Wiki page submitted :)


Puck wrote:
Thanks David. I ran through the steps again and with your help figured out what I was doing wrong. I had been trying to use the server.pem file instead of the trusted cert on my clients, which was causing a TLS error. Now that I've got the procedure down, I'll see if I can get a basic wiki entry going for it. It seems to be a fairly common question and there's very little documentation on it.

Thanks again for the help!


David Nutter wrote:
On Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 11:59:56AM -0600, Puck wrote:
Has anyone gotten osa-dispatcher/osad working that could do a write-up on the wiki? I tried it once but ran into a bunch of TLS problems and never got it working so I gave up. If someone else has a working solution, I'd appreciate seeing the steps. I assume I just missed a basic step somewhere that I wasn't aware of.

When I tried, all the help I could find was:
Install jabberd and osa-dispatcher (on spacewalk server)
Edit /etc/jabberd/c2s.xml to uncomment router->pemfile and starttls lines (server)
Restart rhn-satellite (server)
Install osad (on client)
Copy /etc/jabberd/server.pem (server) to /usr/share/rhn/RHNS-JABBER-CERT (client) Edit /etc/sysconfig/rhn/osad.conf (client) and set osa_ssl_cert = /usr/share/rhn/RHNS-FCCI-CERT
Start osad (client)

I forget where it first failed but I remember I spent a lot of time massaging the config files to get it further along in the process but eventually it just wouldn't go any further and I gave up. If anyone else can add in a few steps I missed I'm willing to write the procedure up into a wiki entry for all to enjoy. Any takers?

Not sure if my experience is representative enough for the wiki but
here it is. Sounds pretty similar to yours except you do some extra
things with certificates.
In my case the /etc/jabberd/server.pem certificate was correct and
identical to the one used by the rest of spacewalk. Presumably
spacewalk-setup put it there. However, the certificate was not
readable by the jabberd user, which caused problems.
Also, it was necessary to open the jabberd router port inbound on the
spacewalk server's firewall (5222)
I turned SELinux off on the spacewalk server due to Oracle's need for
text relocatable libs, there may be some extra setup steps there to
get jabberd to work if you have it turned on.
On the clients, I need to install the rhn-org-trusted-ssl-cert package
and edit /etc/sysconfig/rhn/osad.conf to include the following line
(easy to do in Kickstart %postinstall section):

  osa_ssl_cert = /usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT

Then chkconfig osad on

Starting "osad -v -N" on the clients was very helpful when figuring out
how to do this, as osad then would complain loudly if it couldn't get
a connection.



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