Re: [Biofuel] Federally Funded Boffins Want To Scrap The Internet

2007-04-22 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Mike

Hi Keith and List...of course, those who would suppress the world's 
freedom will still have it for themselves, with which to do what?

Quite! But what can you make of a person who needs (?) more than 
enough? If it's indeed people we're talking about and not the 
institutions they work for/are enslaved by.

Anyway, we've been through this matter of the continuing attempts by 
Big Central to control the Internet, quite a few times. Not to say it 
doesn't bear repeated mention, and eternal vigilance, but various 
ex(?)hacker list members emerged and were most convincing in their 
arguments that it just wasn't going to work. They said we could 
regard the hacker community as our friendly neighbourhood sysops who 
would ably protect us against nasty viruses like the CIA etc and 
their corporate lookalike control freaks. I'm inclined to believe 
them. There was a list posted of how long it had taken the hacker 
community to break various corporate/govt barriers and codes, 

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that just when I thought it was 
darkest, I realize it's only dusk, in the history of humanity.

I don't agree with that. I can understand how it looks that way 
though, especially in the US, permeated as it is with years of 
carefully cultivated helplessness on the one hand and stuff like the 
end times nutters' drivel on the other, such as this: The second 
advent of Christ will include great wars with terrible suffering, the 
course of civilization is toward self-destruction. Especially if we 
leave it to the likes of them (as you Americans have done). I think 
you can get infected by this stuff by sheer osmosis.

I'm still thinking about the book Vonnegut refers to in his 
memoirs, The Mask of Sanity by Dr Hervey Cleckley, this book is 
about congenitally defective human beings of a sort that is making 
this whole country and many other parts of the planet go completely 
haywire nowadays. These were people born without consciences, and 
suddenly they are taking charge of everything. Maybe having a 
conscience is actually an outdated evolutionary appendage of some 
kind that must eventually wither away.

Cleckley discusses that concept and dismisses it.

Actually, Kurt Vonnegut didn't quite get that right. The people he's 
talking about who're taking charge of everything are not the people 
Cleckley talks of in his book. Cleckley's patients are pretty 
incapable of taking charge of anything much, or not for long enough 
to make much difference, collateral damage aside, especially not of 
their own lives, they're unbelievably self-destructive, they lead 
lives of uncontrolled chaos, without goals or direction.

You can download Cleckley's book here:

Definitely work reading.

When you peel off the mask there's nothing there, nothing inside. No 
values. The maniacs who're rushing us towards Armageddon are either 
religious extremists (several brands) or, not psychopaths by 
Cleckley's definition, more like power freaks and control freaks, 
with, certainly, no conscience and no sanity either by normal terms, 
but they're very together, very effective, and over the long term. 
Cleckley's psychopaths are just not capable of that. These people, by 
contrast, do have values, but their values are malevolent.

There's been some discussion of people like this suffering (?) from a 
sort of sub-acute autism. I'll try to dig it up.

This state of mind is not very different from that of a corporate 
entity for which the bottom line always takes priority. Not 
compatible with life.

Hey, that might even cheer you up a bit, might be a bit of an effort 
though. :-)

I don't think you should let Kurt Vonnegut bid you farewell with such 
a dark message. There was a lot more to him than that. Think of the 
things Kurt Vonnegut helped us not only to see and to comprehend, but 
to laugh at!

Good night, and good luck, everyone.  Mike DuPree
 PS This morning, about 5:30, I was awake, reading, listening in 
the background to the orchestra of birds awakening to a new day. 
Sounded like a bunch of piccolos and flutes with an oboe tossed in 
here and there, but mostly higher toned sounds, singing nothing and 
yet everything at the same time, truly glorious.  Then, for a 
moment, right here in suburbia, for a flash of a moment it became 
absolutely quiet and an owl hooted, the bassoon?, just three or four 
notes, that was all, and the orchestra continued as before, but 
different too being somehow magnificently changed.  It's been a 
glorious day ever since.

Nice Mike. Interesting that they all paused for the owl!

I was also listening to the dawn chorus at 5am, I quite often do, 
last thing before I crash. Many birds, including a Japanese 
nightingale, wonderful (it lives here), and since a few days ago, 
frogs. Several kinds of owls hoot in the woods, but not at dawn.

 I do pray our conscience is not merely a historical development 
that has seen its day, 

Re: [Biofuel] Federally Funded Boffins Want To Scrap The Internet

2007-04-22 Thread MK DuPree
Hi Keith...thanks so much for your refutations and assurances that include not 
merely opinion but also, if not always verifiable fact, strong evidence.  The 
people vs institutions, friendly hackers, Cleckley and Vonnegut adjustments all 
very helpful.  At heart, I truly am an eternal optimist, and even though I 
might see dark days yet to come, I do see light at the end of the tunnel, if 
for no other reason than I observe the infinity of stars in the sky.  What I 
have to accept is that my personal timeframe and the timeframe of the Universe 
at times can (must, due to my very short timeframe on the planet) be at odds 
with each other. 
 I'm wondering if what I heard was an owl.  I can be absolutely daff along 
these lines, but when I heard it (fully awake, not dreaming or under any kind 
of influence except the quiet and birdsong of the morning), I had the distinct 
impression of an owl.  I was thinking too, since we are on daylight savings 
time, it was actually around 4:30 in the morning by the sun, that period of 
time that is darkest before dawn.  I've done some Googling for the sound I 
heard and I believe this is it: (click on the 
Typical Call, Captive Female 'Alice', Houston, Minnesota), a Great Horned Owl, 
although the recorded sound offers about seven notes, not the three or four I 
thought I remembered.  Note also in the description under Voice that (m)ost 
calling occurs from dusk to about midnight and then again just before dawn.  
 Thanks for JTF...and Keith, Keith.  Mike

- Original Message - 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 3:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Federally Funded Boffins Want To Scrap The Internet

 Hi Mike
Hi Keith and List...of course, those who would suppress the world's 
freedom will still have it for themselves, with which to do what?
 Quite! But what can you make of a person who needs (?) more than 
 enough? If it's indeed people we're talking about and not the 
 institutions they work for/are enslaved by.
 Anyway, we've been through this matter of the continuing attempts by 
 Big Central to control the Internet, quite a few times. Not to say it 
 doesn't bear repeated mention, and eternal vigilance, but various 
 ex(?)hacker list members emerged and were most convincing in their 
 arguments that it just wasn't going to work. They said we could 
 regard the hacker community as our friendly neighbourhood sysops who 
 would ably protect us against nasty viruses like the CIA etc and 
 their corporate lookalike control freaks. I'm inclined to believe 
 them. There was a list posted of how long it had taken the hacker 
 community to break various corporate/govt barriers and codes, 
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that just when I thought it was 
darkest, I realize it's only dusk, in the history of humanity.
 I don't agree with that. I can understand how it looks that way 
 though, especially in the US, permeated as it is with years of 
 carefully cultivated helplessness on the one hand and stuff like the 
 end times nutters' drivel on the other, such as this: The second 
 advent of Christ will include great wars with terrible suffering, the 
 course of civilization is toward self-destruction. Especially if we 
 leave it to the likes of them (as you Americans have done). I think 
 you can get infected by this stuff by sheer osmosis.
I'm still thinking about the book Vonnegut refers to in his 
memoirs, The Mask of Sanity by Dr Hervey Cleckley, this book is 
about congenitally defective human beings of a sort that is making 
this whole country and many other parts of the planet go completely 
haywire nowadays. These were people born without consciences, and 
suddenly they are taking charge of everything. Maybe having a 
conscience is actually an outdated evolutionary appendage of some 
kind that must eventually wither away.
 Cleckley discusses that concept and dismisses it.
 Actually, Kurt Vonnegut didn't quite get that right. The people he's 
 talking about who're taking charge of everything are not the people 
 Cleckley talks of in his book. Cleckley's patients are pretty 
 incapable of taking charge of anything much, or not for long enough 
 to make much difference, collateral damage aside, especially not of 
 their own lives, they're unbelievably self-destructive, they lead 
 lives of uncontrolled chaos, without goals or direction.
 You can download Cleckley's book here:
 Definitely work reading.
 When you peel off the mask there's nothing there, nothing inside. No 
 values. The maniacs who're rushing us towards Armageddon are either 
 religious extremists (several brands) or, not psychopaths by 
 Cleckley's definition, more like power freaks and control freaks, 
 with, certainly, no conscience and no sanity either by normal terms, 

[Biofuel] [Fwd: Newsweek Hides Global Warming Denier's Financial Ties to Big Oil]

2007-04-22 Thread Darryl McMahon
 From another list.

 Original Message 
 Newsweek Hides Global Warming Denier's Financial Ties to Big Oil
 By Joshua Holland

 Thursday 12 April 2007

  A recent Newsweek op-ed by global warming denier Richard Lindzen
claims the meteorologist has no industry ties, but his bio is as
misleading as his writing.

  So Newsweek is running an opinion piece about global warming
titled: Why So Gloomy? The piece is authored by Richard Lindzen, a
well-known meteorologist, and his thesis about the potential melt-down
of our climate can be boiled down to this: Don't worry, be happy!

  At the bottom of the article, is this brief biographical sketch of
the author:

  Lindzen is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research has always been
funded exclusively by the U.S. government. He receives no funding from
any energy companies.

  Sounds like he's on the up-and-up, no? After all, the guy's not one
of those scientists who denies global warming and then cashes nice
checks from a bunch of big energy firms, right? Maybe those wing-nuts
are right when they deny that there's a scientific consensus about human
activities contributing to global warming. Hmmm.

 Oh, but wait. That name ... Lindzen ... sure does sound familiar.

  Yes! From that excellent investigative piece in Harper's on the
funding behind the climate skepticism industry ...

  In the last year and a half, one of the leading oil industry public
relations outlets, the Global Climate Coalition, has spent more than a
million dollars to downplay the threat of climate change ...

  For the most part the industry has relied on a small band of
skeptics - Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, Dr. Pat Michaels, Dr. Robert Balling,
Dr. Sherwood Idso, and Dr. S. Fred Singer, among others - who have
proven extraordinarily adept at draining the issue of all sense of crisis.

  Lindzen, for his part, charges oil and coal interests $2,500 a day
for his consulting services; his 1991 trip to testify before a Senate
committee was paid for by Western Fuels, and a speech he wrote, entitled
Global Warming: the Origin and Nature of Alleged Scientific Consensus,
was underwritten by OPEC.

  His research may be funded entirely by the government, but Lindzen
himself - his kids' college tuition, his mortgage payments - have at
least in part been funded by Big Oil and Big Coal, including OPEC for
crying out loud!

  But wait, it gets worse. The positions advocated by Richard
Lindzen, the paid-by-OPEC opinion writer commenting in Newsweek - he's
also written op-eds for a number of other publications including the
Wall Street Journal - appear to be the diametric opposite of those held
by Richard Lindzen, the serious meteorologist, when he's writing
peer-reviewed scientific texts.

  Specifically, Lindzen co-authored the 2001 National Academy of
Science's report on climate change. It concluded that despite some
scientific uncertainties, there is agreement that the observed
warming is real and particularly strong within the past 20 years.

  Greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth's atmosphere as a result
of human activities, causing surface air temperatures and subsurface
ocean temperatures to rise.

  The report predicts: increases in rainfall rates and increased
susceptibility of semi-arid regions to drought.

  Global warming could well have serious adverse societal and
ecological impacts by the end of this century, especially if
globally-averaged temperature increases approach the upper end of the
IPCC projections. Even in the more conservative scenarios, the models
project temperatures and sea levels that continue to increase well
beyond the end of this century, suggesting that assessments that examine
only the next 100 years may well underestimate the magnitude of the
eventual impacts.

  The NAS study endorsed The [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change's] conclusion that most of the observed warming of the last 50
years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas
concentrations, saying it accurately reflects the current thinking of
the scientific community on this issue.

  Here's some highlights of what the IPCC report Lindzen endorsed
considered to be virtually certain outcomes of global warming (they
list other potential outcomes that were only very likely, but I'm not
including them here):

  * The troposphere warms, stratosphere cools, and near surface
temperature warms.

  * As the climate warms, Northern Hemisphere snow cover and sea-ice
extent decrease.

  * The globally averaged mean water vapour, evaporation and
precipitation increase.

  * Most tropical areas have increased mean precipitation, most of
the sub-tropical areas have decreased mean precipitation, and in the
high latitudes the mean precipitation increases.

Re: [Biofuel] Ethyl Esters (was Biodiesel New Process)

2007-04-22 Thread Thomas Kelly

After a bit of poking around, I see the best place
 to start is (surprise!) Journey to Forever:

 Amen Brother. Thanks for the reminder.
 JtF is jam-packed with info.on this, and so many other important 
topics.  However, when I read, I often come away with what I'm ready for at 
the moment. Questions arise after having read, and I often don't think to 
Good Day to You,

- Original Message - 
From: Ken Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethyl Esters (was Biodiesel New Process)

 On Apr 21, 2007, at 5:35 PM, Thomas Kelly wrote:

 I suspect I'm not done asking for help though.

 After a bit of poking around, I see the best place
 to start is (surprise!) Journey to Forever:

 JtoF really is an amazing resource :-)


 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Tamba diary

2007-04-22 Thread Keith Addison
G'day all

Strange weather caused much confusion and fits and starts by broody 
poultry. Spring started early in February after a very mild winter - 
only one day of snow, and the ground didn't even freeze, everything 
went right on growing, though very slowly. But then it got cold 
again, March and April were as cold as ever, with temps often dipping 
below freezing at night. The birds kept getting the wrong signals, 
broody chickens failed to hatch any eggs, and the geese are still 
toying with the idea, they sit, and then they don't. I guess they'll 
figure it out once the weather figures itself out, if it ever does.

Three Muscovies have been sitting on their eggs very religiously 
though, and Marilyn finally hatched her first duckling today, and 
more to come, with any luck, other eggs are cracking. The new one's a 
cute little guy, as Muscovy ducklings always are, blond and blue-eyed 
like its mum (hence Marilyn), but with signs of a black tail.

So now, with the help of much low cunning gleaned from the Biofuel 
list, I'll have to kill a crow, else the crows will definitely get a 
duckling or two or more. Marilyn didn't do all that hard work sitting 
there for weeks keeping each egg just right only for her ducklings to 
be murdered by crows, else I'd be failing in my duty. I'll try a 
variation of Jason's suggestion, the E-Z Catch Bird Trap:

Just been talking with Mike DuPree about the joys of the dawn chorus 
and here I'm after killing a crow. :-( On the other hand crows don't 
exactly contribute much to the dawn chorus either.

I was chatting offlist with Kirk about traps and stuff, and decided 
to bring it back onlist:

 ... we'll have anything from 100 to
 150 baby birds scooting around here soon, and the predators are
 gathering. Apart from the crows, I've just been watching a couple of
 raccoons carrying off a feeder full of grain so they can skarf it
 among the trees. Here's a pic:
 Nice animal. Been watching them for awhile, so far (this time round)
 they only come at night when the birds are all safely shut up in
 their hutches, but of course they'll get more daring. Given some good
 rubber I can catch one of them and, probably, educate it a little,
 they're smart, they can learn. Then let it go. Worth a try anyway.
 Otherwise I'll have to kill one (again), and I really don't want to.
Raccoons - major PITA. Here they shoot them. They roost in trees at night.

Not these ones, they can climb, but they prefer being on the ground.
More burrowers than climbers. Japanese variety, somewhat different.

 Just like the birds. Spotlight them and bang.
 They are very destructive given half a chance.

Yes, but you can negotiate with them. This is the third wave of them.
The first ones killed a chicken and I killed a raccoon, then I had a
long talk with an old raccoon, both of us sitting on the drive about
two yards apart, amazing. We didn't have any further problems with
raccoons for two years. They were around, but they kept away from the
birds. But they were old, and died off, and the second wave arrived
in late autumn to fill the niche, young and strong and brash. They
held off and sounded me out for a few weeks, then they attacked,
eight of them altogether, and we lost five chickens before I managed
to kill another one. They really tested our defences! Formidable!
Taught me a lot about raccoons in particular (I'd never encountered
raccoons before I came here) and about predators in general. But the
dead one hanging from the corner of the chicken shed (as promised in
the first place) kept them away, until a few weeks ago, when this lot
arrived. First one, then another, now a third. So, kill on suspicion?
Or jeopardise the birds? Difficult.

What about this guy?

OMG a weasel!!!

Yup, an itachi, Japanese weasel, like all other weasels, pretty much.

Kill a coop of birds in 1 night.

Yes, that happened to us in England, all chickens killed. Sickening.

Happened recently to someone on one of the homesteading lists, 15 
dead chickens, one survived. And then it all came out, all the 
difficulties other members had had with predators. People usually 
don't talk about it much (maybe because when it happens you feel 
such a shit), but I think it happens to everybody, there's no doubt 
predators are one of the major problems or the major problem with 
keeping backyard poultry.

I use 1/2 inch mesh to keep them out.
The floor has to be weasel tight if they are in the area.

That's what it takes, and it probably still won't be effective if 
it's the kind of old shed we have here, like so many people have.

So what to do?

Any thoughts?



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Re: [Biofuel] Federally Funded Boffins Want To Scrap The Internet

2007-04-22 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Mike

What's so cool about it is that I live on the edge of a mountain 
forest, but you're in suburbia, and yet we can share that experience. 
A Great Horned owl, no less. I don't think nature knows many 
barriers, it doesn't stop at the city limits. Trouble is cities and 
suburbia get people looking the wrong way, so they don't see it.

Hi Keith...thanks so much for your refutations and assurances that 
include not merely opinion but also, if not always verifiable fact, 
strong evidence.  The people vs institutions, friendly hackers, 
Cleckley and Vonnegut adjustments all very helpful.  At heart, I 
truly am an eternal optimist, and even though I might see dark days 
yet to come,

Well I'm sure you're right about that.

I do see light at the end of the tunnel, if for no other reason than 
I observe the infinity of stars in the sky.

:-) Good enough.

What I have to accept is that my personal timeframe and the 
timeframe of the Universe at times can (must, due to my very short 
timeframe on the planet) be at odds with each other.
 I'm wondering if what I heard was an owl.

I've heard a lot of different owls in a lot of different places, but 
they all sound like owls. Some owls screech though, but that's 
different, not what you heard. Heh... I was leaning against a 
gatepost late one starry night out in the English countryside taking 
in the scene and generally minding my own business in a peacable sort 
of way when with no warning at all an owl, claws outstretched, made a 
high-speed landing on top of my head - the damn thing thought I was 
the gatepost, and of course owls fly in silence - and my head wasn't 
particularly well-thatched on top, even then. I don't know who got 
the bigger fright, me or it, we both yelled like banshees and the owl 
took off and vanished. What a world, where (a) an owl suddenly claws 
holes in your scalp and (b) the gatepost you're used to perching on 
suddenly screams and runs away clutching its head. LOL!

I can be absolutely daff along these lines, but when I heard it 
(fully awake, not dreaming or under any kind of influence except the 
quiet and birdsong of the morning), I had the distinct impression of 
an owl.  I was thinking too, since we are on daylight savings time, 
it was actually around 4:30 in the morning by the sun, that period 
of time that is darkest before dawn.  I've done some Googling for 
the sound I heard and I believe this is 
tp:// (click 
on the Typical Call, Captive Female 'Alice', Houston, Minnesota), a 
Great Horned Owl, although the recorded sound offers about seven 
notes, not the three or four I thought I remembered.  Note also in 
the description under Voice that (m)ost calling occurs from dusk 
to about midnight and then again just before dawn.

I think you can claim one Great Horned Owl or close cousin. Nice!

Unless maybe the paranoid control-freaks in the original yarn are 
right after all and that's not birdsong at that website it's coded 
messages from AlQaida and a threat to CAWKI that has to be stopped in 
its tracks before we're all murdered in our beds.

 Thanks for JTF...and Keith, Keith.

:-) You're most welcome Mike.

All best



- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison 
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 3:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Federally Funded Boffins Want To Scrap The Internet

  Hi Mike
 Hi Keith and List...of course, those who would suppress the world's
 freedom will still have it for themselves, with which to do what?
  Quite! But what can you make of a person who needs (?) more than
  enough? If it's indeed people we're talking about and not the
  institutions they work for/are enslaved by.
  Anyway, we've been through this matter of the continuing attempts by
  Big Central to control the Internet, quite a few times. Not to say it
  doesn't bear repeated mention, and eternal vigilance, but various
  ex(?)hacker list members emerged and were most convincing in their
  arguments that it just wasn't going to work. They said we could
  regard the hacker community as our friendly neighbourhood sysops who
  would ably protect us against nasty viruses like the CIA etc and
  their corporate lookalike control freaks. I'm inclined to believe
  them. There was a list posted of how long it had taken the hacker
  community to break various corporate/govt barriers and codes,
 I guess I shouldn't be surprised that just when I thought it was
 darkest, I realize it's only dusk, in the history of humanity.
  I don't agree with that. I can understand how it looks that way
  though, especially in the US, permeated as it is with years of
  carefully cultivated helplessness on the one hand and stuff like the
  end times nutters' drivel on the other, such as this: 

[Biofuel] uTube: Dave Deppner and Trees for the Future

2007-04-22 Thread Jesse Frayne
Hello everyone.  It's a ridiculously beautiful day
here in Southern Ontario and here is a happy video for
all to enjoy.


Jesse Frayne
Neighbourhood catering and general joie de livre

  Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the 
boot with the All-new Yahoo! Mail at

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Tamba diary

2007-04-22 Thread robert and benita rabello

Keith Addison wrote:

G'day all

Strange weather caused much confusion and fits and starts by broody 
poultry. Spring started early in February after a very mild winter - 
only one day of snow, and the ground didn't even freeze, everything 
went right on growing, though very slowly. But then it got cold 
again, March and April were as cold as ever, with temps often dipping 
below freezing at night. 

   It's been strange over here, too.  We've had LOTS of rain, but it's 
warmed up enough for the trees to begin blossoming.  The cherry and 
young peach trees (which we planted from seedlings two years ago) are 
showing signs that they'll have lots of fruit.  My saintly mother-in-law 
thinks our peaches will be about the size of almonds, though . . .

Our plum trees are ablaze with blossoms, and even the pear, which 
has been sick since we got it, looks vigorous compared to how it usually 
looks . . .

   But I haven't seen any bees.  It's still cold, but there ARE bugs 
out already.  The songbirds are busy hunting in our garden, but the bees 
and wasps are curiously absent.

   I'm very discouraged about the state of my composting.  The new bin 
isn't working out very well, and most of what it produces smells awful 
and has the consistency of slime from the bottom of a swamp!  (Only the 
stuff I've taken from the middle of the bin is close to being 
finished--as it was hot when I last checked--but without worms I'm sure 
I'd have a hopeless situation on my hands right now.)  I have SOME good 
compost, but not enough for what I need, and most of what I have has now 
gone into the containers my sweetheart uses for growing herbs on our deck.

snip interesting discussion of roosting birds because the only birds 
around my house are wild

Just been talking with Mike DuPree about the joys of the dawn chorus 
and here I'm after killing a crow. :-( On the other hand crows don't 
exactly contribute much to the dawn chorus either.

   It's really nice to have the birds back.  We've got these little, 
tiny songbirds nesting in our hedges that really sing up a storm!  About 
two weeks ago I found a dead robin on my driveway.  It looked perfectly 
healthy, but it was stone dead, and one of my clients (who owns a 
chicken farm) suggested that I simply bury it quietly rather than 
contacting the Ministry of Agriculture about a possible bird flu case.

   They'll quarantine your whole property, she said.

   I don't know how that would work, given that I live in a subdivision 
and the birds who hunt on my lot are free to go anywhere they want.  I 
took her advice, however, and simply buried the bird.

I was chatting offlist with Kirk about traps and stuff, and decided 
to bring it back onlist:


Any thoughts?


   If you think these creatures will respond to some persuasion, have 
you considered leaving a chemical signal for them that informs them 
whose territory they're infringing upon?  I find that dogs will sniff my 
compost pile, then leave it alone, whereas before using my compost 
enhancement liquid they tended to pee all over it.  At the very least, 
your mammalian intruders will know that they're trespassing and might 
learn to associate your scent with an unpleasant experience.

   I've never tried this, but I've often wondered whether or not it 
would work.

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
The Long Journey
New Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] WP Article - Criminal Probe Opened in Pet Food Scare

2007-04-22 Thread Kirk McLoren
now in human food

  WP Article - Criminal Probe Opened in Pet Food Scare

This article can be found online at:


* * * * * * * *Begin Article* * * * * * * *

Criminal Probe Opened in Pet Food Scare
FDA Says Charges Possible; Tainted Pork Confirmed in Calif.
By _Patricia Sullivan_ 
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, April 21, 2007; Page A10 

The _Food and Drug Administration_ 
 has opened a 
criminal investigation in the widening pet food contamination scandal, 
said yesterday, as it was confirmed that tainted pork might have made its way 
onto human dinner plates in California. 
More than 100 hogs that ate contaminated food at a custom slaughterhouse in 
's Central Valley were sold to private individuals and to an 
unnamed licensed facility in Northern California during the past 2 1/2 weeks. 
hogs consumed feed that contained rice protein tainted with melamine, the 
industrial chemical that has sickened and killed dogs and cats around the world.

Almost a dozen companies have found that they have used melamine-contaminated 
ingredients from _China_ 
( in 
their animal foods, either wheat gluten, corn gluten 
or rice protein concentrate. In the _United States_ 
 , more than 60 million 
containers of cat and dog food have been pulled from the market in the past 
five weeks. 
People who bought pork from the American Hog Farm, a 1,500-animal facility in 
( , 
Calif., between April 3 and April 18 are being advised not to eat the 
meat, California health officials said yesterday, although there have been no 
reports of illness in either people or the hogs. Authorities are tracking down 
all the purchasers. 
We are making the recommendation out of a preponderance of caution, said 
Kevin Reilly of the _California Department of Health Services_ 
h+Services) . The risk is minimal, but the investigation is very early on. 
Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine, said 
criminal charges are a possibility, but he declined to say whether there is 
reason to believe any individual or organization intentionally adulterated pet 
Late Thursday, _Royal Canin USA_ 
 became the most recent company to 
recall pet foods. Some of its brands were contaminated with rice protein 
concentrate. Its _South African_ 
subsidiary said contaminated corn gluten had been 
linked to the deaths of 30 pets there. 
Five companies received the contaminated Chinese rice protein concentrate. 
Three firms have identified themselves by announcing recalls; the other two are 
not publicly known because the FDA will not name them until the companies say 
they used contaminants in their products. 
More than six other companies, some of which make pet food under a variety of 
labels, have announced recalls because melamine-contaminated wheat gluten was 
used in their products, starting with a March 16 recall. Wheat gluten is by 
far the larger ingredient in American pet food, the FDA said. 
Although Banfield Pet Hospitals, a large nationwide chain, is working with 
the FDA to develop a tally of how many pets have died because of melamine in 
their foods, the company would not say what their survey shows. The FDA will 
only that more than 16 cats and dogs have died; other reports from _Oregon_ 
( and 
veterinarians alone put the confirmed toll at 96.

* * * * * * * *End Article* * * * * * * *

Ravette-Jodevin Collies
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Biofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] Federally Funded Boffins Want To Scrap The Internet

2007-04-22 Thread Doug Younker
And here I have been suspecting a network, not accessible to the general 
public, has been in operation all this time.  Did everyone save their 
software from the telephone BBS days?  Where currently the focus is on 
the internet, I wonder how many, if any, subversive groups are currently 
using a BBS for their cause?  In general I wonder how many general 
interest groups, subversive or not are prepared to move to a BBS, if 
circumstances, suggest such a move may be needed.  Of course operating 
one now is going to be cheaper than back when,it will still cost. 
Participant will be required to put in a few dollars a month, but that 
can only weed out the less serious.  The fact of the matter is their are 
still plenty of people in the U.S. who still don't own a computer, much 
less use the internet.  Even if they have an aversion to big brother, 
they aren't likely put any effort into keeping any networks payed for by 
public dollars open to the public.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Keith Addison wrote:
 Lots of hotlinks in the Web version. - K
 April 21, 2007 
 Federally Funded Boffins Want To Scrap The Internet
 Seeking further funding from Congress for clean slate projects
 by Steve Watson
 Global Research, April 18, 2007
 Researchers funded by the federal government want to shut down the 
 internet and start over, citing the fact that at the moment there are 
 loopholes in the system whereby users cannot be tracked and traced 
 all the time.
 Time magazine has reported that several foundations and universities 
 including Rutgers, Stanford, Princeton, Carnegie Mellon and the 
 Massachusetts Institute of Technology are pursuing individual 
 projects, along with the Defense Department, in order to wipe out the 
 current internet and replace it with a new network which will satisfy 
 big business and government:
 One challenge in any reconstruction, though, will be balancing the 
 interests of various constituencies. The first time around, 
 researchers were able to toil away in their labs quietly. Industry is 
 playing a bigger role this time, and law enforcement is bound to make 
 its needs for wiretapping known.
 There's no evidence they are meddling yet, but once any research 
 looks promising, a number of people (will) want to be in the drawing 
 room, said Jonathan Zittrain, a law professor affiliated with Oxford 
 and Harvard universities. They'll be wearing coats and ties and 
 spilling out of the venue.
 The projects echo moves we have previously reported on to clamp down 
 on internet neutrality and even to designate a new form of the 
 internet known as Internet 2.
 This would be a faster, more streamlined elite equivalent of the 
 internet available to users who were willing to pay more for a much 
 improved service. providers may only allow streaming audio and video 
 on your websites if you were eligible for Internet 2.
 Of course, Internet 2 would be greatly regulated and only 
 appropriate content would be accepted by an FCC or government 
 bureau. Everything else would be relegated to the slow lane 
 internet, the junkyard as it were. Our techie rulers are all too keen 
 to make us believe that the internet as we know it is already dead.
 Google is just one of the major companies preparing for internet 2 by 
 setting up hundreds of server farms through which eventually all 
 our personal data - emails, documents, photographs, music, movies - 
 will pass and reside.
 However, experts state that the clean slate projects currently 
 being undertaken go even further beyond projects like Internet2 and 
 National LambdaRail, both of which focus primarily on next-generation 
 needs for speed.
 In tandem with broad data retention legislation currently being 
 introduced worldwide, such clean slate projects may represent a 
 considerable threat to the freedom of the internet as we know it. EU 
 directives and US proposals for data retention may mean that any 
 normal website or blog would have to fall into line with such new 
 rules and suddenly total web regulation would become a reality.
 In recent months, a chorus of propaganda intended to demonize the 
 Internet and further lead it down a path of strict control has spewed 
 forth from numerous establishment organs:
 * In a display of bi-partisanship, there have recently been 
 calls for all out mandatory ISP snooping on all US citizens by both 
 Democrats and Republicans alike.
 * Republican Senator John McCain recently tabled a proposal to 
 introduce legislation that would fine blogs up to $300,000 for 
 offensive statements, photos and videos posted by visitors on comment 
 boards. It is well known that McCain has a distaste for his 
 blogosphere critics, causing a definite conflict of interest where 
 any proposal to restrict blogs on his part is concerned.
 * During an appearance with his wife Barbara on Fox News last 
 November, George