Hi, I've been reading through the lists archive and still can't find the way
to make this work. I'm doing the following:

- Created a subclass from ActionServlet, with the following code:

public class IDCVActionServlet extends ActionServlet{
    public void init() throws ServletException {
        catch(ServletException e){
    protected void initIDCV(){
        getServletContext().setAttribute("demo", new ValueBean("Mensaje

the class ValueBean is the following:

public class ValueBean{
    protected String data;
    public ValueBean(String data){
        this.data = data;
    public String getData(){
    public void setData(String data){
        this.data = data;

I modified web.xml to load my custom class instead of the standard
ActionServlet, then I try to print demo.data in a jsp, like this:
<bean:write scope="application" name="demo" property="data"/>

but I get a nullPointerException, can someone point me to the right way of
doing this?  

Jorge Macias

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