[squid-users] multiple redirector ACL

2010-03-31 Thread Stefan Reible


I`m running squidclamav and squirm with viralator.

For Firefox users I will use squirm and for tools like wget the full  
transparent squidclamav.

Both tools are working. How can I solve this problem?

My ideas are for squid.conf:
Can I cat if the client uses Firefox?
Can I switch between redirector with the help of client ip?

My ideas for redirector:
Simple script which reads the client ip and forwards to the right  
redirector. Do you have something like that?

Thank you,


Re: [squid-users] squid 3.0.19 + transparent + sslbump

2010-03-24 Thread Stefan Reible

Zitat von Amos Jeffries squ...@treenet.co.nz:

Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac wrote:

Amos Jeffries wrote:

Some factums worth knowing:

* 3.0 does not support sslBump or any other form of HTTPS  
man-in-middle attacks. 3.1 is required for that.

* sslBump in 3.1 requires that the client machines all have a CA  
certificate installed to make them trust the proxy for decryption.

* sslBump requires clients to be configured for using the proxy.  
(Some of the 'transparent' above work this way some do not.)

Hi Amos. What is the vantage of use sslBump if I cannot use a  
transparent proxy with it? Is the ability to cache SSL content?

Tks in advance.

Somewhat. Mostly for corporate networks AV scanning or filtering  
HTTPS connections.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE8 or 3.0.STABLE25
  Current Beta Squid

Transparent https is working with squid
With transparent I meen, that the browser request will routed to  
squids without any configuration.

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT  
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT  

http_port transparent
https_port transparent sslBump  

Only Problem I have, that the browser gives warnings, because  
certificate didn`t pass to domain!

Can I get other problems with cookie or something else?

Can I run this squid version in productivity environment?

Now I will test it for some hours..


[squid-users] squid 3.0.19 + transparent + sslbump

2010-03-23 Thread Stefan Reible


I want to use https with the viralator (http ist working).
I'm prerouting Port 80 to Port 3128 for http.

Is there an option like https_port in my version?

Now I want to set following option in squid.conf:

http_port 3128 sslBump  

but I get:

squid1 ~ # squid -D
FATAL: Bungled squid.conf line 9: http_port 3128 sslBump  

Squid Cache (Version 3.0.STABLE19): Terminated abnormally

The squid should run in transparent mode.

Thank you very mutch for viralator support, it`s very nice ;)


[squid-users] squid, squirm, clamav, viralator 0.9.8, Invoked with the arguments

2010-03-19 Thread Stefan Reible


I am using squid 3.0.19 with squirm 1.23, clamav 0.95.3, viralator  
0.9.8 from svn and mozilla firefox with configured proxy.

If I put following url in my Firefox:


I get this Output:

squid1 log # tail -f viralator.log

2010/03/19 13:47:28 INFO viralator.cgi: 1637 main::config_app -  
Reading configuration file /etc/viralator/viralator.conf
2010/03/19 13:47:28 INFO viralator.cgi: 1668 main::config_app -  
Configuration file was read successfully
2010/03/19 13:47:28 DEBUG viralator.cgi: 1679 main::config_app -  
Values recovered from configuration file

popupwidth - 600
filechmod - 0644
popupback - false
maximum_size - 1689600
css_file - style.css
virusscanner - clamdscan
dirmask - 0022
scannersummary - true
scannerpath - /usr/bin
progress_indicator - progress.png
downloadsdir - /downloads
default_language - english.txt
alert - FOUND
downloads - /var/www/localhost/htdocs/downloads
lang - en-US
viruscmd - --verbose --stdout
secret - sdfjkjk438sdfh234Hasdh73
charset - ISO-8859-1
skip_downloads - true
popupheight - 400
popupfast - false
progress_unit - bar.png
2010/03/19 13:47:28 INFO viralator.cgi: 1683 main::config_app -  
Testing configuration values
2010/03/19 13:47:28 INFO viralator.cgi: 1717 main::config_app -  
Configuration is OK
2010/03/19 13:47:28 INFO viralator.cgi: 1731 main::config_lang -  
Trying to read language file /etc/viralator/languages/english.txt
2010/03/19 13:47:28 INFO viralator.cgi: 1755 main::config_lang -  
Language file read successfully
2010/03/19 13:47:28 INFO viralator.cgi: 101 main:: - Client connected to Viralator
2010/03/19 13:47:28 INFO viralator.cgi: 140 main:: - Charset is  
defined as ISO-8859-1
2010/03/19 13:47:28 INFO viralator.cgi: 156 main:: - Presenting  
initial page to user
2010/03/19 13:47:28 DEBUG viralator.cgi: 162 main:: - Parameters  
received action
2010/03/19 13:47:28 DEBUG viralator.cgi: 1356 main::test_param -  
Invoked with the arguments: action,  
2010/03/19 13:47:28 ERROR viralator.cgi: 676 main::error - Invalid  
value for action parameter:  
http://putty.very.rulez.org/latest/x86/putty.exe - requested by

And when I put the url normaly:


I get:

2010/03/19 13:49:16 INFO viralator.cgi: 1683 main::config_app -  
Testing configuration values
2010/03/19 13:49:16 INFO viralator.cgi: 1717 main::config_app -  
Configuration is OK
2010/03/19 13:49:16 INFO viralator.cgi: 1731 main::config_lang -  
Trying to read language file /etc/viralator/languages/english.txt
2010/03/19 13:49:16 INFO viralator.cgi: 1755 main::config_lang -  
Language file read successfully
2010/03/19 13:49:16 INFO viralator.cgi: 101 main:: - Client connected to Viralator
2010/03/19 13:49:16 INFO viralator.cgi: 140 main:: - Charset is  
defined as ISO-8859-1
2010/03/19 13:49:16 INFO viralator.cgi: 156 main:: - Presenting  
initial page to user

2010/03/19 13:49:16 DEBUG viralator.cgi: 162 main:: - Parameters received url
2010/03/19 13:49:16 DEBUG viralator.cgi: 1356 main::test_param -  
Invoked with the arguments: url,  

2010/03/19 13:49:16 INFO viralator.cgi: 197 main:: - No referer is available
2010/03/19 13:49:16 DEBUG viralator.cgi: 1459 main::WinOpen - Invoked  
with the arguments:, 1269002956,  

The download button didn't work. Here is my squirm.patterns:

abortregexi ^* #zB (^http://192\.168\.100\.1/.*)
abortregexi ^http://squid1.testdomain.de.*
regexi ^(.*\.zip)$\1
regexi ^(.*\.exe)$\1

squirm match log:

Fri Mar 19 13:49:16  

My viralator config:

default_language - english.txt
charset - ISO-8859-1
lang - en-US
servername -
proxy_address -
proxy_port -
maximum_size - 1689600
virusscanner - clamdscan
scannerpath - /usr/bin
viruscmd - --verbose --stdout
alert - FOUND
scannersummary - true
downloads - /var/www/localhost/htdocs/downloads
skip_downloads - true
downloadsdir - /downloads

I don't find an error in my config. I`m running the whole system under  
linux gentoo, an in future the proxy server will be in transparent  
mode. The squid and squirm are running as user squid.

Regards, Stefan

Re: [squid-users] transparent squid + clamav + https

2010-03-17 Thread Stefan Reible


I have configured the viralator. But I have some problems with the redirector.
When I run /opt/squirm/bin/squirm as user squid by hand, I get the  
following text:

squid1 logs # tail -f squirm.info
Wed Mar 17 15:33:19 2010:processing configuration file  
Wed Mar 17 15:33:19 2010:Reading patterns from file  

Wed Mar 17 15:33:19 2010:Squirm (PID 10474) started

Then when I enter an url in the running squirm like:

http://putty.very.rulez.org/latest/x86/putty.exe - GET
http://putty.very.rulez.org/latest/x86/putty.exe - GET

I get no output (only a empty row).

When I run squirm as root, it will be the same, but on std out:

squid1 bin # ./squirm
Squirm running as UID 0: writing logs to stderr
Wed Mar 17 15:36:42 2010:processing configuration file  
Wed Mar 17 15:36:42 2010:Reading patterns from file  

Wed Mar 17 15:36:42 2010:Squirm (PID 10477) started
http://putty.very.rulez.org/latest/x86/putty.exe - GET

http://putty.very.rulez.org/latest/x86/putty.exe - GET

My squirm folder:

squid1# ls -al /opt/squirm/etc/
total 40
drwxrwx--- 2 root squid  4096 Mar 17 15:29 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 root bin4096 Mar 16 11:11 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  12288 Mar 17 15:29 .squirm.conf.swp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   1186 Mar 17 15:17 backup.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   1168 Mar 17 14:46 squirm.conf
-rw-rw 1 root squid  1064 Mar 17 15:18 squirm.conf.dist
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   1139 Mar 17 15:13 squirm.patterns
-rw-rw 1 root squid   682 Mar 17 15:18 squirm.patterns.dist

cat squirm.conf:

#squids ip ist
log logs/match.log
abort-log logs/abort.log
pattern squirm.patterns get

log logs/private-match.log
abort-log logs/private-abort.log
pattern squirm.patterns get

cat squirm.patterns:
abortregexi (^*)
abortregexi (^http://squid1.testingdomain.de.*)
regexi (^.*\.zip$)|\1
regexi (^.*\.doc$)|\1
regexi (^.*\.exe$)|\1

So there is only the squirm.info in the log folder, nothing else.
The viralator seems working, but there is now entry about squirm in the logs.
Can I test the viralator.cgi with parameters on bash or webbrowser?

Thanks, Stefan

[squid-users] transparent squid + clamav + https

2010-03-15 Thread Stefan Reible


for my exam I want to set up a transparent proxy with http and https  
under gentoo linux.

The transparent http proxy with clamav ist working very nice, but now  
i have problems with the implementation of ssl. My first idea was, to  
break down the encryption at the squid, an then create a new one.


Is this possible? I think the problem is, that if someone opens an  
https encrypted website like https://google.de he gets the certificate  
from the proxy in his browser, not from the webserver. This wouldn`t  
be so fine..

Do you have any solutions, informations or ideas for this problem?

Thanks, Stefan

PS: I have an secound problem with downloading big files, is it  
possilbe to send any infos about the download progress to the  
webbrowser? Like opening an ajax script or something else.