Re: [Biofuel] RE: Turd Blossom

2005-07-21 Thread Mike Weaver
Father is from Arkansas, Grandfather from Texas, still get back for 
visits.  It's full of blockheads except for Austin!

Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:

Hallo Mike,

Tuesday, 19 July, 2005, 14:32:09, you wrote:

MW As a sort of Texan,

OK,  is  the  question,  Does that mean you are from Arkansas or some
other  state  bordering  Texas and live right on the border? or What
sort of Texan are you? or...?   :o)

Happy Happy,


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] RE: Turd Blossom

2005-07-21 Thread Garth Kim Travis


The Houston Renewable Energy group does as much as the Austin group 
does.  And there are many of us that are sustainable farmers.  We have a 
large strictly grass fed group of farmers, locally.  We now have legal raw 
milk sales.  Lots of good things that are not happening in Austin.  But 
then we are just blockheads.

Bright Blessings,

At 08:32 AM 7/21/2005, you wrote:
Father is from Arkansas, Grandfather from Texas, still get back for 
visits.  It's full of blockheads except for Austin!

Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:

Hallo Mike,

Tuesday, 19 July, 2005, 14:32:09, you wrote:

MW As a sort of Texan,

OK,  is  the  question,  Does that mean you are from Arkansas or some
other  state  bordering  Texas and live right on the border? or What
sort of Texan are you? or...?   :o)

Happy Happy,


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] RE: Turd Blossom

2005-07-21 Thread Mike Weaver
Oops!  That was a stupid throw away on my part.  I really did not mean 
that all Texans are blockheads.  I've spend enough time there and have 
enough family there that I've noticed what I call Texas-head.  Big 
cars, big hair, oil is GREAT and let's not forget Kay Bailey Hutchinson. 
- quote Kay Bailey Hutchison: We attacked Iraq because they're brown, 
and so they must be terrorists.  and:  isn't she famous for saying 
what has Europe ever done?  Did they invent the car? (yes)  Did they 
invent the airplane? (yes) - this is from memory - a Molly Ivins column?

Maybe I should have been clearer.  Many Texans are blockheads - 
particularly the ones I am related to!  As for the rest, just look at 
the lege or the Whitehouse.

It was a stupid remark and I aplogize if I offended you.

Besides, isn't there a state law that all Democrats HAVE to live in 
Austin? ;-)


Garth  Kim Travis wrote:


The Houston Renewable Energy group does as much as the Austin group 
does.  And there are many of us that are sustainable farmers.  We have 
a large strictly grass fed group of farmers, locally.  We now have 
legal raw milk sales.  Lots of good things that are not happening in 
Austin.  But then we are just blockheads.

Bright Blessings,

At 08:32 AM 7/21/2005, you wrote:

Father is from Arkansas, Grandfather from Texas, still get back for 
visits.  It's full of blockheads except for Austin!

Gustl Steiner-Zehender wrote:

Hallo Mike,

Tuesday, 19 July, 2005, 14:32:09, you wrote:

MW As a sort of Texan,

OK,  is  the  question,  Does that mean you are from Arkansas or some
other  state  bordering  Texas and live right on the border? or What
sort of Texan are you? or...?   :o)

Happy Happy,


Biofuel mailing list 

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] RE: Turd Blossom

2005-07-19 Thread Mike Weaver

As a sort of Texan, I can tell you a Turd Blossom is a flower that grows 
in an older (decomposed but still recognizable) cow heap - probably 
bigger and more noticeable due to the extra nutrients in the manure.

It suits him to a T.  I won't say he's the Devil, but if they met up he 
wouldn't need a translator.

Andy Karpay wrote:

I love that name Turd Blossom.  Although it may have a different
meaning in Texas, it sure seems to describe him well.  Throughout this
entire event the White House Administration has denied all
accountability for anyone on 'their' staff.  Scott McLellan has also
clearly and without ambiguity announced that Turd Blossom and his boss
had NO INVOLVEMENT.  Now see the video of him dancing when the press
asks a few questions.


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 07:32:51 -0500
Subject: [Biofuel] Turd Blossom aka Karl Rove
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

'Turd Blossom' in full flower: Traitor in the White House
July 15, 2005
By Bill Press

Nixon had Watergate. Reagan, Contragate. Clinton, Monicagate.
Now George W. Bush has own scandal: Turdgate. Named after Karl Rove,
the top White House aide whom Bush calls Turd Blossom - a term of
endearment unique to Texas. 

It started in January 2003, when President Bush, using his
State of the Union address to build a case for war in Iraq,
accused Saddam Hussein of shopping for yellowcake uranium in Niger.
Bush's dishonesty was revealed in July by former Ambassador
Joseph Wilson. Writing in the New York Times, Wilson reported
that he'd been sent to Africa by the CIA, before the speech,
to investigate the yellowcake claim and came back and reported
it was bogus. An embarrassed White House had to admit Bush was wrong. 

That's when the Bush smear machine kicked in. Eight days later,
citing sources at the White House, columnist Bob Novak charged that
Wilson was not to be taken seriously because he'd actually been sent to
Niger by his wife, CIA employee Valerie Plame. The next week, Matt
wrote a follow-up piece for Time magazine, also based on anonymous
White House sources. Judith Miller researched, but did not publish,
an article for the New York Times. 

That might look like business as usual. Only one problem. In this case,
the leak blew the cover of an undercover CIA agent working on
weapons of mass destruction. That's a federal crime. A special
prosecutor was named to investigate
who in the Bush White House broke the law. 

For two years, Turd Blossom himself denied any involvement in the case.
He also instructed hapless White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan
to tell reporters: I have spoken to Karl Rove. He was not involved
in this. Now we know that is a big, fat lie. Rove's attorney admits
he spoke with Cooper four days before Novak wrote his column. In an
e-mail obtained and published by Newsweek, Cooper recounts having been
warned by Rove to distrust Wilson because it was Wilson's wife,
who apparently works at the agency on WMD issues, who authorized the

And there you have it: Turd Blossom busted. On two counts.
Rove is clearly guilty of a political dirty trick:
attacking the credibility of Wilson, simply because he dared question
Bush's phony arguments for the war in Iraq. This is a pattern for the
Bush White House. They targeted similar, personal, attacks against
Richard Clarke and Paul O'Neill. 

But Rove is also guilty of something far more serious. By revealing the
identity of an undercover CIA agent, he compromised our nation's
and put countless lives at risk. That's nothing short of an act of
Much worse than Nixon's goons breaking into Democratic Party
And much, much worse than Clinton's act of consensual oral sex. 

But Republicans don't care.
They've launched an orchestrated campaign to defend Turd Blossom.
In official talking points distributed by the Republican National
they insist, for example, that Rove did not call Cooper, but that
Cooper called
him. So what? What matters is not who placed the call, but what was
said during the call. 

The GOP cheat sheet also credits Rove with trying to do Cooper a favor,
by warning him about Wilson. The Bush administration going out its way
to help the liberal media? That, you must admit, is laugh-out-loud
Rove apologists also make a big deal out of the fact that Wilson
John Kerry for president. Yes, he did - but not until October 2003,
three months after Rove had attacked him and blown his wife's cover.
By then, can you blame him? 

Weakest of all, Republicans argue that Turd Blossom didn't actually
Cooper the name of Wilson's wife. Give me a break. In July 2003, simply
Googling Joe Wilson would tell you his wife was the former Valerie

Re[2]: [Biofuel] RE: Turd Blossom

2005-07-19 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender
Hallo Mike,

Tuesday, 19 July, 2005, 14:32:09, you wrote:

MW As a sort of Texan,

OK,  is  the  question,  Does that mean you are from Arkansas or some
other  state  bordering  Texas and live right on the border? or What
sort of Texan are you? or...?   :o)

Happy Happy,

Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.

We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.

The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
without signposts.  
C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters

Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.

Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
hear the music.  
George Carlin

The best portion of a good man's life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] RE: Turd Blossom

2005-07-17 Thread Andy Karpay
I love that name Turd Blossom.  Although it may have a different
meaning in Texas, it sure seems to describe him well.  Throughout this
entire event the White House Administration has denied all
accountability for anyone on 'their' staff.  Scott McLellan has also
clearly and without ambiguity announced that Turd Blossom and his boss
had NO INVOLVEMENT.  Now see the video of him dancing when the press
asks a few questions.


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 07:32:51 -0500
Subject: [Biofuel] Turd Blossom aka Karl Rove
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

 'Turd Blossom' in full flower: Traitor in the White House
 July 15, 2005
 By Bill Press

 Nixon had Watergate. Reagan, Contragate. Clinton, Monicagate.
 Now George W. Bush has own scandal: Turdgate. Named after Karl Rove,
 the top White House aide whom Bush calls Turd Blossom - a term of
 endearment unique to Texas. 

 It started in January 2003, when President Bush, using his
 State of the Union address to build a case for war in Iraq,
 accused Saddam Hussein of shopping for yellowcake uranium in Niger.
 Bush's dishonesty was revealed in July by former Ambassador
 Joseph Wilson. Writing in the New York Times, Wilson reported
 that he'd been sent to Africa by the CIA, before the speech,
 to investigate the yellowcake claim and came back and reported
 it was bogus. An embarrassed White House had to admit Bush was wrong. 

 That's when the Bush smear machine kicked in. Eight days later,
 citing sources at the White House, columnist Bob Novak charged that
 Wilson was not to be taken seriously because he'd actually been sent to
 Niger by his wife, CIA employee Valerie Plame. The next week, Matt
 wrote a follow-up piece for Time magazine, also based on anonymous
 White House sources. Judith Miller researched, but did not publish,
 an article for the New York Times. 

 That might look like business as usual. Only one problem. In this case,
 the leak blew the cover of an undercover CIA agent working on
 weapons of mass destruction. That's a federal crime. A special
 prosecutor was named to investigate
 who in the Bush White House broke the law. 

 For two years, Turd Blossom himself denied any involvement in the case.
 He also instructed hapless White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan
 to tell reporters: I have spoken to Karl Rove. He was not involved
 in this. Now we know that is a big, fat lie. Rove's attorney admits
 he spoke with Cooper four days before Novak wrote his column. In an
 e-mail obtained and published by Newsweek, Cooper recounts having been
 warned by Rove to distrust Wilson because it was Wilson's wife,
 who apparently works at the agency on WMD issues, who authorized the

 And there you have it: Turd Blossom busted. On two counts.
 Rove is clearly guilty of a political dirty trick:
 attacking the credibility of Wilson, simply because he dared question
 Bush's phony arguments for the war in Iraq. This is a pattern for the
 Bush White House. They targeted similar, personal, attacks against
 Richard Clarke and Paul O'Neill. 

 But Rove is also guilty of something far more serious. By revealing the
 identity of an undercover CIA agent, he compromised our nation's
 and put countless lives at risk. That's nothing short of an act of
 Much worse than Nixon's goons breaking into Democratic Party
 And much, much worse than Clinton's act of consensual oral sex. 

 But Republicans don't care.
 They've launched an orchestrated campaign to defend Turd Blossom.
 In official talking points distributed by the Republican National
 they insist, for example, that Rove did not call Cooper, but that
Cooper called
 him. So what? What matters is not who placed the call, but what was
 said during the call. 

 The GOP cheat sheet also credits Rove with trying to do Cooper a favor,
 by warning him about Wilson. The Bush administration going out its way
 to help the liberal media? That, you must admit, is laugh-out-loud
 Rove apologists also make a big deal out of the fact that Wilson
 John Kerry for president. Yes, he did - but not until October 2003,
 three months after Rove had attacked him and blown his wife's cover.
 By then, can you blame him? 

 Weakest of all, Republicans argue that Turd Blossom didn't actually
 Cooper the name of Wilson's wife. Give me a break. In July 2003, simply
 Googling Joe Wilson would tell you his wife was the former Valerie
 What Google did not tell you was that she worked for the CIA.
 That's what Rove let out of the bag. That's where Rove committed

 The big question is: Now that we know, without a doubt, it was Karl
 who spilled the beans, why does he still have a job at the White House?