No doubt there will be enormous noise after that M$ announcement to
split up into 4 ...

What struck me as potentially a same kind of "classic" quote (and
newspeak) like the one of "640 KB should be enough for everybody", was
this tiny bit from what the BBC carried of Gates's OB sound in Tokyo
on friday:

"The Internet is a global standard !"

Now what does this mean, or signal ?

(a.) a Dole-like(*), deep insight ?
(b.) an announcement that M$ wants to buy it ?
(c.) an announcement that M$ already has bought it ?
(d.) Alzheimer ?

(Each "Yes" answer gives 1 point. Cumulation allowed. Most points win.)

Heimo Claasen    /    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    /     Brussels 1999-03-13
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(*) "The Internet is a great way to get on the net" - Bob Dole

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