Re: [biofuel] Extending storage life of biodiesel

2004-07-28 Thread Philip S. Okey


In relation to the storage issues, from our experience it may not be much of an 
issue at all at the commercial level
we opened up a drum from our first reactor that was 4 years old a couple of 
weeks ago 45 gallons of it, it had been
sitting outside in a steel drum with approximatly 5 inches of airspace over the 
esters (55 gal drum)
so it has been through some record breaking winters and several high heat 
cycles unattended.
even though this was a unintentional test is showing us some things. 
this batch was 50% soy 50% wvo procesessed at the same time.
supprised us... there was a little bit of cloudyness but not much at all, which 
was easilly removed by simply stirring
one of our trucks has run almost a week on it with no change in performance 
from the freshest batch
perhaps it may be as easy as dilution, with fresh.. 
when you pull up to your customers tank, run theirs through a pump as you add 
your fresh.
perhaps run it through a coalescing filter that you have mounted on your truck 
to remove any molecular water
just wondering, does anyone know of anyone using biodiesel that lets it sit in 
their tanks for more than a month or 2?
I don't except for some standby generators but I have not been able to arrange 
any contracts with them yet (eg ameritec)
so I dont know the inside scoop
from what I understand part of their maintenance is to replace the fuel every 6 
months anyways

On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 16:14:38 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

*Hello again,
*Dr. Jon Van Gerpen taught a course segment on the oxidation issue. He has 
*charts that show a doubling of storage life of vegetable oil with an 
*Most of these studies have been done on vegetable oil or lard to date, but 
*should translate in some degree to biodiesel. The more effective stabilizers 
*have chelators which help tie up free metals, such as copper that catalyze 
*The amount of antioxidant is more than a few ppm, I guess, since it is 0.01%, 
*which translates to 100 ppm, as you say.   This has been shown to reduce 
*oxidation 20 fold.
*Americans are not so concerned with polymerization as are the Europeans, 
*although I'm not sure that should be so. I don't know how these chemicals 
*this lacquer effect. 
*I was talking about measuring the peroxide content as a measure of oxidation. 
*  As with most technical details, there are various levels one can work with, 
*and until my operation is in production, which is planned for by next spring, 
*I intend to work on the basics: keep it dry, sell it fast, add some standard 
*preservatives, inform your customers about how to handle it, and learn from 
*experience. I wish someone else who is doing this right now was telling us how 
*it all works, but we are still earlier in our learning process.
*Tom Leue
*In a message dated 7/26/04 2:09:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
* Hello Tom, Lurch
* The most effective antioxidants for biodiesel are the same you find in
* breakfast cereal packaging, namely BHA and BHT.   A mixture of the
* two works even
* better. Now you can buy premixed antioxidants from companies such as Kodak. 
* It
* only takes a few ppm to make a dramatic impact on shelf life of biodiesel.
* For you natural granola types, citric acid can easily double the shelf life 
* of
* biodiesel.
* Do you have any further information on this? Or have you tried it? In
* Europe, where the new Euro standard has tough Oxidation stability
* limits, people are using anti-oxidants specifically made for
* biodiesel, and they say the food additives, and even the edible oil
* anti-oxidants (usually synthetic vitamins) are not suitable. This is
* commercial-level stuff, usually sold by the IBC (intermediate bulk
* container - 1000 litres), it's expensive, and the manufacturers keep
* the formulas to themselves.
* It's usually added at 200-300 ppm volumetric. The anti-ox additive
* must be injected into the finished fuel right after production. You
* have about 8 hours to wash and dry before the anti-ox injection. The
* injection should be done without splashing. And obviously
* bubble-washing and bubble-drying are out, not just because of the
* time factor but because they both oxidise the fuel.
* The purpose of this isn't so much to increase storage life and deter
* biological activity as to prevent the cross-bridging and
* polymerisation caused by oxidation. Rapeseed oil is probably the most
* common feedstock there, polymerisation is said to be a concern with
* rapeseed oil, and it has a lower Iodine Value than America's soy oil
* does. Both are classed as semi-drying oils.
* The most effective method is to keep it in an airtight container.
* Biodiesel is also unstable in light. Keep it in a dark place.
* Also, dry biodiesel is far more stable.
* Maybe as far as biological activity is concerned, but I don't think
* water content has any effect on cross-bridging.
* If this is not possible, such as
* being in a 

[biofuel] Responses to Dubya thread

2004-07-28 Thread Bryan Brah

The point of my previous message was obviously misconstrued, and I
apologize for my lack of clarity.  What I was trying to say is that if
you oppose the war in Iraq, then voting for John Kerry will not solve
your problems.  Even so, I will attempt to address the three responses
to my previous post.  


Keith, this list is an excellent source of information, both political,
and biofuel related, however most of it is news.  This happened, that
didn't happen, the administration did this, a representative said that,
so-and-so paid so-and-so, etc.  Oftentimes political articles and posts
stimulate a discussion that devolves into get Bush out.  While that
may be a legitimate solution to many problems, it won't solve America's
current foreign policy crisis.  And that was my point.  I don't believe
that every non-American on this list (or in the world) hates America,
nor do I believe that posts providing negative information about
goings-on are necessarily criticism.  As you said the problem of the
polarization of American politics is very complex, the origins of which
predate the republic (federalists vs. anti-federalists).   I still
contend that the duocracy debate is merely a red herring, but since so
many people believe the lie of the two-party system, it is a problem
nonetheless.  Aside from taking up arms the only thing we can really do
is educate ourselves and others about what's going on, and maybe enough
people will figure out that they're getting screwed and say enough!
Unfortunately this process is maddeningly arduous (and frustrating).


MH, the basis of the American Republic is rooted in John Locke's
Treatises of Liberty (i.e. life liberty and property, which the founders
changed to pursuit of happiness in the interest of enlisting the
support of un-landed citizens).  What this really means is that our
government was designed to protect property rights and maintain status
quo.  The situation that we have in this country is that less than 20
percent of the people control more than 80 percent of the wealth and
less than one half of one percent controls over half of the wealth.  The
myth of government by the people for the people is a fiction that they
teach us in public school to keep us complacent.  It is logical and
reasonable to conclude then that those who have more property (money)
have more access to the government and more influence over government
policy, and that those with less property (money) will have less access
and influence.  Our government is therefore more accurately a
government by the rich for the rich.  It doesn't matter which party
you support because in the end it will bow to the needs of the patrons
who support it.  To try and say that Kerry is less in the pocket of BIG
money than Shrub is silly.  He may be more sophisticated, but he's
married to Teresa Heinz for crying out loud. Likewise does being a
Democrat make Senator Jay Rockefeller any less a Rockefeller?  No it
doesn't.  So while these obscenely rich people parade around wearing a
blue jacket or a red jacket, it doesn't make them any less rich, and it
certainly doesn't stop them from protecting what's theirs. 


Todd, Todd, Todd.  I thought we were over all this.   As I've stated
REPEATEDLY, the only way that we can hope to gain even a modicum of
control over our government is to participate.  And that doesn't mean
just showing up on Tuesday to flip a switch or punch a chad.  It means
following every city council meeting, attending public hearings, voting
in school board elections, writing your state representatives, paying
attention to how your federal representatives are voting and letting
them know how you feel, and generally being involved as much as
possible.  This is our DUTY as citizens, and it can make a difference,
but unfortunately not on the Federal executive level.  If anything the
2000 election should show you that it doesn't matter which candidate you
vote for, because someone else chooses the President.  As far as my call
for recommendations is concerned, you personal attack didn't offer a
solution to our pickle.  Namely, we have a pro-war jackass in office,
and another pro-war jackass attempting to unseat him.  In the end we'll
still end up with a pro-war jackass as president.  So bright boy,
instead of attacking me why don't you shut your stinking cake hole
before I shut it for you?



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Re: [biofuel] Rice husk ash

2004-07-28 Thread James Slayden

Thanks Keith,

I was soft bounced and missed some postings.


On Tue, 27 Jul 2004, Keith Addison wrote:

 Are the rice hulls the same as the germ ?
 No. From previous:
 Uhh, maybe I don't know what rice husks are -- I've always
 assumed they're some part of the plant that encases the
 rice grain,
 That's what they are. Aka rice hulls.
 and that I never see in my rice straw.
 No, you wouldn't. I doubt the rice is dehusked at the farm-level,
 it'll be sent to a mill. Products are rice and bran, husks are
 waste. Should be FFTA. Unless they've found some by-product use for
 them there.
 The germ is part of the seed, not part of its casing. Usually it is
 removed in polishing the rice seed (white rice, as opposed to brown
 rice, which still has the germ), in which case it's found in the
 bran. It is the germ that gives the bran its high oil content. Which
 we've discussed here before with you.
 On Mon, 26 Jul 2004, Heidi Wordhouse-Dykema wrote:
 it'll be sent to a mill. Products are rice and bran, husks are
 Should be FFTA. Unless they've found some by-product use for them
   Some straw-bale builders are using (unburnt!) rice husks for
   insulation.  It blows in like cellulose, and the high silica content
   it fairly fire-retardant.  I've heard somebody mixed hulls into their
   (earthen plaster) to seal the strawbale walls.For those who are
   interested, raw wool is another great insulator for
   doesn't blow in.
   US rice mills will generally want to give you large quantities (a
   truck full) but don't like to mess with smaller quantities when it
 If you're going to use it for building, a dump-truck might not be too
 much. Ashing it brings it down to about a quarter the volume.
 If you're more interested in smaller stuff than houses, like stoves,
 the mills will probably let you take whatever you want if you go
   ...and that's more eco-trivia to fill your noggin...
 Thankyou Heidi.
   To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or
   we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only
   unpatriotic and servile, but also treasonable to the American
   - Theodore Roosevelt, 1918
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[biofuel] More info on diesel fuel

2004-07-28 Thread Arcologic

Hi, Brian,

You can learn everything you ever wanted to know about TDIs at  I got some good tips there.

Changes I have made to my car:

1.  Made a drag-reducing wing. I can send a picture.  It increases mileage 
by 3 mpg.
2.  Reset the EGA code.  See, FAQs for instructions.  Effect 
3.  Raised tire pressure to about 33 cold, 38 hot.  Probably adds another 1 
4.  I usually drive on the highway at a steady (on cruise control) 62 to 65 
miles per hour.  This is the most important change.  Adjusting speed gives 
the following results:

Summer mileage, no wing, constant speed on I-80 Tooele to Wendover, UT, 
Flying J fuel
2003 VW New Beetle TDI diesel

`60 mph58.2 mph
 65 mph57.1 mph
 70 mph51.1 mph
 75 mph46.4 mph
 80 mph42.7 mph

Numbers in the table are uncorrected for gauge errors.  Miles traveled per 
test, about 197 miles, was read from the trip meter; this reads about 1% low.  
Speed is the speedometer reading, which is about 3% high.  Tank is filled just 
before and after test run, which takes about three hours. Tank vent valve is 
held open during filling, and I fill to about one inch from top.  Fuel 
measurements are thought to be repeatable to 0.05 gallon (no temperature 
Results are collected on days with no wind or rain.

You can see that, if the latest result holds true, then Phillips summer 
diesel is outperforming Flying J diesel by about 3 mpg.

Ernie Rogers

Brian asked,


Have you made any modifications to your TDI to acheive these 
results.  I have an '03 Beetle TDI, and the best I have been able to 
manage so far is 51.2 mpg.  If there is a way to improve on this, 
please share.


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Re: [biofuel] My view on diesel cars, and a notable event.

2004-07-28 Thread gershtime

hwo would i reduce the diesel emssions in my '87 vanagon with a '83 Jetta TD 

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that 
we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only 
unpatriotic and servile, but also treasonable to the American public. 
- Theodore Roosevelt, 1918 

-- Original message -- 

 Hello Ernie 
 Interesting forward, thanks. 
 Some comments on NOx etc. below. 
 Hello, I am forwarding a message (at the bottom) that I posted on a private 
 st yesterday because it may have relevance with climate change. 
 Virtually all large engines on earth are diesel engines-- all trucks, 
 merchant ships, earth movers, tractors, trains, many mw-size power 
 stations, but so 
 far no aircraft. The reasons are practical and economic-- these engines 
 produce the most power relative to fuel use and other costs. 
 Diesel engines also have outstanding performance in giving the most power 
 with least CO2. They do even better when running on biodiesel or low-carbon 
 fuels such as LNG, for example in powering urban buses. 
 A 20% to 30% reduction in GHG production from autos can be achieved just by 
 using diesel engines in cars. The limited use of diesel cars in the U.S. and 
 elsewhere is tied to emissions problems. 
 Mainly in the US, and, more recently at some places in Japan (which 
 is still way ahead of the US in all hings diesel). See: Do diesels 
 have a future? 
 It seems to me that the science on 
 air pollution by diesel engines is in a confused state. Here's why. 
 Diesel engines are presently designed and operated to achieve a balance 
 between production of NOx, and HCs and particulates. If one allows 
 more NOx, then 
 HCs and particulates can be very low. If HCs and particulates are allowed to 
 increase, then NOx can be very low. In the distant past, someone decided 
 NOx is a pollutant. This seems odd to me because at the same time, we extoll 
 the production of NOx in the atmosphere by lightning for its essential role 
 in nitrogen fixation and growth in plants. 
 I think the reason that NOx was declared a pollutant is that it reacts with 
 HCs in the atmosphere to produce smog, a very dangerous mixture in urban 
 atmospheres. On the other hand, if all engines were lean-running 
 diesels, there 
 would be so little HCs in the atmosphere that smog formation would not 
 In conclusion, I think an effort is needed to straighten out the matter with 
 diesel engines and NOx limits. Without NOx limits, very-lean-burning diesels 
 could provide an immediate and substantial reduction in production of CO2 
 other air pollutants. 
 See: NOx emissions and biodiesel 
 From a previous message: 
 ... the real problem isn't the diesels, it's the fuel - US diesel 
 fuel is very poor-quality. With maximum possible foot-dragging by 
 Big Oil USA, it might be improved by 2007, which will put the US 17 
 years behind Europe. This is the big barrier to clean-diesel 
 technology in the US. Solve that problem, and all the other problems 
 associated with diesels simply vanish. In the meantime, use 
 biodiesel, use also the various technologies available to reduce NOx 
 way below dino-diesel levels, use catalytic converters that you can 
 use with biodiesel but not with high-sulfur dinodiesel, and all the 
 other problems vanish. So, no problem. 
 NOx is also a non-issue. Take this, eg: 
 NOX and VOCs in combination with sunlight form ozone. Urban airshed 
 modeling studies of the Baton Rouge nonattainment area show that 
 reductions in VOCs are more effective in reducing ozone levels than 
 reductions in NOX. In some cases, reductions in NOX have actually 
 been shown to have a negative benefit in the control of ozone 
 levels. For this reason, DEQ's current ozone reduction strategy 
 calls for more VOC reductions rather than further reductions in NOX. 
 - Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality 
 I contacted the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality about 
 this asking for further details of the study, but they didn't reply. 
 I'm not in a good position to follow it up. 
 Care to try? 
 Another solution: 
 Re: [biofuel] EPA to Finalize Diesel Pollution Rules Tuesday 
 And this is interesting: 
 The UC Davis biodiesel study -- Chemical and Bioassay Analyses of 
 Diesel and Biodiesel Particulate Matter: Pilot Study -- Final Report 
 by Norman Y. Kado, Robert A. Okamoto and Paul A. Kuzmicky, Department 
 of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis, 
 California, November 1996. This U.S. Department of Energy study found 
 that the use of pure biodiesel instead of petroleum-based diesel fuel 
 could offer a 93.6% reduction in 

Re: [biofuel] My view on diesel cars, and a notable event.

2004-07-28 Thread gershtime

how on earth did you get such fuel efficiency?

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that 
we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only 
unpatriotic and servile, but also treasonable to the American public. 
- Theodore Roosevelt, 1918 

-- Original message -- 

 Hello, I am forwarding a message (at the bottom) that I posted on a private 
 st yesterday because it may have relevance with climate change. 
 Virtually all large engines on earth are diesel engines-- all trucks, 
 merchant ships, earth movers, tractors, trains, many mw-size power stations, 
 far no aircraft. The reasons are practical and economic-- these engines 
 produce the most power relative to fuel use and other costs. 
 Diesel engines also have outstanding performance in giving the most power 
 with least CO2. They do even better when running on biodiesel or low-carbon 
 fuels such as LNG, for example in powering urban buses. 
 A 20% to 30% reduction in GHG production from autos can be achieved just by 
 using diesel engines in cars. The limited use of diesel cars in the U.S. and 
 elsewhere is tied to emissions problems. It seems to me that the science on 
 air pollution by diesel engines is in a confused state. Here's why. 
 Diesel engines are presently designed and operated to achieve a balance 
 between production of NOx, and HCs and particulates. If one allows more NOx, 
 HCs and particulates can be very low. If HCs and particulates are allowed to 
 increase, then NOx can be very low. In the distant past, someone decided that 
 NOx is a pollutant. This seems odd to me because at the same time, we extoll 
 the production of NOx in the atmosphere by lightning for its essential role 
 in nitrogen fixation and growth in plants. 
 I think the reason that NOx was declared a pollutant is that it reacts with 
 HCs in the atmosphere to produce smog, a very dangerous mixture in urban 
 atmospheres. On the other hand, if all engines were lean-running diesels, 
 would be so little HCs in the atmosphere that smog formation would not occur. 
 In conclusion, I think an effort is needed to straighten out the matter with 
 diesel engines and NOx limits. Without NOx limits, very-lean-burning diesels 
 could provide an immediate and substantial reduction in production of CO2 and 
 other air pollutants. 
 Below is an account of fuel economy being achieved by a diesel car. I think 
 this auto efficiency is far above what is being achieved with the Toyota 
 or other hybrid cars. 
 Ernie Rogers 
 Ernie said (July 24), 
 Many of you know that I just made a trip to Alaska with my grandson, in a 
 2003 Beetle TDI diesel. We achieved a fuel efficiency of about 115 
 per gallon of fuel. I think that would compare favorably with competing 
 transportation methods. 
 Here is my discovery, made yesterday and today while driving homeward-- 
 1. Fuel purchased yesterday in Edmonton (Shell) gave 56 miles per gallon. 
 2. BUT fuel purchased today in Idaho Falls (Phillips, from Utah refinery) 
 gave 63 miles per gallon. The difference here is much larger than the 
 variation due to systematic or random errors. 
 The fuel from the more southern station and refinery gives 12% more mileage 
 than the more northern fuel. 
 Travel conditions were about as much alike as possible, good highways and 
 nearly perfect, windless weather. I think the fuel performance difference is 
 traceable to differences in fuel composition, and resulting difference in 
 density. This situation closely parallels differences seen between summer and 
 winter diesel formulas. I haven't called the fuel producers, but I suspect 
 that the northern fuel has a higher hydrogen content, in other words, they 
 blended in some #1 diesel. This lower fuel performance was seen over all the 
 fuel purchased in Alaska and northwest Canada. The ASTM spec for diesel fuel 
 probably has a full explanation. I probably should dig the spec out of my 
 and see what it says about this 
 By the way, pretty good fuel economy, wouldn't you say? (Trip speed was 
 carefully controlled to 100 km, or 62 miles, per hour.) And, air emissions 
 very low (based upon my nose measurement) since I had the EGR turned all the 
 way down (to the legal limit). 
 Ernie Rogers 
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[biofuel] methanol question

2004-07-28 Thread frag_lag

How pure does it have to be to use it in biodiesel production?
(i mean other particles, contaminents , NOT water ofcourse..)

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[biofuel] Re: My view on diesel cars, and a notable event.

2004-07-28 Thread pivincent


I am looking for reports comparing emissions from virgin vegoil 
biodiesel and watse oil biodiesel.

I have left a couple of messages here and there.

Do you have any leads?


--- In, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And this is interesting:
 The UC Davis biodiesel study -- Chemical and Bioassay Analyses of 
 Diesel and Biodiesel Particulate Matter: Pilot Study -- Final 
 by Norman Y. Kado, Robert A. Okamoto and Paul A. Kuzmicky, 
 of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis, 
 California, November 1996. This U.S. Department of Energy study 
 that the use of pure biodiesel instead of petroleum-based diesel 
 could offer a 93.6% reduction in cancer risks from exhaust 
 exposure. Acrobat file, 3.1Mb.
 UC Davis biodiesel study -- summary: the Summary, Results and 
 Discussion sections of the report, in html format.
 Best wishes

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Re: [biofuel] Re: My view on diesel cars, and a notable event.

2004-07-28 Thread Donald Allwright

--- Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  --- In,
  1. Fuel purchased yesterday in Edmonton (Shell) gave 56 miles per 
  2. BUT fuel purchased today in Idaho Falls (Phillips, from Utah 
  gave 63 miles per gallon.  The difference here is much larger than 
 the expected 
  variation due to systematic or random errors.

I am skeptical as to whether one fill up can really give you an
accurate answer, as it will vary anyway according to exactly how you
drive, prevailing wind velocity, ambient temperature and possibly
humidity among other factors. I normally see a significant variability
in my fuel economy. I suspect the random errors are larger than you
imagine. How did you measure it? 

Having said that, I would expect there to be differences in economy
from different suppliers (even from the same supplier on different
occasions), so a more long-term measurement would undoubtedly pick up
any trend.

 Have you made any modifications to your TDI to acheive these 
 results.  I have an '03 Beetle TDI, and the best I have been able to 
 manage so far is 51.2 mpg.  If there is a way to improve on this, 
 please share.
I think there is also a natural variability between supposedly
identical vehicles - due to manufacturing tolerances in the engine,
different amounts of engine wear, tyre wear and pressure, type of
lubricating oil used and so forth.

But probably the biggest difference is in driving style. When I measure
my fuel economy (over a full tank) I instinctively know if it's going
to be good or bad, according to how I've driven and also the types of
journey I've made. For example I typically get 45mpg but it is normally
anywhere between 40 and 50.


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Re: [biofuel] oil and the war on terrorism

2004-07-28 Thread fox mulder

Winning the War on Muslim Terrorists by Not Fighting
At All

by Stan Moore (Saturday 24 July 2004)

The American people ought to think carefully about
such matters. 
for revenge never settled any international conflict,
and America, 
its military preeminence, cannot fight the whole world
and win. But 
American can bankrupt itself by overextending itself
and alienating 
friends and allies.

There is no reason whatever to believe that Osama bin
Laden or any 
identified so-called terrorist is trying to take
away American 
constitutional freedoms, such as freedom of speech,
freedom of 
freedom of religion, etc. There is no reason whatever
to believe that 
Muslim fundamentalists in Afghanistan or Egypt or Iran
or anywhere else 
believe they can invade the United States and
establish strict Muslim 
fundamentalism amongst the hedonistic American

Rather, the so-called war on terrorism is really a war
of competition 
planetary resources, which the Americans seek to
control, particularly 
economic resources such as petroleum and raw materials
which make the 
American way of life possible. The so-called
terrorists, rather than 
waging philosophical war against freedom, are in
reality waging a 
war designed to prevent further American encroachment
on their own 
resources and cultures.

By turning the War on Terrorism into a full-scale,
long-term military 
conflict, the basic problems are exacerbated,
prolonged, and guaranteed 
promote futility in solution-building. More war
requires more 
more resources, more violence, more hardware, more
wealth, more 
encroachment, more resistance.

If, as American governments were serious about
reducing America's 
dependence on foreign oil, or better yet, eliminating
on foreign oil, there would be little terrorism or
little to fight 
over. If 
America decided to win the war on terrorism by simply
not fighting it 
thus removing grievances from foreign peoples and
organizations who 
wish to 
prevent further American encroachment, the war could
be won with 
loss of life and expense.

It was reported this week that the real American
military budget for 
year was well over $700 Billion -- approaching $800
Billion! Imagine 
winning a war by reducing military activity and
reducing American 
interventionism around the world! Imagine winning a
war of competition 
planetary resources by simply going to the marketplace
and purchasing 
commodities at prices agreeable to buyer and seller,
without armed 
interventionism. If American sought security in its
access to petroleum 
the Persian Gulf and elsewhere, why should not the
marketplace and 
demand not provide incentive for oil producers around
the world to sell 
to us?

America has a completely backward approach to
commerce. America wants 
threaten and use military force to ensure access to
markets that 
require American participation to remain viable.
America as a nation 
and as 
a people would be far better off by drastically
reducing military 
expenditures and adventurism and placing those
hundreds of billions of 
dollars of military spending into its own
infrastructure and its own 
education systems and its own debt reduction in order
to maximize 
value-added participation in the world marketplace.

Instead of participating in world commerce by strength
of intellect and 
production of marketable products and ideas, America's
governing elite 
shifted to militarism as a profit-maker for the
investor class, but 
the best interests of the taxpayer and worker. And
America's public is 
constantly deceived by the same
military/industrial/media complex into 
believing that our enemies hate us for who we are,
rather than for 
we have done.

The 9/11 commission has foisted this sort of mythical
thinking on the 
American people, as if America was an entirely
innocent victim of 9/11 
the only way to solve the problem of terrorism is to
multiply the 
factors that brought 9/11 to us in the first place!
This approach is 
profitable to American business in the short-term, but
harmful to 
the long-term prospects of the American people both
politically, and ecologically.

We know that the American economy and land use
practices, including 
contributions to global warming, long-term food
production, and 
growth are simply not sustainable under the laws of
Instead of reducing the economy, which is on a
war-time footing, and 
reducing our threats to world peace by rolling back
our encroachments 
provocations against the Muslim World and other world
partners, the 
American elite seeks short-term militarism and
long-term bankruptcy. We 
would be better off fighting the so-called War on
Terrorism by not 
fighting at all in 

Re: [biofuel] Extending storage life of biodiesel

2004-07-28 Thread Tilapia

Muriatic acid is the same as a 50/50 mix of hydrochloric acid and water.   
Some amount of hydrochloric can be used to balance excess alkalinity, but I 
don't think it will act as a preservative particularly. I also don't advocate 
adding chlorine as it will turn to salt with the excess lye. Have you tested 
residual acidity? Let us know.

Tom Leue

In a message dated 7/27/04 11:52:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Tom,
 I was wondering if Muriatic acid can be used as an anti oxidant as well as
 to help break an emulsion.Ê I used about a table spoon on 5 gallons of
 emulsification, and it worked great, but I don't know if it will be
 detrimental to the engine.
 Be unto others a wish-granting Jewel
 -The Dalai-Llama
 jamie merkle
 617 969 2489

Homestead Inc.

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[biofuel] Re: More info on diesel fuel

2004-07-28 Thread Brian


Thanks for the info.  If you could send a picture of the wing that 
you made, I would appreciate it.  My primary e-mail is 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'll also take another look at the TDI club.  I 
joined a while back, but just haven't been there much.  Seems that 
has been my loss.


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, Brian,
 You can learn everything you ever wanted to know about TDIs at  I got some good tips there.
 Changes I have made to my car:
 1.  Made a drag-reducing wing. I can send a picture.  It 
increases mileage 
 by 3 mpg.
 2.  Reset the EGA code.  See, FAQs for 
instructions.  Effect 
 3.  Raised tire pressure to about 33 cold, 38 hot.  Probably adds 
another 1 
 4.  I usually drive on the highway at a steady (on cruise control) 
62 to 65 
 miles per hour.  This is the most important change.  Adjusting 
speed gives 
 the following results:
 Summer mileage, no wing, constant speed on I-80 Tooele to 
Wendover, UT, 
 Flying J fuel
 2003 VW New Beetle TDI diesel
 `60 mph58.2 mph
  65 mph57.1 mph
  70 mph51.1 mph
  75 mph46.4 mph
  80 mph42.7 mph
 Numbers in the table are uncorrected for gauge errors.  Miles 
traveled per 
 test, about 197 miles, was read from the trip meter; this reads 
about 1% low.  
 Speed is the speedometer reading, which is about 3% high.  Tank is 
filled just 
 before and after test run, which takes about three hours. Tank 
vent valve is 
 held open during filling, and I fill to about one inch from top.  
 measurements are thought to be repeatable to 0.05 gallon (no 
temperature correction).  
 Results are collected on days with no wind or rain.
 You can see that, if the latest result holds true, then Phillips 
 diesel is outperforming Flying J diesel by about 3 mpg.
 Ernie Rogers
 Brian asked,
 Have you made any modifications to your TDI to acheive these 
 results.  I have an '03 Beetle TDI, and the best I have been able 
 manage so far is 51.2 mpg.  If there is a way to improve on this, 
 please share.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread Ken Provost

A buddy at work (jewish, socialist, New Yorker, so yeah he's
probly a little AHEAD of the curve) was speculating that U.S.
would be at war with Europe within 15 years. Another fellow
asked if that would be just France, but he said he figgered
all of Europe would be together in it.

I was thinking at the time that U.S. has already LOST the war
with  Europe, but what do I know?

Anyway, since there's some Europeans here, and the putative
war would probly be about OIL (or paying for it with euros
instead of dollars), I thought this forum might have some
light to shed on Fred's idea..  -K

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[biofuel] Re: My view on diesel cars, and a notable event.

2004-07-28 Thread Keith Addison

Hello Pierre


I am looking for reports comparing emissions from virgin vegoil
biodiesel and watse oil biodiesel.

I have left a couple of messages here and there.

Do you have any leads?

No I don't. The EPA accepted the NBB's data on virgin soy biodiesel 
as equivalent to all the rest, whatever the feedstock, including WVO. 
Big-time European producers commonly use WVO, the standards are 
strict there. Why would there be a difference? Unless it's badly 
made, not washed properly.

Best wishes



--- In, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  And this is interesting:
  The UC Davis biodiesel study -- Chemical and Bioassay Analyses of
  Diesel and Biodiesel Particulate Matter: Pilot Study -- Final
  by Norman Y. Kado, Robert A. Okamoto and Paul A. Kuzmicky,
  of Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis,
  California, November 1996. This U.S. Department of Energy study
  that the use of pure biodiesel instead of petroleum-based diesel
  could offer a 93.6% reduction in cancer risks from exhaust
  exposure. Acrobat file, 3.1Mb.
  UC Davis biodiesel study -- summary: the Summary, Results and
  Discussion sections of the report, in html format.
  Best wishes

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Re: [biofuel] Electricity from WVO and Rapeseed

2004-07-28 Thread robert luis rabello

Kim  Garth Travis wrote:


   He told me I was going to starve those poor cows if I didn't
 bring in the fertilizer truck.  I have earth worms on my land and that is
 all I need.  He has promised to kiss my butt on main street if I can sell a
 calf from one of my cows for $1200.  I would like to win that bet.evil 
 Thanks for the chance to vent and for the encouragement to continue in
 trying to build a truely sustainable farm and life.
 Bright Blessings,

Hang in there, Kim!  I had a discussion with a chicken farmer today 
who told me that avian flu epidemics would be WORSE if his birds were 
allowed to free range.  Of course, who would free range over a 
thousand birds on a 5 acre parcel?  Something is WRONG with the way 
farming is done here in North America!

We're enjoying fresh peas, beets, green and purple beans, squash, 
cabbage and potatoes from our garden right now.  We've fertilized them 
with nothing more than barn scrapings from the nearby bovine auction 
house.  My neighbors are snickering a lot less than they were several 
weeks ago, especially since we're able to share an abundance of 
produce from our own lot.  Personally, I hope you win your bet!

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
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Re: [biofuel] Responses to Dubya thread - was: DUBYA aint texan nor is his dad

2004-07-28 Thread MH

 Bryan Brah wrote:
 The point of my previous message was obviously misconstrued, and I
 apologize for my lack of clarity.  What I was trying to say is that if
 you oppose the war in Iraq, then voting for John Kerry will not solve
 your problems.  

 I can't help wonder how many more wars does the Bush
 Administration have up their sleeve in yellow cake or
 oil rich regions around the world in the name of
 terror using that darn good intelligence Dubya
 feels he receives with a supportive GOP majority
 in the U.S. media and Congress. 

 And finally, in the world at large
 we cannot lead if our leaders mislead.
 -- U.S. President Jimmy Carter,  July 26, 2004 
 As far as I know most people are concerned about
 money even the GOP candidates  G.W. Bush who aren't
 bashful about whom they favor or cater to as we've read. 

 It's time for a change, 
 Go Johnny go... GO!  

 Whomever you support, Good Luck! 

 MH, the basis of the American Republic is rooted in John Locke's
 Treatises of Liberty (i.e. life liberty and property, which the founders
 changed to pursuit of happiness in the interest of enlisting the
 support of un-landed citizens).  What this really means is that our
 government was designed to protect property rights and maintain status
 quo.  The situation that we have in this country is that less than 20
 percent of the people control more than 80 percent of the wealth and
 less than one half of one percent controls over half of the wealth.  The
 myth of government by the people for the people is a fiction that they
 teach us in public school to keep us complacent.  It is logical and
 reasonable to conclude then that those who have more property (money)
 have more access to the government and more influence over government
 policy, and that those with less property (money) will have less access
 and influence.  Our government is therefore more accurately a
 government by the rich for the rich.  It doesn't matter which party
 you support because in the end it will bow to the needs of the patrons
 who support it.  To try and say that Kerry is less in the pocket of BIG
 money than Shrub is silly.  He may be more sophisticated, but he's
 married to Teresa Heinz for crying out loud. Likewise does being a
 Democrat make Senator Jay Rockefeller any less a Rockefeller?  No it
 doesn't.  So while these obscenely rich people parade around wearing a
 blue jacket or a red jacket, it doesn't make them any less rich, and it
 certainly doesn't stop them from protecting what's theirs.

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Re: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread robert luis rabello

Ken Provost wrote:

 A buddy at work (jewish, socialist, New Yorker, so yeah he's
 probly a little AHEAD of the curve) was speculating that U.S.
 would be at war with Europe within 15 years. Another fellow
 asked if that would be just France, but he said he figgered
 all of Europe would be together in it.
 I was thinking at the time that U.S. has already LOST the war
 with  Europe, but what do I know?
 Anyway, since there's some Europeans here, and the putative
 war would probly be about OIL (or paying for it with euros
 instead of dollars), I thought this forum might have some
 light to shed on Fred's idea..  -K

An old friend of mine argues that this is the REAL reason why the 
military is pushing for expensive weapons systems, like the Joint 
Strike fighter, new tanks, armor and smaller, tactical nuclear 
weapons.  This is a little scary, but at the rate things are going, I 
wouldn't be at all suprised by it.

Historically, democracies have not attacked one another.  That may be 
history pretty soon . . .
robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
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[biofuel] Re: R. Diesel

2004-07-28 Thread Go Hoff

On 2004-07-26 19.22,

  Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 02:20:10 +0200
  From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: A conversation: Earth oil versus plant oil.
 The history of R. Diesel is quite interesting. He got an assignment to
 develop an engine that could run on the coal dust, that was plenty of, as a
 waste product of the coal mining. He did not succeed, but the result was an
 engine that at its first introduction was running on peanut oil. It became
 an success and was implemented to run on fossil oil. R. Diesel disappeared
 one night, travelling on a boat over the English channel, on his way to
 London, and it has led to many speculations, his body was never found.

I have read that he was very financially extended at that time - whatever,
it is so sad.

Interesting is that EU burokrats are scrambling to increase taxes on all
fuels whilst still trying to bluff away the proper issue of environmental
consequences -  hoisted by their own (well actually our) petards?

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Re: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread Donald Allwright

   Historically, democracies have not attacked one another.  That
 may be history pretty soon . . .

Since when have America and the various European nations been
democracies? The form of 'democracy' that exists is just an illusion
created by the ruling elite, to control the masses and stop them
revolting. If you don't believe me, just look at the last presidential
election in the US, and the way the European Union is handling the
issue of Software Patents. Both would show that the wishes of the
population are totally irrelevant to the outcome.

 robert luis rabello
 The Edge of Justice
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Re: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread Donald Allwright

 --- Ken Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 A buddy at work (jewish, socialist, New Yorker, so yeah he's
 probly a little AHEAD of the curve) was speculating that U.S.
 would be at war with Europe within 15 years. Another fellow
 asked if that would be just France, but he said he figgered
 all of Europe would be together in it.
 I was thinking at the time that U.S. has already LOST the war
 with  Europe, but what do I know?
 Anyway, since there's some Europeans here, and the putative
 war would probly be about OIL (or paying for it with euros
 instead of dollars), I thought this forum might have some
 light to shed on Fred's idea..  -K

Please note my following comments refer primarily to the _political_
systems in place, not individuals from each region of the world!

I think we can safely say that Europe and America have been at war with
each other for a very long time - mainly over trade issues, but in the
bigger picture over cultural and environmental issues too. From the
European side of the equation, America is seen as acting primarily to
exert and maintain its power over the rest of the world through its de
facto monopolies and trade policies - which serve only to enrich
America even further. America's (i.e. governmental, not individual
Americans') attitude to environmental issues (such as the Kyoto
protocol) suggest that they don't care about the rest of the world. The
fact that America goes its own way in so many areas of technology
(mobile phone standards, NTSC vs PAL in TV standards for example) is
cited as evidence of protectionist policies that effectively only allow
American companies to compete in the particular market sector. The way
contracts have been awarded in Iraq following the war has also raised
questions about 'jobs for the boys' as the large American companies
have ended up winning the contracts, by and large.

As far as oil and energy are concerned, here in the UK most people do
see 'the Middle East situation' as being largely as a result of
America's quest to control the oil reserves, but with Europe also
playing their part. If you look at each nation's energy consumption per
capita, America uses roughly twice as much as European nations (source:
the Economist, I could dig out detailed figures). Other nations
generally come much lower, although there are exceptions. This is often
considered to be evidence of America's profligacy. Other considerations
include the pump price of motor fuel. If crude oil prices double, the
percentage increase in pump prices is much higher in America than in
Europe, simply because Americans pay vastly less fuel tax than
Europeans. So here there is much less of a focus on oil prices than in
America, although there are groups who used recent high prices to
threaten strike action and the government eventually backed down from a
proposed tax increase on fuel. Because Europe is very congested, high
fuel prices serve a very important secondary purpose in discouraging
people from over-using their cars. If the prices were to drop to
American prices, people would be happy for about a day before they
realised that everyone was using their cars more and the road system
would grind to a total halt. Most would then ask for the prices to go
back up!

My impression is that individual Americans come up with a vast number
of great ideas, but are trapped in a political system that doesn't
allow most of them to thrive. Big businesses with vested interests see
to it that the government at the time (whether Republican or Democrat)
never implement any policies that would upset them. By big business I
mean companies like the oil companies, Microsoft, the motor
manufacturers, even Coca Cola and McDonalds. The political parties both
have too much to lose by upsetting these companies.

I'd be interested on the American perspective of the above issues - how
do Americans perceive Europeans over the above issues?


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2004-07-28 Thread Quimica Nova


Marcelino Miranda
- Original Message - 
From: Biocombustibles - SAGPyA 
To: undisclosed-recipients: 
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 1:32 PM

Brasil y Jap—n negocian crŽdito para producci—n de biocombustibles 
Brasilia, 19 de julio (EFE).- Autoridades de Brasil negocian un prŽstamo de 300 
millones de d—lares con el Banco de Cooperaci—n Internacional de Jap—n para la 
producci—n de combustibles de origen vegetal, como alcohol de ca–a de azœcar y 

El Ministerio de Agricultura inform— hoy en un comunicado, que los detalles del 
prŽstamo est‡n siendo discutidos por esta Cartera y por la entidad financiera 
japonesa, cuyo director, Koichi Yajima, se encuentra de visita en la capital 

Otros 300 millones de d—lares ser‡n aportados en Brasil por el Banco Nacional 
de Desarrollo Econ—mico y Social (BNDES) para sumar 600 millones de d—lares 
destinados a consolidar el llamado Polo Nacional de Biocombustible, que ser‡ 
construido en Piracicaba, municipio del estado de Sao Paulo, en el sudeste del 

Las negociaciones entre Brasil y Jap—n fueron iniciadas en mayo pasado durante 
la visita a Tokio del ministro brasile–o de Agricultura, Roberto Rodr’gues, 
para explicar las investigaciones en biocombustibles a las autoridades del pa’s 
asi‡tico, segœn la informaci—n. 

En septiembre ser‡n cerrados los detalles del prŽstamo, asegur— el Ministerio 
de Agricultura. 

En este programa, la prioridad ser‡ el desarrollo del biodiesel, un combustible 
derivado de semillas oleaginosas, biodegradable y con menores ’ndices de 
emisiones de gases residuales y azufre en comparaci—n con el diesel derivado de 
Otra parte de la inversi—n ser‡ destinada a la expansi—n de la industria del 
etanol de ca–a de azœcar, tecnolog’a ya consolidada en Brasil desde hace 
algunos a–os. 
Segœn explic— Rodr’gues, ser‡ necesario discutir con las autoridades japonesas 
detalles de precio y de log’stica de transporte y almacenaje del etanol que 
ser‡ destinado al mercado de Jap—n. 

En marzo pasado el pa’s asi‡tico, segunda econom’a del mundo, determin— la 
adici—n de hasta tres por ciento de biocombustible -bioetanol- a la gasolina 

Segœn Rodr’gues, esta decisi—n, puede representar una demanda de 10.000 
millones de litros de alcohol combustible por a–o en el mercado japonŽs, y, 
para atenderla, Brasil debe aumentar en al menos dos millones de hect‡reas su 
‡rea de plantaciones de ca–a de azœcar. 

Brasil produce hoy 12.600 millones de litros de etanol a partir de ca–a de 
azœcar, y adem‡s de satisfacer su mercado interno (donde es permitida la mezcla 
de hasta 25 por ciento con la gasolina), busca expandir sus exportaciones del 
combustible hacia China, Uni—n Europea y NorteamŽrica. 
Estados Unidos, hacia donde tambiŽn apunta Brasil, consume actualmente unos 
8.000 millones de litros de etanol, principalmente a partir de MAêZ. Nuevas 
legislaciones ambientales en ese pa’s apuntan a triplicar el consumo del 
producto para el 2012. 


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Re: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread jkolling

You are right, it is not working as it should.

Donald Allwright wrote:

Historically, democracies have not attacked one another.  That
  may be history pretty soon . . .

 Since when have America and the various European nations been
 democracies? The form of 'democracy' that exists is just an illusion
 created by the ruling elite, to control the masses and stop them
 revolting. If you don't believe me, just look at the last presidential
 election in the US, and the way the European Union is handling the
 issue of Software Patents. Both would show that the wishes of the
 population are totally irrelevant to the outcome.

  robert luis rabello
  The Edge of Justice
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Re: [biofuel] Responses to Dubya thread

2004-07-28 Thread Appal Energy

Yes Bryan. But what would you do?

How would you extract the US from a place they had no business going into in
the first place, all-the-while leaving the wreckage in a stead something
short of a blood bath of murderous anarchy where men, women and children get
their throats slit for simply breathing?

Do you really think that a responsible solution to the problem that the
neo-cons created is going to be as simple as pulling everyone out? If so, I
don't believe that you've ever had much experience in cleaning up the messes
that others create. Yet you're willing to lay claim that whoever attempts to
solve the problem is nothing more than a Dubya clone. That's a blind, or at
best a near sighted response.

As for the two party system? If you can't tell the difference between the
mindsets of the existing two parties in the US, then you need some
industrial strength cleaner for those monoculars of yours. While the vast
majority of human thought processes are similar across the board, with
everyone by-and-large looking for the same things, do you really think that
human beings are so far apart in their collective thinking that a third
party cramming vegan soy dogs down everyone's throat is going to make any
monumental inroads? Even a third party would be conducting the vast majority
of the people's business in similar fashion to the existing parties.

Whether you like it or not, the two party system is what this nation has to
work with. The trick is whether you contribute efforts towards keeping a
party alligned with working for the people or one that enslaves the people.

Ranting, raving and gesticulating wildly in all directions does nothing.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: Bryan Brah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 11:51 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Responses to Dubya thread

 The point of my previous message was obviously misconstrued, and I
 apologize for my lack of clarity.  What I was trying to say is that if
 you oppose the war in Iraq, then voting for John Kerry will not solve
 your problems.  Even so, I will attempt to address the three responses
 to my previous post.

 Keith, this list is an excellent source of information, both political,
 and biofuel related, however most of it is news.  This happened, that
 didn't happen, the administration did this, a representative said that,
 so-and-so paid so-and-so, etc.  Oftentimes political articles and posts
 stimulate a discussion that devolves into get Bush out.  While that
 may be a legitimate solution to many problems, it won't solve America's
 current foreign policy crisis.  And that was my point.  I don't believe
 that every non-American on this list (or in the world) hates America,
 nor do I believe that posts providing negative information about
 goings-on are necessarily criticism.  As you said the problem of the
 polarization of American politics is very complex, the origins of which
 predate the republic (federalists vs. anti-federalists).   I still
 contend that the duocracy debate is merely a red herring, but since so
 many people believe the lie of the two-party system, it is a problem
 nonetheless.  Aside from taking up arms the only thing we can really do
 is educate ourselves and others about what's going on, and maybe enough
 people will figure out that they're getting screwed and say enough!
 Unfortunately this process is maddeningly arduous (and frustrating).

 MH, the basis of the American Republic is rooted in John Locke's
 Treatises of Liberty (i.e. life liberty and property, which the founders
 changed to pursuit of happiness in the interest of enlisting the
 support of un-landed citizens).  What this really means is that our
 government was designed to protect property rights and maintain status
 quo.  The situation that we have in this country is that less than 20
 percent of the people control more than 80 percent of the wealth and
 less than one half of one percent controls over half of the wealth.  The
 myth of government by the people for the people is a fiction that they
 teach us in public school to keep us complacent.  It is logical and
 reasonable to conclude then that those who have more property (money)
 have more access to the government and more influence over government
 policy, and that those with less property (money) will have less access
 and influence.  Our government is therefore more accurately a
 government by the rich for the rich.  It doesn't matter which party
 you support because in the end it will bow to the needs of the patrons
 who support it.  To try and say that Kerry is less in the pocket of BIG
 money than Shrub is silly.  He may be more sophisticated, but he's
 married to Teresa Heinz for crying out loud. Likewise does being a
 Democrat make Senator Jay Rockefeller any less a Rockefeller?  No it
 doesn't.  So while these obscenely rich people parade around wearing a
 blue jacket or a red jacket, it doesn't make them any less rich, and 

Re: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread Appal Energy

Your buddy is someone who needs to operate in a mindset of fear. War is a
matter of choice, predicated entirely upon the choices that were made in the
years and months leading up to it.

Speculating on what happens or doesn't happen in 16 years changes nothing.
Acting today changes everything.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: Ken Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 8:22 PM
Subject: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

 A buddy at work (jewish, socialist, New Yorker, so yeah he's
 probly a little AHEAD of the curve) was speculating that U.S.
 would be at war with Europe within 15 years. Another fellow
 asked if that would be just France, but he said he figgered
 all of Europe would be together in it.

 I was thinking at the time that U.S. has already LOST the war
 with  Europe, but what do I know?

 Anyway, since there's some Europeans here, and the putative
 war would probly be about OIL (or paying for it with euros
 instead of dollars), I thought this forum might have some
 light to shed on Fred's idea..  -K

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Re[2]: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender

Hallo Donald,

Wednesday, 28 July, 2004, 05:46:52, you wrote:

DA  --- Ken Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 A buddy at work (jewish, socialist, New Yorker, so yeah he's
 probly a little AHEAD of the curve) was speculating that U.S.
 would be at war with Europe within 15 years. Another fellow
 asked if that would be just France, but he said he figgered
 all of Europe would be together in it.
 I was thinking at the time that U.S. has already LOST the war
 with  Europe, but what do I know?
 Anyway, since there's some Europeans here, and the putative
 war would probly be about OIL (or paying for it with euros
 instead of dollars), I thought this forum might have some
 light to shed on Fred's idea..  -K

DA Please note my following comments refer primarily to the _political_
DA systems in place, not individuals from each region of the world!

Noted.  The same applies to my statements.

DA I think we can safely say that Europe and America have been at war with
DA each other for a very long time - mainly over trade issues, but in the
DA bigger picture over cultural and environmental issues too. From the
DA European side of the equation, America is seen as acting primarily to
DA exert and maintain its power over the rest of the world through its de
DA facto monopolies and trade policies - which serve only to enrich
DA America even further. America's (i.e. governmental, not individual
DA Americans') attitude to environmental issues (such as the Kyoto
DA protocol) suggest that they don't care about the rest of the world. The
DA fact that America goes its own way in so many areas of technology
DA (mobile phone standards, NTSC vs PAL in TV standards for example) is
DA cited as evidence of protectionist policies that effectively only allow
DA American companies to compete in the particular market sector. The way
DA contracts have been awarded in Iraq following the war has also raised
DA questions about 'jobs for the boys' as the large American companies
DA have ended up winning the contracts, by and large.

It  is  a matter of power and national advantage and it is not limited
to  the  United States.  It used to be the UK.  The roots of the first
world  war  lie  in  the machinations of the power politics of all the
countries  involved  and  particularly  the British.  No one is immune
from  this  and I believe it to be inherent in ANY organized system of
governance.   If  you go to the anarchism mailing list they will point
you to their FAQ's and the FAQ's will tell you that anarchism requires
using  the  socialist  economic system.  Requires it.  Anarchism.  And
this  is in any organized system.  Look at organized religion.  The US
just happens to be the big dog on the block at the moment.  That could
change in a heartbeat.  Remember the USSR?

DA As far as oil and energy are concerned, here in the UK most people do
DA see 'the Middle East situation' as being largely as a result of
DA America's quest to control the oil reserves, but with Europe also
DA playing their part. If you look at each nation's energy consumption per
DA capita, America uses roughly twice as much as European nations (source:
DA the Economist, I could dig out detailed figures). Other nations
DA generally come much lower, although there are exceptions. This is often
DA considered to be evidence of America's profligacy. Other considerations
DA include the pump price of motor fuel. If crude oil prices double, the
DA percentage increase in pump prices is much higher in America than in
DA Europe, simply because Americans pay vastly less fuel tax than
DA Europeans. So here there is much less of a focus on oil prices than in
DA America, although there are groups who used recent high prices to
DA threaten strike action and the government eventually backed down from a
DA proposed tax increase on fuel. Because Europe is very congested, high
DA fuel prices serve a very important secondary purpose in discouraging
DA people from over-using their cars. If the prices were to drop to
DA American prices, people would be happy for about a day before they
DA realised that everyone was using their cars more and the road system
DA would grind to a total halt. Most would then ask for the prices to go
DA back up!

We have to go back a lot further to see the actual roots of the middle
east  problem.   Culturally  and religiously it has been there for God
only  knows  how long.  Politically we can look to the big dogs of the
early  20th  century  and  we  will  see  the British with the Balfour
declaration  and  the  formation of the political state of Iraq out of
three  disparate  peoples.   Further  along  in the century we see the
cooperation  between  Hitler  and  the  Zionists  and  Britain and the
Zionists  as  adding  fuel to the fire.  Then the US entered the scene
and mucked it up even more.

Cultural  and  geographical  differences  between  the US and European
nations  account  for  how  we  live and how we view and use fuel.  In
Texas there is a 

Re: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Ken Provost wrote:

A buddy at work (jewish, socialist, New Yorker, so yeah he's
probly a little AHEAD of the curve) was speculating that U.S.
would be at war with Europe within 15 years. Another fellow
asked if that would be just France, but he said he figgered
all of Europe would be together in it.

I was thinking at the time that U.S. has already LOST the war
with  Europe, but what do I know?

Anyway, since there's some Europeans here, and the putative
war would probly be about OIL (or paying for it with euros
instead of dollars), I thought this forum might have some
light to shed on Fred's idea..  -K


There's too much of a connection with Europe to fight a war with them. 
It would be an awfully hard sell to the American people, one which I 
would never buy. I've never bought the Iraq war either, but what do I know.
Martin K

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[biofuel] Re: Lumpy BD

2004-07-28 Thread bioveging

Actually the one I used for this test was open, but for what all 
purposes is, outside. My full blown processor is completely closed 
and fumeless, this is the pre-heat drum which had it's immersion 
heater welded too high on the wall and I had to use a hotplate 
(electric) and the heat died off way too soon, which is what leaves 
me to think it was heat related, not process related. In any case I 
am redoing the batch again this Friday only this time I am having 
the heater on the drum MiG welded lower so that I can better control 
the heat all throughout the process, again for all practical 
purposes, outside. The unit is housed in a pump house and I redid 
the doors into a barn door configuration so that they open wide 
right in front of where I am working. Now if I can find one of those 
ring closures between now and Friday I will install that as an added 
precaution. The methoxide is being injected via a combination 
of Methoxide the Easy Way and 
JtF's use of an aquarium air pump to pump in some pressure to the 
carboy's vent inlet which I have rigged with a delrin sleeve in the 
cap. A delrin sleeve is a copper tube about an inch or so long (2-
2.5cm) that is flarred at the one end so I drilled out a hole 
through the cap and vent inlet area just big enough to not allow the 
flanged part to go through and then I screw down the cap with this 
sleeve between it. It is just the right size for an aquarium air 
line to attach and once the cap is firmly screwed down it is air 
tight too (no fumes).
Up until now it was not a simple matter to get hold of KOH that was 
reliably pure or whose purity was easily attainable (the numbers 
aren't on the container, go figure)so I went with the NaOH instead, 
but then I was offered some lab grade (99.9%) KOH after having 
bought the sodium so I have yet to have a go using that..
Another reason,I believe, it solidified so much is that, as I said, 
it is in a pump house, and the temps at night went down to 13C and 
it being in an open drum didn't help nor did the fact that it is 
pretty crappy oil (titrated to 10gr/liter)so there was  A LOT of by-
product :).
Anyway, I am having another whack at it this weekend toping off the 
processed oil with some fresh WVO, only better quality this time, to 
make 20 liters again (I like round numbers)and re-titrating it to 
4.75gr/liter and we shall see what the results will bring.

De-gunking the lower plumbing in a water heater style processor 
requires applying heat from the tank's immersion heater carefully so 
as not to stir up the mixture again and having to have it re-settle.
In order to not have the pum[p and exterior plumbing get gunked up I 
have installed two isolation valves that will allow me to completely 
drain the pump and plumbing once the processing is complete, yet 
retain the settling inside the tank.
Once it has settled, I can drain the glycerine via a hose BEFORE it 
gets to the pump and then the BD can be pumped into the wash bin 
using the clear pump afterwards.(Also washing out any possible small 
residues en route) OR I have it set up so that I can easily 
incorporate a second settling tank a la JtF 90 liter processor using a 
secondary tube to send it there again using the same pump where it 
can settle while I do another batch and simply let it settle in the 
processor itself. I have a seperate wash tank adjacent to the 
processor so I can wash two batches at once, the one with a bubbler 
and the other with a pump or whatever and use up the bubbler one 
first and use the other one later.
I don't think I can get away with 160 liters in a 200 liter 
wash/settling tank with the water needed to properly wash it or with 
the by-product that will accompany the two 80 liter batches, so then 
I may just do a 100 liter batch and toss it in the extra settling 
tank and then do another smaller one (80 liters) and let it settle 
in the processor, or another 1oo liter for the main processor to 
handle.(it's flexible)The wvo is no problem as I have two suppliers 
that told me I can help myself to as much as I want, so that end is 

Thanks for your input.


--- In, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good day;
 I made a test batch of 20 liters the other day and when I 
 it for quality using the method described at journeytoforever it
 returned good fuel with clear and distinct seperation of 
 fuel in less than 30 seconds.
 The problem is that when I poured out the BD into a bucket (as the
 glycerine had solidified at the bottom of the drum)it was lumpy,
 as if gelatine clumps were floating around in it.
 Is this due to the temp having dropped off during processing or
 perhaps incomplete reaction even though the quality test came back
 positive ?
 Any input ?
 Wash it and see. Let 

Re: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread Hakan Falk


Your fiend is wrong, there are no gains in a US - Europe war. Europe have 
not enough oil and the losses would be too large. 2020 Bush is not 
president and US will not go to a war were many lives are lost, without 
making substantial gains. If Iraq becomes a true democracy, US will not 
make this mistake again. US would deal with a peaceful country and will not 
have the absolute control over the oil that they need. US will try to go 
back to support of strong dictators, but I think that this will not work in 
the future. Bush did let the genie out of the bottle, which will lead to 
large and severe consequences.

The process of exchanging dollar to Euro have already started, that is one 
of the reasons for the high oil prices in dollar. Oil prices in Euro have 
not gone up more than a couple of Euros. The fact is that the current high 
oil prices does not effect Europe that much, because they are in dollar and 
the Euro has gone up very much, from a low of around 0.85 dollar for a Euro 
to around 1.20+ dollar for a Euro. This is one of the explanations for the 
high oil prices, the dollar have depreciated and Euro is now already an 
alternative. The reality is that the Euro already started to 
replace/complement the dollar. A world war to destroy a currency is not 
likely to be successful. Your friend is however right, the Euro is probably 
the largest single threat against US world dominance.

A war does not necessary support exchange rates, fiscal policies does and a 
war cost too much. Already WWII were about energy and the outcome also 
effected very much by the availability to energy resources. That is why 
Japan attacked Hawaii (the fuel embargo) and that the fighting in middle 
east was so crucial before D-day. At that time, US was in a very strong 
position, as the major oil supplier of the world.

The growth of energy use in East Europe, Far East and especially China, is 
more of a threat and it will be very difficult for US to maintain its 
position. Nuclear and coal, are almost the only available stop gap 
solutions and short term alternatives to a massive and diversified 
investment in renewable. The latter will break up the corporate monopolies, 
if it must be done in a short time frame. It will also be too localized and 
change the power structures in the world. This is why hydrogen looks 
attractive, because it create a dependence on other finite resources, 
namely materials and technologies for production and containment.

It is not an easy situation and the outcome is very difficult to predict.


At 03:22 28/07/2004, you wrote:
A buddy at work (jewish, socialist, New Yorker, so yeah he's
probly a little AHEAD of the curve) was speculating that U.S.
would be at war with Europe within 15 years. Another fellow
asked if that would be just France, but he said he figgered
all of Europe would be together in it.

I was thinking at the time that U.S. has already LOST the war
with  Europe, but what do I know?

Anyway, since there's some Europeans here, and the putative
war would probly be about OIL (or paying for it with euros
instead of dollars), I thought this forum might have some
light to shed on Fred's idea..  -K

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RE: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020

2004-07-28 Thread Bryan Brah

I disagree that the US couldn't go to war with Europe.  After all, we've
already fought each of the European countries individually and beaten
them (except France).  Additionally, it wouldn't be the first time the
US has turned on an ally (remember that we fought beside the Soviets in
WWII and they became our greatest enemy).  I can easily picture the
neo-cons hyping the EU as a threat to American sovereignty.  Considering
that the current administration has alienated all of our old European
allies (except Britain, which incidentally is at odds with many EU
policies), I could easily picture another European war.  At the very
least we'll have another cold war with resulting proxy wars in Africa,
Asia, and South America.  The United States of America is the largest
exporter of war and war materiel (see for the stats).
The profits of the global multinational corporations are closely tied to
our belligerence.   How long do you think that they can hype the current
terror threat?  I would have to say (perhaps cynically) that the
terror threat will end once the US has a more worthy opponent.  I've
wondered since the demise of the USSR which country that would be, and
always assumed that it would be China.  However, it seems plausible that
it could be the EU, particularly if it opposes the neo-cons plan for
American hegemony.  Check out  to see Zbigniew Brzezinski's
vision of what the world should and will look like.




-Original Message-
From: Martin Klingensmith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] European-American War of 2020


Ken Provost wrote:

A buddy at work (jewish, socialist, New Yorker, so yeah he's
probly a little AHEAD of the curve) was speculating that U.S.
would be at war with Europe within 15 years. Another fellow
asked if that would be just France, but he said he figgered
all of Europe would be together in it.

I was thinking at the time that U.S. has already LOST the war
with  Europe, but what do I know?

Anyway, since there's some Europeans here, and the putative
war would probly be about OIL (or paying for it with euros
instead of dollars), I thought this forum might have some
light to shed on Fred's idea..  -K


There's too much of a connection with Europe to fight a war with them. 
It would be an awfully hard sell to the American people, one which I 
would never buy. I've never bought the Iraq war either, but what do I
Martin K

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Re: [biofuel] Responses to Dubya thread

2004-07-28 Thread Keith Addison


The point of my previous message was obviously misconstrued,

I don't think so.

and I
apologize for my lack of clarity.  What I was trying to say is that if
you oppose the war in Iraq, then voting for John Kerry will not solve
your problems.

That's part of what you said, it wasn't misconstrued, and the 
majority here don't get to vote, though they'll be very much affected 
by the outcome.

... Yet the whole world will be watching Boston this week none the 
less. It will be doing so because there has never been a US 
presidential election in which the interests and sympathies of the 
peoples of the world are more at stake than this one. George Bush has 
been the most divisive and dangerous president to occupy the Oval 
Office. It is not just a narrow majority of American voters who, 
according to current polls, want Mr Bush to be defeated in November. 
It is an overwhelming majority of the citizens of other lands, those 
of this country very much included.,3604,1268941,00.html
The Guardian
Monday July 26, 2004

Anyway, as I said, you haven't been listening. A bit of an 
embarrassment of riches... try this thread (please do so!):

It deals with exactly what you say your concerns are, one of many 
such threads, it's not just negative information, whatever that is, 
not just news, it doesn't devolve, 15-20 messages in the thread, 
and none of them from you. It's hard to find any non-negative 
offering on this from you.

Even so, I will attempt to address the three responses
to my previous post.

Your response to my post is somewhat strange. Most of it seems to 
have gone right over your head. You've snipped all the previous, but 
I'll put my post at any rate back again, so you can have another look.

Keith, this list is an excellent source of information, both political,
and biofuel related, however most of it is news.

Not so. Go and read it again.

This happened, that
didn't happen, the administration did this, a representative said that,
so-and-so paid so-and-so, etc.  Oftentimes political articles and posts
stimulate a discussion that devolves into get Bush out.

Not so again - it doesn't devolve. The infamous F9/11 thread 
devolved, most others haven't done so.

While that
may be a legitimate solution to many problems, it won't solve America's
current foreign policy crisis.  And that was my point.

Well, you're just brushing everything aside that gets in the way of 
the oft-made point you want to make - which is usually offered as 
something to build on, not a basis for negative criticism, as you've 

Like your first post, it's kind of telling. More osmosis from the 
very people you're attacking? Here's what I said about that:

Also, I think your seeing it as just criticism is perhaps a bit 
telling. Non-Americans see that response as a symptom of the extreme 
polarisation of US society that makes the problems you describe so 
much more difficult to solve, and has made advancing them so much 
easier. But try to discuss these problems and too many people lash 
out - you're criticising America, you're just an America-basher, 
keep your US-hating left-wing liberal vomit to yourself. Label and 
dismiss, sight unseen, contents unread. Are you falling for this line 
too, Bryan, through sheer osmosis, though you disagree with it?

I think so. For instance:

I don't believe
that every non-American on this list (or in the world) hates America,

That's just what they do here, always - assign the perceived 
criticism (ie the blame) to non-Americans. Aware that this would be 
the response, I've been careful to use quotes and refer to work 
exclusively by Americans, NOT non-Americans, and that's invariably 
brushed aside, ignored. As you've done.

Haven't you even noticed how often the distinction has been made 
between Americans - people - on the one hand and on the other 
Washington, especially as regards foreign policy?

nor do I believe that posts providing negative information about
goings-on are necessarily criticism.

What is negative information? And what do you mean by criticism? 
Criticism is not necessarily negative, intelligent criticism is 
usually quite the opposite.

As you said the problem of the
polarization of American politics is very complex, the origins of which
predate the republic (federalists vs. anti-federalists).

More osmosis - why just explain it away rather than examining it? If 
you lived in a city with a dreadful violent crime rate and 200 people 
were being murdered every week would you say, Oh, we've always had 
that, it goes all the way back to Cain and Abel, it's nothing 
special? That's what you've done here. The *degree* of polarisation 
in today's US does indeed make it something special and not 
comparable with what you're comparing it. I've seen it said that no 
other country is so polarised that isn't in a state of civil war.

I didn't say it was very complex, have