Save the Date! Please mark your calendars for a SPDG Low Incidence
Affinity Group Teleconference on September 21, 3:00-4:00 pm Eastern
Time. Lori Romano, SPDG Project Director for Florida, will be speaking
about Florida's Virtual Exceptional Student Education Online Distance
Learning Program and the SPDG efforts related to it.  The goal of the
SPDG project has been to increase the capacity of Florida's Virtual ESE
online service delivery system to include courses leading to
endorsements in Pre-K Handicapped, Autism and Severe and Profound

The Virtual ESE program provides online coursework and supports for the
teachers of these courses.  Lori will describe how this program was
first created, the collaborative partnerships that have made the program
a success, the challenges in creating and sustaining the program, and
how she and her colleagues have met those challenges.


SPDG Low Incidence Affinity Group Teleconference

Date: September 21, 2009

Time: 3:00-4:00pm, Eastern/ 2:00-3:00pm Central/ 1:00-2:00pm Mountain /
12:00-1:00pm Pacific 

Presenters: Lori Romano, Ph.D, Florida SPDG Project Director 

Facilitator: Toyah Robey, Kentucky SPDG Project Co-Director

Dial-in Info: 1-888-387-8686, Rm 3460322#



Audrey Desjarlais


Technical Assistance and Consulting Services

1268 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97403

541.346.0373 direct

541.346.0322 fax

541.954.8870 mobile



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