Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-10-07 Thread Newdlhead

In a message dated 9/10/2004 5:11:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.
 America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
 if so that's just too bad
 I don't think that having US national security issues decided 
 in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement
 the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning bells in
 my mind.
 If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.

That depends if the views are gleaned from the citizens that frequent the 
corner noodle kiosk or from military officials.
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-10-01 Thread balaji

Hello Luc, Hakan et al,

- Original Message -
From: Legal Eagle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 4:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 Not only is there a lacking in undersanding of the world but also
 considering the so-called christian support for the illigitimate US
 government, one needs to only read what the Bible teaches and one would
 that It also is overtly socialistic and most definetly NOT materialistic
 in favour of hegemony upon the poor, so it's two strikes all the way

All established religions teach the virtues of universal love, compassion,
consideration for the frail, the aged and the needy. Many of them enjoin
acts of charity, self abnegation and service to society as pious duty. It is
only later that the teachings get distorted by twisted mean souls that
hanker after the material and pine for what is not.  A Christian cloak
does little to hide the growing rot of greed, deceit, and unbridled
arrogance of power that lies festering at the heart of the Iraq campaign.



 - Original Message -
 From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

  You have to work on your understanding of the world and systems.
  as system and idea is quite more democratic and respectful to human
  than the traditional US republican ideal. I hope that Bush is not
  necessarily representative for US way of life, it is at least not my
  experiences and it would be quite frightening if he was. Looking at
  numbers, he cannot claim to represent even half of the US population.

Considering how he got elected, he cannot even claim to represent even a
of the electorate.

  So your opinion is not representative for US nor the majority of the US
  population and we should be very grateful for that.
  At 12:01 AM 9/15/2004, you wrote:
  Since most of the world is more socialist than
  democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
  first place, of course they would want the candidate
  that would be most destructive to the US.
  Just my opinion!


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-10-01 Thread Legal Eagle

- Original Message - 
From: balaji [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 Hello Luc, Hakan et al,

 - Original Message -
 From: Legal Eagle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 4:26 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

  Not only is there a lacking in undersanding of the world but also
  considering the so-called christian support for the illigitimate US
  government, one needs to only read what the Bible teaches and one would
  that It also is overtly socialistic and most definetly NOT materialistic
  in favour of hegemony upon the poor, so it's two strikes all the way

 All established religions teach the virtues of universal love, compassion,
 consideration for the frail, the aged and the needy. Many of them enjoin
 acts of charity, self abnegation and service to society as pious duty. It
 only later that the teachings get distorted by twisted mean souls that
 hanker after the material and pine for what is not.  A Christian cloak
 does little to hide the growing rot of greed, deceit, and unbridled
 arrogance of power that lies festering at the heart of the Iraq campaign.

Of which there can be do doubt.If it looks like a duck, ect it IS a duck
even if it is disguised as something else.




  - Original Message -
  From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:08 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

   You have to work on your understanding of the world and systems.
   as system and idea is quite more democratic and respectful to human
   than the traditional US republican ideal. I hope that Bush is not
   necessarily representative for US way of life, it is at least not my
   experiences and it would be quite frightening if he was. Looking at
   numbers, he cannot claim to represent even half of the US population.

 Considering how he got elected, he cannot even claim to represent even a
 of the electorate.

   So your opinion is not representative for US nor the majority of the
   population and we should be very grateful for that.
   At 12:01 AM 9/15/2004, you wrote:
   Since most of the world is more socialist than
   democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
   first place, of course they would want the candidate
   that would be most destructive to the US.
   Just my opinion!


 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-29 Thread Legal Eagle

Perhaps some phylosophical statements do have contradictory appendages,
however this statement was made by Jesus Christ and disagreement will have
to be taken up with Him :)

- Original Message - 
From: Tomas Juknevicius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 Legal Eagle wrote:

  Wherefore by their fruit ye shall know them; actions are louder than
  words, and even INaction is in itself an action, howbeit one that allows
  it's author more anonymity.

 not trying to contradict, or to develop discussion, just one point about
 it seams that each old adage/proverb has an allways an opposite
 and so sometimes people try to substantiate their points by conveniently
 choosing one of them, and forgetting about the other. This is sooo

 in particular:
 actions are louder than words

 has an opposing:
 Actions speak louder than words. But words survive when actions are dust.

 Tomas Juknevicius

 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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RE: Re[2]: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-28 Thread Peggy

Beautiful narrative, Gustl.


Subject: Re[2]: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

Hallo Brian,

Sunday, 26 September, 2004, 21:19:20, you wrote:

brn One of my bumper sticker ideas:

brn Jesus was a Liberal Pacifist.

Given   Christian   tradition   Jesus  is  above  liberal/conservative
distinctions. He is no respecter of persons and one person is not more
important  to  Him  than another whether Jew, Roman, Samaritan, Greek,
saint,  sinner,  priest,  tax  collector, whore, good, evil, believer,
non-believer  whatever. Perhaps (but not necessarily) more importantly
Jesus  did  not  preach  or  espouse pacifism. He taught and practiced
non-resistance  to  evil and returning good for evil. Pacifism is born
in  the  mind  and  non  resistance  is born in the heart (spirit). An
atheist  can  be  a  pacifist  and return good for evil as a political
tactic.  Non-resistance and the concomitant returning of good for evil
is a religious act of love. The heart is changed. And perhaps the most
important thing for those holding Christian beliefs is the tense used.
It should be present tense not past. :o)

This  is only my understanding of things however.  Others may disagree
however.  :o)

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
Mitglied-Team AMIGA
ICQ: 22211253-Gustli

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e liegen, 
da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-28 Thread Tomas Juknevicius

Legal Eagle wrote:

 Wherefore by their fruit ye shall know them; actions are louder than
 words, and even INaction is in itself an action, howbeit one that allows
 it's author more anonymity.

not trying to contradict, or to develop discussion, just one point about adage:
it seams that each old adage/proverb has an allways an opposite proverb/adage;
and so sometimes people try to substantiate their points by conveniently
choosing one of them, and forgetting about the other. This is sooo convenient

in particular:
actions are louder than words

has an opposing:
Actions speak louder than words. But words survive when actions are dust.

Tomas Juknevicius

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-28 Thread Keith Addison

Published on Monday, September 27, 2004 by the San Francisco Chronicle

Europe to Bush: Go Away
Even British Prefer Kerry for President

by Vivienne Walt

PARIS -- Why Bush must be beaten, screamed the headline of Le 
Nouvel Observateur, a left-leaning French newsweekly. Smaller type 
above the U.S. president's half profile provided the answer: His 
re-election will be a catastrophe for the world and for America.

That sentiment may have been expressed more bluntly than the opinions 
of many Europeans, yet it captured the passions on this continent 
over who will occupy the White House come January.

Poised halfway between the political wrangling in Washington over the 
war in Iraq and the suicide bombs and kidnappings in Baghdad, 
Europeans have rarely felt so involved in a U.S. presidential race.

Many Europeans, analysts and regular citizens alike, argue that their 
own security is increasingly at risk, while violence spirals in Iraq 
and anti- Western hostility hardens in Europe's backyard -- the Arab 

Some on the continent have suggested, only half-jokingly, that with 
one superpower remaining in a globalized world, Europeans ought to 
have a say in who should be America's next president.

Americans will choose their president, and the rest of the world 
will have to live with that decision, said Bernhard May, a senior 
analyst at the German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin. All we 
can do is talk to people.

Perhaps mirroring sentiments on the other side the Atlantic, 
Europeans who dislike Bush are not necessarily strong supporters of 
John Kerry.

Europe is get-rid-of-Bush country, which is not quite the same as 
Kerry country, said Guillaume Parmentier, head of the Center on the 
United States at the French Institute for International Relations in 

He said the continent's hostility toward Bush began long before the 
U.S. invasion of Iraq, dating back to Bush's decision in 2001 to 
reverse President Bill Clinton's support for the Kyoto Protocol on 
global warming -- a cherished cause for many European politicians. 
Iraq just made it worse, Parmentier added.

Yet European's good-guy, bad-guy approach to the presidential race is 
simplistic, say some analysts. In substance, there is no such 
black-and-white picture, said May, a specialist on German-American 

May points out that Kerry has already made clear his belief that 
Europe should participate more in Iraq's reconstruction. The 
Democratic candidate has called for sending European troops to help 
with January's elections in Iraq. The county's first democratic 
elections will probably require thousands of peacekeeping troops to 
secure election monitors and polling sites amid escalating violence.

Europeans might find it hard to provide such help, because tens of 
thousands of their soldiers are already deployed in Afghanistan and 
the Balkans. Yet it would be harder for the continent's leaders to 
refuse the man they greatly prefer for president over Bush, says May.

If Kerry is elected, he'll present us with this challenge perhaps in 
his very first week in office, May said. Bush won't put the same 
kind of pressures on Europeans to help out. He's been rebuffed 

A survey published this month by the Program on International Policy 
Attitudes in Washington, which conducts polls on global issues, found 
that Europeans overwhelmingly opposed Bush's re-election. Kerry was 
the favored candidate even in Britain, the Bush administration's 
closest ally. There, 47 percent of those interviewed said they would 
choose Kerry, compared with 16 percent for Bush.

Not surprisingly, anti-Bush feelings were strongest in countries 
whose governments have based their foreign policies on refusing to 
join the U.S.- dominated coalition in Iraq. In Germany, 74 percent 
said they would back Kerry, compared with 10 percent for Bush, while 
in France only 5 percent said they would vote for Bush, and 63 
percent said they supported Kerry.

Both French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard 
Schroeder rejected Bush's requests to support military action in Iraq 
last year and have staked their leadership in Europe on that stance.

In Spain, Kerry's lead over Bush was only slightly narrower: 47 to 7 
percent. Spain's Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, won 
election last March almost entirely on the promise to withdraw 
Spanish troops from Iraq. Zapatero's predecessor, Jose Maria Aznar, 
was a frequent White House visitor and had a growing personal 
relationship with Bush at the time he was ousted.

Europe's complex feelings about U.S. politics are hardly new. The two 
continents have for centuries looked to each other for cultural 
inspiration as near-mirrors of each other through the years. But this 
year's campaign has brought a new tension over Americans' political 

There's this usual tradition of a love-hate relationship, said 
Jean- Gabriel Fredet, one of two 

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-27 Thread btmd

One of my bumper sticker ideas:

Jesus was a Liberal Pacifist.

At the rate I'm going, my Beetle (TDI) will soon be covered completely
with stickers.  To think, only a week ago, I had never had any bumper
stickers on any car I owned.  Just goes to show what living in a country
heading down the wrong path can do to a guy.


Other stickers:

Osama still has HIS job, DO YOU?

Bush/bin Laden 2004

Keep al Qaeda strong, Re-elect Bush

WWJD?  Vote Kerry/Edwards

With it being so easy to turn every Bush argument back against him, I
don't see why the Democratic Party isn't doing it.

 Not only is there a lacking in undersanding of the world but also
 considering the so-called christian support for the illigitimate US
 government, one needs to only read what the Bible teaches and one would
 that It also is overtly socialistic and most definetly NOT materialistic
 in favour of hegemony upon the poor, so it's two strikes all the way
 Actually, the only form of government that sees capitalism and government
 meld is fascism; couple that with misrepresented and obliquely interpreted
 religious belief and you have the mess the US is in right now. It is
 Christian nor democratic as their actions have more than clearly proven.
 When actually faced with the democratic process in a general vote at the
 prior to the invasion of sovereign Iraq, when it became clear that the
 democratic vote process would not favour the warmongers they left off all
 semblance of their hypocrisy and invaded anyway, throwing off the
 process proving once and for all that democracy only interests them in
 only and that only when it serves their selfish purpose.
 A complete re-think of the hubris that engulfs this situation is not only
 needed but necessary if we are not to see perpetual war foisted upon the
 innnocent in a never ending lust for control of world oil reserves.

 - Original Message -
 From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll


 You have to work on your understanding of the world and systems.
 as system and idea is quite more democratic and respectful to human
 than the traditional US republican ideal. I hope that Bush is not
 necessarily representative for US way of life, it is at least not my
 experiences and it would be quite frightening if he was. Looking at
 numbers, he cannot claim to represent even half of the US population.

 So your opinion is not representative for US nor the majority of the US
 population and we should be very grateful for that.


 At 12:01 AM 9/15/2004, you wrote:
 Since most of the world is more socialist than
 democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
 first place, of course they would want the candidate
 that would be most destructive to the US.
 Just my opinion!
 --- MH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Most countries want Kerry in White House
Sep 9, 2004
WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
   countries want Democratic
party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
   according to a survey
released Wednesday showing US President George W
   Bush rebuffed by
all of America's traditional allies.
On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than
   a two-to-one margin
- 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan
   Inc, a global
research firm, and the local University of
   Maryland, showed.
Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said
   Steven Kull,
the university's program on international policy
Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win
   handily if
the people of the world were to elect the US
The only countries where Bush was preferred in the
   poll covering
a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and
   August were
the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
   Thailand were
The margin of error in the survey covering all
   regions of the
world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five
Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's
   traditional allies,
including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's
   seven percent),
Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
   percent to five percent),
the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy
   (58 percent to 14 percent)
and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is
   Bush's closest ally
in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent
   47 percent to 16 percent.
Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by
   61 percent to Bush's 16 percent
and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent.
   Even among countries that have
contributed troops

Re[2]: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-27 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender

Hallo Brian,

Sunday, 26 September, 2004, 21:19:20, you wrote:

brn One of my bumper sticker ideas:

brn Jesus was a Liberal Pacifist.

Given   Christian   tradition   Jesus  is  above  liberal/conservative
distinctions. He is no respecter of persons and one person is not more
important  to  Him  than another whether Jew, Roman, Samaritan, Greek,
saint,  sinner,  priest,  tax  collector, whore, good, evil, believer,
non-believer  whatever. Perhaps (but not necessarily) more importantly
Jesus  did  not  preach  or  espouse pacifism. He taught and practiced
non-resistance  to  evil and returning good for evil. Pacifism is born
in  the  mind  and  non  resistance  is born in the heart (spirit). An
atheist  can  be  a  pacifist  and return good for evil as a political
tactic.  Non-resistance and the concomitant returning of good for evil
is a religious act of love. The heart is changed. And perhaps the most
important thing for those holding Christian beliefs is the tense used.
It should be present tense not past. :o)

This  is only my understanding of things however.  Others may disagree
however.  :o)

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
Mitglied-Team AMIGA
ICQ: 22211253-Gustli

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e liegen, 
da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: Re[2]: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-27 Thread btmd


Thank you for your thoughtful input.  As usual, I agree with what you have
to say.  I did struggle with whether to use the present or past tense in
the message.

My goal was a message directed at those that call themselves Christian,
but live their lives in a way that conflicts with everything taught by
Christ.  Despite being raised in an environment where I spent a great deal
of time in church, and spending many years receiving an education with
strong Christian content (including a year of seminary), I do not
currently consider myself a Christian.  I do believe in what Christ
taught, and do my best to live my life according to those principles. 
However, I abhor the hypocrisy of organized religion and refuse to

Of course, these are just my ideas.  I do not expect anyone else to live
their life according to my beliefs.  Just wanted to let you know that I do
agree with the principle of what you say, and appreciate your saying it.


 Hallo Brian,

 Sunday, 26 September, 2004, 21:19:20, you wrote:

 brn One of my bumper sticker ideas:

 brn Jesus was a Liberal Pacifist.

 Given   Christian   tradition   Jesus  is  above  liberal/conservative
 distinctions. He is no respecter of persons and one person is not more
 important  to  Him  than another whether Jew, Roman, Samaritan, Greek,
 saint,  sinner,  priest,  tax  collector, whore, good, evil, believer,
 non-believer  whatever. Perhaps (but not necessarily) more importantly
 Jesus  did  not  preach  or  espouse pacifism. He taught and practiced
 non-resistance  to  evil and returning good for evil. Pacifism is born
 in  the  mind  and  non  resistance  is born in the heart (spirit). An
 atheist  can  be  a  pacifist  and return good for evil as a political
 tactic.  Non-resistance and the concomitant returning of good for evil
 is a religious act of love. The heart is changed. And perhaps the most
 important thing for those holding Christian beliefs is the tense used.
 It should be present tense not past. :o)

 This  is only my understanding of things however.  Others may disagree
 however.  :o)

 Happy Happy,

 Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
 Mitglied-Team AMIGA
 ICQ: 22211253-Gustli
 The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
 soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
 without signposts.
 C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
 Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e liegen,
 da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt nicht
 gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
 Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
 hear the music.
 George Carlin
 The best portion of a good man's life -
 His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
 William Wordsworth

 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: Re[2]: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-27 Thread Legal Eagle

One does not need a buidling to live the precepts of Christ, and in fact
there are many more Christians outside of church buildings than there are
inside them.
The blatant hypocricy of the so-called christians in their moral and
fianacial support for perpetual wars waged on lies and fabrications is
testimony in itself to their hypocricy.
Rather than twisting Scripture to make it fit an already decided agenda, the
Bible is intended as a road map of life and all those who truly live their
faith (be they Christian. Muslim or those calling themselves jews) with
inevitably all fall within the parameters of what is taught there.
Love, Christ's main message, does not war on the poor, nor does it steal the
life of children who have not yet had an opportunity to grow and experience
Wherefore by their fruit ye shall know them; actions are louder than
words, and even INaction is in itself an action, howbeit one that allows
it's author more anonymity.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll


 Thank you for your thoughtful input.  As usual, I agree with what you have
 to say.  I did struggle with whether to use the present or past tense in
 the message.

 My goal was a message directed at those that call themselves Christian,
 but live their lives in a way that conflicts with everything taught by
 Christ.  Despite being raised in an environment where I spent a great deal
 of time in church, and spending many years receiving an education with
 strong Christian content (including a year of seminary), I do not
 currently consider myself a Christian.  I do believe in what Christ
 taught, and do my best to live my life according to those principles.
 However, I abhor the hypocrisy of organized religion and refuse to

 Of course, these are just my ideas.  I do not expect anyone else to live
 their life according to my beliefs.  Just wanted to let you know that I do
 agree with the principle of what you say, and appreciate your saying it.


  Hallo Brian,
  Sunday, 26 September, 2004, 21:19:20, you wrote:
  brn One of my bumper sticker ideas:
  brn Jesus was a Liberal Pacifist.
  Given   Christian   tradition   Jesus  is  above  liberal/conservative
  distinctions. He is no respecter of persons and one person is not more
  important  to  Him  than another whether Jew, Roman, Samaritan, Greek,
  saint,  sinner,  priest,  tax  collector, whore, good, evil, believer,
  non-believer  whatever. Perhaps (but not necessarily) more importantly
  Jesus  did  not  preach  or  espouse pacifism. He taught and practiced
  non-resistance  to  evil and returning good for evil. Pacifism is born
  in  the  mind  and  non  resistance  is born in the heart (spirit). An
  atheist  can  be  a  pacifist  and return good for evil as a political
  tactic.  Non-resistance and the concomitant returning of good for evil
  is a religious act of love. The heart is changed. And perhaps the most
  important thing for those holding Christian beliefs is the tense used.
  It should be present tense not past. :o)
  This  is only my understanding of things however.  Others may disagree
  however.  :o)
  Happy Happy,
  Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
  Mitglied-Team AMIGA
  ICQ: 22211253-Gustli
  The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
  soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
  without signposts.
  C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
  Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e liegen,
  da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt nicht
  gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
  Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
  hear the music.
  George Carlin
  The best portion of a good man's life -
  His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
  William Wordsworth
  Biofuel mailing list
  Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
  Biofuel archives at (searchable):

 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-25 Thread Legal Eagle

Not only is there a lacking in undersanding of the world but also
considering the so-called christian support for the illigitimate US
government, one needs to only read what the Bible teaches and one would see
that It also is overtly socialistic and most definetly NOT materialistic or
in favour of hegemony upon the poor, so it's two strikes all the way around.
Actually, the only form of government that sees capitalism and government
meld is fascism; couple that with misrepresented and obliquely interpreted
religious belief and you have the mess the US is in right now. It is neither
Christian nor democratic as their actions have more than clearly proven.
When actually faced with the democratic process in a general vote at the UN
prior to the invasion of sovereign Iraq, when it became clear that the
democratic vote process would not favour the warmongers they left off all
semblance of their hypocrisy and invaded anyway, throwing off the democratic
process proving once and for all that democracy only interests them in word
only and that only when it serves their selfish purpose.
A complete re-think of the hubris that engulfs this situation is not only
needed but necessary if we are not to see perpetual war foisted upon the
innnocent in a never ending lust for control of world oil reserves.

- Original Message - 
From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll


 You have to work on your understanding of the world and systems. Socialism
 as system and idea is quite more democratic and respectful to human rights
 than the traditional US republican ideal. I hope that Bush is not
 necessarily representative for US way of life, it is at least not my
 experiences and it would be quite frightening if he was. Looking at
 numbers, he cannot claim to represent even half of the US population.

 So your opinion is not representative for US nor the majority of the US
 population and we should be very grateful for that.


 At 12:01 AM 9/15/2004, you wrote:
 Since most of the world is more socialist than
 democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
 first place, of course they would want the candidate
 that would be most destructive to the US.
 Just my opinion!
 --- MH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Most countries want Kerry in White House
Sep 9, 2004
WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
   countries want Democratic
party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
   according to a survey
released Wednesday showing US President George W
   Bush rebuffed by
all of America's traditional allies.
On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than
   a two-to-one margin
- 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan
   Inc, a global
research firm, and the local University of
   Maryland, showed.
Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said
   Steven Kull,
the university's program on international policy
Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win
   handily if
the people of the world were to elect the US
The only countries where Bush was preferred in the
   poll covering
a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and
   August were
the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
   Thailand were
The margin of error in the survey covering all
   regions of the
world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five
Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's
   traditional allies,
including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's
   seven percent),
Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
   percent to five percent),
the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy
   (58 percent to 14 percent)
and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is
   Bush's closest ally
in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent
   47 percent to 16 percent.
Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by
   61 percent to Bush's 16 percent
and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent.
   Even among countries that have
contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and
   said that their view of US
foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy,
   the Netherlands, the
Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan,
   Norway and Spain.
Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had
   affected their feelings towards
the United States, a majority of those polled in 31
   countries said it made them
feel worse about America, while those in only
   three countries said it had made
them feel better.
Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-24 Thread Hakan Falk


You have to work on your understanding of the world and systems. Socialism 
as system and idea is quite more democratic and respectful to human rights 
than the traditional US republican ideal. I hope that Bush is not 
necessarily representative for US way of life, it is at least not my 
experiences and it would be quite frightening if he was. Looking at 
numbers, he cannot claim to represent even half of the US population.

So your opinion is not representative for US nor the majority of the US 
population and we should be very grateful for that.


At 12:01 AM 9/15/2004, you wrote:

Since most of the world is more socialist than
democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
first place, of course they would want the candidate
that would be most destructive to the US.

Just my opinion!


  Most countries want Kerry in White House
  Sep 9, 2004

  WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
 countries want Democratic
  party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
 according to a survey
  released Wednesday showing US President George W
 Bush rebuffed by
  all of America's traditional allies.

  On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than
 a two-to-one margin
  - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan
 Inc, a global
  research firm, and the local University of
 Maryland, showed.

  Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said
 Steven Kull,
  the university's program on international policy
  Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win
 handily if
  the people of the world were to elect the US

  The only countries where Bush was preferred in the
 poll covering
  a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and
 August were
  the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
 Thailand were

  The margin of error in the survey covering all
 regions of the
  world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five

  Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's
 traditional allies,
  including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's
 seven percent),
  Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
 percent to five percent),
  the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy
 (58 percent to 14 percent)
  and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).

  Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is
 Bush's closest ally
  in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent
 47 percent to 16 percent.

  Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by
 61 percent to Bush's 16 percent
  and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent.
 Even among countries that have
  contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and
 said that their view of US
  foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.

  They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy,
 the Netherlands, the
  Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan,
 Norway and Spain.

  Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had
 affected their feelings towards
  the United States, a majority of those polled in 31
 countries said it made them
  feel worse about America, while those in only
 three countries said it had made
  them feel better.

  Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the
 strength of the view that
  US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in
 countries contributing
  troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug

  In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally,
 Polland, where he was
  preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent
 against Kerry's 26 percent.
  Another new European ally, the Czech Republic,
 however went for Kerry
  (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden (58
 percent to 10 percent).

  Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still
 did better.
  Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was
 preferred by
  clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's 12
 percent) and
  Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those
 polled were
  divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33
 percent) and
  Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).

  Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine
 countries polled.
  In only two cases did Kerry win by a large majority
  Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
  Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
  - but in most cases the spread was quite wide.

  Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
  Poll finds him preferred around world
  by Thomas Crampton
  September 8, 2004 by the International Herald
Another pattern that became apparent in studying
 the data was that those people with
  higher education and more income were more strongly
 in favor of Kerry, Kull said.
Those at the top of world society are more
 negative towards Bush than those at the
  bottom, Kull said. The most likely common link is
 that those who have the most
  access to information tend be more 

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-23 Thread Jennifer Doty

I believe you are right in many ways.  It is kind of scary.  You know
history repeats itself, and  humans are destined to repeat their mistakes
until they learn from them.  Much of America is so  busy defending our every
action and reaction, that we do not learn from our mistakes, or change our
ways of dealing with important issues.  We are destined to keep repeating
mistakes made in history, as long as we remain so stubborn and proud.  We
have to be willing to say Hey, we did not handle this right, how can we do
this better or Hey, this was not right when so and so did it, so why do
we think we have the right to act this way?  Yet as a nation we are too
proud.  This blind patriotism is thought from day one in kindergarten, the
only way to combat this type thinking is to change the way we are teaching
our children to think.  If our teachers could tell their students it is more
important to be honest, accountable, fair, rather than patriotic, then
perhaps in twenty years we could see a difference in America, American
Politics, and eventually in world events.  But far too many people are
Proud to be and American.  I am proud to be and American, but I am more
proud to be a world citizen, a human, and a child of God.  Christian,
Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, etc. whatever faith you follow, we all eventually
pray to the same God.  These are far more important than being an
American. --  JRD


 You said in your email below:
 I fear we may be heading in the same direction as pre
 WWII Germany

 We ARE ALREADY down that path.  And it involves far
 more than Bush. It's about American world domination
 for which Bush is just a current advocate.


 --- Jennifer Doty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Allan,
Not so long ago, people around the world were
  concerned about the spread
of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the
  next Russian leader
be a moderate, not one of the old-guard
  intelligence community
hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and
  invading strategic territory
abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms
  at home.
   Substitute American Imperialism for Communism
  and Washington for
   Moscow and you then have the real reason for
  defeating Bush.
   on either end of the spectrum are bad for the
  country they are in as well
   the rest of the world, and Bush is a perfect
  example of American
   at their worst.  As someone who truly is a
  centrist, I can not see how
   anyone who would support the current regime could
  call themselves anything
   but a right wing extremist, if they have any clue
  of what's really going
   Of course, those who rely on Fox News for all of
  their information are
   simply misinformed, but there is enough evidence
  of reality out there for
   even them to know that they are choosing to remain
  that way.  Just my
  It is so sad that people choose to remain ignorant,
  and call it patriotism.
  I fear we may be heading in the same direction as
  pre WWII Germany  -  JRD

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-20 Thread sspence

Actually is is and always has been a republic, not a democracy.

= = = Original message = = =

1. Socialism and democracy are not mutually exclusive.
2. The U.S. is no longer a democracy but a plutocracy;
of the people, by the people and for the people is now
subservient to corporate America.
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 right on, wayne
 - Original Message - 
 From: wayne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World
 - Poll 
  Since most of the world is more socialist than
  democratic and does not like the US way of life in
  first place, of course they would want the
  that would be most destructive to the US. 
  Just my opinion!
  --- MH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Most countries want Kerry in White House 
   Sep 9, 2004
   WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
  countries want Democratic
   party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
  according to a survey
   released Wednesday showing US President George W
  Bush rebuffed by
   all of America's traditional allies. 
   On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more
  a two-to-one margin
   - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by
  Inc, a global
   research firm, and the local University of
  Maryland, showed. 
   Only one in five want to see Bush reelected,
  Steven Kull,
   the university's program on international policy
   Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win
  handily if
   the people of the world were to elect the US
   The only countries where Bush was preferred in
  poll covering
   a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July
  August were
   the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
  Thailand were
   The margin of error in the survey covering all
  regions of the
   world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five
   Kerry was strongly preferred among all of
  traditional allies,
   including Norway (74 percent compared with
  seven percent),
   Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
  percent to five percent),
   the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent),
  (58 percent to 14 percent)
   and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
   Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair
  Bush's closest ally
   in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the
  47 percent to 16 percent.
   Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians
  61 percent to Bush's 16 percent
   and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23
  Even among countries that have
   contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry,
  said that their view of US
   foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
   They included Britain, the Czech Republic,
  the Netherlands, the
   Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan,
  Norway and Spain.
   Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had
  affected their feelings towards
   the United States, a majority of those polled in
  countries said it made them
   feel worse about America, while those in only
  three countries said it had made
   them feel better.
   Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the
  strength of the view that
   US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in
  countries contributing
   troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug
   In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new
  Polland, where he was
   preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent
  against Kerry's 26 percent.
   Another new European ally, the Czech Republic,
  however went for Kerry
   (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden
  percent to 10 percent).
   Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry
  did better.
   Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he
  preferred by
   clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's
  percent) and
   Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those
  polled were
   divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33
  percent) and
   Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).
   Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine
  countries polled.
   In only two cases did Kerry win by a large
   Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
   Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
   - but in most cases the spread was quite wide. 
   Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
   Poll finds him preferred around world
   by Thomas Crampton 
   September 8, 2004 by the International Herald
 Another pattern that became apparent in
  the data was that those people with
   higher education and more income were more
  in favor of Kerry, Kull said.  
 Those at the top of world society are more
  negative towards

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-19 Thread HS Wong

Actually, what I meant was that the USA is practicing
a system called Liberal Democracy, which has as one of
its defining tenets, the protection of minority rights
against the rights of the majority. 

This is really something quite unique in the history
of human political thought, especially here in Asia
where minorities often have no rights whatsoever. How
sad that in its foreign policy, this defining tenet
have often not been followed by the US.

In so far as the average American is concerned, I
supposed it is perfectly understandable in this time
of uncertainty and threats for the majority to want a
leader like Bush.  If one look at societies in crisis
throughout history, the leaders that emerge are often
of a similar mould, (though most are better in their
public speaking).


--- Doug Younker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kinda depends on how you define true liberal HS. 
 There would be no USA if
 it's founders where the conservatives of their age
 instead, of the liberals
 of their age.  The true liberal is NOT the far left
 winger, the radical
 right would have us believe.  The radical right has
 successfully bastardized
 the meaning of liberal in the context of politics,
 so it can no longer be
 used in it's honorable context.
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 1:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World
 - Poll
 : My opinion is that most would like to see a true
 : Liberal Democratic President who will protect
 : rights as minorities in the world arena.
 : --- wayne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

HS Wong 
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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-19 Thread Ken Riznyk

1. Socialism and democracy are not mutually exclusive.
2. The U.S. is no longer a democracy but a plutocracy;
of the people, by the people and for the people is now
subservient to corporate America.
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 right on, wayne
 - Original Message - 
 From: wayne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World
 - Poll 
  Since most of the world is more socialist than
  democratic and does not like the US way of life in
  first place, of course they would want the
  that would be most destructive to the US. 
  Just my opinion!
  --- MH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Most countries want Kerry in White House 
   Sep 9, 2004
   WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
  countries want Democratic
   party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
  according to a survey
   released Wednesday showing US President George W
  Bush rebuffed by
   all of America's traditional allies. 
   On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more
  a two-to-one margin
   - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by
  Inc, a global
   research firm, and the local University of
  Maryland, showed. 
   Only one in five want to see Bush reelected,
  Steven Kull,
   the university's program on international policy
   Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win
  handily if
   the people of the world were to elect the US
   The only countries where Bush was preferred in
  poll covering
   a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July
  August were
   the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
  Thailand were
   The margin of error in the survey covering all
  regions of the
   world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five
   Kerry was strongly preferred among all of
  traditional allies,
   including Norway (74 percent compared with
  seven percent),
   Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
  percent to five percent),
   the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent),
  (58 percent to 14 percent)
   and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
   Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair
  Bush's closest ally
   in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the
  47 percent to 16 percent.
   Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians
  61 percent to Bush's 16 percent
   and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23
  Even among countries that have
   contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry,
  said that their view of US
   foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
   They included Britain, the Czech Republic,
  the Netherlands, the
   Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan,
  Norway and Spain.
   Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had
  affected their feelings towards
   the United States, a majority of those polled in
  countries said it made them
   feel worse about America, while those in only
  three countries said it had made
   them feel better.
   Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the
  strength of the view that
   US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in
  countries contributing
   troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug
   In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new
  Polland, where he was
   preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent
  against Kerry's 26 percent.
   Another new European ally, the Czech Republic,
  however went for Kerry
   (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden
  percent to 10 percent).
   Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry
  did better.
   Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he
  preferred by
   clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's
  percent) and
   Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those
  polled were
   divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33
  percent) and
   Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).
   Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine
  countries polled.
   In only two cases did Kerry win by a large
   Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
   Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
   - but in most cases the spread was quite wide. 
   Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
   Poll finds him preferred around world
   by Thomas Crampton 
   September 8, 2004 by the International Herald
 Another pattern that became apparent in
  the data was that those people with
   higher education and more income were more
  in favor of Kerry, Kull said.  
 Those at the top of world society are more
  negative towards Bush than those at the
   bottom, Kull said. The most likely common link
  that those who

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-19 Thread Appal Energy


 I strongly disagree with your characterization of the US as a hegemon.

You need to reconsider what the parameters of enforcement are. In a day of
global economies there is precious little need for traditional militaristic
enforcement..., save for those ventures of national interests/security
such as oil.

This country sucks up resources faster than a 9 year old does a thin
strawberry shake. Ever wonder what would happen if access to some of those
economic drivers came to a screeching halt or an overnight decline?

Can you spell depression? Can you spell windfall to banking interests?
Ever seen a junkie coming down with no near-future fix in sight?

It ain't pretty.

Do you really believe that US policy across the board isn't C.I.A. (Cover
It's Ass)? Do you really believe that arm twisting isn't the rule of the
day.., every day? Every US policy and effort that you can imagine is heavily
leveraged with force of some sort. Perhaps a carrot if cooperation is
extended. But always the threat and all too real use of the stick if not.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: John Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 Michael Emery wrote:
  You said in your email below:
  I fear we may be heading in the same direction as pre
  WWII Germany
  We ARE ALREADY down that path.  And it involves far
  more than Bush. It's about American world domination
  for which Bush is just a current advocate.

 I strongly disagree with your characterization of the US as a hegemon.

 In the words of Tom Barnett: Empire involves the enforcement of both
 minimal and maximal rule sets, or not only what you cannot do but what
 you must do. America has never been about the enforcement of maximal
 rule sets, either at home or abroad. The use of that term, empire, is
 simply bad history -- simplicity masquerading as sophistication

 Clearly, Barnett's pro-globalization stance will be highly uncomfortable
 to many readers on this list but I find his take on post-cold war global
 security quite insightful.

 According to a newsletter for Pennsylvania Democrats:
 Barnetts book is a crucial read for any citizen, any voter, interested
 in making that vote count by supporting intelligent alternatives to
 global hegemony. It lifts the reader beyond the obvious and proposes
 intelligent alternatives to how we go forward managing globalization
 within the context of those in power today and those that will assume
 power tomorrow.

 To find out Barnett is talking about, I'd recommend either:
 a) watching his recent 3 hr talk on CSPAN -
 b) buy the book -
 or c) read a highly condensed version he did as an interview back in May

 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-18 Thread jamesbil

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Emery [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll


You said in your email below:
I fear we may be heading in the same direction as pre
WWII Germany  

We ARE ALREADY down that path.  And it involves far
more than Bush. It's about American world domination
for which Bush is just a current advocate.


--- Jennifer Doty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Hi Allan,
  Not so long ago, people around the world were
concerned about the spread
  of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the
next Russian leader
  be a moderate, not one of the old-guard
intelligence community
  hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and
invading strategic territory
  abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms
at home.
 Substitute American Imperialism for Communism
and Washington for
 Moscow and you then have the real reason for
defeating Bush.
 on either end of the spectrum are bad for the
country they are in as well
 the rest of the world, and Bush is a perfect
example of American
 at their worst.  As someone who truly is a
centrist, I can not see how
 anyone who would support the current regime could
call themselves anything
 but a right wing extremist, if they have any clue
of what's really going
 Of course, those who rely on Fox News for all of
their information are
 simply misinformed, but there is enough evidence
of reality out there for
 even them to know that they are choosing to remain
that way.  Just my


It is so sad that people choose to remain ignorant,
and call it patriotism.
I fear we may be heading in the same direction as
pre WWII Germany  -  JRD

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Do you Yahoo!?
Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard. 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-18 Thread John Hayes


You said in your email below:
I fear we may be heading in the same direction as pre
WWII Germany  

We ARE ALREADY down that path.  And it involves far
more than Bush. It's about American world domination
for which Bush is just a current advocate.

I strongly disagree with your characterization of the US as a hegemon.

In the words of Tom Barnett: Empire involves the enforcement of both 
minimal and maximal rule sets, or not only what you cannot do but what 
you must do. America has never been about the enforcement of maximal 
rule sets, either at home or abroad. The use of that term, empire, is 
simply bad history -- simplicity masquerading as sophistication

Clearly, Barnett's pro-globalization stance will be highly uncomfortable 
to many readers on this list but I find his take on post-cold war global 
security quite insightful.

According to a newsletter for Pennsylvania Democrats:
Barnetts book is a crucial read for any citizen, any voter, interested 
in making that vote count by supporting intelligent alternatives to 
global hegemony. It lifts the reader beyond the obvious and proposes 
intelligent alternatives to how we go forward managing globalization 
within the context of those in power today and those that will assume 
power tomorrow.

To find out Barnett is talking about, I'd recommend either:
a) watching his recent 3 hr talk on CSPAN - 
b) buy the book -
or c) read a highly condensed version he did as an interview back in May 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-17 Thread calrjr akayak

I would contribute a donation for that.

What was the outcome on the Genset ? What method did you use or try ?


From: Steve Spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll Date: Wed, 15 
Sep 2004 17:50:37 -0400

They can have him. Where do we send donations for the plane tickets?

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 Since most of the world is more socialist than
 democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
 first place, of course they would want the candidate
 that would be most destructive to the US.

 Just my opinion!

 --- MH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Most countries want Kerry in White House
   Sep 9, 2004
   WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
  countries want Democratic
   party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
  according to a survey
   released Wednesday showing US President George W
  Bush rebuffed by
   all of America's traditional allies.
   On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than
  a two-to-one margin
   - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan
  Inc, a global
   research firm, and the local University of
  Maryland, showed.
   Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said
  Steven Kull,
   the university's program on international policy
   Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win
  handily if
   the people of the world were to elect the US
   The only countries where Bush was preferred in the
  poll covering
   a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and
  August were
   the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
  Thailand were
   The margin of error in the survey covering all
  regions of the
   world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five
   Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's
  traditional allies,
   including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's
  seven percent),
   Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
  percent to five percent),
   the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy
  (58 percent to 14 percent)
   and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
   Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is
  Bush's closest ally
   in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent
  47 percent to 16 percent.
   Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by
  61 percent to Bush's 16 percent
   and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent.
  Even among countries that have
   contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and
  said that their view of US
   foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
   They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy,
  the Netherlands, the
   Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan,
  Norway and Spain.
   Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had
  affected their feelings towards
   the United States, a majority of those polled in 31
  countries said it made them
   feel worse about America, while those in only
  three countries said it had made
   them feel better.
   Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the
  strength of the view that
   US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in
  countries contributing
   troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug
   In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally,
  Polland, where he was
   preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent
  against Kerry's 26 percent.
   Another new European ally, the Czech Republic,
  however went for Kerry
   (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden (58
  percent to 10 percent).
   Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still
  did better.
   Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was
  preferred by
   clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's 12
  percent) and
   Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those
  polled were
   divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33
  percent) and
   Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).
   Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine
  countries polled.
   In only two cases did Kerry win by a large majority
   Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
   Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
   - but in most cases the spread was quite wide.
   Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
   Poll finds him preferred around world
   by Thomas Crampton
   September 8, 2004 by the International Herald
 Another pattern that became apparent in studying
  the data was that those people with
   higher education and more income were more strongly
  in favor of Kerry, Kull said.
 Those at the top of world society are more
  negative towards Bush than those at the
   bottom, Kull said. The most

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-17 Thread Robi Lang

no, who care about that or another is matter of  USA !  World is 
simple against Bush due to his arrogance and  nonrespecting any International 
Institut including United Nation!!! US is power No. 1, so Bush can do what he 
wish.and that is a big mistake Nobody can be alone today against whole 
world! But he will left this position, now or 4 years is 
going onhe will stay in memory as most stupid american presidentand 
many thousands people around the world will die do to him, including american 
soldier too..that is all...

HS Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:My opinion is that most would like to see a 
Liberal Democratic President who will protect their
rights as minorities in the world arena.

--- wayne wrote:

 Since most of the world is more socialist than
 democratic and does not like the US way of life in
 first place, of course they would want the candidate
 that would be most destructive to the US. 
 Just my opinion!


HS Wong 
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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-17 Thread Doug Younker

Kinda depends on how you define true liberal HS.  There would be no USA if
it's founders where the conservatives of their age instead, of the liberals
of their age.  The true liberal is NOT the far left winger, the radical
right would have us believe.  The radical right has successfully bastardized
the meaning of liberal in the context of politics, so it can no longer be
used in it's honorable context.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

: My opinion is that most would like to see a true
: Liberal Democratic President who will protect their
: rights as minorities in the world arena.
: --- wayne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
:  Since most of the world is more socialist than
:  democratic and does not like the US way of life in
:  the
:  first place, of course they would want the candidate
:  that would be most destructive to the US.
:  Just my opinion!
:  Wayne
: =
: Regards,
: HS Wong
: Visit my farm:
: Find out about the most important chicken:
: You can contribute to sustainability:
: ___
: Do you Yahoo!?
: Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today!
: ___
: Biofuel mailing list
: Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
: Biofuel archives at (searchable):

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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-16 Thread Steve Spence

They can have him. Where do we send donations for the plane tickets?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll 

 Since most of the world is more socialist than
 democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
 first place, of course they would want the candidate
 that would be most destructive to the US. 
 Just my opinion!
 --- MH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Most countries want Kerry in White House 
   Sep 9, 2004
   WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
  countries want Democratic
   party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
  according to a survey
   released Wednesday showing US President George W
  Bush rebuffed by
   all of America's traditional allies. 
   On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than
  a two-to-one margin
   - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan
  Inc, a global
   research firm, and the local University of
  Maryland, showed. 
   Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said
  Steven Kull,
   the university's program on international policy
   Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win
  handily if
   the people of the world were to elect the US
   The only countries where Bush was preferred in the
  poll covering
   a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and
  August were
   the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
  Thailand were
   The margin of error in the survey covering all
  regions of the
   world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five
   Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's
  traditional allies,
   including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's
  seven percent),
   Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
  percent to five percent),
   the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy
  (58 percent to 14 percent)
   and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
   Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is
  Bush's closest ally
   in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent
  47 percent to 16 percent.
   Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by
  61 percent to Bush's 16 percent
   and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent.
  Even among countries that have
   contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and
  said that their view of US
   foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
   They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy,
  the Netherlands, the
   Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan,
  Norway and Spain.
   Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had
  affected their feelings towards
   the United States, a majority of those polled in 31
  countries said it made them
   feel worse about America, while those in only
  three countries said it had made
   them feel better.
   Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the
  strength of the view that
   US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in
  countries contributing
   troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug
   In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally,
  Polland, where he was
   preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent
  against Kerry's 26 percent.
   Another new European ally, the Czech Republic,
  however went for Kerry
   (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden (58
  percent to 10 percent).
   Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still
  did better.
   Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was
  preferred by
   clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's 12
  percent) and
   Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those
  polled were
   divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33
  percent) and
   Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).
   Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine
  countries polled.
   In only two cases did Kerry win by a large majority
   Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
   Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
   - but in most cases the spread was quite wide. 
   Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
   Poll finds him preferred around world
   by Thomas Crampton 
   September 8, 2004 by the International Herald
 Another pattern that became apparent in studying
  the data was that those people with
   higher education and more income were more strongly
  in favor of Kerry, Kull said.  
 Those at the top of world society are more
  negative towards Bush than those at the
   bottom, Kull said. The most likely common link is
  that those who have the most
   access to information tend be more negative towards
  Bush than those with less
   access to information... 
   Perhaps this Global Poll of 32 Nations PROVES that
   Kerry Will Rally Allies and Restore Global

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-16 Thread Martin Klingensmith

Martin Klingensmith

Steve Spence wrote:

They can have him. Where do we send donations for the plane tickets?

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll 

Since most of the world is more socialist than
democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
first place, of course they would want the candidate
that would be most destructive to the US. 

Just my opinion!

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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-16 Thread Keith Addison

Mine too... Kind of a dead horse, eh? People should be able to judge 
for themselves when it's going nowhere and turns into noise rather 
than signal, after which point other members can rightly feel annoyed.

More than 30 messages in this thread now, let it die a natural death. 
If anyone would like to argue about democracy and socialism, as such, 
it's happened before, it's in the archives, if you can think of 
anything new that's worth adding, go right ahead. Otherwise it'll 
just go round and round in circles and achieve not much. Just my 
opinion of course! LOL!

This was a much more interesting thread, IMHO, and still relevant:

Re: [biofuel] OPEC Tightens Screw on Oil Supply Restrictions

You can get the whole thread if you click on Click here for more on 
this subject.

Hm... I think those two pieces by and about Gabriel Kolko are worth 
posting in full.



Martin Klingensmith

Steve Spence wrote:

They can have him. Where do we send donations for the plane tickets?

- Original Message - From: wayne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

Since most of the world is more socialist than
democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
first place, of course they would want the candidate
that would be most destructive to the US.
Just my opinion!

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-16 Thread jamesbil

- Original Message - 
From: Jennifer Doty [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll


 Hi Allan,

 Not so long ago, people around the world were concerned about the 

 of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the next Russian leader


 be a moderate, not one of the old-guard intelligence community
 hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and invading strategic territory
 abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms at home.

Substitute American Imperialism for Communism and Washington for
Moscow and you then have the real reason for defeating Bush.


on either end of the spectrum are bad for the country they are in as well


the rest of the world, and Bush is a perfect example of American


at their worst.  As someone who truly is a centrist, I can not see how
anyone who would support the current regime could call themselves 

but a right wing extremist, if they have any clue of what's really going


Of course, those who rely on Fox News for all of their information are
simply misinformed, but there is enough evidence of reality out there for
even them to know that they are choosing to remain that way.  Just my



It is so sad that people choose to remain ignorant, and call it 

I fear we may be heading in the same direction as pre WWII Germany  -  JRD

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-16 Thread Michael Emery


You said in your email below:
I fear we may be heading in the same direction as pre
WWII Germany  

We ARE ALREADY down that path.  And it involves far
more than Bush. It's about American world domination
for which Bush is just a current advocate.


--- Jennifer Doty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi Allan,
   Not so long ago, people around the world were
 concerned about the spread
   of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the
 next Russian leader
   be a moderate, not one of the old-guard
 intelligence community
   hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and
 invading strategic territory
   abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms
 at home.
  Substitute American Imperialism for Communism
 and Washington for
  Moscow and you then have the real reason for
 defeating Bush.
  on either end of the spectrum are bad for the
 country they are in as well
  the rest of the world, and Bush is a perfect
 example of American
  at their worst.  As someone who truly is a
 centrist, I can not see how
  anyone who would support the current regime could
 call themselves anything
  but a right wing extremist, if they have any clue
 of what's really going
  Of course, those who rely on Fox News for all of
 their information are
  simply misinformed, but there is enough evidence
 of reality out there for
  even them to know that they are choosing to remain
 that way.  Just my
 It is so sad that people choose to remain ignorant,
 and call it patriotism.
 I fear we may be heading in the same direction as
 pre WWII Germany  -  JRD
 Biofuel mailing list
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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-15 Thread Jennifer Doty


  Hi Allan,
  Not so long ago, people around the world were concerned about the spread
  of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the next Russian leader
  be a moderate, not one of the old-guard intelligence community
  hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and invading strategic territory
  abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms at home.
 Substitute American Imperialism for Communism and Washington for
 Moscow and you then have the real reason for defeating Bush.
 on either end of the spectrum are bad for the country they are in as well
 the rest of the world, and Bush is a perfect example of American
 at their worst.  As someone who truly is a centrist, I can not see how
 anyone who would support the current regime could call themselves anything
 but a right wing extremist, if they have any clue of what's really going
 Of course, those who rely on Fox News for all of their information are
 simply misinformed, but there is enough evidence of reality out there for
 even them to know that they are choosing to remain that way.  Just my


It is so sad that people choose to remain ignorant, and call it patriotism.
I fear we may be heading in the same direction as pre WWII Germany  -  JRD

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-15 Thread jamesbil

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll 

Since most of the world is more socialist than
democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
first place, of course they would want the candidate
that would be most destructive to the US. 

Just my opinion!


 Most countries want Kerry in White House 
 Sep 9, 2004

 WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
countries want Democratic
 party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
according to a survey
 released Wednesday showing US President George W
Bush rebuffed by
 all of America's traditional allies. 

 On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than
a two-to-one margin
 - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan
Inc, a global
 research firm, and the local University of
Maryland, showed. 

 Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said
Steven Kull,
 the university's program on international policy
 Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win

handily if
 the people of the world were to elect the US

 The only countries where Bush was preferred in the
poll covering
 a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and
August were
 the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
Thailand were

 The margin of error in the survey covering all
regions of the
 world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five

 Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's
traditional allies,
 including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's
seven percent),
 Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
percent to five percent),
 the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy
(58 percent to 14 percent)
 and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).

 Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is
Bush's closest ally
 in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent
47 percent to 16 percent.

 Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by
61 percent to Bush's 16 percent
 and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent.
Even among countries that have
 contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and
said that their view of US
 foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.

 They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy,
the Netherlands, the
 Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan,
Norway and Spain.

 Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had
affected their feelings towards
 the United States, a majority of those polled in 31
countries said it made them
 feel worse about America, while those in only
three countries said it had made
 them feel better.

 Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the
strength of the view that
 US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in
countries contributing
 troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug

 In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally,
Polland, where he was
 preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent
against Kerry's 26 percent.
 Another new European ally, the Czech Republic,
however went for Kerry
 (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden (58
percent to 10 percent).

 Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still
did better.
 Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was
preferred by
 clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's 12
percent) and
 Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those
polled were
 divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33
percent) and
 Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).

 Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine
countries polled.
 In only two cases did Kerry win by a large majority
 Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
 Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
 - but in most cases the spread was quite wide. 

 Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
 Poll finds him preferred around world
 by Thomas Crampton 
 September 8, 2004 by the International Herald

   Another pattern that became apparent in studying
the data was that those people with
 higher education and more income were more strongly
in favor of Kerry, Kull said.  
   Those at the top of world society are more

negative towards Bush than those at the
 bottom, Kull said. The most likely common link is
that those who have the most
 access to information tend be more negative towards
Bush than those with less
 access to information... 

 Perhaps this Global Poll of 32 Nations PROVES that
 Kerry Will Rally Allies and Restore Global Support
for US
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-15 Thread HS Wong

My opinion is that most would like to see a true
Liberal Democratic President who will protect their
rights as minorities in the world arena.

--- wayne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Since most of the world is more socialist than
 democratic and does not like the US way of life in
 first place, of course they would want the candidate
 that would be most destructive to the US. 
 Just my opinion!

HS Wong 
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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-15 Thread Doug Foskey

Get real! As a representative from the 'rest of the world' I cannot let this 
rest. I do not want a candidate who is likely to be 'destructive to the US', 
but I WOULD like a candidate who treated the rest of the world with 
compassion, and understanding, and not as a feeding ground to help the US 
achieve dominance in the world at the expense of others less fortunate.
  I think the US must realise that the harvesting of world resources cannot 
continue at the current rate, and there must be some balancing of the 
economic imbalance, which I think is the prime reason for the Terrorist 
attacks. (The French realise that Hunger can be a prime reason driving 
revolution, and this is one reason why bread prices were controlled in France 
for a long time (possibly still) to stop the Peasants revolting!)
  My views are not Socialist, but more realist. The reality is there is only a 
certain amount of time that the US borders can be like the fenced 
Condominiums, keeping out the riff-raff. Eventually the rest of the world 
will revolt, send the US economy into a tail-spin, and wait to pick up the 
pieces later. (As a US citizen, having a foreign power with totally different 
focus on life control 8% or so of your economy is worrying -  the Saudis 
already have this power. It is only a matter of time until some of these 
groups (who would control a large chunk of the US economy) act together to 
reign in the economic extravagance of the US.)
  Atomic weapons may make others cower, but economic reality will win in the 

regards Doug

(A Humanist, who thinks all in the world should have a reasonable chance of 
leading good, fruitful lives, not as slaves to Multinational companies, etc.)

On Wed, 15 Sep 2004 08:01 am, wayne wrote:
 Since most of the world is more socialist than
 democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
 first place, of course they would want the candidate
 that would be most destructive to the US.

 Just my opinion!

 --- MH [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Most countries want Kerry in White House
   Sep 9, 2004

   WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
  countries want Democratic
   party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
  according to a survey
   released Wednesday showing US President George W
  Bush rebuffed by
   all of Americaâs traditional allies.
   On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than
  a two-to-one margin
   - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan
  Inc, a global
   research firm, and the local University of
  Maryland, showed.
   ãOnly one in five want to see Bush reelected,ä said
  Steven Kull,
   the universityâs program on international policy
   ãThough he is not as well known, Kerry would win
  handily if
   the people of the world were to elect the US
   The only countries where Bush was preferred in the
  poll covering
   a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and
  August were
   the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
  Thailand were
   The margin of error in the survey covering all
  regions of the
   world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five
   Kerry was strongly preferred among all of Americaâs
  traditional allies,
   including Norway (74 percent compared with Bushâs
  seven percent),
   Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
  percent to five percent),
   the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy
  (58 percent to 14 percent)
   and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
   Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is
  Bushâs closest ally
   in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent
  47 percent to 16 percent.
   Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by
  61 percent to Bushâs 16 percent
   and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent.
  Even among countries that have
   contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and
  said that their view of US
   foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
   They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy,
  the Netherlands, the
   Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan,
  Norway and Spain.
   Asked how President Bushâs foreign policy had
  affected their feelings towards
   the United States, a majority of those polled in 31
  countries said it made them
   feel ãworseä about America, while those in only
  three countries said it had made
   them feel ãbetter.ä
   ãPerhaps most sobering for Americans is the
  strength of the view that
   US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in
  countries contributing
   troops in Iraq,ä said GlobeScan President Doug
   In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally,
  Polland, where he was
   preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent
  against Kerryâs 26 percent.
   Another new European ally, the Czech Republic,
  however went for Kerry
   (42 percent to Bushâs 18 percent) as did Sweden (58

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-14 Thread wayne

Since most of the world is more socialist than
democratic and does not like the US way of life in the
first place, of course they would want the candidate
that would be most destructive to the US. 

Just my opinion!


  Most countries want Kerry in White House 
  Sep 9, 2004
  WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
 countries want Democratic
  party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
 according to a survey
  released Wednesday showing US President George W
 Bush rebuffed by
  all of America’s traditional allies. 
  On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than
 a two-to-one margin
  - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan
 Inc, a global
  research firm, and the local University of
 Maryland, showed. 
  “Only one in five want to see Bush reelected,” said
 Steven Kull,
  the university’s program on international policy
  “Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win
 handily if
  the people of the world were to elect the US
  The only countries where Bush was preferred in the
 poll covering
  a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and
 August were
  the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
 Thailand were
  The margin of error in the survey covering all
 regions of the
  world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five
  Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America’s
 traditional allies,
  including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush’s
 seven percent),
  Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
 percent to five percent),
  the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy
 (58 percent to 14 percent)
  and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
  Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is
 Bush’s closest ally
  in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent
 47 percent to 16 percent.
  Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by
 61 percent to Bush’s 16 percent
  and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent.
 Even among countries that have
  contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and
 said that their view of US
  foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
  They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy,
 the Netherlands, the
  Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan,
 Norway and Spain.
  Asked how President Bush’s foreign policy had
 affected their feelings towards
  the United States, a majority of those polled in 31
 countries said it made them
  feel “worse” about America, while those in only
 three countries said it had made
  them feel “better.”
  “Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the
 strength of the view that
  US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in
 countries contributing
  troops in Iraq,” said GlobeScan President Doug
  In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally,
 Polland, where he was
  preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent
 against Kerry’s 26 percent.
  Another new European ally, the Czech Republic,
 however went for Kerry
  (42 percent to Bush’s 18 percent) as did Sweden (58
 percent to 10 percent).
  Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still
 did better.
  Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was
 preferred by
  clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush’s 12
 percent) and
  Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those
 polled were
  divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33
 percent) and
  Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).
  Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine
 countries polled.
  In only two cases did Kerry win by a large majority
  Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
  Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
  - but in most cases the spread was quite wide. 
  Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
  Poll finds him preferred around world
  by Thomas Crampton 
  September 8, 2004 by the International Herald
Another pattern that became apparent in studying
 the data was that those people with
  higher education and more income were more strongly
 in favor of Kerry, Kull said.  
Those at the top of world society are more
 negative towards Bush than those at the
  bottom, Kull said. The most likely common link is
 that those who have the most
  access to information tend be more negative towards
 Bush than those with less
  access to information... 
  Perhaps this Global Poll of 32 Nations PROVES that
  Kerry Will Rally Allies and Restore Global Support
 for US
 Biofuel mailing list
 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
 Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Do you Yahoo!?

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-13 Thread Andres Yver

Actually, Canada is still the largest trade partner of the U.S.  
However, China is
gaining fast, and is poised to take over the number one position 
within 2 years.

Thanks for the clarification. I'd been under that impression for the 
last couple of years :p

In my conversations, I gather that most outside the U.S. see Kerry and 
Bush as more
alike than different (white, male, American, rich from U.S. corporate 

almost identical social, cultural and family backgrounds, etc.)

I don't think people here in Latin America focus so much on background. 
It's taken as bit of a given that to be the American President it helps 
to embody those particular attributes

What people here comment on is the grace and bearing of the candidates, 
the look in their eyes.

andres yver

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Fwd: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-13 Thread Keith Addison

Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 17:45:28 EDT
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

Am I speaking with A. De Groot?

If you want to make enemies like George Bush, well, so far you're 
doing a pretty good job.

We don't favor Texas crude around here.

Ernie Rogers

So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.

America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
if so that's just too bad
I don't think that having US national security issues decided
in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-12 Thread Appal Energy


Me thinks you never took a psych course, much less reverse psych.

Those who oppose the US presence on Arab soils, along with a few other US
insults, prefer Bush because he's foolish, near-sighted and lacking in
ability to see beyond the dogmas of his choice regligion and his queer
interpretation of democracy, all of which weakens America without any need
for their throwing the first rock. Oddly enough, Mr. Bush's arrogance under
the guise of presidential authority also entices new recruits rich in
seething anger.

Bush is nothing more than a double edged sword pressed against the American

Kerry? A little more aware of bigger pictures and options to navigate
through, to or away from them, with enough of a hint of American swagger as
to be formidable if provoked.

Now if you were an insurgent hell bent on seeing America anhilated, who
would be your first preference?

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: Tyrone Slothrop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 12:57 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 Actually, I'd like to see a lot more on bio-fuel and a lot
 less of this kind of stuff. That said, it's worth answering
 Allan's reply. I would suggest he go straight to the source and
 consider what our enemies, Al Qaeda, think about George Bush.

 The statement said it supported US President George W Bush
 in his re-election campaign and would prefer him to win in
 November rather than the Democratic candidate John Kerry,
 as it was not possible to find a leader more foolish than
 you [Bush], who deals with matters by force rather than with wisdom.

 In comments addressed to Mr Bush, the group said Kerry will kill
 our nation while it sleeps because he and the Democrats have the
 cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and
 Muslim nation as civilisation.

 Because of this we desire you [Bush] to be elected.

 Seems pretty clear to me what our enemies want, Allan. Also seems
 pretty clear what our (former) friends want. But what do I
 know, I just live in Manhattan. It's not like any of
 this affects me, unlike you I'm sure...


 It was as if Bin Laden, hidden in some mountain redoubt,
 were engaging in long-range mind control of George Bush,
 chanting: 'Invade Iraq, you must invade Iraq.'
 - Richard Clark -

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Allan De Groot
 Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.

 America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
 if so that's just too bad
 I don't think that having US national security issues decided
 in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement

 the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning bells
 my mind.
 If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.


 At 10:38 PM 9/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
  Most countries want Kerry in White House
  Sep 9, 2004
  WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want Democratic
  party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according to a survey
  released Wednesday showing US President George W Bush rebuffed by
  all of America's traditional allies.
  On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than a two-to-one margin
  - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan Inc, a global
  research firm, and the local University of Maryland, showed.
  Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said Steven Kull,
  the university's program on international policy attitudes.
  Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win handily if
  the people of the world were to elect the US president.
  The only countries where Bush was preferred in the poll covering
  a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and August were
  the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and Thailand were
  The margin of error in the survey covering all regions of the
  world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five percent.
  Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's traditional allies,
  including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's seven percent),
  Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64 percent to five percent),
  the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy (58 percent to 14
  and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
  Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is Bush's closest ally
  in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent 47 percent to 16
  Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by 61 percent to Bush's
  and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent. Even among countries
 that have
  contributed troops to Iraq, most

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-12 Thread MH

 Re Bush/ Kerry
 How are Bush  and kerry on biofuels surely that's the question guys
 The fossil fuel loby is very strong here.
 Getting an even transition from fossil to renewable is what we should be
 looking for, Australia has not got it quite right yet.
 where do i find the diy description of vegetable oil to diesel process
 cheers John

 Kerry Pledges to Help Struggling Rural Communities
 Achieve Economic Sustainability
Of the nation's 500 poorest counties, 459 are rural.
 Kerry and Edwards have developed a detailed plan for
 turning this situation around.
 Just a few areas of the plan include: Encouraging
 Investment In Rural America through The Greater Rural
 Opportunity and Work (GROW) Initiative to bring venture
 capital and management expertise to small town America;
 Investing more in renewable energy sources such as
 biodiesel and ethanol; insuring ranchers and farmers
 receive a profit from the marketplace... 

 Edwards Unveils Kerry-Edwards Economic Plan for Rural America;
 Announces Greater Rural Opportunity and Work (GROW) Initiative
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-12 Thread Doug Foskey

Its rather funny: Our Australian leader is nicknamed 'shrub' by some. (think 
about it.

regards Doug

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 04:01 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi all at biofuels group

 Recent telepoll in Ireland says:

  Kerry 74%

  Bush  26%

 What if Bush had spent the 1.5 Trillion dollars expected cost of Iraq war
 on renewable energy?

 Free Bush, Free the US,

 Damian Dolan

 Sign up for eircom broadband now and get a free two month trial.*
 Phone 1850 73 00 73 or visit

 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

 Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-12 Thread Doug Foskey

Where in Oz R U ??

regards Doug

(PS: look for some Edwards Stainless Solar HW tanks: they make the best 
systems  they are thrown out, as they fatigue around the inlet/outlet ports 
which is repairable for our use.)

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 01:28 pm, John wrote:
 Hi I am new to this site, i live in regional Australai and there are plenty
 of oportunities to purchase/ make gear and obtain vegetable oil products.

 Re Bush/ Kerry
 How are Bush  and kerry on biofuels surely that's the question guys
 The fossil fuel loby is very strong here.
 Getting an even transition from fossil to renewable is what we should be
 looking for, Australia has not got it quite right yet.
 where do i find the diy description of vegetable oil to diesel process

 cheers John

 - Original Message -
 From: Doug Foskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 6:58 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

  Sorry, but as a world citizen, I have to disagree with you. I find these


  conservative leaders a real worry. I do not like the bullying attitude of


  current world leadership, and as the world's greatest superpower, America
  rates right up there.
As a world citizen, I think if America is the greatest superpower,


  should get to vote for the president, because the president dictates so


  of world policy.
  just my 2c worth,
  regards Doug
  On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 01:58 am, Allan De Groot wrote:
   So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.
   America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
   if so that's just too bad
   I don't think that having US national security issues decided
   in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement
   the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning


   in my mind.
   If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.
   At 10:38 PM 9/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
Most countries want Kerry in White House
Sep 9, 2004
WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want
Democratic party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according
to a survey released Wednesday showing US President George W Bush
rebuffed by all of America's traditional allies.
On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than a two-to-one
margin - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan Inc, a
global research firm, and the local University of Maryland, showed.
Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said Steven Kull,
the university's program on international policy attitudes.
Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win handily if
the people of the world were to elect the US president.
The only countries where Bush was preferred in the poll covering
a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and August were
the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and Thailand were
The margin of error in the survey covering all regions of the
world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five percent.
Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's traditional


including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's seven percent),
Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64 percent to five


the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy (58 percent to 14
percent) and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is Bush's closest


in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent 47 percent to 16
Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by 61 percent to


and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent. Even among


   that have
contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and said that their


of US foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands,
the Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan, Norway and
Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had affected their feelings
towards the United States, a majority of those polled in 31 countries
said it made
feel worse about America, while those in only three countries said


   had made
them feel better.
Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the strength of the view that
US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in countries


troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug Miller.
In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally, Polland, where he


preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent against Kerry's 26


Another new European ally, the Czech Republic, however went for Kerry
(42 percent

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-12 Thread Doug Foskey

How (although, as an Australian, I regret to inform you that we are now the XX 
state, after Canada  Mexico, due to the signing of the Free Trade agreement. 
I think this will lead to the Australian Public getting screwed!)

regards Doug

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 02:51 pm, John Gardner wrote:
 Become an American citizen... and denounce your current citizenship

 -Original Message-
 From: Doug Foskey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 3:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 Sorry, but as a world citizen, I have to disagree with you. I find these
 conservative leaders a real worry. I do not like the bullying attitude
 of the
 current world leadership, and as the world's greatest superpower,
 rates right up there.
   As a world citizen, I think if America is the greatest superpower,
 should get to vote for the president, because the president dictates so
 of world policy.

 just my 2c worth,
 regards Doug

 On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 01:58 am, Allan De Groot wrote:
  So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've


  America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
  if so that's just too bad
  I don't think that having US national security issues decided
  in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement
  the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning


  in my mind.
  If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.
  At 10:38 PM 9/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
   Most countries want Kerry in White House
   Sep 9, 2004
   WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want


   party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according to a


   released Wednesday showing US President George W Bush rebuffed by
   all of America's traditional allies.
   On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than a two-to-one


   - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan Inc, a global
   research firm, and the local University of Maryland, showed.
   Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said Steven Kull,
   the university's program on international policy attitudes.
   Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win handily if
   the people of the world were to elect the US president.
   The only countries where Bush was preferred in the poll covering
   a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and August were
   the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and Thailand were
   The margin of error in the survey covering all regions of the
   world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five percent.
   Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's traditional


   including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's seven percent),
   Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64 percent to five


   the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy (58 percent to 14
   percent) and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
   Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is Bush's closest


   in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent 47 percent to 16
   Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by 61 percent to

 Bush's 16

   and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent. Even among


  that have
   contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and said that their


   of US foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
   They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands,


   Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan, Norway and Spain.
   Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had affected their


   towards the United States, a majority of those polled in 31


   said it made
   feel worse about America, while those in only three countries said


  had made
   them feel better.
   Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the strength of the view


   US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in countries


   troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug Miller.
   In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally, Polland, where he


   preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent against Kerry's 26


   Another new European ally, the Czech Republic, however went for


   (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden (58 percent to 10
   Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still did better.
   Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was preferred by
   clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's 12 percent) and
   Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those polled were
   divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33 percent) and
   Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).
   Latin Americans went for Kerry

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-12 Thread Doug Foskey

I like to contemplate how the US may have approached 9/11 sans Bush I 
think the world may have been a much healthier place.

regards Doug

On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 09:34 am, Appal Energy wrote:

 Me thinks you never took a psych course, much less reverse psych.

 Those who oppose the US presence on Arab soils, along with a few other US
 insults, prefer Bush because he's foolish, near-sighted and lacking in
 ability to see beyond the dogmas of his choice regligion and his queer
 interpretation of democracy, all of which weakens America without any need
 for their throwing the first rock. Oddly enough, Mr. Bush's arrogance under
 the guise of presidential authority also entices new recruits rich in
 seething anger.

 Bush is nothing more than a double edged sword pressed against the American

 Kerry? A little more aware of bigger pictures and options to navigate
 through, to or away from them, with enough of a hint of American swagger as
 to be formidable if provoked.

 Now if you were an insurgent hell bent on seeing America anhilated, who
 would be your first preference?

 Todd Swearingen

 - Original Message -
 From: Tyrone Slothrop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 12:57 AM
 Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

  Actually, I'd like to see a lot more on bio-fuel and a lot
  less of this kind of stuff. That said, it's worth answering
  Allan's reply. I would suggest he go straight to the source and
  consider what our enemies, Al Qaeda, think about George Bush.
  The statement said it supported US President George W Bush
  in his re-election campaign and would prefer him to win in
  November rather than the Democratic candidate John Kerry,
  as it was not possible to find a leader more foolish than
  you [Bush], who deals with matters by force rather than with wisdom.
  In comments addressed to Mr Bush, the group said Kerry will kill
  our nation while it sleeps because he and the Democrats have the
  cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and
  Muslim nation as civilisation.
  Because of this we desire you [Bush] to be elected.
  Seems pretty clear to me what our enemies want, Allan. Also seems
  pretty clear what our (former) friends want. But what do I
  know, I just live in Manhattan. It's not like any of
  this affects me, unlike you I'm sure...
  It was as if Bin Laden, hidden in some mountain redoubt,
  were engaging in long-range mind control of George Bush,
  chanting: 'Invade Iraq, you must invade Iraq.'
  - Richard Clark -
  -Original Message-
  Behalf Of Allan De Groot
  Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:58 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll
  So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.
  America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
  if so that's just too bad
  I don't think that having US national security issues decided
  in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement
  the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning bells


  my mind.
  If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.
  At 10:38 PM 9/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
   Most countries want Kerry in White House
   Sep 9, 2004
   WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want Democratic
   party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according to a survey
   released Wednesday showing US President George W Bush rebuffed by
   all of America's traditional allies.
   On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than a two-to-one margin
   - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan Inc, a global
   research firm, and the local University of Maryland, showed.
   Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said Steven Kull,
   the university's program on international policy attitudes.
   Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win handily if
   the people of the world were to elect the US president.
   The only countries where Bush was preferred in the poll covering
   a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and August were
   the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and Thailand were
   The margin of error in the survey covering all regions of the
   world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five percent.
   Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's traditional allies,
   including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's seven percent),
   Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64 percent to five
   percent), the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy (58
   percent to 14


   and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
   Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony

diy description - was Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-12 Thread Keith Addison

Hi I am new to this site, i live in regional Australai and there are plenty
of oportunities to purchase/ make gear and obtain vegetable oil products.

Re Bush/ Kerry
How are Bush  and kerry on biofuels surely that's the question guys
The fossil fuel loby is very strong here.
Getting an even transition from fossil to renewable is what we should be
looking for, Australia has not got it quite right yet.
where do i find the diy description of vegetable oil to diesel process

You find references to it all over the place, including at the end of 
the message you sent, and this one, and I believe in the Welcome 
messages you received, and at the top of the list's home page:
Biofuel Mailing List Info Page

Which says this:

The Biofuel mailing list is for anyone who is making their own fuel 
or has an interest in biofuels - all aspects of biofuels use are 

There are resources, FAQs, how-to's, full recipes and an online 
Biofuels Library at the Journey to Forever website, the premier 
source of small-scale biofuels information:



Biodiesel - Where do I start?

Straight vegetable oil (SVO)

Biofuels Library


All messages are archived at the Info-Archive at NNYTech - fast, 
one-time searching and NO ads:

Best wishes

Journey to Forever

What more can we do?

Best wishes


cheers John

- Original Message -
From: Doug Foskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 Sorry, but as a world citizen, I have to disagree with you. I find these


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-12 Thread Keith Addison

Also why?

It all comes with a lot of froth about democracy and rights and so 
on, which the rest of the world sees as anything but mutual. It says 
in the list rules: Like any community, your rights end where those 
of others begin. But not in the world community it seems, or at 
least not when you're pretending to be the toughest kid in the 
schoolyard (mostly they grow out of that by the time they're 12 or 

(although, as an Australian, I regret to inform you that we are now the XX
state, after Canada  Mexico, due to the signing of the Free Trade agreement.
I think this will lead to the Australian Public getting screwed!)

Everyone else has been so far. And about 99% of the media jerk their 
knees obediently, automatically assuming Free trade must be good 
and the same as *fair* trade - NOT!

regards Doug

On Sat, 11 Sep 2004 02:51 pm, John Gardner wrote:
 Become an American citizen... and denounce your current citizenship

Sorry, John, not being picky, but I'd really like to know if you mean 
denounce or meant to type renounce.

Best wishes



 -Original Message-
 From: Doug Foskey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 3:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 Sorry, but as a world citizen, I have to disagree with you. I find these
 conservative leaders a real worry. I do not like the bullying attitude
 of the
 current world leadership, and as the world's greatest superpower,
 rates right up there.
   As a world citizen, I think if America is the greatest superpower,
 should get to vote for the president, because the president dictates so
 of world policy.

 just my 2c worth,
 regards Doug

 On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 01:58 am, Allan De Groot wrote:
  So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-12 Thread Darryl McMahon

Andres Yver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday, September 9, 2004, at 11:58 AM, Allan De Groot wrote:
  So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.
  America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
  if so that's just too bad
  I don't think that having US national security issues decided
  in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement
  the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning 
  bells in
  my mind.
  If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.
 Hi Allan,
 Not so long ago, people around the world were concerned about the 
 spread of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the next Russian 
 leader would be a moderate, not one of the old-guard intelligence 
 community hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and invading strategic 
 territory abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms at home.
 As a whole, i think the world prefers civil dialogue, which helps us 
 find common ground in an uncertain world, rather than extremism, which 
 can promote fear and loathing of any who believe differently.

I think the very establishment of the League of Nations, then the United 
bears this out.  It is unfortunate that they have not been more effective.  Not 
ineffective, in many areas (WHO, UNICEF, early peacekeeping missions, etc).  
civil dialogue only works when both (all) parties are prepared to be civil and 
engage in the dialogue.
 The places in the world where lots of men, women, and children are 
 dying from bullets and bombs are the places where ideology is taken 
 literally and to extremes.
 China is the United State's biggest trade partner. The economies of 
 these two nations are mutually dependent. It's in everyone's best 
 interest that all the cash generated by this good business is not spent 
 on weapons of mass destruction.
Actually, Canada is still the largest trade partner of the U.S.  However, China 
gaining fast, and is poised to take over the number one position within 2 years.

 If China sees America as scary people, it could do any number of 
 things, including restricting trade. China has historically shown the 
 capacity to absorb extreme economic shock without losing internal 
 cohesion. The Great Depression of the nineteen-thirties was a walk in 
 the park compared to what China has seen in the 50's and 60's. I don't 
 think America would adjust so easily to empty shelves at Mall Wart, 
 although you know it would be good for us. American made means paying 
 jobs in our hometowns.
 I don't know if Kerry's handlers are all that different from the 
 current President's, but in the eyes of the world the men stand worlds 

In my conversations, I gather that most outside the U.S. see Kerry and Bush as 
alike than different (white, male, American, rich from U.S. corporate 
almost identical social, cultural and family backgrounds, etc.)  I find it is 
American media that finds the remaining differences and focuses on those.  One 
correspondent wrote, they'd rather have a president with allegiances to ketchup 
than oil.  That pretty much sums it up for me. Maybe we can make ethanol from 
increased production of tomato stalks as the U.S. changes foreign policy 
and takes control of the world's condiment markets.

 I'd prefer Kerry to Bush as U.S. president, but its a small distinction.  
over Clinton's record, excluding the last 3 months where he did a bunch of lame-
duck stuff, it doesn't seem to matter which party controls the White House or 
Congress - the U.S. is ruled by the Fortune 500.
 andres yver

Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re[2]: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-12 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender

Hallo Doug,

Sunday, 12 September, 2004, 06:10:53, you wrote:

DF I like to contemplate how the US may have approached 9/11 sans Bush I 
DF think the world may have been a much healthier place.

DF regards Doug

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
Mitglied-Team AMIGA
ICQ: 22211253-Gustli

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Stra§e liegen, 
da§ sie gerade deshalb von der gewšhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-11 Thread John

Hi I am new to this site, i live in regional Australai and there are plenty
of oportunities to purchase/ make gear and obtain vegetable oil products.

Re Bush/ Kerry
How are Bush  and kerry on biofuels surely that's the question guys
The fossil fuel loby is very strong here.
Getting an even transition from fossil to renewable is what we should be
looking for, Australia has not got it quite right yet.
where do i find the diy description of vegetable oil to diesel process

cheers John

- Original Message -
From: Doug Foskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 6:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

 Sorry, but as a world citizen, I have to disagree with you. I find these
 conservative leaders a real worry. I do not like the bullying attitude of
 current world leadership, and as the world's greatest superpower, America
 rates right up there.
   As a world citizen, I think if America is the greatest superpower,
 should get to vote for the president, because the president dictates so
 of world policy.

 just my 2c worth,
 regards Doug

 On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 01:58 am, Allan De Groot wrote:
  So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.
  America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
  if so that's just too bad
  I don't think that having US national security issues decided
  in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement
  the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning
  in my mind.
  If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.
  At 10:38 PM 9/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
   Most countries want Kerry in White House
   Sep 9, 2004
   WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want Democratic
   party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according to a survey
   released Wednesday showing US President George W Bush rebuffed by
   all of America's traditional allies.
   On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than a two-to-one margin
   - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan Inc, a global
   research firm, and the local University of Maryland, showed.
   Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said Steven Kull,
   the university's program on international policy attitudes.
   Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win handily if
   the people of the world were to elect the US president.
   The only countries where Bush was preferred in the poll covering
   a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and August were
   the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and Thailand were
   The margin of error in the survey covering all regions of the
   world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five percent.
   Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's traditional
   including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's seven percent),
   Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64 percent to five
   the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy (58 percent to 14
   percent) and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
   Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is Bush's closest
   in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent 47 percent to 16
   Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by 61 percent to Bush's
   and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent. Even among
  that have
   contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and said that their
   of US foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
   They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, the
   Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan, Norway and Spain.
   Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had affected their feelings
   towards the United States, a majority of those polled in 31 countries
   said it made
   feel worse about America, while those in only three countries said
  had made
   them feel better.
   Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the strength of the view that
   US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in countries
   troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug Miller.
   In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally, Polland, where he
   preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent against Kerry's 26
   Another new European ally, the Czech Republic, however went for Kerry
   (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden (58 percent to 10
   Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still did better.
   Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was preferred by
   clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's 12 percent) and
   Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those polled were
   divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33 percent) and
   Thailand (Kerry 30

RE: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-11 Thread John Gardner

Become an American citizen... and denounce your current citizenship

-Original Message-
From: Doug Foskey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

Sorry, but as a world citizen, I have to disagree with you. I find these
conservative leaders a real worry. I do not like the bullying attitude
of the 
current world leadership, and as the world's greatest superpower,
rates right up there. 
  As a world citizen, I think if America is the greatest superpower,
should get to vote for the president, because the president dictates so
of world policy.

just my 2c worth,
regards Doug

On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 01:58 am, Allan De Groot wrote:
 So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've

 America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
 if so that's just too bad
 I don't think that having US national security issues decided
 in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement

 the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning
 in my mind.
 If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.


 At 10:38 PM 9/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
  Most countries want Kerry in White House
  Sep 9, 2004
  WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want
  party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according to a
  released Wednesday showing US President George W Bush rebuffed by
  all of America's traditional allies.
  On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than a two-to-one
  - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan Inc, a global
  research firm, and the local University of Maryland, showed.
  Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said Steven Kull,
  the university's program on international policy attitudes.
  Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win handily if
  the people of the world were to elect the US president.
  The only countries where Bush was preferred in the poll covering
  a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and August were
  the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and Thailand were
  The margin of error in the survey covering all regions of the
  world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five percent.
  Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's traditional
  including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's seven percent),
  Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64 percent to five
  the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy (58 percent to 14
  percent) and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
  Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is Bush's closest
  in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent 47 percent to 16
  Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by 61 percent to
Bush's 16


  and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent. Even among

 that have

  contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and said that their
  of US foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
  They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands,
  Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan, Norway and Spain.
  Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had affected their
  towards the United States, a majority of those polled in 31
  said it made


  feel worse about America, while those in only three countries said

 had made

  them feel better.
  Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the strength of the view
  US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in countries
  troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug Miller.
  In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally, Polland, where he
  preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent against Kerry's 26
  Another new European ally, the Czech Republic, however went for
  (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden (58 percent to 10
  Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still did better.
  Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was preferred by
  clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's 12 percent) and
  Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those polled were
  divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33 percent) and
  Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).
  Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine countries polled.
  In only two cases did Kerry win by a large majority -
  Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
  Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
  - but in most cases the spread was quite wide.
  Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
  Poll finds him preferred around world
  by Thomas Crampton
  September 8, 2004 by the International Herald Tribune

RE: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-11 Thread Tyrone Slothrop

Actually, I'd like to see a lot more on bio-fuel and a lot
less of this kind of stuff. That said, it's worth answering
Allan's reply. I would suggest he go straight to the source and
consider what our enemies, Al Qaeda, think about George Bush.

The statement said it supported US President George W Bush
in his re-election campaign and would prefer him to win in
November rather than the Democratic candidate John Kerry,
as it was not possible to find a leader more foolish than
you [Bush], who deals with matters by force rather than with wisdom. 

In comments addressed to Mr Bush, the group said Kerry will kill
our nation while it sleeps because he and the Democrats have the
cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and
Muslim nation as civilisation. 

Because of this we desire you [Bush] to be elected. 

Seems pretty clear to me what our enemies want, Allan. Also seems
pretty clear what our (former) friends want. But what do I
know, I just live in Manhattan. It's not like any of
this affects me, unlike you I'm sure...


It was as if Bin Laden, hidden in some mountain redoubt,
were engaging in long-range mind control of George Bush,
chanting: 'Invade Iraq, you must invade Iraq.' 
- Richard Clark - 

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Allan De Groot
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll 

So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.

America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
if so that's just too bad
I don't think that having US national security issues decided 
in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement

the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning bells in
my mind.
If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.


At 10:38 PM 9/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
 Most countries want Kerry in White House 
 Sep 9, 2004 

 WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want Democratic
 party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according to a survey
 released Wednesday showing US President George W Bush rebuffed by
 all of America's traditional allies. 

 On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than a two-to-one margin
 - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan Inc, a global
 research firm, and the local University of Maryland, showed. 

 Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said Steven Kull,
 the university's program on international policy attitudes. 
 Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win handily if
 the people of the world were to elect the US president. 

 The only countries where Bush was preferred in the poll covering
 a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and August were
 the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and Thailand were

 The margin of error in the survey covering all regions of the
 world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five percent. 

 Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's traditional allies,
 including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's seven percent),
 Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64 percent to five percent),
 the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy (58 percent to 14 percent)
 and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).

 Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is Bush's closest ally
 in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent 47 percent to 16 percent.

 Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by 61 percent to Bush's 16
 and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent. Even among countries
that have
 contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and said that their view of US
 foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.

 They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, the
 Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan, Norway and Spain.

 Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had affected their feelings towards
 the United States, a majority of those polled in 31 countries said it made
 feel worse about America, while those in only three countries said it
had made
 them feel better.

 Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the strength of the view that
 US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in countries contributing
 troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug Miller.

 In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally, Polland, where he was
 preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent against Kerry's 26 percent.
 Another new European ally, the Czech Republic, however went for Kerry
 (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden (58 percent to 10 percent).

 Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still did better.
 Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was preferred by
 clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-11 Thread Brian

- Original Message - 
From: Andres Yver [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Allan,

Not so long ago, people around the world were concerned about the spread 
of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the next Russian leader would 
be a moderate, not one of the old-guard intelligence community 
hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and invading strategic territory 
abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms at home.

Substitute American Imperialism for Communism and Washington for 
Moscow and you then have the real reason for defeating Bush.  Hard-liners 
on either end of the spectrum are bad for the country they are in as well as 
the rest of the world, and Bush is a perfect example of American hard-liners 
at their worst.  As someone who truly is a centrist, I can not see how 
anyone who would support the current regime could call themselves anything 
but a right wing extremist, if they have any clue of what's really going on. 
Of course, those who rely on Fox News for all of their information are 
simply misinformed, but there is enough evidence of reality out there for 
even them to know that they are choosing to remain that way.  Just my $.02.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-10 Thread John Hayes

So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.

America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
if so that's just too bad
I don't think that having US national security issues decided 
in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-10 Thread Erik Lane

oh please - that just doesn't make any sense...

so what if they prefer one or the other? i think it
makes very good sense for the rest of the world to
want a president who is (hopefully) less bent on
walking on anyone who's in the way when headed towards
their goals. it saddens me how much bush has hurt our
international relations.

as far as beijing making our decisions for us - having
a knee jerk reaction saying that if they're for it
then we should be against it is also allowing them to
make the decision! it wasn't clear, but the
implication is made in the article that the people
polled are normal everyday people, not just the
governments. and most people, no matter what
nationality want just the chance to live their life in
peace and cooperate with their fellow people. i don't
believe that the common people there hold any
animosity for us as people. governments are a
different story.

sorry if this rambled some. it's late and i'm tired,
but i couldn't just let this one go by.

as full disclosure, in case it wasn't obvious - i'm an
american and very much anti bush. not sure that kerry
will be a great president, but i have high hopes that
he will be quite a bit better than bush. at any rate
there's a huge amount of room for improvement, in my


--- Allan De Groot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing
 Bush that I've heard.
 America's foreign interests may well go against
 world opinion.
 if so that's just too bad
 I don't think that having US national security
 issues decided 
 in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement
 the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off
 serious warning bells in
 my mind.
 If it doesn't in your mind there is something very
 At 10:38 PM 9/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
  Most countries want Kerry in White House 
  Sep 9, 2004
  WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35
 countries want Democratic
  party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House,
 according to a survey
  released Wednesday showing US President George W
 Bush rebuffed by
  all of America's traditional allies. 
  On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than
 a two-to-one margin
  - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by
 GlobeScan Inc, a global
  research firm, and the local University of
 Maryland, showed. 
  Only one in five want to see Bush reelected,
 said Steven Kull,
  the university's program on international policy
  Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win
 handily if
  the people of the world were to elect the US
  The only countries where Bush was preferred in the
 poll covering
  a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and
 August were
  the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and
 Thailand were
  The margin of error in the survey covering all
 regions of the
  world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five
  Kerry was strongly preferred among all of
 America's traditional allies,
  including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's
 seven percent),
  Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64
 percent to five percent),
  the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy
 (58 percent to 14 percent)
  and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
  Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair
 is Bush's closest ally
  in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent
 47 percent to 16 percent.
  Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by
 61 percent to Bush's 16
  and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23
 percent. Even among countries
 that have
  contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry,
 and said that their view of US
  foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
  They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy,
 the Netherlands, the
  Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan,
 Norway and Spain.
  Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had
 affected their feelings towards
  the United States, a majority of those polled in
 31 countries said it made
  feel worse about America, while those in only
 three countries said it
 had made
  them feel better.
  Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the
 strength of the view that
  US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in
 countries contributing
  troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug
  In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally,
 Polland, where he was
  preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent
 against Kerry's 26 percent.
  Another new European ally, the Czech Republic,
 however went for Kerry
  (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden
 (58 percent to 10 percent).
  Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still
 did better.
  Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he
 was preferred by
  clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's 12
 percent) and
  Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those
 polled were

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-10 Thread Doug Foskey

Sorry, but as a world citizen, I have to disagree with you. I find these ultra 
conservative leaders a real worry. I do not like the bullying attitude of the 
current world leadership, and as the world's greatest superpower, America 
rates right up there. 
  As a world citizen, I think if America is the greatest superpower, everyone 
should get to vote for the president, because the president dictates so much 
of world policy.

just my 2c worth,
regards Doug

On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 01:58 am, Allan De Groot wrote:
 So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.

 America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
 if so that's just too bad
 I don't think that having US national security issues decided
 in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement

 the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning bells
 in my mind.
 If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.


 At 10:38 PM 9/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
  Most countries want Kerry in White House
  Sep 9, 2004
  WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want Democratic
  party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according to a survey
  released Wednesday showing US President George W Bush rebuffed by
  all of America's traditional allies.
  On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than a two-to-one margin
  - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan Inc, a global
  research firm, and the local University of Maryland, showed.
  Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said Steven Kull,
  the university's program on international policy attitudes.
  Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win handily if
  the people of the world were to elect the US president.
  The only countries where Bush was preferred in the poll covering
  a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and August were
  the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and Thailand were
  The margin of error in the survey covering all regions of the
  world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five percent.
  Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's traditional allies,
  including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's seven percent),
  Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64 percent to five percent),
  the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy (58 percent to 14
  percent) and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).
  Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is Bush's closest ally
  in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent 47 percent to 16
  Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by 61 percent to Bush's 16


  and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent. Even among countries

 that have

  contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and said that their view
  of US foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.
  They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, the
  Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan, Norway and Spain.
  Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had affected their feelings
  towards the United States, a majority of those polled in 31 countries
  said it made


  feel worse about America, while those in only three countries said it

 had made

  them feel better.
  Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the strength of the view that
  US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in countries contributing
  troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug Miller.
  In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally, Polland, where he was
  preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent against Kerry's 26 percent.
  Another new European ally, the Czech Republic, however went for Kerry
  (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden (58 percent to 10
  Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still did better.
  Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was preferred by
  clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's 12 percent) and
  Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those polled were
  divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33 percent) and
  Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).
  Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine countries polled.
  In only two cases did Kerry win by a large majority -
  Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
  Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
  - but in most cases the spread was quite wide.
  Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
  Poll finds him preferred around world
  by Thomas Crampton
  September 8, 2004 by the International Herald Tribune
Another pattern that became apparent in studying the data was that

 those people with

  higher education and more income were more strongly in favor of Kerry,

 Kull said.

Those at the top of world society are more negative towards Bush than

 those at the


Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-10 Thread Andres Yver

So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.

America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
if so that's just too bad
I don't think that having US national security issues decided
in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement

the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning 
bells in

my mind.
If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.


Hi Allan,

Not so long ago, people around the world were concerned about the 
spread of Communism. We looked to Moscow and hoped the next Russian 
leader would be a moderate, not one of the old-guard intelligence 
community hard-liners, prone to de-stabilizing and invading strategic 
territory abroad, while cracking down on personal freedoms at home.

As a whole, i think the world prefers civil dialogue, which helps us 
find common ground in an uncertain world, rather than extremism, which 
can promote fear and loathing of any who believe differently.

The places in the world where lots of men, women, and children are 
dying from bullets and bombs are the places where ideology is taken 
literally and to extremes.

China is the United State's biggest trade partner. The economies of 
these two nations are mutually dependent. It's in everyone's best 
interest that all the cash generated by this good business is not spent 
on weapons of mass destruction.

If China sees America as scary people, it could do any number of 
things, including restricting trade. China has historically shown the 
capacity to absorb extreme economic shock without losing internal 
cohesion. The Great Depression of the nineteen-thirties was a walk in 
the park compared to what China has seen in the 50's and 60's. I don't 
think America would adjust so easily to empty shelves at Mall Wart, 
although you know it would be good for us. American made means paying 
jobs in our hometowns.

I don't know if Kerry's handlers are all that different from the 
current President's, but in the eyes of the world the men stand worlds 

andres yver

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-10 Thread damiandolan

hi all at biofuels group

Recent telepoll in Ireland says:

 Kerry 74%

 Bush  26%

What if Bush had spent the 1.5 Trillion dollars expected cost of Iraq war on 
renewable energy?

Free Bush, Free the US,

Damian Dolan

Sign up for eircom broadband now and get a free two month trial.*
Phone 1850 73 00 73 or visit

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

[Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-09 Thread MH

 Most countries want Kerry in White House 
 Sep 9, 2004 

 WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want Democratic
 party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according to a survey
 released Wednesday showing US President George W Bush rebuffed by
 all of Americaâs traditional allies. 

 On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than a two-to-one margin
 - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan Inc, a global
 research firm, and the local University of Maryland, showed. 

 ãOnly one in five want to see Bush reelected,ä said Steven Kull,
 the universityâs program on international policy attitudes. 
 ãThough he is not as well known, Kerry would win handily if
 the people of the world were to elect the US president.ä 

 The only countries where Bush was preferred in the poll covering
 a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and August were
 the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and Thailand were

 The margin of error in the survey covering all regions of the
 world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five percent. 

 Kerry was strongly preferred among all of Americaâs traditional allies,
 including Norway (74 percent compared with Bushâs seven percent),
 Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64 percent to five percent),
 the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy (58 percent to 14 percent)
 and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).

 Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is Bushâs closest ally
 in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent 47 percent to 16 percent.

 Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by 61 percent to Bushâs 16 
 and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent. Even among countries that 
 contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and said that their view of US
 foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.

 They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, the
 Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan, Norway and Spain.

 Asked how President Bushâs foreign policy had affected their feelings towards
 the United States, a majority of those polled in 31 countries said it made them
 feel ãworseä about America, while those in only three countries said it had 
 them feel ãbetter.ä

 ãPerhaps most sobering for Americans is the strength of the view that
 US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in countries contributing
 troops in Iraq,ä said GlobeScan President Doug Miller.

 In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally, Polland, where he was
 preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent against Kerryâs 26 percent.
 Another new European ally, the Czech Republic, however went for Kerry
 (42 percent to Bushâs 18 percent) as did Sweden (58 percent to 10 percent).

 Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still did better.
 Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was preferred by
 clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bushâs 12 percent) and
 Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those polled were
 divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33 percent) and
 Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).

 Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine countries polled.
 In only two cases did Kerry win by a large majority -
 Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
 Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
 - but in most cases the spread was quite wide. 

 Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
 Poll finds him preferred around world
 by Thomas Crampton 
 September 8, 2004 by the International Herald Tribune
   Another pattern that became apparent in studying the data was that those 
people with
 higher education and more income were more strongly in favor of Kerry, Kull 
   Those at the top of world society are more negative towards Bush than those 
at the
 bottom, Kull said. The most likely common link is that those who have the 
 access to information tend be more negative towards Bush than those with less
 access to information... 

 Perhaps this Global Poll of 32 Nations PROVES that
 Kerry Will Rally Allies and Restore Global Support for US
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry preferred around World - Poll

2004-09-09 Thread Allan De Groot

So far that is THE best aregument for re-electing Bush that I've heard.

America's foreign interests may well go against world opinion.
if so that's just too bad
I don't think that having US national security issues decided 
in Paris or Bejing is sound judgement

the citing that in China Kerry is prefered sets off serious warning bells in
my mind.
If it doesn't in your mind there is something very wrong.


At 10:38 PM 9/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
 Most countries want Kerry in White House 
 Sep 9, 2004 

 WASHINGTON: A majority of people in 30 of 35 countries want Democratic
 party flagbearer John Kerry in the White House, according to a survey
 released Wednesday showing US President George W Bush rebuffed by
 all of America's traditional allies. 

 On average, Senator Kerry was favored by more than a two-to-one margin
 - 46 percent to 20 percent, the survey by GlobeScan Inc, a global
 research firm, and the local University of Maryland, showed. 

 Only one in five want to see Bush reelected, said Steven Kull,
 the university's program on international policy attitudes. 
 Though he is not as well known, Kerry would win handily if
 the people of the world were to elect the US president. 

 The only countries where Bush was preferred in the poll covering
 a total of 34,330 people and conducted in July and August were
 the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland.  India and Thailand were

 The margin of error in the survey covering all regions of the
 world ranged from plus or minus 2.3 to five percent. 

 Kerry was strongly preferred among all of America's traditional allies,
 including Norway (74 percent compared with Bush's seven percent),
 Germany (74 percent to 10 percent), France (64 percent to five percent),
 the Netherlands (63 percent to six percent), Italy (58 percent to 14 percent)
 and Spain (45 percent to seven percent).

 Even in Britain, where Prime Minister Tony Blair is Bush's closest ally
 in the war on terror, Kerry trounced the incumbent 47 percent to 16 percent.

 Kerry was also greatly favored among Canadians by 61 percent to Bush's 16
 and among the Japanese by 43 percent to 23 percent. Even among countries
that have
 contributed troops to Iraq, most favored Kerry, and said that their view of US
 foreign policy has gotten worse under Bush.

 They included Britain, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, the
 Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Japan, Norway and Spain.

 Asked how President Bush's foreign policy had affected their feelings towards
 the United States, a majority of those polled in 31 countries said it made
 feel worse about America, while those in only three countries said it
had made
 them feel better.

 Perhaps most sobering for Americans is the strength of the view that
 US foreign policy is on the wrong track, even in countries contributing
 troops in Iraq, said GlobeScan President Doug Miller.

 In Europe, the exception for Bush was a new ally, Polland, where he was
 preferred by a narrow majority of 31 percent against Kerry's 26 percent.
 Another new European ally, the Czech Republic, however went for Kerry
 (42 percent to Bush's 18 percent) as did Sweden (58 percent to 10 percent).

 Asia was the most mixed region, though Kerry still did better.
 Aside from enjoying a large margin in Japan, he was preferred by
 clear majorities in China (52 percent to Bush's 12 percent) and
 Indonesia (57 percent to 34 percent).  But those polled were
 divided in India (Kerry 34 percent, Bush 33 percent) and
 Thailand (Kerry 30 percent, Bush 33 percent).

 Latin Americans went for Kerry in all nine countries polled.
 In only two cases did Kerry win by a large majority -
 Brazil (57 percent to 14 percent) and the
 Dominican Republic (51 percent to 38 percent)
 - but in most cases the spread was quite wide. 

 Global Poll Shows a Kerry Landslide
 Poll finds him preferred around world
 by Thomas Crampton 
 September 8, 2004 by the International Herald Tribune
   Another pattern that became apparent in studying the data was that
those people with
 higher education and more income were more strongly in favor of Kerry,
Kull said.  
   Those at the top of world society are more negative towards Bush than
those at the
 bottom, Kull said. The most likely common link is that those who have
the most
 access to information tend be more negative towards Bush than those with less
 access to information... 

 Perhaps this Global Poll of 32 Nations PROVES that
 Kerry Will Rally Allies and Restore Global Support for US
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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