Greetings, SPDG Directors, Coordinators, and Evaluators:


For this year's SPDG Program Meeting, known as SIG Day, we are hosting
two 45 minute small group discussions on topics representative of the
professional learning communities (PLCs) that have been formed by the
SPDGs and are meant to further the conversations taking place in those

We'd like to know what topics you'll attend for each round so we can be
sure we have the appropriate number of tables and assigned facilitators
for each topic. If you plan to attend the OSEP Project Directors'
Conference, please help us by completing this two question Sign-Up Sheet
by July 2nd: 


Thank you.




Audrey Desjarlais


Technical Assistance and Consulting Services

1268 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97403

541.346.0373 direct

541.346.0322 fax

541.954.8870 mobile <> 



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