On Jul 7, 2015 12:07 PM, Gary McGraw wrote:

 hi sc-l,

 Silver Bullet episode 111 is a sneaky one based around a “dirty brilliant
 trick.  The episode features Marcus Ranum, inventor of the proxy firewall
 and all around security guru.  We talk about perimeter security, software
 security, security progress (or lack of such) and whether hackers are
 necessary for security.   (or for purists

 So what was the trick?  At the end of the episode I revealed that during
 episode 3 (recorded exactly 9 years before episode 111), I asked Marcus
 exactly the same set of questions.  Wonder how consistent Marcus is over
 nine years?  Compare and contrast


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Re: [SC-L] informIT: BSIMM versus SAFECode

2012-01-02 Thread Kevin W. Wall
On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:
 hi sc-l,

 How about a little software security controversy for the tweener holiday week?

 On the last day of the BSIMM Conference in November, SAFECode unveiled
 a paper about the SAFECode Practices and their relationship to the BSIMM.
 Sammy and I don't think the SAFECode guys got everything right in their
 work.  In fact, they misconstrue the BSIMM as a software security
 methodology (which it is not) focused on compliance (which it definitely
 is not), so we wrote an article in response:

 BSIMM versis SAFECode and Other Kaiju Cinema (12/26/11)

Hope you and other SC-L readers had a safe and happy holidays. I had a few
comments on your InformIT article referenced here.

First, you take exception of SAFECode of calling out BSIMM as a methodology.
After quickly skimming their paper which you referenced, I think that
perhaps you
and Sammy are overreacting a bit. (Maybe you are misconstruing their
misconstruing? ;-)

Specifically, the SAFECode _Fundamental Practices_ paper which you cite states
in their section Prescriptive vs. Descriptive Models of Security:

Both the SAFECode _Fundamental Practices_ paper and the BSIMM
focus on secure development *methodologies*; however the are
important differences in their respective approaches and

[Emphasis mine.]

I do not see anywhere else that they claim that BSIMM is a methodology, so my
conclusion would be to simply chalk this up to sloppy writing at that
point rather
than drawing a conclusion from this single statement that SAFECode
fails to understand
that BSIMM is not a methodology.

Besides, if you make the assumption that SAFECode did draw this conclusion
that BSIMM is a type of software security methodology, do you really have anyone
other than the BSIMM trainers / interviewers / staff to blame? Why? Well, as I
read your InformIT article, you seem to imply that 6 of the 8 SAFECode members
have participated in BSIMM. So, if that is true and they didn't grasp
this fundamental
truth, then my conclusion would be that your BSIMM training was an
epic fail. However, I
do think that SAFECode understood this. I didn't see anywhere else in
their article
that you cited where the decreed that BSIMM was some sort of
methodology. However,
if there are other paragraphs in their paper that you could cite that
would support your
point that they are miscontruing BSIMM as a methodology, I shall stand
(Like I said, I only skimmed their paper rather quickly.)

Secondly, in your InformIT article, you and Sammy wrote:

The SAFECode paper implies that some activities identified
in the BSIMM may be irrelevant to software security. Our
working assumption is that if professional leaders and
members of multiple software security groups are carrying
out an activity, there is some logical reason for them to
do so.

Let me say that I think that you are being kind with your working
assumption by concluding that there is some *logical* reason to *all*
the activities that BSIMM has observed.  That is, unless you consider
CYA and office politics to be logical reasons. (I guess they could
be, depending on your perspective.)  Similarly, I would say that a lot of
security activities that I have observed are, IMO, based on security myths,
overreaction, or simple misunderstanding of security principles and
risk models. This too is a matter of perspective as to whether this
follows from some logical reasoning, but certainly while all of it may
follow some logic, I would contend that not all of it is rationale. (Unless
you consider reasoning based on fallacies to be rationale.)

Of course, this is all just my opinion from where I sit. I am certainly
not speaking from the perspective of my employer. And I'm not just
writing that as part of some official company disclaimer. FWIW, many of my
colleagues disagree with me. But OTOH, I do know that I am not alone
in the security community with my opinions.

Best regards,
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We *cause* accidents.        -- Nathaniel Borenstein

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Re: [SC-L] BSIMM3 lives

2011-10-20 Thread Kevin W. Wall
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:34 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:
 On 10/15/11 5:45 PM, Steven M. Christey wrote:
 3) The wording about OWASP ESAPI in SFD2.1 is unclear: Generic open
 source software security architectures including OWASP ESAPI should
 not be considered secure out of the box.  Does Struts, mentioned
 earlier in the paragraph, also fall under the category of not
 secure out of the box?  Are you saying that developers must be
 careful in adopting security middleware?

 Of course struts is not secure out of the box, which is the whole point of
 the activity.  The major difference between struts as insecure and ESAPI
 as insecure is that ESAPI claims to be a secure solution, though it is
 often not.  One might argue that it is worse to claim to be secure and not
 to be than to ignore the whole thing, but that's not really worth
 pursuing.  For more regarding Cigital's view on ESAPI, see


While I wholeheartedly agree with John Steven's championing that ESAPI be
made enterprise ready, I think your characterization of John's blog entry of
having anything to do with ESAPI not being secure out of the box is
simply unfair.

I did not see that listed as one of John's concerns about ESAPI. The
closest way that one could make that association is that for most of
ESAPI's security components there are no high level user stories /
use cases to provide overall guidance on each component. And while
that conceivably could cause security issues, I don't really see inadequate
documentation as being the same thing as a being insecure by default.

While I think one could make the argument that ESAPI 1.4 was insecure
by default (at least in the case of its symmetric encryption), I think that
is an unfair assessment of the ESAPI 2.0 GA release. In fact, in some
cases, we deliberately sacrificed backward compatibility (one of John's
enterprise readiness criterion) with the 1.4 release compatibility because
the development team's preference to choose security over backward
compatibility. (Which is something that I believe is the right decision
for security APIs.)

This is not to say that the security in ESAPI 2.0 is perfect. In fact, the
configuration issus is one of my nits to pick with ESAPI. Not only is
it overly complex, but it does not allow an enterprise's operations team
to lock down ESAPI properties in accordance with company security
policies.  But IMNSHO, I think that it does a far better job being
secure-by-default than does Struts, which is the other API that you
explicitly mention.

Best regards,
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We *cause* accidents.        -- Nathaniel Borenstein

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Re: [SC-L] informIT: Building versus Breaking

2011-09-03 Thread Kevin W. Wall
On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Chris Schmidt wrote:
 On Sep 2, 2011, at 10:44 AM, Goertzel, Karen [USA] 

 What we need is to start building software that can fight back. Then we
 could become part of cyber warfare which is much sexier than software
 assurance. :)

 Simple. Owasp esapi + owasp appsensor + honeypot = win

I'd still consider that defensive. If you want cyber warfare and are willing
to go over to the dark side, you can define your own custom AppSensor response
actionsto act offensively. For instance, you could easily try to
download malware
to the attacker or mount a DoS attack against them.

Personally, I don't recommend such escalation though, even if it is a
strategy. Reacting in that manner is likely to make you a criminal as well.

The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We *cause* accidents.        -- Nathaniel Borenstein

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Re: [SC-L] informIT: Modern Malware

2011-03-26 Thread Kevin W. Wall
On 03/26/2011 01:12 PM, Gunnar Peterson wrote:
 Advanced = goes through firewall
 Persistent = tried more than once
 Threat = people trying to get into valuable stuff
 Nothing new to sc-l readers, but a Reasonably good marketing term esp by 
 infosec standards (yay we get to scare business people with something other 
 than an auditor's clipboard!); really its all just the collective sound of 
 infrastructure security people coming to grips with the fact that their 
 firewall isn't a wall at all, but rather a series of holes.

Uh..., doesn't *most* of malware go through firewalls now days? So how is that

In reality, advanced a used with APT means that malware that was clever
enough to evade our normal AV defenses and socially engineer its way past
the common sense of those humans who wanted to see the dancing pigs.

In short, APT is spin-doctoring for getting caught with ones pants down.

Kevin W. Wall
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We cause accidents.-- Nathaniel Borenstein, co-creator of MIME
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Re: [SC-L] Java DOS

2011-02-16 Thread Kevin W. Wall
 the fpupdater tool. Not all the startup scripts that would need
modified are identical so a script to modify the scripts might be
difficult. Fortunately, with the fpupdater tool this tact shouldn't be

 I have to go through a large amount of security issues every day,
 trying to decide which ones were relevant in which are irrelevant.

Exactly what I am trying to do.

 This issue is definitely relevant, based on our code, but I'm not going to
 perform a JVMectomy this close to release; and unfortunately, it's always
 close to release; just to address the issue.

 So what will I do?

 I'll probably replace the parsing code; using a drop-in class
 replacement. This seems like the most appropriate fix for this issue
 until the JVM catches up.

If you have not already looked at it, check out Oracle's fpupdater tool.

 And I'll probably have a good night's sleep tonight.

 What I won't do is ignore it,

 That was not the point of my message,

The ramifications of a successful exploit make it too serious
to ignore. You do so at your own peril. But as you point out,
over reacting is also not the way to go.

 I don't ignore things; I deal with them, quickly, and without fuss

Generally I find how quickly that these things can be dealt with
is a function of size and bureaucracy.

 And then I get on to important things,

 like writing software ;)


Kevin W. Wall
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We cause accidents.-- Nathaniel Borenstein, co-creator of MIME
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Re: [SC-L] Java DOS

2011-02-16 Thread Kevin W. Wall
On 02/15/2011 11:38 AM, Jim Manico wrote:
 Ryan Barnett just spit out a new (impressive) mod security rule so you
 can tactically patch without touching code (see below).
 First step is to inspect the ARGS and REQUEST_HEADERS data using a regex
 to match on potential floating point payloads -
 SecRule ARGS|REQUEST_HEADERS [0-9\.]{12,}e-[0-9]{3,}
 If a payload is found that matches the regex check, ModSecurity will
 execute an external Lua script.  The lua script then extracts out
 payloads, strips out the . and then searches for the MagicDoSNumber.  If
 this is found, then a TX variable is exported -

Great idea, but the regex still needs work. For instance, one needn't
even use scientific notation at all, unless there is some other
mod_security rule restricting the overall length of an HTTP request
header. E.g.,

 Accept-Language: en-us; q=0.0...00022250738585072012

where I've omitted the appropriate # of zeros for the sake of readability.

Similarly, one could also write the quality metric using 'e-90' or
'e-3' or whatever; even 'e+2' if I wanted. But the approach is correct;
only the regex needs work unless there's some other mod_security rule
that would catch these things.

Kevin W. Wall
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We cause accidents.-- Nathaniel Borenstein, co-creator of MIME
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Re: [SC-L] Java: the next platform-independent target

2010-10-26 Thread Kevin W. Wall
On 10/25/2010 04:26 AM, Martin Gilje Jaatun wrote:
 On 2010-10-22 04:51, Kevin W. Wall wrote:
 In a large part, I think that people fail to patch Flash or Acrobat
 Reader for the same reason they forget about Java...out of sight, out of
 mind.* I think they believe that Windows Update solves (or should solve)
 *all* their patching needs.  I think many of the Linux distros have it
 right in that patching pretty much for whatever you
 have installed from your Linux provider's distribution channel.

 There are third-party vendors who do offer this as a service to Windows
 users - I know about the Danish company Secunia and their Corporate
 Software Inspector (CSI) service; there may be others out there.

That's true, I think BigFix is another (no endorsement intended),
but 1) these services are not obvious / trivial to locate and
evaluate for reliability, and 2) more importantly, why should a
general user have to trust yet another party? Look how many folks
get mislead into downloading fake AV software to protect their
supposedly infected PC. If they are not discerning enough to know
that, would they be any better with judging the reputation of
these other companies that might offer total patching as a service
similar to Secunia's service? I personally think that's doubtful.

Kevin W. Wall
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We cause accidents.-- Nathaniel Borenstein, co-creator of MIME
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Re: [SC-L] What do you like better Web penetration testing or static code analysis?

2010-04-24 Thread Kevin W. Wall
Brian Chess wrote:
 I like your point Matt.  Everybody who's responded thus-far has wanted to
 turn this into a discussion about what's most effective or what has the most
 benefit, sort of like we were comparing which icky medicine to take or which
 overcooked vegetable to eat.  Maybe they don't get any pleasure from the
 work itself.

I take exception to that use of everybody. My response was based solely
on my *preference*, which is what my understanding of Matt was originally
asking. But SC-L being the mailing list of many tangents, well...

And again, for the record, I *enjoy* both pen testing and static code
analysis, but I _personally_ prefer doing static code analysis, if no
other reason that generally allows me to work closer to the development
teams where I can better suggest appropriate mitigation.

Of course, my post (at least the original one) wasn't controversial enough
to stir up the pot and cause it to go off in some other direction, so it
may have flew past you under the radar. Not that that matters. OTOH, I
don't want to be lumped into the everybody category especially when
that list includes those who can't follow simple directions. ;-)

Kevin W. Wall
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We cause accidents.-- Nathaniel Borenstein, co-creator of MIME
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Re: [SC-L] What do you like better Web penetration testing or static code analysis?

2010-04-19 Thread Kevin W. Wall
Matt Parsons wrote:
 What do you like doing better as application security professionals, web
 penetration testing or static code analysis?

McGovern, James F. (P+C Technology) wrote:
 Should a security professional have a preference when both have
 different value propositions? While there is overlap, a static analysis
 tool can find things that pen testing tools cannot. Likewise, a pen test
 can report on secure applications deployed insecurely which is not
 visible to static analysis.

 So, the best answer is I prefer both...

While I realize that both are necessary and each have their own
pros and cons, my personal preference is to do static code analysis,
especially if it involves old-fashioned manual code inspections.

The reason for that I like getting closer to the source code.
Maybe that's just because it seems like I'm getting back to
my development roots. (I worked as a developer for the first half
of my career.) I find the advantages of dealing with source code
is that you are able to spot the exact problem as well as offer
more specific fixes. And working at the source code level gives
me more opportunities to work closely with the development teams
where I am able to explain to them in terms of their own code what
is going on and how a vulnerability can be fixed.

When approaching vulnerabilities from a pen testing level, I find
all to often that the developers do not believe that there is anything
wrong or if they do, they don't believe that it is serious enough that
it needs to be fixed. (For instance, it is not uncommon that when
developers are presented with results from a pen test that show that
they have non-persistent (reflective) XSS vulnerabilities present,
that I get the response Yeah, but that's not going to happen. First
you would have to get a authenticated user to click on that link and
they would never do that. Apparently they don't believe that those
doing phishing ever catch any victims.) However, when I'm dealing with
source code, that objection generally does not come up...perhaps
because I can show them right then and there how to remediate the

Kevin W. Wall
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree,
is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals.
We cause accidents.-- Nathaniel Borenstein, co-creator of MIME
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Re: [SC-L] [Esapi-user] Recommending ESAPI?

2010-01-10 Thread Kevin W. Wall
Dinis Cruz wrote:
 Following the recent thread on Java 6 security and ESAPI, I just would like
 to ask the following clarifications:

Dinis... all really good questions. I'll comment on the ones I have some
some sense of and feel qualified to answer and punt on the others. (I'm
also going to delete those I'm not going to attempt to answer to shorten
the response.)

 1) For an existing web application currently using a MVC framework (like
 Spring or Struts) are we today (9th Jan 2009) officially recommending that
 this web application development team adds OWASP's ESAPI.jar to the list of
 'external' APIs (i.e. libs) they use, support and maintain?

I'm not aware of an *official* recommendation OWASP intends to make, but if they
do, I doubt it will be until sometime after ESAPI 2.0 is officially released.

 2) When adopting the OWASP ESAPI's J2EE implementation, is ESAPI.jar ALL
 they need to add? or are there other dependencies (i.e. jars) that also need 
 be added, supported and maintained? (for example on the '*Dependencies'
 section of the ESAPI Java
 (i.e. Tab) it seems to imply that there are other *.jars needed)*

To a large degree, what jars are needed depends on what ESAPI security controls
are used by your application. (That what the Dependencies section on the URL
you referenced tries to clarify.)

Almost all the security controls use ESAPI logging which can be configured to
use either the Log4j or (Sun) Java logging. Log4j is the default, so if that is
used obviously a log4j jar is required.

All of the dependency jars are bundled with the ESAPI zip file, but which ones
you will actually needs depends on what ESAPI security controls are needed.

 3) Where can I find detailed information about each of the 9 Security
 Controls that ESAPI.jar currently supports: 1) Authentication, 2) Access
 control, 3) Input validation, 4) Output encoding/escaping, 5) Cryptography,
 6) Error handling and logging, 7) Communication security, 8) HTTP security
 and 9) Security configuration? (I took this list of controls from the
 to ESAPI pdf)

Most of the detailed information--at least to the degree that we would like
it--is not yet completed. (I'm not even sure all the docs that are planned
have people to work on them yet. Some are awaiting developers to finish up
their stuff to pitch in and contribute. Mike Boberski is in charge of the
ESAPI documentation. He can fill you in on its status.)

 *4) ...snip...
No comment.

 *5) Should we recommend the adoption of ALL 9 Security Controls? or are
 there some controls that are not ready today (9 Jan 2009) for production
 environments and should not be recommended? (for example is the
 'Authentication' control as mature as the 'Error handling and logging'

My only comment on that is to *NOT* use the symmetric encryption in ESAPI 1.4.
It has lots of problems. One would be better off using encryption in the 2.0
release candidates (but even that is is a minor state of flux).

 *6) ...snip...
No comment.

 7) What is the version of ESAPI.jar that we should recommend? the version
 1.4 (which looks like a stable release) or the version 2.0 rc4 (which looks
 like it is a Release Candidate)

Version 2.0 has some new features (e.g., WAF) that were not available in 1.4.
It also attempts to address some things that were broken in 2.0 (e.g., see
response to #4).  Ultimately this is probably one of those it depends answers.
I'll let Jim or Jeff provide a more official answer.

 8) - 12) ...snip...
No comment.

 *13) What about the current implementations of ESAPI for the other
 languages. Are we also recommending their use?*

IMO, doubtful. Most of the other languages are far behind the Java

 *14) If a development team decides to use (for example) Spring and ESAPI
 together in their (new or existing) application, what are the recommended
 'parts' from each of those APIs (Spring and EASPI) that the developers
 should be using? (for example: a) use Encoding from ESAPI, b) use
 Authentication from Spring, c) use Authorization from ESAPI, d) use Error
 Handling from Spring, e) use Logging from ESAPI, etc...)*

IMO, I think the ideal situation would be if we could get the Spring and Struts,
etc. development communities to integrate their frameworks so that they could
be used with the ESAPI interfaces. (In many of these cases, these
implementations would replace the ESAPI reference implementation.) However,
that is obviously going to take some time. I don't think that the ESAPI
dev team can do it all.

[Note: I am replying to both mailing lists. There may be policies against this.
If so, my apologies. However just wanted to make people aware of this; if they
Reply-All, they will need to be subscribed to both mailing lists from their
sending email address.]

Kevin W. Wall
The most likely