[no subject]

2022-02-04 Thread dan d.


Fyi: this list, screen-users, just had it's subject [tag] and footer removed

2019-10-24 Thread sysadmin
The Free Software Foundation has changed the GNU Mailman settings on
this list. The short version is that any subject prefix or message
footer has been removed, allowing us to turn off DMARC from munging.
Any list administrator for this list is free to change these settings
back, instructions are below.

The change is to better deal with increased adoption of the DMARC email
standard. The default Mailman settings were causing messages sent from
users with strict DMARC policy domains like yahoo.com to be rejected
when sent to list subscribers by Mailman. See the end of this email for
a technical overview of DMARC and DKIM. There are two main ways to fix
the issue by changing Mailman list settings.

The first option, and the preferable way for discussion lists, is what
we call the "unmodified message fix." There are Mailman list settings
which modify the messages by adding a subject prefix (e.g. [list-name])
or a footer. Modifying the message breaks DKIM message signatures and
thus DMARC, so we just turn those off. Many lists are already this way
and there is no change for them. Instead of using the subject prefix to
identify a list, subscribers should use the List-Id, To, and Cc headers.
List footer information can also be be put in the welcome email to
subscribers and the list information page by list administrators.

We changed the default for new lists to send unmodified messages, and
are now updating existing discussion lists to the new default. We
emailed all list administrators and moderators and Savannah group admins
to allow them to opt in to the alternate fix before we made this
change. However, not all lists had a valid administrator contact.

The second option is for lists which want or need to continue to modify
the message, for example with subject prefix or footer settings. In this
case we turn on a Mailman list setting called dmarc_moderation_action:
"Munge From". With this, if a strict DMARC sender sends to the list, we
alter the headers of that message like so:

A message sent to the list:

From: Anne Example Person 

Is modified by Mailman and sent to subscribers as:

From: Anne Example Person via Alist 
Reply-To: Anne Example Person 

Without going into all of the details, here's a few points about why we
concluded the unmodified message fix is better for discussion
lists. Email clients don't all treat munged messages the same way as
unmunged, and humans read these headers so it can confuse people,
causing messages not to be sent to the expected recipients. GNU Mailman
has an option to do "Munge From" always, but does not recommend using
it[1]. While we're not bound by what others do, it's worth noting that
other very large free software communities like Debian GNU/Linux have
adopted the unmodified message fix[2]. The unmodified messages fix
avoids breaking DKIM cryptographic signatures, which show the message
was authorized by the signing domain and seems like a generally good
security practice. Tools to manage patches, for example patchew, use the
from field and are tripped up by from munging.

For any Mailman list administrator who wants to change or look over the
relevant settings: The dmarc_moderation_action setting is under "Privacy
Options" subsection "Sender Filters". The only options that should be
selected are "Accept" or "Munge From", along with corresponding changes
to the subject_prefix option under "General Options", and msg_footer is
under "Non-digest options".

If no list administrators or moderators are around for this list, anyone
should feel free to try to track them down or figure out who should
become one and explain in detail by replying to sysad...@gnu.org. Please
be patient, this process may take several weeks.

Please send any questions that should be public to mail...@gnu.org. For
private ones, just reply to sysad...@gnu.org.

For the general announcement of these changes, please read

A short DMARC technical overview:

DMARC policy is a DNS txt record at a _dmarc subdomain. For example:

$ host -t txt _dmarc.yahoo.com
_dmarc.yahoo.com descriptive text "v=DMARC1; p=reject; pct=100;

The only important thing there for our purpose is p=reject. p=reject
means that conforming mail servers that receive mail with a from header
of *@yahoo.com will reject that email unless it was either 1. sent from
Yahoo's email servers, or 2. its DKIM signature is verified. A DKIM
signature[5] is a public key cryptographic signature of the email body
and some headers included in the message header "DKIM-Signature". A
verified DKIM signature means that email body and signed headers have
not been modified.

Comprehensive resources about DMARC tend to downplay or ignore its
problems, b

[no subject]

2017-04-20 Thread nakanyala fillipus
My s5 is having a problem with flash all seen
screen-users mailing list

(no subject)

2009-01-26 Thread Pieter Luteijn
 It would be really cool if gnu-screen could receive mouse wheel events
 and translate them to Command-Esc and ^Y or ^E as appropriate.
 Possibly it could be more intelligent about handling mouse wheel events
 when *already* in copy mode (^A^[).
 There could be a switch for users to decide whether they want their
 mouse events passed to the app or used by screen.

At work, I'm using AutoHotkey (anyone tied to windows on the desktop will
probably benefit from AutoHotkey, or a program like it. Look it up)  to
sent something else than the default 'escape' code when I press keys on
the numberpad area of my keyboard. e.g. PgUp becomes esc[NumpadPgUp].
On the screen side, I catch these pseudo-escape codes and do something
interesting with them. Examples:

# escape sequences from the keypad.
bindkey ^[[NumpadPgUp] eval copy stuff \^u\ # page-up goes to copy mode
bindkey ^[[NumpadPgDn] eval copy  # page-down goes to copy mode
bindkey -m ^[[NumpadPgUp] stuff ^u # page-up sends page-up in copy mode
bindkey -m ^[[NumpadPgDn] stuff ^d # page-down sends page-down in copy mode
bindkey ^[[NumLock] stuff \033

bindkey ^[[NumpadEnter] stuff \012
bindkey ^[[NumpadClear] screen
bindkey ^[[NumpadRight] next
bindkey ^[[NumpadLeft] prev
bindkey ^[[NumpadDown] focus down
bindkey ^[[NumpadUp] focus up
bindkey ^[[NumpadDiv] eval split fit
bindkey ^[[NumpadMult] eval only split split split select 0
fit focus down select 1 fit focus down select 2 fit focus
down select 3 fit focus down
bindkey ^[[NumpadSub] remove
bindkey ^[[NumpadAdd] eval only fit

bindkey ^[[NumpadHome] stuff -
bindkey ^[[NumpadEnd] stuff +
bindkey ^[[NumpadIns] stuff conf t\012
bindkey ^[[NumpadDel] stuff end\012

# other
bindkey ^[[Pause] suspend
bindkey ^[[PrintScreen] detach

bindkey ^? stuff ^h
bindkey \033^M command #
bindkey \033` command # alt-`
escape  # no more ctrl-a to get to command mode
bindkey ^[^[[5~ eval copy stuff \^u\ # alt-page-up goes to copy mode
bindkey ^[^[[6~ eval copy  # alt-page-down goes to copy mode
bindkey -m ^[^[[5~ stuff ^u # alt-page-up sends page-up in copy mode
bindkey -m ^[^[[6~ stuff ^d # alt-page-down sends page-down in copy mode


For historical reasons (Can't type properly and on original PCs had to use
the editing keys all the time. They were on the numpad only, so never used
'numlock'. New PCs come with separate editing keys, but already too used
to type numbers without keypad.), I don't use the keys on the numpad in my
normal work, so I have 17-keys to use for macros like this. Now, to scroll
with the mouse, I've just extended this to make ctrl-scrollwheel send the
same pseudo escape codes as pg-up/down do:
(autohotkey snippet)
GroupAdd UNIX, ahk_class PuTTY
GroupAdd UNIX, ahk_class VNCviewer
GroupAdd UNIX, ahk_class cygwin/x

#IfwinActive ahk_group UNIX
SendInput {escape}[NumpadPgUp]

SendInput {escape}[NumpadPgDn]


screen-users mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2007-10-10 Thread ara.t.howard

On Oct 10, 2007, at 5:19 AM, Christian Ebert wrote:

AFAIR ncurses shipped with MacOS X is an old version that doesn't
have a screen-256color entry.

What gives:

$ infocmp screen-256color

If you get an error, the cleanest solution is to install a recent
ncurses version (fink's is not new enough either, don't know
about MacPorts).


so... it works!

i'm not sure what happened, but my current configuration is working -  
good colours in screen.

i've got

termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@
defscrollback 4242#Will be handled localy
attrcolor b .I
termcapinfo xterm-color 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
defbce on
startup_message off

in my .screenrc and, the pertinent bits of my .vimrc

set antialias
set t_Co=256
set background=dark

and it's working great.

thanks for all the help people.

ps.  i did up upgrade my screen to the latest macports version too -  


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being  
better. simply reflect on that.

h.h. the 14th dalai lama

screen-users mailing list

(no subject)

2007-10-09 Thread ara.t.howard

hi all, first post to the list-

i've scanned the archives and seen that others have had issues  
getting 256 colors under screen as well - this is the issue i'm having.

i'm running the 'xterm-colortest' found here:


and it works correctly in my terminal (iTerm on OSX).  however, when  
i start screen the colors are binned into nearest neighbor or  
something like that.  here is my .screenrc

cfp:~  cat .screenrc
termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@
defscrollback 1#Will be handled localy

### http://frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/
# terminfo and termcap for nice 256 color terminal
# allow bold colors - necessary for some reason
attrcolor b .I

# tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground
termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'

# erase background with current bg color
defbce on

any thoughts on how to fix this issue?

kind regards.

a @ http://codeforpeople.com/
share your knowledge.  it's a way to achieve immortality.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

screen-users mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2007-10-09 Thread cga2000
On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 11:08:02AM EDT, ara.t.howard wrote:
 hi all, first post to the list-
 i've scanned the archives and seen that others have had issues  
 getting 256 colors under screen as well - this is the issue i'm having.
 i'm running the 'xterm-colortest' found here:
 and it works correctly in my terminal (iTerm on OSX).  however, when  
 i start screen the colors are binned into nearest neighbor or  
 something like that.  here is my .screenrc
 cfp:~  cat .screenrc
 termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@
 defscrollback 1#Will be handled localy
 ### http://frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/
 # terminfo and termcap for nice 256 color terminal
 # allow bold colors - necessary for some reason
 attrcolor b .I
 # tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground
 termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
 # erase background with current bg color
 defbce on
 any thoughts on how to fix this issue?
 kind regards.

IIRC .. you first need to have a version of screen that supports 256
colors _and_ specify --enable-colors256 when you ./configure it prior
to compile.

AFAIK 256-color support is not the default.  

If you didn't compile screen yourself -- if you are running a binary
distribution such as debian stable for instance .. it probably was not
enabled by the package maintainer.

Not sure if there's a way you can check on the configure options from
the binary.

Another thing is that you are going to need to have screen point to a
terminfo entry that supports 256 colors.  

I do the latter with the following .screenrc statement:


Even if this turns out not to be necessary (?) to run your 256-color
test from a shell successfully, you will need a correct terminfo entry
for screen-mode apps that use it to determine the capabilities of the
underlying terminal anyway (mutt, vim, eg.)

I can't look into the details of my setup right now but I think the
above is all there is to it. 



screen-users mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2007-10-09 Thread ara.t.howard

On Oct 9, 2007, at 11:22 AM, cga2000 wrote:

IIRC .. you first need to have a version of screen that supports 256
colors _and_ specify --enable-colors256 when you ./configure it prior
to compile.

right.  the Portfile on OSX does indeed specify this option to configure

Another thing is that you are going to need to have screen point to a
terminfo entry that supports 256 colors.

I do the latter with the following .screenrc statement:


how odd, with that in my .screenrc i get the following error on startup:

TERMCAP, line 20, col 1, terminal 'screen-256color-bce': Illegal  
character (expected alphanumeric or @%*!#) - ^J

cfp:~  cat .screenrc
termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@
defscrollback 4242#Will be handled localy

### http://frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/
# terminfo and termcap for nice 256 color terminal
# allow bold colors - necessary for some reason
attrcolor b .I

# tell screen how to set colors. AB = background, AF=foreground

# erase background with current bg color
defbce off

term screen-256color-bce
termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'

Even if this turns out not to be necessary (?) to run your 256-color
test from a shell successfully, you will need a correct terminfo entry
for screen-mode apps that use it to determine the capabilities of the
underlying terminal anyway (mutt, vim, eg.)

well i think that's okay since every works in straight iterm or  
terminal, it's only under screen where things be hosed.


a @ http://codeforpeople.com/
it is not enough to be compassionate.  you must act.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

screen-users mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2007-10-09 Thread grok
Hash: SHA1

 it is not enough to be compassionate.  you must act.
 h.h. the 14th dalai lama

The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways.
The point, however, is to change it.
 -- Karl Marx, Eleven Theses on Feuerbach

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screen-users mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2007-05-30 Thread Andy Harrison

On 5/29/07, cga2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My preference would be for half-page scrolling via Ctrl-U and Ctrl-D
(same as in vim) and good mnemonics as any.

The vi keys Ctrl-F and Ctrl-B for forward and backward a screenful
work also.  I often use the Ctrl-Y and Ctrl-E keys as well, far more
convenient since they scroll up and down regardless of cursor

Andy Harrison

screen-users mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2007-05-30 Thread cga2000
On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 11:52:02AM EDT, Andy Harrison wrote:
 On 5/29/07, cga2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My preference would be for half-page scrolling via Ctrl-U and Ctrl-D
 (same as in vim) and good mnemonics as any.
 The vi keys Ctrl-F and Ctrl-B for forward and backward a screenful
 work also.  I often use the Ctrl-Y and Ctrl-E keys as well, far more
 convenient since they scroll up and down regardless of cursor

Thanks Andy,

Actually I'd never really thought about it but half-page scrolling
via Ctrl-U  Ctrl-D works out of the box.  

Sorry I misunderstood the OP's intentions .. and failed to notice this
thread was a bit stale. 


screen-users mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2007-04-23 Thread Richard Bronosky

On 2/15/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The current scrolling interface to GNU Screen is not particularly simple
to use,
and neither so to understand.  The reason is that this mode is mainly
designed to
move around text, and not scroll the window, which is just a side effect.

Would a patch integrating easier scrolling, say, by the Linux-style
be welcome?


screen-users mailing list

.!# RichardBronosky #!.
screen-users mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2007-04-23 Thread Richard Bronosky

Sounds very convenient.  I'd like to see this.  Please submit a patch
if you have one.


The current scrolling interface to GNU Screen is not particularly simple to use,
and neither so to understand.  The reason is that this mode is mainly designed 
move around text, and not scroll the window, which is just a side effect.

Would a patch integrating easier scrolling, say, by the Linux-style SHIFT+PG??,
be welcome?


screen-users mailing list

.!# RichardBronosky #!.

screen-users mailing list

(no subject)

2007-03-28 Thread sky
The current scrolling interface to GNU Screen is not particularly simple to use,
and neither so to understand.  The reason is that this mode is mainly designed 
move around text, and not scroll the window, which is just a side effect.

Would a patch integrating easier scrolling, say, by the Linux-style SHIFT+PG??,
be welcome?


screen-users mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2005-04-04 Thread Jonathan Martin
Pardon me while I daydream for a second...
- A dedicated OSX screen terminal client, it could be configured to 
bounce the dock icon when a bell is received or a monitored window 
changed. Similarly, in Windows or contemporary unix desktops like 
Gnome, tasktray icons could flash or otherwise indicate alerts from a 
screen backend.

- On OSX, other clients could be created dedicated to just monitoring 
or controlling a screen backend session instance. For example, a 
process could monitor screen and make Growl notifications that a bell 
was received in window X. Or a Konfabulator widget (lol, Tiger 
dashboard widget) could monitor screen windows.

- Whatever protocol that spans between the front-end and back-end is 
tunnel-able over SSH. Clients are optionally linked with ssh libraries 
and can tunnel themselves.

- The architecture and protocols could be designed to fully mesh 
backends, so that for example backend instance A (securely) connected 
to B and C; B to A and C; C to A and B.. then by connecting to any of 
the backends, the client would be aware of any windows in all the 
instances (permission permitting of course).

Again, just daydreaming.  :)

On Apr 4, 2005, at 12:59 PM, Xavier Nicollet wrote:
Le 11 janvier 2005 à 11:43, jmartin a écrit:
I've also contemplated separating out the display logic from the 
pty logic into more of a client-server model to achieve two goals: 
to build non-terminal front-ends, like a tabbed terminal emulator in 
X, or
an OSX Cocoa tabbed terminal; second, to securely (ssh?) interconnect
screen backends, so that you could bridge two (or more) hosts running
screen, and switching between screens on different hosts would be
Great !
I don't know if it would be very easy with the current screen codebase.
Xavier Nicollet

screen-users mailing list