[sqlalchemy] Could not locate column in row for column

2014-06-20 Thread Belegnar Dragon

SQLAlchemy 0.9.4

In this code

def unidecode_column_name(inspector, table, column_info):
column_info['key'] = unidecode(column_info['name']).replace(u' ', u'_')

engine = create_engine(mssql+pyodbc://%s:%s@RTBD % (settings.RT_USER, 
settings.RT_PWD), echo = True)
metadata = MetaData(bind = engine)
metadata.reflect(engine, only = [uЗаказы,], listeners = 
[('column_reflect', unidecode_column_name)])
orders = metadata.tables[u'Заказы']
class Order(object):
mapper(Order, orders)

sess = Session(engine)
q = sess.query(Order)
q.filter_by(Kod_zakazchika = u'F07301m').all()

I've got the following error

NoSuchColumnError Traceback (most recent call last)
ipython-input-2-83aa85e1bb5a in module()
 1 q.filter_by(Kod_zakazchika = u'F07301m').all()

local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.pyc in all(self)
- 2292 return list(self)
   2294 @_generative(_no_clauseelement_condition)

local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/loading.py in 
instances(query, cursor, context)
 70 process[0](row, rows)
 71 elif single_entity:
--- 72 rows = [process[0](row, None) for row in fetch]
 73 else:
 74 rows = [util.KeyedTuple([proc(row, None) for proc in 

local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/loading.py in 
_instance(row, result)
359 identitykey = (
360 identity_class,
-- 361 tuple([row[column] for column in 
362 )

local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/result.pyc in 
_key_fallback(self, key, raiseerr)
330 raise exc.NoSuchColumnError(
331 Could not locate column in row for column 
'%s' %
-- 332 expression._string_or_unprintable(key))
333 else:
334 return None

NoSuchColumnError: Could not locate column in row for column 

The problem is i can't really debug this error because it isn't clear what 
should be in pk_cols

Previously in orm/loading.py there is a string
pk_cols = mapper.primary_key # line number 250

So, pk_cols is a list of Column() objects.
row is a list of values from query
Surely, [row[column] for column in pk_cols] raises error, because column is 
a Column() object and can't be index for row. But i can't imagine how this 
code may work. Is this a bug?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] hybrid_properties and literals

2014-06-20 Thread Simon King
On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 5:02 AM, AM ams@gmail.com wrote:
 On 06/19/2014 10:24 AM, Mike Bayer wrote:

 On 6/19/14, 1:05 PM, AM wrote:

 What I am storing is things like string versions of lists, tuples and
 dicts, for e.g.:

 str([1, 2, 3])

 and so on. ast.literal_eval will only parse those and return those, it
 does not evaluate expressions and statements so no real code at all.

 I got around this issue by creating a PythonASTLiteralColumn based on
 the example in the docs and that worked perfectly.

 Having said that I would still like to understand how to approach a
 situation where I want a hybrid property that is a normal python data
 type, if that's possible at all?

 SQLAlchemy is a bridge between Python and SQL but there is no magic in
 creating the thing on each side of that bridge.   If you want a SQL
 query that interrogates a column of data in a way that is meaningful
 regarding some kind of in-Python behavior, you need to decide how that
 behavior will be expressed in your SQL query.   The hybrid will work
 fine at the instance level but if you want it to behave meaningfully in
 a SQL query you'd first need to know what the SELECT statement you want
 will actually look like in terms of raw SQL.

 Ah ok, I see what you mean. In my particular case I really don't want
 anything special. Basically if I have a table like I mentioned before:

 class SystemModel(BaseModel):
 __tablename__ = 'system'

 class_number = DB.Column(DB.Integer, DB.ForeignKey(
 ClassModel.get_fk('number')), primary_key=True)
 name = DB.Column(DB.String, nullable=False)
 _ports = DB.Column('ports', DB.String)

 The only queries I am going to be running at the SQL level are of the form:

 select _ports from system where _ports is not null;
 select _ports from system where class_number = 1
 update system set _ports=[(1, 2, 3), ...] where class_number = 1
 inserts and deletes.

 What I wanted at the python end was that if I ran this query

 select _ports from system where class_number = 1

 I would get
 result.ports = [(1, 2, 3), ...]  # python list

 instead of
 result.ports = [(1, 2, 3), ...]  # python string

 As I mentioned I can do that via the custom column type, but wanted to find
 out if there was an easier way that I was missing.

 Thanks for all your help.


I'm not sure this is really the intended use for hybrid properties.
Hybrid properties exist mostly to allow you to do clever things at
query time (with the class-level SystemModel.ports attribute),
whereas all you seem to want is a way of transparently converting a
python data structure to and from a string. For that, I think you want
a TypeDecorator, such as the JSON example in the docs:


Hope that helps,


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Could not locate column in row for column

2014-06-20 Thread Mike Bayer

On 6/20/14, 3:59 AM, Belegnar Dragon wrote:

 SQLAlchemy 0.9.4

 In this code

 def unidecode_column_name(inspector, table, column_info):
 column_info['key'] = unidecode(column_info['name']).replace(u' ',

 engine = create_engine(mssql+pyodbc://%s:%s@RTBD %
 (settings.RT_USER, settings.RT_PWD), echo = True)
 metadata = MetaData(bind = engine)
 metadata.reflect(engine, only = [uЗаказы,], listeners =
 [('column_reflect', unidecode_column_name)])
 orders = metadata.tables[u'Заказы']
 class Order(object):
 mapper(Order, orders)

 sess = Session(engine)
 q = sess.query(Order)
 q.filter_by(Kod_zakazchika = u'F07301m').all()

 I've got the following error

 NoSuchColumnError Traceback (most recent call
 ipython-input-2-83aa85e1bb5a in module()
  1 q.filter_by(Kod_zakazchika = u'F07301m').all()

 local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/query.pyc in all(self)
 - 2292 return list(self)
2294 @_generative(_no_clauseelement_condition)

 local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/loading.py in
 instances(query, cursor, context)
  70 process[0](row, rows)
  71 elif single_entity:
 --- 72 rows = [process[0](row, None) for row in fetch]
  73 else:
  74 rows = [util.KeyedTuple([proc(row, None) for proc
 in process],

 local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/loading.py in
 _instance(row, result)
 359 identitykey = (
 360 identity_class,
 -- 361 tuple([row[column] for column in
 362 )

 local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/result.pyc in
 _key_fallback(self, key, raiseerr)
 330 raise exc.NoSuchColumnError(
 331 Could not locate column in row for column
 '%s' %
 -- 332 expression._string_or_unprintable(key))
 333 else:
 334 return None

 NoSuchColumnError: Could not locate column in row for column

 The problem is i can't really debug this error because it isn't clear
 what should be in pk_cols

 Previously in orm/loading.py there is a string
 pk_cols = mapper.primary_key # line number 250

 So, pk_cols is a list of Column() objects.
 row is a list of values from query
 Surely, [row[column] for column in pk_cols] raises error, because
 column is a Column() object and can't be index for row. But i can't
 imagine how this code may work. Is this a bug?

the ResultProxy contains translation logic that receives Column objects
and locates the data by name.  This is documented at
http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/core/tutorial.html#selecting and
is the primary method by which the ORM relates mapped columns to result

In this case the issue is most likely yet another pyodbc + unicode
encoding issue, of which there are many, and often there's no way to
work around.  Need to know 1. OS platform 2. FreeTDS version 3. UnixODBC
or iODBC (and what version) 4. pyodbc version 5. SQL Server version.   I
can try to test but often these unicode issues aren't easy to resolve
(have you tried pymssql? ).thanks.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] correlating related deletes

2014-06-20 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Could not locate column in row for column

2014-06-20 Thread Mike Bayer

On 6/20/14, 7:32 AM, Mike Bayer wrote:
 NoSuchColumnError: Could not locate column in row for column

 The problem is i can't really debug this error because it isn't clear
 what should be in pk_cols

 Previously in orm/loading.py there is a string
 pk_cols = mapper.primary_key # line number 250

 So, pk_cols is a list of Column() objects.
 row is a list of values from query
 Surely, [row[column] for column in pk_cols] raises error, because
 column is a Column() object and can't be index for row. But i can't
 imagine how this code may work. Is this a bug?
 the ResultProxy contains translation logic that receives Column objects
 and locates the data by name.  This is documented at
 http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/core/tutorial.html#selecting and
 is the primary method by which the ORM relates mapped columns to result

 In this case the issue is most likely yet another pyodbc + unicode
 encoding issue, of which there are many, and often there's no way to
 work around.  Need to know 1. OS platform 2. FreeTDS version 3. UnixODBC
 or iODBC (and what version) 4. pyodbc version 5. SQL Server version.   I
 can try to test but often these unicode issues aren't easy to resolve
 (have you tried pymssql? ).thanks.

good news, I can reproduce this, and on my end at least it needs the
so-called description_encoding workaround.   We may have to revisit
the defaults on this parameter for modern versions of Pyodbc.  The test
below produces your error without the param, resolves with it.   Please
try this out on your create_engine(), thanks.

#! coding: utf-8

from sqlalchemy import *

engine = create_engine(mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger@ms_2008, echo=True,

colname = u'Заказ.Номер заказа'

m = MetaData()
t = Table(uЗаказы, m, Column(colname, String(30), key='somecol'))


engine.execute(t.insert().values(somecol='some value'))
result = engine.execute(t.select().where(t.c.somecol == 'some value'))
row = result.fetchone()
print row[t.c.somecol]

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Could not locate column in row for column

2014-06-20 Thread Mike Bayer

On 6/20/14, 12:14 PM, Mike Bayer wrote:
 On 6/20/14, 7:32 AM, Mike Bayer wrote:
 NoSuchColumnError: Could not locate column in row for column

 The problem is i can't really debug this error because it isn't clear
 what should be in pk_cols

 Previously in orm/loading.py there is a string
 pk_cols = mapper.primary_key # line number 250

 So, pk_cols is a list of Column() objects.
 row is a list of values from query
 Surely, [row[column] for column in pk_cols] raises error, because
 column is a Column() object and can't be index for row. But i can't
 imagine how this code may work. Is this a bug?
 the ResultProxy contains translation logic that receives Column objects
 and locates the data by name.  This is documented at
 http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/core/tutorial.html#selecting and
 is the primary method by which the ORM relates mapped columns to result

 In this case the issue is most likely yet another pyodbc + unicode
 encoding issue, of which there are many, and often there's no way to
 work around.  Need to know 1. OS platform 2. FreeTDS version 3. UnixODBC
 or iODBC (and what version) 4. pyodbc version 5. SQL Server version.   I
 can try to test but often these unicode issues aren't easy to resolve
 (have you tried pymssql? ).thanks.
 good news, I can reproduce this, and on my end at least it needs the
 so-called description_encoding workaround.   We may have to revisit
 the defaults on this parameter for modern versions of Pyodbc.  The test
 below produces your error without the param, resolves with it.   Please
 try this out on your create_engine(), thanks.

 #! coding: utf-8

 from sqlalchemy import *

 engine = create_engine(mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger@ms_2008, echo=True,

 colname = u'Заказ.Номер заказа'

 m = MetaData()
 t = Table(uЗаказы, m, Column(colname, String(30), key='somecol'))


 engine.execute(t.insert().values(somecol='some value'))
 result = engine.execute(t.select().where(t.c.somecol == 'some value'))
 row = result.fetchone()
 print row[t.c.somecol]
yeah this is the workaround for now, but totally this is a bug back to
0.8 and further, should be backported for 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0 in
Two different issues located.

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[sqlalchemy] A question regarding hybrid properties, relationships and schema changes

2014-06-20 Thread Ken Lareau
So in the ongoing improvement of one of our internal databases, we created
a new table named 'environments' whose SQLA code looks something like

class Environment(Base):
__tablename__ = 'environments'

id = Column(u'environmentID', INTEGER(), primary_key=True)
environment = Column(String(length=15), nullable=False, unique=True)
env = Column(String(length=12), nullable=False, unique=True)
domain = Column(String(length=32), nullable=False, unique=True)
prefix = Column(String(length=1), nullable=False)

Two of our tables recently needed conversion to stop using their own local
'environment' column to using this table.  The first part's been put in
(a new foreign key for 'environment_id'), but to prevent large swaths of
from needing changes, a thought of using a hybrid property might allow the
change to be hidden (until the code using it had been rewritten at least).

My naive attempt was the following (just the relevant snippet):

environment_obj = relationship('Environment')

def environment(self):
return self.environment_obj.environment

Unfortunately (and in hindsight for obvious reasons), this code doesn't
but a very brief conversation with someone on the #sqlalchemy channel on
Freenode indicated there was no way to do this and all the relevant code
must be reworked.  While it's only a few dozen places this occurs, I can see
this coming up again in the future as further schema refactorings occur, so
I turn to those with more expertise to find out if there is a way to
what I desire, or if there's really no hope. :)  Any insight would be

- Ken Lareau

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[sqlalchemy] Re: A question regarding hybrid properties, relationships and schema changes

2014-06-20 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

I think this might work...

1. remove the 'environment' column
2. set up an 'Association Proxy' to map `environment_obj.environment` 
column as the table's `environment` property

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Re: [sqlalchemy] A question regarding hybrid properties, relationships and schema changes

2014-06-20 Thread Mike Bayer

On 6/20/14, 3:38 PM, Ken Lareau wrote:
 So in the ongoing improvement of one of our internal databases, we created
 a new table named 'environments' whose SQLA code looks something like

 class Environment(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'environments'

 id = Column(u'environmentID', INTEGER(), primary_key=True)
 environment = Column(String(length=15), nullable=False, unique=True)
 env = Column(String(length=12), nullable=False, unique=True)
 domain = Column(String(length=32), nullable=False, unique=True)
 prefix = Column(String(length=1), nullable=False)

 Two of our tables recently needed conversion to stop using their own local
 'environment' column to using this table.  The first part's been put
 in place
 (a new foreign key for 'environment_id'), but to prevent large swaths
 of code
 from needing changes, a thought of using a hybrid property might allow the
 change to be hidden (until the code using it had been rewritten at least).

 My naive attempt was the following (just the relevant snippet):

 environment_obj = relationship('Environment')

 def environment(self):
 return self.environment_obj.environment

 Unfortunately (and in hindsight for obvious reasons), this code
 doesn't work,
what does doesn't work mean here?   This will work at the instance
level.  At the query level, not so much, that's true, if you truly want
no code to change you'd need to implement an @expression here that's a
little inefficient, as it needs to do a correlated subq:

class HasEnv(Base):
__tablename__ = 'has_env'

id = Column(INTEGER, primary_key=True)
environment_id = Column(ForeignKey('environments.environmentID'))

environment_obj = relationship('Environment')

def environment(self):
return self.environment_obj.environment

def environment(cls):
return select([Environment.environment]).\
where(Environment.id == cls.environment_id).correlate(cls).\

s = Session()

print s.query(HasEnv).filter(HasEnv.environment == 'some env')


SELECT has_env.id AS has_env_id, has_env.environment_id AS
FROM has_env
WHERE (SELECT environments.environment
FROM environments
WHERE environments.environmentID = has_env.environment_id) = :param_1

wont perform well from a SQL perspective but will do the job...

 but a very brief conversation with someone on the #sqlalchemy channel on
 Freenode indicated there was no way to do this and all the relevant code
 must be reworked.  While it's only a few dozen places this occurs, I
 can see
 this coming up again in the future as further schema refactorings
 occur, so
 I turn to those with more expertise to find out if there is a way to
 what I desire, or if there's really no hope. :)  Any insight would be
I don't know how to fix this issue with IRC and stackoverflow that
people constantly are getting bad information. 

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Re: [sqlalchemy] A question regarding hybrid properties, relationships and schema changes

2014-06-20 Thread Ken Lareau
On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Mike Bayer mike...@zzzcomputing.com

 On 6/20/14, 3:38 PM, Ken Lareau wrote:

  So in the ongoing improvement of one of our internal databases, we
  a new table named 'environments' whose SQLA code looks something like

 class Environment(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'environments'

 id = Column(u'environmentID', INTEGER(), primary_key=True)
 environment = Column(String(length=15), nullable=False, unique=True)
 env = Column(String(length=12), nullable=False, unique=True)
 domain = Column(String(length=32), nullable=False, unique=True)
 prefix = Column(String(length=1), nullable=False)

  Two of our tables recently needed conversion to stop using their own
  'environment' column to using this table.  The first part's been put in
  (a new foreign key for 'environment_id'), but to prevent large swaths of
  from needing changes, a thought of using a hybrid property might allow
  change to be hidden (until the code using it had been rewritten at

  My naive attempt was the following (just the relevant snippet):

 environment_obj = relationship('Environment')

 def environment(self):
 return self.environment_obj.environment

  Unfortunately (and in hindsight for obvious reasons), this code doesn't

 what does doesn't work mean here?   This will work at the instance
 level.  At the query level, not so much, that's true, if you truly want no
 code to change you'd need to implement an @expression here that's a little
 inefficient, as it needs to do a correlated subq:

Yes, the doesn't work was specifically related to an attempt to use it in
a query, which of course failed miserably. :)

 class HasEnv(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'has_env'

 id = Column(INTEGER, primary_key=True)
 environment_id = Column(ForeignKey('environments.environmentID'))

 environment_obj = relationship('Environment')

 def environment(self):
 return self.environment_obj.environment

 def environment(cls):
 return select([Environment.environment]).\
 where(Environment.id ==

 s = Session()

 print s.query(HasEnv).filter(HasEnv.environment == 'some env')


 SELECT has_env.id AS has_env_id, has_env.environment_id AS
 FROM has_env
 WHERE (SELECT environments.environment
 FROM environments
 WHERE environments.environmentID = has_env.environment_id) = :param_1

 wont perform well from a SQL perspective but will do the job...

 This worked perfectly, thank you!  This is honestly a stop-gap measure
to allow much of the code to be rewritten (after which it can be removed),
and for what it's being used for at the moment, it won't be too bad

but a very brief conversation with someone on the #sqlalchemy channel
  Freenode indicated there was no way to do this and all the relevant code
 must be reworked.  While it's only a few dozen places this occurs, I can
 this coming up again in the future as further schema refactorings occur, so
  I turn to those with more expertise to find out if there is a way to
  what I desire, or if there's really no hope. :)  Any insight would be

 I don't know how to fix this issue with IRC and stackoverflow that people
 constantly are getting bad information.

 Heh, Sometimes I think I should know better about asking for help
on IRC, but sometimes I get lucky.  In this case, I decided I might
have better luck on the mailing list after the answer I got on IRC
was very unsatisfactory. :)

Thanks for the help!

- Ken Lareau

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