This is a reminder for this the Joint SPDG Directors and Evaluators'
Webinar- February 19, 3:30-5:00pm ET (details below). Larry Edelman will
present on Using Technology for Professional Development, Technical
Assistance, and Strategic Communication' In addition, Pat Mueller and
Hollie Filce will share their experiences using video conferencing, and
Pattie Noonan will provide a brief demo on Moodle, a Course Management
System (CMS), or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a free web
application that educators can use to create effective online learning


To download Larry Edelman's PowerPoint and handout go to: For those who cannot attend the
internet portion of this session, please email Audrey
( to request the teleconference number and access
codes. An archived recording will be posted to the website a week after
the session.


Time: 3:30-5:00pm Eastern/ 2:30-4:00 pm Central/ 1:30-3:00pm Mountain/
12:30-2:00 pm Pacific
Presenters: Larry Edelman, MS, University of Colorado

Pattie Noonan, Evaluator, Missouri SPDG

Pat Mueller and Hollie Filce, Evaluator and Project Director,
Mississippi SPDG

Facilitator: Jennifer Doolittle, OSEP SPDG Project Lead
Login and teleconferencing dial-in instructions:
1. To login into the webinar go to the following link: When this window opens,
type your full name in the Enter as a Guest field, then select the
button: Enter Room.
2. Audio-Conferencing is accessed via the online meeting room. Upon
entering the room, a teleconference dialogue box will appear on your
screen. Type your area code and phone number and select the button call
me. Your phone will ring and you will be joined to the conference. For
those who cannot be dialed directly please use the phone number provided
in the 'chat' pod screen. 



Audrey Desjarlais


Technical Assistance and Consulting Services

1268 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97403

541.346.0373 direct

541.346.0322 fax

541.954.8870 mobile <> 


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