Re: [Biofuel] Nuisance seaweed put to good use in Fiji | Radio New Zealand News

2014-04-08 Thread paincare
Love to you! Thanks for posting and for all the posts!

 - Original Message -
 From: Darryl McMahon
 Sent: 04/07/14 11:30 AM
 Subject: [Biofuel] Nuisance seaweed put to good use in Fiji | Radio New   
 Zealand News
 Nuisance seaweed put to good use in Fiji
 Updated at 2:00 pm on 7 April 2014
 Efforts are underway in Fiji to help communities power their homes and 
 fertilise their crops with nuisance seaweed.
 It's hoped the University of the South Pacific project would mean an end 
 to crops being fertilised by polluting chemicals partly responsible for 
 the increasing seaweed affecting beaches in the west.
 The USP's Antoine N'Yeurt says blooms of seaweed fed by pollutants and a 
 warming ocean have been annoying tourist operators and local communities.
 Operators have been spending a lot of effort and money hauling this 
 seaweed away by barge or burying it which is very labour intensive and 
 not really sustainable so we came up with this solution for them to use 
 this as a source of biomass for making biofuel or fertiliser.
 Dr N'Yeurt says the project is working on educational material and 
 household machines for local people to transform the seaweed into green 
 energy and compost.
 Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] Leaked Emails Expose NRC’s Cover-Up of Safety Concerns Days After Fukushima Disaster | EcoWatch

2014-03-10 Thread paincare

 - Original Message -
 From: Darryl McMahon
 Sent: 03/10/14 03:44 PM
 Subject: [Biofuel] Leaked Emails Expose NRC’s Cover-Up of Safety Concerns 
 Days After Fukushima Disaster | EcoWatch
 [Multiple links and graphics in on-line article]
 Leaked Emails Expose NRC’s Cover-Up of Safety Concerns Days After 
 Fukushima Disaster
 Brandon Baker | March 10, 2014 9:37 am | Comments
 When an earthquake and tsunami struck Fukushima, Japan leading to a 
 nuclear disaster three years ago, U.S. residents wondered if the aging 
 nuclear facilities in their own country were at risk. What they didn’t 
 know is that the federal government’s nuclear arm worked actively in the 
 days after the incident, trying to cover up the perils that existed in 
 the states.
 According to a report from NBC, a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 
 (NRC) campaign to reassure people about nuclear safety standards 
 coincided with agency experts consistently presenting similar questions 
 behind the scenes. Through a Freedom of Information Act request, NBC 
 acquired a string of March 2011 emails that clearly show the cover-up.
 “While we know more than these say, we’re sticking to this story for 
 now,” Scott Burnell, an NRC public and media relations manager wrote in 
 one email.
 In the days following the Fukushima disaster, the NRC split its talking 
 points into two segments with different information: “public answer” and 
 “additional technical, non-public information.” Here’s an example of a 
 question the NRC expected to face, followed by the public and non-public 
  Q. What happens when/if a plant ‘melts down’?
  Public Answer: In short, nuclear power plants in the United States 
 are designed to be safe. To prevent the release of radioactive material, 
 there are multiple barriers between the radioactive material and the 
 environment, including the fuel cladding, the heavy steel reactor vessel 
 itself and the containment building, usually a heavily reinforced 
 structure of concrete and steel several feet thick.
  Additional, non-technical, non-public information: The melted core 
 may melt through the bottom of the vessel and flow onto the concrete 
 containment floor. The core may melt through the containment liner and 
 release radioactive material to the environment.”
 One example of a concerted cover-up came five days after the initial 
 reports that an earthquake and tsunami knocked out the power and cooling 
 systems at the six-reactor Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. MSNBC 
 used NRC estimates to rank the U.S. nuclear plants that were most at 
 risk if an earthquake were to hit nearby land. Burnell and members from 
 the NRC’s lobbying arm, the Nuclear Energy Institute, emailed staff 
 members with instructions to find errors in the article, but none came 
 up. He also told experts likely to appear on TV how to deny certain claims.
 Former U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu appeared on CNN on March 20, 
 2011 but hesitated when an on-air personality asked him if U.S. nuclear 
 plants could withstand an earthquake that measured 9.0 on the Richter 
 scale. NRC spokesman David McIntyre had his own ideas for how Chu should 
 have handled the question.
 More than 30 of the country’s 100 nuclear power reactors have the same 
 brand of General Electric reactors or containment system that used in 
 Fukushima, according to the NBC report. The median reactor age in the 
 U.S. is 34. The oldest is the Ginna plant near Rochester, N.Y., licensed 
 in 1969. Only four of the reactors began generating power in 1990 or later.
 Americans aren’t the only ones concerned with old reactors. Last week, 
 240 Greenpeace activists from national and regional offices took action 
 across Europe to highlight the risk of aging reactors.
 Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] Continuous Process Transforms Algae to Biogas

2014-02-27 Thread paincare
Carbon neutral fuel is produced by using above ground sources. A carbon neutral 
fuel does not add CO2 to the atmosphere, but rather is part of the natural 
carbon cycle. Seaweed biofuels are solar sourced. 
Seaweed biofuels: A green alternative that might just save the planet
Kelp Farming for fuel:
More of plants energy goes into growth and carbohydrate production (doesn’t 
need to fight gravity).
One species grows up to a foot/day.
No fertilizer is necessary.
Cleans up sewage areas.
Cools the water to prevent hurricanes.
Cools the water to restore krill/ plankton and other marine life.
Absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Re-oxygenates dead zones.
After kelp distillation the liquid stillage left over is excellent organic 
fertilizer. This would
   replace the toxic fertilizers now used and eliminate fertilizer plant 
Using American coastal areas for kelp farming would replace all transportation 
fuel for 
   the US as well as a large chunk of natural gas and electricity. Needs to 
   implemented world-wide to slow effects of climate change.
No farmland is required.
Existing oil platforms could be converted to plants that process seaweed for 
alcohol and  
   piped to shore.
Jobs for fishermen and others.
Neatly solves many problems in one stroke.
Kelp is currently being farmed for food successfully in Maine, USA by Sarah 
Redmond, Seth Barker, Tollef Olson and Paul Dobbins and in Connecticut, USA by 
Dr. Charles Yarish. Kelp farming for fuel would slow the effects of climate 
change and get us off fossil fuels. This new industry needs to be funded and 
expanded worldwide. A free kelp farming manual may be downloaded here:
“To download a copy of our kelp farming manual, please click on the link below.”

OceanApproved_Kelp Manual

Information on ethanol production and use can be found at:
David Blume
All ‘problems’ with engines/vehicles have been worked out. Contact David for 
 Climate change is accelerating much more rapidly than the IPCC states because 
of positive feedback loops that are not mentioned in their 2013 report. See:
The arctic is rapidly melting and is also being underreported.
Saudi Arabia, Israel and the US have access to seas/waterways where kelp 
farming could be grown and harvested for fuel.
Syria intervention plan fueled by oil interests, not chemical weapon concern
Massacres of civilians are being exploited for narrow geopolitical competition 
to control Mideast oil, gas pipelines
The Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline plan was a direct slap in the face to Qatar's 
plans. No wonder Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, in a failed attempt to bribe 
Russia to switch sides, told President Vladmir Putin that whatever regime 
comes after Assad, it will be completely in Saudi Arabia's hands and will 
not sign any agreement allowing any Gulf country to transport its gas across 
Syria to Europe and compete with Russian gas exports, according to diplomatic 
sources. When Putin refused, the Prince vowed military action.
UN bodies and health authorities are being advised to prepare for a world 
temperature rise of 4°C because scientists no longer believe that politicians 
are capable of holding the temperature rise below the internationally agreed 
limit, 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
Professor Mark Maslin said: “We are already planning for a 4°C world because 
that is where we are heading. I do not know of any scientists who do not 
believe that. We are just not tackling the enormity of the task we face to keep 
it below the agreed 2°C danger threshold.
“If we had the kind of politicians we really need we could still put in place 
policies that can save the planet from going over the danger level. But there 
is no evidence at the moment that we have that quality of politicians, so we 
all have to be prepared for the most likely scenario, which is a 4°C rise in 
temperature. If we do not prepare to adapt we simply won’t be able to.”

“Carbon dioxide has an approximate thirty-year time lag between its release 
into the atmosphere and its corresponding affect on average global temperature. 
Even if we stop all emissions today – keeping it at 400 ppm – we still have 
nearly thirty years of warming and climatic changes to undergo.” Yes, there is 
a thirty-year lag after 

Re: [Biofuel] The great biofuels scandal - Telegraph

2013-12-19 Thread paincare
Don't use land, use the sea.

Seaweed biofuels: A green alternative that might just save the planet

Kelp Farming:

More of plants energy goes into growth and carbohydrate production (doesn’t 
need to fight gravity).
One species grows up to a foot/day.
No fertilizer is necessary.
Cleans up sewage areas.
Cools the water to prevent hurricanes.
Cools the water to restore krill/ plankton and other marine life.
Absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Re-oxygenates dead zones.
After kelp distillation the liquid stillage left over is excellent organic 
fertilizer. This would
   replace the toxic fertilizers now used and eliminate fertilizer plant 
Using American coastal areas for kelp farming would replace all transportation 
fuel for 
   the US as well as a large chunk of natural gas and electricity. Needs to 
   implemented world-wide to slow effects of climate change.
No farmland is required.
Existing oil platforms could be converted to plants that process seaweed for 
alcohol and  
   piped to shore.
Jobs for fishermen and others.
Neatly solves many problems in one stroke.

Kelp is currently being farmed for food successfully in Maine, USA by Sarah 
Redmond, Seth Barker, Tollef Olson and Paul Dobbins and in Connecticut, USA by 
Dr. Charles Yarish. Kelp farming for fuel would slow the effects of climate 
change and get us off fossil fuels. This new industry needs to be funded and 
expanded worldwide. A free kelp farming manual may be downloaded here:

“To download a copy of our kelp farming manual, please click on the link below.”

   Ocean Approved
OceanApproved_Kelp Manual

Information on ethanol production and use can be found at:

David Blume

All ‘problems’ with engines/vehicles have been worked out. Contact David for 

 - Original Message -
 From: zeke Yewdall
 Sent: 12/18/13 12:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The great biofuels scandal - Telegraph
 A.  Good to know
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Dec 18, 2013, at 5:59 AM, Keith Addison wrote:
  Hi all
  Bjorn Lomborg is, was, or used to be into various shades of global warming 
  denial, depending, I think, on which way the wind's blowing. Recent big 
  winds may have deepened his apparent shade of green. Professional 
  contrarian, author of the infamous The Sceptical Environmentalist. He's a 
  statistician, without environmental qualifications. At a promotional 
  reading of his book in London in 2001 he had a cream pie thrown in his face 
  by none other than Mark Lynas - he who recently changed coats to become a 
  supporter of nuclear power. Maybe they deserve each other. I don't think we 
  deserve either of them.
  More here:
  All best
  On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Bjørn Lomborg wrote:
  The costs of global climate policies is running at about $1billion every
  day. Wind turbines cost 10 times the estimated benefits in terms of
  emissions cuts, and solar panels cost close to 100 times the benefits. 
  with spending on these technologies of about £136 billion annually, there
  are a lot of interests in keeping the tap open.
  But opposition to the rampant proliferation of biofuels also shows the way
  to a more rational climate policy. If we can stop the increase in biofuels
  we can save lives, save money, and start finding better ways to help. This
  is about investing in more productive agriculture that can feed more 
  more cheaply while freeing up space for wildlife.
  It seems to give a fairly rational explanation of how bad mega-biofuels
  are. then concludes with these two paragraphs which all of a sudden
  attack wind turbines and solar panels without giving any data to back up
  their fairly wild claims.  And gives a fairly vague sentence about more
  production agriculture.   Does that mean urban farms, edible landscapes or
  more intensive chemical use and GMO crops, or what I was pretty on
  to agreeing with everything he said till the end, but now I kind of
  question exactly where he's coming from and what his agenda is...
  Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list
  Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] Fukushima Workers Doused With Radioactive Water

2013-10-11 Thread paincare
Fresh water is flowing downhill onto the plant site. This water needs to be 
diverted into trenches that flow around the site to the sea. The plants are 
sitting on soggy water and may topple. That would help solve some of the 
problem and hopefully buy some more time. 

 - Original Message -
 From: Keith Addison
 Sent: 10/11/13 08:41 AM
 Subject: [Biofuel] Fukushima Workers Doused With Radioactive Water
 Radiation Levels in Seawater Near Fukushima Spike to Two-Year High
 TEPCO admits cesium levels measured Wednesday were 13 times higher 
 than day before
 Published on Thursday, October 10, 2013 by Common Dreams
 No one at Fukushima seems to have any idea what they're doing
 Through Fukushima Lense, a Look at Looming US Nuclear Crisis
 Published on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 by Common Dreams
 DOE Reveals Delays in Plutonium Disposition Program
 October 9, 2013
 Friends of the Earth
 Published on Wednesday, October 9, 2013 by Common Dreams
 Fukushima Workers Doused With Radioactive Water
 Second mishap in a week marks ongoing nuclear disaster
 - Andrea Germanos, staff writer
 In what was just the latest in a long series of mishaps at the 
 Fukushima nuclear power plant, six workers were splashed with 
 radioactive water, plant operator TEPCO said on Wednesday.
 A leak occurred when workers accidentally detached a pipe connected 
 to a desalination system and as much as 10 tons of radioactive water 
 may have spilled, hitting workers and covering the floor. 
 Shunichi Tanaka, chairman of Japan's nuclear watchdog, the Nuclear 
 Regulation Authority, said that while he did not believe the workers 
 were exposed to a seriously troubling dosage, he said that the 
 fact that there has been a string of incidents occurring on a daily 
 basis that could have been avoided-I think that is the large problem.
 Wednesday's mishap was the second to hit the plant this week.
 On Monday, a worker at Fukushima accidentally turned off power to 
 pumps for a water cooling system.
 And just days before that, on Thursday of last week, TEPCO announced 
 another spill at the crisis-hit plant released water 6,700 times more 
 radioactive than the legal limit.
 The list of problems contributing to the ongoing Fukushima disaster 
 are far from solved, as anti-nuclear activist Harvey Wasserman 
 recently wrote:
 Massive quantities of heavily contaminated water are pouring into 
 the Pacific Ocean. Hundreds of huge, flimsy tanks are also leaking 
 untold tons of highly radioactive fluids.  
 At Unit #4, more than 1,300 fuel rods, with more than 400 tons of 
 extremely radioactive material, containing potential cesium fallout 
 comparable to 14,000 Hiroshima bombs, are stranded 100 feet in the 
 All this more than 30 months after the 3/11/2011 earthquake/tsunami 
 led to three meltdowns and at least four explosions.
 A group of nuclear experts issued a letter in urgency to UN head 
 Ban Ki-moon last month imploring him to coordinate international 
 action to deal with the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.
 Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

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