[SLUG] XScreensaver Sonar ping

2000-07-19 Thread Jeff Waugh

Someone mentioned the Sonar XScreensaver and ping being setuid... So it
happens, jwz mentioned it today...

jwz so should I make xscreensaver install the "sonar" hack as setuid by
default, so that it can ping?
jdub jwz: we had a post on SLUG about that today!
raph uhm, if foo.h has #include "bar.h", does #include freetype/foo.h
look up bar.h in the freetype dir?
rtmfd jwz: you evil man
rconover jwz: I did it on my own before
jwz jdub: huh?
jwz rtmfd: huh?
rconover jwz: its not fun on campus
jdub jwz: Sydney Linux User Group... someone asked about it... whether it
was bad for security or not.
jwz it is not
raph ie, does it always implictly use the current dir of the file it's
included from?
jwz it's just fuckin' *ping*
jdub can i quote you on that? ;)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

  Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: TCP/IP books (was Re: [SLUG] Specify which processes run on which processor)

2000-07-18 Thread Jeff Waugh

 James Wilkinson wrote:
 Just pulled it off the shelf: it's 813 pages.  It has a humerous
 cartoon on the front (s/humerous/lame/).  I didn't find it very hard
 going, but from the lectures, I think many other people did.

Sorry, there was a joke in that:


- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

  Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Weird Xwindows Colour Problem

2000-07-18 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Daron Barndon wrote:
 The problem I have is netscape (and some other programs) have a red tinge to
 their display. It is not a monitor/card issue as xterms display in pure

Well, white is 100% red, 100% blue and 100% green, so that's not too
surprising. ;)

 All of the window managers (included with mandrake) with all of the
 themes still display red/pink.
 Its almost like their has been a red overlay. Skin tones come out green!

Wiggle your monitor cable, make sure your card is seated properly, take
anything that may be causing electromagnetic interference away (yes, that
means your box too), and finally, plug someone else's monitor in.

Sadly, it sounds like a monitor problem to me. Similar thing happened with
my old Osborne monitor (yes! my first 386 was an Osborne - with SCSI of all

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

  Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Linux on the desktop predictions

2000-07-17 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Conrad Parker wrote:
 "there are two types of command interfaces in the world
 of computing: good interfaces and user interfaces."
   -- Dan Bernstein, "The qmail security guarantee",

Ah yes. The way, the truth, and the light shining out of Dan Bernstein's
proverbial. Another slimy Wizard in His Tower who would prefer us all to be
timesharing instead of being empowered by what I would almost go so far as
describe as *ethical* software design.

 There will _always_ be a place for unambiguous input.

Please tell me why a simple interface is necessarily ambiguous? Please
explain why a simple interface is anything but unambiguous!

 no, but at least she stops asking why you're still single ;)

The rest of your email was as funny as that too... I had to read it three
times before I could argue any of it. ;)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

  Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Good text WWW browser

2000-07-17 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Andrew Macks wrote:

 And let us not forget w3m, which does rendering too and has SSL support.
 w3m vs Links seems to be a bit of a trade-off.  SSL for background
 loading.  But I haven't tried Links first-hand yet, so there may be other
 advantages/disadvantages.  Seems w3m is more actively developed, but that
 doesn't mean a better client I guess.

My preference is w3m for rendering (viewing html emails in mutt), and links
for real browsing. It has a nice curses interface with menus and all.

w3m looks sharper though, so if you need to output a webpage as text, use

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

  Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] Which Distribution for schools?

2000-07-14 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Trevor Gunter wrote:

 With the state govt. rollout of computers to schools we are free to choose
 what we like, basically either iMacs or Win98 machines of various ilk.

If you've got the opportunity to get iMacs, grab them. Your students won't
be able to screw them up as easily as beige boxes (expert hands reach in to
'fix', etc), they're prettier, cooler architecture (well!) and I'd take a
Mac over a Windows box *any* day of the week.

 I don't know enough about the various distributions apart from RH to decide?
 1) For an education envt (High school) is there a distro that is "Better" or
 to be preferred.

For desktops, not really. To be blunt, most distros end up the same when you
look at them front on. The back-end sysadmin stuff is your problem, but from
a user's perspective, Linux is Linux is Linux (or rather, X is X is X).

Your first priority should be to choose a desktop environment and/or window
manager combo that you can lock down without much fuss.

Here I'd recommend WindowMaker, but that's only because it used ot be my
primary WM.

Once you've got that worked out, spend some time considering how you want to
administer all these machines. (This is the point at which I say "Debian
makes for an excellent server, especially when you have to administer it
remotely" - weren't expecting that were you?)  :D

 2) Should Linux reside within it's own partition or as I believe some
 distros can 'live' in a folder within windows.

Argh! RUN! RUN! RUN!

Look at it this way: you will never secure files on a Windows 98 machine
properly. So, what good is a secure OS (Linux), when I can just rummage
through C:\LINUX and delete whatever I want?

Separate partitions are the way to go.

 Any comments along these lines or any other suggestions most welcome. What's
 the best way of getting Linux more mainstream in schools?

It was mentioned earlier today, and I've been planning to implement a
similar scheme for some time; Sydney Uni have a little Linux partition on
most of their public access machines that can remotely replace partitions
with appropriate images - NT or otherwise.

Like I said, I'll be doing something rather like that, and once I'm done,
I'll post a FAQqy HOWTO thing. Might be a few weeks tho.

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

  Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] name server weirdness

2000-07-12 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Russell Davies wrote:
 ; It's not a problem for an individual with the skills.  But for a 
 ; distribution this is not good enough.
 Isn't this exact (bogus) argument applied to linux as a whole? I'm sick
 of hearing it, if you don't have those skills you shouldn't be playing
 with MTAs.

Having spluttered Coke on my keyboard, I'm now quite cross. ;)

An MTA is a required feature on many (if not all) Linux installations.
Although not strictly necessary if you use mailers like Netscape, let's look
at it from the perspective of Linux' current strongpoint: servers.

You "can't not" have an MTA, and if that's the case, it should be bloody easy
to set up for basic requirements.

Case in point: The Exim installation on Debian systems is almost fool-proof.
Debconf asks you what your setup is like, and makes the Exim settings
reflect that. If you're using dial-up on a desktop system, it does it.
Seamlessly. If you're running a 'real' mail server, it sets it up.

Sure, it won't do a lot of the fancy stuff Postfix or (perish the thought)
Sendmail and qmail do, but the intention is to have a *workable system
running easily*.

At the moment, the SLUG mailing list is pumped out by Exim which I (having
never touched Debian nor Exim before) set up in about 30 seconds.

For basic installations, that's the way it ought to be. You may be surprised
to find that basic installations are the most freqent too...

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

  Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] auto-apt

2000-07-11 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Trent Swift wrote:
 Umm, a short list:

snip 8 snip 8 snip very LONG list!

Hmm... so if I installed a very basic console woody, and tried running
gnome-tetris [*], I'd end up with a fully configured desktop system? And
they wonder why we LOVE Debian?!?

;) - Jeff

[*] Does this exist? Games? Huh?

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

  Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://slug.org.au/lists/listinfo/slug

Re: [SLUG] OT : Windows 2000 Port Forwarding

2000-07-09 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Matt Allen wrote:
 Are you fully aware that you just asked a 100% windows question to the
 Sydney Linux Users Group list?

Linux? LINUX? I thought it stood for legume!

I wondered why there was a mutant penguin-slug on the website...

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

  Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
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SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: More OT: Is tux gender specific ? (RE: [SLUG] OT: Geek/Linux apparel)

2000-07-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Aravind Naidu wrote:
 That begs the question. Is Tux gender specific ?  Some of our fairer sex
 colleagues might take exception to that !!

So why does it sound strange to me that you have both "gender specific" and
"fairer sex" in the same paragraph?

;) - Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux User Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
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Re: [SLUG] LinuxFest: ideas on what to bring

2000-07-06 Thread Jeff Waugh

  Here's the link: http://www.powerup.com.au/~squadron/
 Well it would have to be modified as it does not include the 'cut'
 command. After all that is the favourite/mascot command of SLUG isn't it?

Heh - it was also done in MS Word. ARGH!

On that note, if anyone would like to volunteer to do a more current and
generalised one (without the reliance on RedHat) that we can use for our
InstallFest, and distribute to LUGs across the country for IF2K, I'd
appreciate it greatly.

Something compact, fairly broad, good for newbies, and of course, done
totally with Open Source/Free Software. It would be nice to have a little
colophon for that, hey? :)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] named logging

2000-07-06 Thread Jeff Waugh

 P.S. What's this about a LinuxFest coming up?

Our InstallFest is planned for August 26th. Once the committee has got its
arse into gear we'll be making announcements and asking for help and stuff.

If you'd like to get in on the action - join the "Festies" mailing list by
signing up on the mailman form at:


or by emailing


with "subscribe" as the subject.

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] mounting off a loop device in 2.2.12

2000-07-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

+ Marshall, Joshua wrote:
|  #mount -t vfat -o loop /home/schakrab/shuv.iso /mnt/cdrom
|  ioctl: LOOP_SET_FD: Invalid argument
| Firstly, the filesystem type wouldn't be vfat, it'd be iso9660.

That's most probably the problem.

| losetup /dev/loop0 /home/schakrab/shuv.iso
| mount /dev/loop0 /mnt/cdrom
| and when you're finished,
| umount /mnt/cdrom
| losetup -d /dev/loop0

That's a waste of typing! :)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] vim

2000-07-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Colin Humphreys wrote:
 How do I get line and column numbers down the bootom right?

Hi Colin,

You can either type :set ruler when you're in vim, or put the same (ans the
colon) in your .vimrc file.

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] OT: Nerds and geeks

2000-07-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

 David wrote:
 BTW, should it be "site" or "sight" ?? I've often wondered.
 These are the sort of deep issues that geeks concern themselves with :-)

Thank you for walking right into the crossfire of one of my pet niggles
(read: absolute guarantee of frustration, potentially causing nuclear


- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Reiser file system

2000-07-04 Thread Jeff Waugh

Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
 Is Reiser ready for the mainstream yet?  ie, I'm about to build a new
 server and should I use Reiser?

Aravind asked the same thing last week -- SourceForge are using it for half
their operations, and seem incredibly happy with it.

I'll probably convert over my 8 gig data drive next week sometime, just to
see what all the fuss is about. ;)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Lies, Damned Lies and Stats Cheats [Was: Reading a file into variables?]

2000-07-04 Thread Jeff Waugh

Jon Biddell wrote:
 Hey Terry - no fair trying to fsck the stats !!!


I thought it might come to this. I guess Zack, Rodos, jwz and myself have a
lot to answer for.

But I'm going to fight back anyway! Consider Jamie's script modified; to
handle "special cases" such as these. ;)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Changebars in DocBook

2000-07-04 Thread Jeff Waugh

From "The Man" himself (who's an Emacs kinda guy),

- Forwarded message from Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: 02 Jul 2000 17:12:21 -0400
From: Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: DOCBOOK: Denoting change in a DocBook document
User-Agent: Gnus/5.0803 (Gnus v5.8.3) Emacs/20.6

/ Jeff Waugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] was heard to say:
| Surely some of the documentors on this list would be presenting long DocBook
| documents to traditional editors - what's your solution?

Changebars are an exceptionally thorny problem. I don't know of any
good, general solution. It's possible that


is enough technology to make a pretty good stab at the problem, but
it'll require some inventiveness.

Keep in mind that there are two flavors of changebars. The "show me
what has changed between these two versions" is SMOP (simple matter of
programming). The other, more legalistic flavor, where you want a
record of the fact that someone deleted a word and then added the same
word back, requires an editing tool to keep track of what you change.

Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Some books are undeservedly
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | forgotten, non are undeservedly
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | remembered.--W. H. Auden

- End forwarded message -

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Thing about these ranks

2000-07-04 Thread Jeff Waugh

Matt wrote:
 Did anyone bring this up yet ? Not that I care about rankings, or anything :)

The script by jwz measures noise as empty lines and quotes beginning with
"", which is easy to get around. I was writing a new script which took into
account the entire message when making its calculations, instead of
line-by-line as Jamie's does.

However, I'm fed up with this whole ridiculous exercise, and I'm sorry I
continued it by posting the newer stats this week. It was fun for a bit, but
it's just cranking up the noise without giving us any signal in return. I'm
considering removing the Pearls stats as well.

Numbers always fsck things up,

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] [IF2K] InstallFest 2000 on Slashdot!

2000-07-04 Thread Jeff Waugh

Hay all,


So we're in the spotlight and stuff. ;) Now it's going to start heating up.
I asked about anyone who would like to be involved at Friday's meeting, and
there were a couple of interested people.

If your Uni group, school, commune, whatever is interested in holding their
own InstallFest - send [EMAIL PROTECTED] an email and we'll get
you on the page, etc. :)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] KC SLUG Pearls #5

2000-07-03 Thread Jeff Waugh

 KC SLUG Pearls #5 is here!



SLUG Pearls is now a Kernel Cousin!


 (to published later this evening)

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Any users of zeta.org.au?

2000-07-03 Thread Jeff Waugh

Zeta's out?

Sounds like Optus are going to be in big trouble...

CIA (Connect Infobahn) and so I've heard, a few others, have been down for
the last fews days as something went terribly wrong at the Optus exchange in
the city. I can't give you any more technical details though...

CIA were totally offline, dial-up, telephone, website, everything.

We all love our new communications marketplace, don't we?

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] [Off Topic]: Was there a meeting last Friday ??

2000-07-03 Thread Jeff Waugh

Jeff Waugh wrote:
 I'll definitely be updating it today. Sorry again to everyone who didn't
 find us on Friday!

Done: http://slug.org.au/slugmeet.shtml

Won't happen again!

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Religious Wars: The Next Battle?

2000-07-03 Thread Jeff Waugh

Hi all,

Was the Religious Wars debate worthwhile? Should we do it again? If so, on
what grounds?

Some suggestions I've already received:

 * Shells - bash vs. tcsh

 * Window Managers - um, you name one, everyone's fanatical about these

 * MTAs - qmail vs. Postfix

Remember, by offering a suggestion, you look like a good team candidate! ;)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Re: Fri: PHP4 presentation on slug site ??

2000-07-03 Thread Jeff Waugh

Ricky C wrote:
 any chance you put the PHP4 presentation on the website ??

Sure - Matt and Graeme will be sending me the stuff to put up.

(Example of Jeff using his Jedi mind control technique...)

Speakers are notoriously lazy when it comes to providing stuff for the
website. Getting those DocBook people to get something for the webpage was a
nightmare (Ahem. I was "one of those DocBook people"). ;)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Religious Wars: The Next Battle?

2000-07-03 Thread Jeff Waugh

Michael Lake wrote:
 The Command Liners will argue entirely using the blackboard
 while the pro-GUIs will use a more visual approach and
 exclusively use sign language.

Much giggling here...

I forgot to mention DocBook vs. TeX too... ;)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Religious Wars: The Next Battle?

2000-07-03 Thread Jeff Waugh

  Distro's. Jeff can do Debian against everyone else :)
 Plus Anand and Herbert Xu are debian developers. Hey, that makes three!

I'm only so noisy about it because I'm recently exposed - if there were ever
a "Team Debian" in SLUG, it would be Herbert, Anand, Gus (who would be a
laugh a minute in a technology review meeting), and Conrad.

No idea how you'd choose the silent fourth...

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Australia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Extracting Weather text out of a web page - Newbie Question

2000-06-30 Thread Jeff Waugh

Grahame M. Kelly wrote:
 Yes, I'll admit to being a html/web newbie.

Sure. As if. ;)

 Does anyone have a simpler more elegant solution ?

Certainly - you're best best for parsing a webpage for "stuff" is Perl, but
the trouble is, the site will always change, forcing you to rewrite the

Better solution: Go to *their* source! (well, likely source)


Read about METAR coded observations at the bottom, or, just grab the one
from Sydney Airport which is right here:


(I'm assuming here that you want to show webcam viewers what sort of weather
the cockies and possums are... weathering?)

There's also some PHP code that does this for all of the available weather


I didn't spend much time getting it to work, however. There is an obvious
problem with it to begin with in that one of the files that relies on PHP
is an .html file - not so great for anyone with a sane PHP setup (why parse
*all* your html files?)

- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Get Linux Around Ausralia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

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Re: [SLUG] Creating output from a docbook file.

2000-06-29 Thread Jeff Waugh

Rodos wrote:
 I can easily look at the Docbook reference and markup everything in the
 tags as required, its just going from there I am a little lost.


- Jeff

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.slug.org.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Get Linux Around Ausralia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Chivalry of OS/FS

2000-06-29 Thread Jeff Waugh

Hey all,

Found this interesting article by Mark Stone:


It's yet another "perspective on Open Source", but an interesting one

- Jeff

PS. What happened to "Free Software"? Seems none of the Linux .coms want to
talk about it anymore...

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://linux.conf.au/ --

  linux.conf.au - coming to Sydney in January 2001

Installing Linux Around Ausralia - http://linux.org.au/installfest/

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Mini-Review: 2.4.0-test*

2000-06-28 Thread Jeff Waugh

Kernel Krazy this week - I installed test1 a few days ago, and test2 in the
last couple. Here's what happened...


* No troubles on boot, everything ran as per.

* Framebuffer consoles (with Matrox cards) are cool. You get a penguin for
  each processor in your system - now I have a spurious reason to get a dual
  CPU board.

* The VM (virtual memory) in this release isn't all that great. My highly
  technical appraisal is that with 2.2.16, BubbleMon shows about a quarter
  of my memory used when doing basic X stuff (powershell, console mail
  client, Gnome panels, irc - not Nutscrape), whilst with test1, it
  constantly creeps up towards full.

* IDE performance isn't noticably faster, in fact overall performance seems
  overly sluggish when there's hard drive action going on.

* bttv driver was greyed out during kernel config.


* Boots faster than any other kernel I've met. Postfix decided not to start
  because tar segfaulted in its script. This turned out to be a wider

* VM seems much better than both test1 and 2.2. Not sure who's code it was
  (there's a bit of competition going on on the VM front), but all-round
  faster for X things. No more leakage. BubbleMon test: stable at
  one-quarter full.

* IDE performace is faster, feels like less CPU involved as other processes
  don't go AWOL as much.

* bttv driver back and happy.

Given the time, I might do a couple of "proper" performance tests - at least
something with numbers.

Anyone else been playing with the new ones?

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Tools for documentation.

2000-06-27 Thread Jeff Waugh

  Rodos? Clarify please, Michael and I are up for a flame.
 Don't let me hold you guys back. 
 I am wanting to document a software project, but mainly the hardware and
 configuration site. I need to incorporate some schematic diagrams
 (xcircuit) and some pictures (jpeg). I need to be able to print the
 documentation and place it into an Intranet. I do not need to be able to
 colabourate with anyone else.

 HTML  ---  DocBook  ---  PS/PDF


DocBook is extraordinarily fast to work with - once you have a working
knowledge of the tags you need, it's lucid.


paraWidgets are really helpful, blah, blah, blah... [and so on]/para

titleThe Big Widget/title

paraOnly very strong engineers should work with Big Widgets.../para



And so forth. All your really important words and features in your text you
markup to distinguish what they are. For instance:

commandcp/command replaceablesource/replaceable

This means your processing software (say stylesheets like DSSSL) can make
them look they way you want. It also aids automation of your document in
other ways (searching, etc).

When it comes to images and other sgmltagMediaObjects/sgmltag (that's
real DocBook by the way), you can define different sources for different
outputs. In your example, the jpegs could be used for just about any output,
whilst your xcircuits could be rendered to PS/EPS for print, and GIF or even
Flash for web. You just tell it what the source is, and its type, and your
processor does the rest.

 But lets add another senario. Lets pretend I am writing some open source
 software and I am wanting to document it before I place it onto freshmeat.
 I am going to need stuff that people obviously expect. These would be a
 man(1) page, a README file and some details on how the software works,
 some examples etc. Lets call the last on the user docs or manual. Can any
 of these tools help me create these variety of documents. Not sure where
 this is leading, just throwing it out and seeing what comes back. 

Alright, you'd be nuts not to do this in DocBook. To begin with, a whole
swathe of the DocBook specification was based on man pages - read:


So you can process these into real manpages at the flick of a wrist. Cool,

Um, do your README in vi. Like normal hackers do. I'm kidding - you can do
this in DocBook as well, but don't quote me when I say you can output to
plain text. DocBook wasn't designed to do README's, so you may find one of
the HTML/text tools floating around on Freshmeat useful - or you can always
copy out of Lynx (which is how I do stuff like that).

*Very* interested in Mike's talk - perhaps I should organise a DocBook/TeX
Religious Wars for that night? Hmm...

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] We're doing it!

2000-06-27 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Yeah well as I was having my morning shower I had another idea about this
 list, so it might be really shithouse... but here goes.

NOT shithouse. Chuck and I had the same idea in the shower a few weeks ago.
Hmmm... That didn't come out right did it? Anyway...

 Why not have the mailing list set the reply address of the list (or even the
 only address of the list) to one that is retrieved by a perl/php script and
 parsed into a mysql database?

We're building it right now. :)

 This strikes me as the most powerful way to handle the problem of list
 archiveing and indexing. Then we can have all the flexibility of a
 datadriven source to power our list. Then we can make the mailbot script add
 uniquie ids to the list, have it recognise threads (%age similar subject i
 spose), easily searchable much more powerful.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

 Only downside is the storage problem i spose :( as in who has the resources
 to donate to our worthy cause?

By jove! W have a whole new server all to ourselves! :) And people were
asking why we'd bother... ;)

 I'm sure there are many gurus willing to help write a very powerful

Hi! :)

We're actually doing the proof of concept on this very list (seeings that
it's such a good one), initially hosting it here (at our secret underground
dungeon). Peter Samuel mentioned subscribing lists to an archiving
alias/user, and that's exactly what this will do - so it can be a massive

Turns out that this fits in nicely with Zack Brown's work at Linuxcare, so
he's interested too!

It will of course be GPL'ed, and once version something-or-other is up and
running, we'll be asking for more interested developers.

Feature requests and ideas to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - :)

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] uptimes

2000-06-27 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Also has anyone had long uptimes on a box which boots with X starting (ie
 graphical login) ?

I had about 20 days on my machine before I took the 2.4.0-test1 plunge - not
that 20 days is all that long... gpm with Helixcode Gnome 1.2 (although I
have to admit I've restarted X a few times)

 Mike and I have disabled auto start X on all machines (except the latest)
 because of X/GUI instabilities.
 We just login and startx usually.

See, this I don't understand. I was chastised by a certain wife of a certain
kernel hacker for just this - but I don't get the difference. You're running
X or you're running X, right?


- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Mini-Review: 2.4.0-test*

2000-06-27 Thread Jeff Waugh

 * Boots faster than any other kernel I've met. Postfix decided not to start
   because tar segfaulted in its script. This turned out to be a wider

Ooops! Forgot to explain the wider problem...

tar was stuffed all over, so I installed from sources. Debian users can't
live without tar (well, hardly anyone can, but it's especially important for

Sources worked okay, but there were a fair few segfaults after that anyway.
Not entirely sure way.

Perhaps try an ac? ;)

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Geek Haiku with jwz

2000-06-26 Thread Jeff Waugh

Oh all right... I'll repost my LDP ones for your consumption:

DocBook is easy
when you read the manual
Norman Walsh writes well
  where is ip_masq?
  compile my kernel again
  we have network love

every year Rusty
renames netfilter we must
change our firewall scripts
  Linus calls the shots
  Alan keeps it working well
  Telsa makes us smile

devfs was blessed
by the holy penguin pee
Richard Gooch could rest
  SGML is
  confusing for some writers
  call it XML

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Tools for documentation.

2000-06-26 Thread Jeff Waugh

  At the risk of being flamed, I'd recommend you don't go with TeX because it
  could be seen to be `legacy technology'. 
 Ah! lucky you put that proviso in or I might have bitten
 stronger ;-)

I put that one in for you, Michael. ;)

 Its as legacy as is UNIX.

And has as wonderful a history and ethos.

 Does he want to document code? Here is where the choice becomes more
 difficult.  noweb when teamed with LaTeX formats, cross references and
 indexes all your code chunks. I don't think DocBook does that as its more
 just like LaTeX  - a markup language.  (noweb could be rewritten to work
 with DocBook though, now that would be nice).

DocBook is great for documenting code - Alan Cox has been working on a
kernel documentation system with it for some time. However, the idea of
combining noweb (which I've heard about here and there, and am very keen to hear your
talk) and DocBook sounds intriguing.

 So we need to find out what Rodos wants to document (then can we have a
 DocBook/LaTeX flame war?). 


Rodos? Clarify please, Michael and I are up for a flame.

;) - Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Tools for documentation.

2000-06-25 Thread Jeff Waugh


Out of the frypan... I'm just coming in from a flamewar on ldp-discuss about
this very thing.

 What tools do people use to create documentation?



It's terse, but then there are much better resources available out there...

 I want to use something that is open, and will not cause version problems
 in 10 years time (will Word 2010 read Word6 documents?).

You'll still be able to process SGML/XML in a thousand years time, if your
media is still usable. ;)

 I had a quick look at DocBook and it scared me.

Norman Walsh has released a simplified DocBook DTD that everyone's making a
fuss over:


Sure, DocBook has a lot of tags, but they're very expressive. If you want a
paragraph, your tag is para. There are many very specific tags for things
such as GUI description, code documentation, etc. You certainly don't need
to learn them all, and it seems nwalsh's DTD is a good entry point.

 I do what something that
 can create very nice paper output as well as an online version.

Can do. DSSSL exports to HTML (a bit of a hack), RTF, TeX, etc.

 Currently I am thinking LaTeX.

At the risk of being flamed, I'd recommend you don't go with TeX because it
could be seen to be `legacy technology'. Certainly, there's a brilliant mind
and brilliant software behind it, but unless you're writing documentation
with very stringent typographical requirements (ie. physics, maths, those
sorts of things), you're walking into the past.

Whilst TeX is very flexible and can be quite clean, it's a closer mix of
content and layout. That's not so great when you suddenly have the urge to
do outrageous database-like things with your documents. 

 What do sluggers recommend?

If you're writing technical documentation now, DocBook is the way to go.
Flamers, come prepared! Oh, and a quick haiku I posted to ldp:

confusing for some writers
call it XML

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Geek Haiku with jwz

2000-06-25 Thread Jeff Waugh

Hi all,

I just partook in a funny IRC episode with jwz and Raph... Someone will get
some giggles out of this:


jwz was talking about some firewall troubles he was having (he's going to
run a video feed from the DNA Lounge), and the posterboy reference was from
a previous conversation... I was in a haiku mood having just posted a bunch
of them to ldp-discuss (and here, in response to Rodos' post).

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Book Review: Linux Desktop Starter Kit

2000-06-23 Thread Jeff Waugh

Morning all,

Roger Caffin has written an excellent review of the Linux Desktop Starter
Kit by John Lathrop.

It's up on the website at: http://www.slug.org.au/review_ldsk.shtml

Good Saturday morning reading for everyone!

/me faceplants keyboard

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Re: Foxtel or Optus cable? (fwd)

2000-06-22 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Some news for you Optus Cable users. Although probably NOT really
 what you (we) all wanted - everything :-))

I'm obviously not a lawyer... Couldn't they have just posted the diff? ;)

Now I know that `offering network services' is a euphemism for running a
server. I'll have to update my buzzword obfuscation dictionary...

Thankfully, it appears that ssh is still allowable...

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] SSI Includes on Virtual Servers

2000-06-22 Thread Jeff Waugh

 I do get my web pages, just minus their included data. No errors either.

There's two config options, detailed in the mod_include documentation:

AddType text/html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

I wouldn't be surprised if they were simply commented out in your .conf file
(whatever your distribution may want to call it).

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] inetd problem

2000-06-22 Thread Jeff Waugh

 It is not a network problem as I can't telnet or ftp from the same machine.
 Anything else I should check ?

/etc/hosts.deny ?

ipchains rules? (check with ipchains -L)

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] SSI Includes on Virtual Servers

2000-06-22 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Unfortunately, no. Those statements are in place OK (my main virtual
 server gets SSI OK). I Wonder if those statement's need to pointed in
 some way to each virtual server? 

Thwack 'em into your VirtualHost section...

OH! I know - you have to have,

  Options Includes

In there as well.

That'll do it.

- Jeff


   w: http://www.slug.org.au/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a powerful
   configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes, author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Print postgreSQL row oid with PHP

2000-06-21 Thread Jeff Waugh

 I need to do an extremely simple thing, but I have not found any docs on 
 this. All I want to do is print out the oid of the row I just SELECTed out 
 of postgreSQL, using php.

I know this doesn't solve your problem straight off, but have you seen
phplib? I highly recommend it for database work with php.

Make sure you come along next Friday to the PHP talk! :)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a
   powerful configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes,
   author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] GamesFest Registrations

2000-06-21 Thread Jeff Waugh

Hi all,

We moved the webpages over to the new server in the last couple of days, and
I managed to completely bork the GamesFest registration page.

It's fixed now, so please reigster if you're interested in coming.


Apologies for ditzing that one up,

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a
   powerful configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes,
   author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] List Archives New Web Server

2000-06-20 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Also is any archive of this list searchable? I prob wouldnt have to ask the
 above question if it was :) if isn't a searchable archive I'm willing to
 create one if they arent too large. I have some disk space around the

We haven't found any search software that fits the bill yet - although we're
interested in Swish++ which was mentioned a while back.

Now that we're running the website from our own server (yes! it's true!) we
can do all of these crazy, wacky things.

By now, just about everyone should be resolving to our new box for the
website (noticed the speed?) - mailing lists are moving over soon.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a
   powerful configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes,
   author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] New Kernel Cousin: SLUG Pearls!

2000-06-20 Thread Jeff Waugh

Afternoon all,

Bit of an announcement... :)

Thanks to everyone who have said great things about this wacky thing we call
SLUG Pearls. I didn't think that Pearls was going to be that much of a hit,
but it seems a lot of you have really enjoyed it.

When it was first suggested on the list - I must thank Adam Kennedy for
suggesting out loud what I thought was a crazy idea - I decided against
beating around the bush and promptly emailed Zack Brown. We can probably
attribute the blame for all of this to him anyway, because the idea behind
Pearls was Kernel Traffic, his indispensible resource for anyone who can't
handle the Linux kernel mailing list.

Zack has been incredibly helpful in getting Pearls going, providing the
scripts the KC team use, and lots of kind comments along the way...

... and then he had the rather strange idea of hosting SLUG Pearls along
with the Kernel Cousins.

So we said yes, of course! ;)


"This is great! I never expected a LUG would want to write a Cousin, and
when I heard you folks were doing one over in Sydney, I thought, 'well,
that'll be interesting.' Then I read issue number one, and knew right away
that SLUG Pearls was something very special and unexpected and new. I'm
really happy that Jeff and the rest of the committee decided to have "SLUG
Pearls" become "KC SLUG Pearls". Welcome!"

So, by the end of the week, you should see KC SLUG Pearls up on Linuxcare's
website, with our little SLUGger Tux and all. Looks like we've just turned
the SLUG mailing list's volume to eleven!

Thanks SLUGgers,

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a
   powerful configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes,
   author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: reiserFS (was: RE: [SLUG] Distributions)

2000-06-20 Thread Jeff Waugh

 A nice LVM on Linux would complete the picture though !!!

Well, in *that* case, IBM are releasing their LVM stuff, and it looks
hopeful that they'll work with the current project. :)

Sadly, I don't have a link for you, but you can certainly find out about it
on LWN.

IBM  SGI just keep on amazing me...

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a
   powerful configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes,
   author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] optus@home news server

2000-06-18 Thread Jeff Waugh

 can someone please post up the address of the optus@home news server?
 I was not given the address, and I have tried (under Netscape) news, 
 news.optus.com.au and news.optushome.com.au, but was unsuccessful.

I'm not sure you're asking the right people, Alex.

I'm sure Optus support will be able to give you a quicker and more accurate
answer than us.

See, if we were the Sydney Optus User Group, we'd have an even wackier name
than we do already. ;)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "In addition to these ample facilities, there exists a
   powerful configuration tool called gcc." - Elliot Hughes,
   author of lwm

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] SLUG Meeting - Friday, 30th June

2000-06-16 Thread Jeff Waugh

   SLUG Meeting - Friday, 30th June 2000

In addition to our usual antics, Conrad's Linux news (though Conrad will be
looking suspiciously like Anand this month), and Jason's cool software
review, we'll have:

PHP4  Zend  by  Matt Allen  Graeme Merrall

Matt and Graeme will be covering the new features of PHP4, recently released
to the delight of web tinkerers everywhere. They will also be giving us an
overview of the technology beneath PHP4 (and new Open Source startup
company), Zend.

SLUG Religious Wars

For the first Religious Wars event, we're covering possibly the most
vitriolic debate of them all: Vi vs. Emacs. The topic, in the style of a
formal debate (though we don't expect this debate will stay formal for very
long) with affirmative and negative teams, is:

 "That vi is for newbies."

A number of people have already taken positions, but there are places left
on the teams. Please email me if you're interested. The debate will be fast
and furious, with speakers having only two minutes to state their case.

Linux Kernel NFS Support: Open Source / Open Development
by Neil Brown

"In this talk I will discuss some of my experiences in getting involved with
development of "knfsd" - the Kernel based NFS server in Linux.  As the
people are as much a part of the process as the code, I will spend about
half the time introducing you to some of the names in the Linux NFS world
and talk about how the community works, and the remainder talking about some
of the outstanding issues with knfsd, and approaches that might be needed to
resolve them." - Neil

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] GamesFest!

2000-06-15 Thread Jeff Waugh

Phew... It's crazy SLUG specials day today...

I've just put up the GamesFest registration page (many apologies to Jason,
who actually sent it to me days ago - I'm usually much quicker off the mark
than that!)

The GamesFest will be on July 8th, and we're hoping Jamie's daughter will be
there to mop the floors with our hopelessly untuned `skillz'.

Please register so you can lay claim to a network port. Linked at
http://www.slug.org.au/ as always.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe in the text

[SLUG] Terminal Fonts

2000-06-15 Thread Jeff Waugh

I'm pretty sure terminal fonts suffer from the first rule of mail clients
(read it at http://www.mutt.org/).

I can't find one that's easy to read, is smallish so as not to get in the
way, and has a reasonable amount of `white space'. Looking at Mandrake and
Raster's choice of fonts just scares me. ;)

I've tried schumacher clean, sgi clean, and the usual suspects that come
with X... I find them all hard to read, but not because I'm blind, just
because I'm picky (and spend a lot of my time doing publishing, graphics
and design).

The visual properites of my desktop: 1280x1024x32, 17" monitor.

Does anyone have any favourites they'd like to recommend?

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Publicity Contacts for InstallFest 2000?

2000-06-15 Thread Jeff Waugh

  (Yes, that does mean that we're having an InstallFest in July!)

 August for SLUG

Ahem. Yes.

Nothing to see here...

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Publicity Contacts for InstallFest 2000?

2000-06-14 Thread Jeff Waugh

Hi all,

There's pretty cool event in it's planning stages at the moment: InstallFest
2000. The idea is that LUGs, University groups, schools, etc. all across the
country will be holding InstallFests week after week, sort of like a
roadshow, without the marketing and proprietary software. ;)

There's a preliminary web page up at http://www.linux.org.au/installfest/
which currently shows LinuxSA and SLUG taking part (Yes, that does mean that
we're having an InstallFest in July!) Other LUGs have shown interest too, so
we're pretty sure it's going to go ahead.

I'm interested in hearing if anyone has some good media contacts we can get
on to. I wouldn't mind seeing this in the Sunday papers, if you know what I
mean. ;)

Comments, suggestions, flames, YYY, all welcome.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Mozilla M16 released.

2000-06-14 Thread Jeff Waugh

 What is the state of Mozilla?

It rocks, has done since about M3.

 I was reading through the postings on slashdot
 and it seems the people are far from happy about the slowness of releases
 and features.

Slashdot is a hive of flame and unpleasability (apologies to George Lucas).
The Slashmob aren't goign to be pleased by much at all, so don't worry about

 Does anyone know when thew final release is due, Ive heard
 many people say 'when its ready', but its been in development for what seems
 like years now!

Yes on both counts. It has been in development for ages, because there was a
very big change of tac early on. Very, very risky, but very much worth it.
Mozilla are no longer building a browser, they're building a new platform
that runs on just about everything. This is Bill Gates worst nightmare come
true: Netscape are finally putting the masking tape on the Windows, so to

 I was under the impression the since netscape decided to
 release the source this was the first big test of the open source / bazaar
 type design paradigm. 

Hell no! It was the first big commercial support for open source
development, but look around you at all the Free Software that's been around
for years. Mozilla is a child of the revolution.

 How is Mozilla going to compare?

It's pretty bloaty as it stands, but that's due to the amount of development
code and mush that goes along with pre-alpha software.

Gecko, the rendering engine, is tiny and ferociously fast. They're building
the entire interface on top of that... But there's a hell of a lot that goes
into a modern browser (never trust the fool who says `it's just a browser').

 Any thoughts or further resources i could be looking at to find a few



are good to start with!

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] SLUG Pearls #2

2000-06-13 Thread Jeff Waugh

  SLUG Pearls #2 is here!


   - Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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Re: [SLUG] sendmail function - another question

2000-06-13 Thread Jeff Waugh

  i want to send one email to ~7000 ppl. should i consider a special
  delivery prog?
 cat /dev/null

I was going to make a comment about ZDnet and copious amounts of email, but
Del, you aced me... and blimey was it a good one. ;)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Generation Linux Report

2000-06-13 Thread Jeff Waugh

There's a LinuxWorld report on Generation Linux, recently held in South
Australia here:


Warning: Mug shots of SLUG President within.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Opinions about the BEST supported video cards for X

2000-06-13 Thread Jeff Waugh

 I am in the process of swapping hardware and I need to get a new video
 card for the main machine so what's the best. I have a funny feeling most
 of you are going to say Martox G something or other

Funny feeling justified. :)

Grab yourself a G400 DualHead. You can always pick up an OEM version sans
the crappy Windows throw-ins to save a hundred or so.

Soon enough it will support DualHead in XFree4 (even though it's labotomised
DualHead - don't bag it, it's all on one card, it's inexpensive, and it
works fine).

The 2D performace has always been good, and the 3D is rather yummy too.

- Jeff (who's been a sucker for Matrox cards since 256 colours sounded like
  a hell of a lot)


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Opinions about the BEST supported video cards for X

2000-06-13 Thread Jeff Waugh

  Grab yourself a G400 DualHead.
 Was kostet das?

I have no idea what that means, but I just thought I'd add that you can pick
one up for around $300-$320. That's OEM.

See, learning German to impress a girl *can* come in handy! ;)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Problem with console

2000-06-09 Thread Jeff Waugh

Jill Rowling wrote:
 Sad to say, if you blow up a PSU, chances are the rest of the machine is
 Especially with the more modern voltage sensitive components like video
 chips, etc,

Two Pentium and above class machines have died this way for me. My old 386
had its PSU swapped twice without a blink... Trust only your own power...

 Other things might die later if their transistors are mostly still intact
 but drawing more current than normal.

Yep - you're better off pulling the important stuff out straight away (CPU,
RAM, video card etc) and testing them in another machine.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] New Event: SLUG `Religious Wars'

2000-06-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Before there was Mutt vs. Pine...

   Before there was Debian vs. RedHat...

   Long before there was GNOME vs. KDE...

There was a war that outfought all wars, a war which
is still waged today. As bitterly as always, if not more so.

A war with a name... They called it:


At this month's meeting, on the 30th of June, 2000, SLUG will be the newest
battleground for this long, arduous war of attrition. Six knights will be
selected to battle for the honor of their (text processing) weapons. Only
three will be victorious, the other three will be somewhat annoyed.


Okay, so that was fun.

This will be the first of (hopefully) a series of debates covering those
`touchier' arguments we all get into sometimes. Often called `religious
wars' due to the fanaticism of their combatants, they've provided some of
the best cruel geek quotes, competition for all the software involved, and
countless Slashdot flamefests.

Which is precisely why SLUG is coming in to fan the flames! ;)

To pull this off, we're looking for six "thoroughly obsessed text processing
gurus" - three in each camp - to contend. They'll take part in quick-fire
two minute talks, which need to be:

  * fun and/or humorous

  * fact filled - we need a reason to love our text editors

  * scathing, and totally unfair to the other team

  * educational - this is war *and* advocacy at the same time

  * pushing either vi or Emacs. If you feel like arguing joe or pico, you'll
have a very welcome audience in the naughty corner.

The debate will take place after the usual break. A resident "Unbiased Guy
With Bell" will make sure the talks don't exceed their two minutes.

Combatants will *not* know their opposition. It's more fun that way. ;)


If you are interested in being one of the six, please email me personally,
and I will put you in touch with your fellow team members and explain the
format more thoroughly.

To battle!

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe in the text

Re: [SLUG] Hardware retailers supplying Linux preinatalled.

2000-06-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

Hey there,

  Why do we want Linux preinstalled again? That's right... Newbies.
 Not neccessarily so
 When I purchased my Alpha I had RedHat preinstalled even
 though I intended to do a complete installation myself from
 scratch. Reason? To make sure that the hardware actually
 worked OK. In that particular case the SCSI card was
 delivered to the supplier with no BIOS. I would have had
 To sum up; there are good reasons to get a preinstall. For
 newbies and non-newbies.

You're absolutely right... I guess the method I was promoting was more akin
to the "Some Assembly Required" you see on toys. Whilst it could be made a
very simple process, there's always a chance that a piece is missing.

Heck, all the toys I ever played with required assembly - Lego was the only
thing that kept my long term interest. :)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Re: [LINK] FC: Judge Jackson slams Microsoft: Break 'em up!

2000-06-07 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Ain't life grand!

Absolutely, and they won't have RedHat to worry about, because the kernel is
full of holes, isn't it Adam?

- Jeff (who apologises for the cross-post)

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Hardware retailers supplying Linux preinatalled.

2000-06-06 Thread Jeff Waugh

Tony Cook wrote:
 Does anyone know of PC retailers in the Sydney area who are supplying PCs
 with Linux preinstalled?

Why do we want Linux preinstalled again? That's right... Newbies.

I don't really see preinstallation as a necessity for user-friendly computer
purchases... Think about it this way:

IBM sell their Aptiva boxes, both business and home versions, with a startup
installation system. It asks a few questions, and (as one would expect)
reboots. Compaq used to do the same thing (no idea these days).

The way most distro CD's work these days, wouldn't that be a better
solution? Throw in your CD, start the machine, get a few questions
regarding your setup (probably targeted towards an initial installation),
and there you are. Your *own* Linux, not someone's idea of what you'd like.

It could be as simple as asking which desktop environment you were after.
Once that's chosen, no debs, no rpms, just "What sort of stuff do you like
to do with your computer?" Tasks. My computer does tasks, not applications.

The detail comes *post* installation. There's only one company I know who've
made the art of copying files to a hard drive such a complete shermozzle
(apologies to Simon).

From what Anand tells me, Debconf may just be this `holy grail' of simple
QA configuration. Given that Debian already has brilliant `ask and thou
shalt receive' application installation, I can see this being very cool.

$0.02 I guess...

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Hardware retailers supplying Linux preinatalled.

2000-06-06 Thread Jeff Waugh

DaZZa wrote:
 Personally, I'd want it to avoid the microsoft tax.

Oh. See, I thought that was an assumed part of the conversation. ;)

Like you, I generally end up reconfiguring anyway. My point though...
Perhaps a futurist analogy is required:

I purchase an android at the local "Target Harvey Norman" store. It doesn't
come into my house and immediately start cleaning the floors, it asks me
what *I'd* like it to do, which is much closer to a foot massage than having
my floors cleaned.

Why can't a distro do the same? When I bring a computer into my house, I
don't want it to give me infotising channels on my desktop. :)

Until MS gets bundled with motherboards and cases, I'm in the clear. Of
course, you can always pick up a Linux CD that way! :)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Hardware retailers supplying Linux preinatalled.

2000-06-06 Thread Jeff Waugh

  Why can't a distro do the same? When I bring a computer into my house, I
  don't want it to give me infotising channels on my desktop. :)
 I'm yet to see a distro which does that. Which one are you talking about?

Windows does it. I'm illustrating the fact that Windows/MS presumes to know
what I want, and comparing this to the android who actually asked what his
master wanted.

I think it would be an unfortunate thing to see a Linux distro presume to
know what I want, be I a guru, a newbie or a disinterested user.

 So yes, I generally avoid the M$ tax by building my own PC's. But not
 everyone is so lucky.

But that's not really my point.

You don't need to build a PC to not have an operating system installed on
your machine, or rather, you shouldn't.

My gripe is with the idea that *any* computer should come with an OS
preinstalled on the hard drive with the settings of the distributor as

Start your computer for the first time, and it asks you what you'd like,
then does it. Newbies shouldn't have things going on behind their backs
without their knowledge, as much as gurus shouldn't.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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Re: [SLUG] SLUG Pearls #1

2000-06-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

Anthony Rumble wrote:
 And wheres the slug-pearls mailing list?? 

You just posted to it!

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Dell + Notebook + Linux - Latest

2000-06-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

Matt Allen wrote:
 Surely Dell is RECIEVING money from Microsloth to put its OS's onto
 their Lappies, if not then wont it save them $$ by not doing it? They
 cant say that they dont have naked HDD's because they sent me one when
 mine broke ...

Nah, MS work slightly differently to that - they're not going to just hand
out money to anyone for installing Windows (Terry, you got any offers

They've got a much bigger bargaining tool: Windows itself.

Can you imagine what would happen if Gateway couldn't sell computers with

Now you know why they're so shitscared.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] How about a daily faq posting?

2000-06-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Rodos wrote:
  Now that we have the Slug Pearls? What do people think about a daily FAQ
  posting. Below is one I get for Perl. Bascially each day there is a FAQ
  and answer. Its quick to delete and quite often you get a reminder or
  learn something more about a forgotten feature (eg cut).

More interactivity please. :)

Something like a FAQ-O-Matic email gateway would be interesting. You can
post FAQ QA's to an address and it keeps them in its database for web and
email viewing.

 I would suggest (for the sanity of the list host) that daily is way too much 
duplication.  I think a more sane value would be every week or two weeks?

Once we're on our own host, sanity won't be a necessary feature for ideas. I
think this would be a great idea for another list - slug-faqs or something.

Rodos, keep it in mind, and we'll have a go at it in July.

 , Kieran Haughey| "Oook!" - The Librarian,
 , ([EMAIL PROTECTED])| (Unseen University Ankh-Morpok),

You know, some people even quote Einstein in their sigs... ;)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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[SLUG] SLUG FAQ #0: Using Mutt and Pine with Netscape (request for comments)

2000-06-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

(what does everyone think of this sort of thing? once a week to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or a special list just for these?)

SLUG FAQ #0: Using Mutt and Pine with Netscape

Q: I really like using Mutt or Pine as my primary email software, but when I
   click on a mailto link in Netscape, up comes Messenger, which is a
   steaming pile of poo. Can I use my usual program to send mail when I
   click mailto links in Netscape? How?

A: Gosh, that sounds suspiciously like `integration'!

   It can be done, and it's pretty funky when it works. `muttzilla' is the
   aptly-named mail handling library, built to take advantage of Netscape's
   alternative mail and news reader API. It have been expanded from simple
   mutt support to handle just about anything you throw at it.

   Part 1: Downloading
   You can find the tarball at: http://www3.telus.net/brian_winters/mutt/
   The latest version as of this FAQ is 0.40.

   Save this to an appropriate place, perhaps ~/src, and type:

  tar -xzvf muttzilla-0.40.tar.gz

   This will expand the tarball into its own directory.

   If you use Debian you can always `apt-get install muttzilla' and skip to
   part 4.

   Part 2: Compiling the muttzilla Library
   Now we need to compile it. You'll need a standard set of development
   tools to complete this section. Please refer to your distribution's
   documentation if these are not already installed.
   Change to the newly created muttzilla directory and type make:

  cd muttzilla-0.40
   This will compile the library. You should see a `muttzilla.so' in the
   directory when you type ls.

   Part 3: Installing the muttzilla Library

   To install muttzilla so any user on your system can choose to use it, you
   will need root access. Either su to root, or use the sudo utility and

  make install

   This will copy the library and config file, plus set their permissions

   If you don't have root access to the machine you're using, or you'd like
   to install muttzilla for your personal use only, type:

  mkdir ~/lib
  cp muttzilla.so ~/lib
  cp muttzilla.conf ~/.muttzillarc

   You need not change anything to use mutt as your mailer. If you wish to
   use something else, like Pine, please read the documentation and the
   muttzilla config files.

   Part 4: Making Netscape Comply

   First off, quit Netscape.

   Open ~/.netscape/preferences.js with your favourite editor and add the
   following lines:

  user_pref("mail.use_altmail", true);
  user_pref("mail.altmail_dll", "/usr/local/lib/muttzilla.so");
   If you installed muttzilla for personal use, you need to modify the
   reference to muttzilla.so to point to the one installed in your ~/lib
   directory. Commonly, this would be: "/home/USERNAME/lib/muttzilla.so"
   If you installed muttzilla under Debian, you'll need to use

   Now, restart Netscape and email someone by clicking on their mailto
   link... preferably me! :)

   muttzilla also allows you to use an alternative news reader, further
   releasing you from those Netscape shackles. Have fun!

   - Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Deai-press

2000-06-05 Thread Jeff Waugh


If you *really* feel the need to reply to SPAM, *please* do not include the
contents in your reply.

Now three messages have been posted to this *large* list that are wholly unreadable.

It's a pain that we get them, but it's really only been once a fortnight, so
it's nothing special.

As Anthony Rumble says, 99.9% gets filtered out as it is, and I for one
would hate to see his owner's box (says he, planning the mailing list
software on the new server...)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe in the text

[SLUG] Re: Suggestions for SLUG server

2000-06-04 Thread Jeff Waugh

Grant Parnell wrote:

 How about the ASK SLUG bot. I wonder if it could automatically scan
 the slug archives for the most relevant answer to a given

Sounds suspiciously like a few of the IRC bots I've seen around (I've only
recently started using IRC, so maybe someone else has some cool examples).

The one I like is Tux on jordan.openprojects.net's #linuxaus. You can ask it
about files and packages in Debian, and it remembers things its `masters'
tell it,

jdub Tux, Grant Parnell?
 tux I heard he had some crazy idea about helper robots for SLUG.

 The requester could then rank the answers according to which
 was most helpful. This would be a web based thing and it might just
 reduce the amount of repeat questions we get on the list.

Hahahaha... Reduce repeat questions? Not likely... ;)

Actually, that's a silly assumption. Do you think people come through our
website and find out about the list, or the other way around?

 EG a question like "How do I get PPP working" might be distilled down
 to "How PPP" and this could be looked up in an index to see if it's
 been answered, and relevant messages could be returned subject to

This is an interesting idea, and something which I think would fit in with
Jeffrey Borgs idea for (warning: twisted interpretation) for a web based
mailing list answers directory.

That thread has given me so many ideas for web based helper applications.
I'll let you guys know if I start on anything... :)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Rescue Disks [WAS: Thanks and next]

2000-06-04 Thread Jeff Waugh

Richard Blackburn wrote:

 Back when I used another OS, I had a Norton Utilities program that
 was a rescue package using both a floppy and a zip disk. Needless to
 say, it came in handy. I don't believe there is anything like that for
 Linux, but if I was to fill a zip with 100Mb of the most important
 stuff, what would be the best candidates.

There is *always* something for Linux!

First off, try out tomsrtbt (Toms Root Boot), which is a single floppy
distro of Linux with heaps (I mean *heaps*) of very useful utilities.


Second in the ranks (and only because it's based on tomsrtbt) is the
Linuxcare bootable business card. It's a mini-cd with 40MB of Linux goodness
ready to fix anything you throw at it. It's saved me numerous times with
Linux boxes, NT machines, and even a Netware machine (ugh!).


If you come to the next SLUG meeting, I have a spare one I can give you.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] SLUG Pearls #1

2000-06-04 Thread Jeff Waugh

Rodos wrote:

 Have to agree with that, great job!


 Is it possible to get a mail to the slug list when it is updated. If I
 have to keep going and looking when it is updated I never will.

I usually post to the list when I update the webpage... Uh, yes, that means
it isn't updated all that often. Send me more stuff to put up!

 Try and write that with cut!

I'm sure Herbert could whip something up for us. ;)

- Jeff

BTW. I had to laugh when I read the LinuxWorld article: "an Optus@Home user
who asked to be referred to as `Rodos'" :) Hey! There's only one Rodos!


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] slug.org.au

2000-06-04 Thread Jeff Waugh

Adam Kennedy wrote:
 http://www.slug.org.au goes to the page
 http://slug.org.au goes to a hunterlink default page?
 How odd

Just badly aliased, it happens on virtual served domains a lot. Try going to
just about any site sans the www on big virtuals like WebCentral and you'll
see what I mean.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] e-smith

2000-06-03 Thread Jeff Waugh

Kevin Waterson wrote:
 Is there a homepage for e-smith?
 Is there an iso available?

e-smith.org (developer's site)

and yes, there is a nice low-bloat ISO available for download.

From memory, there's also a mirror on mirror.aarnet.edu.au

- Jeff (who thinks e-smith is the bomb for scared little PHB guys)


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] So don't use it! :) [WAS: Telnet from the Borg]

2000-06-02 Thread Jeff Waugh

Sonam Chauhan wrote:
 I've seen Microsoft show telnet hang-in-there(TM) behavior when told to disconnect 
from a Unix server. Once it showed
 (flashed) parts of a earlier, supposedly disconnected, session when I started a new 
session in the Telnet application. 

Never seen that happen, but I think we can all agree that Telnet.exe is
a very, well, silly piece of software (if anyone can confirm that the Telnet
in Win2K is BSD derived, I'd be interested to hear it).

If you want something cool to use for all your "Damn, I wish I had a real
command line" moments, try PuTTY. It does ssh too.

The interface is wonky (to put it nicely), but it works brilliantly, and it
fits on a floppy, so you don't have to leave home without it.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Procmail: Errors for Dupes and Why the Maildirs?

2000-06-02 Thread Jeff Waugh

Hey all,

Guess who's playing with their .procmailrc? ;)

I have two things bugging me ATM. The first is the following message
that pops up when I run 'mailstat' on my procmail log:

  Total Average  Number Folder
  - ---  -- --
  0   0   1  ## procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored
   36173617   1 Inbox
   37523752   1 Lists/docbook
  - ---  --
   73692456   3

It always happens when I receive dupe emails.

The second is that whenever I receive email from lists that conform to
the RFC* rule that Anand mentioned that don't already have a mbox
file, procmail builds a Maildir for them (cur/new/tmp). I haven't found
any mention of changing mailbox format preferences thus far...

Here are the relevant parts of my .procmailrc file:






# Prevent duplicates
:0 Wh: msgid.lock
| $FORMAIL -D 8192 .msgid.cache

* ^((List-Id|X-(Mailing-)?List):(.*[]\/[^]*))

   * LISTID ?? .*\/[^@.]*



Any ideas?

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Solutions time! [was] best-of-slug

2000-05-31 Thread Jeff Waugh

 While the pearls analogy holds fairly well, I reckon slug pellets might be a
 better name :-)

Oh, thou art cruel!

Well, SLUG Pellets has got approval in the labs here, although I kinda liked
SLUG Pearls as it harks back to the column and book, Programming Pearls.

How about SLUG Trails?

SLUG Entrails? ;)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe in the text

[SLUG] Solutions time! [was] best-of-slug

2000-05-30 Thread Jeff Waugh

On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 11:21:55PM +1000, Sonam Chauhan wrote:

 I think simply threading the SLUG archives and providing a search engine 
 interface to it will be extremely useful. A similar slug-FAQ or slug-pearls 
 setup for summary postings would be wonderful.



and click '[thread]' for 'threaded SLUG archive love'.

Now, a search engine? Show me a good, flexible, free software search engine
(challenge open to everybody) that conforms to the requirements listed on
http://www.debian.org/search and I'll show you a great big RMS-style

The FAQ is something that's been wanting for ages. Let's automate it
with something like FAQ-O-Matic (only with an interface that doesn't
make you run for the nearest CDE machine in the office), and have it run
on the new server. Proposals welcome.

slug-pearls? I *really* like that name, and, just because I'm a sucker
with no respect for my time, I'm going to use it. Stay tuned this Sunday
for the first issue of SLUG Pearls, coming to a slug.org.au near you.

Hopefully, if everyone's response to mine is good, someone will be
inspired to say "HEY! I feel like one of those, where can I get one?"

You heard it here first.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."
SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Procmail My Addiction to Mailing Lists

2000-05-30 Thread Jeff Waugh

Hey all,

In amongst all this mailing list navel-gazing, I've just gone The Procmail Way.

I remembered that Anand mentioned a 'panacea' for mailing-list overload a
while back, so I peeked though the archives and found it:

* ^((List-Id|X-(Mailing-)?List):(.*[]\/[^]*))

   * LISTID ?? .*\/[^@.]*

Only, for most of my lists, including SLUG, it doesn't work! Everything
falls through into my normal box. Is this just a problem for old lists, or have I 
buggered it up?

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."
SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] mbox archive of this week's list needed

2000-05-30 Thread Jeff Waugh

On Wed, May 31, 2000, Terry Collins wrote:
 Try http://www.woa.com.au/lists/slug/2000/24/24
 {:-^) but it is 3.7Mb and I'm only on a 28.8 link.

Thanks Terry, if you can tell me the best time to download it so it won't get
in your way, I'll leave it until then.

If anyone else has one, that would be cool too.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Solutions time! [was] best-of-slug

2000-05-30 Thread Jeff Waugh


 which reminds me: is that a useful look for everyone? It could probably
 be improved to show threads on a daily basis too (like the gcc list, 

That would be heaps cooler, certainly much easier to navigate.

 [ I sent Jeff a list of Faq-o-matic workalikes a week or so ago in private email ]
 Oh, I guess from that statement none of the others looked halfway reasonable?

This opinion based only on use of FAQ-O-Matic(tm)! I'll have to go through that

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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[SLUG] Re: Procmail My Addiction to Mailing Lists

2000-05-30 Thread Jeff Waugh

 [Aside] Your reply-to or from is busted - my reply just tried to mail
 "jdub" instead of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" - FIX THIS!

Eeek! My bad. Fixed as rquested. :)

 (No, I'm not using procmail.) So that's 5 different To: patterns and two
 Sender: patterns.

Yeah, I'd prefer to automate it a bit more... I got an email from Robert at
Netizen, which contained a very cool one. The best way of doing it seems
to rely more on the mailing list software's standards than of the RFC Anand

What's that quote? "The best thing about standards is that there's so many
to choose from"? :)

- Jeff

PS. American Root Beer flavoured Jolt tastes like something a Dentist would
administer. Why is it that American foods are so processed and gross (case in
point, Hersheys and Oreos)? Why is it that we want to loosen our food
standards? Imagine parallel importing of Pizza Hut! Sorry, offtopic rant.


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe in the text

Re: [SLUG] mailform.cgi needs a little security

2000-05-29 Thread Jeff Waugh

 What I thought was to create a form which when submitted would email the
 subscriber a $$ number and writes this to a subscriber.$$ file with the
 email address in it. When the user receives the email, they reply to
 acknowledge the subscription, either added or removed.

Can I make it easier for you? :)

Write up an extra removal confirmation section, be it in this CGI or
another, that takes the passcode.

Workflow like this:

 +-- Subscribe -- add to list
 +-- Unsubscribe -- send passcode via email, remember it in DB,
  |  redirect to 'enter your confirmation passcode' page
  +-- Confirmation page (passcode okay?) -- remove from list

That way you don't have to fiddle around with email gateways, etc., and the
user can stay on the confirmation page while they wait for the email. Done
it myself, and seen it all over the place with web-based subscription forms

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe in the text

Re: [SLUG] mailform.cgi needs a little security

2000-05-29 Thread Jeff Waugh

 I was thinking more of a page which has the users details, an Option box
 "Add" and one for "Remove" , a text box for the code.

From a UI perspective, it may be nicer to have separate add and remove
pages... Just makes it easier to understand. :)

 Sounds great but I'm not crash hot in perl... like I said, have the theory
 but not the code, just partial

Two things:

a) It's been done, so you could find code that's already out there (reuse is

b) I'm going to get flamed to Hades and back for this, but... I find that
PHP is much better for this sort of stuff than Perl. Perl has its uses, but
for webby stuff that's not hardcore text processing, why bother?

Ask Matt about his PHP users group and email list... Actually, I'll do it

Matt, you got a site and list for your users group?

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
unsubscribe in the text

Re: [SLUG] Call for new list best-of-slug ?

2000-05-28 Thread Jeff Waugh

On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 10:53:43AM +1000, Anthony Rumble wrote:
 Does anyone feel it's time for a best-of-slug list?
 I'm missing important posts to the list, because of the signal to noise.

Signal to noise is becoming a problem, but most `let's make another list!'
ideas don't get anyone behind them. The argument being that there'll be
problems and annoyances whichever way we do it.

 Anyone else feel the same way?
 Who would volunteer to be the sacrificial lamb/s to do the moderating?

Or more importantly, who could be bothered to post to it? Do I have to remember
to consider whether my post is brilliant every time, or should I forward good
posts when I see them?

As much as I'd like to see the list being split nicely, the detractors have a
point. Until someone comes up with a silver bullet, I don't think anyone's
going to agree to a change.

- Jeff
SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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Re: [SLUG] Call for new list best-of-slug ?

2000-05-28 Thread Jeff Waugh

On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 12:04:57PM +1000, Adam Kennedy wrote:
 Or something perhaps like the kernel summary page that slashdot links to

This was mentioned on Friday night... I love the Kernel Cousins, so I'd be only too 
happy to help out with the website side of things.

Then best-of-slug could be a digest-like summary, for people who don't want to
read the webpage?

Volunteers will be warmly accepted. :)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."
SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Call for new list best-of-slug ?

2000-05-28 Thread Jeff Waugh

 /me raises his hand and offers his help.

Thanks Matt,

(more detailed personal reply sent too)

We're working on the dynamic site and server at the moment, but there a few
bureaucratic annoyances in the way of getting it going.

Once again, this is going to be the SLUG powerhouse, doing all our email and
web stuff in one place.

If *anyone* has any input, ideas, etc., for the server and what we can do
with it, including email lists, and funky things for the website, email
me... I want to know! :)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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unsubscribe in the text

Re: [SLUG] Re: Squeezing wine from a grep

2000-05-27 Thread Jeff Waugh

 for f in /var/log/messages*; do fgrep CONNECT $f  break; done \
  | tail -1 | sed 's/^/  /'
 the sed is just so you still get your precious indent ;)


Now *that's* fast!

Thanks Gus,

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] HTML refresh

2000-05-25 Thread Jeff Waugh

 How do I tell the browser/proxy that I don't want this page cached? This
 situation is slightly different to Mike's, as I understand it, because
 his HTML does not change, only the image being displayed. In my case,
 the HTML is completely different, and I want it all to reload.

Just use the pragma no-cache header in the example given before...

Or just throw in the meta tag:

meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"

Oh, and just to trash IE 3 and 4 for a moment... The way it works out what
to cache is borked, so unless you include an extra head tag and the
no-cache meta *after* the entire body section, it will still cache it!

Wacky. ;)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] HTML refresh

2000-05-25 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Just tried that. I think this is correct.

 Still the same problem. Gif does not want to update.

Sorry, that was in response to Matthew's simpler page caching question... :)

From memory, you can apply the same headers to images that you can pages, so
it would simply* be a matter of adding the same header to the image.

* Of course, I haven't had the need to do it, so I'm not sure how 'simply'.
Hey - if online advertisers can add cookies to their images, surely it can't
be too hard to do it! :) Perhaps someone else can provide further insight -
I'd love to hear it too.

Your other option is to generate a random temporary filename on each page -
seeing that you're doing it in Perl, that wouldn't be so hard...

 Using Netscrape.

The latest Mozilla nightlies have been good... Nice and quick scrolling,
which has been an annoyance in X for a while. Lots of new speedups added and
debugging code killed. Yum.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] HTML refresh

2000-05-25 Thread Jeff Waugh

  print $q-header(-type='text/html',
 Just tried this with my app. That bloody old gif is still
 not updated.
 Also tried 0 seconds (-expires='0').

That's the same as setting the meta tag, so you shouldn't expect it to...

 Maybe there is some other rason why its not updated?

See if anyone has any ideas on the headers-for-images thing, otherwise you
might just have to hack in some temp filenames for the time being.

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Squeezing wine from a grep

2000-05-25 Thread Jeff Waugh

 whats wrong with:

  fgrep Connect: /var/log/messages* | tail -1

- 8 - snip - 8 -

 so what do you gain by using tac ?

Well, I wanted the very latest occurance of a ppp connect, and due to the
layout of log-rotated messages files, I had to use cat.

The above fgrep wouldn't return the most recent occurance, it would return
an (unreliable) *last* known occurance. Unreliable because of the
log-rotated filenames and appended logs, as demonstrated here...

A normal "cat /var/log/messages*" looks like this:

fairly recent  \
 ||+  /var/log/messages
 most recent   /

 fairly old\
 ||+  /var/log/messages.1
fairly recent  /

 old   \
 ||+  /var/log/messages.2
  fairly old   /

rolling stones \
 ||+  /var/log/messages.3

Which is not the best direction to have to find the most recent given event.
By taccing the files (tac /var/log/messages*), I got something more like

most recent /var/log/messages
fairly recent
fairly old  /var/log/messages..
rolling stones  /var/log/messages...

Which is much closer to the direction I want to search in. Then, all that's
left to do is find the first occurance of the string (fgrep Connect:) and
return the first of that list (head -1).

Anyway, the resultant script was this:

--- [pppinfo] ---


tac /var/log/messages* | awk '/CONNECT/ { print("  ",$0); }' | head -n 1

pppstats $* | awk '/[0-9]/ { printf("   IN:\t%5.3f Mb\n   OUT:\t%5.3f Mb
\n\n",$1/1024000,$7/1024000) }'


(I've separated the lines to make it easier to read - the pppstats line will
get cut off at 76 characters, so make sure you put it in it correctly)

If you pass it "-w integer", it will report every integer seconds,
telling you the amount of traffic that has passed through. Check man
pppstats for the real details, you can pass as many pppstats arguments as
you want. Without the -w parameter, it will just tell you your total
throughput for that  ppp session.

Just in case anyone's interested. :)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Linux database

2000-05-24 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Other things would be nice like to be able to export to a standard db file
 to interrogated by windoze Access, if possible! (At the clinic)

I really like PostgreSQL myself, it doesn't come with an Access-like GUI by
default but you can certainly find a few, both web based and for X.

Personally, I kinda like SQL on the console. :)

I guess it depends on your definition of simple, but SQL is really easy to
learn, the docs are fairly well written, and there's plenty of material on
the web.

You can also use it *from* Access by connecting to it via ODBC, which is
pretty cool if you're needing a simple interface. Plus, it makes importing
the data into Access a breeze - you just tell it to!

The good things about PostgreSQL is that you can start off simple and crank
up the complexity as you learn. If by chance you're using RedHat 6.2, there
are RPMs ready to roll on the CD, and you can always "apt-get install
postgresql" in Debian.

Keep my email address if you want someone to quiz over the holidays. :)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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2000-05-23 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Isn't it time we filtered out every mail from Japan? This is so
 easy as the headers contain the following:

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP

 Anything with this content encoding is guaranteed to be spam.


We don't have immediate access to the configuration of our mailing list at
the moment, but I'll certainly keep this in mind for SLUG_NG, when we'll be
able to do *anything*. ;)

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group Mailing List - http://www.slug.org.au
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Re: [SLUG] Re: Spam SLUG NG

2000-05-23 Thread Jeff Waugh

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP

 Anything with this content encoding is guaranteed to be spam.

I've been asked to clarify this, so I'll post to the list.

There was a similar suggestion regarding the unreadable SPAM a while ago,
hoping .jp could be blocked. The committee has agreed that blocking
individual posters and domains would be an absolute no-no, so this simply
wouldn't happen.

Erik's suggestion of blocking unreadable *encoding* seems to be a good one.
It's certainly a good resolution keep it in mind should the SPAM level
increase (is it really justified at this point?) A polite "please use latin
encoding" auto-reply would make this a kinder block as well.

The committee would have to agree on it, and I personally would like to see
a positive response from SLUGgers before we make any major changes such as

Of course, there's always procmail:



- Jeff

(I also managed to spell Erik with a 'c', which I apologise profusely for!)


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

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Re: [SLUG] Web Kiosk

2000-05-23 Thread Jeff Waugh

 What I need, then, is for an automatic login of this magic user when the
 system comes up.  Yes, I am aware that this is eery insecure.

 If anyone has any ideas on that, or other methods of doing this, they'd
 be greatly appreciated.


If you haven't already found it, have a read of the Kiosk HOWTO on LDP:


From memory, it doesn't solve your user login problem, but it's a good guide
nonetheless. I did a similar thing in a cybercafé I admin, but the machine
was turned off every night and logged in the next morning.

...then the PHB's brother (old school networking type) realised it was
running Linux and kicked up a fuss. Lucky for me the PHB said, "But that's
our most reliable machine!"

Of course, the hard drive had to die then didn't it?

- Jeff


   w: http://advogato.org/person/jdub/
   i: 16341281 (jdub!)
   q: "She said she loved my mind, though by most accounts I had
   already lost it."

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