Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-03 Thread Simon Slavin

On 3 May 2013, at 4:03am, Igor Korot  wrote:

> How do people prove to their customers that no matter what

As others have commented, this is too vague.  Many disasters will destroy the 
hardware the data is stored on.  They need to integrate what the software does 
for recovery with their own recovery precautions like offsite backup, live 
duplication, etc..

> the software
> will either finish gracefully or will not break, crash or anything to that
> matter?

This was years ago, and not working with SQL but with a far earlier and more 
primitive DBMS.  But I once did a demo for a customer where I had the database 
on an external 40Meg hard disk, and I let the manager in the meeting pull the 
external drive cable out while the program was updating a record, and later 
turn off the power to the computer while doing an end-of-month update.

Both times, when restarted the software detected the problem, recovered the 
last usable dataaset, and continued.  The customer was suitably impressed and 
continued with purchase negotiations.

Technically, the demo did not demonstrate what the customer thought it did.  
There was no way to do that that wouldn't have taken up a 10 hour meeting and 
involved lots of technical discussion, which was not appropriate with this 
customer.  Our software did handle most of these situations correctly, but 
there was no way to walk a non-technical customer negotiator through how it did 
it.  They would have felt embarrassed because they didn't understand the 
explanation and that's not a good way to run a meeting.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-03 Thread Keith Medcalf

> > > My question was a little different.

> > > I am developing desktop application  which utilizes SQLite. At some
> > > point in time my customer will want to know what happen when the DB
> > > operation breaks.

> > This depends on your definition of "breaks".
> Let me give you an example.

> I start the transaction, do couple of inserts and then I get an I/O error.
> In this case I need to rollback tell the user about failure and go back to
> the screen I started the transaction from.
> Or the simplest one - the database is moved and inaccessible. If it
> happens on the start, just tell the user and exit the program. If it happens
> during the program execution, again tell the user that current operation 
> failed
> and go back to the screen that originated the operation.

Both of these should be fatal.  As should things like running out of memory.

You cannot "recover" from these sorts of errors and when you come upon them 
your application should detect that there is an error condition that cannot be 
recovered and stop.  There is no way that you application can deal gracefully 
with these errors.  If the application flow is well designed, then your data 
will be preserved (well, maybe not in the case of an I/O error, depending on 
what the underlying cause is).  However, it is unsafe for the application to 
ignore the error and continue.

ACID should prevent your data from being corrupted or inconsistent, if that is 
at all possible (depending on the error).  However, there is nothing that *your 
application* can do when faced with such an error except to crash.  Maybe the 
error is transient and will not appear when you restart the application.  Maybe 
a sector went bad in the middle of file and you can do nothing except replace 
the disk and restore the database from backup.

An ABEND is a perfectly valid response to an unexpected error condition and 
prevents things from being made *worse* after an error occurs.

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Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-03 Thread Jean-Christophe Deschamps

At 07:31 03/05/2013, you wrote:

Problem is, how do I prove to the customer/user that it is working as
expected no matter what?

There are two important points in your question.

The second (!) is "prove".
The first is "as expected".

Let me expand on why. For a system (irrespective of its nature or 
implementation technology) to be "working as expected", you first have 
to define exactly how it is expected to behave in every situation it 
may encounter. That's called functional specifications. Specs need to 
be complete and deterministic down to the lowest levels (of spec, not 
implementation!) to be useful later. If you want to "prove" something 
based on these specifications, you need to express them as a formal 
model by using one of the formal methods available. This model needs to 
be proven complete (no unspecified state) and non-contradictory under 
the formal methodology used.

Once you have formal specifications defined as a formal model (we call 
this a "machine" in B) you can enter the process of refinement. To 
refine a formal model is to gradually introduce every aspect of 
implementation while using adequate proofing tools to demonstrate (and 
here I mean "mathematically") at every step that the refined specs are 
mathematically consistent with the  initial formal specs. Actual large 
systems require many refinement steps to achieve a final implementable 
model (B0 in the B method).

Once here and if the method chosen has the capability, you can actually 
produce  executable code (typically secure ADA or C) for a given 
hardware target, along with a formal proof that the executable will 
behave "as expected" in all aspects. B is such a method.

The excellent news is that you don't need ANY test step: just deliver 
the production to the client, re-play the proof before him, get payed 
and fly to some sunny place with white sand beaches and no phone or 
Internet for a well deserved rest. There exists a valid mathematical 
proof that the production will always work "correctly", that is 
conforms to the initial formal model, in every aspect.

The less pleasant point is that a complete coverage by a top-notch 
formal method is really hard: you need experts in this method and ample 
time. The "simple" initial formal model is the first hard work because 
the human language --even used for specifications-- is incredibly 
ambiguous in practice and more than often uses implicit references to 
untold implementation details left vague (e.g. implicit "knowledge" 
about the behavior of the underlying OS for a software product).

What you do when you use a formal method is that you merge the two 
branches of the V development process. In fact, you intermix tests (the 
right branch of the V) which translate into proof of correctness, with 
the classical development right branch.

Many real-world systems requiring high dependability for 
mission-critical applications have shown that the time invested in 
refinements (where most of the time and efforts are used) grossly 
balance the time and efforts normally spent on incomplete or 
unconclusive tests and, after release, in fixing issues left over and 
discovered in the wild. Of course with a formal development you benefit 
of a program proven correct by construction.

SQLite would be a very good candidate for a formal development if its 
design was not somehow a moving target. I'm not saying DRH and his team 
are amateur developpers, all I mean is that when significant new 
features are introduced in the user specifications, the whole formal 
process has to be restarted. Many of the changes introduced in SQLite 
over the last few years have deep implications on its behavior.
Depending on how the changes introduced fit the formal model or can't 
cope with its structure, a new version may require much work, up to 
complete rework. Formal methods are best suited for fixed 
specifications applications.

In short, "yes you can" reach part of your goal, but if you take your 
own words "prove" and "working as expected no matter what" at face 
value, then you definitely heavyweighted formal methods to prove your 
application, the OS and the hardware all this runs on, possibly using 
redundant (majority) architecture or a secure coded processor. Needless 
to say, this is overly expensive for most applications.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-02 Thread Stephen Chrzanowski
You'll have to explain to the customer that "no matter what" carries too
much weight.  Are you going to protect against hardware failures?  Fire?
Floods?  Under what level would an acceptable failure be, or an
unacceptable failure?  What specifically is the user looking to break?  If
the user gets smart enough and starts modifying your schemas, all bets are
off, so, does that mean you have to start encrypting the database to keep
their fingers out of the cookie jar?  If files are being moved around and
the database is pushed off somewhere else, do you keep a secret backup of
the database somewhere else on the computer?  Upload it to the cloud behind
the users back?  Do you somehow write the database directly onto the EXE
and just make the user guess where the file is?

You can protect your software as best as you can acknowledging that users
are inventive and will break your software, so the best you can do is
defend against at least data entry issues, and perhaps, if you want to go
the extra mile, DO save out to the cloud somewhere else for backup
purposes.  But there is a limit to what you can do without building a
virtual Fort Knox around a simple phone book database application, and even
then you can't save the data in case of a meteor strike.  So sanitize your
data on any database transaction, ensure that anything being put in and
pulled out matches that of the constraint that the application expects (IE:
User enters a letter instead of a number.  Since SQLite will accept that,
when reading the data out, your app may freak out).

It is absolutely impossible to protect against EVERY contingency (Which is
what "No Matter What" means), so definitions are going to have to be laid
out about what the expectations are to be for failure defenses.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-02 Thread Roger Binns
Hash: SHA1

On 02/05/13 22:31, Igor Korot wrote:
> Or the simplest one - the database is moved ...

That is sufficient to break the database.  A SQLite database is not just
the database file, it is also the journal and WAL.  If you don't move all
as a single unit then you break the database.  Often you'll get lucky ...

The only safe way to move a database is to use the backup api to make a
new copy with the new name.  If you do it outside of SQLite then great
care has to be taken, and errors won't necessarily be immediately apparent
or even show up under pragma check.


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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-02 Thread Roger Binns
Hash: SHA1

On 02/05/13 20:03, Igor Korot wrote:
> How do people prove to their customers that no matter what the
> software will either finish gracefully or will not break, crash or
> anything to that matter?

That is easy - use SQLite.  Put your work inside transactions.  You can
use savepoints to nest transactions.  A transaction either fully
completes, or has no effect.  Even if your app is forcefully killed this
will still hold.  (The database will be cleaned up the next time it is
opened removing information about the transaction that was under way.)

On the other hand your code interacting with SQLite could have bugs.  At a
simple level you could ignore the error code returned by functions and
assume they succeeded.

The only way to test that is to add in hooks to cause various pieces to
fail as needed, and use coverage analysis to help ensure you have tested a
reasonable amount of code.  An example of how thorough you can be is the
SQLite testing:

All that aside, there is still no protection from a hostile environment.
An overclocked/overheated cpu can make arithmetic errors.  Cosmic rays can
change bits in memory.  Filesystems without checksums can have bit flips
on the storage or in transmission.

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sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-02 Thread Igor Korot

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 9:44 PM, Keith Medcalf  wrote:

> > My question was a little different.
> > I am developing desktop application  which utilizes SQLite. At some point
> > in time my customer will want to know what happen when the DB operation
> > breaks.
> This depends on your definition of "breaks".

Let me give you an example.
I start the transaction, do couple of inserts and then I get an I/O error.
In this case I need to rollback tell the user about failure and go back to
the screen I started the transaction from.

Or the simplest one - the database is moved and inaccessible. If it happens
on the start, just tell the user and exit the program. If it happens during
the program execution, again tell the user that current operation failed
and go back to the screen that originated the operation.

> > How do people prove to their customers that no matter what the software
> > will either finish gracefully or will not break, crash or anything to
> that
> > matter?
> Oftentimes, it is preferable to "break" or "crash" rather than do
> something in error -- or worse yet fail to detect the error and proceed
> merrily but incorrectly.
> > So far the guy tested the program and he made sure that working with DB
> > was OK if everything succeeds. But now I want to let him know that he can
> > setup the environment and try check what happen if something fails.
> The answer to this depends on what failed, and if you can anticipate such
> failure being a valid outcome of what you are doing.
> > How do you achieve something like this?
> If everything succeeds, you are fine.  If it fails in an anticipated way,
> then you deal with it in accordance with your design.  If the failure is
> unanticipated, you vomit noisily presenting sufficient information to
> diagnose and repair the problem.  If appropriate, you add specific handling
> for the error that you didn't anticipate happening once you know the
> circumstance under which it occurs and can validate that the specific
> circumstance has occurred so that your fault handler is dealing with the
> fault correctly.
> Of course, if the "error condition" is anticipated, then it is not an
> error, is it?
> Having something which guarantees consistency in the face of unexpected
> failure, in other words ACID, makes the issue not really much of an issue
> at all since it should be impossible for sudden "de-rugging" (ie, crash or
> killing the process) of the application at any time to cause corruption and
> inconsistency (if it can, then you have designed your application badly).
> You can handle it in the same way that Apple does:  crash with a little
> comic bomb on the screen, then display a picture of a little application
> with a thermometer in its mouth, then after a time simple restart yourself
> over cleanly.

Well I'm handling it.
Problem is, how do I prove to the customer/user that it is working as
expected no matter what?

Thank you.

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Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-02 Thread Keith Medcalf

> My question was a little different.

> I am developing desktop application  which utilizes SQLite. At some point
> in time my customer will want to know what happen when the DB operation
> breaks.

This depends on your definition of "breaks".

> How do people prove to their customers that no matter what the software
> will either finish gracefully or will not break, crash or anything to that
> matter?

Oftentimes, it is preferable to "break" or "crash" rather than do something in 
error -- or worse yet fail to detect the error and proceed merrily but 

> So far the guy tested the program and he made sure that working with DB
> was OK if everything succeeds. But now I want to let him know that he can
> setup the environment and try check what happen if something fails.

The answer to this depends on what failed, and if you can anticipate such 
failure being a valid outcome of what you are doing.
> How do you achieve something like this?

If everything succeeds, you are fine.  If it fails in an anticipated way, then 
you deal with it in accordance with your design.  If the failure is 
unanticipated, you vomit noisily presenting sufficient information to diagnose 
and repair the problem.  If appropriate, you add specific handling for the 
error that you didn't anticipate happening once you know the circumstance under 
which it occurs and can validate that the specific circumstance has occurred so 
that your fault handler is dealing with the fault correctly.

Of course, if the "error condition" is anticipated, then it is not an error, is 

Having something which guarantees consistency in the face of unexpected 
failure, in other words ACID, makes the issue not really much of an issue at 
all since it should be impossible for sudden "de-rugging" (ie, crash or killing 
the process) of the application at any time to cause corruption and 
inconsistency (if it can, then you have designed your application badly).

You can handle it in the same way that Apple does:  crash with a little comic 
bomb on the screen, then display a picture of a little application with a 
thermometer in its mouth, then after a time simple restart yourself over 

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Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-02 Thread Igor Korot
Hi, guys,

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 6:52 PM, Keith Medcalf  wrote:

> > >> My pet peeve is the lousy error message like Microsoft used to produce
> > >> "dll not found".  What DLL?  What error?  E.g. File not found or
> > permission
> > >> problem?
> > >
> > > My favorite is from the service manager:
> > >
> > > "The Service could not be started because the file could not be found".
> > >
> > > Wouldn't it be nice to tell me (a) what service or (b) what file and
> (c)
> > where you were looking.
> >
> > In a previous version of Mac OS X sometimes deleting a file worked
> > properly but triggered an error message anyway.  The error message said
> > something like
> >
> > The file "" could not be deleted because the file no longer exists.
> >
> > .  The filename inside the quotes was always blank because it couldn't
> > find out the name because the file no longer existed.  It's really hard
> > explaining to users why it won't tell them what the problem is or what
> > file caused it.
> Of course the file name is known -- how else would it know that it no
> longer exists?
> Failing to use the correct variable in the error message is a defect in
> the processing logic.
> BTW, the bug you point out is quite common and exists in many operating
> systems (and applications).

This is all good, but...

My question was a little different.
I am developing desktop application  which utilizes SQLite. At some point
in time my customer will want to know what happen when the DB operation
How do people prove to their customers that no matter what the software
will either finish gracefully or will not break, crash or anything to that

So far the guy tested the program and he made sure that working with DB was
OK if everything succeeds. But now I want to let him know that he can setup
the environment and try check what happen if something fails.

How do you achieve something like this?

Thank you.

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Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-02 Thread Keith Medcalf
> >> My pet peeve is the lousy error message like Microsoft used to produce
> >> "dll not found".  What DLL?  What error?  E.g. File not found or
> permission
> >> problem?
> >
> > My favorite is from the service manager:
> >
> > "The Service could not be started because the file could not be found".
> >
> > Wouldn't it be nice to tell me (a) what service or (b) what file and (c)
> where you were looking.
> In a previous version of Mac OS X sometimes deleting a file worked
> properly but triggered an error message anyway.  The error message said
> something like
> The file "" could not be deleted because the file no longer exists.
> .  The filename inside the quotes was always blank because it couldn't
> find out the name because the file no longer existed.  It's really hard
> explaining to users why it won't tell them what the problem is or what
> file caused it.

Of course the file name is known -- how else would it know that it no longer 
Failing to use the correct variable in the error message is a defect in the 
processing logic.

BTW, the bug you point out is quite common and exists in many operating systems 
(and applications).

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Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-02 Thread Simon Slavin

On 3 May 2013, at 1:49am, Keith Medcalf  wrote:

>> My pet peeve is the lousy error message like Microsoft used to produce
>> "dll not found".  What DLL?  What error?  E.g. File not found or permission
>> problem?
> My favorite is from the service manager:
> "The Service could not be started because the file could not be found".
> Wouldn't it be nice to tell me (a) what service or (b) what file and (c) 
> where you were looking.

In a previous version of Mac OS X sometimes deleting a file worked properly but 
triggered an error message anyway.  The error message said something like

The file "" could not be deleted because the file no longer exists.

.  The filename inside the quotes was always blank because it couldn't find out 
the name because the file no longer existed.  It's really hard explaining to 
users why it won't tell them what the problem is or what file caused it.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-02 Thread Keith Medcalf
> My pet peeve is the lousy error message like Microsoft used to produce
> "dll not found".  What DLL?  What error?  E.g. File not found or permission
> problem?

My favorite is from the service manager:

 "The Service could not be started because the file could not be found".

Wouldn't it be nice to tell me (a) what service or (b) what file and (c) where 
you were looking.

All three would be best.  And this isn't a "used too".  This is the current 
state-of-the-art in Microsoft error messages.  Completely and utterly useless.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-02 Thread Michael Black
There are several ways people handle errors.

#1 Path of least resistanceyou assume all is well and ignore thembad
idea but too common
#2 Catch as catch put in error handling as you experience
themalso a bad idea as it's too similar to #1
#3 Catch with careful thought about what could happencan be difficult
but this is what experienced people do...can still miss things.
#4 Catch all...check all return codes and print out somethingthen do #3
for known error and graceful/proper handling...this is how you learn.
#5 Force all possible errors to occur...there's a lot.  I don't know anybody
that does that.

A combo of #3 and #4 is best IMHO.

If you want to be really conservative you could write a wrapper around every
sqlite function to randomly return one of its possible error codes.
That's would take a lot of time though and I've never heard of anybody doing

My pet peeve is the lousy error message like Microsoft used to produce "dll
not found".  What DLL?  What error?  E.g. File not found or permission
Or the very common "cannot open file".  What file, why not?  Error messages
need to be explicit.
SQlite is pretty good about it.  Developers not so much.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Igor Korot
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 2:00 PM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: [sqlite] How people test db failures

Hi, ALL,
I wrote a code that executes fine. There is no memory leaks and no

However, trying to check whether my error handling is written correctly, I
breakpoint before accessing db and when I hit it I manually changes the
value returned.
This is not how it should be done and I feel that the person I'm working
with will need to check it
at some point.

So, how people check whether db failure result in graceful program
termination/proper flow?

I'm working on the desktop application under Windows and am giving the
release version of the program
compiled under MSVC 2010.

Thank you.
sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-01 Thread Roger Binns
Hash: SHA1

On 01/05/13 12:00, Igor Korot wrote:
> So, how people check whether db failure result in graceful program 
> termination/proper flow?

I use a macro that takes this form:

#define TESTPOINT(name, normal, failure)

I use it like this:

   TESTPOINT(StepNoMem, rc=sqlite3_step(stmt), rc=SQLITE_NOMEM);

The macro expands to something like this with debug builds:

  do {
 if(_point_should_fail(#name) { failure; }
 else { normal; }
  } while(0)

The _point_should_fail function returns true once and then false from then
on.  My test suite would then look like:

  def test2c():
 ... code that should handle the failure correctly ...

Of course reality is a little messier than this.  Here is some code that
sets a failure point:

Here is the corresponding test:

(I use 1/0 to ensure that there will always be an exception, and if it
turns out to be ZeroDivision then I know the previous line didn't cause
one and should have.)

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sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] How people test db failures

2013-05-01 Thread Igor Korot
Hi, ALL,
I wrote a code that executes fine. There is no memory leaks and no

However, trying to check whether my error handling is written correctly, I
breakpoint before accessing db and when I hit it I manually changes the
value returned.
This is not how it should be done and I feel that the person I'm working
with will need to check it
at some point.

So, how people check whether db failure result in graceful program
termination/proper flow?

I'm working on the desktop application under Windows and am giving the
release version of the program
compiled under MSVC 2010.

Thank you.
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