[Biofuel] 25 censored stories of 2008

2007-09-15 Thread fujee01
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[Biofuel] Corn Prices Not Cause of Rising Grocery Prices

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison
... Food and meat processors are using the ethanol smokescreen to 
justify grocery price increases that are unlikely to decline when 
corn's historically volatile price falls.

Retail Realities: Corn Prices Do Not Drive Grocery Inflation, September 2007
Full report:

- Food  Water Watch

Corn Prices Not Cause of Rising Grocery Prices

September 13, 2007

Patrick Woodall, 202-797-6544
Jen Mueller, 202-797-6553

Corn Prices Unlikely Culprit for Rising Grocery Prices

Analysis of Three Decades of Prices Reveals No Connection Between 
Corn Prices and Grocery Realities

Washington, DC - Retail prices for meat and milk are disconnected 
from increases in the price that farmers receive for corn, according 
to an analysis of food and corn prices over the past three decades 
released today. Retail consumer food prices have generally risen 
steadily with inflation or even faster irregardless of the price 
farmers receive for corn used to feed livestock.  Food  Water 
Watch's examination of historical farmgate and retail price trends 
disproves the allegation that there is a direct causal relationship 
between corn prices and retail grocery prices.

Although corn prices have risen over the past year in part as a 
result of increased ethanol demand, the correlation between crop 
prices and retail grocery prices remains elusive, said Food  Water 
Watch Policy Analyst Patrick Woodall.

Federal farm policy over the past two decades has promoted 
overproduction and low crop prices that consolidated the profits of 
the farm and food system in a tiny number of special interest hands.  
During most of the past decade, these agribusinesses were able to 
purchase corn at very low prices, but consumer retail prices at the 
grocery store did not decline commensurately.

Consumers are legitimately nervous when the cost of eating is 
rapidly outpacing the means of paying for food, said Food  Water 
Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter. As long as federal farm 
policy promotes overproduction and ignores agribusiness 
consolidation, farmers and consumers will be at the mercy of pricing 
decisions made by a few powerful agribusiness interests.

During the first half of 2007, food prices rose by 6.2 percent and 
contributed to almost one-fifth (17 percent) of the total increase in 
consumer prices. Consumer anxiety over higher grocery prices is 
heightened by more modest wage and economic growth. The food industry 
has been capitalizing on consumer fears about grocery prices by 
focusing on higher costs for one of their key ingredients: corn.

Food  Water Watch examined and compared the monthly farmgate price 
of corn and retail price of ground beef, chicken, pork chops, and 
milk since 1980 and found:

* Contrary to widespread media reports, the long-term farmgate price 
of corn has fluctuated significantly and has exceeded oft-cited $2 
per bushel during three quarters of the months between 1980 and 2006.
* The real, inflation-adjusted price of corn has trended downwards 
since 1980 from an average of $6 per bushel in the early 1980s to 
$2.37 two decades later.
* During periods of farmgate corn price increases similar to the 
recent rise, there has been little interplay with retail food costs - 
in many cases retail food prices fell as corn prices rose.

In 1980, the farmgate price for corn was $2.70 and a new Ford 
Mustang cost about $6,000.  Today, the base model Mustang runs about 
$19,000 and corn is selling for as much as $3.70 - meaning the price 
of Mustangs more than tripled and the price of corn increased by a 
little more than a third, said Woodall. America needs agriculture 
and food policies designed for farmers and consumers and not just 
agribusiness interests.

The full analysis is posted at 

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[Biofuel] Wanted: Unruly Activists

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison
- CommonDreams.org
Published on Thursday, September 13, 2007 by The Nation
Wanted: Unruly Activists

by Nicholas Von Hoffman

The first thing the members of Congress did before they heard the 
testimony of General David Petraeus, the Administration's new 
political point man on the war, was to throw the members of Code Pink 
out of the room. The Code Pinkers are those obnoxious females wearing 
their eponymously colored T-shirts with end-the-killing slogans on 

The women of Code Pink are liable to pop up at any solemn public 
gathering demanding peace at the top of their voices. They are unable 
to understand that elected officials are better informed and wiser 
than they are and thus they mistakenly dis people important enough to 
warrant bodyguards.

During Code Pink's brief moment in the sun, several Republican 
members of Congress groused to House Arms Committee Chairman Ike 
Skelton (D. Mo) about the scandalous trouble-makers. American 
politicians, who these days are equipped with security details, have 
come to regard political heckling as a misdemeanor of greater gravity 
even than making a pass at an undercover cop in a men's room. 
Heckling used to be an inseparable part of public debate and, once 
upon a time, a politician was judged in part by his ability to come 
through with the kind of humorous riposte that sets audiences to 
laughing and the hecklers to the sidelines. Lincoln, Churchill and 
Disraeli were masters at it.

The Code Pinkers are playing what ESPN would call Extreme or 
X-politics. X-politicians make noise, bust up meetings, chain 
themselves to furniture, do the big floppola in front of the security 
personnel and wail like hell when they are dragged off. Most of us 
are incapable of playing X-politics, but thank God the women of Code 
Pink are not.

You don't play X-politics because you want a new school 
superintendent or a stop sign on your block. You play it when it's 
about war, about dying, maiming and mass misery on a scale too large 
for any mind to encompass. You play it because the war party always 
has all the drums and all the bugles and all the flags. You play it 
because somebody has to smash through, be the truth-teller. And it's 
not going to be people with normal temperatures and Anglo-Saxon 

X-politics is only for the lion-hearted. Samuel Adams played it at 
the Boston Massacre and the wildest, craziest and yet most essential 
X-politician in our history was John Brown, Old Potawatamie, who 
ended dangling from a noose, the North's most electric abolitionist 

An X-politician does not have to lead an armed insurrection, but he 
or she must do something that enflames indignation and ignites anger. 
On a small scale that is what Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Jr did. He's the 
man who was gang-tackled by the Capitol cops to keep him out of the 
hearing room. Put your hands together and give it up for the Reverend 
as you watch the seven-minute video of his encounter with Capitol 
Hill's finest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiradcejA6o

MoveOn.org plays its own, somewhat more sedate brand of X-politics. 
The day before the hearings it kicked war partisans in the shins with 
a full-page New York Times ad, with a headline that screamed, 
General Petraeus or General Betray Us?. It drove the likes of Orrin 
Hatch (R. UT) to offering resolutions of condemnation and 
denunciations of MoveOn.org's wickedness for suggesting the General 
cannot be counted to tell the whole truth.

(In the interest of full disclosure, the writer confesses to having 
sent MoveOn.org a small contribution immediately after having read 
that ad.)

A newspaper ad alone could not have so convincingly disseminated the 
thought that Petraeus had moved from being a four-star general to 
being a four-star Republican politician. For that the ad had to 
provoke a furious reaction from the war lovers.

The essence of X-politics, whether it's Cindy Sheehan or Eli Pariser, 
one of MoveOn.org's better known people, is to use the other sides' 
rage, money and status against itself.

May Code Pink strike again. And again.

Nicholas von Hoffman is the author of A Devil's Dictionary of 
Business, now in paperback. He is a Pulitzer Prize losing author of 
thirteen books, including Citizen Cohn, and a columnist for the New 
York Observer.

© 2007 The Nation

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[Biofuel] President Bush to veto ban on mercury in flu vaccines

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison
Alliance for Health Freedom Australia
President Bush to veto ban on mercury in flu vaccines

President Bush is to veto a bill that would ban mercury in flu 
vaccines for children despite its known links to autism and other 
neurological disorders and despite the fact that he pledged in 2004 
to support such a move when campaigning for re-election.

The White House stated on Tuesday that President
Bush would veto the FY 2008 HHS-Labor-Education Appropriations Bill 
because of the cost and objectionable provisions such as a measure 
to ban the use of childhood flu vaccines that contain thimerosal, a 
mercury-based preservative, a press release from Autism advocacy 
group Safe Minds on the PRNewswire-USNewswire states.

Bush is calling for an amendment that would remove the children's 
safety provision from the bill.
Safe Minds warns:

Under the current administration, mercury has been and will 
continue to be knowingly injected into the youngest of American 
citizens. The controversial mercury-containing preservative 
thimerosal has been linked by thousands of parents as being the cause 
of their children's mercury poisoning and autism.   

The flu vaccine, which continues to be manufactured with mercury, is 
recommended for all pregnant women, infants and children despite the 
fact that the Institute of Medicine in 2001 recommended against the 
policy of
exposing these same sensitive groups to thimerosal containing vaccines.

Mercury is the second most toxic metal known to man behind Uranium. 
Thimerosal is used in vaccines not because it is good for you, but 
purely because it prevents vaccine contamination. Yet some have 
questioned why thimerosal is even considered for vaccines because 
there are obviously safer alternatives to preventing contamination. 
Questions also remain about how pharmaceutical companies conduct 
vaccine research and how the government regulates those companies.

Despite these facts, sickening reports such as the one below continue 
to make out that injecting the second most poisonous substance in the 
world into babies is actually GOOD for their health:

During Bush's re-election campaign in 2004 he stated:

I support the removal of Thimerosal from vaccines on the 
childhood national vaccine schedule. During a second term as 
President, I will continue to support increased funding to support a 
wide variety of research initiatives aimed at seeking definitive 
causes and/or triggers of autism. It is important to note that while 
there are many possible theories about causes or triggers of autism, 
no one material has been definitely included or excluded.   

Despite this he now plans to veto a bill that would remove Thimerosal 
because of costs. What costs would these be? Do the costs of big 
pharmaceutical companies and fat government kickbacks outweigh the 
costs of the healthy brains of every child in America? Seemingly so.

Furthermore, though Bush stated that the evidence for links between 
mercury laden vaccines and autism are not concrete, there are scores 
of studies and testimony from credible figures asserting the exact 

Starting in the early nineties, government regulators dramatically 
increased the amount of Thimerosal exposure to babies by adding two 
new vaccines to the roster of mandatory immunizations children must 
have before enrolling in school. The combination of the Hepatitis B 
vaccine and the HiB vaccine more than doubled the amount of mercury 

Mercury expert Dr. Boyd Haley of the University of Kentucky has 
testified before Congress and the Pentagon as well as the FDA as one 
of the nation's leading experts on Thimerosal and mercury poisoning, 
revealing that his research leads him to believe that some children 
are genetically predisposed to storing mercury in their brains, 
leading to neurological disorders, including autism.

The combination of the Hepatitis B vaccine and the HiB 
vaccine more than doubled the amount of mercury children in the 90s. 
If you take a ten-pound baby in, and it gets four shots on that one 
day, which is a common practice - that's equivalent to giving a 
100-pound person forty shots in one day, said Haley.

Haley has also proposed that Thimerosal in infant vaccines was also 
the most likely toxic agent involved in Gulf War syndrome and 
autistic spectrum disorders. Think about this, they are injecting 
into babies something that is breaking down the bodies of full grown 
combat veterans.

While the FDA questioned thimerosal's safety in the 80s, noting that 
it was not safe for 'over-the-counter' topical use because of its 
potential for cell damage, and while it was removed from animal 
vaccines for the same reason, the government regulatory committees 
did nothing to question its use in childhood vaccines.

It's too dangerous for cats and dogs but the government is happy for 
our babies to be pumped full of the stuff on a 

Re: [Biofuel] 25 censored stories of 2008

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison


It should be 2006 though, not 2008 - by 2008 it'll have been censored, LOL!

I saw many of them at the time, and posted a few of them, but it's a 
little chilling to see them all together in a bunch, more so than 
previous years, seems to me. Sinister stuff.


#1 No Habeas Corpus for Any Person
#2 Bush Moves Toward Martial Law
#3 AFRICOM: US Military Control of Africa's Resources
#4 Frenzy of Increasingly Destructive Trade Agreements
#5 Human Traffic Builds US Embassy in Iraq
#6 Operation FALCON Raids
#7 Behind Blackwater Inc.
#9 Privatization of America's Infrastructure
#13 Immigrant Roundups to Gain Cheap Labor for US Corporate Giants
#14 Impunity for US War Criminals
#16 No Hard Evidence Connecting Bin Laden to 9/11
#20 Terror Act Against Animal Activists

Anybody betting the farm there's going to be a US election next year, 
or even another coup in drag like the last two? Quite a lot of people 
seem to be doubting it.



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[Biofuel] Fwd: Re: Back Door Install - Probably Not but...

2007-09-15 Thread Kirk McLoren


Another good reason to switch to Linux
Indeed. Did microsoft really think they could get away with this?

I'm told by some friends that after cracking the cryptoAPIs, initial 
dissasembly and poking around a bit...  M$ made some network and authentication 
related changes in .381... that could really screw someone if the government or 
microsoft or whatever decided to install a backdoor, rootkit, logger, whatever. 
XP users are in a really sorry position. F*** you, M$. 

Catch up on fall's hot new shows on Yahoo! TV.  Watch previews, get listings, 
and more!
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Re: [Biofuel] President Bush to veto ban on mercury in flu vaccines

2007-09-15 Thread Kirk McLoren
 to be pumped full of the stuff on a regular basis.

Dr Haley has also pointed out that it is also well known by any good 
biochemist that thimerosal and aluminum react dangerously when 
combined together. Given that Aluminum is a compound added to many 
vaccines as a catalyst you would think the government would have 
heeded this warning, yet it has still done nothing.

Despite the continued reports doubting the link between Thimerosal 
and autism, more studies have continued to verify the link. As 
reported in the Capitol Times recently:

A study done at the University of Washington in 2006 showed 
that baby primates exposed to injected thimerosal (50 percent 
mercury), at a rate equal to the 1990s childhood vaccine schedule, 
retained twice as much inorganic mercury in their brains as primates 
exposed to equal amounts of ingested methylmercury. We know from 
autometallographic determination that inorganic mercury present in 
the brain, following the dealkylation of organic mercury, is the 
toxic agent responsible for changes in the microglial population and 
leads to neuroinflammation. 

In other words thimerosal, inorganic mercury, leads to 
neuroinflammatory disease which is proven to be the underlying 
medical condition of autism.

Furthermore In a study done at the University of Arkansas last year, 
autistic children were found to have significantly lower levels of 
the antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione is the major antioxidant 
needed for the elimination of mercury at the cellular level.

Moreover, Professor Philippe Grandjean, from Harvard University and 
the University of Southern Denmark, considered the foremost 
scientific authority on the development of children's brains, has 
recently claimed that the average human IQ is plummeting primarily 
due to IQ points in the population being chemically destroyed via low 
level mercury exposure in children.

The links between the ingestion of mercury and neurological breakdown 
are clear and proven. Professors all over the world are telling us 
outright that it is literally destroying people's brains. Even if you 
choose to believe, in the face of all the evidence, that the links 
are still somewhat questionable, the solution is still obvious. GET 

Safe Minds also point out that according to the EPA, one in every six 
women of childbearing age already has blood levels of mercury high 
enough to cause neurological damage to their unborn children due to 
environmental exposures alone.

Injecting even more mercury into the bodies of pregnant 
women, infants and children when it is not a necessary component of 
vaccines is just bad medicine, said Lyn Redwood, president of Safe 
Minds and parent of a mercury-injured child. It defies logic that a 
flu vaccine must be disposed of as a hazardous waste if it is not 
used, but somehow injecting the same mercury-containing vaccine into 
a baby is safe. 

Yes it defies logic to someone who believes in the unabated 
progression of the entirety of the human race, however, to an elite 
devoid of all morality and interested only in the endgame pursuit of 
their own biological, spiritual and financial monopoly over the whole 
planet, it makes perfect sense.

Related Video: Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda
Vaccine Data Page: Vaccines The Deadly Cure

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[Biofuel] Testimony of The Tortured

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein


Published on Thursday, September 13, 2007 by CommonDreams.org

Testimony of The Tortured

by Jeremy Scahill

When President Bush dispatched the neoconservative terror expert 
Paul Bremer to Baghdad in the summer of 2003, it took the former 
staffer to Henry Kissinger just two weeks to boldly declare that Iraq 
was open for business. Naomi Klein, who traveled to Iraq during 
Bremer's one year stint in the country, writes in The Shock Doctrine: 
Overnight, Iraq went from being one of the most isolated countries 
in the world, sealed off from the most basic trade by strict UN 
sanctions, to becoming the widest-open market anywhere.

Bremer swiftly set about wiping Iraq clean and applying Milton 
Friedman's radical economic formula in the Arab world, a region Klein 
calls the last holdout for this neoliberal crusade. This, Klein 
writes, would come in the form of mass privatization, complete free 
trade, a 15% flat tax and a dramatically downsized government. As 
Klein says, it was an anti-Marshall Plan. And while it appeared early 
on in Bremer's tenure that the neoconservatives were winning, it 
didn't take long for the temporary euphoria of life without Saddam to 
be overcome by a collective Iraqi rage at the US agenda.

Even US allies like the interim trade minister, Ali Abdul-Amir 
Allawi, declared Iraqis were sick and tired of being the subjects of 
experiments. There have been enough shocks to the system, so we don't 
need this shock therapy in the economy. This radical economic 
agenda, combined with the disastrous de-Baathification policy, which 
not only resulted in tens of thousands of state workers losing their 
jobs overnight, but also some 250,000 Iraqi soldiers, meant that the 
Bremer agenda would just as radically give rise to a widespread 
Iraqi resistance to the occupation, the likes of which the cake 
walk theory promoters could never have envisioned.

As the situation on the ground rapidly deteriorated, the job of 
keeping alive Bremer, the most hated man in Iraq, was not given to 
the US military, but rather was awarded - through a no-bid $27m 
contract - to the politically-connected mercenary firm, Blackwater 
USA, whose owner, Erik Prince, is a major donor to the political 
campaigns of President Bush and his allies, as well as to the core 
groups that make up the radical religious right in America. As Bremer 
opened Iraq up for business, his own life would be placed in the 
all-powerful hands of the free market. If Blackwater loses a 
principal [like Bremer], they're out of business, aren't they? asked 
Colonel Thomas Hammes, the US military official in charge of building 
a new Iraqi military after Bremer disbanded the old one. Can you 
imagine being Blackwater, trying to sell your next contract, saying, 
'Well, we did pretty well in Iraq for about four months, and then he 
got killed.' Hammes, who said he himself was run off the road by 
Blackwater mercenaries, said Blackwater made enemies everywhere, 
but added, they were doing their job, exactly what they were paid to 
do in the way they were paid to do it.

It was this period, as Bremer ran around Iraq with his Blackwater 
mercenaries destroying the economy, that began the epic conflict that 
would unfold with a stunning degree of bloodshed and loss of life - 
overwhelmingly Iraqi. But you wouldn't get that from watching CNN or 
Fox News. Iraq has become one long series of car bombs and sectarian 
violence. There is no context and almost no mention of the 
on-the-ground policies of Bremer in that first year when the pundits 
discuss Iraq. Iraqis are simply people who want to blow each other up 
and murder their liberators. More importantly, the destruction of 
Iraq's economy and civil society - which began a full decade before 
the 2003 invasion with the 1991 Gulf War and a decade of devastating 
economic sanctions - and the ensuing carnage are almost never viewed 
through the lens of more than 40 years of US global policy that 
preceded the Iraq occupation and indeed laid the groundwork for the 
present reality.

This is where the brilliance of Klein's analysis shines through. She 
thoroughly exposes the historical roots of the first year of the 
occupation and provides the most comprehensive analysis to date on 
how we got to where we are today. The Shock Doctrine is equal parts 
meticulously documented scholarship and old-fashioned reporting. 
Klein is indeed an embedded journalist, but never with the occupying 
armies - she has embedded with the poor and suffering, the victims of 
economic and literal shock. John Loyd charges Klein with promoting 
the conspiratorial version of history. No. What Klein has done is 
to take the testimony of the tortured and destroyed, mix it with a 
scathing confrontation of their oppressors (often using their own 

[Biofuel] From the Bin Laden tape

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison
Full transcript:

This version edited and condensed by Michael Dickinson

... After examining the transcribed text of Osama's address, I found 
much of what he said made sense to me.  After condensing and editing, 
this following version of the speech might make sense to you too -  

And your [America's] information media during the first years of the 
war lost its credibility and manifested itself as a tool of the 
colonialist empires, and its condition has often been worse than the 
condition of the media of the dictatorial regimes which march in the 
caravan of the single leader...

Why are the leaders of the White House keen to start wars and wage 
them around the world, and make use of every possible opportunity 
through which they can reach this purpose, occasionally even creating 
justifications based on deception and blatant lies, as you saw in 

In the Vietnam War, the leaders of the White House claimed at the 
time that it was a necessary and crucial war, and during it, Rumsfeld 
and his aides murdered two million villagers. When Kennedy took over 
the presidency and deviated from the general line of policy drawn up 
for the White House and wanted to stop this unjust war, that angered 
the owners of the major corporations who were benefiting from its 

And so Kennedy was killed, and those corporations were the primary 
beneficiary from his killing. The war continued after that for 
approximately one decade. But after it became clear to you that it 
was an unjust and unnecessary war, you made one of your greatest 
mistakes, in that you neither brought to account nor punished those 
who waged this war, not even the most violent of its murderers, 
Rumsfeld. Even more incredible is that Bush picked him as Secretary 
of Defense in his first term after picking Cheney as his vice 
president, Powell as secretary of state and Armitage as Powell's 
deputy, despite their horrific and blood history of murdering humans. 
It was a clear signal that his administration - the administration of 
the generals- didn't have as its main concern the serving of 
humanity, but rather, was interested in bringing about new massacres. 
Yet in spite of that, you permitted Bush to complete his first term, 
and stranger still, chose him for a second term, which gave him a 
clear mandate from you - with your full knowledge and consent - to 
continue to murder our people in Iraq and Afghanistan.

History shows the genocide and holocausts which took place at your 
hands: only a few specimens of Red Indians were spared, and just a 
few days ago, the Japanese observed the 62nd anniversary of the 
annihilation of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by your nuclear 

Then you claim to be innocent! It is impossible to humor any of you 
in the arrogance and indifference you show for the lives of humans 
outside America, or to humor your leaders in their lying, as the 
entire world knows they have the lion's share of that. Not taking 
past war criminals to account led to them repeating that crime of 
killing humanity without right and waging this unjust war in 

This war was entirely unnecessary, as testified to by your own 
reports. Among the most capable of those from your own side who speak 
to you on this topic is Noam Chomsky, who spoke sober words of advice 
prior to the war, but the leader of Texas doesn't like those who give 
advice. The entire world came out in unprecedented demonstrations to 
warn against waging the war and describe its true nature in eloquent 
terms like no to spilling red blood for black oil, yet he paid them 
no heed.

It is time for humankind to know that talk of 'the rights of man' and 
'freedom' are lies produced by the White House and its allies in 
Europe to deceive humans, take control of their destinies and 
subjugate them.

Among the things which catch the eye of the repercussions of your 
unjust war against Iraq is the failure of your democratic system, 
despite it raising of the slogans of 'justice, liberty, equality and 
humanitarianism'. It has not only failed to achieve these things, it 
has actually destroyed these and other concepts with its weapons - 
especially in Iraq and Afghanistan- in a brazen fashion, to replace 
them with fear, destruction, killing, hunger, illness, displacement 
and more than a million orphans in Baghdad alone, not to mention 
hundreds of thousands of widows. Americans statistics speak of the 
killing of more than 650,000 of the people of Iraq as a result of the 
war and its repercussions.

People of America: the people of the world have recently come to know 
that, after several years of the tragedies of this war, the vast 
majority of you want it stopped. Thus, you elected the Democratic 
Party for this purpose, but the Democrats haven't made a move worth 
mentioning. On the contrary, they 

[Biofuel] Why failure is the new face of success

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison
Why failure is the new face of success

It may have been the military that invaded but, with Iraq completely 
dismantled, the reconstruction was to be the preserve of US 
corporations ... Thus was born 'disaster capitalism', where oil 
companies profit from a broken country and private security firms 
grow rich on political chaos, says Naomi Klein in this final extract 
from her new book

Wednesday September 12, 2007
The Guardian

On my flight leaving Baghdad, every seat was filled by a foreign 
contractor fleeing the violence. It was April 2004, and both Falluja 
and Najaf were under siege; 1,500 contractors pulled out of Iraq that 
week alone. Many more would follow. At the time, I was convinced that 
we were seeing the first full-blown defeat of the corporatist 
crusade. Iraq had been blasted with every shock weapon short of a 
nuclear bomb, and yet nothing could subdue this country. The 
experiment, clearly, had failed.

Now I am not sure. On one level, there is no question that parts of 
the project were a disaster. US chief envoy Paul Bremer was sent to 
Iraq to build a corporate utopia; instead, Iraq became a ghoulish 
dystopia where going to a simple business meeting could get you 
lynched, burned alive or beheaded. By May 2007, more than 900 
contractors had been reported killed and more than 12,000 wounded in 
battle or injured on the job, according to a New York Times 
analysis. The investors Bremer had done so much to attract had never 
showed up - neither HSBC, nor Procter  Gamble, which put its joint 
venture on hold, as did General Motors. New Bridge Strategies, the 
company that had gushed about how a Wal-Mart could take over the 
country, conceded that McDonald's is not opening any time soon. 
Bechtel's reconstruction contracts did not roll easily into long-term 
contracts to run the water and electricity systems. And by late 2006, 
the privatised reconstruction efforts that were at the centre of the 
anti-Marshall Plan [by which western corporations would remake Iraq 
in their own image rather than help Iraqis rebuild their own economy, 
as the US did in Germany after the second world war], had almost all 
been abandoned. And some rather dramatic policy reversals were in 

Stuart Bowen, US special inspector general for the reconstruction of 
Iraq, reported that in the few cases where contracts were awarded 
directly to Iraqi firms, it was more efficient and cheaper. And it 
has energised the economy because it puts the Iraqis to work. It 
turns out that funding Iraqis to rebuild their own country is more 
efficient than hiring lumbering multinationals who don't know the 
country or the language, surround themselves with $900- a-day 
mercenaries and spend as much as 55% of their contract budgets on 
overhead. Jon C Bowersox, who worked as the health adviser at the US 
embassy in Baghdad, offered this radical observation: the problem 
with Iraq's reconstruction, he said, was its desire to build 
everything from scratch. We could have gone in and done low-cost 
rehabs, and not tried to transform their health-care system in two 

An even more dramatic about-turn came from the Pentagon. In December 
2006, it announced a new project to get Iraq's state-owned factories 
up and running - the same ones that Bremer had refused to supply with 
emergency generators because they were Stalinist throwbacks. Now the 
Pentagon realised that instead of buying cement and machine parts 
from Jordan and Kuwait, it could be purchasing them from languishing 
Iraqi factories, putting tens of thousands to work and sending 
revenue to surrounding communities. Paul Brinkley, US deputy 
under-secretary of defense for business transformation in Iraq, said, 
We've looked at some of these factories more closely and found they 
aren't quite the rundown Soviet-era enterprises we thought they 
were, though he did admit that some of his colleagues had begun 
calling him a Stalinist.

Lieutenant General Peter W Chiarelli, the top US field commander in 
Iraq, explained that we need to put the angry young men to work  
A relatively small decrease in unemployment would have a very serious 
effect on the level of sectarian killing going on. He couldn't help 
adding, I find it unbelievable after four years that we haven't come 
to that realisation ...To me, it's huge. It's as important as just 
about any other part of the campaign plan.

Do these about-turns signal the death of disaster capitalism? Hardly. 
By the time US officials came to the realisation that they didn't 
need to rebuild a shiny new country from scratch, that it was more 
important to provide Iraqis with jobs and for their industry to share 
in the billions raised for reconstruction, the money that would have 
financed such an undertaking had already been spent.

Meanwhile, in the midst of the wave of neo-Keynesian epiphanies, Iraq 
was hit 

[Biofuel] America's Deadly Shock Doctrine in Iraq

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison

America's Deadly Shock Doctrine in Iraq

By Naomi Klein, Henry Holt
Posted on September 14, 2007, Printed on September 14, 2007

The following is an excerpt from Naomi Klein's new book, The Shock 
Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (Henry Holt, 2007) and 
first appeared in the UK Guardian (read other excerpts here and 
here). The video to the right is a short documentary explaining the 
thesis of Klein's book. Read more about the documentary here.

When the Canadian citizen Maher Arar was grabbed by US agents at JFK 
airport in 2002 and taken to Syria, a victim of extraordinary 
rendition, his interrogators engaged in a tried-and-tested torture 
technique. They put me on a chair, and one of the men started asking 
me questions ... If I did not answer quickly enough, he would point 
to a metal chair in the corner and ask, 'Do you want me to use this?' 
I was terrified, and I did not want to be tortured. I would say 
anything to avoid torture. The technique Arar was being subjected to 
is known as the showing of the instruments, or, in US military 
lingo, fear up. Torturers know that one of their most potent 
weapons is the prisoner's own imagination -- often just showing 
fearsome instruments is more effective than using them.

As the day of the invasion of Iraq drew closer, US news media outlets 
were conscripted by the Pentagon to fear up Iraq. They're calling 
it 'A-Day', began a report on CBS News that aired two months before 
the war began. A as in airstrikes so devastating they would leave 
Saddam's soldiers unable or unwilling to fight. Viewers were 
introduced to Harlan Ullman, an author of the Shock and Awe doctrine, 
who explained that you have this simultaneous effect, rather like 
the nuclear weapons at Hiroshima, not taking days or weeks but in 
minutes. The anchor, Dan Rather, ended the telecast with a 
disclaimer: We assure you this report contains no information that 
the Defense Department thinks could help the Iraqi military. He 
could have gone further: the report, like so many others in this 
period, was an integral part of the Department of Defense's strategy 
-- fear up.

Iraqis, who picked up the terrifying reports on contraband satellites 
or in phone calls from relatives abroad, spent months imagining the 
horrors of Shock and Awe. The phrase itself became a potent 
psychological weapon. Would it be worse than 1991? If the Americans 
really thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, would they 
launch a nuclear attack?

One answer was provided a week before the invasion. The Pentagon 
invited Washington's military press corps on a special field trip to 
Eglin Air Force Base in Florida to witness the testing of the Moab, 
which officially stands for Massive Ordnance Air Blast, but which 
everyone in the military calls the Mother of All Bombs. At 
21,000lb, it is the largest non-nuclear explosive ever built, able to 
create, in the words of CNN's Jamie McIntyre, a 10,000ft-high 
mushroom-like cloud that looks and feels like a nuclear weapon.

In his report, McIntyre said that even if it was never used, the 
bomb's very existence could still pack a psychological wallop -- a 
tacit acknowledgement of the role he himself was playing in 
delivering that wallop. Like prisoners in interrogation cells, Iraqis 
were being shown the instruments. The goal is to have the 
capabilities of the coalition so clear and so obvious that there's an 
enormous disincentive for the Iraqi military to fight, Secretary of 
Defense Donald Rumsfeld explained on the same programme.

When the war began, the residents of Baghdad were subjected to 
sensory deprivation on a mass scale. One by one, the city's sensory 
inputs were cut off; the ears were the first to go.

On the night of March 28 2003, as US troops drew closer to Baghdad, 
the ministry of communication was bombed and set ablaze, as were four 
Baghdad telephone exchanges, with massive bunker-busters, cutting off 
millions of phones across the city. The targeting of the phone 
exchanges continued -- 12 in total -- until, by April 2, there was 
barely a phone working in all of Baghdad. During the same assault, 
television and radio transmitters were also hit, making it impossible 
for families in Baghdad, huddling in their homes, to pick up even a 
weak signal carrying news of what was going on outside their doors.

Many Iraqis say that the shredding of their phone system was the most 
psychologically wrenching part of the air attack. The combination of 
hearing and feeling bombs going off everywhere while being unable to 
call a few blocks away to find out if loved ones were alive, or to 
reassure terrified relatives living abroad, was pure torment. 
Journalists based in Baghdad were swarmed by desperate local 
residents begging for a few moments with their satellite phones or 
pressing numbers into the reporters' hands along with pleas to call a 
brother or an 

[Biofuel] Specters of Malthus: Scarcity, Poverty, Apocalypse

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison
Iain Boal:
September 11, 2007

Specters of Malthus:

Scarcity, Poverty, Apocalypse

Iain Boal in conversation with David Martinez

Iain Boal is an Irish social historian of science and technics, 
associated with Retort, a group of antinomian writers, artisans and 
artists based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is one of the authors 
of Retort's Afflicted Powers: Capital and Spectacle in a New Age of 
War (2nd edn, Verso, 2006). This chapter is based on a conversation 
prompted by David Martinez, a San Francisco-based filmmaker and 
journalist, in late 2005. It also draws on material from a 
forthcoming book by Iain Boal, entitled The Long Theft: Episodes in 
the History of Enclosure.

David Martinez: I'd like to talk with you about scarcity and 
catastrophe. On the talk shows there is even discussion of an 
impending collapse of society due to dwindling oil supply. The 
concepts of scarcity and collapse are hardly new, and obviously the 
invasion of Iraq brought the issue of oil into sharp focus. Can we 
start with the sacred cow of scarcity?

Iain Boal:  Sure. With respect to oil, we should begin with the 
observation that the general problem for the petro-barons has always 
been glut, or to put it another way, how to keep oil scarce. They've 
done a pretty good job, although all monopolies have to be measured 
against De Beers, who have the corner on diamonds. They are the 
world's masters at constructing scarcity, in this case, of 
crystalline carbon, which is actually rather common in the earth's 
crust. So one thing to make clear is that the invasion and occupation 
of Iraq is not about absolute scarcity.  For sure, the history of oil 
is complex, and the fluctuations in the supply of oil have an 
extraordinarily complicated relation to price, demand, and reserves. 
But in order to understand scarcity - whether of oil in particular or 
of commodities under capitalism in general - you have to look at the 
discourses of scarcity and of poverty. And that means you have to 
look at the historical moment of the institutionalizing of economics 
- defined in the textbooks as the study of choice under scarcity - 
as the dominant  way of talking about the world, and the relation of 
these to capitalist modernity.  And that story is indeed interesting.

In order to understand scarcity as a sacred cow, we have to go back 
to the Reverend Thomas Malthus. Because, no question, we are living 
in a Malthusian world. By that I mean that Malthus' way of framing 
the issue of human welfare has triumphed.  And I think it's 
especially important for the Left to understand this. Particularly 
those who got drawn into politics through concern about the 
environment, who count themselves as green. Scratch an 
environmentalist and probably you'll find a Malthusian. What do I 
mean by that? What is it to be Malthusian? Well, it's to subscribe to 
the view that the fundamental problems humanity faces have their 
roots in the scarcity of the resources that sustain life, because the 
world is finite and we are exhausting those resources and also 
perhaps because we are polluting them. Notice how this mirrors the 
basic assumption of modern economics - choice under scarcity. In his 
notorious essay published in 1798, Malthus argued, or rather 
asserted, that population growth, especially of poor bastards, would 
inevitably outrun food supply, unless the propertyless were 
restrained from breeding. He advocated that poor people be crowded 
together in unhealthy housing, as a way of checking the growth of 
population. Remember, this is the world's very first economist we're 
talking about here.

And don't forget that Malthus was in his own time consciously 
devising a counter-revolutionary science of economics and demography: 
his essay was a response to a famous best-seller by the utopian 
anarchist William Godwin, husband of the feminist Mary Wollstonecraft 
and father of Mary Shelley who later wrote Frankenstein as a warning 
against the hubris of (male) science. Godwin had written An Enquiry 
Concerning Political Justice during the euphoric period after the 
storming of the Bastille in 1789 and the overthrow of the French 
monarchy. Godwin's optimistic, atheist, rationalism was born of the 
revolutionary events happening across the Channel - Bliss was it in 
that dawn to be alive, in the indelible line of Wordsworth. But as 
the counter-revolution set in, Thomas Malthus felt emboldened to 
compose his Essay on the Principle of Population as an explicit 
response to Godwin's vision of an ample life for all. Malthus 
invented an iron law of nature intended, rhetorically, to put a 
damper on Godwin and the perfectibilians, and in practical political 
terms to discourage idling and illegitimacy and to cut away the 
existing welfare system which was a safety net for the poor.

DM: So help us understand Thomas Malthus.

IB:  Malthus was born into a well-off family in late 18th 

[Biofuel] The Age of Disaster Capitalism

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison
Monday, September 10, 2007 by The Guardian/UK
The Age of Disaster Capitalism

by Naomi Klein

In the days after 9/11, America's firefighters, nurses and teachers 
were hailed as the country's heroes. But President Bush's embracing 
of the public sector didn't last long. As the dust settled on the 
twin towers, the White House launched an entirely new economy, based 
on security - with the belief that only private firms could meet the 
challenge. In this exclusive extract from her new book, Naomi Klein 
reports on those who see a profitable prospect in a grim future

The following is excerpted from Naomi Klein's recently published 
book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism:

As George Bush and his cabinet took up their posts in January 2001, 
the need for new sources of growth for US corporations was an urgent 
matter. With the tech bubble now officially popped and the DowJones 
tumbling 824 points in their first two and half months in office, 
they found themselves staring in the face of a serious economic 
downturn. John Maynard Keynes had argued that governments should 
spend their way out of recessions, providing economic stimulus with 
public works. Bush's solution was for the government to deconstruct 
itself - hacking off great chunks of the public wealth and feeding 
them to corporate America, in the form of tax cuts on the one hand 
and lucrative contracts on the other. Bush's budget director, the 
think-tank ideologue Mitch Daniels, pronounced: The general idea - 
that the business of government is not to provide services, but to 
make sure that they are provided - seems self-evident to me. That 
assessment included disaster response. Joseph Allbaugh, the 
Republican party operative whom Bush put in charge of the Federal 
Emergency Management Agency (Fema) - the body responsible for 
responding to disasters, including terrorist attacks - described his 
new place of work as an oversized entitlement programme.Then came 
9/11, and all of a sudden having a government whose central mission 
was self-immolation did not seem like a very good idea. With a 
frightened population wanting protection from a strong, solid 
government, the attacks could well have put an end to Bush's project 
of hollowing out government just as it was beginning.

For a while, that even seemed to be the case.September 11 has 
changed everything, said Ed Feulner, old friend of Milton Friedman, 
the guru of unfettered capitalism and president of the Heritage 
Foundation, 10 days after the attack, making him one of the first to 
utter the fateful phrase. Many naturally assumed that part of that 
change would be a re-evaluation of the radical anti-state agenda that 
Feulner and his ideological allies had been pushing for three 
decades, at home and around the world. After all, the nature of the 
September 11 security failures exposed the results of more than 20 
years of chipping away at the public sector and outsourcing 
government functions to profit-driven corporations. Much as the 
flooding of New Orleans exposed the rotting condition of public 
infrastructure, the attacks pulled back the curtain on a state that 
had been allowed to grow dangerously weak: radio communications for 
the New York City police and firefighters broke down in the middle of 
the rescue operation, air-traffic controllers didn't notice the 
off-course planes in time, and the attackers had passed through 
airport security checkpoints staffed by contract workers, some of 
whom earned less than their counterparts at the food court.

The first major victory of the Friedmanite counter-revolution in the 
United States had been Ronald Reagan's attack on the air-traffic 
controllers' union and his deregulation of the airlines. Twenty years 
later, the entire air transit system had been privatised, deregulated 
and downsized, with the vast majority of airport security work 
performed by underpaid, poorly trained, non-union contractors. After 
the attacks, the inspector general of the department of 
transportation testified that the airlines, which were responsible 
for security on their flights, had skimped significantly to keep 
costs down.

On September 10, as long as flights were cheap and plentiful, none of 
that seemed to matter. But on September 12, putting $6-an-hour 
contract workers in charge of airport security seemed reckless. Then, 
in October, envelopes with white powder were sent to lawmakers and 
journalists, spreading panic about the possibility of a major anthrax 
outbreak. Once again, 90s privatisation looked very different in this 
new light: why did a private lab have the exclusive right to produce 
the vaccine against anthrax? Had the federal government signed away 
its responsibility to protect the public from a major public health 
emergency? Furthermore, if it was true, as media reports kept 
claiming, that anthrax, smallpox and other deadly agents could be 

[Biofuel] Fwd: Back Door Install - Probably Not but...

2007-09-15 Thread Kirk McLoren
 in the past few months, the nine executables in 
Windows\System32 will either show an earlier version number, 7.0.6000.374, or 
the stealth patch: 7.0.6000.381. (The version numbers can be seen by 
right-clicking a file and choosing Properties. In XP, click the Version tab and 
then select File Version. In Vista, click the Details tab.)

In addition, PCs that received the update will have new executables in 
subfolders named 7.0.6000.381 under the following folders:


Users can also verify whether patching occurred by checking Windows' Event Log:

Step 1. In XP, click Start, Run.

Step 2. Type eventvwr.msc and press Enter.

Step 3. In the tree pane on the left, select System.

Step 4. The right pane displays events and several details about them. Event 
types such as Installation are labeled in the Category column. Windows 
Update Agent is the event typically listed in the Source column for system 

On systems that were checked recently by Windows Secrets readers, the Event Log 
shows two installation events on Aug. 24. The files were stealth-updated in the 
early morning hours. (The time stamp will vary, of course, on machines that 
received the patch on other dates.)

To investigate further, you can open the Event Log's properties for each event. 
Normally, when a Windows update event occurs, the properties dialog box shows 
an associated KB number, enabling you to find more information at Microsoft's 
Web site. Mysteriously, no KB number is given for the WU updates that began in 
August. The description merely reads, Installation Successful: Windows 
successfully installed the following update: Automatic Updates.

No need to roll back the updated files

Again, it's important to note that there's nothing harmful about the updated 
files themselves. There are no reports of software conflicts and no reason to 
remove the files (which WU apparently needs in order to access the latest 
patches). The only concern is the mechanism Microsoft is using to perform its 
patching, and how this mechanism might be used by the software giant in the 

I'd like to thank reader Angus Scott-Fleming for his help in researching this 
topic. He recommends that advanced Windows users monitor changes to their 
systems' Registry settings via a free program by Olivier Lombart called Tiny 
Watcher. Scott-Fleming will receive a gift certificate for a book, CD, or DVD 
of his choice for sending in a comment we printed.

I'll report further on this story when I'm able to find more information on the 
policies and techniques behind Windows Update's silent patches. Send me your 
tips on this subject via the Windows Secrets contact page.

Scott Dunn is associate editor of the Windows Secrets Newsletter. He is also a 
contributing editor of PC World Magazine, where he has written a monthly column 
since 1992, and co-author of 101 Windows Tips  Tricks (Peachpit) with Jesse 
Berst and Charles Bermant.

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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Back Door Install - Probably Not but...

2007-09-15 Thread doug
 another good reason to use Linux.

 I suggest PCLinuxOS if anyone wants to dabble. (Bootable off CD/DVD, install 
if you like it.)

regards Doug

On Sunday 16 September 2007 06:32:13 am Kirk McLoren wrote:
  Back Door Install - Probably Not but...

 Microsoft updates Windows without users' consent

   By Scott Dunn

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[Biofuel] UN Skeptical of Biofuel Price Hikes

2007-09-15 Thread Keith Addison
- Forbes.com
Associated Press
UN Skeptical of Biofuel Price Hikes
By ARIEL DAVID 09.13.07, 1:05 PM ET


A senior U.N. environmental official cautioned Thursday against 
claims that increasing demand for biofuels was resulting in higher 
grain prices, saying the linkage was only speculation.

While further study is needed to understand the impact of biofuels on 
crop markets, it is unlikely that environmentally friendly biofuel 
crops are responsible for price increases of tortilla flour in Mexico 
or of pasta in Italy, said Achim Steiner, executive director of the 
U.N. Environment Program.

Global price fluctuations in the grain markets have always existed, 
although we are for some, like wheat, at historic highs at the 
moment, Steiner said at a news conference in Rome. It would be 
somewhat premature to say that pasta costs more because there is 
biofuel grown in other parts of the world.

On the other hand, the increasingly violent weather caused by global 
warming does pose a real danger to crops and to food supplies, 
particularly for the world's poorest, Steiner said on the sidelines 
of a two-day national conference on climate change in Italy held at 
the Rome-based U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization.

We should ask ourselves: are we getting single-minded about the 
biofuels issue instead of looking at the full spectrum of issues?

Also Thursday, Italian consumer groups called a strike against pasta 
and bread products to protest recent grain price increases. 
Additionally, in Brussels, the EU's top agricultural official called 
for increased production of wheat, oats and barley to counter world 

Fuels made of corn, palm oil and other plants have been hailed as a 
cleaner and cheaper energy source than the greenhouse-gas emitting 
fossil fuels. But officials have been saying the rush for biofuels 
could have a downside.

Over the summer, the United Nations issued a multi-agency report 
involving the U.N. Environment Program and others warning that the 
benefits of biofuels could be offset by environmental problems and 
increased prices for the hungry.

Politicians have also blamed the shortages and high prices on 
biofuels, as well as on poor harvests in major producing regions and 
rising demand from industrializing nations such as India and China.

There are speculative assumptions at the moment, Steiner told 
reporters. We are working together with our colleagues in different 
institutions to assess whether that linkage can really be made.

Steiner also noted that farmers, particularly in the United States, 
are capable of increasing production to respond to a rise in demand.

A different threat to supply and price stability comes from climate 
change and the expected increase in floods, droughts and other 
crop-damaging weather.

It is clear that we will face a greater risk of variations in 
supply, which in turn will create much more price volatility, and 
that is a difficult consequence particularly for the poorest 
economies in the world, Steiner said.

While voicing his caution on the link to prices, Steiner echoed 
widespread concerns that, if left unregulated, the push to plant new 
biofuel crops could hurt the environment.

Regions like Europe, where the EU has pledged to replace 10 percent 
of transport fuel with biofuels by 2020, must ensure that imported 
biofuels are not grown by cutting down tropical rain forests or 
damaging other sensitive areas, Steiner said.

Like with other products, there are sustainability criteria and the 
world is struggling at the moment to agree on those, he said.

Copyright 2007 Associated Press

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