On Friday, April 1, 2005, 3:37:33 PM, Keith wrote:


KJ> pegged the CPU as you stated.  We have batted around running BIND
KJ> for NT/2000 on the local machine, but my fear was overhead of
KJ> another major process running.  I don't have any good stats on how
KJ> much CPU/Memory BIND on an Imail Server requires, thus, we have a
KJ> SUN/BIND box local to the switch.  Are you aware of any stats on
KJ> this?

No hard data on hand, however a back of the envelope calculation
suggests that you probably have a good chunk of ram left - and that
this will probably expand if you can retire messages more quickly --
that has a tendency to speed up everything since everything has more
room etc.

I've never heard a bad experience with this approach, and I have
proven it several times on otherwise overwhelmed machines.
Paradoxically, for example, my woefully underpowered P2/450 will choke
if I don't run bind locally - even if the DNS server it points at is
on the a hot, dedicated box on the same switch. The minute I put bind
on the same box as the server it recovers nicely.

KJ>         We don't run the AVAFTERJM switch.  This is done in part due to
KJ> so many of our customers still look at their spam email from time to
KJ> time.  We heavily use the ROUTETO and MAILBOX command, thus, if I let a
KJ> virus go through to their to mailbox, they could potentially open a
KJ> virus spam email and hurt themselves.  

Understood. What about prescan?

KJ>         We defrag each partition every night using Diskeeper and it
KJ> works great.  I regularly look at the Sniffer directory to ensure no
KJ> left over .fin files and others that could cause server load.

Sounds good - I like Diskeeper too - won't run a Winx box without it.

KJ> I will
KJ> retry it again tonight and see what type of results I get and post them
KJ> here.  It could be as you say, I am on the far side :)

Thanks & Good Luck,


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