Re: Softimage 2013 with Mudbox 2012

2012-08-22 Thread Daniel Dye

That's Autodesk ;)
On 8/22/2012 7:05 PM, Rob Wuijster wrote:

Seriously? That's nasty.

On 22-8-2012 10:56, Nick Angus wrote:

In my experience they both will need to be 2013, or 2012, sad but true...


[] *On Behalf Of 
*Szabolcs Matefy

*Sent:* Wednesday, 22 August 2012 6:27 PM
*Subject:* Softimage 2013 with Mudbox 2012


I'd like to drop my model from SI to MB, but the send to mudbox greyed out...Any idea??



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Re: A few Softimage Questions

2012-08-15 Thread Daniel Dye

Thank you for your replies so far :)

First of all I would like to clarify some things.  I have generalist 
experience, and only in the last year or so did I start focusing more on 
VFX. I can model, sculpt, animate (though not much experience with 
character animation), light, texture, shade and render. Of course, 
having a generalist background I fit into the saying jack of all 
trades, master of none.

I have recently been doing some RnD with video based facial motion 
capture and utilizing FaceRobot with decent results, but only on a 
static head so far without attaching to a body.

I have also tested the workflow from iPiSoft to 3ds max, and I am able 
to create results that are more than satisfactory for my needs.

I'm certainly not expecting Pixar quality, or even aiming for that. My 
short film is more of a VFX sequence with minimal character animation, 
putting my abilities to the test.

For bipedal animation, CAT in 3ds Max is more than satisfactory. To be 
honest, the only reason I am considering Softimage is the inclusion of 

As for what I do in Houdini that Softimage doesn't offer me, my Houdini 
use revolves around fluids (liquids) and volumetrics. Occasionally I 
will generate particles in Houdini and take them back to 3ds Max for 
further processing and rendering or vise versa.

My main reason for sticking with Houdini is that I already know the 
workflow, and it can open up additional job opportunities in the VFX field.

I'm certainly not dismissing ICE. After reading various discussions here 
and elsewhere, I understand it is very powerful and comparable to 
Houdini's various systems. If I was to delve into Softimage for 
animation, there is a good chance I would end up checking out ICE. 
CrowdFX definitely interests me.

Data exchange isn't currently an issue for me, at least between Houdini 
and 3ds Max. True, introducing Softimage into the mix could cause some 
headaches, which I will need to research further.

Yes, vray is avaliable for Softimage but it would only add further 
issues if I tried to render in Softimage. Primarily due to rendering 
certain 3ds max specifics such as FumeFX simulations and Afterburn 
particle systems. I have researched into volumetric rendering in 
Softimage, and sadly it seems pretty dire. The logistics of combining 
renders from Vray, Krakatoa and Mantra in Houdini cause enough of a 
headache without then rendering from Softimage too.

Perhaps what I should be asking is: Considering how useful I find 
FaceRobot, is it worth utilizing Softimage in my pipeline primarily for 


Daniel Dye.

Re: A few Softimage Questions

2012-08-15 Thread Daniel Dye
@Raffaele, I agree. I learn best when I have a goal to achieve. In fact, 
I learned Houdini for a specific goal on the job and even switched 
from Maya to 3ds Max many years ago due to a projects requirements.

I must admit, having lurked around the mailing list for a while, I 
expected more of you to try to convert me to Softimage ;P


Render elements (i.e: beauty, spec, diffuse, reflection, ect) are great 
in Max. Render layers on the other hand are complete crap. Thankfully I 
use a plugin for managing render layers which makes the job a lot easier.

I would consider switching to rendering in Softimage completely for 
Arnold alone, but alas being a lonely freelance artist I can't see it 
happening anytime soon.

I feel I know Max too well, and am too used to its workflow that it 
makes me scared to switch applications completely for all stages of 
production. As I've said, I mainly focus on VFX so all I have learned in 
3ds Max would get thrown out the window if I switched. I think 3ds Max 
and Houdini will be my go to applications for particles and dynamics 
for quite some time.

Even with Vray in Softimage, there are certain features I would miss 
from Max. Particularly VrayRT which is great when trying to light a 
scene. I know Softimage will be getting it, so I may check it out when 
the time comes.

Currently using animated .obj sequences, .fbx or realflows .bin format 
for exchange between Max and Houdini depending on the data type. I'm 
looking towards Exocortexs alembic implementation, but haven't had time 
to test it out yet.

Just want to say too: My project is designed as a learning experience. I 
have never used a full motion capture workflow before, so the purpose of 
this project is to put that into practice through to final delivery.

A few Softimage Questions

2012-08-14 Thread Daniel Dye

Hi all,

First time posting on this mailing list.

I'm a student who will be diving into my first animated short and I am 
trying to establish my pipeline. I'm primarily a VFX guy and as such 
this will be relatively new ground for me.

I primarily use a combination of 3ds Max and Houdini for my VFX work.

I have been looking towards Softimage for the animation side of my 
project. The inclusion of FaceRobot is very appealing, and something I 
would love to put into practice. I will be using iPiSoft for body motion 
capture and I'm tossing up between Zigntrack or Syntheyes (already own) 
for facial motion capture. The facial motion capture is where I feel 
FaceRobot would excel.

I'm curious about the general rigging, animation layering and mocap 
retargeting avaliable in Softimage for body animation. Because I want to 
utilize FaceRobot, I assume it would be an easier workflow to also 
animate the body in Softimage.

The animation will then be brought back to 3ds Max and combined with 
assests from Houdini for final rendering with Vray.

I understand being the Softimage Mailing List, opinions may be biased :P 
Just curious if anyone knows of any pros/cons or issues I may run into?

Thank you in advanced for any help,


Daniel Dye.
