Re: [Soc-coordination] GSoC begins, some important information

2011-06-07 Thread Gustavo Alkmim

My project is the Automated Multi-Arch cross-building and bootstrapping
one. I'm going to concentrate on circular dependencies breaking and making a
tool to sequence bootstrap builds.

In the past weeks I studied about the related documentation available at
debian wiki and other internet sites. I don't have so much things to write
about this because I was just understanding all the documentations and
definitions related to the problem.

As a conclusion of this first step I may say that I am very interested in
the project. I don't have all the stuffs clearly in my mind but I hope I
understood the main things. Also I'm glad to see that the debian/ubuntu
community is very helpful.

Currently I am doing I bash script that returns the build sequence of a
given package and its dependencies. If the sequence has a cycle, it will
return the dependency graph. I had some problems using xdeb to make the
cross-build because xdeb needs the source of the packages. To solve this
problem, I am going to try a patch.

The following step is to use the script to find the loops of a given set of
packages needed to bootstrap Debian in a given architecture and so brake the
cycles. Finally, I'm going to be able to make a tool to automate the
bootstrap process.

Gustavo Prado Alkmim
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação (UFLA)
Mestrando em Ciência da Computação (UNICAMP)

Do que adianta para o homem ganhar o mundo e perder sua alma???

2011/6/3 Ana Guerrero

 On Fri, Jun 03, 2011 at 10:30:31AM -0300, Gustavo Alkmim wrote:
  Another question:
  What I need to write on the report? I don't know what is the detail level
  you are waiting from our report.

 We do not want the juciy details, just an overview of how things are going,
 the report can be written answered to 3 points:
 - a few lines of what you have been working in previous 2 weeks (I wrote
  spec for this, then update the code that you can see at xXX and I talked
  with my mentor about this and that)
 - report in what you got stuck, and if you solved it and how.
 - report what you are planning to do in the future 2 weeks.

 Also, the reports from Ishan and Guillaume are quite OK, take a look to
 them :)


Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Report #2 - Automated Multi-Arch Cross-Building and Bootstrapping

2011-06-20 Thread Gustavo Alkmim
Project: Automated Multi-Arch Cross-Building and Bootstrapping
Report #2 - Jun 6th to Jun 20

The main objective of the project is to produce a tool to sequence the
bootstrapping of a Debian system. This tool should be able to bootstrap any
architecture (armel, mips, amd64, etc) of the repository. The main problem
is to break the cyclic dependencies of important bootstrap packages.

The report #1 may be found on [0].
The description of the project may be found on [1].

 1) What I have done since the begining

Here I'm just going to summing up the main things I have done since the
begining of the GSoC:

--- Got introduced to the involved persons of the community,
--- Read the documentation related with the project
--- Defined the main objective of the project
--- Finished a bash script to automate the process of find cycles and
determines the build order of non-cyclic packages

 2) What I have done in the past two weeks

--- I used the deboostrap command to generate a list of a base debian
system. With this list I did some tests with my bash script to find the
cycles i should break. In a conversation with Wookey, we decided that use
the package list generated by the debootstrap command as a reference of
which packages we should work on is interesting.

--- The bash script uses xdeb [2] to find the cycles. I was having some
problems because xdeb normally search for source it e packages instead of
binary package. To solve this problem Wookey told me to use the xdeb
provided in [3] that are able to search for  binary packages too. It is
important to also search for binary packages because debootstrap gives a
list that include binary packages.

--- The bash script was producing a very big graph because it generates a
graph including all packages the are involved in the dependencies of a given
package. The solution we found was to generate the strong conected graph. In
this way just the packages involved on the cycles are going to appears on
the graph. This step is still under development.

 3) Next steps

--- Improve the so it can download the sources of the
--- Break all cycles of the list produced by debootstrap

 4) References


Gustavo Prado Alkmim
Master Student at Unicamp/Brazil
Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Report 1 - Bootstrappable Debian - Gustavo Alkmim

2013-06-25 Thread Gustavo Alkmim

My name is Gustavo Alkmim and I'm working on the project Bootstrappable
Debian [0]. In few words, the objective of this project is to enable the
automated bootstrap of new Debian ports. To accomplish that a tool to
manage the bootstrap process should be done and some packages needs to be
patched to enables the correctly crossbuild and the use of the multiarch

I did a report for every week since the beginning of the project. I will
summarize them below. The complete reports can be found in [1], [2], [3]
and [4].

Week 1 (May 27 - June 03). In this week the objective was to prepare the
toolchain to enable the crossbuilding in practice. This resulted in the
toolchain that can be found in [5].

Week 2 (June 03 - June 10). The objective of this week was to raise up what
are the packages that I have to make patchs and fill bugs for them in the
next weeks. So, I have to define which packages of the minimal-build-system
is ready for crossbuild, which are arch:all (and we don't need to
crossbuild), which packages we need to crossbuild to satisfy all
buld-dependencies and which are multiarch:foreign (and we don't need to
crossbuild). As a result of this week, I created a document with tables to
datail the currently stat of the importante packages for the bootstrap
problem. This document can be found in [6]. The script at [7] was used to
generate it

Week 3 (June 10 - June 17). The objective was to add the metadata
information needed to enable the theorical crossbuild of all packages in
the self contained repository. The metadata information was added to the
packages and now the theoretical crossbuild of the minimal system is
possible. The package list and source list used in this step was [8] and
[9]. The patch containing the modifications to the package list is in [10].
An updated document with tables datailing the state of the important
packages for the bootstrap process in this phase is in [11].

Week 4 (June 17 - June 24). The objective until yesterday was to Test if
the sources of the Self contained repository can be crossbuilt using the
new inserted metadata information. Actually, following the schedule of the
project [0], this is what I have to do until July 29. This step includes
patches to solve cycles and solve crossbuild problems on some packages. In
this week I had good discussions with josch, wookey and pehjota on how I
should do this in practice. I'm going to choose an unstable debian snapshot
that doesn't have conflicts due to different versions of packages for armel
and amd64 packages.

I would like to thanks josch, wookey and pehjota for the efforts on help me
and give me veru good advices.


Gustavo Alkmim

Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Automated Bootstrap - Report 4 - Gustavo Alkmim

2013-07-12 Thread Gustavo Alkmim
Hi Guys.

Below is the report of this week. Sorry for the delay. I had problems
with my internet.

 Report 4 - Week 7.

In this week I could not dedicated too much time for the GSoC project because it
was the last week before the begining of the vacation in the
University. Starting
from this week I'm gonna have full time for the project.

This week I set up a local repository using reprepro and tested the
sbuild environ-
ment that i'm going to use in to crossbuild the packages.

Also we had a meeting on IRC with the people of the mips64 port GSoC
project in order
to avoid duplicated work, since we both are going to crossbuild
packages in file bugs
as needed.

Also we conclude start to project the automated bootstrap tool that
I'm going to build.

For the next week, the main objective is to finish the project of the
automated tool.

This report can also be found in [0]

Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Gustavo Alkmim - Reports 5 and 6 - Automated Bootstrap Tool

2013-07-28 Thread Gustavo Alkmim
Hi Guys.

At first I want to apologize for sent both reports together, but as I
explained to the coordination I was getting married and that was
driving me crazy... (Now I'm married and everything is fine again).

Sorry for the delay. This won't happen again

  Week 8 - Report 5
In this week we discussed about how the automated bootstrap tool is going to

I started with a draft shell script of the tool [0]. I'm going to summarize
the main conclusions of our discussion:

1) The automated bootstrap tool should be write on perl or python due to its
complexity. Since I didn't know perl I learned it during the week

2) The automated bootstrap tool should be able to run in two modes: one using
the output list of botch to know what crossbuild and one that just looks at
what is out of date (source newer than binaries) in the repository.

3) The build packages list should come from the repository. Access to the
repository should be over http, so it can be moved to a shared server easily,
and it works inside chroots. It should use wget to get the packages file
locally for botch to use. The host packages list should be got from the repo-
sitory (if we want to know what can be done in an exactly moment) or from
a conversion of the build package list (if we want to determine the full
build order.)

4) The automated bootstrao tool should be non-interactive

5) An auxiliar script to automatically add the Multi-Arch: foreign field
when requested is desirable. This script should get the sources, add the
Multi-Arch: foreign field (or warning if an multi-arch field is already
present), build the new sources, upload it to the new repository and generate
a patch using debdiff.

  Week 9 - Report 6

In this Week I got married (specifically on July, 20th). In the rest of the
week I was in an academic congress presenting a paper and in my honeymoon
with my wife. So I just had time to work on the GSoC on thursday. I worked
on the auxiliar script to automatically add the Multi-Arch: foreign
field. I also learned more about perl and the modules to help working with
debian packages.


Gustavo Alkmim
Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Gustavo Alkmim - Reports 7 - Automated Bootstrap Tool

2013-08-04 Thread Gustavo Alkmim
 Week 10 - Report 7

In this week advanced on the development of the the auxiliar script to
automatically add the Multi-Arch: foreign field. The main steps of the
process is implemented. What have to be finished is the upload it to the
new repository and generation of
the patch step.

Also, I start the development of the Automated Bootstrap Tool using perl.
The core of the tool is almost done.

In the next week I pretend to finish the first version of the auxiliar
script and the Automated Bootstrap Tool.


Gustavo Alkmim
Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Gustavo Alkmim - Report 2 - Improve Debian port on mipsel

2015-06-07 Thread Gustavo Alkmim

I'm working on the project Improve one of the Debian MIPS ports [0]. In
few words, the objective of this project is to fix broken packages of
Debian port on mipsel, so that the quality of debian in these architectures
can be improved.

Below is a summary of what I did last week:

   - Set up an online repository [1] with the files related with this
   project. Sorry, I am using port 3000 because I'm having problems on accept
   external connections to port 80 on my router. I will try to fix that next

   - Made a crawler script to give me the broken packages from buildd [2].

   - Opened bug #787844 [3] for package kafkacat version 1.2.0-1. The
   problem was that dh_auto_clean was calling the makefile before its
   dependencies has being generated. I worked on a patch [4] and sent it to
   the bug thread [5]. The bug was closed [6]. I would like to thanks the
   maintainer Vincent Bernat (in copy) which was very responsiveness.

   - Opened bug #787862 [7] for package pdf-presenter-console version
   4.0.0-1. In the buildd, the error found in the logs was a Singal 11
   (segmentation fault) from cmake. I tried to reproduce the bug several times
   on my CI20 board, but I got a successful build every time. I Suggested to
   re-run the build on buildd in the bug thread [8]. Got no answer from
   maintainer so far. Bug is still opened.

According to the original schedule [0] this week was to focus on fixing
bugs. So, we are up-to-date with the schedule.

Next steps:
   - Keep working on bug #787862.
   - Open new bugs for still broken packages and fix then.


Gustavo Alkmim

Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Gustavo Alkmim - Report 1 - Improve Debian port on mipsel

2015-05-31 Thread Gustavo Alkmim

My name is Gustavo Alkmim and I'm working on the project Improve one of
the Debian MIPS ports [0]. In few words, the objective of this project is
to fix broken packages of Debian port on mips/mipsel/mips64el, so that the
quality of Debian in these architectures can be improved.

Below is a summary of what I have done since the beginning of the project:

   - Received a CI20 [1] board from Imagination Technologies [2]. I really
   appreciate this gift. It will help me a lot on the build process.
   - Investigated the CI20 Guides to understand more about the board.
   - Set up of the build environment. I'm using sbuild [3] since it is used
   in the official buildd network and schroot [4] since it makes easier the
   configuration of chroot environments.
   - Started analyzing the buildd reports [5]. I did not made patches
   neither file bugs yet. I will start this next week.

This week I could not work on the project since I am on a travel and my
Internet Connection is really bad. I'm sorry about that. In the following
weeks I will compensate this lost time.

Next steps:
Start working on the bugs.


Gustavo Alkmim

Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Gustavo Alkmim - Report 6 - Improve Debian port on mipsel

2015-07-05 Thread Gustavo Alkmim

I'm working on the project Improve one of the Debian MIPS ports [0]. In
few words, the objective of this project is to fix broken packages of
Debian port on mipsel, so that the quality of debian in these architectures
can be improved.

An online repository with all the relevant files of the project can be
found here [1].

This week I had some personal questions and a meeting with my advisor,
which avoid me to make a good progress this week. I made some builds, but
could not spend too much time solving the problems. Sorry about that.

Below is a summary of the current status of each bug:

   - Bug #788680 [2] for package openni version I sent the
   patch for the bug on  thread, on message [3]. Patch is available in [4]. I
   did not receive an answer yet. I will ask the maintainers about that.

   - Opened bug #789881 [5] for package z3 version 4.4.0-1. During the
   dh_auto_build, the header emmintrin.h is not being find. Building it
   without using debian sources worked fine. Probably it is something with the
   dh_override_auto_configure rule. I'm still investigating the problem.

   - Opened bug #790327 [6] for package openturns version 1.5-7. The
   package is not being built due to a restriction on debian/rules that
   packages with 1GB should not built on mips/mipsel. I tried to build it
   without this restrictions and it got killed (probably due to lack of
   memory). I'm tryed to build with a swap file and It got killed again. I
   will investigate about this restriction on mips/mipsel devices. Dejan
   Latinovic sent me an email with some suggestions about how to approach
   this bug.

According to the original schedule [0] this week was to focus on fixing
bugs. So, we are up-to-date with the schedule.

Next week:
   - Keep working on bugs #788680, #789881 and #790327.
   - Open new bugs for still broken packages.


Gustavo Alkmim

Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Gustavo Alkmim - Report 12 - Improve Debian port on mipsel

2015-08-18 Thread Gustavo Alkmim

I'm working on the project Improve one of the Debian MIPS ports [0]. In
few words, the objective of this project is to fix broken packages of
Debian port on mipsel, so that the quality of debian in these architectures
can be improved.

An online repository with all the relevant files of the project can be
found here [1].

Unfortunately I had a lot of work with my doctorate and could not spent too
much effort this week. I will compensate on the next one.

Below is a summary of the current status of each bug:

   - Bug #790327 [2] for package openturns version 1.5-7: I Still got l no
   answers from the maintainers. I asked Anibal about how to proceed on this
   situation. I think I cannot do anything else on this package.

   - Bug #789619 [3] for package plplot version 5.10.0+dfsg-1: I'm still
   working on the octave problem fix, basing on upstream sources and I will
   proposed for the maintainers to disable the octave lib by default like in
   the upstream.

   - Bug #793833 [4] for package yade version 1.14.0-5 : The
   build-dependencies is conflicting. I working on a solution, probably on
   other packages.

   - Bug #793834 [5] for package polymake version 2.14-2: The build is
   still failing due to gcc internal error. Still checking on the package.

   - Bug #795146 [6] for package llvm-toolchain-3.4 version 1:3.4.2-15. The
   build is failing with message E: Caught signal ‘Terminated’: terminating
   immediately. The maintainers said we should not spend more effort on this
   package because it is almost obsolete.

According to the original schedule [0] this week was to focus on fixing
bugs. So, we are up-to-date with the schedule.

Next week:
   - Finish pending bugs.


Gustavo Alkmim

[3]   **
Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Gustavo Alkmim - Report 10 - Improve Debian port on mipsel

2015-08-03 Thread Gustavo Alkmim

I'm working on the project Improve one of the Debian MIPS ports [0]. In
few words, the objective of this project is to fix broken packages of
Debian port on mipsel, so that the quality of debian in these architectures
can be improved.

An online repository with all the relevant files of the project can be
found here [1].

Below is a summary of the current status of each bug:

   - Bug #788680 [2] for package openni version The bug was
   closed on message [3].

   - Bug #790327 [4] for package openturns version 1.5-7: I sent another
   message on the bug thread asking the maintainers to review my patch. Still
   no answers yet.

   - Bug #788801 [5] for package dolfin version 1.5.0-4: I closed the bug

   - Bug #789619 [7] for package plplot version 5.10.0+dfsg-1: The building
   is failing because of some problem on the cmake script. I'm still working
   on the fix, basing on upstream sources.

   - Opened bug #793833 [8] for package yade version 1.14.0-5 : The build
   is failingcomplaining about no space left on device. While trying to
   rebuild, the dependencies is not installing. After an analyze I found out
   the following build-dependency:
   but libicu52 is unavailable. I will try an update latter on this week to
   check if it is already available.

   - Opened bug #793834 [9] for package polymake version 2.14-2: The build
   is failing due to gcc internal error. Still checking on the package.

   - Opened bug #793835 [10] for package kmc version 2.0+dfsg-1: The build
   was failing due to wrong parameter passed to g++. Maintainer fixed the bug
   before me. Bug was closed on message [11]

According to the original schedule [0] this week was to focus on fixing
bugs. So, we are up-to-date with the schedule.

Next week:
   - Ask maintainers again about bugs #790327.
   - Work on bug #789619, #793833 and #793834.
   - Open new bugs for still broken packages.


Gustavo Alkmim

[7]   **
Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Gustavo Alkmim - Report 11 - Improve Debian port on mipsel

2015-08-10 Thread Gustavo Alkmim

I'm working on the project Improve one of the Debian MIPS ports [0]. In
few words, the objective of this project is to fix broken packages of
Debian port on mipsel, so that the quality of debian in these architectures
can be improved.

An online repository with all the relevant files of the project can be
found here [1].

Below is a summary of the current status of each bug:

   - Bug #790327 [2] for package openturns version 1.5-7: I Still got l no
   answers yet. The patch is finished, but the maintainers don't answer me. I
   will Anibal about this. I don't know what to do in this situation.

   - Bug #789619 [3] for package plplot version 5.10.0+dfsg-1: The building
   was failing because of some problem on the cmake script. I fixed that, but
   now it is failing during the octave lib build. For some reason, it is not
   finding an include file even it exists. In the upstream sources, the octave
   is disabled. I'm still working on the fix, basing on upstream sources and I
   will proposed for the maintainers to disable the octave lib by default like
   in the upstream.

   - Bug #793833 [4] for package yade version 1.14.0-5 : The build is
   failing complaining about no space left on device. While trying to
   rebuild, the dependencies is not installing. Aparentily vtk6 source is with
   wrong dependencies. I'm checking on that, and open a bug as soon as I be
   sure of this.

   - Opened bug #793834 [5] for package polymake version 2.14-2: The build
   is failing due to gcc internal error. Still checking on the package.

   - Opened bug #795146 [6] for package llvm-toolchain-3.4
   version 1:3.4.2-15. The build is failing with message E: Caught signal
   ‘Terminated’: terminating immediately. I worked harder on bug #789619
   (plplot) and did not check to much on this one.

According to the original schedule [0] this week was to focus on fixing
bugs. So, we are up-to-date with the schedule.

Next week:
   - Ask Anibal again about bug #790327.
   - Work on bug #789619, #793833, #793834 and 795146.
   - Open new bugs for still broken packages.


Gustavo Alkmim

[3]   **
Soc-coordination mailing list

[Soc-coordination] Gustavo Alkmim - Report 8 - Improve Debian port on mipsel

2015-07-21 Thread Gustavo Alkmim

I'm working on the project Improve one of the Debian MIPS ports [0]. In
few words, the objective of this project is to fix broken packages of
Debian port on mipsel, so that the quality of debian in these architectures
can be improved.

An online repository with all the relevant files of the project can be
found here [1].

I started the Week 8 trying to upgrade my ci20 kernel to the latest version
of the repository. The factory was on version revision 00096 and the
repository on version 12465. Unfortunately, I got an invalid kernel format
as soon as I boot the ci20. I spent the rest of the week trying to make it
work with the new kernel. In the end of the week I was able to make it up,
with the help of the GPIO uart mapping.

I did not have any progress in bugs, since I was focused on make the ci20
board working again.

Sorry for this inconvenience. Now that the kernel is up and running, I will
be able to continue the work on the following weeks.

Next week:
   - Ask maintainers about bugs #788680, #790327 and #788801 .
   - Open new bugs for still broken packages.


Gustavo Alkmim

Soc-coordination mailing list