Dear SPDGs,


LearningPort is an on-line free professional development library.  It
contains a variety of materials from national associations (e.g.,
National League of Cities), States (e.g., Pennsylvania) and technical
assistance centers (e.g., IRIS, RTI Center) in a variety of formats
including full training modules in video format, webinars, conference
materials, etc.  Many of these materials can be incorporated (e.g., a
video streamed presentation by well known researchers could be included
in a locally developed training package) into larger training packages
being developed in States and Districts.   


The modules represent a substantial collection of available resources,
that may assist you in your work.  In addition, the IRIS Center has
developed a Fidelity of Implementation training module as a companion


Below are the two links.  Please note that the LearningPort is still
being "tweaked".  Please feel free to provide feedback on what you find,
including any glitches.  The LearningPort currently has about 400


I look forward to hearing your feedback regarding these new tools.


Best regards,




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