Re: Making Struts Build Easier (Re: coming out for JSF + Struts, was: Struts JSR?)

2004-03-26 Thread David Graham

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Mar 2004 08:22:48 -0600, Joe Germuska wrote:
  As I've been saying (a lot, it seems, lately) on struts-user, I
  think there are legitimate Struts JSP tags like html:messages
  that are not best replaced by JSTL.  Any time Struts tools put
  resources in special locations in request or session scope, I think
  it's nice to have tags which know the special locations, instead of
  expecting people to dig in and find them.  And, for example with
  html:messages, the message-property filtering is a useful feature
  that would require a lot of verbose JSTL to achieve the same goal.
 Another way to go would be to provide a API object in the request that
 the tags, or any other presentation technology, could use to access
 framework resources.
 In this way, no one else would need to the various special locations,
 only where to find the API object.
 This was the idea behind the ConfigHelper, which we put together when
 the Velocity/Struts tools was first being discussed.
 It's never been updated for modules, but if it were, the idea would be
 that it would return references to whatever resources were appropriate
 to a given module.
 From the perspective of a presentation technology, regardless of its
 nature, the ConfigHelper (or ActionContext) would be Struts, in the same
 sense that a JBDC driver appears to be the database. (Adapter/proxy
 On Thu, 25 Mar 2004 20:09:08 -0800 (PST), David Graham wrote:
  Are we really still kidding ourselves that the taglibs are
  currently supported?  No committer actively takes care of them.  No
  one in the community responded to Ted's invitation to support them.
   We've all moved onto JSTL, JSF, Velocity, XSLT, etc.  While the
  rest of the world migrates to newer/better technologies, we're
  stuck supporting tags that fewer and fewer people actually use.
 I don't use them myself, but I still know people who do. And some of
 those people help pay the bills :)
 I have and will support them by applying patches that people provide, as
 we just did by adding the module parameter.
 Moving the taglibs to their own subproject (at last!) will make a
 significant difference, since what does or does not happen with
 opt-taglibs won't directly affect core.
 If we moved to a context-based architecture (as above), it would help
 decouple the taglibs from the core, so the subprojects could be more
 independent, and level the playing field for other technologies. And,
 I'd do whatever it took to refactor the classic taglibs.
  IMO, it's almost irresponsible to distribute logic:iterate with a
  Struts minimum Servlet level of 2.4 where c:forEach is available.
 Things may change this year, but last summer I was still finding people
 at very large corporations who hadn't migrated to servlet 2.3. So,
 c:forEAch was not available to them.  Hopefully that will change this
 year, and we'll find nearly everyone has finally found the budget to

This is why tags like logic:iterate are still useful for Struts 1.x. 
However, since Struts 2.x will be based on at least Servlet 2.3 where
c:forEach is available, IMO logic:iterate has no useful purpose. This
applies to other Struts tags but iterate is a good example.


 Though, that's not going to get us off the compatibility train. The next
 thing will be whether they support servlet 2.4 for Struts 2.x :)
 Pity the world can't download Tomcat and be done it  :(   :)
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Re: Making Struts Build Easier (Re: coming out for JSF + Struts, was: Struts JSR?)

2004-03-26 Thread David Graham
--- Peter A. Pilgrim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 bean:size  we need a simple tag lib action for JSP 1.2 and JSTL 1.0 to
 the size of java.uitl.Collection until there is widespread
 support JSP 2.0 JSTL 1.1

The current proposal is for Struts 2.0 to be based on Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0
so we don't need bean:size either.


 Investigation continue with rest of Beans taglib ...
 Peter Pilgrim
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 Peter Pilgrim
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Re: Making Struts Build Easier (Re: coming out for JSF + Struts, was: Struts JSR?)

2004-03-26 Thread David Graham

--- Kris Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nope. logic:match does substring matching.

IMO, any tag that does not interact with Struts' core resources should
live in the Jakarta Taglibs project.  This allows non-Struts projects to
benefit from the functionality while freeing Struts to focus on its core
features.  Substring matching doesn't sound like a Struts specific


 Quoting Tim Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   logic:match no equalivant in JSTL 1.0  but exists String functions
  JSTL 1.1
  logic:match equivalent is c:if test=${ eq 'hello
  Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:
   Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
   Quoting Peter A. Pilgrim [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Joe Germuska wrote:
Whether the classic and el taglibs are one chunk or two
   hugely important to me either -- I would prefer that this 
   decision be
   made by developers who've done more work on that code to date.
   However, I did find that when I patched
   o.a.s.t.html.JavascriptValidator, I had to go and make a
   corresponding change in the EL version.  I suspect that changes
   those two libraries are going to track pretty tightly.  But
 like I
   said, I'm not pushing for this; just floating it...
   Is there any reason that the EL tags wouldn't replace the
   for Struts 2.0?  Also, IMO, many of the tags can be removed 
   entirely for
   2.0 because they've been replaced by more powerful counterparts
   As I've been saying (a lot, it seems, lately) on struts-user, I 
   think there are legitimate Struts JSP tags like html:messages 
   that are not best replaced by JSTL.  Any time Struts tools put 
   resources in special locations in request or session scope, I
   it's nice to have tags which know the special locations, instead
   expecting people to dig in and find them.  And, for example with 
   html:messages, the message-property filtering is a useful feature
   that would require a lot of verbose JSTL to achieve the same
   So, I'd suspect even in 2.0 there will be arguments for a small 
   Struts taglib.  But I am 100% on board with pushing people to use
   the JSTL where it is really equivalent.
   +1 Some Struts tags are indeed very great.
   I also found the original html:options tag to really be useful 
   last year
   at RBS generating HTML OPTIONS elements. Repeating the same thing
   c:if or c:when statment is verbose. If there not EL equivalent
   of html:options, it will be on my todo list.
   It's not just an issue of JSTL and EL-enabling Struts tags.  JSF,
   has more powerful equivalents of html:options (f:selectItems --
   among other
   fancy things you can make it create hierarchical option lists by 
   optgroup very easily), as well as equivalents for html:messages
   (h:message for a single field, h:messages for the general
   So I guess what you are, in fact, saying that we should be using 
   Faces or looking to use it, for 2004/2005. One question are the JSF
   actions h:message and h:messages dependent on a JSF
   or can they be used standalone?
   Perhaps that is what we need to do as Developer. Write some kind of 
   compatibility matrix.
   Old Tag:New Tag  :  Description
   html:messagesh:messages extends original behaviour and
   can make it create hierarchical
   option lists by emitting optgroup.
   I presume there are some other Struts HTML tags that are
   other people too.
   Likewise, the Struts-Faces integation library has JSF-componetized 
   for some of the Struts HTML tags (including messages) to make it 
   easier to use
   as a drop-in replacement.  I'd be interested in hearing
   what other
   favorite tags their are, to make sure that equivalent
 functionality is
   available to a JSF-based user of Struts.
   logic:iterate superceded by JSTL
   logic:forward superceded by JSTL
   logic:redirect superceded by JSTL
   logic:equal superceded by JSTL
   logic:notEqual superceded by JSTL
   logic:greaterThan superceded by JSTL
   logic:greaterEqual superceded by JSTL
   logic:match no equalivant in JSTL 1.0  but exists String functions
   in JSTL 1.1
   bean:define replace with c:set
   bean:size  we need a simple tag lib action for JSP 1.2 and JSTL
   to get
   the size of java.uitl.Collection until there is widespread
   support JSP 2.0 JSTL 1.1
   Investigation continue with rest of Beans taglib ...
   Peter Pilgrim
 Kris Schneider mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Counting down to the 1.2.1 release (was RE: Making Struts Build Easier)

2004-03-25 Thread David Graham

--- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   -Original Message-
   Do we want to wait for a Validator 1.1.2, or roll it with 1.1.1?
  I just fixed a show stopper bug today in validator in CVS and made an
 accompaning change in Struts CVS.
  I won't be able to be RM to for Validator until Mid April, so we need
  a volunteer.
  Otherwise, we'll need to roll back the and
  validator-rules.xml in struts to use validator 1.1.1.
 I can probably do the RM thing for Validator if someone else (David?)
 do the doc and release note updates. Just let me know when we're ready
 roll and I can take it from there.

It looks like the RELEASE-NOTES.readme just points to the online Maven
generated change log.  If that's how we're doing release notes then all we
need is to update the website and check out a few issues that came up on
commons-user recently.  I can probably get the docs ready this weekend.  

Thanks for volunteering to do the release, I've been swamped lately.


 Martin Cooper
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Re: Making Struts Build Easier (Re: coming out for JSF + Struts, was: Struts JSR?)

2004-03-25 Thread David Graham

--- Arron Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Whether the classic and el taglibs are one chunk or two
 hugely important to me either -- I would prefer that this
 made by developers who've done more work on that code to date.
 However, I did find that when I patched
 o.a.s.t.html.JavascriptValidator, I had to go and make a
 corresponding change in the EL version.  I suspect that changes
 those two libraries are going to track pretty tightly.  But like
 said, I'm not pushing for this; just floating it...
   Is there any reason that the EL tags wouldn't replace the existing
   for Struts 2.0?  Also, IMO, many of the tags can be removed
   2.0 because they've been replaced by more powerful counterparts in
   As I've been saying (a lot, it seems, lately) on struts-user, I
   there are legitimate Struts JSP tags like html:messages that are 
   not best replaced by JSTL.  Any time Struts tools put resources in 
   special locations in request or session scope, I think it's nice to 
   have tags which know the special locations, instead of expecting 
   people to dig in and find them.  And, for example with
   the message-property filtering is a useful feature that would
   a lot of verbose JSTL to achieve the same goal.
   So, I'd suspect even in 2.0 there will be arguments for a small 
   Struts taglib.  But I am 100% on board with pushing people to use
   JSTL where it is really equivalent.
  Yep, notice I mentioned removing many tags and not *all* tags :-). 
  There are certainly tags we should keep around but I just don't see 
  a need for most of the logic and bean tags in Struts 2.0.
 Widely known is that the Struts tags sit under the nested tags.  And
 and EL cannot fill the shoes of the nested tags. If Struts doesn't want
 support the taglibs, then thats a separate issue. 

Are we really still kidding ourselves that the taglibs are currently
supported?  No committer actively takes care of them.  No one in the
community responded to Ted's invitation to support them.  We've all moved
onto JSTL, JSF, Velocity, XSLT, etc.  While the rest of the world migrates
to newer/better technologies, we're stuck supporting tags that fewer and
fewer people actually use.

IMO, it's almost irresponsible to distribute logic:iterate with a Struts
minimum Servlet level of 2.4 where c:forEach is available.


 But for the nested
 tags to
 do what they do, they need the Struts tags including all the logic tags.
 don't think that we'd drop all the tags, but as for letting some go
 aren't in JSTL et al... -1
 Btw: I've thought long and hard about how to get the nested concept into
 (to remove the dependancy on Struts), but it's just not a fit. The
 nested tags
 manage things as much for the trip back to the Struts servlet as much as
 making the viewing layout code easier. Nested tags live on Struts.
 I've watched these conversations, but just don't have the time for all
 backround study it'd take to make worthy comment. But for the tags,
 haven't changed. So, apologies for just piping in on familiar topics. I
 probably needed a pair of them fantastic gloves already mentioned...
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Re: Making Struts Build Easier (Re: coming out for JSF + Struts, was: Struts JSR?)

2004-03-24 Thread David Graham

--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hope that helps.  If we stick to our guns about avoiding dependencies 
 on unreleased software, this won't come up again... it's not Maven's 

Commons Validator is a special case because it's mostly used with Struts. 
The standalone user population is significantly smaller than the Struts
Validator users.  We decided that to get true testing of new Commons
Validator versions we needed to distribute it with Struts builds.


 Joe Germuska
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
  -- Jef Raskin
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Re: Separate Tiles From Struts?

2004-03-24 Thread David Graham
When I first started poking around Jakarta, Struts and Tiles were separate
projects and were in the process of being merged.  I'm not sure why they
were joined but Tiles wasn't a commons component, it was another Jakarta


--- Matt Raible [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone care to educate me on why Tiles is part of Struts (and not 
 commons-tiles?).  I'd like to respond to the following post (contents 
 pasted below) with an educated reply.
 On the occasion: Do you happen to know why Tiles was integrated into 
 the Struts codebase as of Struts 1.1, rather than kept as separate 
 component with Struts integration? I've been wondering about this for 
 quite a while...
 Tiles isn't really tied to Struts in a technical manner, as we see in 
 our usage with Spring. So why is every other piece of reusable logic a 
 Commons component but not Tiles? I'd really like to see Tiles being 
 factored out of the Struts codebase again, possibly before the Struts 
 2.0 timeframe.
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RE: Counting down to the 1.2.1 release (was RE: Making Struts Build Easier)

2004-03-24 Thread David Graham

--- Derek Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was recently told on the Commons list that Validator 1.1.1 is
 alpha-only. Is this not the case? How can a production 1.1.2 be released
 before 1.1.1 is production-ready?

Using the httpd style versioning scheme, if 1.1.1 isn't production ready
when it's cut then it will never be moved to production status. 1.1.2
would start out as alpha and potentially be labeled production if it
successfully fixed the issues in 1.1.1.

Note that Struts 1.2.1 isn't production either so including an alpha
validator with it is no problem IMO.


  -Original Message-
  From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:55 PM
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: Re: Counting down to the 1.2.1 release (was RE: Making Struts
  Build Easier)
  --- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Wed, 24 Mar 2004 09:03:46 -0700, Matt Raible wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well, did-ja have anything to add to the list, Matt? :)
Nope - release, release!!
   The ones we have are resolvable,  but, I'm thinking Martin 
  has something
   up his sleeve yet ...
   Meanwhile, there's still the issue of our dependency on the 
   and how far we are from another Validator release ...
  There have been a few additions since Validator 1.1.1 and IMO 
  1.1.2 can be
  cut anytime.
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Re: Making Struts Build Easier (Re: coming out for JSF + Struts, was: Struts JSR?)

2004-03-24 Thread David Graham

--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This makes it easy for the apps to extend a common Maven 
 project.xml. We could still offer a single zip/tarball with all the 
 applications WARs within.
   - examples
   - mailreader
   - tilesPortal
   - userdb
 Now that I say it, the same approach might conceivably be used for 
 el, taglibs, and faces.
   - classic
   - el
   - faces
 But, the problem with binding the taglib packages too closely is 
 that they would all have to be distribution-ready before we did a 
 new roll of any. So, an ongoing refactoring in the classic taglibs 
 could block a quick release of the faces taglib.
 I really want to try and avoid the hydraulic dependencies of the 1.1 
 era, where we had to have everything ready to release all at once  :(
 I think you've already made the case for not pushing all the taglibs 
 things together just because they are the same technology. 
 struts-faces should be its own thing, I'm pretty certain.
 Joe suggested combining opt-el with opt-taglibs, though we'd have to 
 be careful which dependencies are used to build what. (Which makes 
 me think they are not the same deliverable. el might just have a 
 dependency on taglib.) I don't actually use either one much myself, 
 so I have no preferences myself.
 Whether the classic and el taglibs are one chunk or two isn't 
 hugely important to me either -- I would prefer that this decision be 
 made by developers who've done more work on that code to date. 
 However, I did find that when I patched 
 o.a.s.t.html.JavascriptValidator, I had to go and make a 
 corresponding change in the EL version.  I suspect that changes in 
 those two libraries are going to track pretty tightly.  But like I 
 said, I'm not pushing for this; just floating it...

Is there any reason that the EL tags wouldn't replace the existing tags
for Struts 2.0?  Also, IMO, many of the tags can be removed entirely for
2.0 because they've been replaced by more powerful counterparts in the


 Joe Germuska
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
  -- Jef Raskin
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Re: Making Struts Build Easier (Re: coming out for JSF + Struts, was: Struts JSR?)

2004-03-22 Thread David Graham
Personally, I find the Struts build files to be complex and confusing. 
I've come to associate Maven with easy builds because building commons
components (including the distro, website, tests, etc) is a snap compared
to Struts.  I agree that storing jars in cvs isn't a good idea which is
why using Maven is so nice; it downloads the correct jars automatically.  

Anything we can do to make the build more straightforward, whether it's
with Ant or Maven, is a good thing :-).


--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For me, the main discouraging thing about contributing to the 
 development of Struts has been the build process.  In the past, you 
 had to download all of jakarta-commons and spend a day or two 
 figuring out how to get that to build.  Recently, I tried to build 
 Struts and was successful using the Maven stuff.  Personally, I 
 don't mind using Maven, but I don't know that it should be 
 *required* to build a project from scratch.  I'd love to be able to 
 cvs co Struts, navigate to jakarta-struts and type ant jar.
 I realize this is no easy thing to accomplish with a build file - 
 but it has been the most discouraging factor for me. ;-)
 The only way we could accomplish something like that with a build 
 file would be by including JARs in CVS, and if you ask me, there are 
 enough reasons why that's a bad idea that I prefer the way it is, 
 even though I'd very much like to see people feel more comfortable 
 getting in and working on Struts source code.
 When you say I don't know that [Maven] should be *required*... is 
 your point that Ant is a widely accepted Java tool, while Maven has 
 yet to cut a 1.0 release?  That's fair -- just want to make sure I 
 understand you.
 The build.xml file generated by 'maven ant' uses the ant 'get' task 
 and the Maven iBiblio repository to download dependencies; we could 
 perhaps look at copying some of that into our ant script to reduce to being more about configuration stuff and less 
 about dependency stuff.
 Joe Germuska
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
  -- Jef Raskin
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Re: [PROPOSAL] Struts infrastructure changes

2004-03-20 Thread David Graham

--- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The following is a set of proposed changes to the Apache infrastructure
 accommodate the Struts move to an Apache top level project. The idea is
 come up with a single agreed-upon set of changes that we can submit to
 infrastructure folks as a single request, rather than submitting each
 piecemeal. Your feedback is appreciated.
 Mailing Lists
   New mail domain:
   The following lists are standard for an Apache TLP:
 cvs@ (usually forwarded to dev@)
   Moderator: Ted Husted (same as today)
   Existing subscribers need to be migrated.
   Old list addresses should be forwarded for some period of time.
 Web Site
   New virtual host:
   Redirect from for some period of time.
   Writeable by group: struts (see below)
   New wiki:
   Migrate pages from: StrutsProjectPages on old wiki (nagoya)
 Unix Group
   New group: struts
   Members: (Struts PMC members)
 Source Control
   Old CVS repo: jakarta-struts
   New CVS repo: struts
   Optional: Move to Subversion (IMO, not now, but we can discuss.)

The tool support for subversion is not nearly as good as it is for cvs
yet.  It's probably a good idea to switch in the long term but I don't see
any immediate benefits.

 Bug Database
   Optional: Move to Jira (IMO, now's as good a time as any.)

I've expressed my opposition to this on commons-dev so I'll sum up my
points here:

1.  For me, part of the fun of developing OSS is using and supporting
other OSS projects.  Jira is not open source so it takes some of the fun

2.  We've been fairly consistent with tracking corresponding bugzilla bug
numbers in the cvs commit messages.  This has proved extremely valuable
when researching and fixing bugs.  I would hate to lose that meta data.

3.  I have no problem with bugzilla so it's a, if it isn't broken, don't
fix it situation.


 One other thing is that we'll want to get external mail archivers to
 switch to the new mailing lists once those are set up. I'm not clear on
 whether the infrastructure folks arrange that or we need to do it
 ourselves, but I'll ask when I submit the above.
 Anything else I missed? (There are a lot of internal changes we'll want
 make as well, but I'm not trying to address those here.)
 Martin Cooper
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Re: branching 1.2 and 1.3 and CVS reorg for TLP status

2004-03-19 Thread David Graham

--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 2:48 PM -0500 3/14/04, Ted Husted wrote:
 I'd say we could branch what we have as 1.2 and start thinking of 
 the HEAD as 1.3.
 IMHO, the quickest way to sort out what we need to do with the 
 Struts-Chain RequestProcessor is to get it out there as the nightly 
 build. [Many hands make light work ;)]
 So, we could reserve the 1.2 for any desperate fixes (as we've done 
 before), but do anything resembling new development against the HEAD 
 I might do something like this over the weekend, depending on my time 
 (then again, I may not at all!)
 But if I did, I'd want to see if anyone had any strong feelings, or 
 fixes they thought they'd like to get in before a branch, or... ?
 Or should all of this wait until we get the move to 
 settled?  I'm assuming we'll reorganize CVS as part of that, into 
 struts-core, struts-taglib, etc...  Speaking of that, can we/should 
 we do anything to preserve CVS logs if we move files?  Or will we 
 start fresh?   I think if we move the actual CVS files it will all be 
 preserved, but I've never tried that.

I have used the CVS log history many times when researching/fixing bugs so
I'm very much against losing this data.


 I'm interested in getting the Struts Chain stuff mainstreamed, but 
 like I said, this may very well not be the weekend I start on it.  In 
 any case, I figured a branch would be cause for a little bit of 
 discussion amongst committers.
 Joe Germuska
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
  -- Jef Raskin
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Re: URL validation - anyone using it?

2004-03-15 Thread David Graham
That's simply the result of another testcase that proves exception
handling works as documented.  Validator is logging the exception and
passing it out  to the caller.


--- Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 03/13/2004 07:46 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Adam Hardy 
 I provide URL validation on a page which saves links for
 I put together the latest build of commons-validator (1.1.2) and
 (1.2) to see what the URL validation is like.
 The class for server-side validation is in place, but the javascript
 doesn't exist.
 It works very strictly, too strictly for me.
 Most users will want to save links such as
  This is definately a bug and they should have passed,
  I haven't run the unit tests against it in some time do they still
  pass ? 
  My guess is that it might not be expecting the '/' after the 
  domain name. This would probably only require a small tweak
  to the regular expression thats used.
  I would apply any patches that were submitted 
 I'm running the tests on the Validator via ant and I get this exception 
 straight away. I assume that the bad date is a test date that is meant 
 to fail - but I can't figure out the reason why junit is falling over. 
 I've only got brief experience with junit and I'm not finding the 
 relevant code.
 Thanks for any pointers,
  [echo] Running tests ...
   [java] .
 ..F...F...ValidatorTest.formatDate() - 
 Unparseable date: 2/30/1999
   [java] .
   [java] Mar 15, 2004 9:49:58 AM 
 org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorAction executeValidationMethod
   [java] SEVERE: Unhandled exception thrown during validation: 
   [java] java.lang.RuntimeException: RUNTIME-EXCEPTION
   [java] at 

   [java] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native 
   [java] at 

   [java] at 

   [java] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
   [java] at 

 struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.16 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 Debian
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Re: validator javascript taglib

2004-03-09 Thread David Graham
The typical use case is to generate the static javascript once and store
it in a file.  I don't understand why you would need to generate the
static javascript multiple times.


--- Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have put the javascript taglib in its own JSP so that I can call it up
 with this:
 script type=text/javascript
 The result of is meant to be pure javascript, like 
 in a javascript file, without script HTML. If the script tags are 
 there, then the browser can't read the javascript.
 I changed the JavascriptValidatorTag source to get 
 scriptLanguage=false to turn off the addition of these tags.
 It looks like the scriptLanguage attribute is only for putting the 
 language=Javablah in the HTML though.
 I could put in another attribute, e.g. enclosingScriptTags.
 Would you like me to submit an enhancement?
 struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.16 + java 1.4.2
 Linux 2.4.20 Debian
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Re: [VOTE] Struts as an Apache Top Level Project

2004-03-07 Thread David Graham
+1 TLP
+1 Craig as VP


--- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Following up on a brief thread on this list in December [1], Craig, Ted
 and I have put together a draft resolution to the board of directors
 along with a cover letter [3], that would promote Struts to an Apache
 top-level project (TLP).
 The main reasons for moving to a TLP are described on the wiki [4]. In
 Craig's words, The short answer, though, is we will be in charge of our
 own releases (currently, the Jakarta PMC is the only body legally
 recognized to vote on releases of *any* software under Jakarta). In
 practice, we can really just continue doing what we've always done.
 As most of you are no doubt aware, several Jakarta sub-projects have
 already made the transition to TLPs, including Ant, Avalon, Gump, James,
 Log4J, Maven, OJB, and Torque. Most Jakarta PMC members seem to be in
 favour of the migrations, largely because a single PMC cannot possibly
 oversee a code base the size of all of Jakarta.
 If you're OK with Struts being a top-level Apache project, please
 to this thread with either a +1 or +0. Otherwise, please reply with your
 concerns. When we previously discussed this, it did not seem like anyone
 was opposed to the idea, but if anyone is, now is the time to speak up.
 The resolution as drafted lists the Struts Committers who could
 reasonably be considered active at this time. Of course, we should not
 put anyone on the PMC without their buy-in, so the final resolution
 only list the Committers who responded to the Vote with a +1 or +0.
 The draft resolution also leaves the name of the Vice President blank.
 Craig seems like the logical candidate, and is willing to act in this
 capacity, but we wanted the VP selection to be a community decision. So,
 please also respond with your nomination for Vice President, Apache
 Here's my +1 on the resolution as drafted, and my +1 for Craig as Vice
 Martin Cooper
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Re: ASL 2.0

2004-03-07 Thread David Graham
I attempted to apply the patches but Eclipse wouldn't cooperate.  I don't
have any other cvs tools on my windows box, which is the only one with
Struts development setup at the moment.


--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would anyone have a chance to apply Paul's patch this afternoon?
 I'm out of town and this might be a bear for me to commit over a 28.8
 modem connection :)
 Otherwise, I'll try to do it later tonight.
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RE: Validation working, but not stopping action from processing

2004-02-28 Thread David Graham

--- Matt Raible [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's one of those days... As soon as I send something to this list, I
 figure it out.  The problem was my validationFailed forward was not
 resetting the action parameter for my dispatch action and it was
 hitting save even when it failed.  I change the input attribute to
 edit (removing the validationFailed forward) and it solved my problem.
 If you're reading these - thanks for putting up with me. ;0)

I try to read all validator related posts and yours have been quite
entertaining ;-).  Thanks for testing 1.2.0!


  -Original Message-
  From: Matt Raible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2004 1:56 PM
  Subject: Validation working, but not stopping action from processing
  I'm using the 1.2.0 test build on Windows XP.
  I have the following XDoclet-generated action-mapping:
  When I click on a button to save my form, the validation 
  kicks in - but it let's my Action continue to execute.  I 
  thought that any validation errors were supposed to call 
  mapping.getInputForward()?  Is that correct?  I'm stumped.  
  Here's my save() method:
  public ActionForward save(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
  throws Exception {
  if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
  log.debug(Entering 'save' method);
  // Extract attributes and parameters we will need
  ActionMessages messages = getMessages(request);
  PersonForm personForm = (PersonForm) form;
  boolean isNew = (.equals(personForm.getId()));
  if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
  log.debug(saving person:  + personForm);
  // Exceptions are caught by ActionExceptionHandler
  PersonManager mgr = (PersonManager) getBean(personManager);
  personForm = (PersonForm) mgr.savePerson(personForm);
  // add success messages
  if (isNew) {
   new ActionMessage(person.added,
  personForm.getFirstName() +   +
  request.getSession().setAttribute(Globals.MESSAGE_KEY, messages);
  return mapping.findForward(mainMenu);
  } else {
   new ActionMessage(person.updated,
  personForm.getFirstName() +   +
  saveMessages(request, messages);
  return mapping.findForward(edit);
  The validation routes the user back to the form, but it also 
  calles mgr.savePerson and puts the message in the requestion. 
   So on my page, I end up with the following messages:
  'First Name' is a required field.
  'Last Name' is a required field.
  Information for has been updated successfully.
  Hopefully I'm just banging my head against the wall and it's 
  something simple...
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Re: Why is TagUtils instance final?

2004-02-26 Thread David Graham
--- Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't understand why the instance of TagUtils has been made final:
 private static final TagUtils instance = new TagUtils();

It's simply following the Singleton pattern.  I have no problems with
changing this to allow clients to instantiate a TagUtils instance


 Isn't the logic behind having an 'instance' of TagUtils so that if
 someone want to change an aspect of TagUtils behaviour they can extend
 it and override a particular method? Otherwise why not just have a bunch
 of static methods in TagUtils?
 Does anyone have opinions on changing this so that TagUtils
 implementation could be customized?

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Re: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan

2004-02-21 Thread David Graham

--- Paul Sundling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One possible question is from the new boilerplate:
   Copyright [] [name of copyright owner]
 Is it just The Apache Software Foundation, like in the 1.1 license?
 That would be my guess.

I think that's correct.  The documentation uses that string in the


 The one reference to Struts in the previous license version was related
 to the section on use of the trademark name.  I think that's dealt with
 in a more general way in the new license.
 Paul Sundling
 David Graham wrote:
 The exact license details can be found here:
 --- Karr, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does this involve changing the file header comment to replace the
 existing license with the new license?  That's something that I can
 relatively easily script in elisp macros.  If someone can confirm
 all this is, and show me exactly what needs to change, I can get that
 done this weekend.
 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 12:12 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan
 At 1:49 PM -0600 2/20/04, Joe Germuska wrote:
   Just a few things:
  * What about the new Apache license? Technically, it doesn't need 
 to  change if we release before March 1st, but we're mighty close
 that,  so
   perhaps we should switch now?
 +1 from me too; wasn't someone offering to do it a few weeks ago?
 I should amend this: + 0 from me; I don't have time to do it now, and 
 probably won't soon enough that I'd want to delay 1.2.0 until it gets 
 Joe Germuska
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them
 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
  -- Jef Raskin
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Re: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan

2004-02-21 Thread David Graham
Thanks for volunteering!  I will review and apply the patch once it's
entered in bugzilla.


--- Paul Sundling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Karr emailed me, so I'll take care of the licenses this weekend.  
 I have a social engagement today, so I'll take care of it on sunday.
 Paul Sundling
 David Graham wrote:
 --- Paul Sundling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One possible question is from the new boilerplate:
   Copyright [] [name of copyright owner]
 Is it just The Apache Software Foundation, like in the 1.1 license?
 That would be my guess.
 I think that's correct.  The documentation uses that string in the
 The one reference to Struts in the previous license version was
 to the section on use of the trademark name.  I think that's dealt
 in a more general way in the new license.
 Paul Sundling
 David Graham wrote:
 The exact license details can be found here:
 --- Karr, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does this involve changing the file header comment to replace the
 existing license with the new license?  That's something that I can
 relatively easily script in elisp macros.  If someone can confirm
 all this is, and show me exactly what needs to change, I can get
 done this weekend.
 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 12:12 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan
 At 1:49 PM -0600 2/20/04, Joe Germuska wrote:

 Just a few things:

 * What about the new Apache license? Technically, it doesn't need
 to  change if we release before March 1st, but we're mighty close
 that,  so
 perhaps we should switch now?

 +1 from me too; wasn't someone offering to do it a few weeks ago?
 I should amend this: + 0 from me; I don't have time to do it now,
 probably won't soon enough that I'd want to delay 1.2.0 until it
 Joe Germuska
   Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied
 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
 -- Jef Raskin

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Re: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan

2004-02-20 Thread David Graham

--- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Ted Husted wrote:
  Assuming it was all right with everyone, I'm setting the freeze date
 for 1.2.0 for tomorrow (Saturday) night.
  I'm updating the release plan. There are still a lot of enhancement
 patches that we haven't applied, but I think those can wait for later in
 the 1.2.x series. I do intend to start marching down that list and
 either accepting or declining whatever patches people have submitted.
 So, I'm commenting out that section for the purpose of this release.
  All the other criteria have been met, and I believe we are ready to
  Martin, would you be able to take it from there, or is there any thing
 else I can do?
 Just a few things:
 * What about the new Apache license? Technically, it doesn't need to
 change if we release before March 1st, but we're mighty close to that,
 perhaps we should switch now?


 * There was a brief discussion not too long ago about whether we should
 building this release against released versions of Commons components or
 the nighlies. Since, in theory at least, this release could be promoted
 a Final release, I assume the former? 

At this point I don't see any reason to ever build against commons
nightlies unless we're using some unreleased feature.  IMO, Struts
shouldn't use unreleased commons features because we'll end up in a 1.1
situation where we're waiting for commons releases.  The exception would
be for alpha releases like Validator where it only needs testing before
getting a GA label.

 Several of the Commons components
 depend on have released since we last did, so we may want to update the
 versions in our dependency list.

Collections is a particularly ugly situation.  Do we upgrade to 3.0 and
break existing Struts apps requiring 2.x?  Or, do we stay at 2.x and break
 apps needing 3.0?


 * The Cactus tests won't run for me, for some reason. When I start the
 tests, everything looks fine as it starts up, but then it just sits
 doing nothing. They used to work, but I can't recall what I might have
 changed to break it. Anyone have any ideas? Obviously, I don't want to
 create a release and not be able to run the tests!
 Martin Cooper
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RE: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan

2004-02-20 Thread David Graham
The exact license details can be found here:


--- Karr, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does this involve changing the file header comment to replace the
 existing license with the new license?  That's something that I can
 relatively easily script in elisp macros.  If someone can confirm that's
 all this is, and show me exactly what needs to change, I can get that
 done this weekend.
 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 12:12 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan
 At 1:49 PM -0600 2/20/04, Joe Germuska wrote:
Just a few things:
   * What about the new Apache license? Technically, it doesn't need 
  to  change if we release before March 1st, but we're mighty close to
  that,  so
perhaps we should switch now?
 +1 from me too; wasn't someone offering to do it a few weeks ago?
 I should amend this: + 0 from me; I don't have time to do it now, and 
 probably won't soon enough that I'd want to delay 1.2.0 until it gets 
 Joe Germuska
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
  -- Jef Raskin
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Re: html:text disable attribute invalid.

2004-02-17 Thread David Graham
I must be missing something.  What in that link indicates disabled is not valid for a 
text input?


Looking at the above reference it appears that the disable attribute
is illegal for type=text, is this correct ? 

If so should we remove this attribute, as opposed to deprecating it ?


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RE: string concatenation

2004-02-15 Thread David Graham
Struts has many dependencies already and I'd like to avoid adding one with
lang.  Why not just size a large StringBuffer and trade memory for speed?


--- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rather than add a new string utility class to Struts, which isn't really
 where it should belong, I think we'd be better off just using this:
 Alternatively, you could suggest (on the commons-dev list) adding a
 variation of your StringHolder class, based on the join() method above,
 Commons Lang.
 Martin Cooper
  -Original Message-
  From: nishant kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 5:46 PM
  Subject: string concatenation
  I have a performance tuning suggestion which i think will greatly
  impact the performance of struts html tags.
  String concatenation using StringBuffer is definitely much
  better than
  using the plus operator but there are scenarios where there are much
  better ways than using StringBuffers. Actually struts html tags fall
  those scenarios.
  So let me give you an example. this is the code from
  renderFormStartElement method of FormTag.
  StringBuffer results = new StringBuffer();
  results.append( name=\);
  results.append( method=\);
  results.append(method == null ? post : method);
  results.append(\ action=\);
  str = results.toString();
  Now lets list the issues with this.
  1. first presizing this buffer is quite difficult (avoided in this
  case). here the buffer starts with size 16 and doubles each time the
  size is exceeded. This causes unnecessary creation of new char arrays
  and redundant copy of data whenever resizing happens.
  2. whenever append is called data is copied from the passed string to
  the end of stringbuffer.
  3. finally the whole concatenated data is again copied into another
  4. and then in the end this string is written to a writer, another
  which is the only copy required.
  so even if you had presized the stringbuffer correctly, you have
  the same data thrice instead of just once. And you also create two NOT
  needed objects.
  so here is the solution i propose. have a class holding an array of
  Strings and keep appending strings to this array and finally print
  array to the writer. something like this.
  private String[] data = new String[256];
  private int size = 0;
  public StringHolder append(String str){
  ensureCapacity(this.size + 1);[this.size++] = str;
  return this;
  public void writeTo(Writer out) throws IOException{
  for (int i = 0; i  this.size; i++){
  if ([i] != null){
  this way only the last copy takes place and you also avoid creating so
  much garbage.
  i have attached StringHolder class which does the above task and also
  the FormTag after making necessary modification to fit in this class.
  From the code of FormTag you can see that you need to make quite few
  changes to get great benefit.
  i have also attached a better implementation of
  ResponseUtils.filter(String) method. the logic is on the same lines as
  nishant kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: string concatenation

2004-02-15 Thread David Graham

--- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2004 1:01 PM
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: RE: string concatenation
  Struts has many dependencies already and I'd like to avoid adding one
  lang.  Why not just size a large StringBuffer and trade memory for
 We already have a dependency on Lang, albeit indirectly, so why not take
 advantage of it?

I don't believe that's correct.  What component has a dependency on lang
that we use?  We need it for testing but it's not included in the Struts

 Frankly, I disagree with the push I see from some folks (including Craig
 commons-dev recently) to reduce dependencies between components by
 duplicating functionality. The whole point of Commons is to avoid
 duplication, so why are people pushing back against using the successful
 components that we helped create here in Struts?

In the cases I know of the usage of other components is very limited and
not needed.  Examples are Digester and BeanUtils using one class from
collections in very few places when we would be better off dropping
collections and using standard Java collections.


 Martin Cooper
  --- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Rather than add a new string utility class to Struts, which isn't
   where it should belong, I think we'd be better off just using this:
   Alternatively, you could suggest (on the commons-dev list) adding a
   variation of your StringHolder class, based on the join() method
   Commons Lang.
   Martin Cooper
-Original Message-
From: nishant kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 5:46 PM
Subject: string concatenation
I have a performance tuning suggestion which i think will greatly
impact the performance of struts html tags.
String concatenation using StringBuffer is definitely much
better than
using the plus operator but there are scenarios where there are
better ways than using StringBuffers. Actually struts html tags
those scenarios.
So let me give you an example. this is the code from
renderFormStartElement method of FormTag.
StringBuffer results = new StringBuffer();
results.append( name=\);
results.append( method=\);
results.append(method == null ? post : method);
results.append(\ action=\);

str = results.toString();
Now lets list the issues with this.
1. first presizing this buffer is quite difficult (avoided in this
case). here the buffer starts with size 16 and doubles each time
size is exceeded. This causes unnecessary creation of new char
and redundant copy of data whenever resizing happens.
2. whenever append is called data is copied from the passed string
the end of stringbuffer.
3. finally the whole concatenated data is again copied into
4. and then in the end this string is written to a writer, another
which is the only copy required.
so even if you had presized the stringbuffer correctly, you have
the same data thrice instead of just once. And you also create two
needed objects.
so here is the solution i propose. have a class holding an array
Strings and keep appending strings to this array and finally print
array to the writer. something like this.
private String[] data = new String[256];
private int size = 0;
public StringHolder append(String str){
ensureCapacity(this.size + 1);[this.size++] = str;
return this;
public void writeTo(Writer out) throws IOException{
for (int i = 0; i  this.size; i++){
if ([i] != null){
this way only the last copy takes place and you also avoid
 creating so
much garbage.
i have attached StringHolder class which does the above task and
the FormTag after making necessary modification to fit in this
From the code of FormTag you can see that you need to make quite
changes to get great benefit.
i have also attached a better implementation of
ResponseUtils.filter(String) method. the logic is on the same
 lines as
nishant kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: deprecate org.apache.struts.taglib.html.ErrorsTag?

2004-02-10 Thread David Graham

--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There's been quite a bit of confusion on the struts-user list this 
 week about the relationships between ActionErrors, ActionMessages, 
 html:errors, and html:messages.
 Is there any reason not to deprecate 
 org.apache.struts.taglib.html.ErrorsTag and slate it for future 
 removal, to remove one more piece from the puzzle?

The errors tag provides a way to display a message in one line instead of
the 3 or more required by the messages tag.  So, I'm -1 on deprecating
errors but I do think we should come up with a way to get the best of both
into one tag.


 Joe Germuska
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 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
  -- Jef Raskin
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Re: Browser-specific attrs for html tags (was: [Bug 26795])

2004-02-09 Thread David Graham

--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 9:28 AM -0800 2/9/04, Hubert Rabago wrote:
 This probably won't be the last request for an attribute which turns
 out to
 be browser specific.  Perhaps the html taglib can include some
 mechanism to
 allow developers to add other attributes.
 You can always subclass the tag and change the TLD file.  This seems 
 like a much simpler solution to me.


And for the record I am a big -1 on changing Struts tags to support
non-standard HTML.  IMO, if you want to support just IE (which is
invariably the cause for these type of requests), you shouldn't get any
help from Struts.


 Joe Germuska
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
  -- Jef Raskin
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Re: Clean Up conf/share

2004-02-03 Thread David Graham

 Is there any reason we can't delete:
 struts-config_1_0.dtd   -- Users should upgrade to at least Struts 1_1
 tiles-config.dtd  -- This is for pre struts tiles.
 validation_1_1.dtd   -- This moved to commons-validator pre struts
 validator-rules_1_1.dtd  -- This moved to commons-validator pre struts
 web-app_2_2.dtd  -- Don't know why we carry around web-app dtd's

I agree that most of these should be removed but I think the webapp dtds
are used when Struts uses Digester to parse web.xml.


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Re: Validating Formatted Numbers Patch [Bugzilla 26151]

2004-01-16 Thread David Graham

--- Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, I decided to look further into your suggestion, but didn't get very
 and I think its because mask doesn't work.

I know it works because I use it in my apps :-).

 I started with a simple expression of [\d,]*  to validate that the input
 only contains numbers or a comma. Whatever I input though validator
 passed it as valid.

ORO's test applet is really helpful when testing regexs.  Try putting ^ at
the front and $ at the end of the pattern.  ORO seems to need these to
work properly unlike Java 1.4 regexs.


 Looking into validator it uses Perl5Util.match(pattern, value)
 This utility uses the Perl5Matcher.contains(value, pattern) method which
 only checks that the value contains the pattern - not that matches (it
 so in the Perl5Util documentation).
 Isn't this the wrong thing to do - shouldn't validator be using the
 Perl5Matcher.matches(value, pattern) method. I had a look at commons
 validator test thinking this must be tested for and I must be
 mis-understanding it - but mask seems to be the one thing there are no
 for - and there don't seem to be any in struts either for
 Anyway, am I right - is this a bug, or am I just using it wrongly?
 P.S. If I am right, then it implies no one is using mask and I think
 an argument for my simpler number validation.
 - Original Message - 
 From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:19 PM
 Subject: Re: Validating Formatted Numbers Patch [Bugzilla 26151]
  The point of having the mask validation is so we don't have to support
  variations of patterns.  I'm -1 on adding validators that duplicate
  can already be done with mask.
  --- Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I tried to get mask to work (although until today I had no knowledge
   regular expressions) using the ORA demonstration applet and  I
   it to (including your suggestion).
   I'm not saying regular expressions couldn't work (only I don't know
   make them!), but the pattern's used in DecimalFormat are so much
   straight forward and designed for the task. Typically as people are
   using a pattern with DecimalFormat to output the data to screen, it
   much easier and intuitive to specify the same pattern for
   I say horses for courses and to me using a number pattern to
   numbers is a better way to do it - hence the enhacement request:
Robert Leland wrote:
So using mask won't work ? (my syntax below is probably not
field property=amount depends=required,mask
arg0 key=sale.amount /
   I need to validate numbers which are formatted and have posted a
   bugzilla which enhances validator the existing number validations to
   This patch allows an optional numberPattern variable to be
   the existing byte, short, integer, long, float and double
   field property=amount depends=required,integer
   arg0 key=sale.amount /
   If the pattern is specified, then java.text.DecimalFormat is used to
   the number and check if it is valid (catering for Locale).
   I have also posted a patch to add a new section the Validator User
   which describes all the standard suppiled validations and shows
   usage, including using the new numberPattern variable.
   Thanks in advance for any feedback.
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Re: Validating Formatted Numbers Patch [Bugzilla 26151]

2004-01-16 Thread David Graham

--- Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree with both of you!
 Not having JavaScript implementation shouldn't be an issue - if people
 it then someone would come up with it.
 However, because the approach I took was to modify the exiting number
 validations (byte, short, long, integer, float, double) then it means
 that where there is JavaScript validation (not all of them seem to have)
 these will now fail if a pattern is used, because they don't take into
 account the pattern.
 I would put some additional time on this, if a committer was willing to
 implement it. But since David Graham has said he is -1 on this, doesn't
 effectively make this enhacement request dead?

There wasn't a vote so my -1 is more of an indication that I don't like
the idea.  Mask is the most flexible validation that allows many things
like formatted number validations.  If you can't get your regex to work
you might try writing a custom validation action that uses DecimalFormat. 
If that works you could post a patch to bugzilla.  I encourage you to get
the regex to work though because it will make life easier in the long run


 Richard Hightower wrote ...
  I agree about that sticky wicket, but
  There are already validation rules that do not have client-side
  At least this type of stuff would be nice in the contrib area.
 Ted Husted wrote ...
  In principle, I'd agree with Rick, since these type of patterns are
  standard way of doing this sort of thing on the Java platform.
  But, the sticky wicket is lack of a JavaScript implementation. People
  expect an implementation like this to include client-side support, as
  other validations do.
  On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 20:54:17 -0700, Richard Hightower wrote:
   I don't get a vote. I am not a committer. But if I did I would
   vote +1 on the idea (I have not studied your implementation). I can
   write regular expressions in a pinch, but why not support all of
   the java.text.* in the validator rules (including currencey). I
   like the idea.
   Rick Hightower
   Struts/J2EE training --
   Struts/J2EE consulting -- http://www.arc-
   -Original Message-
   From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 5:38 PM To: Struts Developers List
   Subject: Re: Validating Formatted Numbers Patch [Bugzilla 26151]
   OK so how can it be done with mask?
   also, it doesn't get more basic than numbers...if it can be done
   with mask, but its complicated, doesn't ease of use cut any ice?
   - Original Message -
   From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent:
   Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:19 PM
   Subject: Re: Validating Formatted Numbers Patch [Bugzilla 26151]
   The point of having the mask validation is so we don't have to
   support all variations of patterns.  I'm -1 on adding validators
   that duplicate what can already be done with mask.
   --- Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I tried to get mask to work (although until today I had no
   knowledge of regular expressions) using the ORA demonstration
   applet and  I couldn't get it to (including your suggestion).
   I'm not saying regular expressions couldn't work (only I don't
   know how to
   make them!), but the pattern's used in DecimalFormat are so
   much more straight forward and designed for the task. Typically
   as people are probably
   using a pattern with DecimalFormat to output the data to
   screen, it then is
   much easier and intuitive to specify the same pattern for
   I say horses for courses and to me using a number pattern to
   validate numbers is a better way to do it - hence the
   enhacement request:
   Robert Leland wrote:
   So using mask won't work ? (my syntax below is probably not
   field property=amount depends=required,mask
   arg0 key=sale.amount /
   var-value\d,\d\d0\:\(\d,\d\d0\)/var-value /var /field
   I need to validate numbers which are formatted and have posted
   a patch to
   bugzilla which enhances validator the existing number
   validations to do this.
   This patch allows an optional numberPattern variable to be
   specified for
   the existing byte, short, integer, long, float and double
   validations. For Example:
   field property=amount depends=required,integer arg0
   key=sale.amount / var var-namenumberPattern/var-name
   var-value#,##0:(#,##0)/var-value /var /field
   If the pattern is specified, then java.text.DecimalFormat is
   used to parse
   the number

Re: Validating Formatted Numbers Patch [Bugzilla 26151]

2004-01-16 Thread David Graham

--- Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey thanks for your help - what you suggested worked (i.e. using
 ^[\d,]*$) - I was using the ORO demo, but if you don't put the right
 OK, I'm picking up regex slowly - so this works because ^ is for the
 beginning of a line and % is for the end of a line.

I think you meant $ instead of % but yes that's correct.

 Apologies for the doesn't work slander then - but wouldn't it be
 better to
 use Perl5Matcher.matches(value, pattern) and then there would be no need
 specify the ^ and $ characters at the start and end - simpler and less
 This could be done and would be backward compatible.

I really haven't looked at the differences between matches() and
contains() so I don't know if it's backwards compatible.  You could try
changing it and let us know what happens.


 - Original Message - 
 From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, January 16, 2004 1:39 PM
 Subject: Re: Validating Formatted Numbers Patch [Bugzilla 26151]
  --- Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   OK, I decided to look further into your suggestion, but didn't get
   and I think its because mask doesn't work.
  I know it works because I use it in my apps :-).
   I started with a simple expression of [\d,]*  to validate that the
   only contains numbers or a comma. Whatever I input though validator
   passed it as valid.
  ORO's test applet is really helpful when testing regexs.  Try putting
 ^ at
  the front and $ at the end of the pattern.  ORO seems to need these to
  work properly unlike Java 1.4 regexs.
   Looking into validator it uses Perl5Util.match(pattern, value)
   This utility uses the Perl5Matcher.contains(value, pattern) method
   only checks that the value contains the pattern - not that matches
   so in the Perl5Util documentation).
   Isn't this the wrong thing to do - shouldn't validator be using the
   Perl5Matcher.matches(value, pattern) method. I had a look at commons
   validator test thinking this must be tested for and I must be
   mis-understanding it - but mask seems to be the one thing there are
   for - and there don't seem to be any in struts either for
   Anyway, am I right - is this a bug, or am I just using it wrongly?
   P.S. If I am right, then it implies no one is using mask and I think
   an argument for my simpler number validation.
   - Original Message - 
   From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 10:19 PM
   Subject: Re: Validating Formatted Numbers Patch [Bugzilla 26151]
The point of having the mask validation is so we don't have to
variations of patterns.  I'm -1 on adding validators that
can already be done with mask.
--- Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I tried to get mask to work (although until today I had no
 regular expressions) using the ORA demonstration applet and  I
 it to (including your suggestion).

 I'm not saying regular expressions couldn't work (only I don't
 make them!), but the pattern's used in DecimalFormat are so much
 straight forward and designed for the task. Typically as people
 using a pattern with DecimalFormat to output the data to screen,
 much easier and intuitive to specify the same pattern for

 I say horses for courses and to me using a number pattern to
 numbers is a better way to do it - hence the enhacement request:



  Robert Leland wrote:
  So using mask won't work ? (my syntax below is probably not
  field property=amount depends=required,mask
  arg0 key=sale.amount /

 I need to validate numbers which are formatted and have posted a
 bugzilla which enhances validator the existing number
 validations to

 This patch allows an optional numberPattern variable to be
 the existing byte, short, integer, long, float and double

 field property=amount depends=required,integer
 arg0 key=sale.amount /

Re: Push find 'unknown' ActionConfig into ModuleConfigImpl.findActionConfig?

2004-01-16 Thread David Graham

--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm still a little gun-shy about changing core struts classes.  I 
 think the below is the right thing to do, but I thought I'd see first.
 ModuleConfigImpl.findActionConfig(String path) currently looks for an 
 exact match of the path, and then uses the wild-card matching. 
 However, it does not honor the unknown setting of action configs. 
 That fallback is implemented in the RequestProcessor.
 I'd propose moving that from the RequestProcessor into the 
 ModuleConfigImpl.  This would then also involve removing a similar 
 fallback that I committed to the struts-chain AbstractSelectAction 
 class yesterday.

How would removing it from RequestProcessor affect backwards
compatibility?  Could subclasses be relying on the fallback being there?

 Does anyone object?  I mentioned this in my posting about 
 struts-chain, but didn't get any responses on this piece.
 Similarly,  I believe that the findException(Class clazz) method in 
 ActionMapping should be pushed up into ActionConfig so that its 
 fallback strategy of looking for superclass exception handlers is 
 available.  Is there any controversy to doing this?
 How annoyed would people be if I had just made these changes and 
 committed them rather than asking for opinions?

It's nice to discuss major changes first but most of the time you can just
commit a change and wait for someone to speak up if they disagree.


 Joe Germuska
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
  -- Jef Raskin
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Re: Action Config wild cards -- why not use regular expressions?

2004-01-15 Thread David Graham
Unless there's a solid use case, I'd prefer to leave things as they are. 
You're right that only Validator uses ORO and the plan for Validator 2.0
is to replace it with the standard java.util.regex system which is twice
as fast.  Since Struts 2.0 will depend on Java 1.4 we could add regex
action mapping then if there was a use for it.


--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since Struts already depends on jakarta-oro, is there a reason not to 
 use it for doing pattern-based mapping, rather than the home-grown 
 methodology that's in the current builds?
 I don't have a use case for it yet, but since I was a perl hacker 
 before I came to Java, I speak regex reasonably fluently, so it seems 
 to me more useful to have the full power of regular expressions 
 If there are strong feelings in favor of the status quo, I think it 
 would be easy enough to make matcherClassName a property of 
 ModuleConfigImpl and support pluggable matchers.
 I guess technically, only Validator depends on jakarta-oro; I might 
 be persuaded that that's a reason to keep from adding it to the core, 
 Joe Germuska
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
 the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
 nobody thinks of complaining.
  -- Jef Raskin
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Re: Why the different parameter counts?

2004-01-14 Thread David Graham

--- Paul Sundling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd be interested in creating a patch for that.  I always thought it was
 abitrary having some number of arguments like that myself. :)  I think 
 David is right on needing the single Object version, which is probably 
 pretty common.  To imagine why, just remember when sun tried to 
 deprecate ServletRequest().getParameter().
 I'll be busy all this week, but I could attempt it next week.  At that 
 point I'll also send an update on some other minor stuff I'd volunteered
 to do and any related feedback I needed.

The strategy for MessageResources is to remove it from Struts and migrate
to commons resources for messaging.  I think I already updated the commons
resources version to not include the 2,3,4,5 parameter method variants.

 Paul Sundling
 Larry Meadors wrote:
 Other than some confusion, it is not a big deal, but it seems 
 odd to me that they are different. Am I missing something? Is 
 there a reason for not adding the five parameter version to 
 the MessageResources method?
 IMO, there should be 3 versions of the method: accepting no 
 replacement args, accepting one replacement arg, accepting 
 an array of replacement args.  The 4 or 5 arg methods seem 
 I think you are right and that seems like a simple solution. But I
 wonder if even the one replacement arg is worth the extra code.
 The tag always calls the array version of the method, and the extra
 parameters to getMessage() buy you nothing because the methods simply
 convert the parameters to arrays, which can be done in-line anyway! :-)
 Clearly, it is not a pressing issue because it works. I think the tag
 fine because it can be messy to pass arrays in jsp, but these two
 methods are the only ones that are actually needed:
  - getMessage(String, Object[])
  - getMessage(Locale, String, Object[])
 The rest is fluff and IMO should be deprecated in 1.2 and removed in
 next release. ;-)
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Re: Deprecated: ActionError

2004-01-13 Thread David Graham
The ActionError class is deprecated, not any of the tags.  html:errors
and html:messages work with ActionMessages and ActionErrors objects.

If you look at the javadocs you'll notice that ActionErrors is fully
replaced by ActionMessages and ActionError is fully replaced by
ActionMessage.  ActionForm.validate() is the one place where you should
still use ActionErrors.  


--- Mark Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sorry I don't usually post this group but is there actually a sensible 
 replacement for action errors yet?
 That messages stuff still falls short of offering the same level of 
 slickness that action errors does, perhaps this is due to he 
 html:errors tag but i personally and i imagine others all that 
 messagesPresent nasty mess.
 There's still no clear means of accessing a single property of the 
 messages vector/array/list (whichever it is). I've asked this question 
 a few times on the user list, but what exactly is the replacement for 
 action errors and the accompanying tags.
 logic:messagesPresenet bla bla is disgusting and there's no obvious 
 way to drill to the property in the common situation of wanting to 
 display an error by a form element.
 Sorry wont post again, but its a tad irritating that something this 
 useful is being deprecated in favor of some rancid camel's jism of an 
   Cheers Mark
 On 13 Jan 2004, at 14:15, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
  i watched at the sources and figured out, that
  ActionError is deprecated so that i have to use ActionMessage. Okay.
  The add() in ActionErrors is also deprecated, because of first. fine.
  So i watched the Validator-Sources (class FieldChecks)
  i saw there ist ActionMessages in use for errors.
  for the deliverd Methods.
  So i looked at our validate() in ActionForm,
  but there is still ActionErrors.
  So i wondered, why the validator uses Messages and
  the validate() uses Erros...
  and also i saw, that the validator gets
  initialized with an ActionErrors-object in: 
  inside of initValidator()
  this happends:
  validator.setParameter(ACTION_ERRORS_PARAM, errors)
  but key for errors is this:
  private static String ACTION_ERRORS_PARAM =
  the first parameter of setParameter() is called: 
  so the errors gets initialized as an ActionMessages-object, isn´t?
  so question:
  why is the ActionErrors not deprecated?
  in release-notes i saw:
  Although not removed, in many cases you should replace the deprecated
  ActionErrors with the preferred ActionMessages to ensure correct
  why not in all?
  it would be fine, to know this ;-)
  Matthias Weßendorf
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RE: Deprecated: ActionError

2004-01-13 Thread David Graham

--- Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi David,
 yes i saw, so i wondered, why the validate()
 doesn´t return a ActionMessages.
 and so i wanted to know the reason for this.

It can't change because it would break backwards compatibility.  That's
why Rob has proposed a new doValidate() method that returns
ActionMessages.  I'm not sure whether that would increase or decrease the
confusion around this issue.  

Internally, Struts only references ActionMessages because its the
superclass of ActionErrors.  The same is true for ActionMessage vs.
ActionError.  The validate method is the last remaining place that uses
ActionErrors in Struts.

The proposed move to Commons Resources would remove ActionMessages from
Struts so the validate method signature would have to change again once
that was completed.


 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 6:27 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Deprecated: ActionError
 The ActionError class is deprecated, not any of the tags.  html:errors
 and html:messages work with ActionMessages and ActionErrors objects.
 If you look at the javadocs you'll notice that ActionErrors is fully
 replaced by ActionMessages and ActionError is fully replaced by
 ActionMessage.  ActionForm.validate() is the one place where you should
 still use ActionErrors.  
 --- Mark Lowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry I don't usually post this group but is there actually a sensible
  replacement for action errors yet?
  That messages stuff still falls short of offering the same level of
  slickness that action errors does, perhaps this is due to he 
  html:errors tag but i personally and i imagine others all that 
  messagesPresent nasty mess.
  There's still no clear means of accessing a single property of the
  messages vector/array/list (whichever it is). I've asked this question
  a few times on the user list, but what exactly is the replacement for 
  action errors and the accompanying tags.
  logic:messagesPresenet bla bla is disgusting and there's no obvious
  way to drill to the property in the common situation of wanting to 
  display an error by a form element.
  Sorry wont post again, but its a tad irritating that something this
  useful is being deprecated in favor of some rancid camel's jism of an 
Cheers Mark
  On 13 Jan 2004, at 14:15, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
   i watched at the sources and figured out, that
   ActionError is deprecated so that i have to use ActionMessage. Okay.
   The add() in ActionErrors is also deprecated, because of first. 
   So i watched the Validator-Sources (class FieldChecks)
   i saw there ist ActionMessages in use for errors.
   for the deliverd Methods.
   So i looked at our validate() in ActionForm,
   but there is still ActionErrors.
   So i wondered, why the validator uses Messages and
   the validate() uses Erros...
   and also i saw, that the validator gets
   initialized with an ActionErrors-object in:
   inside of initValidator()
   this happends:
   validator.setParameter(ACTION_ERRORS_PARAM, errors)
   but key for errors is this:
   private static String ACTION_ERRORS_PARAM =
   the first parameter of setParameter() is called:
   so the errors gets initialized as an ActionMessages-object, isn´t?
   so question:
   why is the ActionErrors not deprecated?
   in release-notes i saw:
   Although not removed, in many cases you should replace the 
   deprecated ActionErrors with the preferred ActionMessages to ensure 
   correct operation.
   why not in all?
   it would be fine, to know this ;-)
   Matthias Weßendorf
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Re: Checkstyle headers

2004-01-12 Thread David Graham
The copyright dates apply to each file so you can't just update all of
them to read the same.  Files containing Apache Group are not valid
Apache 1.1 licenses and need to be fully replaced with a valid version.


--- Paul Sundling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've created the a regular expression version of the license file and 
 did in fact find a bunch of inconsistencies with the license.  Here are 
 the most popular ones:
 starting at line 2:  Don't have all the CVS variables like Revision, 
 Date and Header
 starting at line 26: mispelled acknowledgement
 starting at line 38: use of names (instead of name)
 starting at line 39: Apache Group (instead of Apache Software
 starting at line 10: different copyright dates,  including single years 
 and a variety of year combinations
 All of these are pretty straightforward as far as how to fix them. 
 except for line 10.  Would it be good to update all of them to have the 
 same date ranges (2000-2004) or just use a regular expression to account
 for the combinations?  I assume LICENSE.txt itself should be updated to 
 2004 in any case.  Let me know ASAP  which way to go and I'll have a 
 patch  pronto.   Since I've gone to all the trouble of a regexp version 
 of the license I may as well fix the problems.  It seems to me that if 
 the license in the file is meant to represent the copyright dates of the
 project, I should change the files.  If the copyright dates are meant to
 represent the individual files, then I should leave them alone.
 So vote for :
 1. regexp expression in CheckStyle.xml and leave dates alone in the 
 source files
 2. update all the dates to the same range in the source files
 Paul Sundling
 P.S.  Here are all the combinations for reference:
  * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
   *  Copyright  (c)  1999-2003  The  Apache  Software  Foundation.
 All  rights
  * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  *  Copyright (c) 2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
  * Copyright (c) 2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 26036] - Remove author tag and consolidate under volunteer.html

2004-01-10 Thread David Graham
I got an error email response from the apache mail server because the
commit message was so large so I don't think struts-dev will receive
notification.  The patch and commit worked flawlessly though.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Remove author tag and consolidate under volunteer.html
What|Removed |Added

 --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-01-10 21:05
 Fixed...thanks for the patch!
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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 26036] - Remove author tag and consolidate under volunteer.html

2004-01-10 Thread David Graham

--- Paul Sundling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's probably just as well.  Otherwise everyone would get like 385 
 commit messages.Glad to hear it went OK.

No, it's just one huge commit email because I committed all the changes at
once.  Thanks again for the patch.


 Paul Sundling
 David Graham wrote:
 I got an error email response from the apache mail server because the
 commit message was so large so I don't think struts-dev will receive
 notification.  The patch and commit worked flawlessly though.
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Remove author tag and consolidate under volunteer.html
What|Removed |Added

 --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-01-10 21:05
 Fixed...thanks for the patch!
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Re: maven checkstyle report

2004-01-10 Thread David Graham

--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1. License file check errors:  There is a check to make sure all the 
 source code begins with the license.  This is generating errors 
 because the copyrights don't all follow the same years as what it 
 expects to find.  It does lead me to question how the years in the 
 copyrights are updated.  This is now 2004 and I wonder if any files 
 have 2004 in them for instance.  There are at least two approachs to 
 fix the checkstyle issue:
   Option 1 (easy way)  we modify conf/qa/CheckStyle.xml and add 10 to 
 ignoreLines (already has 2,3,4,5).  I can submit a patch for that 
 today if there is a go ahead.
   Option 2  we could make another copy of the license file with a 
 regular expression for the years in the file.
 I'm leaning towards option 1 on this myself and it seems consistent 
 with solutions that have been applied in the past.
 I agree, option 1 is much simpler.
 2. Tab errors:  It has an error for tabs in the files.  Option 1  we 
 remove the tabs check from checkStyle.
   Option 2  we replace tabs with spaces and do a quick visual check 
 to see how everything lines up.
 Which approach to take here isn't  as obvious.  How important is it 
 wether there are tabs or spaces?  That's not really my call, but I'm 
 willing to take care of it either way.
 This is the stuff religious wars are made of; it is true, though, 
 things like diff work much better if indentation is done 
 consistently, whichever character is used.  I don't recall if there's 
 an official preference in Struts, but I imagine someone will pipe in 
 if it's important to them.
 If it turns into a big debate, better to disable the tabs check, 
 because as you say, it'll improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the 
 checkstyle reports.

We need to keep the tab check because we only use spaces in Struts code.


 Joe Germuska
   We want beef in dessert if we can get it there.
-- Betty Hogan, Director of New Product Development, National 
 Cattlemen's Beef Association
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Maven status

2004-01-10 Thread David Graham
We have duplicate documentation files in the maven xdocs directory and in
the usual docs directory.  I updated the docs version of volunteers.xml
today and am not looking forward to updating the xdocs version of the same
file.  What is the status of the Maven build and when are we completely
switching?  Are we even updating the Maven files?  Maintaining two
versions of the documentation is a pain and will lead to one of the
versions becoming outdated.


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Re: @author tags in Struts code

2004-01-09 Thread David Graham

--- Paul Sundling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If the group was interested in removing all author tags and 
 consolidating all the names onto volunteer.html I would be willing to 
 make a tar of patches or whatever format is most convenient. If you're 
 interested, let me know if that would be useful and I'll try to give you
 24 hour or less tournaround time. I'd probably have to ask for couple 
 questions and then I'd submit it through bugzilla. It's in the realm of 
 busy work, but I'm very detail oriented and pretty good with a CLI. :)

I'm certainly interested and could find the time to apply your patches. 
We use cvs diff -u format for the patch files.  Unless anyone objects to
removing @author tags, go ahead and create a bugzilla enhancement ticket
and attach your patch files to that.


 Paul Sundling
 David Graham wrote:
 --- Paul Sundling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: has a list of 
 contributors on the side. has a
 smaller list of contributers.
 Those are just the people who contributed to that page on the site. 
 title Contributors is misleading.  We should probably remove those
 if we remove the @autor tags.
 Then of course, there's authors in individual javadocs. I probably 
 wouldn't have added my author tag if there wren't already several 
 already in the file.
 If you remove the author tags, maybe you could add those to that main 
 contributer page. That would take care of people like me who have an 
 author tag, but aren't listed. 
 That's what I was thinking as well.
 At least so far, I probably don't deserve
 a listing with only two very minor patches and one implemented 
 suggestion, but it would still be nice. :)
 Hopefully, I'll be able to contribute more meaningfully in the near
 Every person that provides a patch that's committed to the Struts code
 docs deserves to be listed.  Every contribution, no matter how small,
 greatly appreciated!
 I've attached a list of all author tags in all their 41 permutations 
 (other than spaces) in case you wanted to do that and remove the
 tags. There's about 468 author tags instances if you plan on removing
 Thanks for the list. It will certainly help identify people missing
 the contributors page.  Even better would be to create a patch for the
 volunteers page that adds the missing people :-).
 Paul Sundling
 PS you can share this with the list if you think any of this info is 
 In the future you should send comments like this directly to struts-dev
 more people can comment and volunteer for changes.
 David Graham wrote:
 --- Paul Sundling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now you've got me curious. Which specific page you mean, since I've 
 noticed various pages with different contributor lists?  What sort
 criteria are used to figure out if someone deserves a listing?

 I'm referring to this one:
 What are the others you've seen?  If there are duplicates, we should
 probably combine them into one page.
 Providing a patch for code or docs qualify someone to be listed on
 * @author Berin Loritsch* @author Giacomo Pati* @author Pierpaolo
 Fumagalli* @author Stefano Mazzocchi* @author Anthony Kay* @author
 Bates* @author Cedric Dumoulin* @author Craig McClanahan* @author Craig
 McClanahan* @author David Geary* @author David Graham* @author David
 Wintefeldt* @author David Winterfeldt [probably the correct one]*
 Dominique Plante* @author Don Brown* @author Don Clasen* @author Eddie
 Bush* @author Erik Hatcher* @author Florent Carpentier* @author James
 Mitchell* @author James Turner* @author Jea-noel Ribette* @author Jeff
 Hutchinson* @author Jimmy Larsson* @author Joe Germuska* @author
 Quijano* @author Luis Arias * @author Marius Barduta* @author Martin
 Cooper* @author Martin F N Cooper* @author Michael Westbay* @author
 Schachter* @author Niall Pemberton * @author Oleg V Alexeev* @author
 Sundling* @author Ralph Schaer* @author Robert Leland* @author Rob
 @author Scott Carlson* @author Steve Raeburn* @author Ted Husted
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Re: @author tags in Struts code

2004-01-08 Thread David Graham

--- Paul Sundling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can see a lot of valid points in the article.  I also don't buy the 
 positive side regarding author tags helping point out who to go to for 
 help on a particular file.   Whatever the final decision, the philosophy
 should be documented on the web site in the section where it talks about
 how to help.  There are however two reasons why I think such artifacts 
 as author tags are good (although I think CVS comments are better if 
 1.  For non-committers, it gives us warm fuzzies.  It's like a little 
 flag that says I actually made my contribution to open source, like more
 of us out there should.  You can't go in CVS and see that people like me
 added a patch, unless a committer actually takes time to actually 
 mention it without an author tag.  If there were some template text, 
 like Based on a patch contributed to ASF by [EMAIL PROTECTED] related 
 to bugzilla # . in the CVS log I think that would be good enough. 

Most of the time when patches are applied the contributor is mentioned in
the cvs commit message.  All commits dealing with bugzilla are tagged with
something like Fixes PR 1234 so you can go to the bugzilla page for more
info.  We also maintain a list of contributors on the website for everyone
to see, not just those browsing the javadocs.

 Even though I've had a VERY VERY minor contribution, it was quite a rush
 to have an author tag on a minor support file.  It made me feel like a 
 part of the project and it made me want to get more involved.  [I'm 
 getting into unit testing, so I figure I might make contributions there 
 first down the line.]  I would never want to cause any resentment 
 against those doing the brunt of the work or claim that I'm on the same 
 level.  At the same time, it's nice to have a little reminder somewhere 
 that I'm making a contribution, however small.
 2. There should be some tracking for the origins of code in case we ever
 get attacked by a company like SCO.  Maybe there's already some cross 
 referencing system that I'm not aware of between bugzilla and CVS that 
 already takes care of this.  I guess this is counter to legal protection
 under the ASF umbrella.  Let's say I work at Top Secret Corp or Run By 
 Lawyers Inc.  and I submit a patch that my employer would see as 
 infringing code.  It's good code and one of committers (David Graham for
 instance, since I'm replying to his message) commits it into CVS.  It 
 now looks like David was the source for the code and when Top Secret 
 Corp lawyers started sniffing around it'd be harder to find out the true
 source.  I would guess this might end up being a major issue depending 
 on how the SCO law suit ends.

This is another good reason to not accept patches through struts-dev and
only through bugzilla.  When the committer commits the code they will tag
it with a bugzilla ticket number.  Bugzilla keeps track of who the patch
came from so questions like the above never come up.


 Paul Sundling
 David Graham wrote:
 The @author javadoc tag topic has been discussed on commons-dev
 and Ted brought it up in a recent struts-dev thread so I thought it
 be nice to get the Struts community's opinion on it.  Some arguments
 against @author tags by Greg Stein can be found here:
 I'm not too concerned about the legal issues because I don't think
 are any.  I think it's a good idea to remove all of the tags rather
 each person removing their own so that the remaining tags don't
 misrepresent who did most of the work (kind of an all or nothing deal).
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Re: DigestingPlugIn

2004-01-08 Thread David Graham

--- Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know I've asked this before, and forget how it turned out, so 
 please forgive me for asking again :)
 Would it be possible to do an example usage of the DigestingPlugin 
 that sets up static servlet context attributes, as is done by the 
 MemoryPlugIn in the MailReader Example?
 Of course, if you're still out of town, don't worry about responding 
 right away. This can wait.
 I had done something like it a little before DigestingPlugin was 
 committed, but it faced the challenge that LabelValueBean didn't have 
 a no-arg constructor, and so was hard to use with Digester.

I believe I committed a fix for that issue some time ago.

 In case the commits weren't announcement enough, I changed the 
 example application so that instead of creating the serverTypes 
 list of LVBs in the MemoryDatabasePlugIn, that list is now created by 
 the DigestingPlugIn.
 When I have some more time, I'll look for a place in the walking tour 
 to add some information, although work is about to get real busy 
 How would people feel about putting the XML digester rules for the 
 label value beans into the Struts JAR?  I can see the argument that 
 it's not really core, and I wouldn't fight about it, but I can see 
 where it would be convenient.  

Not only is it not core functionality but it forces you to use a certain
XML structure for loading LVB objects.  I'd rather let users decide how
their XML looks when using Digester to load objects.


 For now, I just put it in WEB-INF, 
 which makes the struts-config a little cleaner (because I changed 
 DigestingPlugIn to default to looking in the servlet context if the 
 source of either the data XML or digester XML is not specified).
 Joe Germuska
   We want beef in dessert if we can get it there.
-- Betty Hogan, Director of New Product Development, National 
 Cattlemen's Beef Association
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Re: Logic:Equal

2004-01-07 Thread David Graham

--- Kamal Gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a list which has some values which i get from database.
 I want to loop through the list and get values which are not duplicated
 this i think the best way in struts is to use logic:equal.

Please post this question to struts-user.  The best way to do this is with
the JSTL's c:if tag, not with logic:equal.


 Can some one please send me some example on the same
 Kamal Gupta
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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/web/tiles-documentation/examples/tiles footer.jsp

2004-01-07 Thread David Graham

--- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a reason for removing Cedric's copyright? As I understand it,
 based on the language in the CLA, Cedric is entitled to keep his own
 copyright there, if he so desires.

Regardless of whether he's entitled I think this change was appropriate. 
Struts is a community effort and I don't believe we should start adding
individual copyrights to the pieces we code.  Much of Struts could say
copyright Craig R. McClanahan but it doesn't.  That's a small but
important reason Struts is so popular and fun to work on.

So, if only Cedric can remove the copyrights we should ask him directly
and hope he'll agree :-).


 Martin Cooper
 On Wed, 7 Jan 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  rleland 2004/01/07 13:14:40
Modified:web/tiles-documentation/common footer.jsp
 web/tiles-documentation/examples/tiles footer.jsp
remove Cerdics personal Copyright and leave
only Apache Copyright
Revision  ChangesPath
1.3   +1 -3 
Index: footer.jsp
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- footer.jsp29 Dec 2002 21:20:52 -  1.2
+++ footer.jsp7 Jan 2004 21:14:40 -   1.3
@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
 div align=center
   font color=#023264 size=-1
-em Copyright copy; 2000-2003, Apache Software
 Foundation /em
- br
-emand Cedric Dumoulin
+em Copyright copy; 2000-2004, Apache Software
 Foundation /em
 html:img page=/images/struts-power.gif align=right
1.2   +0 -2 
Index: footer.jsp
RCS file:

retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- footer.jsp6 Jul 2002 01:13:50 -   1.1
+++ footer.jsp7 Jan 2004 21:14:40 -   1.2
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
 div align=center
   font color=#023264 size=-1
 em Copyright copy; 2001, Apache Software Foundation 
- br
-emand Cedric Dumoulin
 img src=%=request.getContextPath()%/images/struts-power.gif
 align=right border=0
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@author tags in Struts code

2004-01-07 Thread David Graham
The @author javadoc tag topic has been discussed on commons-dev recently
and Ted brought it up in a recent struts-dev thread so I thought it might
be nice to get the Struts community's opinion on it.  Some arguments
against @author tags by Greg Stein can be found here:

I'm not too concerned about the legal issues because I don't think there
are any.  I think it's a good idea to remove all of the tags rather than
each person removing their own so that the remaining tags don't
misrepresent who did most of the work (kind of an all or nothing deal).



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Re: [STATUS LOG] 30 Dec 2003 - Jakarta-Struts

2004-01-03 Thread David Graham
Several of the items here can be automated with Maven (ie. cvs activity). 
Unless the whole thing can be automated, I'm -0 on doing this.  I
personally don't have any time to contribute to these status reports and
my hunch is that they will fall into disrepair.

Save the status reports for managers, not fun volunteer projects :-).


--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I thought it might be helpful to start publishing regular status
 reports, so here's a proposed format.
 This might be something that we would post to both lists, and also
 maintain this in CVS, to keep a running log of changes.
 * Releases
 * Showstappers
 * Recent Changes
 * Roadmap
 * Bugzilla
 * Subscriptions
 * Threads
 * CVS Activity
 * Committers
 * Stable release: 1.1 (29 June 2003).
 * Next anticipated release: 1.2.0
 * Anticipated time-frame (if any): Next thirty days, if pending issues
 can be resolved.
 * The 1.2.0 candidate should resolve Bugzilla [#233255, #23292, #25134,
 #28524, #25855, #25861] before release.
 -Recent Changes-
 * 2003-12-30 - struts-nested: Added write attribute, and styleClass for
 * 2003-12-29 - struts-faces: Various updates regarding the JSF Final
 Draft and to prepare for Tiles support.
 * 2003-12-22 - DispatchAction: Add detection of recursive calls.
 * 2003-12-21 - Change to use typical - welcome.jsp approach;
 Use name rather than attribute in configuration, per documented and
 common practice; Use action form of html:link
 * 2003-12-21 - Add rest of form to fr.CA formset to correct operation.
 * 2003-12-17 - struts-jericho: Whiteboard directory for Struts-Jericho,
 a working proposal for Struts 2.x.
 * See also:
 * Struts 1.x will remain based on Servlet 1.2/JSP 1.1 (evolution).
 * Struts 2.x will be based on Servlet / JSP 2.0 (revolution).
 * For more see
 * Open problem reports:   6 [#23255 .. #25861]
 * Open enhancement reports: 210 [#  866 .. #25860]
 * Open LATER reports:17 [#17977 .. #25759]
 -Mailing list subscriptions-
 * User 1955
 * user digest: 923
 * Dev: 719
 -Significant threads-
 * Dev list discussions of whether and when to apply to the ASF for
 top-level project status
 * Several threads regarding Struts 2.0 feature set. A preliminary
 whiteboard has been posted
 -CVS Activity-
 * Total Commits: 89 Total Number of Files Changed: 401
 -Active Committers-
 * Craig R. McClanahan (craigmcc at
 * Ted Husted (husted at
 * Rob Leland (rleland at
 * Cedric Dumoulin (cedric.dumoulin at
 * Martin Cooper (martinc at
 * Arron Bates (arron at
 * James Holmes (jholmes at
 * David M. Karr (dmkarr at
 * David Graham (dgraham at
 * James Mitchell (jmitchell at
 * James Turner (turner at
 * Steve Raeburn (sraeburn at
 * Don Brown (mrdon at
 * Joe Germuska (germuska at
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Re: pagePattern

2004-01-02 Thread David Graham

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was setting up a working test for pagePattern in an application that
 doesn't use module (the Mailreader Example). It doesn't seem to
 recognize a pattern like /pages$M$P where it the same application it
 does recognize a forwardPattern like /do$M$P.
 I think I see where the problem might be, but I really need a baseline
 modules application to proceed.
 We broke the register portion of MailReader out to demonstrate
 multiple configs and then wildcard actions. I'm thinking we (meaning I)
 should finish the job and make the register portion a separate module.
 Thoughts?  Objections? Alternatives?

This has been a problem with modules all along.  I don't use them because
nobody seems to be actively supporting this feature aside from the
occasional bugfix.  IMO, the current implementation isn't coherent enough
to prevent new bugs popping up (you have to look all over the code base to
see if you've broken modules).  

I think it's a great idea to add some examples to test against.



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Re: pagePattern

2004-01-02 Thread David Graham

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey, here's an alternative:
 How about combining the exercise-taglib, validator, and upload
 applications in to single application three modules?
 That way we can avoid unnecessary complications to the MailReader,
 eliminate two redundant sets of JARs, share the LocaleAction without
 making it a standard Action, and have a shared module example to tinker

While it is nice to have logically separate apps, the benefits of
combining them are compelling.  The combined app should probably have a
start page with links to the 3 different modules for clarity.

 I still think we need a stock LocaleAction, but that could also be made
 part of a separate distribution with some other goodies that many people
 find helpful but might not be suitable for the actions package.

We should discuss LocaleAction in its own thread.  I'm not necessarily
opposed to putting it in the standard actions package but I'd like to have
an explanation, use cases and design review before we add it.


 Since I want to address the pagePattern and other module reports for
 1.2.0, and need a test-bed, I'm going to have a go at combining the
 aforementioned gang of three.
 On Fri, 02 Jan 2004 07:18:19 -0500, Ted Husted wrote:
  I was setting up a working test for pagePattern in an application
  that doesn't use module (the Mailreader Example). It doesn't seem
  to recognize a pattern like /pages$M$P where it the same
  application it does recognize a forwardPattern like /do$M$P.
  I think I see where the problem might be, but I really need a
  baseline modules application to proceed.
  We broke the register portion of MailReader out to demonstrate
  multiple configs and then wildcard actions. I'm thinking we
  (meaning I) should finish the job and make the register portion a
  separate module. Thoughts?  Objections? Alternatives?
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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/src/share/org/apache/struts/actions

2004-01-01 Thread David Graham
I don't think the reason for this change is valid.  If you only want to
this action in examples and tests it doesn't belong in the standard
actions package which allows it to be used in applications and requires

The action is an ok example but it's not generally seful enough to warrant
promotion to the main Struts distro.  More importantly, the code isn't
ready for the main distro as it catches Exception and hardcodes the
success forward name.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 husted  2004/01/01 05:45:49
   Added:   src/share/org/apache/struts/actions
   Move LocaleAction from Validator example webapp to standard Actions
 package, so that it can be used in other examples and tests.
   Revision  ChangesPath
* $Header:

 1.1 2004/01/01 13:45:49 husted Exp $
* $Revision: 1.1 $
* $Date: 2004/01/01 13:45:49 $
* The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
* Copyright (c) 2000-2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
* reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
*notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
*notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
*the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if
*any, must include the following acknowledgement:
*   This product includes software developed by the
*Apache Software Foundation (
*Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software
*if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally
* 4. The names The Jakarta Project, Struts, and Apache Software
*Foundation must not be used to endorse or promote products
*from this software without prior written permission. For written
*permission, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* 5. Products derived from this software may not be called Apache
*nor may Apache appear in their name, without prior written
*permission of the Apache Software Foundation.
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
* individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more
* information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
   package org.apache.struts.actions;
   import java.util.Locale;
   import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
   import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
   import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
   import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
   import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
   import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
   import org.apache.struts.Globals;
   import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
   import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
   import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
   import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
* Implementation of strongAction/strong that changes the user's
* @link(java.util.Locale and forwards to a page, based on request
* parameters that are set  (language, country, amp; page).
* @author David Wintefeldt
   public final class LocaleAction extends Action {
* Commons Logging instance.
   private Log 

Re: [was: Re: cvs commit: jakarta-stru...]

2004-01-01 Thread David Graham

--- James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe its just me or I'm missing something here, but do we have to use  I'm not sure I like the idea of relying on a 3rd party for
 web resource address translation.
 If continue using this service and something happened and
 not available, we would lose many valuable references such as the
 one below.
 Perhaps we could utilize some other means of shortening long URLs, or at
 least something we have more control over.
 Your thoughts?

-1 on using tinyurl in Struts javadocs and documentation.  I can't think
of any valid reason not to specify the real url in our docs.


 On Thu, 1 Jan 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  husted  2004/01/01 14:39:59
Add notes regarding discovering localized notations, per research by
 Jason Lea.
Revision  ChangesPath
1.31  +12 -5
RCS file:

retrieving revision 1.30
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -r1.30 -r1.31
--- 1 Jan 2004 19:27:19 -   1.30
+++ 1 Jan 2004 22:39:59 -   1.31
@@ -316,7 +316,14 @@
  * Format value according to specified format string (as tag
 attribute or
  * as string from message resources) or to current user locale.
- *
+ *
+ * When a format string is retrieved from the message
+ * codeapplyLocalizedPattern/code is used. For more about
+ * patterns, see (To obtain the
+ * value for some characters, you may need to view the file in
+ * hex editor and then use the Unicode escape form in the
+ * property resources file.)
+ *
  * @param valueToFormat value to process and convert to String
  * @exception JspException if a JSP exception has occurred
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 James Mitchell
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cc struts-dev

2003-12-31 Thread David Graham
This is just a friendly reminder to add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
the cc list on any bugs you assign to another address.  Otherwise,
struts-dev won't get notified of changes to the bug.


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Bugzilla changes

2003-12-21 Thread David Graham
Why were many bugs said to be marked LATER but then changed to FIXED? 
Also, some bugs were marked FIXED and I didn't see any corresponding
commit messages with the fixes.  I've gone through some of these and
changed them to LATER but there are so many that I wanted make sure I
wasn't missing something.


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RE: Struts 2.0 Ideas (was Re: Struts 2.0 Discussion Forum)

2003-12-19 Thread David Graham

--- Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, PILGRIM, Peter, FM wrote:
 snip /
  What kind of Spring Framework classes would you want to use in
  Struts 2.0?
  The BeanWrapper and the BeanFactory are interesting ideas.
  An example of configuring commons DBCP is given
  I am not convince however of the requirement for BeanFactory.
  I can understand if you need to have massive XML configuration
  and need to dynamic generate Beans (objects) at run-time.
  It is great but other than that I can really view to the
  advantage inverse of control there that Struts or Commons BeanUtils
  combine Digester could not do itself.
  Struts is great because it concentrates on doing one thing well MVC.
  I wouldn't want it to branch out go into a generic framework space
  e.g Avalon, Expresso, Keel, Spring, Pico etc.
  The major design difficulties are abstract away the request and
  objects from the controller actions, and also configuration of any
  other front-end objects you need along the way. To a certain extent
  Commons Chain and its context leads the way regarding the former.
 I see Spring as helping Struts be better structure its internal
 components, specifically using a BeanFactory implementation.  It would
 replace struts-config in any way or even be exposed directly the a
 application.  The struts-chain request processor implementation makes it
 easy for Struts apps to plug in IoC frameworks themselves.  I totally
 agree Struts shouldn't become some generic IoC framework, hence my
 suggestion of using Spring.
 The reason I think IoC is important for Struts 2.0 is for easier unit
 testing, more componentized development, easier to plug in alternate
 implementions of components like file upload, better dependency
 management, less object references, and easier for the advanced user to
 extend Struts in interesting ways.  Notice these advantages are targeted
 for Struts developers and advanced Struts users.

The IoC topic deserves its own thread.  Spring is bloated.  It contains a
DAO layer, JDBC helper library, Web MVC framework, IoC support, etc.  I
don't think we should be lugging around Spring inside of Struts.  There
are also non-technical aspects of Spring that have lowered my opinion of

If we want IoC inside of Struts we should look at something lighter weight
like HiveMind.  I'd also like some focused concrete examples of how IoC
would benefit Struts internals before we decide to go that route.  


  Peter Pilgrim,
  Struts/J2EE Consultant, RBoS FM, Risk IT
  Tel: +44 (0)207-375-4923

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RE: Why you *want* to be on the PMC

2003-12-19 Thread David Graham
I have some real basic questions:

1.  Why is it better to be a top level Apache project rather than part of

2.  What are the requirements for becoming a top level project?

Any URLs/info is appreciated.


--- Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
   If/when Struts becomes a TLP, I'm going to recommend that we do
   Ant, James, and Maven (for example) did:
   * Maintain a link on the Jakarta home page under Related
   * Install a webserver redirect from
  Is there anything holding us back from going TLP?
  I seem to remember only a few brief discussions on the dev listand
  that was quite a ways back.
 Presuming a positive vote from the committers, we'd have to make a
 proposal to the ASF Board (like the Ant, Maven, ... communities did, so
 we can
 use their proposals as a sample) and get it accepted.  Included in the
 would be things like who the PMC members would be, and who we'd suggest
 as the
 PMC chairperson (because this person becomes an ASF officer, it has to
 appointed by the board).
 The largest issue around preparing the proposal is likely to be a
 definition of
 what the scope of the project will be.
  James Mitchell
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Re: Why you *want* to be on the PMC

2003-12-19 Thread David Graham

--- Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
   Presuming a positive vote from the committers, we'd have to make a
   proposal to the ASF Board (like the Ant, Maven, ... communities did,
 so we
   use their proposals as a sample) and get it accepted.  Included in
   would be things like who the PMC members would be, and who we'd
 suggest as
   PMC chairperson (because this person becomes an ASF officer, it has
 to be
   appointed by the board).
   The largest issue around preparing the proposal is likely to be a
  definition of
   what the scope of the project will be.
  We could dodge the bullet and just follow Cocoon precedent: define the
  scope of Apache Struts to be Apache Struts :)
 So, do we invite the non-Java implementations of the same concept in, or
 do we
 say nah, we're a Java project?  I'm not personally much interested in
 the non
 Java solutions, but a cross-language framework would be somewhat

I'm also not interested in non-Java Struts implementations.  Any other
implementation could only share struts-config.xml and none of our current
code.  There would be 2 separate and largely independent group of
developers so I don't see the need to include them in Struts.


  Otherwise, any language we come up with is sure to overlap with other 
  Apache offerings, and we end up having to create some type of
  project, along the lines of the Database or Web Services projects.
  If we did decide to do something, I'm not opposed to either course.
  The former would be less work, but the latter might have greater long 
  term benefits. In the latter case, I suppose we'd ask Tapestry and 
  Turbine if they wanted to join us as (or
  I looked over the Board status reports for db and webservices, but
  hard to tell whether these new umbrellas are working any better than 
  Jakarta. If anyone is involved with the communities, and has something
  to share, please do.
  On balance, I would lean toward the position that the Struts community
  is large and robust enough to justify its own TLP, and see if the
  One thing I would like to bring up in the context of a TLP Struts is
  idea of also hosting a php implementation of Struts. Several people
  been trying to do this (google struts php). Since php is also an
  product, it would be a natural thing for a top-level ASF Struts
  do to. A framework similar to Struts, Maverick, already has a php 
  implementation, which proves it can be done.
  Of course, there is also the matter of JSR 223
  There is *alot* of interest in using MVC in php-land, and a Struts 
  implementation could help coalesce that interest into a stable
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Re: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan

2003-12-19 Thread David Graham

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So, there were a few more outstanding reports that I thought we would

Notice that 12 of the 29 bugs are custom tag related proving once again
how badly we need to move them into their own distro.

 Six have patches, which I will try to apply tomorrow. Most of the others
 are reports about problems I may not know how to fix.
 I can thing of four ways to deal with these:
 (1) mark reports without proposed solutions enhancements

IMO, we shouldn't start making up new definitions of enhancement just to
accomodate our release schedule.

 (2) mark unresolved problem reports LATER (like before)

+1 on marking as LATER.

 (3) change the release plan so we can leave them open
 (4) forgo the release indefinitely
 On a related topic, would anyone call any of these showstoppers.

No, I think we can release as planned.


 Ted Husted wrote:
  I've amended the date on the (now venerable) 1.2.0 release plan for
  I believe the release notes are in good shape now. I already marched 
  through most of the stale 1.0/1.1 tickets, and can mop up the rest in 
  short order. I imagine there will be a few patches that we can apply, 
  but I've carved out some time to work on such.
  Note that I've left room in the release plan for the idea of multiple 
  managers. If someone were up for sheparding the tests, especially the 
  example application testing, I'd welcome the help. Someone else could 
  also sign up for the final tag, roll, and announce part of the job. Of
  course, if everyone is busy, I'll be happy to muddle through on my
 own. :)
  Since this is a x.0 release, the plan calls for a majority vote.
  Here's my +1
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Struts EL Distro

2003-12-18 Thread David Graham
The binary Struts build includes struts-el in the contrib directory.  Why
does struts-el/lib include the commons-*.jars and JSTL jars?  The common
jars are already distributed with the standard Struts build and the JSTL
jars should be downloaded separately.

Considering the frequency of Struts downloads and our large 21MB distro
size, removing these duplicate jars will save Apache a considerable amount
of bandwidth.


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Re: Struts 2.0 Ideas (was Re: Struts 2.0 Discussion Forum)

2003-12-17 Thread David Graham

--- Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And even a simple DAO interface, to be used optionaly be people, so 
 they can go back and forth from iBatis to Hibreante or what ever.

I started the Mapper project in the commons for this exact reason.  It
doesn't belong in Struts.


 And build Struts on top of HiveMind or similar. (IoC and Services... and
 If just the MVC interfaces are defined, then several implemenations can 
 ship. One implemtation would be backwards compatible.
 Once could be SOAPActionImpl.
 Action's execute should take a Map as signature argument. This way we do
 not have Req/Resp tie in, but anything comes in.
 Ex: execute(Map arg)  { .. }
 A good 1st step is to have a TilesAction and Action have same signature 
 for execute.
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Re: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan

2003-12-16 Thread David Graham


--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've amended the date on the (now venerable) 1.2.0 release plan for this
 I believe the release notes are in good shape now. I already marched 
 through most of the stale 1.0/1.1 tickets, and can mop up the rest in 
 short order. I imagine there will be a few patches that we can apply, 
 but I've carved out some time to work on such.
 Note that I've left room in the release plan for the idea of multiple 
 managers. If someone were up for sheparding the tests, especially the 
 example application testing, I'd welcome the help. Someone else could 
 also sign up for the final tag, roll, and announce part of the job. Of 
 course, if everyone is busy, I'll be happy to muddle through on my own.
 Since this is a x.0 release, the plan calls for a majority vote.
 Here's my +1
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Re: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan

2003-12-16 Thread David Graham

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The mean number of milestones for a Jakarta stable release seems to be
 five or six. So, it would not be unusual for us to get 1.2.4 before 
 hitting a General Availability grade.

That could be because products using this versioning/release system don't
spend as much time making sure it's bullet proof.  Struts 1.2.0 isn't much
different than 1.1 so it wouldn't surprise me if we reached GA before 5 or
6 point releases.


  Were we still planning on using Validator 1.1.1 when it is released ?
  It's getting a little confusing, since I removed it, and called
  for a release Vote. The vote isn't scheduled to complete until
  Sunday Noon. And Struts source will be frozed at Saturday Midnight.
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Re: Running Struts Cactus tests with Ant

2003-12-16 Thread David Graham

--- James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any chance someone wants to throw together a

cd your-struts-dir
maven build

Anything much more complicated than that defeats the purpose of using


  Anyway, maybe I just need an Ant trick to give me better
  feedback about why it's failing -- it's probably something very
  I do know that the same test case passes when I run it in Maven.
  Thanks in advance for any tips...
[java] Dec 16, 2003 3:38:21 PM
  org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
[java] INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8080
[java] Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
[java] Apache Tomcat/4.1.29
[java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
[java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[java] Dec 16, 2003 3:38:31 PM
  org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
[java] INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8080
   [junit] Running org.apache.struts.action.TestActionMessage
   [junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.075
   [junit] Testsuite: org.apache.struts.action.TestActionMessage
   [junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.075
   [junit] Testcase: testActionMessageWithNoValue took 0.039 sec
   [junit] Testcase: testActionMessageWithAStringValue took 0.001
   [junit] Running org.apache.struts.action.TestActionMessages
   [junit] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.06
   [junit] Testsuite: org.apache.struts.action.TestActionMessages
   [junit] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.06
   [junit] Testcase: testEmpty took 0.025 sec
   [junit] Testcase: testNotEmpty took 0.005 sec
   [junit] Testcase: testSizeWithOneProperty took 0.001 sec
   [junit] Testcase: testSizeWithManyProperties took 0.001 sec
   [junit] Testcase: testSizeAndEmptyAfterClear took 0 sec
   [junit] Testcase: testGetWithNoProperty took 0.013 sec
   [junit] Testcase: testGetForAProperty took 0 sec
   [junit] Testcase: testAddMessages took 0.001 sec
   [junit] Running org.apache.struts.action.TestActionServlet
   [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Time elapsed: 1.782
   [junit] Testsuite: org.apache.struts.action.TestActionServlet
   [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Time elapsed: 1.782
   [junit] Testcase: testInitDestroyInternal took 1.771 sec
   [junit] Caused an ERROR
   [junit] Error instantiating class
   [junit] javax.servlet.ServletException: Error instantiating class
   [junit] at

   [junit] at

   [junit] at

  [---% snip stack trace %]
   [junit] Testcase: testInitDestroyInternal
[java] Stopping service Tomcat-Standalone
[java] Dec 16, 2003 3:38:47 PM
  org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol destroy
[java] INFO: Stoping http11 protocol on 8080
  Test org.apache.struts.action.TestActionServlet failed
  Total time: 50 seconds
  This same test
 James Mitchell
 Software Developer / Struts Evangelist
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Re: Attachment to bug 866

2003-12-07 Thread David Graham
The problem was that the bug was assigned to Ted and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wasn't added to the CC list.  I've fixed
this so we get emails when this bug is updated.


--- Hubert Rabago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Last night I uploaded an attachment to bug 866 (Clean Way to Add
 Parameters to
 Redirecting Forward).
 It allows Action objects to add redirects like these:
  ActionRedirect redirect = 
  new ActionRedirect(mapping.findForward(doRedirect));
  return redirect;
 I'm sending this message because that notice seemed to have been skipped
 bugzilla (probably because that particular item doesn't have an
 milestone target), and I thought you guys might like to know.
 There's also an attachment for testing ActionRedirect.
 Hubert Rabago
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Re: [VOTE] Joe Germuska as a Struts Committer

2003-12-07 Thread David Graham
Joe has, refreshingly, backed up suggestions with working code :-).


--- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Joe has been involved in the Struts community for some time now, and has
 been a great contributor on the -dev and -user lists, as well as in the
 bug database. I believe Joe would be a great asset to the team, and that
 it's time we invited him to join us as a Struts committer.
 Here's my +1.
 Martin Cooper

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Re: getDataSource deprecate

2003-12-06 Thread David Graham

--- Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Consider if it be good idea to sometime in the future mark getDataSource
 as deprecated.

I think Struts 2.0 is a good time to remove the DataSource support from
Struts.  Containers are now fully capable of easy JNDI DataSource
configuration and will only get better by 2.0.  Having a Struts way of
doing DataSources is proving to be confusing for users.



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Re: Feedback on the Dec 1 nightly build

2003-12-01 Thread David Graham

--- stu robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 First, thanks for the quick followup last week on the
 readyness of builds including ValidWhen.  I started
 testing our application against this build this
 The one would-be showstopper for us (although we work
 around it) is that the current snapshot of
 commons-collections has a number of serialization
 bugs.  We're using decorators fairly extensively for
 type-safety.  Since they're not serializable, they
 cause NotSerializableException when returned from
 stateless session EJBs.  We're currently using a
 collections 3.0 build that we've modified to make
 these serializable.  But the Struts 1.2 nightly comes
 with the broken version.

Why are we distributing nightly builds of commons components that we rely
on?  IMO, unless we need the very latest features of commons package X we
should ship nightly Struts builds with the last released version of X.


 This bugzilla search shows the bugs we're working
 The other thing I've noticed is that the validator
 includes a number of DTDs that don't seem to match the
 files they ship with.  validator-rules.xml references
 the DTD;,
 and the distribution ships with 2 local DTDs for the
 validator, validator-rules_1_1.dtd and
 validation_1_1.dtd.  Neither of these match the
 reference in the rules.xml file.  Developing behind
 our firewall, local DTDs are many developers' only
 option for validation.  If I modify the rules.xml file
 to reference either of these DTDs, errors appear.  Are
 these old DTDs, or am I missing something?
 Stu Robertson

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RE: Maven test run

2003-11-29 Thread David Graham

--- Steve Raeburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've updated the Maven build to generate some documentation. Use 'maven
 site' to generate it.
 I copied the documentation over from docs to xdocs. There are some
 differences between the tags expected by the Maven xdoc transofrmation
 and our existing XSL transformation. It's causing some funky formatting
 at the moment, but it will be fixable. I've noticed the following so
   - chapter elements are not recognized. I've changed them to
 section for now.
   - Block code examples need to be wrapped in a source tag. See
 index.xml for an example.
   - Many (all?) of the anchors aren't operational
 I've also been experimenting with customization of the site. Main
 changes are in, but I've also added a custom JSL
 stylesheet (struts.jsl) which would allow complete control over the
 generated site. You might find the current look familiar ;-)
   - Figure out the best way to migrate the xml docs
(essentially change the source docs or change the JSL stylesheet)
   - Generate tlds and taglib documentation
   - Look into using the multi-project plugin to build webapps  contrib
   - Play with the Cactus plugin to get the other tests running
 Anyone who wants to explore Maven, feel free to dive in :-)

You're going to delete the old versions in /doc right?  We certainly don't
want to maintain 2 versions of our docs.  It would be good not to lose the
cvs history on all of these in the moves to xdocs so maybe we can just
move the files in the filesystem on instead of just
checking in brand new versions in xdocs?


  -Original Message-
  From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: November 28, 2003 3:10 PM
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: Re: Maven test run
  Steve, would it be possible to merge what you started here with the
  current Maven build?
  Steve Raeburn wrote:
   In the spirit of rolling up sleeves, this is the result of
  a very quick look
   at Maven:
   I'll keep playing with this for now, because it's not fit
  to be checked in
   yet and I've only built the core /src/share files. There's
  also more work to
   do in configuring the various reports.
   Don't expect all the links to work, or any of the reports
  to be correct
   (though already, some of them look useful).
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  Ted Husted,
 Junit in Action  -,
 Struts in Action -,
 JSP Site Design  -
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RE: Maven test run

2003-11-29 Thread David Graham

--- Steve Raeburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At the minute, I've just copied the docs over to see how it would work
 out. My opinion is not bad, but more work required. As far as I'm
 concerned, the Maven build is still experimental and not ready for
 It might be an option to build the website from Maven in the (very) near
 future, but I think we'll need to do some restructuring before the
 library build will work with Maven. (Separate out the taglibs, web apps,
 contribs into separate sub-projects).
 I don't think we should let the Mavenization process hold up the 1.2.0
 release. There's a lot of changes waiting to get out and I think it best
 not to combine those with a change in the build process. Hopefully, we
 can integrate it into the build as we move forward through 1.2.x.
 For maintenance purposes, the live documentation is still in docs. Don't
 bother trying to maintain xdocs yet. I hope we'll be able to translate
 the docs in place  maintain the history.

Ok, I was confused by the duplication.  Thanks for clarifying that.


 I'm not sure the end is in sight yet, but I'm now more confident now
 that the end is achievable with Maven :-)
  -Original Message-
  From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: November 29, 2003 12:31 PM
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: Re: Maven test run
  David Graham wrote:
   You're going to delete the old versions in /doc right?  We
  certainly don't
   want to maintain 2 versions of our docs.  It would be good
  not to lose the
   cvs history on all of these in the moves to xdocs so maybe
  we can just
   move the files in the filesystem on instead of just
   checking in brand new versions in xdocs?
  If we're ready to convert the documentation to Maven, then we
  could just
  point the xdoc plugin at our doc directory by setting the
  I'm OK with doing this, but it should be a deliberate
  decision, and we
  should probably have an actual vote.
  Of course, there is still some work to do, and I can help
  with that over
  the next week. But I think the end is in sight :)
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Re: BUG fix for org.apache.struts.taglib.html.JavascriptValidatorTag

2003-11-28 Thread David Graham
Thanks for the fix idea.  It would have been better if you posted this
directly to the bugzilla ticket though.


--- Igor Marchenko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hello all.
 I use Struts's ValidatorPlagin in client validation manner. It generates
 JavaScript Array of field checks to made. Example:
 function validatorRuleName () {
   this.aa = new Array(...));
   this.ab = new Array(...)); = new Array(...)); = new Array(...)); = new Array(...));
   ... = new Array(...));
   ... = new Array(...));
 But do and in is JavaScript reserved words. Therefore if there is
 a few field who need validation and appears (this is
 syntax error).
 Override org.apache.struts.taglib.html.JavascriptValidatorTag#getNextVar
 method as here:
 private String getNextVar(String input) {
   return _+(input==null?0:(Integer.parseInt(input.substring(1))+1));
 It's clear,
 method is not needed. Remove them at all and correct
 org.apache.struts.taglib.html.JavascriptValidatorTag#doStartTag method
 Replace next lines
 String jscriptVar = null;
 jscriptVar = this.getNextVar(jscriptVar);
   + jscriptVar
   +  = new Array(\
   + field.getKey()
   + \, \
   + message
   + \, );
 int jscriptVar = 0;
 results.append( this.)
   .append( = new Array(\)
   .append(\, \)
   .append(\, );
 I check both fix ways with big number (more than 100) of checks on one
 Big thanx for all Struts developers.
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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/src/share/org/apache/struts/util

2003-11-27 Thread David Graham
When changing Struts' messaging classes we also need to update
commons-resources with identical changes.  Otherwise, we'll end up getting
frustrated users and duplicate bug reports when Struts starts using


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 martinc 2003/11/27 14:14:51
   Make sure getMessage(String) goes through the local implementation,
   than bypassing it and therefore skipping the default locale handling.
   PR: 22252
   Submitted by: msc at
   Revision  ChangesPath
   1.20  +5 -5 
   RCS file:

   retrieving revision 1.19
   retrieving revision 1.20
   diff -u -r1.19 -r1.20
   ---   9 Sep 2003 04:33:12 -   1.19
   +++   27 Nov 2003 22:14:51 -  1.20
   @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
public String getMessage(String key) {

   -return this.getMessage((Locale) null, key);
   +return this.getMessage((Locale) null, key, null);


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Re: TagUtils.encodeURL performance

2003-11-26 Thread David Graham
UTF-8 is used because it's recommended in the URLEncoder javadoc:


--- yasuhiko yoshikawa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I do not think always passing UTF-8 as character encoding type is right
 behavior. As far as I can tell, there is no such requirement to
 even recommend) UTF-8 as character encoding type in the HTML4
 specification (and relevant RFCs). 
  A while ago, I submitted a patch that enables the encoder to take
 character encoding name as second parameter. I see no reason why the
 character encoding is done with UTF-8. 
 Using UTF-8 as character encoding type works only if the  html documents
 sent from the application are encoded in UTF-8, but many i18n
 applications use 'native' character encodings (like Shift_JIS, Big5,
 etc) instead, for variety of reasons.
   The issue was recently discussed on the mailing list of Japanese
 struts user's.  And we found that, for example, html:link tag's
 parameter populating functionality has been unusable for many of us
 because it ignores the response's character encoding and uses UTF-8 to
 get the bytes for url encoding.
  --- Robert Leland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Pierre Maury wrote:
   The patch would need to be usable with different encoding types.
  Why?  The Java 1.3 version doesn't accept an encoding type and we
  pass UTF-8 to the 1.4 version.
   This memory storage seems like a small price to pay for the
   but I would like to hear from other commiters.
  I'm not a big fan of this because there are much bigger performance
  optimizations to be had in other layers of a Struts app but I won't
  anyone from applying a clear and *tested* optimization.
   I think there is a performance issue with
   Attached to this mail, four java classes that demonstrate and solve
   problem. You may run EncoderTest to compare the timings of the
   struts code with a faster encoder.
   On my computer encodeURL takes about 0.2ms. This does not look like
   issue, but encodeURL is called by computeUrl for each parameter
   each parameter value. The web site I'm working on displays products
   There an average 3 links per product and 20 products per page + 20
   links. Each of this links takes four parameters.
   Total encodeURL time per page amounts to : (3*20+20)*(4*2)*0.2 =
   At the same time, the struts action + the JSP page takes about
   The attached encoder is at least 50 times faster. By using this
   my application, the troughput was greatly improved.
   If you are interrested, I can submit a patch
   Pierre Maury

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Re: 1.2.0 Resurrected

2003-11-25 Thread David Graham

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 With the long weekend coming up, I was thinking of rolling up my sleeves
 and doing whatever needs to be done to cut 1.2.0.
 Anyone one aware of any serious showstoppers?

Nope, the commits have been relatively infrequent and I haven't seen
anything serious.  Rob has been fixing up Validator issues so it will be
great to get these released in 1.2.0.


 While under the current scheme, any release has the potential to make 
 the General Availability grade, I would anticipate that 1.2.0 will end 
 up being a simple milestone release, and we'll have to cut a few more 
 before we get to GA. But, I'd like to start the ball rolling.
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Re: TagUtils.encodeURL performance

2003-11-25 Thread David Graham

--- Robert Leland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pierre Maury wrote:
 The patch would need to be usable with different encoding types.

Why?  The Java 1.3 version doesn't accept an encoding type and we always
pass UTF-8 to the 1.4 version.

 This memory storage seems like a small price to pay for the improvement,
 but I would like to hear from other commiters.

I'm not a big fan of this because there are much bigger performance
optimizations to be had in other layers of a Struts app but I won't stop
anyone from applying a clear and *tested* optimization.


 I think there is a performance issue with
 Attached to this mail, four java classes that demonstrate and solve the
 problem. You may run EncoderTest to compare the timings of the original
 struts code with a faster encoder.
 On my computer encodeURL takes about 0.2ms. This does not look like a
 issue, but encodeURL is called by computeUrl for each parameter name
 each parameter value. The web site I'm working on displays products
 There an average 3 links per product and 20 products per page + 20
 links. Each of this links takes four parameters.
 Total encodeURL time per page amounts to : (3*20+20)*(4*2)*0.2 = 128ms
 At the same time, the struts action + the JSP page takes about 200ms.
 The attached encoder is at least 50 times faster. By using this encoder
 my application, the troughput was greatly improved.
 If you are interrested, I can submit a patch
 Pierre Maury

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Re: Struts throwing away exceptions

2003-11-15 Thread David Graham

Graham Leggett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,

I ran into this problem a while back, worked around it, but now it is back.

Something has gone haywire with a struts web application I am trying to 
debug. When accessing an URL, I get an HTTP 400 error, with the 
explanation The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect 

From my last experience with this problem, it turned out then to be a 
NullPointerException with no reason string - thus the empty string 
between the brackets. The problem is, the original exception has been 
thrown away by struts, so I have no clue where to start looking for the 

What makes you think Struts is throwing away the exception?  What was the stack trace 
for the NPE?


The cause of this issue is that all messages, including HTTP error 
codes, are being logged via commons-logging, which in this case has gone 
haywire along with the application. The correct behaviour IMHO in a 
situation where struts is in a broken state, is to pass the exception 
along with the HTTP error code to the servlet container, thus removing 
an enormous source of frustration for struts developers where a problem 
is reported seamingly by tomcat, but with no clue where the problem came 


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Re: [struts-chain] Where to now?

2003-11-12 Thread David Graham

--- Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I added what I gathered was the last missing piece to struts-chain,
  upload support.  I'm really interested in doing whatever it takes to
  this up and running as a viable alternative to the RequestProcessor.
  From here, I see the following needs to be done:
   - Unit tests (big one)
 Here is where the chain's nature is going to help -- it's pretty
 to write unit tests for each individual command, call the execute
 method, and
 evaluate the results, because most commands simply perform some
 on the information in the Context being passed around.
   - Tiles support
 Definitely going to be needed for a production release.
   - Portlet implementation
 Yep.  In my copious spare time :-) I'll try to download Pluto and
 playing with this.
   - Documentation
  What is the status of commons-chain?  Are there any outstanding issues
  that need to be sewn up?
 There are no outstanding bugs that I'm aware of.  Unit test coverage is
 currently not all there, and the Portlet and Faces implementations of
 WebContext still need to be fleshed out.
  I think I will tackle the unit tests next.  Tiles support should be
  straightforward, some copy/paste.  Craig had some ideas of how to
  the Portlet API, which I'll leave to him until I can learn more about
  The documentation is the least important, at this stage, but it does
  bring to light rough spots.
  Finally, what is that status on Struts 1.2?  Could an early test
  be put in for early adopters?
 One thing we'd talked about doing early in 1.2 was switching to
 commons-resources (which is also currently in the sandbox and would need
 to be
 promoted along with commons-chain).  If we're going to do that (and I
 think we
 should), it should really be before the first 1.2 release.
 commons-resources is pretty solid as well, but a JDBC-based resources
 implementation included out of the box would be really really handy.

-0 only because resources has been sitting for a while and I don't want to
hold up Struts 1.2 for a feature that would be nice to have but isn't
really necessary for a resources 1.0 release.  IMHO, resources should plan
on cleaning up any existing design issues and releasing 1.0.

I really think we should ship Struts 1.2 with either resources or chain
but not both.  We'll end up with another 1.1 once we start including more
than 1 major change per release.  I don't have the time right now to get
resources or chain included for Struts 1.2 so I won't veto however you
want to proceed.


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Re: Suggestion: way to execute code after form.validate(mapping, request) fails, but before forward to input

2003-11-11 Thread David Graham

--- Mike Kienenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using Struts 1.1.
 I want to execute code only if validation fails, but before the forward
 the input action.
 Unfortunately, it seems that RequestProcessor.processValidate() has 
 tightly-coupled these two activities, leaving no way for such activity
 to be 
 At first, I thought I could subclass RequestProcessor and set a boolean 
 variable before calling processValidate() and check it on doForward(), 
 executing my code if the variable was set, but this will probably fail
 in a 
 multithreaded environment.  Even if I could make this work by
 setting attributes on my request, it'd still be an ugly hack.
 I don't see any reasonable solution to my problem other than subclassing
 RequestProcessor, copying processValidate() into it, and making my
 there, which seems likely to break after a struts upgrade.
 I'd like to recommend that in some future struts version that 
 RequestProcessor.processValidate() provide a hook for executing code
 failed validation and forwarding to the input mapping.
 In fact, it seems to me that this whole section of code
 // Has an input form been specified for this mapping?
 String input = mapping.getInput();
 if (input == null) {
 if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
 log.trace(  Validation failed but no input form 


 return (false);
 // Save our error messages and return to the input form if
 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
 log.debug( Validation failed, returning to ' + input +
 request.setAttribute(Globals.ERROR_KEY, errors);
 if (moduleConfig.getControllerConfig().getInputForward()) {
 ForwardConfig forward = mapping.findForward(input);
 processForwardConfig( request, response, forward);
 } else {
 internalModuleRelativeForward(input, request, response);
 should be moved to the equivalent of a 
 RequestProcessor.processValidateFailure() method which could then be 

Sounds like a good candidate for a command in the future Struts Chain
reimplementation of the RequestProcessor.


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Re: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/doc/resources archives.xml consultants.xml powered.xml sigs.xml

2003-11-11 Thread David Graham
We are tired of your conspiracy theories, flames, gratuitous
self-promotion, and generally poor behavior.  Your conduct has been absurd
and offensive to people that donate their valuable time to the ASF.  Your
actions on and the Jakarta general mailing list qualify,
IMO, as grounds for banning you from the lists.  You do not deserve
promotion on any ASF sponsored site including Struts.  Before composing
your next flame I encourage you to consider how your behavior has affected
the ASF community and start becoming a positive contributor.


--- Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is what broke it:
 It was aleged that code was takem from someplace that was not allowing 
 it and placing it into Apache code base! ASF seems to be saying we took
 the design and are re-implementing it.
 Shame on you for ... aparently... supporting it.
 I guess it's good for comercial vendors such as Sun, but it is bad for 
 Open Source. I think ASF and Sun are a bit to close. I guess another
 Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  Quoting Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Was that called for Craig?
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Re: Conversion to ToStringBuilder

2003-11-09 Thread David Graham

--- Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I think we inherit the dependency on commons lang from some other
  component.  Our use of lang's features is very limited and my
  is to keep it that way.  Regardless, toString() is easy to implement
  without ToStringBuilder.
 Last time I looked, ToStringBuilder was the only  dependency we have on
 commons-lang.  I'd much rather do a little more work in our toString()
 and dump the dependency if that's actually the case, unless there's some
 compelling need for any of the other c-l methods.


We're using some of lang's String methods in the test cases because we're
not on Java 1.4.


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RE: Conversion to ToStringBuilder

2003-11-06 Thread David Graham

--- Norm Deane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok. The nice thing about ToStringBuilder is that it ensures consistency
 across all your toString methods and provides the ability to adopt a new
 toString style without changing a lot of code.

I don't see the need for this.  toString() implementations must vary
depending on their use.  For example, List implementations generally use
[item1,item2] while other classes just want to output some debugging


 Norm Deane
 MIS Consultant
 Vanderbilt University
 (615) 322-7855
  -Original Message-
  From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 10:26 AM
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: Re: Conversion to ToStringBuilder
  I think we inherit the dependency on commons lang from some 
  other component.  Our use of lang's features is very limited 
  and my preference is to keep it that way.  Regardless, 
  toString() is easy to implement without ToStringBuilder.
  --- Norm Deane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I was thinking about adding a toString method to 
  ModuleConfigImpl that 
   used ToStringBuilder but I noticed some of the other config objects 
   have toString
   methods that do not use ToStringBuilder.  Anyone object to 
  me writing a
   patch that converts the existing toString methods to use 
   adding one to ModuleConfigImpl?
   Norm Deane
   MIS Consultant
   Vanderbilt University
   (615) 322-7855
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Re: Contributing Code

2003-11-06 Thread David Graham

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It is my understanding (and please correct me if mistaken) that when one
 modified/improved/extended some portion of Struts, it is to be submitted
 for consideration. Thus, my little extension:
 I modified validator-rules.xml so that if a form field is specified as
 in validation.xml which is a radio button in the HTML, the JavaScript
 actually validate it. I read many differing opinions on whether or not
 should validate radio buttons (always default one to checked was the
 answer) however I felt that should one wish to, one should be able to do

You can open a bugzilla enhancement ticket for commons validator because
all the javascript has moved over there.  Attach any patches to the ticket
and don't send them to the mailing list because they will get lost.


 It has been tested in IE 6.0 and Mozilla Firebird 0.7, and I am hoping
 further testing will reveal good browser compatibility.
 Forgive me if this is the wrong forum for such discussion.
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Re: [Vote]Disable bugs for Struts 1.0

2003-11-04 Thread David Graham


--- Robert Leland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to propose disabling filing of NEW bugs for Struts 1.0,
 I know BugZilla 2.16.3 can do this not sure about 2.14.2
 Bugs filed against 1.0 are a waste of time for committers and for
 Only bugs filed against 1.1 final, or the nightly builds have any hope 
 in being addressed.
 If there were patches included with the reciently reported 1.0 
 enhancements, I might feel
 differently. As it is NEW Struts 1.0 BugZilla reports are just Noise 
 that I filter out.
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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 24202] - Javascript validation fails for single radio and single checkbox

2003-10-31 Thread David Graham

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-10-31 15:27
  You should never be rendering only a single radio button because it's
  usability issue.  The user can never uncheck a single radio button
  checked it.  In this case, you should probably be using a different
  like a select box.
 These are excellent points, and the question becomes is this boundary
 condition a useability should or a technical must.  HTML spec is no
 help, I looked.  It talks about sets, but doesn't define set as two or

It also talks about this specific usability problem.

 I'm having horrible visions of someone doing a query driven voting
 application using radio boxes...
 Those aside, IMHO think the utility of having the trivial case handled
 the framework is more useful than having application logic check for it,
 and is generally worth a useability tradeoff.

I'm -0 on adding single radio button support to validator.  I won't add it
myself but won't stand in the way of someone who wants to spend the time. 

Good usability is *always* a requirement on my projects and never takes a
backseat to laziness.  Poor usability is one of my biggest pet peeves on
major websites.  IMO, the correct thing to do in this case is to not
display a form control at all.  There's only one choice so just display
that choice and tell the user that's what they're getting.


 Ernie Argetsinger
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Re: [chain] conditionals again

2003-10-23 Thread David Graham

--- Greg Reddin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The next step might be to try and integrate something like Struts 
  Workflow and/or Tiles into the RequestProcessor chain and see what the
  various Chains look like.
 I get about a day every three weeks to look at this, but Tiles is what 
 I'm working on.  I'll share early and often.
 BTW, there's about five ways to submit code here.  Would you prefer an 
 email attachment, a bugzilla ticket, or some other way?

Bugzilla with attached cvs diff -u formatted patches.


  Though, regardless of what happens with the Struts RequestProcessor (a
  *very* complicated bit of business logic), I'm finding Chain to be a 
  very useful interface to an application's business layer.
 Yes, I'm looking that direction as well.
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Re: [chain] conditionals again

2003-10-23 Thread David Graham

--- Greg Reddin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Graham wrote:
  --- Greg Reddin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BTW, there's about five ways to submit code here.  Would you prefer an
 email attachment, a bugzilla ticket, or some other way?
  Bugzilla with attached cvs diff -u formatted patches.
 But, this is new stuff, nothing to diff...

Then you would attach the .java files.


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Re: Deprecating DiskMultipartReqwuestHandler and friends

2003-10-23 Thread David Graham
+1 for deprecating.


--- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi folks,
 Any objection to deprecating DiskMultipartRequestHandler and its
 associated classes? This was the default file upload handler in Struts
 1.0, but was replaced by CommonsMultipartRequestHandler for 1.1 and
 beyond. It was, and is, buggy, and I'm sure nobody has any interest in
 maintaining it now that we're using Commons FileUpload to do the heavy
 Just asking up front so that I don't have to go back and remove a
 of deprecations if it turns out that somebody wants to keep it. ;-)
 Martin Cooper
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Re: Nested-EL

2003-10-14 Thread David Graham
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Back in September, David Karr was threatening to do Tiles-EL and
 Nested-EL.  I
 see that the Tiles-EL has been committed, sweet.  Nested-EL seems to be
 missing.  David, have you started working on Nested-EL?  If so, how far
 off is
 it from being complete?  If not, do you have any tips, because I am
 started on it tonight.

Doesn't the EL replace the need for a nested tag library?  Isn't the EL
syntax easier than using nested tags?  I haven't used Nested but it seems
like a Nested-EL is redundant.


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RE: XMLEncoder class

2003-10-09 Thread David Graham


--- Mike Jasnowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Didn't you just answer your own question?
 -Original Message-
 From: Zakaria khabot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 11:52 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: XMLEncoder class
 wich package contains the class java.beans.XMLEncoder
 Zakaria KHABOT
 Ingénieur d'état Réseaux informatiques
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Re: Possible Struts/StrutsTestCase bug

2003-10-07 Thread David Graham
--- Mark McBride [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I may have found a problem using Struts/StrutsTestCase with OC4J(9.0.4).
 Background: I'm running a StrutsTestCase that works in Resin 2.x but
 ran in OC4J I get a NullPointerException from line 1806. The problem I found 
 with both the and are 
 illustrated below.
 The problem can be found in two places. The first is in line 417:
 String moduleName = (String)
 if (moduleName.endsWith(/))
  moduleName = moduleName.substring(0,moduleName.lastIndexOf(/));
 In resin 2.X this runs correctly with moduleName being initialized to 
 even if the attribute is not found.
 In oc4j 9.0.4 request.getAttribute returns null when an attribute is
 found. When moduleName.endsWith gets executed a NullPointerException is
 The second is in introduced in 
 line 1783 blows up on line 1806:
 On line 1783 (same fundamental problem as the first error):
 String matchPath = (String) 
 // matchPath is set to  in resin matchPath is null in oc4j
 if (matchPath == null) {
  matchPath = request.getServletPath();
   return getModuleName( matchPath, context);
 Both calls to request.getXXX return an empty string in resin. In oc4j
 is returned.
 The error is surfaced on line 1806:
 while (prefix.equals()  ((lastSlash = matchPath.lastIndexOf(/)) 
 0)) {
 Since the call to getModuleName passes in null, matchPath.lastIndexOf 
 throws a NullPointerException.
 Good news is that this is open-source and I can hack the code for myself
 =). I'm curious of all the other sections of code in struts that make
 assumption that the request object will return an instantiated object
 not null.? It appears that the servlet 2.3 specification specifies
 returning null is the correct servlet implementation.
 What is the best way to file bugs for both struts and strutstestcase?

Struts bugs are entered into bugzilla:

StrutsTestCase is an independent SourceForge project.

Both of the containers you mentioned are non-free which really limits what
we can do to test the problem.  I believe the majority of us are using
Tomcat because it's the free reference implementation of the Servlet and
JSP specs.  Tomcat should implement the specs *exactly* so if it fails
there, it's most likely a Struts bug.


 Thanks in advance!

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Re: The Forrest Option

2003-10-01 Thread David Graham

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don Brown wrote:
  Further, deciding between Forrest and Maven isn't an either/or
  There exists a Forrest plugin for Maven and it would be easy to
  Maven's reports into a Forrest site build.
  If we did decide to go with Forrest, I'm willing to convert the old
  over and help handle any integration.  I'm most definately not an
  at Forrest, but am familiar with Cocoon and thankfully, Forrest is
 This sounds like a nice stepping stone. We can try Forrest now and 
 migrate the build to Maven as soon as someone is ready to volunteer for 
 Outside of the Jakarta Commons Sandbox, Forrest and Maven are equally 
 popular among other Apache products. Using both might be the best of 
 both worlds.

Or it may be a complete nightmare.  So then we would have Forrest, Maven,
and Ant builds all competing for attention.  I am definitely against using
multiple build processes; let's just pick one and stick with it. 

The Forrest features Don mentioned aren't significant to me and I'm
already familiar with Maven so I'm leaning towards Maven but I really
don't care as long as the build is as easy as maven jar or equivalent. 
But please let's not try to maintain multiple build processes.


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Re: The Forrest Option

2003-10-01 Thread David Graham

--- Robert Leland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have one request and that is to leave the existing maven files
   in place since they do currently generate a web site with the reports.

I must be confused with the several projects I'm working on.  So, Maven is
already setup in Struts to run the builds?  If so, why are we going to add
Forrest to the builds?  Why not just start building the site and distro
with Maven?


 Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
  Don Brown wrote:
  I know the discussion on whether to use Forrest or Maven to generate
  Struts website was a few weeks back, but unfortunately, at the time, 
  I was
  too busy to participate.  I'd like to lay out a case for Forrest, not
  insist Struts uses it, but rather to make sure the decision is made
  all the available information.
  In short, Forrest offers these benefits over Maven's website
  - Multiple output formats including PDF and HTML
  - SVG to PNG rendering
  - Built for handling and aggregating multiple XML sources like RRS
  wiki and Docbook)
  - Power and features of Cocoon including charting, web services
  integration, scripting support, etc.
  Further, deciding between Forrest and Maven isn't an either/or 
  There exists a Forrest plugin for Maven and it would be easy to 
  Maven's reports into a Forrest site build.
  To me, the key feature of Forrest is the first one listed, multiple
  outputs.  This is especially useful for documentation as PDF is much
  better than HTML for printing for the many users that like hard
  Finally, Forrest content is built to be presented in not only
  output formats, but multiple skins.  To demonstrate this, I've
  redone the Struts site into Forrest format (which is very similiar to
  current format thanks to the xhtml work of late).  I've only 
  converted the
  menu and the main page, which should be sufficient.
  Please note, this examples are not polished and only serve to 
  the skinability of Forrest.
  Krysalis style:
  Avalon/Tigris style:
  Forrest/XML Apache style:
  If we did decide to go with Forrest, I'm willing to convert the old
  over and help handle any integration.  I'm most definately not an
  at Forrest, but am familiar with Cocoon and thankfully, Forrest is 
  Looking at the potential here, I'm inclined to suggest we accept Don's
  offer to help set this up -- although perhaps at first in a standalone
  directory structure that can be undone if we discover that we don't 
  like it.  One advantage is that we can do it without having to migrate
  the build system to Maven first.
  As for skins, I sure like the Avalon/Tigris or Krysalis examples, and 
  sure wonder why the Forrest developers chose the native style they 
  ship with, when they could do something as nice looking as either of 
  these.  But, if I understand what you're saying, skins is essentially 
  a runtime (when you're generating the HTML) choice; we don't have to 
  make an irrevocable decision at any point in time.
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Re: The Forrest Option

2003-10-01 Thread David Graham

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Gastin wrote:
  I have to agree with David. Lets find one way to do it and make it
  if a build process can be. I have worked a little with Maven, and it
  tobe simple. I am not knocking Forrest. I have not had a chance to
 look into
  it. If that is more simple than Maven then I am all for it. Lets not
  the build process this awful process. I think everyone would agree
 We're not talking about the build process as a whole. The Forrest Option
 refers only to website maintenance and documentation.
 Since Don's ready to sign-up for Forrest, we should start by trusting 
 his judgment and be ready to give this a try. That's what it means to be
 a Committer. Make the decision, do the work.
 At this point, no one is raising their hand and offering to migrate us 
 to Maven. Until someone does, Maven does not seem like a valid

Rob mentioned something about Struts being setup for Maven already and I
asked for clarification.  If that's true then I see no point in
complicating things with another build tool.  Also, it seems that Maven in
some ways is a superset of Forrest functionality.  It handles the website
plus the jar builds.

The more tools involved means it's harder to understand the build process
which limits the number of people willing to put up with it and work on
Struts.  My personal goal (and I hope the group's as well) is to have
*one* easy to use tool that builds all of Struts.  I don't care if this is
Ant, Maven, or Forrest as long as it's only one of them.


 Though, a valid, technical objection would be that the website and the 
 build (except for the current Cactus snafu) ain't broke, so we don't 
 need to fix it. Steve's got everything running as valid XHTML. We're 
 still using the original Apache look, but then so is the vast majority 
 of other Apache projects. If we dusted off the struts-lib distribution 
 (which appeared and disappeared during the last beta cycle), the 
 quick-start concerns would be answered.
 Certainly, it would make sense to start new development on Forrest 
 and/or Maven. If we spun off taglibs or rolled up our sleeves on 2.0, 
 then we'd definitely want to make a decision there. (Based primarily on 
 who was willing to do the work.)
 And, we do have Forrest running on the SourceForge site, so things like 
 RSS feeds and WikiDocs could be tried there first to see how helpful 
 they really are. (I must admit, I'm intrigued.)
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Re: The Forrest Option

2003-10-01 Thread David Graham

--- Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 1 Oct 2003, David Graham wrote:
 snip /
  Rob mentioned something about Struts being setup for Maven already and
  asked for clarification.  If that's true then I see no point in
  complicating things with another build tool.  Also, it seems that
 Maven in
  some ways is a superset of Forrest functionality.  It handles the
  plus the jar builds.
 Forrest is not a build tool.  If we went with Maven, Forrest would just
 another plugin, just like most people use the default site building
  The more tools involved means it's harder to understand the build
  which limits the number of people willing to put up with it and work
  Struts.  My personal goal (and I hope the group's as well) is to have
  *one* easy to use tool that builds all of Struts.  I don't care if
 this is
  Ant, Maven, or Forrest as long as it's only one of them.
 I agree, but if a Forrest plugin for Maven is used, you still use one
 to build all of Struts.

Great, that sounds like we can get the features of Forrest while still
using one tool.  Thanks for the explanation.


   Though, a valid, technical objection would be that the website and
   build (except for the current Cactus snafu) ain't broke, so we don't
   need to fix it. Steve's got everything running as valid XHTML. We're
   still using the original Apache look, but then so is the vast
   of other Apache projects. If we dusted off the struts-lib
   (which appeared and disappeared during the last beta cycle), the
   quick-start concerns would be answered.
   Certainly, it would make sense to start new development on Forrest
   and/or Maven. If we spun off taglibs or rolled up our sleeves on
   then we'd definitely want to make a decision there. (Based primarily
   who was willing to do the work.)
   And, we do have Forrest running on the SourceForge site, so things
   RSS feeds and WikiDocs could be tried there first to see how helpful
   they really are. (I must admit, I'm intrigued.)
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Re: The Forrest Option

2003-10-01 Thread David Graham

--- Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 David Graham wrote:
  Rob mentioned something about Struts being setup for Maven already and
  asked for clarification.  If that's true then I see no point in
  complicating things with another build tool.  Also, it seems that
 Maven in
  some ways is a superset of Forrest functionality.  It handles the
  plus the jar builds.
  The more tools involved means it's harder to understand the build
  which limits the number of people willing to put up with it and work
  Struts.  My personal goal (and I hope the group's as well) is to have
  *one* easy to use tool that builds all of Struts.  I don't care if
 this is
  Ant, Maven, or Forrest as long as it's only one of them.
 Yes, but the goals around here are achieved by people willing to do the 

I agree with you but it would be nice to have some kind of consensus
around the direction the build is going. 

I trust Don's judgement that Forrest is a good tool to use but I didn't
want the build to increase in complexity.  We can apparently plug Forrest
into a Maven build which I think is great.

There's only so much time we each have to spend on Struts.  I'd rather not
spend much time learning the build process.


 If Rob wants to do the work of migrating to Maven, for whatever reason, 
 that's fine with me. A lot of people I respect use Maven, it can't suck 
 that badly. If Don wants to do the work of migrating to Forrest, that's 
 fine too. A lot of people I respect use Forrest, so it can't suck that 
 badly either.
 But, if we're just looking for a one-tool solution that builds all of 
 Struts, we already have one. To change a page in the docs, you edit the
 corresponding XML page. To add to the menu, edit the project.xml for 
 that directory. Run the Ant target. Done.
 If we want Struts to be even easier to build for newbies, then we should
 bring back the struts-lib distribution. Download that with the source, 
 and you were ready to rock.
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Re: [Validator] FieldChecks Serializable?

2003-09-30 Thread David Graham
I don't believe there is any reason it needs to be serializable because
objects of that class are never created and saved in other objects.  We're
just in the habit of making things Serializable in case they go into the


--- Brandon Goodin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I asked this question on the user list yesterday and received no reply.
 So I figured this is the more appropriate place to ask.
 Why does org.apache.struts.validator.FieldChecks implement Serializable
 when it has nothing but static methods and static final instance
 Just curious.
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Re: Maven is Wicked!

2003-09-30 Thread David Graham

 I have been very busy unable to catch with Struts Dev list.
 Anyway I was fighting with Turbine/JCS trying to compile with
 Ant, I was literally beating myself up looking at these 
 dependencies, then I read in a forum somewhere Use Maven. 
 I used Maven. Oh my goodness. Whoop! There it is. 
 Why does Struts not a build tool like Maven yet.

Because you haven't supplied patches to change the build to use it :-).  I
agree with you, Maven is pretty neat.


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Re: The Forrest Option

2003-09-30 Thread David Graham
I haven't used Forrest but Maven was pretty darn easy to get going.  All I
had to do was download it and run maven jar or maven site:generate. 
It handled all of the dependencies by itself.  

Assuming Forrest is as easy to use as Maven, I don't really care which we
use.  I do prefer to maintain a site LF that is fairly consistent with
other Jakarta projects so the Avalon style linked below looks good.


--- Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know the discussion on whether to use Forrest or Maven to generate the
 Struts website was a few weeks back, but unfortunately, at the time, I
 too busy to participate.  I'd like to lay out a case for Forrest, not to
 insist Struts uses it, but rather to make sure the decision is made with
 all the available information.
 In short, Forrest offers these benefits over Maven's website generation:
  - Multiple output formats including PDF and HTML
  - SVG to PNG rendering
  - Built for handling and aggregating multiple XML sources like RRS
 wiki and Docbook)
  - Power and features of Cocoon including charting, web services
 integration, scripting support, etc.
 Further, deciding between Forrest and Maven isn't an either/or
 There exists a Forrest plugin for Maven and it would be easy to
 Maven's reports into a Forrest site build.
 To me, the key feature of Forrest is the first one listed, multiple
 outputs.  This is especially useful for documentation as PDF is much
 better than HTML for printing for the many users that like hard copies.
 Finally, Forrest content is built to be presented in not only multiple
 output formats, but multiple skins.  To demonstrate this, I've quickly
 redone the Struts site into Forrest format (which is very similiar to
 current format thanks to the xhtml work of late).  I've only converted
 menu and the main page, which should be sufficient.
 Please note, this examples are not polished and only serve to
 the skinability of Forrest.
 Krysalis style:
 Avalon/Tigris style:
 Forrest/XML Apache style:
 If we did decide to go with Forrest, I'm willing to convert the old site
 over and help handle any integration.  I'm most definately not an expert
 at Forrest, but am familiar with Cocoon and thankfully, Forrest is
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RE: XHTML Web site updates

2003-09-29 Thread David Graham

--- Steve Raeburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: September 29, 2003 3:46 AM
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: Re: XHTML Web site updates
  +1 as to the new sidebar approach. I'm quite pleased with the way
  this turned out.
 I hope you'll also like the new table formatting for taglibs and task

And now the downside to using tableless css webpages... Take a look at the
taglibs api pages in mozilla.  The borders don't show up quite right
(maybe a mozilla bug?).  Also, the new ApacheCon image overwrites the
content to the right of it in Opera (the borders are correct though :-).

We need to be more sensitive to webpage changes now that we're using html
that browsers may not implement correctly or consistently.  These
particular issues are no big deal though.


  I should just do this myself, but if you had a moment, could you slip
  a link to ApacheCon at the top of our sidebar, like the one at the
  Jakarta site. They've asked all the Apache projects to do this.
  Technically, we're not the project, Jakarta is, but since we kinda get
  our share of hits ...
 I also took the opportunity to tidy up the web site files, removing the
 obsolete versions that were still kicking around.
 The web site should now match what's in CVS, with the addition of the
 UserGuide and Javadocs.
 In case I've been overzealous, I've archived the old site at
 Regarding the archived 1.02 docs - there doesn't seem to be a link to
 anywhere. Shall I add one?
 Also, we don't have the current release (1.1) docs on the site which
 be confusing for some users. Do we want to maintain docs for the current
 version as well, and add appropriate links?
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RE: XHTML Web site updates

2003-09-29 Thread David Graham

--- Steve Raeburn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: September 29, 2003 12:08 PM
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: RE: XHTML Web site updates
  And now the downside to using tableless css webpages... Take a look at
  taglibs api pages in mozilla.  The borders don't show up quite right
  (maybe a mozilla bug?).
 I'm not sure what you mean about the borders. They look ok in Moz 1.5a
 Here's what I'm seeing ...
 It is intentional that the table border is slightly thicker than the
 internal cell borders. If you don't like it, that's another discussion

It must be a problem in the windows mozilla version I was using.  It looks
normal with the linux version.  The borders would disappear for streches
and then return to normal.

  Also, the new ApacheCon image overwrites the content to the right of
 it in
 Opera (the borders are correct though :-).
 I've altered the layout so it should be able to accommodate the
 logo down to smaller screen sizes.
 Should also correct the IE float problem that Mike mentioned.
  We need to be more sensitive to webpage changes now that we're using
  that browsers may not implement correctly or consistently.  These
  particular issues are no big deal though.
 More of a screen size issue than a browser compatibility issue. You guys
 need to put in requisitions for bigger monitors and I need to make sure
 check at 800x600 :-)
 Thanks for spotting the problem.

Actually, I was viewing it on a massive 21 inch screen at a decent
resolution at the time :-).


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Re: [VOTE] Accept patches to make html taglib more extensible

2003-09-28 Thread David Graham

--- Sgarlata Matt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I hope it's OK for a non-committer to start a vote.  I know this has
 been a
 contentious issue, so I would like to clearly outline my plan for making
 html taglibs more extensible and I would like a vote before I go to all
 trouble of coding, updating documentation, resolving bugfixes, answering
 questions, etc.
 The ability to cleanly extend the Struts tags.  The tags are so good
 when an application-specific requirement arises, it's much more
 desirable to
 extend from the Struts tag and keep tie-ins with ActionForms and such
 it is to go off on your own.
 The solution is two parts.  Please vote separately for each part of the
 A) Instead of accessing instance variables directly, use getters.

+1.  I've done some checking on this in the past but another round is
probably needed.

 if (accept != null) {
 results.append( accept=\);
 //old way
 //new way
 If someone wanted to override the accept attribute so that it was always
 equal to foo then they would be able to do so.  A better use case would
 overriding the onclick method so that it does something special like
 a calendar popup.  Getters are actually already used in some places
 (e.g. -
 prepareMouseEvents in BaseHandlerTag), so really this is just doing an
 on the code to ensure getters are used consistently throughout the
 Use case for Part A:
 I built an implementation
 of Matt Kruse's JavaScript calendar widget based on the Struts tags a
 weeks before Matt made his own implementation, so I have some experience
 doing this.  As some brief background, the widget is a text box and a
 corresponding calendar icon.  When you click on the calendar icon a
 appears where you can choose the date.  When you click on the text box
 (which is what overrides a Struts tag) you want onfocus to automatically
 call this.blur() so that the user can't enter text into the textbox
 the calendar popup's job).  So in my subclass it would be nice to
 the getOnfocus() method instead of overriding the entire
 renderIForgetWhatItIsCalled() method.  Of course in this particular
 getOnfocus() is already being used instead of onfocus being accessed
 directly, but I think this behavior should be consistent for all
 B) Add a new renderExtraAttributes() method that gives people the chance
 throw non-standard HTML into their tags that extend from Struts tags.

-1.  As I've stated previously, I don't think the Struts tags should
support emitting non-standard HTML.


 return results.toString();
 Use Case for Part B:
 Unfortunately I still can't think of a good HTML 4.01 compliant use case
 renderExtraAttributes(), but here is a weak try at it.   If my other
 suggestion of having the render() method call getters instead of
 accessing instance variables is used, then renderExtraAttributes()
 more important.  If it is not provided and someone wants to stick in
 non-HTML 4.01 compliant HTML, what they will do is override something
 the getSize() method so that it correctly renders the size and then
 in the understandard HTML.  This is a nasty hack but you know a
 will choose that over duplicating an entire render() method.
 If you made it this far, thanks for reading this long email ;)  I know
 posted much of this before in several different messages, but hopefully
 consolidation is useful.
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