Greetings Directors and Evaluators:


We have couple of things to share with you today. First of all, staff
from one of the SPDG projects requested assistance from the network
related to assessment data. In particular, the state is interested in
getting responses to the following question: 


How are projects compiling and analyzing LEA K-2nd literacy and math
assessment data, when LEAs are not required to use specific assessment
types and, therefore, are using many different types?


If you have information to share with this state, please send your input
to Audrey Desjarlais at by September 21. Audrey
will compile the information and send it out on the listservs by the end
of the month.


The second item is TA&D hosted event. On September 28th at 3:00pm
Eastern, Larry Edelman will present on the TA&D webinar - Shoot, Edit,
and Share: Using Digital Video in Professional Development, Technical
Assistance, and Dissemination.


DESCRIPTION: Video is an invaluable tool that has been used for many
decades to enhance the effectiveness of professional development,
technical assistance, and dissemination activities - the difference is
that it is now a great deal easier and vastly more affordable to shoot,
edit, and distribute video. Today, you don't need to be a trained video
professional to produce incredibly useful video. This webinar will
introduce key concepts regarding digital video and illustrate many ways
that it is being used. Accompanying the web conference will be resource
and guidance materials on low-cost digital video recorders, accessories,
and software.


WHEN:  This webinar will be held on Tuesday, September 28 from 3-4:30 pm
Eastern time.


HOW DO I REGISTER/JOIN:  To register for this session go to and click on public sessions to select this
session, enter your name and email address and you will receive an email
with the session specifics.  This session will be recorded so if you
can't join us on the 28th- check the site a week or so
after and we will have this posted with any materials on the home page.



Audrey  Desjarlais

Signetwork Coordinator

1268 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97405

541.346.0373 office

541.954.8870 mobile


Reply via email to