[Biofuel] fw: Warning issued over invasive biofuel crops

2010-03-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Standing Committee of the Bern Convention (the Council of Europe Convention 
on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats), has adopted a 
new recommendation for biofuels.

The recommendation, which is legally binding to member states, states that 
biofuel crops of species which are already recognised as invasive in the 
proposed planting region should be avoided.

This has come after the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and 
Research (ISPRA) - an agency led by the Italian Ministry for the Environment - 
submitted a report to the Bern Convention which warned that some biofuels crops 
invade disturbed areas outside cultivated fields and in doing so can impact on 
native biodiversity. 

In response to this report, the Bern Convention published Recommendation 141, 
2009 in November 2009.

The recommendation says that as it is aware that some rural development plans 
contemplate the use of species which are already invasive in different regions 
of Europe, the Bern Convention recommends that observer states should:


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Re: [Biofuel] fw: Warning issued over invasive biofuel crops

2010-03-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello Keith, sorry I've missed it out.
However on the newenergyfocus web page is more clear which are the european 
advices in the recommendation.
-- Initial Header ---

To  : biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Cc  : 
Date  : Tue, 9 Mar 2010 00:18:03 +0900
Subject : Re: [Biofuel] fw: Warning issued over invasive biofuel crops

Had it before:

[Biofuel] Biofuel crops: Europe calls for screening
Sustainable Bioenergy
Thu, 21 Jan 2010 09:50:17 -0800
Biofuel crops: Europe calls for urgent screening
'Invasive' biofuel crops require monitoring and mitigation measures

The Standing Committee of the Bern Convention (the Council of Europe 
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural 
Habitats), has adopted a new recommendation for biofuels.

The recommendation, which is legally binding to member states, 
states that biofuel crops of species which are already recognised as 
invasive in the proposed planting region should be avoided.

This has come after the Italian Institute for Environmental 
Protection and Research (ISPRA) - an agency led by the Italian 
Ministry for the Environment - submitted a report to the Bern 
Convention which warned that some biofuels crops invade disturbed 
areas outside cultivated fields and in doing so can impact on native 

In response to this report, the Bern Convention published 
Recommendation 141, 2009 in November 2009.

The recommendation says that as it is aware that some rural 
development plans contemplate the use of species which are already 
invasive in different regions of Europe, the Bern Convention 
recommends that observer states should:


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Re: [Biofuel] paint that saves energy

2009-09-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've search in big hardware stores in Italy but none knows about it.
roberto-- Initial Header ---

To  : biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Cc  : 
Date  : Wed, 16 Sep 2009 21:44:36 +0900
Subject : Re: [Biofuel] paint that saves energy

Is our friend still on the list that moved to Spain after retirement?
Would like some info on the paint he wrote about.

Doesn't ring a bell, needs more for a search, any more hints? Quite a 
few members in Spain.


Every law not based on wisdom is a menace to society.

Indeed, but then what's wisdom? The opposite of low cunning, would that do?

Wisdom is the domain of the Wis (which is extinct). - Frank Zappa




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Re: [Biofuel] Causes of fuel injection pump failures

2009-07-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
a friend of mine has a chevy 6.5 turbo diesel. he had me check it out 
because with under  150,000 miles the dealer had replaced the injection 
pump twice already. with a little research and i found the electronic  
fuel pump driver mounted on the side of the pump is the problem. when it 
starts to go, the engine cuts out when its warm, is hard starting, and 
usually starts after being off for a while. the replacement modules are 
a little more reliable and there is a kit to move it from under the 
manifold to above it. replacing it then costs a couple hundred dollars 
and about 15 minutes. not bad since the dealer would still be selling 
him another $2000 repair.

Erik Lane wrote:

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Zeke Yewdall[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maybe this is a non-US thing, but here, we didn't get the TDI till '96 in
the passat, and '98 in the jetta, so I can't imagine that they were making
the TDI a full 10 years earlier in other countries, while still sending the
standard turbo diesel's to to the US that had a purely mechanical injection,
which to my knowledge did not have a temp sensor.  Being a purely mechanical
system, my earlier response that the no-start cycles sounded like an
electronics issue may not apply to them.


Yeah, I don't think there were any TDI's back then. James must mean
just a standard turbo diesel?

The only thing electric on the injection pump that I can think of
besides the fuel cut off solenoid would be possibly a cold start
advance? Shouldn't be able to cause this problem, however. Any pump
that old will be almost purely mechanical, like Zeke was saying. Both
the fuel cut off and the cold start advance are simple solenoids, so
there's not much there, either.


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Re: [Biofuel] Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates

2009-04-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry but we haven't been able to serve the page you requested - please try 

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To  : sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
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Date  : Fri, 17 Apr 2009 13:59:24 EDT
Subject : [Biofuel] Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates

Johann Hari: You are being lied to about  pirates 

Some are clearly just gangsters. But others are  trying to stop illegal 
dumping and trawling 

Monday, 5 January 2009 
Who imagined that in 2009, the world's governments would be  declaring a 
new War on Pirates? As you read this, the British Royal Navy -  backed by the 
ships of more than two dozen nations, from the US to China - is  sailing 
into Somalian waters to take on men we still picture as  parrot-on-the-shoulder 
pantomime villains. They will soon be fighting Somalian  ships and even c
hasing the pirates onto land, into one of the most broken  countries on earth. 
But behind the arrr-me-hearties oddness of this tale, there  is an untold 
scandal. The people our governments are labelling as one of the  great 
menaces of our times have an extraordinary story to tell - and some  justice 
their side. 

Pirates have never been quite who we think they are. In  the golden age of 
piracy - from 1650 to 1730 - the idea of the pirate as the  senseless, 
savage Bluebeard that lingers today was created by the British  government in 
a great propaganda heave. Many ordinary people believed it was  false: 
pirates were often saved from the gallows by supportive crowds. Why? What  did 
they see that we can't? In his book Villains Of All Nations, the historian  
Marcus Rediker pores through the evidence. 

If you became a merchant or navy sailor then - plucked  from the docks of 
London's East End, young and hungry - you ended up in a  floating wooden 
Hell. You worked all hours on a cramped, half-starved ship, and  if you slacked 
off, the all-powerful captain would whip you with the Cat O' Nine  Tails. If 
you slacked often, you could be thrown overboard. And at the end of  months 
or years of this, you were often cheated of your wages. 

Pirates were the first people to rebel against this world.  They mutinied - 
and created a different way of working on the seas. Once they  had a ship, 
the pirates elected their captains, and made all their decisions  
collectively, without torture. They shared their bounty out in what Rediker  
one of the most egalitarian plans for the disposition of resources to be  
found anywhere in the eighteenth century. 

They even took in escaped African slaves and lived with  them as equals. 
The pirates showed quite clearly - and subversively - that  ships did not 
have to be run in the brutal and oppressive ways of the merchant  service and 
the Royal Navy. This is why they were romantic heroes, despite  being 
unproductive thieves. 

The words of one pirate from that lost age, a young  British man called 
William Scott, should echo into this new age of piracy. Just  before he was 
hanged in Charleston, South Carolina, he said: What I did was to  keep me from 
perishing. I was forced to go a-pirateing to live. In 1991, the  
government of Somalia collapsed. Its nine million people have been teetering on 
starvation ever since - and the ugliest forces in the Western world have seen  
this as a great opportunity to steal the country's food supply and dump our  
nuclear waste in their seas. 

Yes: nuclear waste. As soon as the government was gone,  mysterious 
European ships started appearing off the coast of Somalia, dumping  vast 
into the ocean. The coastal population began to sicken. At first  they 
suffered strange rashes, nausea and malformed babies. Then, after the 2005  
tsunami, hundreds of the dumped and leaking barrels washed up on shore. People  
began to suffer from radiation sickness, and more than 300 died. 

Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the UN envoy to Somalia, tells me:  Somebody is 
dumping nuclear material here. There is also lead, and heavy metals  such as 
cadmium and mercury - you name it. Much of it can be traced back to  European 
hospitals and factories, who seem to be passing it on to the Italian  mafia 
to dispose of cheaply. When I asked Mr Ould-Abdallah what European  
governments were doing about it, he said with a sigh: Nothing. There has been  
no clean-up, no compensation, and no prevention. 

At the same time, other European ships have been looting  Somalia's seas of 
their greatest resource: seafood. We have destroyed our own  fish stocks by 
overexploitation - and now we have moved on to theirs. More than  
$300m-worth of tuna, shrimp, and lobster are being stolen

Re: [Biofuel] Algae Oil

2009-01-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
robert and Benita wrote:
 Jeromie Reeves wrote:

 I think we are going in circles about the same issues.


 This is a puzzling statement.  I've only responded to you once.  How 
 can we be going in circles?
Poor choice of phrase. I mean I think we agree but I am expressing my
self poorly.
 I agree we need
 to make things as
 efficient as possible. I do not think we can get 'there' in one step,
 or even two. I also agree
 things need to be done on a more local scale.


 So you're wanting to look into an iffy process that no one outside 
 of a lab has managed to work, as if that's going to be an efficient use 
 of time and resources?  I'm really not following you.

 (Replacing one fuel with another)
I did not say it would be efficient. Many endeavors have been very
inefficient but lead to
great discoveries, often by pure accident. It is my time and resources
to use. I am spending
very little time on the algae (to date it, other then my fish tank, it
is  purely reading/thinking)
It is obvious (even to me!) that this is a very long road, if not a
total dead end (it has not been
proven to be a dead end quite yet, just not the solution some people
spout it to be.) I am not
about to build a bio-reactor farm or go turn my yard into a pond (well,
not all of it, I promised
my eldest son he can have a fish pond). I got onto this 'algae kick'
whilst researching preventative
methods for the pond and how to build the least care intensive pond (I
want to be able to leave
for a few weeks and not worry about some one else taking care of it)

 Yes and no, depending on we. I am looking at this because it looks
 promising but
 has had so little delivery that it got me curious.


 Maybe because it doesn't work?

 Would it not be
 better to replace fossil fuels
 with something that could be more carbon neutral?


 That seems like a noble goal on the surface, but beneath it lurks a 
 business as usual mentality that seeks to maintain our current energy 
 usage paradigm.  Perhaps this is not your intention.  However, 
 advocating the replacement of fossil fuels has traditionally implied a 
 switch without respect to current patterns of use.

 (Massive, centralized operations)

 Of what kind?


 Devoting acreage to growing algae seems pretty massive and 
 centralized to me.

What I pictured was smaller single family type growth operations.

 While I do not yet have the numbers it looks like it
 could very easily be done by a small group. It would take a fairly
 large area altogether.


 Hence, my contention that it is not a small operation.

In the same way that feeding everyone is not a small operation when you
add up every garden in the USA.
Each one is small but altogether its big.
 Lets assume that in my idea here, everyone is
 responsible for growing how ever much algae is required to fuel them
 selves. If you need fuel for 1 car or 5, its on your head to make it


 Your underlying assumption here is that you can simply replace one 
 kind of fuel for another.  THAT isn't going to work.  We have too many 
 cars.  Our cars are too big, heavy and inefficient.  Our cities (at 
 least here in North America) are generally built around the automobile.  
 How is growing algae for fuel going to work?
Oh I think the entire idea behind cars need to change too. That simply
was not the primary
target of the thought process here (for me). I absolutely agree how we
build cars needs to
change as well as what we do with them. I have a mini-van and a sedan,
when I need a pickup
I barrow one or rent one.

 I know of some people of in Canada that built a 1960's style
 oil cracking tower. They feed it used oil and pull off fuel and
 heating oils. It seams to me that algae would be a better stock, and
 help fill any shortages in supply. The two ideas together seam


 I burn ethanol in my truck with a few modifications.  I can burn 
 woodgas, too.  I can burn methane from a digester.  I can even 
 electrolyze hydrogen from water and burn THAT if I want to.  I can also 
 pick up a lightweight glider from the wrecking yard and build an EV.  
 All of those solutions can be done on a small scale and are likely 
 more practical than growing algae in vats or vertical tubes in a greenhouse.

 Homebrew ethanol isn't legal where I live, but that would be the 
 easiest solution to making fuel for my little truck.  The problem 
 really isn't one of generating fuel.  The real problem is the truck itself.

 How EVER did my ancestors live without one?
I have plans to convert my `81 sedan over to something, I just have not
decided what. Propane
was looking promising but it has spiked in price. I do not feel
comfortable with the current
tanks for hydrogen. There were some very promising metal hydride tanks
but the components
were made illegal (with cause, they are toxic if some one dumps 

[Biofuel] The compressed air auto... a hoax or real?

2008-08-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A while back I saw some video clips on U tube about a car developed in Europe, 
Italy or France I believe that runs on compressed air.  It had some huge 
special carbon fiber tanks underneath the car that were used to hold compressed 
air at 3000 p.s.i.  The inventer claimed it could be filled with air overnight 
at the cost of aprox. $3 in electricity and the range was  about 200 
Kilometers.  Indias largest car manufacturer was supposed to actually start 
building this in 2009 or 2010.

Anybody know the real story on this?  Thanks, Ray

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Re: [Biofuel] Elsbett installation saga

2007-09-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Biofuel] any info about Namibia

2007-01-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I grew up there in the 70's and 80's, it was occupied by South Africa at
that stage and being used as a base to fight the communists in Angola. 
Since independance in 1990 it's been a stable, peaceful country.  It has a
checkered, and brutal, colonial history.(Read Andre Brink's harrowing The
Other Side of Silence for an idea of the country and the landscape.) It was
a German colony for many years before the 1st world war, and there are
still many people of German decent.   You'll find bernerwurst, sauerkraut
and even a bierfest in October.  There is a diverse idigenous population;
the Ovambo, Damara and Herero in the North and the San and Khoi in the
South.  The total population is about 2m.  Hot and tropical in the north
and hot and arid further south.  I guess you'll find more information on
the net, and maybe even get some comments from people living there.  You
find that it doesn't deserve  exclamation marks. I'm sure your daughter
will enjoy the trip.



No, this is not a travel agency list.  Sorry!  

Here's the deal:  One of our many daughters has just
scored a research grant for credit in her undergrad
science degree at U. Of Toronto, two months centred in
a hospital in Namibia Many exclamation marks. 
Does anything we should know just spring to mind,

First thing I did was run out and rent a copy of 
Amandla!  A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony, which
ROCKED, but was not actually the right country.


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Re: [Biofuel] Precision Farming Equippment

2006-10-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
James wrote:
Hi all, you can view the green taxing proposals by David Millband to Gordon
Brown as was leaked to the UK press over weekend here...


Here's a proposal on aggriculture (p5 para 16) that cought my attention...

To offer enhanced capital allowances for precision farming equippment -
devices that allow farmers to tailor crops and soil management to the exact
conditions within each field, reducing their environmental impact.
I wonder what he's on about here?

I've just been reading through a call for research proposals by the
European Commission, 7th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME

There is one specifc call that relates to this ( light equipment, ICT and
robotics - which I guess will fall in the category for 'enhcnaced capital

COOP-2-1-4-03: The farm of tomorrow Call: KBBE-2007-1
The “farm of tomorrow” will take account of Europe`s ecological and
cultural diversity, will be non-uniform, will built on technological,
social and economic innovations and a variety of research outputs. The
specific main issues facing the farm of tomorrow are:  New models of farm
material flow management, based on on-farm or local integration of
closed-cycle processing facilities (energy, food/non-food raw materials,
bio-refining). Energy efficient cultivation with light machinery (avoiding
soil compaction), precision farming, and robotics are important components,
considering special requirements for high value markets, like organic
agriculture. Integrated technologies and ICT tools are needed to make cost
efficient compliance with standards (public and private) an integral part
of farm operations. The multifunctional European farming model delivering
public goods (environment, landscape, social functions) in an efficient way
needs research support to integrate, assess and quantify these services and
linkage (e.g. rural tourism) to the rural economy.
Funding scheme: Small collaborative project  /Coordination and support
Expected impact: The project will increase competitiveness of farming in
less protected markets, will increase viability of rural areas and improve
competitiveness of the European farm machinery industry.

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[Biofuel] Seeds of Hope, Monsanto and Mercatus Center

2006-09-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi All,

Monsanto recently launched a product called 'Seeds of Hope' - promoted
locally (in South Africa) by the worst forms of marketing cynicism.  We’re
also being told how marvelous this product is by a research outfit called
Enterprise Africa! and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.  (I
don’t like promoting them but for reference purposes
http://www.freemarketfoundation.com.)  Enterprise Africa! appears to have
links with the Free Market Foundation of which Monsanto is a ‘Senior
Corporate Member’ – having paid between R100 00-00 and R10 000-00 (+- $14
000-00 to $1 400-00) for this title.

My questions to the group are two: does anyone know of any Monsanto funding
of the Mercatus Centre?  I’m also looking for honest research on this
‘Seeds of Hope’ product?


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Re: [Biofuel] Methanol

2006-09-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dear Khin Wei Chong,

If you want I've got the real technology, how to produce the methanol and the 
derivate comppounds.

Best regards.

Dr. Ezio Di Bernardo

 Im interested in getting methanol within the south
 east asian region. Would appreciate if anyone could
 provide me some assistance on where I can obtain
 methanol or provide me some quotes.
  Joe Street wrote:
   Hi Jim;
   Ok  I made up a graph by adding water one ml at a
  time to 90 ml of 
   pure methanol.  This was done at 23 degrees C
  which is the current 
   temperature in my work area.  The hydrometers are
  calibrated for 15 
   degrees so this is more practical for my purposes.
   As far as Bob's 
   comment on what glycerin in the recovered methanol
  will do to the 
   specific gravity, I cannot guess but glycerin has
  a pretty high 
   boiling point and my recovered methanol looks
  water clear so there is 
   not much glycerin in there I think.  I am going to
  assume it is 
   negligible.  Primarily I am doing this just to
  determine roughly how 
   much zeolite I need to dry the methanol. I will
  err on the 
   conservative side with this. It looks like my
  recovered methanol has 
   less than 10 % water (worst case) so a litre of
  methanol should have 
   less than 100 grams of water in it.  If zeolite
  can adsorb 10% of it's 
   weight in water then 1Kg of zeolite per litre of
  methanol should be 
   sufficient. Here is the chart. Since I typically
  recover less than 3 
   litres of methanol at a time I'll look for a
  molecular seive which 
   holds at least 3 Kg of zeolite.  BTW I know it was
  mentioned before 
   and is in the archives but for convenience the
  type of seives to use 
   for this is 3A. Best place for this is in the pipe
  upstream of the 
   condenser.  I'll get a trap with a built in heater
  so I can use my 
   vacuum system to regenerate the seives.  I'll then
  see how much water 
   comes out of the zeolite and collects in the trap.
   I'll be interested 
   to see if the numbers match up.
  So will I keep me posted Joe.
   Graph of methanol_water specific gravity.
   JJJN wrote:
  Does any one know of a good test to determine the
  amount of water in 
  Joe were you working on something like this?
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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel advice

2006-08-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Edro,

1/ On a 80 liter WVO batch I use 18 liters of Methanol with the required
amount of KOH, and I extract around 15 liters of glycerine. After the
required washes (mechanical stirwash) I have around 70 liters of biodiesel.
Does the above figures sound normal? Shouldn't the biodiesel be more than
just 70 liters? 

70 liters doesn't sound bad.  What does the waste oil titrate to?

3/  Oxydation stability: What is the use by date of biodiesel made from
sunflower WVO? Some rumours state 3 months, others 6 months, others still
8-12 months. The biodiesel is stored in normal ventilated diesel tanks, but
without flowing free air.

I make and use biodiesel about a month now, so, although I am impressed
the audible results in the tractors and the clean exhaust fumes, I am still
somewhat nervous. Dieselpumps are expensive to repair in my neighbourhood.

I assume you've done the quality tests as on
http://www.journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_vehicle.html#quality? And found
it to be okay - it's a fact that quality biodiesel will not harm your
engine. If you'd like someone else to check I'm busy getting a GC set-up at
WITS, in Johannesburg, where we'll be able to test glycerides. I'd like to
use this to get an idea of the quality of biodiesel produced by small guys
- so that when the inevitable small-scale producers can't make quality
fuel comments come from Big-Biofuel we'll have some back-up. I hope to
have it running in the next 4 weeks. I was at the SABA (South African
Biofuels Assc.) meeting on Saturday where there was a requirement from a
number of small producers to have access to cheaper testing facilities
(I've been quoted R4000 for a GC test before). So there is a general
requirement - I'll let the group know if I hear of companies that can do
reasonably priced testing.

B.t.w. where is your farm?


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Re: [Biofuel] Emission Factors for Bio-diesel vs. Diesel

2006-06-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can find something in European Environment Agency, the web is 
www.eea.eu.int .

Best regards


  Do you know where I could find more information about emission reductions
 from soy and rapeseeds? I know that the overall reduction (eg., life cycle
 assessments) is close to nothing if not greater than regular diesel.

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Re: [Biofuel] HELP

2006-05-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alex Mashego wrote:
 hi guys
 i need help, i have a task to design a heat exchanger to
 cool 78% sulphuric acid, but i cant seem to find the
 chemical and physical properties any where, can any if you
 help me in this regard.
 thank you 
 regards Alex


I just did a Google search for sulphuric acid and found several
sites with the info you are looking for.  I cut and pasted one
listing below if you don't have access to the web.


Sulphuric Acid
A molecule of Sulphuric Acid, H2SO4, consists of two atoms of hydrogen, 
one atom of sulphur and four atoms of oxygen

Sulphuric acid is a colourless viscous corrosive oily liquid, which has

 * Melting Point : 10.3 degC
 * Boiling Point : 338 degC
 * Formula weight 98.08
 * Specific gravity or density 1.94
 * Flash point none

Sulphuric acid is the strong acid produced by dissolving sulphur 
trioxide in water.

SO3 +   H2O == H2SO4

The Strength of Acids is determined by the degree to which they are 
ionised in aqueous solution.
For example, Sulphuric Acid, H2SO4, which is a strong acid is fully 
dissociated, and all the displaceable hydrogen in the acid is present in 
solution as Hydrogen Ion, H(+).

H2SO4   ==   H(+)   +   SO4
 100% as H(+)   

In contrast, the weak acids ethanoic acid, CH3COOH, is partially ionised 
in solution, and only approximately 5% of the displaceable Hydrogen in 
the acid is present in solution as hydrogen ion, H(+).

CH3COOH   ==   H(+)   +   CH3COO(-)
5% as H(+)

Properties of Sulphuric Acid

 * Sulphuric acid is a powerful protonating agent.
 * It is also a moderately strong oxidizing agent.
 * Sulphuric acid is also a powerful dehydrating agent and is used 
to remove a molecule of water from many organic compounds.
 * In dilute solution, sulphuric acid is a strong dibasic acid 
forming two series of salts.

A Dibasic Acid has two acidic hydrogen atoms in its molecules which can 
be ionised. Sulphuric Acid, H2SO4, is a dibasic acid, because it 
contains two hydrogens atoms which ionise in aqueous solution to become 
Hydrogen Ions, H(+).

H2SO4==2 H(+)+SO4(2 -)

Sulphuric acid is an important industrial chemical and it has many uses 
as a strong oxidising agent and a powerful dehydrating agent.

Commercially available sulphuric acid is as a 96-98% solution of the 
acid in water.

It is a powerful protonating agent.

It is also a powerful dehydrating agent and is used to remove a molecule 
of Water, HO2, from many organic compounds.

The Dehydration Reactions of Alcohols results in their converted into an 
alkene, and involves the elimination of a molecule of water. Dehydration 
requires the presence of an acid and the application of heat.

Preparation of Sulphuric Acid

Combustion of Sulphur

When a small amount of Sulphur, S, is kindled on a deflagrating spoon, 
it burns with a bright blue flame when introduced into a gas jar 
containing Oxygen, O2. A gas, Sulphur Dioxide, SO2, is the main product 
of the combustion. However, a little Sulphur Trioxide, SO3, is also 
formed, which makes the gas slightly cloudy.

S   +   O2   ==SO2 
   Sulphur Dioxide  

2S   +  3O2   ==   2SO3
   Sulphur Trioxide 

When shaken with water, the products of combustion dissolve, forming an 
acidic solution which turns litmus red.

SO2   +   H2O   == H2SO3   
Sulphur Sulphurous  
Dioxide Acid

SO2   +   H2O   ==   H2SO4 
Sulphur Sulphuric   

Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric acid was manufactured by the lead-chamber process until the 
mid-1930s, but this process has now been replaced by the contact 
process, involving the catalytic oxidation of sulphur dioxide.

Properties of Sulphuric Acid
The Contact Process is used for manufacturing sulphuric acid and fuming 
sulphuric acid from sulphur dioxide, which is made by burning sulphur or 
by roasting sulphide ores and oxygen (in the form of air) which combine 
to form sulphur trioxide in the presence of a catalyst. The reaction is 
exothermic and the conditions are controlled to keep the temperature at 
450 degC. The catalyst used is valadium oxide (V2O5). The sulphur 
trioxide is dissolved in sulphuric acid to form fuming sulphuric acid, 
this is called oleum.

S(s)+   O2(g)   == SO2(g)

2SO2(g) +   O2(g)   == 2SO3(g) 

SO3(g)  +   H2SO4(l)== H2S2O7(l)   

[Biofuel] I need some information about coal gassification simulation

2006-03-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am using the program Aspen, I view some possibilities about equation 
Redlich-Kwong and I think that it's betteer to analysed the system with Gibbs 
Free Energy. I need some helps, how to implementation e miscellaneous gas, that 
produced from e gassifier.

Who can help me?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards


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[Biofuel] Plants produce alternative energy

2005-11-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am cooordinating a work that regard three steps essication, pirolysis and 
I need some bibliography at a single process. My biofuel are different 
tipologies (for exemple reflue zootecchnic or CDR .).

Who can help me?

Thanks a lot at the all.


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Re: [Biofuel] Large crops, less nutrients

2005-08-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've got an idea about the crop food, that consist in this sentence scheme:

produce renevable energy - carbon dioxide+NOx+SOx and so on  mixed 
ashes with other nutrient derived solid substance after fermentation  
good quality crop food.



 Quite right Doug.
 Best wishes
 Organically grown crops tend to have their nitrogen in complete proteins.
 Plants grown with large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer tend to have a
 certain content of free amino acids (the building blocks of proteins)
 in the plant sap which the plant-eating (juice sucking) insects find very
 convenient. It saves them considerable energy which they would otherwise
 have to use to chew leaves etc. and digest proteins.
 Doug Woodard
 St. Catahrines, Ontario, Canada
 On Tue, 23 Aug 2005, Keith Addison wrote:
   Anyway, when chemists look at plants and/or soil and start talking
   about nitrogen, beware!!! For a start, nitrogen may be a plant
   nutrient, but it isn't a people nutrient. Do you know how they
   measure protein content in crops? They don't, they measure the
   nitrogen content instead and multiply by, by what, 6.14, IIRC, the
   ratio of N in protein, and, hey, that's the protein content. Only it
   turns out that the more N in the form of NPK chemical fertiliser
   was used to grow the crop (or maybe just pump it up and paint it
   green) the more likely it is that a lot of the alleged protein
   content will be nitrates and nitrites and other semi-synthesised
   stuff that's not only not exactly nutritious it can be downright
   toxic. The N in your compost, however, is different: it doesn't
   deplete the soil O/M, it doesn't wreck the soil pH, nor the soil
   life, it doesn't make dead pools in the Gulf of Mexico or anything
   like that, it just steadily becomes available to the roots as the
   plants need it, and, along with all the other effects of your compost
   - primarily biological effects - it helps the plants build real
   protein. But the difference will not only not be apparent to said
   chemist, he'll probably deny it exists, thus flying in the face of a
   large amount of scientific evidence, and a vast amount of other
   evidence. Of course there are chemists and chemists, just the same as
   there are fertilisers and fertilisers.
 Biofuel mailing list
 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
 Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

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Re: [Biofuel] Large crops, less nutrients

2005-08-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Doug wrote:  "Organically grown crops tend to have their nitrogen in complete  proteins. Plants grown with large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer  tend to have a certain content of free amino acids (the building  blocks of proteins) in the plant sap which the plant-eating (juice  sucking) insects find very convenient. It saves them considerable  energy which they would otherwise have to use to chew leaves  etc. and digest proteins."   The artice I quoted (Planet of the Plants By Glenn SchererPosted  July 25, 2005) also said the things below about insects eating  more because of nutrients dropping. I hope this is also  something we can deal with.   Marilyn   "CO2-induced nitrogen deficiency in plants has already been  shown to affect herbivorous insects and the carnivores that eat  them. To make up for the plunge in plant protein, some  plant-eating insects must dramatically increase their intake of  vegetation. But unable to keep up with the need to eat enough  food, some bugs suffer increased malnutrition, starvation,  predation, and mortality, writes evolutionary biologist David  Seaborg in a recent issue of Earth Island Journal.   When Western Michigan University entomologist David Karowe  fed cabbage white butterfly caterpillars leaves grown in an  atmosphere with double the earth's current CO2 levels, the  insects ate about 40 percent more plant matter than under  current atmospheric conditions. But they still couldn't meet their  dietary needs. Their growth rate slowed by about 10 percent and  their adult size was smaller. Peter Stiling at the University of  South Florida made similar findings for leaf miners, insects that  eat out tiny caverns in leaves where they live. When they took up  housekeeping in CO2-enriched leaves, the insects had to eat  out 20 percent larger leaf homes. But the bugs were still twice More CO2  More vgetation 
This concept is very important to develope the crop-food.


 as likely to die of starvation as insects living at today's CO2  levels.   As serious as these results seem, no one should jump to  conclusions, says William Mattson, chief insect ecologist with  the U.S. Forest Service in Rhinelander, Wis. He has spent the  past five years monitoring 10 insect species and found they  react differently to raised CO2 levels and lowered nitrogen  levels, with some showing no change and others harmed, and  no clear pattern yet in sight. He worries, though, that CO2  fertilization and nitrogen depletion could combine to alter insect  balances in unexpected ways. For example, the leaf miners  described above were also four times more likely to be killed by  parasitic wasps -- bad news for the miners but good news for  the wasps. In another study, aphids reproduced 10 to 15 percent  faster in enriched CO2 atmospheres -- good for the aphids, but  bad for the crops they infest."___  Biofuel mailing list  Biofuel@sustainablelists.org  http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/biofuel_sustainablelists.org   Biofuel at Journey to Forever:  http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html   Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):  http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/   

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Re: [Biofuel] Large crops, less nutrients

2005-08-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The concentration in atmosphere depend from the deforestation. If you cultivate 
in extreme condition of temperature high concetration of CO2 and other 
nutrients, you obtain a big results in quantiyt and quality.

Is it clear?

I hope yes.



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[Biofuel] formula for a 55 gallon

2005-08-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
how much ethanol to used for a 35gallon wvo.
and how much lye.
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[Biofuel] america who found it?

2005-06-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1421 china ? sailed around the world?

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Re:[Biofuel] vegetable oils prices in Greece

2005-06-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EN 14214 - Automotive fuels. Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for diesel engines. Requirements and test methodsTabella elaborata e tradotta dal CTI a solo scopo dimostrativo. L'unico documento valido è il testo originale EN acquistabile presso l'UNI


Unità di misura


Metodo di misura



Contenuto di esteri

% (m/m)


EN 14103

Densità a 15°C




EN ISO 3675EN ISO 12185

Viscosità a 40 °C




EN ISO 3104

Flash point



prEN ISO 3679




prEN ISO 20846prEN ISO 20884

Residuo carbonioso

% (m/m)


EN ISO 10370

Numero di cetano


EN ISO 5165

Ceneri solforate

% (m/m)


ISO 3987

Contenuto di acqua



EN ISO 12937

Contaminazione totale



EN 12662

Corrosione su rame

Classe 1

EN ISO 2160

Stabilità all'ossidazione, 110 °C

h (ore)


EN 14112


mg KOH/g


EN 14104

Numero di Iodio

gr I2/100 gr


EN 14111

Metil estere dell'acido linolenico

% (m/m)


EN 14103

Metilesteri polinsaturi = 4 doppi legami

% (m/m)



% (m/m)


EN 14110


% (m/m)


EN 14105


% (m/m)


EN 14105


% (m/m)


EN 14105

Glicerolo libero

% (m/m)


EN 14105EN 14106

Glicerolo totale

% (m/m)


EN 14105

Metalli gruppo I (Na+K)



EN 14108EN 14109

Metalli gruppo II (Ca+Mg)



EN 14538




EN 14107

I sand you this table, the values are ok in everywhere.


Ezio Can someone provide my with an estimation of prices for vegetable oils in Greece capable to produce biodiesel that meet EN 14214 specifications?   Thanks   Stelios

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[Biofuel] Underground blaze burning for 31 years

2005-06-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
State DEP to snuff out stubborn mine fire in Fayette County
Underground blaze burning for 31 years

Thursday, June 02, 2005
By Don Hopey, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A 58-acre underground mine fire burning for 31 years near the village of
Youngstown, on the flank of Chestnut Ridge in Fayette County, has defied
emergency efforts to contain it.

Yesterday, the state Department of Environmental Protection announced it
will spend $3.2 million from the federal Mine Land Reclamation Fund to
finally snuff it out.

It is absolutely imperative that we eliminate this hazard in order to
safeguard the health and well-being of people living nearby and protect
their homes from damage or total loss, said DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty.

GAI Consultants of Homestead, a firm experienced at extinguishing
underground mine fires, has been hired to do the work. It plans to inject a
wet mixture of calcium-gypsum and coal ash from Reliant Energy's Elrama
Power Plant into the mine void where it will harden like concrete.

Stan Michalski, GAI senior staff geologist, estimated that at least 110,000
cubic yards of the material will be needed to seal the mine and extinguish
the fire. About 350 six- to eight-inch diameter holes will be drilled in
and around Youngstown. The deepest will be 180 feet but the average depth
will be about 100 feet.

We will drill and fill the perimeter bore holes first to contain the fire
and then use bore holes inside that perimeter to inject more material and
put the fire out, Michalski said.

The wet grout is expected to lower the fire temperature and flow into voids
and cracks, filling them and eliminating oxygen sources that feed the fire.

Michalski said it will be the first time such a grout will be used to
extinguish a mine fire, but it has been used in other mines to prevent
subsidence. Work will start in July. The project contract is for two years
but he said it should be finished before that. The site will be monitored
for a year after the project is finished.

The fire, located northeast of Uniontown near Route 119, is believed to
have started by burning trash in 1974 and over the last three decades has
been moving north and south between a flooded underground mine pool on the
west and an outcrop of the Pittsburgh coal seam on Chestnut Ridge to the

It is one of 39 underground mine fires burning in Pennsylvania and 112 in
the United States.

Over the years, the DEP Bureau of Abandoned Mine land Reclamation and the
U.S. Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement mounted several
projects using coal combustion flyash and clay aimed at slowing the fire's
movement and directing it away from Youngstown properties but have not
attempted to extinguish it.

A clay wall that was built underground in the 1980s failed because the fire
bypassed it before it was completed.

The money for the Percy Mine project comes from the $24 million allotment
the state gets each year from the federal Mine Land Reclamation Fund. The
fund, which started in 1977, is supported by a small assessment on every
ton of coal mined and has an unspent balance of $1.4 billion. It has been
extended several times, most recently in April, but will expire in
September unless Congress acts to reauthorize it. 

Bede Meredith
Phone +64 21 892 801 

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Re: [Biofuel] Re: A quest to ruin the Earth

2005-03-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wow, This information sounds SO drastic.  I will imediatly build a time 
machine and return to a time when there was no offshore drilling in the Gulf of 
Mexico.  The increased harvest of commercial fish that is now happening must be 
stopped.  I will tell the People on their soap boxes that were saying death to 
the sea if we drill there that the narrow minded people of the future are here 
to help them stop the drilling. I will also buy a large supply of plugs and 
go around the world plugging the cracks in the earth  that leak the equivalent 
of TWO Exxon Valdeese tankers of oil into the sea every day.  I now see that 
this is killing the world.   
Farmer Paul

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Re: [Biofuel] A quest to ruin the Earth

2005-03-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please do not Quote items form THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS I am one 
American why does not like the EXTREME hog wast spewed by todays 
Have you ever seen the area to be used for oil development.  It is a vast 
frozen desert.   Talk about the destruction of the environment sounds like the 
talk about the caribou when the Alaska pipe line was built.  We now have MORE 
Caribou than before the pipeline. Don't  make such wild accusations.  They are 
beginning to sound like background noise.
FArmer Paul

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Re: [Biofuel] wash water

2005-03-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use your well water it works much better.  Dont use softened water, you will 
get emulsion.

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Re: [Biofuel] Mileage on diesel trucks...

2005-03-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a 1995 3/4 ton Dodge with a Cummings diesel.  It has 250,000 miles on 
it. I bought it used.  I get 15-17 MPG out of it on regular diesel.  I thought 
these engines got better mileage.  What do you get?
I have not tried bio-diesel yet.  I will install a in-line fuel filter in the 
spring and try some.
Farmer Paul

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[Biofuel] I need some information

2005-03-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

About the production of ethanol. The principal plant work in fermetation 
system. My question is: the gas emission after the fermetation is possible that 
you only carbon dioxide?

Thank you very much.


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Re: [Biofuel] Glycerin soap making

2005-02-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

can some glycerin be added to new oil to make a soap?
Farmer Paul

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[Biofuel] cummings engins

2005-02-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To all,
I purchased a 1995 dodge truck with a Cummins engine in it.  I am looking for a 
source of biodiesel before starting to make my own.  I will need a source of 
inexpensive fuel filters. does any one know a supplier?  I hear the tank crud 
will be flushed out. I think this truck will have a lot.
Farmer Paul

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Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] Let Them Eat Rocket FuelJohn Guttridge

2005-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 about Rights and obligations and
 Open  discussion, and the Note at the end.
 Please DO do that.
 When I gave you my interest
 in this forum I thought that you stated that it would be
 really good to stick to the biofuel interests in the
 forum perimeters ?
 I said that? Nope. Tell me where I said that - give me the
 exact  quote and the reference, please. Don't ignore this:
 tell me where I  said that.
 I can go to hundreds of websites that are
 great to vent whatever ! But, I won't sit by anymore and
 let people throw out platant all encompassing trash about
 something (right to life) that didn't need to be here.
 John's remark was mild enough, but YOU have been frothing
 at the  mouth. This is an American issue (yes it is! - the
 rest of the world  does NOT see it in those terms) and
 your response might seem fitting  to you in American terms
 , but this is not primarily an American  forum, it's an
 international forum with a global membership, and in 
 those terms your behaviour has been bizarre. Globally,
 your  government's actions in cutting and blocking funding
 for any project  anywhere with any hint of birth-control
 has had horrendous results.  Do you know anything about
 that? If not why not? Do you condone it?
 I did not express any opinion on the so-called pro-life vs
 pro-choice  debate, and I still haven't. Go on, check it
 and see. Or don't facts  mean anything to you?
 this is unacceptable to you and the rest of the forum
 than I apologize(I apologize if it is acceptable or not)
 for my having the nerve to write my feelings. Thank you
 for your time and consideration, Kim Wilde someone who
 uses my delete button constantly.
 Then you don't know how to use mailing lists or Internet
 information. See:
 Now please answer the original question, as opposed to
 answering a  whole bunch of questions that weren't asked
 and weren't implied  either!
 Don't be fooled by the please, by the way - this is a
 message from  the List owner, I'm not asking you, I'm
 telling you.
 Keith Addison
 Journey to Forever
 KYOTO Pref., Japan
 Biofuel list owner
 Bob  Hakan, Much literary criticism comes from people
 for whom extreme specialization is a cover for either
 grave cerebal inadequacy or terminal laziness, the
 latter being a much cherished aspect of academic
 freedom. JKG Thanks for your reply, Kim
 What's that supposed to mean, Kim? There is freedom of
 discussion  at this list, it's something that has been
 established, built and  maintained over five years, and
 many of us set great store by it.  Are you saying that
 it's just terminal laziness, a cherished aspect  of
 academic freedom??? Because that it sure as hell isn't,
 other  than cherished perhaps. There's nothing merely
 academic about it,  and it's the very opposite of
 laziness - it's rigorous, as it has  to be else it would
 quickly succumb to the lowest common  denominator, which
 has happened elsewhere, but not here. Kindly  explain
 Keith Addison
 Journey to Forever
 KYOTO Pref., Japan
 Biofuel list owner
 - Original Message Follows -
   Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of
 discussion, I   guess that we have to accept this kind
 of voodoo also.  
   I had the same reaction to this, but it was too
 brutal.   Thanks that you so elegantly expressed my
 opinion also and   made it possible to only agree with
 what you are saying.  
   At 02:42 PM 2/1/2005, you wrote:
   I might think it, but I leave that
   you are presupposing that I give a tinker's dam
 about   your belief in  voodoo.  I don't and
 therefore your   message is wasted on me. toodles
   - Bob Allen,http://ozarker.org/bob  
    The modern conservative is engaged in one
 of   Man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that
 is, the   search for a superior moral justification
 for selfishnessJKG
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Re: [Biofuel] To Kim: {was}Let Them Eat Rocket FuelJohn Guttridge

2005-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Luc, Thanks for the much appreciated words. Kim

- Original Message Follows -
 G'day Kim;
 This is written in a Christian perspective, please delete
 if not interested. Probably the most annoying thing about
 those who claim to follow the  teachings of Jesus is the
 extreme narrow mindedness they portray. It is not 
 anoyying to me because I don't have a problem identifying
 it, however with  others it can be much more than that.
 When questioning the correctedness of the right to life
 issue in a  biofuels forum it demonstrates a certain lack
 of understanding in the  universality of it, the forum
 that is. No one of a right mind questions the right to the
 happiness and pursuit of  life for people everywhere,
 however does this right to the pursuit of life  stop at
 unjustified wars ? I happen to agree that life is
 sacrosanct (most  sacred or holy :inviolable - Webter's)
 and I also believe that that life  extends to the womb,
 however that is my position, founded upon my belief 
 system, not shared by all. And that is where the rub
 comes. I do not rule  over the souls and minds of men,
 that task has been left open to The Majesty  of Choice.
 Whether or not I agree with someone's choices is of it's
 utmost  irrelevant. I can, however, make my own decisions
 based upon my own exercise  of that Majesty of Choice. I
 do not have a right to push my beliefs upon  others,
 however I do have the right to hold to what I do believe
 is right  and wrong for my own life without being
 pressured or pushed away from it. Did Jesus always follow
 the status quo ? Quite the contrary. Where can you  find,
 other than when chidding the religious hypocrites of the
 day, an  example of Him ever condeming people for the
 decisions they made ? You  won't. Did He insist that
 everyone follow Him and do it the same way? Again,  quite
 the contrary, He even told some to return home and not
 follow Him. No  condemnation infered or implied or overtly
 expressed. So-called christians, especially those of the
 neo-con pursuasion, are so  incredibly self-righteous that
 they have forgotten Christ's admonition of  not tryin to
 pluck a sliver out of someone's eye when there is a beam
 in  their own. There are no perfectly sinless humans on
 this planet, this the  Bible teaches, but is discarded by
 the aforementioned too easily. Why should Christians get
 involved with biofuels in a big way ? Simple, it  is
 caring for a trusted guardianship (our planet)that has
 been given to us,  not unlike caring for your body as a
 holy temple. Are the two related ?  Absolutely !
 What is the earmark that should identify Christians to
 others ? Jesus said  it is the spirit of love. Don't see
 that too often eh? Not in the neo-con  so-called christian
 zionists in any case. War, division, hate for your 
 neighbour, kill his children in their beds. Sound
 Christian to you? Do some people chose to end life at it's
 beginning ? Yes they do. That is  their decision, it does
 not mean that you have to adhere to it, support it,  or
 condone it in your life, however if God has so
 specifically limited  Himself to not interfere with the
 Majesty of Choice that people exercise,  who are you  or I
 to do it? Wouldn't that be akin to ussurping God's 
 authority ? As for America. It's people are vast and far
 stretched, and of many  pursuasions, but none can justify
 what has been and continues to be done in  their names by
 a zionist controlled government  and media who's
 allegiance  is more to a foreign nation than to their own.
 There is no collectivity  called America, contrary to what
 you have been taught to believe. Individuals will be held
 accountable for thier own actions, not a global or 
 collective thing at all. The people governing the United
 States are NOT led  by any sort of Christian belief, as is
 proven by Christ's actual words as  recorded in the New
 Testament. The media and others, including apostate 
 preachers say otherswise, and they will answer for thier
 lies, but not at my  hand. Christians do not slaughter
 babies and innocents, final. The United  States has
 decended into a pit of iniquity that it will not soon come
 out of  and risks dragging the world into it's destructive
 delusions in it's quest  for world oil domination. It's
 sick and needs to be exposed as such. Luc
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Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] Let Them Eat Rocket FuelJohn Guttridge

2005-02-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Keith, I'm sorry to see that you take my response using jk
gasbag at his word ! I'm just wondering if you in turn have
written to others about the continued rundown of anyone who
has a basic belief in GOD JESUS, United States of America
Etc ? When I arrived here I was under the auspice that I was
fortunate enough to find a forum that won't have the typical
retrograde stances that you state that this forum shouldn't
have.   My first day here I was treated to some amazing
bashing of America !  I know that my country is a mess (look
at my first posting about fuel and look at my opinion
about the leadership)! SO GET OVER IT AND LET'S TALK ABOUT
WHAT THIS IS SUPPOSTED TO BE !? When I gave you my interest
in this forum I thought that you stated that it would be
really good to stick to the biofuel interests in the forum
perimeters ?  I can go to hundreds of websites that are
great to vent whatever ! But, I won't sit by anymore and let
people throw out platant all encompassing trash about
something (right to life) that didn't need to be here.  If
this is unacceptable to you and the rest of the forum than I
apologize(I apologize if it is acceptable or not) for my
having the nerve to write my feelings. Thank you for your
time and consideration, Kim Wilde someone who uses my delete
button constantly.
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Fwd: Re [Biofuel] Let Them Eat Rocket FuelJohn Guttridge

2005-02-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr. Guttridge, Thanks for the reply ! Your statement seemed
pretty inclusive of the right to lifers Just like my
statement about those desiring abortions should've read 
now if that sounds like I'm pretty heinous, such it is in
your mind.  

 I used the word 'DECEIT to describe
the current situation that most young mothers find
themselves in (if the clinics aren't deceiving them than why
not show them what is really going on inside of the mother
  I don't advocate
violence towards ANYONE ! I might think it, but I leave that
to GOD THE CREATOR ! Don't worry it won't be long before all
of us find out the truth of it all. I would like to use this
wonderful forum to futher the cause that I believe all of us
are trying to accomplish and have a healthier world to live
in no matter how short we're here.  Thanks for your time,
Kim Wilde
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Re: Fwd: Re [Biofuel] Let Them Eat Rocket FuelJohn Guttridge

2005-02-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bob  Hakan, Much literary criticism comes from people for
whom extreme specialization is a cover for either grave
cerebal inadequacy or terminal laziness, the latter being a
much cherished aspect of academic freedom. JKG Thanks for
your reply, Kim

- Original Message Follows -
 Since we many times enjoyed the freedom of discussion, I
 guess that we have to accept this kind of voodoo also.
 I had the same reaction to this, but it was too brutal.
 Thanks that you so elegantly expressed my opinion also and
 made it possible to only agree with what you are saying.
 At 02:42 PM 2/1/2005, you wrote:
 I might think it, but I leave that
 you are presupposing that I give a tinker's dam about
 your belief in  voodoo.  I don't and therefore your
 message is wasted on me. toodles
 - Bob Allen,http://ozarker.org/bob
  The modern conservative is engaged in one of
 Man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the
 search for a superior moral justification for selfishness
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Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] Let Them Eat Rocket FuelJohn Guttridge

2005-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm so sorry to see that the deceit has come here to this
forum, about bush's stand on RIGHT TO LIFE ! He and most
of the staff are the worst kind of deceivers ! They DON'T
respect life, unless it's their own, and even that is a joke
since they really don't know what they have given their
alliance to ! If they do they are deceived as much as Eve
Matthew 7:16 KJV! All you have to do is look into his record
and see where he IS really slithering ! The bushes and the
rest of their kind are deceivers ! Please don't make LARGE
INCLUSIVE STATEMENTS about those of us who are fighting to
save the unborn child ! IF ONLY THOSE WHO DESIRE ABORTION
a very moot point. Having made the worst of life decisions
to participate in abortion of my own flesh and others, I
pray for no others to experience my own deceit. Sincerely,
Mr. Kim Wilde
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Re: [Biofuel] New bio dieseler

2005-01-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Do you produce biodiesel? or you build plants? I am writing from Italy. Do you 
know Trieste?


Dr Ezio Di Bernardo

 Where do you live ?

 Met vriendelijke groet,
 Pieter Koole

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[Biofuel] Anyone know anything about this on ebay?

2005-01-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Saw this on ebay... 
anybodys opinion on this?
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[Biofuel] q+a

2004-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this site is great ..is there a site like this for SVO only??..strait veg oil

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Re: [Biofuel] RE: first batch comments please

2004-11-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Welcome to the world of biodiesel.  Glad to see that you are experimenting with 
the reaction.  The more people we have looking at it, the more ideas there are. 
 Keep trying and journey to forever's web site.  

I have had some glycerin solidify and other times it stays liquid.  the bio 
works out fine either way.  I always titrate, and use 200 ml methanol per liter 
of used veg. oil.

good luck

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Re: [Biofuel] washing water

2004-11-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

B) Recover your soap fraction from the gray water. Accomplished by treating 
the waste water with magnesium or aluminum sulfate.

can you explain more about this??  please give some details


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Re: [Biofuel] washing water

2004-11-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

has anyone had the wash water tested??  and will to provide those results to 
the rest of us??

I know that wash water will kill grass and weeds very well, when using sodium 
instead of potassium.  

i want to know what i can do to make it less toxic to the grass.  any help??


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[Biofuel] Anybody in central Florida making biodiesel?

2004-10-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since i have several trucks, and a tractor that run on diesel was looking at 
whether anyone near me makes biodiesel and seeing how you are making, etc.
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[Biofuel] running biodiesel in gas engines

2004-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sometime ago someone was talking about doing there own testing of mixing
10% biodeisel in gas, and running there lawnmower on it. I think that in
that same email, there was talk about trying the same test on a minivan.
As fas as I know there was never an email about the result of running
biodiesel as a top cyclinger lubricant in a minivan. If anyone has some
data one this I would really like to read it.


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[Biofuel] replacement diesel engine

2004-09-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


There has been some talk on this list a while back about small cubic image
replacement engine for American cars, but I was wondering does anyone make
them for foreign cars? I would like to a diesel in a mazda 626 or toyota
camry. I really didn't spend much time looking, but are there options to
do this?


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Re: Keeping older vehicles on the road - was Re: [Biofuel] good reading

2004-09-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I would just like everyone to consider what happens to their car after
they trade it in on a new vehicle. More than likely it will be sold to
someone else and still spend years on the road, then it will be taken to a
salvage yard where parts will be taken from it. I know alot of times these
parts will be put onto newer vehicles if the parts will interchange. The
vehicle is crushed, and hauled to another location, where it is either
recrushed smaller or melted down. Of course, all the plastic, rubber, and
glass burns away. Then what is left may be shipped overseas to make
another car. The iron and steel are melted to become different parts of a
new car.  These parts are then painted and assembled. Then, of course, the
car is loaded on a ship to come back the to US, and trucked to a car lot.

So, at this point, a new car has tons of embedded energies and emissions.
With that being said, I don't know how, even with the new cars having
better emissions, there could possibly be a savings in emissions. Sure, it
is great for the car company for you to buy a new car, but for the
environment, I don't see how it could be.

Now, if you were to put the 2004 computer controlled induction and
ignition system and catalytic converter on the old car (this may require
you to change the engine). Also, if you are able to use the old engine,
then consider freshening it up a bit. Then you should have new car
emissions without the heavy price to the environment of building a new
car. I have often thought about why someone doesn't offer a kit to upgrade
the emissions of cars (obviously, it is not in the best interest of the
car companies, they are too busy convincing everyone that their new cars
will save the world), and in fact some states even have laws against it. I
guess that it would make too much sense to recycle what we have instead of
always building new.

Anyway, that is my 2 cents, I hope that I didn't make anyone too mad with


On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, Donald Allwright wrote:
 There is a point that's worth repeating here regarding older vehicles:

 Most cars use more energy in the manufacture than they do in fuel
 consumption over their entire lives - so as a rule the best way to
 reduce the energy balance of vehicles is to make them last as long as
 you can. If your concern is just the energy use, then try and keep the
 older vehicles working as long as possible. They are not quite as
 efficient, but the excess energy use is far less than that used to
 manufacture a new car you might replace it with. Also, keeping an older
 vehicle on the road is a great way of providing local employment - much
 better than just buying a new vehicle and using loads of primary

 OK, the same may not be true for some of the exhaust pipe pollutants,
 as older cars are often a lot more polluting (due to lack of catalytic
 converters, a less optimised combustion process etc). So while in rural
 areas these pollutants may not be seen to be a major problem, in urban
 areas they certainly will be.


  --- Erik Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- tommy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Here is a good reading piece if your wondering about
   why it's pretty much a waste to try to get those
   Cheap running junkers working and focus on new
  Thank you for posting that link. I enjoyed reading it.
  But I disagree with your conclusions. As nice as a new
  diesel is I am still going to keep my 23 year old audi
  diesel. Once you consider that I only have about $500
  into it not counting fuel or oil changes and that it
  gets 50 mpg I don't see how the new ones are any
  better. But of course they're much fancier, with all
  the electronics and latest options. The new ones will
  also blow mine off the road for speed and power. But
  those don't concern me. I know that for a lot of
  people they are very important, and those are the ones
  that I would try to talk into getting a newer one.
  The old ones also use very simple technology, which
  for me means that I can fix it all myself without
  taking it in. Not including the injection pump, of
  course. (Though I do have the computer scanners to be
  able to do everything on the newer ones as well, but
  that's cause it's what I do. Just saying that most
  people can work on the older ones and the newer ones
  become harder and more complicated.)
  I'm all for diesels. I love them. And the new ones
  have a lot of nice advantages. I really wish that with
  20+ years of technology advancements it would have
  that much better fuel mileage than mine, but they just
  don't. I just don't see all that as a reason to
  abandon the old ones. If I can at all I will drive
  these old tech ones for many years more. The only
  thing I see stopping me is them getting wrecked.
  Just my opinion, of course.
   This tech is what the Big fuel petro industrial
   suppliers will get the gov to back instead of

[biofuel] Homebrew Co-Op Listing in Magazine

2004-08-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All~

(sorry for multiple postings)

We are working on compiling a directory of homebrewers and co-ops that are
making their 
own biodiesel or using SVO. The directory will be published in an
internationally distributed 
documentary magazine called Daylight (www.daylightmagazine.org) whose next
issue will deal 
exclusively with sustainability. They want to help build the grassroots
biofuels movement by 
publishing this list.

If you or a group you know is interested in being included please email
your contact 
information to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The deadline for submissions is
August 30, 2004.


Piedmont Biofuels

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[biofuel] UK Methanol Supplies £12 / 25L inc. new drum.

2004-08-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Bio-dieselers,

I have reduced the price of methanol from £20 to
£12 per 25L on a collection basis from
Manchester, UK. I normally have around 50 or so
drums but they do sell very fast. For every
collection, you'll be asked to sign for MSDS
Health  Safety sheets. This is to ensure that I
know you understand the chemicals. 

If you want to buy methanol, please reply to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Payment is via PayPal
+3.4%. If you want to pay cash on the day,
pre-paid PayPal customers have priority. By using
PayPal it reduces my setting aside methanol and
turning away people when the then original
customer dont turn up.


07963 651609

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[biofuel] Apple seed processor

2004-07-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Has anyone had any problems using a copper tank?


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[biofuel] Drinking rain water [was: Drink Water From Dehumidifier?]

2004-07-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am looking into building an Earthship, and I was wondering if you could
tell me if drinking rain water is safe (I mean after it has been
filtered like described in the Earthship books)?


On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, Janet Van Stoat wrote:

 Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 12:40:20 -0500
 From: Janet Van Stoat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Drink Water From Dehumidifier?

 There is significant health risk in drinking condensate.  The risk comes 
 mostly from the large amount of mold to be found in typical dehumidifier 
 condensate.  You are probably familiar with the slime molds that commonly 
 coat the sides of most dehumidifier condensate collector bins.

 The condensate also contains significant amounts of bacteria, viruses, 
 household chemicals,
 fibers, dust and dander.   In fact, almost anything that you might find in 
 household or basement
 air.  Some basements also contain radon and sewer gasses which can dissolve 
 into the condensate.

 Theoretically, you can work with condensate.  Recycling this stuff, as well 
 as urine, is commonly
 done in space vehicles.  It takes several steps and sophisticated filtering 
 and processing to come
 up with a useable end product.

 If you just want to try processing the stuff yourself, it is a noble and 
 worthwhile project.  I would be cautious to only use the processed water on 
 ornamental plants, though, unless I was quite sure of the final quality of 
 the end product.

 As a starting point, some processing methods include, gentle distillation 
 (discarding the early and late distillate), filtering through filter grade 
 diatomaceous earth, exposure to sun light or strong UV, hydrogen peroxide 
 treatment or aeration.  There are other treatments, as well.  Essentially you 
 working with a kind of pond water.  Some of the off-the-shelf filters at the 
 camping equipment stores
 are very good at mechanically filtering out the biological components, but I 
 would still recommend gentle distillation as a first step.

 Carbon filtering is a good end-treatment for removing some chemicals and 
 odors.  However, carbon filtering doesn't work at all well when there are a 
 lot of biological components in the water; the carbon then just becomes a 
 nice bed for bacterial and mold growth.

 One of the most interesting and promising methods of pre-treating 
 biologically risky water is by
 gently passing the water through the root system of wetlands plants such as 
 The hairy roots of various plants can do a remarkable job of cleaning up 
 risky water and making it
 more suitable for subsequent treatment.

 - Original Message -
   From: Gustl Steiner-Zehender
   Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 9:00 AM
   Subject: [biofuel] Drink Water From Dehumidifier?

   Hallo Folks,

   I  don't  know  how  close to on-topic this is but I have a question
   which  I  have  been  asking  myself  for  a long while and figured it
   wouldn't hurt to pass it on and see what I get.

   Every  day  I  go  down  in my basement and empty about 2.5 gallons of
   water from the dehumidifier.  Twice a day.  Every day.

   I  have  been wondering if it would be possible to dehimidify with the
   added  benefit of having potable water.  Safe to drink.  What would it
   take?  Closed system with copper or stainless steel coils or...?

   Anyone  have  any ideas on this?  Just a (nagging) thought.  Waste not
   want not.

   Happy Happy,

   Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
   Mitglied-Team AMIGA
   ICQ: 22211253-Gustli
   The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
   soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
   without signposts.
   C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
   Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
   daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
   gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
   Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
   hear the music.
   George Carlin
   The best portion of a good man's life -
   His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
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Re: [biofuel] Re: What diesel engine will fit in 87' GMC schoolbus?

2004-07-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have done many engine swaps, and you will need more than the engine to
make everything work. I would look for a GMC or Chevy light truck
with a diesel engine in a salvage yard. Although, I think one might be
hard to find. That way atleast you would have the parts to make the engine
run. I should also point out that there may still be the need for some

At one time there was a lot of GM cars in salvage yards that had diesel in
them, but I think they stopped making them in 83-84. So, they maybe hard
to find now too. Plus I am not sure if they would have the power you
would need for a bus. Also, I would assume that the engine that is in the
bus now has a chevy bell housing. The ones they used in cars had a B-O-P
Bell, and would at the very least require the bell housing to be changed.
So, the ones from a truck would probably be much better.

Well, that's my 2 cents!

I hope this information is helpful.


On Sat, 17 Jul 2004, Joshua wrote:

 Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 21:38:55 -
 Reply-To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [biofuel] Re: What diesel engine will fit in 87' GMC schoolbus?

 Thank you for your response.  Of course we could somehow get just
 about any engine to fit, but what could we get in there that we
 wouldn't have to get custom motor-mounts for and what will the drive
 line fit snugly?  So far, it's looking like a Detroit Diesel is the
 best bet, no?


 --- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Coral [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  U can get almost anything on the market in there u name it:
 caterpillar, cummins, international or (of course) detroit diesel. I'd
 recommend a DD common rail computer managed. However, there's plenty
 of school buses diesel fitted as stock so, it'd be easy to figure what
 would fit yours best.
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Re: [biofuel] centrifuges

2004-07-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


$75k USD for what type of machine?

I have a Westfalia 900L per hr manual clean here
for £5,000 GBP with single and three phase motors
inc data manual.


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Re: [biofuel] Integrated processing of lignocellulosic biomass!

2004-07-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Flash acid saccharification has been around for
quite a while. The Russians use the process to
produce 30kL of ethanol per day. I guess this
process is the next stage up?



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[biofuel] Dutch - UK Bio-dieselers Link

2004-07-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Your'e only across the water, would you be
interested in a meet-up in Holland?


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Re: [biofuel] Westfalia Centrifuge for sale - Pieter

2004-07-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The price is negotiable around the four to five
thousand UK pound price including 3-phase
invertor and single phase motor.


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Re: [biofuel] Westfalia Centrifuge for sale - Pieter

2004-07-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Around the £4-5k mark.


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Re: [biofuel] IBC PROCESSOR

2004-07-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


A company in the UK already sells the IBC
processor systems called the Acorn.


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Re: [biofuel] Methanol

2004-07-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


What is the thermal efficiency of a methanol


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Re: [biofuel] How's Come Berkely is the Hot Bed of Forward Thinking.

2004-07-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


And here I thought Berkely (UC Berkely) was famous for developing their
own flavor of unix from which 3 distro have been created - FreeBSD,
OpenBSD, and NetBSD.


On Tue, 6 Jul 2004, Martin Klingensmith wrote:

 Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 16:12:40 -0400
 From: Martin Klingensmith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] How's Come Berkely is the Hot Bed of Forward

 Phil Dodd wrote:
  Sitting here in my south-central pennsylvania funk lamenting the
  fact that when I talk biodiesel I am looked at like I have 2 heads.
  Though there is a couple of seminars coming to the Washington D.C.
  area next week and again in september.  Are there any folks out here
  in the hinterlands of the Mid-Atlantic states that are actually
  making, using and spreading the word?  Help save me from this desert
  of forward thinking before my mind starts to atrophy here in the
  land of the closed mind.

 Hello Phil,
 I live in northern New York [no, the Catskills are not northern NY]
 I have been trying to get people interested for quite some time. It
 isn't easy and it's slow, but I've been letting people know for a couple
 years now that there are alternatives to petro-diesel and gasoline. I've
 also been dispelling the widespread myth that ethanol is bad. Why is it
 common belief that ethanol is a horrible fuel?

 Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Westfalia Centrifuge for sale - Pieter

2004-07-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sorry for the delay. 

The centrifuge is a Westfalia marine oil
centrifuge with 1-phase 230V and 415V 3-phase
motors, stainless steel disc stack. 

What are you offering?

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[biofuel] Westfalia Centrifuge for sale

2004-07-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have a Westfalia centrifugal separator for
sale. Its rated to approx. 900L per hr, has a
single phase and 3-phase motor. I imported it
from the states for a bio-diesel pilot plant. Is
any one interested?

07963 651609

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Re: [biofuel] Question - SVO/biodiesel blend without modification to vehicle?

2004-06-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Be aware that glycerol can polymerise mineral


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Re: [biofuel] Supercritical Reactor - has anyone ever seen one?

2004-06-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Status Quo in the UK -

A large proportion of available used cooking oil
is being consumed by small to medium sized
bio-diesel producers or is exported to external
communities ie to India for re-use in the food
sector I am told, though I cannot validate this

Animal fats to bio-diesel has not been deleloped
here hence the initial interest in super-critical
technology. We have to subscribe to EN14214 to
obtain reduced fuel duty rate. I am interested in
the SCM approach for accademic curiousity rather
than plans of grandure.


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Re: [biofuel] Supercritical Reactor - has anyone ever seen one?

2004-06-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Super critical methanol has been used to produce
tallow bio-diesel with a CFPP way below -15'C.
FFA content does not matter since the whole
feedstock is converted to esters.


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Re: [biofuel] 100% ethanol

2004-06-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Centrifuges wont work. You need to use a
molecular sieve.


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[biofuel] Supercritical Reactor - has anyone ever seen one?

2004-06-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Do you know of anyone in the whole realm of this
group who has ever used a supercritical reactor?
As in anywhere?


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[biofuel] UK Methanol - 40p per L on 250L

2004-06-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Bio-dieselers 

Because of the number of people coming forward
for methanol, the price has changed
significantly. If people group together I will
sell 250L of anhydrous methanol in 25L drums for
just £100 all in. Alternatively, if you want just
one drum or a few drop me an e-mail and I can
arrange that for you at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 



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[biofuel] Re: wondering about this comment

2004-06-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here Here Brian
I agree, i also enjoy the political comment, its taken me out of my fat dumb 
and happy state and into someone with a little more awareness of the world, I 
believe that people from all religious persuasions must take a step back, take 
a long hard look at themselves and have some tolerance for others. I must be 
living in a fantasy world if I believe this will ever happen. Unfortunately I 
live in an environment (AU) at the moment that is very intolerant against Islam 
and Muslims in general (f**g ragheads is a comment I hear every day). This 
sort of attitude does not help the situation at all. The media always making 
headlines amount this or that muslim being arrested for terrorism and nothing 
ever mentioned about anything good our so called multi-cultural nation has 
Im not religious myself but I believe religion is a good thing used in the 
right way, i.e. teaching morals and tolerance its just that the plot has been 
lost somewhere in to many cases.
Sorry if i may have gone a little off track regarding biofuels I just needed to 
vent a little.


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[biofuel] Methanol - 1000L IBC for re-sale *** UK ***

2004-06-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All

Next week I am having 1000L of anhydrous methanol
dropped off for re-sale to bio-diesel producers.
Anyone can buy as much as you like. It will be
stored in 25L drums, which is enough to make 175L
to 200L of biodiesel depending if you recycle
methanol from the glycerol stream. I will also
buy in caustic NaOH so people can do a 1 stop
shop if they wish.

A 25L drum of methanol will be £20 inc. drum. The
price will go down the more you buy. 

ANYONE interested needs to drop me an e-mail at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone 07963 651609. I
have already sold 175 litres in the last few
hours and may only buying in 1000L this month. 


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[biofuel] Ethanol

2004-06-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Here in Australia there was a campain in the media about ethanol blends in 
fuel destroying engines, so now no ethanol in fuel without clear marking on 
fuel pumps, net result, general population formed to believe ethanol is bad for 
engines. Very little was said for the environmental advatages although Im not 
100% sure that ethanol in Australia is manufactured from sustainable resourses.
I just love how the media can form the populace into beleving somthing and not 
tell the whole story and in this case the oil industry very hapy about the 


P.S. I love my internal combustion engines and now I know that I can be better 
for the environment and still play with them. Why push for alternative energy 
when biofuel is a solution?

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[biofuel] ethanol in NE Pa.

2004-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I was just wondering if there are any small time ethanol producers in
North Eastern Pennsyvannia. I would like to produce enough ethanol myself
to run my cars on, but I live in an appartment where I can't. If someone
could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.


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Re: [biofuel] OT: Nitromethane fuel question

2004-03-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Since the discusion has moved to Nitromethane fuel, I thought that I would
forward this on. I am not sure if it is total accurate, but it is some
interesting facts about drag racing engines:

One Top Fuel dragster 500 cubic inch Hemi engine makes more horsepower
than the first 4 rows at the Daytona 500. Under full throttle, a
dragster engine consumes 1 gallon of nitromethane per second; a fully
loaded 747 consumes jet fuel at the same rate with 25% less energy being
produced. A stock Dodge Hemi V8 engine cannot produce enough power to
drive the dragster supercharger. With 3000 CFM of air being rammed in by
the supercharger on overdrive, the fuel mixture is compressed into a
near-solid form before ignition. Cylinders run on the verge of hydraulic
lock at full throttle. At the stoichiometric 1.7:1 air/fuel mixture for
nitromethane the flame front temperature measures 7050 degrees F.
Nitromethane burns yellow. The spectacular white flame seen above the
stacks at night is raw burning hydrogen, dissociated from atmospheric
water vapor by the searing exhaust gases. Dual magnetos supply 44 amps
to each spark plug. This is the output of an arc welder in each
cylinder. Spark plug electrodes are totally consumed during a pass.
After 1/2 way, the engine is dieseling from compression plus the glow of
exhaust valves at 1400 degrees F. The engine can only be shut down by
cutting the fuel flow. If spark momentarily fails early in the run,
unburned nitro builds up in the affected cylinders and then explodes
with sufficient force to blow cylinder heads off the block in pieces or
split the block in half. In order to exceed 300 mph in 4.5 seconds
dragsters must accelerate at an average of over 4G's. In order to reach
200 mph well before half-track, the launch acceleration approaches 8G's.
Dragsters reach over 300 miles per hour before you have completed
reading this sentence.  Top Fuel Engines turn approximately 540
revolutions from light to light! Including the burnout the engine must
only survive 900 revolutions under load. The redline is actually quite
high at 9500rpm.

The Bottom Line; Assuming all the equipment is paid off, the crew worked
for free, and for once NOTHING BLOWS UP, each run costs an estimated US
$1,000.00 per second. The current Top Fuel dragster elapsed time record
is 4.441 seconds for the quarter mile (10/05/03, Tony Schumacher). The
top speed record is 333.00 mph (533km/h) as measured over the last 66'
of the run (09/28/03 Doug Kalitta). Putting all of this into
perspective: You are driving the average $140,000 Lingenfelter
twin-turbo powered Corvette Z06. Over a mile up the road, a Top Fuel
dragster is staged and ready to launch down a quarter mile strip as you
pass. You have the advantage of a flying start. You run the'Vette hard
up through the gears and blast across the starting line and past the
dragster at an honest 200 mph. The 'tree' goes green for both of you at
that moment. The dragster launches and starts after you. You keep your
foot down hard, but you hear an incredibly brutal whine that sears your
eardrums and within 3 seconds the dragster catches and passes you. He
beats you to the finish line, a quarter mile away from where you just
passed him. Think about it, from a standing start, the dragster had
spotted you 200 mph and not only caught, but nearly blasted you off the
road when he passed you within a mere 1320 foot long race course. That,
folks, is acceleration.

On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Alan Petrillo wrote:

 Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 11:07:07 -0500
 From: Alan Petrillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Nitromethane fuel question

 spriggsbororon wrote:

  Back in the 1960's, I attended a few drag races (1/4 mile event) at
  the drag strip. The fuelers used 'nitro'. When I would get a pit pass
  and walk by the rails and funny cars, the odor would clean out my
  nostrils (Whew!). When I asked various non-racing people afterwards
  how much nitro was used, I got different answers from a few drops
  to 100% nitro.
  One time I went to the drag strip at the beginning of the season when
  the temperature was about 40-45 degrees F. The fuelers ran real
  rough, missing and even stalling. A bystander said that it was
  probably too cold outside to run the nitro fuel.
  Any input on nitromethane as a fuel compared to others, or is it
  really the same as other alcohol fuels you mention, but with a fancy

 Nitromethane is an explosive.  It can also be used as monopropellant
 rocket fuel.  As one guy put it You can put your cigarette out in it,
 but if you hit it with a hammer it'll explode.  Top fuelers mix it with
 methanol to dilute it down to their desired power level according to
 atmospheric conditions.

 It's nasty stuff, and IMHO, best avoided.


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Re: [biofuel] Ethanol distillation

2004-02-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I was just wondering how much ethanol I could hope to product in one year
with a small still. I am hoping to get started this spring and I would
like to be able to product about 450 gallons of ethanol over the summer.
Using news paper as a feed stock, would this be a realistic goal?

Also, I have been looking around the web for more information about making
ethanol. I found a site for making hooch, but I think that fuel
ethanol is the same thing. From what I have read on that site you can make
ethanol from pure sugar in as little as 5 days, but need special yeast (or
yeast with other stuff added to feed the yeast). Would this be a good
choice for making fuel ethanol?


On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, W Scott  Pyatt wrote:

 Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 23:03:04 -0500
 From: W Scott  Pyatt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Ethanol distillation

 standard ethanol production is a bit more costly and timely than most people
 think, as for the legal aspect of it there are a lot of records that must be
 kept and yes you are open for federal inspection ( TTB ) as well as state
 level alcohol inforcement, I have been in the alcohol buisness for over 5
 years and the state and federal goverment have been very easy to work with.
 W Scott
 - Original Message -
 From: Greg and April [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 10:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Ethanol distillation

  If I remember right, inspections of the property that the permit is for,
 anytime the BATF, wants to look around.
  Greg H.
- Original Message -
From: j_schearer
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 05:00
Subject: [biofuel] Ethanol distillation
If the individual goes through all
the proper paper procedures and obtains the distillation permit, what
can one expect from the gov't after this?

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Re: [biofuel] Re: What's the true story on ethanol?

2003-12-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, shawstafari wrote:
 I'm *very* into the ethanol powered fuel cell developments, but I
 don't think we ought to put energies towards developing fuel cells for
 vehicle use per se.  Just think of all the copper that would be
 needed!  Ahh, the wheels of capitalism they do turn.  We need to stop
 the assembly lines cold-turkey and fix up the millions of cars that
 have already been produced and are lying dormant.  I'm radical, I know ;)

I feel the same way. I just can't understand why no one is willing to fix
up old cars (and do things to improve their emissions). Everytime I talk
to someone about it, they act like I am crazy.


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RE: [biofuel] New to Bio-Diesel, Need Methanol

2003-12-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, Boston Bryce wrote:
 I'm looking for a place to buy methanol online? I found one place, but
 seemed a bit pricey for 5 gallons. Is this a normal cost for Methanol?

 $25.00 for 5 gallons
 $20.00 HazMat Handling
 $20.00 Shipping
 + Tax
 I live in Phoenix, AZ and have only found 2 places that carry Bio and
 it's a bit expensive, like 3$/gallon
 Maybe someone on BioFuel Group knows a good place in AZ to buy Methanol?

I wish I knew of a place to buy methanol. You may want to try a
drag strip. They would use Methanol there. I am not sure what the
price would be though. Actually, I have been looking for a place to
buy neat ethanol, and I have not been able to find one. But I am still
looking. If I find a place to buy methanol, I will let you know, and I
hope you will do the same for me about ethanol.


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Re: [biofuel] Ethanol, Alcohol, Veg Oil

2003-12-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I would like to get more info about this. I have looked on the web but I
haven't found any good answers to some of my questions.

I really wanted to build an alternative fuel vehicle. After doing some
research I went ahead and built an engine to run alternative fuels.
With all alternative fuels having higher octane, and looking at what
others have done (on the web) I built an engine that needs higher octane.
This is where I have a problem. I looked at running natural gas and
propane, but after doing some research I realized that I was not going to
be able to do a conversion to these fuels unless I was willing to put a
large tank behind the back seat. I really didn't want to do this. I would
like to move to ethanol running straight ethanol. This way I would not
have to remove the additional water, but the problem I have with this is
that it would be to hard to find fuel when traveling. So I have decided
to just run the car on gasoline. The problem is that I will need to do
something to increase the octane. I looked into using octane boost, and I
even bought some, but on a pdf file I read most octane boost only
raises the octane level a fraction of a point. From what the pdf file said
that I should look at using either race gas or aviation fuel (something
called 100LL). With this being the case ethanol still looks like my best
choice to raise octane levels.

So, with all that here are my questions:

1. Has anyone ever used ethanol (or alcohol in general) as an octane

2. How much does ethanol raise the octane level of gasoline?

3. Has anyone tried running more than 10% ethanol. Would I be able to run
say 20 or 25% ethanol, or would I need to make changes to the engine, and
fuel system?

4. What would it cost me to make a gallon of ethanol vs making a gallon
of neat ethanol?

5. Could I mix methanol or other alcohols (like the kind from a drug
store like was mentioned below) into gasoline to raise octane levels?

6. Is something I could add to make the mixture less corrusive?

7. Is there a fuel that can be made from Veggie oil that could be ran in a
gasoline engine?

8. Is it possible that some of the sugars could be in the finished
ethanol, and ruin the engine. If so how could I test for this?

9. Is gasoline/ethanol mixture more danagers than gasoline alone?


On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Pieter Koole wrote:

 Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 01:51:39 +0100
 From: Pieter Koole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Ethanol, Alcohol,  Veg Oil

 Ethanol is a kind of alcohol.
 There are many kinds of alcohol. Ethanol is produced by yeast when they
 eat sugar, and so it is an  environmental friendly producing proces.
 Ethanol can be mixed with BD, but why would you do it ?

 Any kind of alcohol can be used as a fuel. They all burn.
 What you buy in the drugstore, usually will be ethanol, but this ethanol is
 treated, so that you cannot drink it. SO DON'T DRINK IT !! It can make you
 blind, or even kill you.
 You can quite easy produce your own ethanol.
 Information about the process is to be found at Journeytoforever.

 About the diesel : When you make biodiesel, there is no need to change your
 engine at all.
 Do it properly and you will be driving without any problems.

 Met vriendelijke groeten,
 Pieter Koole

 - Original Message -
 From: Edward Mendoza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 9:43 PM
 Subject: [biofuel] Ethanol, Alcohol,  Veg Oil

  Can ethanol, alcohol, and veggie oil be mixed at all in any combination?
  What difference is there between ethanol  alcohol?
  What is it that we buy when we purchase alcohol in the supermarket or
  Could alcohol be used efficiently as a fuel or is it more expensive than
  An immediate solution for myself, right now, here in the U.S., is there an
  alternative other than converting my diesel car to run on veggie oil?
  Thank you,
  Edward Mendoza
  211 Hayman Court
  Santa Rosa, CA 95409
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Re: [biofuel] running ethanol

2003-10-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I was thinking of carring a 55 gallon drum with me. I just thought that I
would be able to find a list of people who  produce ethanol in their back

I hope to have the car running in about a week or so, and in 2 weeks I
hope to be leaving for Arizona (from Pennsylvania). I hope to have found
enough fuel by then, becuase it is going to be Arizona or bust.


On Thu, 23 Oct 2003, Alan Petrillo wrote:
 One of the things you could do is check to see who the industrial
 suppliers of ethanol are in the area where you are traveling, and along
 your route.  Be prepared to buy it in either 5 gallon jugs or 55 gallon
 drums.  Take a barrel pump with you, and be prepared to cary with you
 whatever you can't put into your car's tank.

 Depending on what you're driving, you may be able to install auxiliary
 fuel tanks, which will make a big difference.  It helps a lot when you
 can cary 40 gallons of fuel instead of 15.

 The major difference is that your trip will require planning.

 You might consider also taking a small trailer in which you can store a
 drum of ethanol and the equipment with which to pump it into your car's
 tank.  Then you can cary a substantial amount of fuel with you and also
 be prepared to cary off more from suppliers along your route, and at the
 same time not have to cary around a lot of extra equipment during your
 local driving.

 This list can also be a resource for finding fellow ethanollers along
 your route, who would probably be happy to help you out.

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[biofuel] running ethanol

2003-10-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have been thinking of running ethanol in my car, but when traveling
where would I find fuel? I have looked for a list of places on the net
that sell ethanol or individuals that produce ethanol, but I have not
found any. Would you know of some?


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[biofuel] here I am

2003-03-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I come back!!! I don't know why the messages returned to you.

Well!!! I viwed that in Italy the research don't go on!!!

Best regards!!!


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[biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Was: Perhaps many .. but not all

2003-03-04 Thread aegent [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You will find that many people who have never come to the US get their
perceptions of America from watching American television shows. Hows
that for a scary thought. We like them often have misperceptions of
the world. For example, I used to work for an international telecom
forum and went to meetings in Europe. 

I found that I really like Paris and all the people I met there were
friendly and helpful. I was with collegues and we stepped out of a
store into light mist. We were looking at a map and a gentleman came
up and asked us in english if he could help. He looked at our map and
where we had to go and showed us the most direct route. I find that
people everywhere I've been (London, Paris, Nice, Birmingam UK,
Frankfurt, Mumbai, Delhi, and Agra) have generally been easy going and
friendly, its governments that are hard to take :-)


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, James Slayden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I prefer the term enclosed truck that seats many as that is
exactly what
 my UV does.  Right now it has 12 LMR 400 spools in the back and some
 various 5 gal buckets, and also some recycling I need to take in.  ;-)
 But then again, I walked to work so the air stays cleaner (and me
 James Slayden
 On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Keith Addison wrote:
  Hi Tony
  Check me if I'm wrong but I've been over to Journeytoforever.org
and I
   believe that Kieth does indeed drive an SUV. He of course does fuel
  it with buidiesel and that does make a difference.
  We'd never heard of SUVs. We thought they were 4x4s, or 4WDs. Same
  Series Land Rovers that Jean-Leon was just talking about, though not
  quite as old as his (not that that makes any difference). And indeed
  they spent much of their time off-road, doing what they were built
  for - and that's work, not fun. Again to quote Jean-Leon:
  A real working vehicle is not an SUV -  I consider real trucks UVs.
  Anyway, one was a diesel, which ran on biodiesel, the other gasoline,
  which we'd planned to run on ethanol. We do have a fuel ethanol
  still, but it's not what it's claimed to be and the search for a real
  fuel still proved elusive. Very. Could be some news on that soon
  though. But we never got to run it on ethanol.
  Much as we loved them, we sold them both a while back. They were
  great for our learning curve but as our project developed we realized
  they weren't what we needed. No need for real workhorses yet though,
  we won't be leaving until winter at least, and it shouldn't be a
  problem then. Meanwhile we're getting involved in various rural
  projects here in and around this village, as planned, but again we
  don't need an SUV, nor a real UV workhorse either - we're using the
  Toyota I was telling Curtis about:


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[biofuel] Re: SUV's and gas consumption

2003-03-04 Thread aegent [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would argue that the No Fault argument that the insurers sold most
states is absolutely a scam. The argument was that no fault would
reduce or keep rates low if it was the law that everyone be insured. 

I think you are right that the courts are part of the problem but not
all of it.

Is she working in the actuarial end of the business? Since my
background is Math I may be able to track down a former classmate who
is doing actuarial work, seems like a couple ppl I knew went into
that. This would give us hard data on accident rates.

I would still argue that insuring the driver and the car for liability
is double dipping. You cannot drive more than one car at a time. The
argument that the dammage caused by different vehicles is somewhat
valid but I think that the actuarial tables will show this to be less
an issue than insurers would claim it is. If it is liability and you
have two cars then charge based on the most dammage you can do but
don't charge liability for two cars, the cars do not drive themselves
:-) . 

You should not have to have liability insurance before you get a
vehicle registration you might consider it manditory (I'd buy that)
that you have it before you get a drivers license regardless if you
own a car or not.


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Greg and April [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Having a wife that works in the insurance industry, I learned a bit
 Absolutely scandalous rates?  Needful in many cases.
 First of all a few things are taken into account, things like were
you live,
 how far you drive to work, the vehical make and model, your driving
 including your age, and the total number of miles you drive in a
year.  Let
 take them one at a time.  It will also tell them the likely hood of
 it stolen.
 Were you live.  This tells the insurance company a few things, Cost of
 living, and from that the cost of repairs or replacement and what
 medical expenses might be like.  The population/car density of the
area and
 this tells them the odds of you getting in an accident.  This can
also tell
 them the likelihood of you encountering a driver that does not have
 insurance.  Having it stolen is also a factor depending on the type of
 vehical it is.  I can guarantee you that if you live in a place were the
 cost of living is high, insurance will be high to compensate.
 How far you drive to work.  Tells them about how long you are on the
 each day ( the longer you are on the road the more likely you are to be
 involved in an accident) and the total number of miles you drive in
a year

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[biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Was: Perhaps many .. but not all

2003-03-04 Thread aegent [EMAIL PROTECTED]



 Whatever, it's a recent term, not nearly as old as 4WD vehicles are. 
 Older than online (or at least than the Web) but less than 20 years 
 I'd say, and an American term, not in general world use even now.

I think so. When I was in Nice a couple of years back I was discussing
cars with a couple from the London area. They were tellig me of the
woes of their Estate car. I waited and asked later whats an estate
car? :-)

 Called a Town-Ace in the US. Picture here:
 US Auto - Honda Town Ace Lite
 Wow, $3,800 - $6,500 Depending on model year and options. :-)

Is that good or bad?

 Higher clearance than it looks in this picture, by the way. The 
 Hi-Ace is similar but bigger, and the original model - the first 
 Hi-Aces were made in the late 60s I think. Current Hi-Aces have 
 3-litre turbo diesels and full-time 4x4. Too big for us - rural 
 access roads in Japan are small, tight spaces.

Looks like an older Toyota minivan with a higher roofline. This is the
first one I've ever seen. Oh, look at the steering wheel, its on the
right side. Wonder where this one came from.

Now this is a Diesel or I guess the one you have is a Diesel? 

 Names get created like BioDiesel and sometimes they
 stick. Some names don't. Could be a television thing, commentators are
 always saying dumb things that catch on.
 If it catches on then maybe it wasn't dumb.

Could be, I just think of all the goofy sports terms that people use
and that concept comes to mind. 


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[biofuel] so what is a reprocess test anyway? was Re: glycerol seperation and clouds

2003-03-04 Thread girl_mark_fire [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just realized I didn't make clear what a reprocess test is:

take a liter of your finished fuel, and 'process' it as though it 
were new oil and you were making biodiesel out of it- ie, warm it, 
and process it with 3.5 g lye and 200 ml methanol.
If it contains unconverted matter- mono and diglycerides- doing this 
reprocessing will turn that matter into glycerine. If it's nice fuel 
(try this with commerical biodiesel) you shouldn't get much of a 
glycerine layer.

The only problem with this test is that most of the 200 ml methanol 
is 'excess' and will all end up in the glycerine layer- and will make 
that layer look much larger than the amount of glycerine in it- so 
it's hard to make this a quantitative test where the amount of 
glycerine layer means anything specific. It's been suggested to me 
that this test should actually be done with a much smaller amount of 
methanol and lye but I haven't tried it out to see what happens.
Take a look at the INfopop biodiesel board thread entitled 'suspended 
stuff- free at last' for one guy's tale of poor conversion woe (he 
was getting little bits of white stuff in his fuel, ouch), and some 
great info on dealing with it- the troubleshooting was interesting.  
this was during the era of the Infopop forum when everyone was 
swearing up and down that more lye was the answer to everything. In 
his case higher temps fixed the problem.


So I started doing testing for poor 
 conversion (the 'reprocess test')- and that shows that my fuel 
 contains more unconverted matter- the reprocess test drops a huge 
 amount more glycerine out of what I otherwise think is nice fuel. 
  I think I know by now what it takes (normally) to get good 
 conversion- a number of factors (listed below)-  and I have tried 
 change every one of those factors. The changes are not changing the 
 results very much. Likewise, several other people who work with 
 oil have tried to change a bunch of factors in the process and also 
 have all failed to make a dent in the conversion. Our equipment is 
 all different, so it's not something specific to my processor.
 I have changed:
 1. longer agitation time
 2. more methanol
 3. more lye- up to 5 grams as the base amount instead of 3.5 (don't 
 worry I also tried less than 3.5 in liter batches just to rule that 
 out) Some people really swear by more lye as the answer to 
 everything, but in this case it didn't work.
 4. higher temperatures. This led to some improvement but not enough.
 5. and we've all tried settling the stuff prior to washing, for 
 at a time. It failed to show any change in the ease of washing.
 the only variable I haven't tried has been using acid-base process 
 the stubborn stuff. I didn't try it because I couldn't believe that 
 needed to use it to convert such low-ffa oil.

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[biofuel] car-culture and rural poverty in the US was Re: SUV's and

2003-03-04 Thread girl_mark_fire [EMAIL PROTECTED]

someone in some SUV thread wrote:

 You should not have to have liability insurance before you get a
 vehicle registration you might consider it manditory (I'd buy that)
 that you have it before you get a drivers license regardless if you
 own a car or not.

and it triggered this for me:

I've just got to jump in here and complain loudly about North 
Carolina (the state where I've lived the most out of my adult life, 
and where I got my first drivers license and first 10 (???) cars)-

North Carolina has a regulation now on the books that to get a 
drivers license at all you have to have insurance. To have insurance 
you have to own a car. No car= no drivers' license. If you get rid of 
your car and cancel insurance you're supposed to surrender your 
drivers' license. In most states this is not the case. Ini North 
Carolina however, if you don't have a car but want a license (and if 
you live in a rural area with no public transit it sure and don't 
have a car, having a license is still necessary for things like 
informal carsharing, car renting, occasional emergency trips in 
borrowed vehicles, things that in all other states are OK by the 
insurers- trust me, the one accident I was in (in a friend's car in 
New Mexico) was covered by the friend's insurance)- anyway if you're 
car-free but want a license the NC DMV has a standard answer- find 
someone who'll add you to their car insurance policy. Which is all 
good and fine if you're a teenager living with parents- a 
considerably harder thing for all the adult, poor, schmoes I've ever 
picked up hitchhiking to work- I mean, people don't just put random 
neighbors/relatives on their policy- it's a huge trust and financial 
issue (I swear, I felt like NC was pretty hitchhiker-friendly just 
because so many state residents have at one point or another run 
afoul of the various driving laws there and know about 'walkin'!). 

It's a seemingly well-meaning law that made me wonder if the 
insurance lobby had somehow hijacked the state legislature. 

I saw some statistics once when I was living in the South. They were 
in a booklet put out by a weird Mormon (I think) woman who was 
singlehandedly running a homeless families shelter/food bank/clothing 
bank/ services nonprofit (a serious labor of love in her case) in 
North Georgia. After working with the extremely poor families and 
homeless people for a few years she figured out that the same theme 
kept coming up in these people's stories: in so many cases, cars 
started the families' slide into homelessness. She started looking at 
statistics and found a lot in the state and regional poverty 
statistics that backed up what she learned in the course of her 
work.  I wish I had a copy of her statistics. The story was typically 
that rural residents need vehicles to go to jobs (there is 
effectively no public transportation in most of rural America. The 
rural South had at one time in history an excellent public 
transportation system- which was dismantled by the well-documented 
oil company/tire company buyout and closing down of the tram 
systems). Wages being what they are in the rural south, people tend 
to own crappy cars, something expensive breaks, the family can't 
afford the repair, and the person loses their job. Or people have 
poor driving records, dont pay their insurance bill, lose their 
insurance, get stopped for a busted tail-light, and lose their 
license (very common story). Or drinking and driving and losing of 
licenses is involved. And all of that leads to losing jobs... or not 
being able to travel to any kind of well-paying jobs... and not being 
able to save money to afford the next calamity... and quite often it 
leads to chronic poverty and sometimes on to homelessness.

I've hung out with some exceedingly poor people all over the place, 
and I've certainly seen the stories behind these statistics myself. 
Not that I am at all arguing that we shouldn't require mandatory 
insurance laws or drunken driving laws. I am fully aware that I am 
piloting a dangerous weapon when I get behind the wheel. 

But I think a lot of, say, middle-class americans, have no idea how 
badly car-based culture destroys lives. If places like the rural 
south could invest more into public transit... arggh. but that's not 
how our society is structured.


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[biofuel] Re: 2 SFO gastions that are selling $2.71/gallon Biofuel

2003-03-04 Thread girl_mark_fire [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this list doesn't send attachments, so we can't send photos via list. 
There are lots of biodiesel pumps at various stations around the 
country. Look at the National Biodiesel Board website and follow a 
bunch of links- see what you can find. Biodiesel Industries is the 
company whose fuel is at the station in San Jose. Do a search for 
them, they have photos on the site I believe.

--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Tricia Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There was a member who posted that there are two SFO stations that 
 selling BioFuel.
 Do you have pictures of these 2 stations?  With the sign that have 
 prices for B20 or B100?
 Need proof to show major and major pro tem, please send to me.
 Any other BioFuel stations?  Need photos!
 Photo is more convicing!  Thanks!

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[biofuel] New Biodiesel fuel station in San Jose open to public - no cardlock needed!

2003-03-04 Thread hjackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I just filled up with biodiesel at West Valley Oil this morning in 
San Jose.  Couldn't be easier.  Just drive up to the pump (there are 
2 hoses available), pump your B100 biodiesel, and pay for it in the 
office.  No extra charge to use my ATM card. I don't know about any 
surcharge for credit cards.  Price is $2.79 a gallon for B100, but it 
feel's great driving a sustainable fuel vehicle.  I still had about 
1/2 a tank of #2 diesel in the car, so I guess I'm running a B50 

Bob Brown at West Valley Oil told me that they are currently using 
about 50% virgin and 50% waste vegetable oil sourced biodiesel.  He 
says that there is more btu capability out of the waste vegetable oil 
source, and I'm not sure if it is wishful thinking or not, but on my 
drive home on the freeway, I felt more power out of my little 1.6L VW 
diesel Westy.  The proof of the impression is that I found myself in 
the rare atmosphere of the fast lane doing 70 MPH  Formerly 65 on 
a GOOD day!  (maybe I had a tailwind)

Pretty simple to get there.  From the North, take 280 to the 10th / 
11th Street exit and turn right on 10th Street.  Travel about 10 
blocks and it's on your left just after Spartan Stadium.  The address 
is 1790 S. 10th.

I ran into one other biodiesel customer that heard about this station 
from your posting just as I was telling Bob that I think he's going 
to get a lot of business from people like me who have been looking 
for a local source of publicly available biodiesel for a while.  

I hope that people let others know about this station.  It is great 
to have an other source than the Olympian cardlock station in S.F. 
and West Valley Oil should be rewarded with lots of business for 
taking the initiative to make B100 available to the general public.

Olympian Oil (and others), are you listening?



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[biofuel] Question about making biodiesel

2003-03-04 Thread Joe Zyzniewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am interested in making biodiesel.  What do you do with the waste 
from processing used cooking oils?  As an example, how much waste do 
you have from 50 gallons of used unfiltered, oil.  Any suggestions 
for disposal?  Thanks


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[biofuel] car-culture and rural poverty in the US was Re: SUV's and

2003-03-04 Thread aegent [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I agree with some of your post but must respectfully disagree with the 
car-culture and rural poverty in the US argument. 

On insurance, the issue is who is liable the driver or the car. If the
costs were fairly allocated it would fix part of the problem. Gov't.
seems to make problems worse whenever they get involved.

I also lived in rural america (Kentucky) and I even lived below the
poverty line. These car, wealthy people, society is the fault
arguments never seem to place any value on the individual decisions
made by the people. Its always culture, society, or some other bad guy
that caused all their problems.
My view is that the only reason anyone in america is poor is by their
own choice. I have heard so many arguments against getting education
when I lived in rural areas. you don't need that, book learnin
won't make you smarter, got book learning but no common sense, Why
you can stay here and work for less than minimum wage, you don't need
that college. 

Having been below the poverty line and having worked my way up to
middle class, I have no liberal guilt. I am happy to talk to people
about how to resolve this but too many people have bought into the
socialist view that the reason they are poor is because someone else
took their share of the pie. Personal and individual decisions are a
major and possibly the most significant part of this equation. Been
there, done that.

[biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Was: Perhaps many .. but not all

2003-03-04 Thread aegent [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Didn't they call the early one the Previa too?

--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That town ace looks a lot like what Toyota sold here as the mini
van. it
 was the predecessor to the previa, which was the predecessor to the
 Never heard of the Previa or the Sienna. Marketing, sure, but also 
 Japanese car companies and names are something else. Do you remember 
 a while back when an Oz member said he had a Mitsubishi Pajero SUV 
 and a Brazilian member told him what it meant?
 Our 94 diesel Pajero...
 what's in a name ? in most spanish speaking countries a 'pajero' is
what in
 oz is known as a 'w_nk_r'. could never understand such a name in
what is
 supposed to be a 'global' product

I thought they spoke Portugese in Brazil? Seems like Richard Fineman
found out the hard way.

 D'you think I should tell them?
 Anyway I don't know why it's called a Town-Ace, it's geared as a 
 camper - sleeps two comfortably, or seats eight, or fold it all back 
 and you can get a big load of stuff in there.
 That could be a Town-Ace in the picture Steve, an older one, bit hard 
 to tell from the back. Hm... Sienna, okay, longer nose, smaller space 
 inside I guess, prolly faster. I don't know what they call them here.
 How about this? -
 The Reliability Index Values are based on reported problems in 6 to 
 8 year old vehicles. To see an extrapolation of the current 
 seven-year Reliability Index gap between Toyota and the Big Three, 
 go to the Bottom Line on Reliability web page of the Auto on Info 
 website. This web page will give you an idea as to what you can 
 expect of a new 2003 Big Three engineered model relative to a 2003 
 Toyota or Honda model.
 Interesting stats.

Yes but what do they mean? Is -0.63 a big reliability difference or is
-6.3 or -63.0? The comment Second, there is no evident need to
improve. seems to mean fron context that the sales do not dictate a
need for improvement but it also may mean that the differences are not
that severe.

There is more to ownership than baseline reliability costs. For
example the Honda and Toyota are (in my experience) more costly to
maintain. Then there is the dealer experience. Ford dealers are why I
have probably bought my last Ford ever. I was looking at Toyota for my
next car but I think it will be a Diesel and there are no new car
options that fit my criteria.




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[biofuel] Re: New Biodiesel fuel station in San Jose open to public - no cardlock needed!

2003-03-04 Thread aegent [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A few years ago I tried to convince a co-worker that he should at
least look at the Diesel since it was available in the car he was
looking at. The arguments he had were dirty, smelly, get it on your
hands, get it in the car, and get it on your clothes.

B100 fixes one of the most common objections to Diesel. Now if we can
get it to be cost competitive with gasoline (not D2 as the argument is
to gasoline car owners).


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, hjackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I just filled up with biodiesel at West Valley Oil this morning in 
 San Jose.  Couldn't be easier.  Just drive up to the pump (there are 
 2 hoses available), pump your B100 biodiesel, and pay for it in the 
 office.  No extra charge to use my ATM card. I don't know about any 
 surcharge for credit cards.  Price is $2.79 a gallon for B100, but it 
 feel's great driving a sustainable fuel vehicle.  I still had about 
 1/2 a tank of #2 diesel in the car, so I guess I'm running a B50 
 Bob Brown at West Valley Oil told me that they are currently using 
 about 50% virgin and 50% waste vegetable oil sourced biodiesel.  He 
 says that there is more btu capability out of the waste vegetable oil 
 source, and I'm not sure if it is wishful thinking or not, but on my 
 drive home on the freeway, I felt more power out of my little 1.6L VW 
 diesel Westy.  The proof of the impression is that I found myself in 
 the rare atmosphere of the fast lane doing 70 MPH  Formerly 65 on 
 a GOOD day!  (maybe I had a tailwind)
 Pretty simple to get there.  From the North, take 280 to the 10th / 
 11th Street exit and turn right on 10th Street.  Travel about 10 
 blocks and it's on your left just after Spartan Stadium.  The address 
 is 1790 S. 10th.
 I ran into one other biodiesel customer that heard about this station 
 from your posting just as I was telling Bob that I think he's going 
 to get a lot of business from people like me who have been looking 
 for a local source of publicly available biodiesel for a while.  
 I hope that people let others know about this station.  It is great 
 to have an other source than the Olympian cardlock station in S.F. 
 and West Valley Oil should be rewarded with lots of business for 
 taking the initiative to make B100 available to the general public.
 Olympian Oil (and others), are you listening?

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[biofuel] Re: SUV's and gas consumption

2003-03-04 Thread aegent [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You have some pretty good arguments but I still think that tying
liability to the driver can be the more equitable solution.

1) On the case of the unused car that is seldom insured. The person
that trespasses should be held accountable and this is the root of
that issue. Yet your car insurance would not likely be the answer here
as your homeowners insurance would be the area where a claim is most
likely to be filed.

2) The insurance cancellation is a problem but if liability insurance
 was tied to the license rather than the car the drivers license could
be pulled. 

3) For the low time driver, thats a tougher one. It could be based on
actual driving time. A person could lie about their hours but most
would not and the problem could be statistically modeled to accomodate
this. People can misrepresent the miles in the car too and some do,
probably the sane ones who cancel now and would misrepresent miles on
the car :-) Maybe.

[biofuel] car-culture and rural poverty in the US was Re: SUV's and

2003-03-04 Thread aegent [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Yep, I did leave but that was not my only option. It was also my
choice and my wifes choice. My decisions have largely got me here
through hard work (I worked two jobs for many years). I believe that
anyone anywhere in the US can be successful if they believe in
themselves and work hard for themselves. Hey, if I can do it, anyone can.

As to the evils of corporate greed. I often hear workers complain
about how shabbily thay are treated but they don't seem to want the
bosses job. Nor do they want to quit and start their own company.

As to the Dickens novel, try spending a week in a third world country
and you will appreciate that most of these arguments in the US are
just averice showing its ugly head. Most of our wage slaves and our
poor have hot  cold running water, electricity, color televisions,
microwave ovens, cars, and other luxuries. 

In Mumbai (Bombay) alone, I was told that there are 2 million people
who will never have a roof over their heads, nor can they hope to. I
saw them sleeping on the street and sidewalks. I saw working class
housing that in the US would be considered a slum. We simly do not
have any idea how good we've got it. Maybe we should talk about the
evils of socialism and how it makes everyone poor?

As to the top dog making big bucks, well until I'm ready to step into
his job and take on the headaches, he can have it and I feel no
jealousy over his takings. I do however get riled if the takings are
not above board and obtained through lying, cheating, and stealing as
we seem to be seeing in a very small number of companies. We do not
see that across the board as the media would have us believe.

I'm just saying that we all have options in the US. We can start our
own companies and you will find that many small companies treat people
well. You can do it and treat your staff as you see fit. The last
company I worked for the President did not make any more than and
possibly less than the top paid technical staff (things were tight).

I am always finding ppl who complain about the top dog but are not
willing to do the work the boss did to get there. I know what it
takes, I'm not willing and he/she can have the big bucks. Its not
worth it to me, my needs are simple.



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[biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Was: Perhaps many .. but not all

2003-03-04 Thread motie_d [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Names get created like BioDiesel and sometimes they
   stick. Some names don't. Could be a television thing, 
commentators are
   always saying dumb things that catch on.
   If it catches on then maybe it wasn't dumb.
 Could be, I just think of all the goofy sports terms that people 
 and that concept comes to mind.
 Oh, sports! Well... What sport do they use Sport Utility Vehicles 

Full contact competitive Commuting? LOL



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[biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Was: Perhaps many .. but not all

2003-03-04 Thread aegent [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey Motie,

I like it! Can we get it in the Xtreme games next year? 

And, I don't want to see any of those wimpy nerf computers or SUVs
used either.


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, motie_d [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Names get created like BioDiesel and sometimes they
stick. Some names don't. Could be a television thing, 
 commentators are
always saying dumb things that catch on.
If it catches on then maybe it wasn't dumb.
  Could be, I just think of all the goofy sports terms that people 
  and that concept comes to mind.
  Oh, sports! Well... What sport do they use Sport Utility Vehicles 
 Full contact competitive Commuting? LOL

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[biofuel] Re: Or maybe just one Was: Perhaps many .. but not all

2003-03-04 Thread motie_d [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, aegent [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 
 Hey Motie,
 I like it! Can we get it in the Xtreme games next year? 
 And, I don't want to see any of those wimpy nerf computers or SUVs
 used either.

LOL! It's already on TV in several different formats, usually 
involving cameras mounted in Police Cars and/or Helicopters.


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[biofuel] Re: New Biodiesel fuel station in San Jose open to public - no cardlock needed!

2003-03-04 Thread hjackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I will be keeping a record of my milage on B100.  My baseline for 
Dinodiesel #2 is 23.3 mpg average over 17 records, highest mpg= 26.6.

The one possible dificulty is that I live about 15 miles from the 
station that sells Biodiesel.  If I'm concious enough to plan my 
fillups in advance I will be filling up with biodiesel as much as I 
can.  If I find myself in a fuel bind, I'll be poping into a regular 
diesel pump, but I'll try to keep records on the milage between 
biodiesel fillups and subtract those out of the data.

By the way, this fuel does not smell of chemicals and is light amber 
in color.  It smells sort of sweet.  The odor coming out of the 
tailpipe smells clean, as in it does not smell like I'm doing 
damage to my lungs being around this stuff.

I like it.


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I hope that people let others know about this station.  It is 
 to have an other source than the Olympian cardlock station in S.F. 
 and West Valley Oil should be rewarded with lots of business for 
 taking the initiative to make B100 available to the general public.
 Olympian Oil (and others), are you listening?
 If you get the chance, could you keep some data for a few tanks 
full of
 regular petroleum diesel in your car, as to mileage per gallon, and 
 after you have transitioned entirely to B100 (i.e. a tank or two 
past the
 transition of B50 as you noted) keep some data for the mileage of 
the B100
 you are getting, so we can have an idea?  If there is any 
difference in
 mileage, this would adjust our view of the $ per mile, which is so
 important to others.
 I think all this needs is a notebook in your car where you can 
reset the
 trip odometer at each refill and note the exact number of gallons 
it took
 to refill (i.e., the amount you used).  Over a few tanks, this 
should give
 some somewhat useful data.  Long-term project suggestion for you or 
 else.  If it's too much trouble, thanks in any case for the 
report!  To be
 honest, it's the first time I've personally heard of someone being 
able to
 do what you've done, in the States or maybe anywhere.

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[biofuels-biz] Re: Reactor for Biodiesel!

2003-03-03 Thread fantasygann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Prof. Allen,

Thanks for your valuable information and I would definitely consider 
about it thoroughly. As your predict, I am an undergraduate in UK but 
I am origin from Malaysia. Therefore, from this point, I might not 
produce my own biodiesel, but I will certainly make it after I back 
to my hometown, as the palm oils are everywhere. Besides, its 
kinda 'waste' if I knew so much about the benefits of biodiesel and 
not fully utilised it.

For your information, I had carried out a simple calculation on Heat 
of reaction for transesterification based on RBD palm stearin. But 
the figure seems to be unreasonable, highly exothermic reaction (up 
to -1000kJ/mol) was obtained by using the average value of Heat of 
formation of fatty acid. 

However, we knew that the molecular weight of oil is approximately 3 
times higher than the molecular weight of biodiesel. Therefore, by 
applying this concept, I can obtained an endothermic figure 
(approximately 50KJ/mol). But the uncertainties are very high. As you 
might be awared of the enthalpy change within the system are not 
taken into account.  

I am running my design mode at 1.5 - 2 bar. Therefore, the design 
temperature is 65 deg C (well above upper limit, as methanol boiling 
point is 72deg C at 1.5 bar). A series of CSTR are used. Conversion 
is design at 95%. However, the kinetics from Darnoko  Cheryan (2000) 
seems to be varied much from my simulation. I am applying Kinetics of 
Soybean oil, from Noureddini  Zhu (1997), which seems to be matching 
with my design mode. But rate constant of Darnoko (2000) was used.


--- In biofuels-biz@yahoogroups.com, Michael Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Dear Gann,
 Your e-mail is addressed to Keith but I can probably answer some of 
your questions:
 Thanks Keith for your information, in fact I already got a copy of 
 By that you mean the paper by D. Darnoko and Munir Cheryan, 
 I think?
 Anyway, just another few questions, during the transesterification 
 process, the mixture (Oil and methanol) eventually getting hotter 
 You want to know if the reaction is exo-thermic or endo-thermic? 
 I can't help you there except to say that the enthalpy change is 
pretty small and can be 
 neglected without much error. We are trying to measure it at 
present but we really need a 
 sensitive differential thermal reactor system to do it properly. 
You might find the enthalpy 
 of formation for some of the fatty acids but I doubt that you will 
find much thermodynamic 
 data on the glyceryl or methyl esters in the literature. Anyway, 
natural oils contain a 
 variable mix of this lot so the formal petro-chemical type of 
approach won't work here.
 From your previous e-mail, it occurs to me that you are completing 
an undergraduate 
 project in process design rather than seriousl;y thinking of 
biodiesel production. Am I 
 If you are, then Chemshare, Chemcad, Aspen, Hysys (T/M )and other 
such software 
 packages can be used for process design but only if you make up 
some hypothetical 
 components and feed in the measured rate data to tell the software 
what to do. That is 
 where the Darnoko and Cheryan paper should give you some clues.
  And what is the recommended temperature to carry out such 
 reaction at practise (room temperature) ?
 Well. as you must have read in the Journey to Forever archives, the 
answer to this 
 question is somewhere between 50C and 64.8C. This upper limit is 
imposed by the boiling 
 point of methanol at one atmosphere. A deep reactor provides enough 
 pressure to go a bit higher (say 70C) (and you can even stretch 
this a bit if you design for 
 a cloud of collapsing bubbles and some methanol recycling by 
 The lower limit is determined by the low rate of reaction that 
occurs at lower temperatures. 
 It certainly isn't fixed and engraved in stone! We found that you 
can make biodiesel 
 based on an oil containing mainly olein at 35C but we need 60C for 
a stearin based oil! 
 The Arrhenius equation and the graphs given by Darnoko and Cheryan 
should give you 
 the idea. You might consider repeating  their work with the oil you 
have in mind so that 
 you can get rates, yields and temperatures relevant to your problem.
 I agree entirely with Keith in that you could do a lot worse than 
start with Alex's Foolproof 
 Reactor and get some personal experience. Then see if Darnoko  
Cheryan's models 
 fit your observations. Certainly once you have made some 
biodiesel, you will know what 
 the important parameters are and what further questions you need to 
 (IMO You should always keep in mind that the literature contains 
 measurements which have been presented in a form to fit the pre-
conceived ideas of the 
 authors and the general scientific community! With your own work, 
you might just see 
 something that no one else has noticed! Of such things are Nobel 
Prizes made

[biofuel] Re: Retrieving the gold...

2003-03-03 Thread dave01632002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Girl Mark,

You mentioned the old dipping method.  I am new to biodiesel and 
tried the dipping method yesterday at my local Burger King.  
Unforttunately, their container out back was almost empty, and the 
WVO at the bottom was solid wax.  The temperature was about 35 F.  
What is the minimum temperature for even the dipping method to work?  


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, girl_mark_fire [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Thank you for this detailed info
 --- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mark (Maria),
  You're right, those engine oil pumps are great! I use several of 
 them. The
  350 chevy ones with the slot type drive are hard to mate to. The 
  engines (2.8, 3.0, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 NOT the 4.3) are almost 
 to the
  350 except they have an 8mm hex drive on them, very easy to stick 
 cut off
  section of allen wrench in them to drive it. The 3.4L DOHC engine 
 (eg. in
  the Lumina Eurosport) is a very high volume pump. The gears are 
 huge! I
  weld a plate with a 1/2 inch pipe thread onto the top of the pump 
 (where it
  would bolt to the engine). I also take the pressure releif out of 

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[biofuel] Re: more coverage of gas prices in U.S.

2003-03-03 Thread dave01632002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You live in Western PA?  I live in Allegheny County.  If you live 
nearby, can you suggest some places to ask for their WVO?  I am 
really having trouble getting people to cooperate.  Also, if you hear 
of any good deals on diesel vehicles or lawn tractors in the area 
($2000 or less) please let me know.  


--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, Perry Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I just paid $1.999/gal. for diesel tonight!  In western PA, where 
diesel is
 a little on the high side, but it's not CA or FL..At this 
rate I'll
 be able to use biodiesel when it thaws in the spring since last I 
checked it
 was at $2.72/gal locally (up from $2.15/gal last 
August)..Love those
 50mpg VW's.
 - Original Message -
 From: Doug Allbright [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 7:14 PM
 Subject: RE: [biofuel] Re: more coverage of gas prices in U.S.
  3.00 and 4.00 dollars a gallon OUCH OUCH OUCH I am so very 
pissed that
 diesel has reached 1.70 a gallon here. Hell I was angry when it was 
 than a dollar. I have never understood why gas cost so much more in 
 not that I really ever thought about it much but it seems like rape 
to me.
 Someone please clue me in to why it cost so damn much over there.
  -Original Message-
  From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 6:14 PM
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: more coverage of gas prices in U.S.
  $3.00 a gallon is fine by me. $4.00 and I'll start to complain.
  - Original Message -
  From: murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  biofuel@yahoogroups.com; biofuels-biz@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2003 10:54 AM
  Subject: [biofuel] Re: more coverage of gas prices in U.S.
   Funny how the only article I could find discussing the 
dreaded I word
   Inflation is here, in a Canadian paper (must not have had to 
   censorship of the American media):
   If interest rates in the U.S. have to rise, I wonder what that 
will do
   property values?  I think a lot of folks have been focusing on 
   them having lost some in the stock market decline, but having 
   value in their property.
   Natural Gas way up also:
 r Date=20030301Categor
   don't make large bets prices will fall:
   I didn't much like this article, as it attempts to claim that 
   be looked at for their frugal gas use (let's try $5 per gallon 
and see
   a hybrid), but it gave some perspective:
   Pragmatism trumps idealism, usually in buying a car:
   Iranian PPI up too:
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