[biofuel] Perendev tooling up for magnetic motor

2004-07-17 Thread tallex2002

Perendev is Tooling Up for Magnetic Motor Mass Production

Hi all,

This will be interesting.

Perendev is Tooling Up for Magnetic Motor Mass Production in Europe



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Re: [biofuel] Fw: Smuggled message to the people of France

2004-07-17 Thread Rob

you can see the tag at


On Jul 15, 2004, at 15:09, Jennifer Doty wrote:

 Sorry about sending an attachment, but you have got to see this!Ê It's 
 great.Ê Promise no bugs.

  Ê The attached picture shows a label from a nylon laptop travel 
 bag that
  Ê is made by a small company here in the USA to be sold in 
 France. Notice
  Ê the English text.Ê Then note the longer French text, which 

  Ê Wash with warm water. Use mild soap. Dry flat. Do not use 
 bleach. Do
  Ê not dry in the dryer. Do not iron. We are sorry that our 
 President is an
  Ê idiot. We did not vote for him.

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[biofuel] Dutch biodiesel forums

2004-07-17 Thread frag_lag

Any around?
(If not , i got one up and running)

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Re: [biofuel] US Climate Stewardship Act

2004-07-17 Thread MH

 As world overheats, arguments against global warming dry up
 By Joe Richardson
 Jul. 14, 2004 

 FARGO - On July 10, the Herald ran a letter by Eric Aasmundstad
 [president of the North Dakota Farm Bureau]  that suggests
 global warming and climate change are mere products of
 doomsday pop culture.

 His pop culture includes most climate scientists, including several
 from NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and
 Goddard Space Center, all joining conservative insurance-industry leaders
 from Insurance Australia Group, Association of British Insurers, Swiss RE,
 Munich RE - and even the Department of Defense, which has been planning
 scenarios on the political destabilization that could accompany abrupt climate 

 Here are just two examples. Insurance Australia Group or IAG writes that
 IAG believes that human-induced climate change is now a reality and that
 it must be addressed with appropriate urgency.

 In June, Stefan Heyd of the board of management of Munich Re Group, a
 large reinsurance group, said, For over 30 years now, we have been
 observing the effects of the substantial increase in weather-related
 loss events, by which we mean windstorms, hailstorms, and floods.
 These confront the affected economies and the insurance industry with
 ever-increasing loss payments.

 The causes are to be found on the one hand in population increase and
 the concentration of larger and larger values. On the other hand, a major
 contribution is also made by the impact of carbon dioxide on our
 atmosphere resulting from the use of fossil resources. Promoting
 renewable energies is, therefore, a form of active risk prevention
 - which will benefit our own portfolio too.

 In his Jan. 26 Fortune magazine article, Climate Collapse,
 Growing Evidence of Scary Change, David Stipp writes,
 The spotlight in climate research is shifting from
 gradual to rapid change. In 2002, the National Academy of
 Sciences issued a report concluding that human activities
 could trigger abrupt change. Last year, the World Economic Forum
 in Davos, Switzerland, included a session at which Robert Gagosian,
 director of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts,
 urged policy-makers to consider the implications of possible
 abrupt climate change within two decades.

 I note that entities such as Alcoa, DuPont and the
 National Farmers Union actually went on record in
 support of S.139, the McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship bill.

 Without providing a source, Aasmundstad says the real problem with
 this kind of legislation is that it takes money out of consumers' pockets,
 estimated at an average of $2,600 per household. The Massachusetts
 Institute of Technology Joint Program on the Science and Policy of
 Global Change is an independent research, policy analysis and public
 education program. It prepared an analysis of the McCain-Lieberman
 Climate Stewardship Act and concluded that the loss to the economy is
 on the order of 0.07 percent to 0.25 percent in 2010, rising to between
 0.11 percent to 0.40 percent in 2020. This would translate to an
 annual loss of about $50 to $175 per household in 2010, rising to
 $100 to $350 per household in 2020.

 I challenge Aasmundstad to offer credible proof to his
 doomsday-ish statements that many farmers would go out of
 business, reliable energy would be placed at risk, job losses
 across the state would result and our North Dakota economy
 done significant harm by passage of this bill. I doubt he has
 done the analysis.

 Conservatives err on the side of caution. At this point,
 the prudent and cautious approach is to accept that
 climate change is a real possibility. If we are wrong,
 we will have increased our use of clean renewable
 energy. If we are right, we have no regrets.

 But if we go with Aasmundstad and against most climate scientists,
 the insurance industry and so many others, we will do irreparable damage.

 Aasmundstad would like us all to stand with him in wishing climate change away.
 He is certain to get a few coal-captive nervous politicians to join him, but
 I have faith in most North Dakotans knowing an opportunity when they see one.

 The Energy Information Administration forecasts that passage of
 McCain-Lieberman would lead to a marked rise in the use of
 renewable energy, to 23 percent of electricity use in 2020.
 Given North Dakota's No. 1 wind resource status, this could be
 a huge boom for our state, especially in rural areas.

 I know of no other legislation offered at the federal level that
 would better drive the use of renewable energy. The McCain-Lieberman
 Climate Stewardship Act is good conservative legislation that has the
 very real potential to drive a boom in North Dakota renewable energy
 development, not the doom Aasmundstad so wrongly suggests.

 Richardson is founder and past president of Harnessing Dakota Wind.

[biofuel] Big Oil on Global Warming

2004-07-17 Thread MH

 If big oil companies say global warming
 can be controlled, why not urge them on? 

 A warm welcome to the attitude change on global climate change
 Thursday, July 8, 2004 - Page B2 

 A couple of weeks ago, a speech on climate change was delivered
 at the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York think tank and
 publisher. It would be too great a risk to stand by [and]
 do nothing, the speaker said. Fighting climate change later,
 when it becomes a serious problem, instead of now, while
 there's still some chance it can be controlled, could be so
 disruptive as to cause serious damage to the world's economy.

 Another alarmist eco-fanatic on the pulpit? The speaker in fact
 was John Browne, chief executive officer of BP, the
 world's second-largest oil company. Global warming is
 happening, burning hydrocarbons is responsible for it and measures
 can be taken to slow the rate of increase, he said, such as
 converting coal-burning electricity plants to natural gas,
 improving the fuel economy of cars, building nuclear generating
 plants and developing wind and solar power. 

 Lord Browne is no energy industry pariah. Last month, Ronald Oxburgh,
 chairman of Shell Transport and Trading, the British arm of the
 Royal Dutch/Shell Group of companies, said he sees very little hope
 for the world unless there is a reduction in the emissions of carbon
 dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. About the same time, John Rowe, CEO of
 Chicago's Exelon, a $22-billion (U.S.) electricity and natural gas company,
 told a global warming conference it is time for the U.S. government to
 limit carbon dioxide emissions. For some time, he has been saying I think
 the climate change problem is real. 

 In Canada, Frank Dottori, CEO of Tembec, one of the largest forest
 product companies, argues that the Kyoto accord on climate change,
 of which Canada is, at best, a half-hearted supporter, should not be
 tossed onto the scrap heap (as the Americans have done, and the
 Conservative Party wants to do, but not the NDP or the Bloc QuŽbŽcois).
 Greenhouse gas emissions have to come down for the sake of the planet, he says.

 What is happening here? To read the mainstream press in recent years, you would
 think anyone who still believes global warming is man-made is crazy, 
 hopelessly biased or all three. Those who think global warming should not be 
 a group that includes hundreds, perhaps thousands, of peer-reviewed scientists 
 climate change experts, get little attention. The smaller number of skeptics 
 to get disproportionately large coverage. 

 Take BP's Lord Browne. When he outlined his plans for carbon dioxide 
reduction, the
 Competitive Enterprise Institute, the U.S. public policy group that thinks any 
form of
 environmental regulation is an attack on life, liberty and the pursuit of 
SUVs, called
 Lord Browne's agenda misdirection and wasted effort. The institute's comments
 were widely reported. 

 When Exelon's Mr. Rowe had the nerve to say industry is spewing out too much
 carbon dioxide, Republican Senator James Inhofe pumped out a press release that
 dismissed his speech as hypocritical. Why? Because Exelon, an owner of 
 generating plants, would benefit if carbon dioxide restrictions put a few coal 
 out of business. Mr. Inhofe, chairman of the Senate environment committee,
 dismisses global warming as a hoax (he has also voted against protecting 
 water and improving auto fuel economy standards). 

 It would be stretching it to say the executives who believe climate change is 
 environmental and economic disaster in the making are finally winning the 
 war. But more and more of them say something has to be done. 

 The European executives are at the forefront of effort. In Europe, saying 
 warming is a threat that has to be dealt with hardly makes you a freak. This 
is partly
 because the European Union has adopted Kyoto and will launch a mandatory
 greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme early next year. So fighting Kyoto has
 become somewhat of an exercise in futility. The EU, though, has won support 
 many industries because the trading system is designed to take some of the 
pain out of
 reducing emissions. If your company brings its emissions in below the target 
level, it
 can make money by selling surplus emissions credits to companies above the 
 Industries also find that using less energy has the twin benefit of reducing 
costs and
 the output of greenhouse gases.

 In North America, fewer executives in fewer industries will say climate change 
is a
 danger that has to be controlled. Their belief, apparently, is that energy use 
will soar,
 taking greenhouse gas emissions up with it. In other words, the emissions are a
 necessary and inevitable byproduct of economic growth, so don't fight 

[biofuel] Re: Oil Stove thingy - was Re: Digest Number 2248

2004-07-17 Thread Keith Addison

PLEASE change the title when you auto-reply to a message in the Daily 
Digest. Nobody'll read a message titled Re: Digest Number 2248, it 
confuses the threads and fouls up archives searches forever.


Keith Addison
List owner

Thanks Todd

I have made 2 turk type burners and I am just getting into a 3rd mini
version and they all use forced (fan air) but I was thinking that if I could
put something like that cylindrical thing in maybe it would help to maintain
the high heat so I could switch off the fan and leave it go on draught

Do you have any ideas as to how I could make one and what out of or is it
just 'steel'?


  You'll find a smilar device in any ventless kerosene heater. It's a steel
  radiator, cylindrical with multiple holes, heated by the combusted fuel to
  the point of  red hot, which in turn better atomizes/vaporizes the fuel
  creating greater efficiency.
  Todd Swearingen
  - Original Message -
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:56 AM
  Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil Stove thingy
  About half way down the page at
  there is a picture of the burning centre of the stove looking very much
  a Turk burner but at the very centre there is a cylindrical mesh feature -
  does anyone know what it is, what it does and what its made of?
  (I have asked them but no reply has been forthcoming).

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Re: [biofuel] Perendev tooling up for magnetic motor

2004-07-17 Thread Martin Klingensmith

tallex2002 wrote:

Perendev is Tooling Up for Magnetic Motor Mass Production

Hi all,

This will be interesting.

Perendev is Tooling Up for Magnetic Motor Mass Production in Europe



It won't be interesting, it'll be a scam to get money to invest in it.
It's impossible, illogical, unscientific, and getting very irritating to 
real science.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil Stove thingy

2004-07-17 Thread Appal Energy

Beats me exactly as to what type of steel composition the pre-heater is.
Don't think it so much matters as much as the mechanical design.

Walk into a store that distributes those ventless kerosene heaters and
you'll have more than ample opportunity to see exactly what the general
dimensions/design is.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 3:25 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Digest Number 2248

 Thanks Todd

 I have made 2 turk type burners and I am just getting into a 3rd mini
 version and they all use forced (fan air) but I was thinking that if I
 put something like that cylindrical thing in maybe it would help to
 the high heat so I could switch off the fan and leave it go on draught

 Do you have any ideas as to how I could make one and what out of or is it
 just 'steel'?


  You'll find a smilar device in any ventless kerosene heater. It's a
  radiator, cylindrical with multiple holes, heated by the combusted fuel
  the point of  red hot, which in turn better atomizes/vaporizes the fuel
  creating greater efficiency.
  Todd Swearingen
  - Original Message -
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:56 AM
  Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil Stove thingy
  About half way down the page at
  there is a picture of the burning centre of the stove looking very much
  a Turk burner but at the very centre there is a cylindrical mesh
feature -
  does anyone know what it is, what it does and what its made of?
  (I have asked them but no reply has been forthcoming).

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Re: [biofuel] Fw: Smuggled message to the people of France

2004-07-17 Thread Appal Energy

Thank you Rob. Bank on it getting forwarded a few more thousand times.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 3:43 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Fw: Smuggled message to the people of France

you can see the tag at


On Jul 15, 2004, at 15:09, Jennifer Doty wrote:

 Sorry about sending an attachment, but you have got to see this! It's 
 great. Promise no bugs.

  The attached picture shows a label from a nylon laptop travel 
 bag that
  is made by a small company here in the USA to be sold in 
 France. Notice
  the English text. Then note the longer French text, which 

  Wash with warm water. Use mild soap. Dry flat. Do not use 
 bleach. Do
  not dry in the dryer. Do not iron. We are sorry that our 
 President is an
  idiot. We did not vote for him.

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] Big Oil on Global Warming

2004-07-17 Thread Appal Energy

Controlled, sir, is the key word. Think about what they've controlled
thus far.

- Original Message - 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 6:10 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Big Oil on Global Warming

If big oil companies say global warming
 can be controlled, why not urge them on?

 A warm welcome to the attitude change on global climate change
 Thursday, July 8, 2004 - Page B2


 A couple of weeks ago, a speech on climate change was delivered
 at the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York think tank and
 publisher. It would be too great a risk to stand by [and]
 do nothing, the speaker said. Fighting climate change later,
 when it becomes a serious problem, instead of now, while
 there's still some chance it can be controlled, could be so
 disruptive as to cause serious damage to the world's economy.

 Another alarmist eco-fanatic on the pulpit? The speaker in fact
 was John Browne, chief executive officer of BP, the
 world's second-largest oil company. Global warming is
 happening, burning hydrocarbons is responsible for it and measures
 can be taken to slow the rate of increase, he said, such as
 converting coal-burning electricity plants to natural gas,
 improving the fuel economy of cars, building nuclear generating
 plants and developing wind and solar power.

 Lord Browne is no energy industry pariah. Last month, Ronald Oxburgh,
 chairman of Shell Transport and Trading, the British arm of the
 Royal Dutch/Shell Group of companies, said he sees very little hope
 for the world unless there is a reduction in the emissions of carbon
 dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. About the same time, John Rowe, CEO of
 Chicago's Exelon, a $22-billion (U.S.) electricity and natural gas company,
 told a global warming conference it is time for the U.S. government to
 limit carbon dioxide emissions. For some time, he has been saying I think
 the climate change problem is real.

 In Canada, Frank Dottori, CEO of Tembec, one of the largest forest
 product companies, argues that the Kyoto accord on climate change,
 of which Canada is, at best, a half-hearted supporter, should not be
 tossed onto the scrap heap (as the Americans have done, and the
 Conservative Party wants to do, but not the NDP or the Bloc QuŽbŽcois).
 Greenhouse gas emissions have to come down for the sake of the planet, he

 What is happening here? To read the mainstream press in recent years, you
 think anyone who still believes global warming is man-made is crazy,
 hopelessly biased or all three. Those who think global warming should not
be ignored,
 a group that includes hundreds, perhaps thousands, of peer-reviewed
scientists and
 climate change experts, get little attention. The smaller number of
skeptics continues
 to get disproportionately large coverage.

 Take BP's Lord Browne. When he outlined his plans for carbon dioxide
reduction, the
 Competitive Enterprise Institute, the U.S. public policy group that thinks
any form of
 environmental regulation is an attack on life, liberty and the pursuit of
SUVs, called
 Lord Browne's agenda misdirection and wasted effort. The institute's
 were widely reported.

 When Exelon's Mr. Rowe had the nerve to say industry is spewing out too
 carbon dioxide, Republican Senator James Inhofe pumped out a press release
 dismissed his speech as hypocritical. Why? Because Exelon, an owner of
 generating plants, would benefit if carbon dioxide restrictions put a few
coal burners
 out of business. Mr. Inhofe, chairman of the Senate environment committee,
 dismisses global warming as a hoax (he has also voted against protecting
 water and improving auto fuel economy standards).

 It would be stretching it to say the executives who believe climate change
is an
 environmental and economic disaster in the making are finally winning the
 war. But more and more of them say something has to be done.

 The European executives are at the forefront of effort. In Europe, saying
 warming is a threat that has to be dealt with hardly makes you a freak.
This is partly
 because the European Union has adopted Kyoto and will launch a mandatory
 greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme early next year. So fighting Kyoto
 become somewhat of an exercise in futility. The EU, though, has won support
 many industries because the trading system is designed to take some of the
pain out of
 reducing emissions. If your company brings its emissions in below the
target level, it
 can make money by selling surplus emissions credits to companies above the
 Industries also find that using less energy has the twin benefit of
reducing costs and
 the output of greenhouse gases.

 In North America, fewer executives in fewer industries will say climate
change is a
 danger that has to be 

[biofuel] Thin Layer on Top - Todd?

2004-07-17 Thread joeyhundert

Hey all,

   Ran the Blender Batch yesterday and came away with a puzzling
result.  I've been pouring over the archives for a while and have come
up short of answers.  The best input yet is from Todd:

Should you ever find the lesser volume layer on top after the
reaction, you
will know that you did not use enough catalyst to overcome the amount free
fatty acids in the feedstock. In such an instance, your catalyst
simply made
soap and the unused alcohol is resting on top of the oil.

There's a remedy for this error, but it's unimportant until it happens.

Details for my Blender Batch are:

Sodium Hydroxide (3.5g) and Methanol (200ml) mixed in a HDPE
container, agitated with a hand blender for about 15 minutes.  1 Litre
of store-bought canola raised to 140F then poured into a 4 Litre tough
glass jar with narrowing mouth.  Methoxide added.  Then I agitated the
batch with a hand blender for 15 minutes straight.  The mixture
stratified into 2 distinct layers - Brown viscous substance on the
bottom (glycerin?) and a very light golden substance on the top.  The
brown layer was about 15% by volume.  We thought we had biodiesel on
our hands.  Yet, in the morning (after sitting for about 8 hours), a
very thin dark golden layer formed on the top.  It's a very thin
layer.  Furthermore, when I took the cap off of the jar this morning
(jar had been in direct sunlight for hours), the fumes blew the cap
out of my hand.  I took a bit of toilet paper and absorbed a bit of
the substance on top, then took a match to it - and it LIT OFF. 
Furthermore, there is now a small island of whitish stuff forming at
the very bottom (unreacted lye?).

Did I not agitate long enough?  Was the methoxide not blended well
enough?  Did I form free fatty's by heating the oil too much?  But
wouldn't free fatty's sit under the BD (or unreacted oil) or mix with it?

Todd, you mentioned that there was a remedy for this situation.  Now
might be a good time.

All the best,

Joey Hundert

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Re: [biofuel] Fw: Smuggled message to the people of France

2004-07-17 Thread Rob

Not a problem, just doing my little bit to try to get an true US 
President Elected. We really don't want the guy who lost running this 
country into the ground.LOL.

To those who don't believe this just grin and bare it and read

And to the list owner sorry if we are getting off topic, you can spank 
us if you wish.

On Jul 17, 2004, at 00:02, Appal Energy wrote:

 Thank you Rob. Bank on it getting forwarded a few more thousand times.

  Todd Swearingen

  - Original Message -
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 3:43 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Fw: Smuggled message to the people of France

  you can see the tag at


  On Jul 15, 2004, at 15:09, Jennifer Doty wrote:

   Sorry about sending an attachment, but you have got to see this! 
   great. Promise no bugs.
  Ê The attached picture shows a label from a nylon laptop travel
   bag that
  Ê is made by a small company here in the USA to be sold in
   France. Notice
  Ê the English text. Then note the longer French text, which
  Ê Wash with warm water. Use mild soap. Dry flat. Do not use
   bleach. Do
  Ê not dry in the dryer. Do not iron. We are sorry that our
   President is an
  Ê idiot. We did not vote for him.
  Ê [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
   Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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   Yahoo! Groups Links
   . To visit your group on the web, go to:
   . To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
   . Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] Fw: Smuggled message to the people of France

2004-07-17 Thread Keith Addison

Hello Rob

Not a problem, just doing my little bit to try to get an true US
President Elected. We really don't want the guy who lost running this
country into the ground.LOL.

To those who don't believe this just grin and bare it and read

And to the list owner sorry if we are getting off topic, you can spank
us if you wish.

I'm aware you're joking, and I do indeed have a sense of humour, but 
this failed to bring a smile. In fact I strongly object to that idea 
- to both of them, getting off topic, and especially to the idea 
that I'm some sort of schoolmarm that has to keep members in line, 
to bully us all into shape when we get out of hand, like a bunch of 
little kids who don't know any better, and even more to the idea 
that the list should need such a thing.

As you should know - more than that, as you're OBLIGED to know.

I know you're a relative newcomer here, but all this came up since 
you joined. If you don't know about it then you should, and you 
should now take steps to mend that omission. If you do know about it, 
then I find your remark flip and superficial.

Don't jump to the conclusion that I'm taking it personally, I'm not, 
and if I did you'd be left in no doubt about it whatsoever. It's not 
a personal matter, I have very good reasons for taking this 
seriously, I'm not at all the only one who does so, and it's the list 
itself that it concerns, not me. Nor is it in any way an objection to 
the link you posted, if you think it is then have a look in the 
archive and you'll find I've posted articles on this subject myself, 
and so have quite a few others here.

So, first, please read this - if you've read it already then read it again:

About getting off topic, we don't have very many rules, but we do 
have rules on that:


Here are a couple of recent views on it:

Frankly, I don't know how to separate biofuels from politics. 
Politicians enact the rules that determine if biofuels are legal, and 
if legal what standards must be met for sale, and if available for 
sale, how they will be taxed. Politicians determine what subsidies 
will be provided to the petrochemical industry, and big biofuels, and 
what obstacles will be put in front of small biofuels producers. 
Biofuels are not going to be produced, marketed or used in a vacuum. 
The relative prices of fossil fuels relative to biofuels where they 
can be used interchangeably is going to be a huge factor in the mass 
acceptance of biofuels. When you recognize the degree of 
inter-mingling between corporatism and governments (especially senior 
governments), and the agenda of the current power elite, biofuels are 
a clear threat and that makes them political. There are people who 
embrace biofuels specifically because they see them as a means to 
reduce dependence on foreign (i.e. Middle East) oil, or reduce the 
number of people sacrificed in oil wars, or because it is better for 
the environment. That's political. My initial interest in biodiesel 
was the diversion of waste vegetable oil from our local landfill. 
Definitely political. I want to see the implications of my interest 
in biofuels, good, bad and indifferent so I am making informed 
choices, whether those implications are environmental, financial, 
social or political.


It's the tangential and improbable off topics which have 
subsequently proved to be veritable lodestones of information, and 
not merely on biofuels. Besides, man does not live by bread alone 
and, at least for me, reading the list is a continual liberal 
education, daily broadening horizons and bringing different 
viewpoints into my ken.

There have been many more such. The Biofuel list has a wide and 
diverse international membership and what is on- or off-topic, what 
does and doesn't have to do with biofuels, is a matter of opinion, it 
varies very widely. Anything that has to do with energy has relevance 
for biofuels issues.

Please read these two previous messages in the archives:


(Read the whole thread.)


Keith Addison
List owner

On Jul 17, 2004, at 00:02, Appal Energy wrote:

  Thank you Rob. Bank on it getting forwarded a few more thousand times.
   Todd Swearingen
   - Original Message -
   To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 3:43 PM
   Subject: Re: [biofuel] Fw: Smuggled message to the people of France
   you can see the tag at
   On Jul 15, 2004, at 15:09, Jennifer Doty wrote:
Sorry about sending an attachment, but you have got to see this!
great. Promise no bugs.

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[biofuel] Re: Oil Stove thingy

2004-07-17 Thread bioveging

First off I know NOTHING about such things, although the idea of 
going into a store that deals with kero stoves is good and you would 
more than likely be able to simply buy a spare element and then 
adapt it to your application, no ? Problemo solvo'd :)
Like I said, I know nothing about it but thought I'd take a whack at 
it. Aren't most of those things aluminium or an aluminium/magnesium 
mix ?


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Appal Energy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Beats me exactly as to what type of steel composition the pre-
heater is.
 Don't think it so much matters as much as the mechanical design.
 Walk into a store that distributes those ventless kerosene heaters 
 you'll have more than ample opportunity to see exactly what the 
 dimensions/design is.
 Todd Swearingen
 - Original Message - 
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 3:25 AM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Digest Number 2248
  Thanks Todd
  I have made 2 turk type burners and I am just getting into a 3rd 
  version and they all use forced (fan air) but I was thinking 
that if I
  put something like that cylindrical thing in maybe it would help 
  the high heat so I could switch off the fan and leave it go on 
  Do you have any ideas as to how I could make one and what out of 
or is it
  just 'steel'?
   You'll find a smilar device in any ventless kerosene heater. 
It's a
   radiator, cylindrical with multiple holes, heated by the 
combusted fuel
   the point of  red hot, which in turn better atomizes/vaporizes 
the fuel
   creating greater efficiency.
   Todd Swearingen
   - Original Message -
   From: Go Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:56 AM
   Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil Stove thingy
   About half way down the page at
   there is a picture of the burning centre of the stove looking 
very much
   a Turk burner but at the very centre there is a cylindrical 
 feature -
   does anyone know what it is, what it does and what its made 
   (I have asked them but no reply has been forthcoming).
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[biofuel] Re: Fw: Smuggled message to the people of France

2004-07-17 Thread bioveging

Ah mais Robert, c'est formidable comment un message d'importance 
peut etre dissimuler dans une etiquette, et tres apropos aussi.
(It's worderful how an important message can be camouflaged in a 
label, and very timely also)


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Rob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you can see the tag at
 On Jul 15, 2004, at 15:09, Jennifer Doty wrote:
  Sorry about sending an attachment, but you have got to see 
this!Ê It's 
  great.Ê Promise no bugs.
   Ê The attached picture shows a label from a nylon laptop 
  bag that
   Ê is made by a small company here in the USA to be sold in 
  France. Notice
   Ê the English text.Ê Then note the longer French text, 
   Ê Wash with warm water. Use mild soap. Dry flat. Do not 
  bleach. Do
   Ê not dry in the dryer. Do not iron. We are sorry that our 
  President is an
   Ê idiot. We did not vote for him.
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: [biofuel] Thin Layer on Top - Todd?

2004-07-17 Thread Appal Energy


1) You'd be better off just shaking the jar for 10-15 seconds, 4 or 5 times
in a half-hour than trying to crank a hand blender.

2) 140*F is an unneccessarily high temp and will lend to greater evaporation
and escape of the alcohol in an open container.

3) You're cap flew off due to the increased pressure created by evaporated

4) Doubtful that the white solid on bottom is unreacted lye. More so that
it's a soap or wax. The presumption is that your caustic was completely
dissolved? Undissolved caustic can generate solid soaps immediately upon
contact with the oil.

5) If you can, tap off the entire amount of the top layer and set a candle
wick in it. If it burns with a blue flame (do this in a darkened room) it is
almost certainly discolored alcohol. You can also attempt to evaporate it
and see if it starts to boil at the same temp as MeOH.

Usually a top layer occurs as an either/or situation. Either you have glyc
sep and there is no third top layer, or you don't achieve glyc sep and
you've got oil on the bottom and methoxide on the top. It's possible that
you've achieved a borderline situation. If so, tap off the fuel fraction and
do a sample wash test, followed up by retreating another sample as if it
were fresh oil to see if you get more glyc to drop. The top layer of three
being MeOH is a bit perplexing as MeOH is very solvent in biodiesel.

6) Precisely repeat your one liter test batch using a different
off-the-shelf oil than canola to see if you get the same layering results.

7) Precisely repeat your one liter test batch using KOH instead of NaOH
(with canola) to see if you get the same layering results.

My guess is that #'s 6 and 7 will yield different (more desireable) results
than you've achieved so far. When you go back to experimenting, I would
suggest that you first repeat the original experiment exactly, but this time
using a sealed jar, staying away from the hand-crank blender. See if you get
the same results as your oringinal experiment and use this repeated sampling
as your control batch if you find the need to conduct #'s 6  7.

You can save a buck or two by conducting tests on 200ml samples. You might
want to create a stock caustic solution that you can dilute to the desired
caustic/alcohol ratio. It's terribly difficult to be able to rely on the
accuracy of some scales when you get down to fractions of a single gram.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: joeyhundert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 12:20 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Thin Layer on Top - Todd?

 Hey all,

Ran the Blender Batch yesterday and came away with a puzzling
 result.  I've been pouring over the archives for a while and have come
 up short of answers.  The best input yet is from Todd:

 Should you ever find the lesser volume layer on top after the
 reaction, you
 will know that you did not use enough catalyst to overcome the amount free
 fatty acids in the feedstock. In such an instance, your catalyst
 simply made
 soap and the unused alcohol is resting on top of the oil.

 There's a remedy for this error, but it's unimportant until it happens.

 Details for my Blender Batch are:

 Sodium Hydroxide (3.5g) and Methanol (200ml) mixed in a HDPE
 container, agitated with a hand blender for about 15 minutes.  1 Litre
 of store-bought canola raised to 140F then poured into a 4 Litre tough
 glass jar with narrowing mouth.  Methoxide added.  Then I agitated the
 batch with a hand blender for 15 minutes straight.  The mixture
 stratified into 2 distinct layers - Brown viscous substance on the
 bottom (glycerin?) and a very light golden substance on the top.  The
 brown layer was about 15% by volume.  We thought we had biodiesel on
 our hands.  Yet, in the morning (after sitting for about 8 hours), a
 very thin dark golden layer formed on the top.  It's a very thin
 layer.  Furthermore, when I took the cap off of the jar this morning
 (jar had been in direct sunlight for hours), the fumes blew the cap
 out of my hand.  I took a bit of toilet paper and absorbed a bit of
 the substance on top, then took a match to it - and it LIT OFF.
 Furthermore, there is now a small island of whitish stuff forming at
 the very bottom (unreacted lye?).

 Did I not agitate long enough?  Was the methoxide not blended well
 enough?  Did I form free fatty's by heating the oil too much?  But
 wouldn't free fatty's sit under the BD (or unreacted oil) or mix with it?

 Todd, you mentioned that there was a remedy for this situation.  Now
 might be a good time.

 All the best,

 Joey Hundert

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[biofuel] NBB meeting update

2004-07-17 Thread Tilapia

Thought you would want to know more about where the national Biodiesel Board 
is going with regulations and such.

Tom Leue

from girl Mark

 Hey folks,
 I only attended most of the NBB meeting on Monday (it
 went on through Tuesday), and concluded that it is
 very important for someone to be going to those
 everytime and reporting back on them.Ê Mark and the
 Piedmont BioFuels people (Rachel, Lyle, Leif, and
 Chris) went to everything, and I've copied Mark in so
 she can add more.Ê Here's some of the research and
 politics learned about on Monday (most from the
 technical committee report from Steve Howell):
 Quality study of biodiesel in the marketplace
 NREL is funding a survey done by the NBB of B100 and
 B20.Ê They are taking random samples of B100 and B20
 and testing them for quality.Ê They've already done
 the B100 part (25 samples and they look pretty good,
 whatever that means).
 Water separators
 There's been a study recently (probably by the NBB)
 looking at the effectiveness of water separators in
 standard diesel equipment when using B20.Ê the results
 seem to indicate that B20 makes the water separators
 less effective than with diesel fuel.Ê This is not
 good news.Ê Seems B100 might show the same thing if
 not worse.Ê The NBB will be doing more tests, I think.
 McMinnville Electric has a grant to test huge
 generators (like for power plants, I think) on B1 to
 B100.Ê They are insisting on testing B100 which is
 Crude Glycerine for aviation de-icing
 A study was done by the USDA  Purdue on using the
 crude glycerine from biodiesel for a de-icing agent
 for airplanes.Ê It seems very promising, but more
 studies would have to be done.Ê Currently, 35 million
 gallons of propylene glycerol (from petroleum) are
 used annually for de-icing and it sells at .70 per
 As of 1/1/2005, a lubricity spec of 520 hfrr needs to
 be met in diesel fuel.Ê Biodiesel is not currently the
 cheapest option and the petro companies are looking
 for an additive now.Ê The federal tax incentive, if
 passed, would help biodiesel become competive in this
 CARB B20 testing
 The NBB wanted to just test soy B20, but CARB is
 insisting that they test multiple feedstocks (probably
 thanks to all of us speaking up at the CARB meeting
 this spring).Ê This is for the emissions testing (NOx,
 etc.) for getting it approved as an alternative fuel.
 Cold Flow Consortium
 NBB is raising money from its members and petro
 companies to do a big study of the cold flow
 properties of biodiesel (I believe of B20 and B100 and
 of all different fieldstocks).Ê It costs $5000 to
 support this study and get priority access to the data
 from it.
 The NBB is pursuing 4 different things:
 1) D975 (diesel fuel spec) - adding that a Biodiesel
 5% blend can meet this, so it can be used as a
 lubricity additive, I think.Ê Earliest this could be
 proposed is Dec. 2004.
 2) New spec for B20 blend - regulatory agencies want a
 way to test B20 as a finished product at the pump,
 rather than right now having to look at the two
 different products that went in to making it.Ê This
 will take at least 2 years.
 3. New spec for B100 as a pure fuel - well, actually
 Steve Howell admitted that there's really no plan
 right now to work on this.
 4) Oxidation stability test must be added to D6751
 (biodiesel as a blending stock).ÊÊ We are at least 12
 months out before we have a standard testing method
 for this.Ê The European method won't work.Ê The engine
 manufacturers insist on this or they won't approve
 their engines for any blend of biodiesel.Ê Ironically,
 the petro companies are against this because they
 don't want a stability test added for diesel fuel.
 The ASTM committee/NBB is also looking for better
 methods: GC replacement, flashpoint, cetane, and blend
 NBB is working with the following engine manufacturers
 to approve (at least B20) biodiesel use: Case, GM,
 Chrysler, Cummins, Deere
 Mark and I talked to Steve Howell and he would love to
 have help on the ASTM committee.Ê He said that it's
 best if the people are very technically knowledgeable
 because the engine manufacturers send their best
 technical people and they will rip you apart.Ê The
 next meeting is going to be in Tampa Florida in
 December, I think, and we need have some people go.
 I also told Steve Howell, that we would like to make
 the data we are collecting for DMS as quantitative as
 possible so it means something to the engine
 manufacturers, CARB, etc.Ê He mentioned meeting with
 the engine manufacturers, which I'm not sure I want to
 do, but he's also willing to help.Ê I'd like to follow
 up with him and get more ideas.Ê He says that the
 engine manufacturers hate anecdotal (one of the rare
 words I don't know how to spell!) data.
 Federal Biodiesel Incentive
 $1/gallon tax credit for soy biodiesel, $.50/gallon
 for waste
 Currently in senate version of transportation bill,
 but likely the bill won't 

[biofuel] What diesel engine will fit in 87' GMC schoolbus?

2004-07-17 Thread Joshua


A good friend of mine has a 1987 GMC school bus with a gasoline
engine.  This bus is wonderful, but runs gas and gets about 5 miles
per gallon.  This is quite obviously unacceptable, and we are not in a
position to brew enough alcohol to run the beast!

The only other option would be a put a diesel engine in it, and I was
wondering if anyone knows what diesel engine we could get that would
(relatively) easily fit in that chassis.  Any information on this
would be greatly appreciated.

Love and Light!

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[biofuel] new guy

2004-07-17 Thread mark johnson II

I was wondering if there was anybody in this group who is from indiana. I am 
trying to get started makeing my own fuel. It be really great to have 
someone who knows what there doing to show how. I just unsure about how to 
do and do it safe. Not only that, I am sure a lot of you have had to 
convince your spouse that it all right!!. do you guys know where i can 
get some of those 5 gallon snap on oil cans? I' ve actually  have a supplyer 
of 55 gallon hdpe 2 barrels, i  just not sure if it will work for anything 
other than wvo storage. Is there an actual chat line that you guys chat on 
besides these e-mails? hope to here from some one.

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil Stove thingy

2004-07-17 Thread Appal Energy

 Aren't most of those things aluminium or an aluminium/magnesium
 mix ?

Extremely doubtful.

I suggest you take a look at the ventless kero heaters and then as you say,
take a whack at it.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: bioveging [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 5:47 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil Stove thingy

 First off I know NOTHING about such things, although the idea of
 going into a store that deals with kero stoves is good and you would
 more than likely be able to simply buy a spare element and then
 adapt it to your application, no ? Problemo solvo'd :)
 Like I said, I know nothing about it but thought I'd take a whack at
 it. Aren't most of those things aluminium or an aluminium/magnesium
 mix ?


 --- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Appal Energy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Beats me exactly as to what type of steel composition the pre-
 heater is.
  Don't think it so much matters as much as the mechanical design.
  Walk into a store that distributes those ventless kerosene heaters
  you'll have more than ample opportunity to see exactly what the
  dimensions/design is.
  Todd Swearingen
  - Original Message - 
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 3:25 AM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Digest Number 2248
   Thanks Todd
   I have made 2 turk type burners and I am just getting into a 3rd
   version and they all use forced (fan air) but I was thinking
 that if I
   put something like that cylindrical thing in maybe it would help
   the high heat so I could switch off the fan and leave it go on
   Do you have any ideas as to how I could make one and what out of
 or is it
   just 'steel'?
You'll find a smilar device in any ventless kerosene heater.
 It's a
radiator, cylindrical with multiple holes, heated by the
 combusted fuel
the point of  red hot, which in turn better atomizes/vaporizes
 the fuel
creating greater efficiency.
Todd Swearingen
- Original Message -
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:56 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil Stove thingy
About half way down the page at
there is a picture of the burning centre of the stove looking
 very much
a Turk burner but at the very centre there is a cylindrical
  feature -
does anyone know what it is, what it does and what its made
(I have asked them but no reply has been forthcoming).
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[biofuel] New to the group

2004-07-17 Thread eldenrice


I recently joined the group. I have been making biodiesel for about one year, 
have some formal training in chemistry and some automotive mechanical 
experience as a shadetree mechanic.

Currently I am running a little experiment using bypass filtration and 
synthetic oil (using professional oil analysis) in my biodiesel powered 
vehicles. I am not changing the crankcase oil until it does not meet specs. 
This is important because synthetic oil improves fuel economy and takes a lot 
of used motor oil out of the waste stream. Potentially synthetic oil could last 
over 100,000 miles but I am unaware of any studies on vehicles running neat 
biodiesel. This topic may have been covered previously so I will 

Looking forward to being involved with the group.


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Re: [biofuel] What diesel engine will fit in 87' GMC schoolbus?

2004-07-17 Thread Coral

U can get almost anything on the market in there u name it: caterpillar, 
cummins, international or (of course) detroit diesel. I'd recommend a DD common 
rail computer managed. However, there's plenty of school buses diesel fitted as 
stock so, it'd be easy to figure what would fit yours best. 
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Re: [biofuel] What diesel engine will fit in 87' GMC schoolbus?

2004-07-17 Thread Neoteric Biofuels Inc

It will not be worthwhile. Sell it and get a diesel vehicle.

Edward Beggs

On Jul 17, 2004, at 7:48 AM, Joshua wrote:


 A good friend of mine has a 1987 GMC school bus with a gasoline
 engine.  This bus is wonderful, but runs gas and gets about 5 miles
 per gallon.  This is quite obviously unacceptable, and we are not in a
 position to brew enough alcohol to run the beast!

 The only other option would be a put a diesel engine in it, and I was
 wondering if anyone knows what diesel engine we could get that would
 (relatively) easily fit in that chassis.  Any information on this
 would be greatly appreciated.

 Love and Light!

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Re: [biofuel] Asean Homebrew

2004-07-17 Thread Keith Addison

Hello Caleb, welcome

Dear Bio Fuler,

Are there any homebrew who are located in Asean
region?  Singapore/Malaysia?  Would like to hear from

Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand - all have 
various projects, and all have members here. I'm surprised they 
didn't reply to you.

Me and my friend have just got on the bandwagon only
recently.  Might try to make some biodiesel one of
these days.

On anothe matter, have anybody heard of the biodiesel
plant being constructed by Petronas (The malayaisan
Petroleum company).  Aparently it's suppose to produce
biodiesel from Palm oil.  The announcement was made
back in 2001.  However it's been 2004 and still no
news of them.

Here's one report, saying the plant would open in 2003.

Surviving the low prices of palm oil
New Straits Times 08 April 2001
Surviving the low prices of palm oil

Quite an interesting article.

No date on this one:
Biofuel from Palm Oil
Since the 1980s, MPOB in collaboration with the local oil giant, 
PETRONAS, has begun to develop a patented technology to transform 
crude palm oil into a viable diesel substitute. This process involves 
the transesterification of crude palm oil into palm oil methyl esters 
or palm diesel. It has also been successfully demonstrated in a 3000 
tonnes per year pilot plant located in the MPOB headquarters.

Patented technology, since the 1980s. Don't hold your breath.

Also anybody know anything about the
plant being constructed in Thailand also?

Do you mean the Petronas plant? I've heard nothing about that. 
Thailand has its own initiatives. Try a search in the archives for 

Also, on biodiesel from crude palm oil in Thailand, search here for Allen:

There's quite a lot going in now in Thailand. There should be some 
announcements of developments there in the next few months.

Hope that helps.

Best wishes


Thank you,


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Re: [biofuel] Biomass Refinary:Integrated processing of lignocellulosic biomass!

2004-07-17 Thread Keith Addison

Dear Pan

   Respected  Keith

   Thank you  for your reply letter

You're welcome.

   Eventhough  several  research papers are  published , including 
my  research work and the international symposium books on the 
solvent delignification ,but they  are available in the specialized 
journals ,  the small biomass refinary of integrated processing of 
lingnocellulosics  is not yet been given importance as it is not as 
matured as our biodeisel projects..

Yes. And if it's left like that it will probably either languish or 
continue as a subject for research or something for centralised 
industry to exploit.

But surely , like  the small scale biodeisel project, this one have 
a great green future  as the celluose  is the most abundant , 
renewable natural  resource  and lignin next to cellulose in 

It's most attractive. A lot of newcomers are attracted to ethyl 
esters biodiesel, using ethanol instead of methanol, for obvious 
reasons - it's not mostly fossil-fuel derived, and you can make it 
yourself. But it's not so easy, yet. We were also attracted to that 
at first, and we still are. At the time (about five years ago) we 
were attracted by ethanol from cellulose (and lignin) for the same 
reasons. But up to now, all we've found that's suitable for 
small-scale use is acid hydrolosis, and even that's not very 
suitable, and not very efficient.

Surley I  am very glad to  prepare and post first  the short 
summary of the state of art  and also wish to contribute 1 or 2 page 
relevant information regarding  what  the process develpoment 
acadamic  people call THE  ORGANOSOLVE  DELIGNIFICATION  or biomass 
fractionation or BIOMASS REFINERY
Surely   some of our list members can simplify  and modify the 
process, as  ethanol lignin are  good biofuel too, the   sugar from 
celluose  and hemicellusose can be used  acording to local market 
demand as well as  to make ethanol in small scale farm.
 Please  kindly  give me time of  20 days

Take as much time as you need Pan.

and also I expect your help  to improve language part, because here 
in Brasil I rarley practice  English , lost touch with the language 
for the last 25 years

Of course I'll help. I think you do very well. I wonder how many 
languages you speak? At least three, I'm sure, probably more than 
that. Most of we arrogant English-speakers only speak one language 
and we think the rest of the world must do it our way. Oh well. One 
of these days there'll be excellent instant translation programs and 
we can wear little thingies in our ears so we can all understand each 
other and it won't matter anymore. There'll probably be a sudden 
fashion to revive all the lost languages English has eaten up in the 

and definately  will contribute to the JTF.


 I am sure our list members can be active and share the 
knoweledge   towards  making  ethanol in   small scale using 
several biomass residues.Thus Biomass Refinary can de small too .

It would be great if we can do this and then list members can help to 
develop that.

Regards, thankyou


Thanking you again

Yours truely
sd Pannirselvam

Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Greetings Pan

I have done  Phd   work  (1978-1982), pilotplant   designed
 , now constructed. at  IIT Delhi, based  on my laboratory work on
 catalytic  low temperature(120)acidos , alkalineetanol e
 water delignification process leading to good seperation of
 celulose , hemicelluso e lignin and very high enzymatic hydrolysis
 of treated fibers.
 Biomass ethanol with this process has great role to play  in the
 next few years together with biodeisel.I will be very glad to s«hare
 the process details for decentralised biofuel process developments

Would it be possible to share the process details onlist with
everyone? I'm sure there would be a lot of interest. Or, if it's too
big and detailed for that, maybe it could be uploaded at Journey to



 Pannirselvam .P.V
 Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Hans
  Acid Catalyzed Organosolv Saccharification (ACOS). This unique, high
  pressure, high temperature, closed loop, pulping process has 
been developed
  and patented by chemist Dr. Laszlo Paszner (Paszner Technologies, Inc., of
  Surrey, B.C.) of the University of British Columbia. Although it is
  adaptable to Alaskan species, both hardwoods and softwoods, the 
process has
  yet to be proved commercial for the Alaskan environment.
 Or for any environment I believe. Paszner and ACOS have been
 discussed here before. See:
 See also:
 Wood-Ethanol Report: Technology Review
 Best wishes

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[biofuel] hi out there

2004-07-17 Thread ajpaulson

my name  art ,want to know  if anyone  from ,ca counties,tulare,kings or
kern,i live in tulare co.my [EMAIL PROTECTED] just starting
biodiesel ,before i start would like know what i could do to clean up
wvo before putting in reactor? in heating  to remove water can vinegar
be added to get fat out ? and is it a must i use every thing i pick up,
settlements ,looks like fat to me   thanks

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[biofuel] Re: new guy

2004-07-17 Thread Brian

Hey Mark.

I am currently living in Indiana.  It is extremely likely that I 
will be moving elsewhere in the next 60 days or so, but for now am 
still here.  What part of the state are you in?


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, mark johnson II [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I was wondering if there was anybody in this group who is from 
indiana. I am 
 trying to get started makeing my own fuel. It be really great to 
 someone who knows what there doing to show how. I just unsure 
about how to 
 do and do it safe. Not only that, I am sure a lot of you have had 
 convince your spouse that it all right!!. do you guys know 
where i can 
 get some of those 5 gallon snap on oil cans? I' ve actually  have 
a supplyer 
 of 55 gallon hdpe 2 barrels, i  just not sure if it will work for 
 other than wvo storage. Is there an actual chat line that you guys 
chat on 
 besides these e-mails? hope to here from some one.
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[biofuel] Re: What diesel engine will fit in 87' GMC schoolbus?

2004-07-17 Thread Joshua

Thank you for your response.  Of course we could somehow get just
about any engine to fit, but what could we get in there that we
wouldn't have to get custom motor-mounts for and what will the drive
line fit snugly?  So far, it's looking like a Detroit Diesel is the
best bet, no?


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Coral [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 U can get almost anything on the market in there u name it:
caterpillar, cummins, international or (of course) detroit diesel. I'd
recommend a DD common rail computer managed. However, there's plenty
of school buses diesel fitted as stock so, it'd be easy to figure what
would fit yours best. 
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