
California Lawmakers Vote to Lower Auto Emissions

After a long and bitter debate, lawmakers in California today passed 
the nation's strongest legislation to regulate emissions of the main 
pollutant that can cause warming of the planet's climate, a step that 
would require automakers to sell cars that give off the least 
possible amount of heat-trapping gases.

By the narrowest of margins, the State Assembly passed the California 
Climate Bill, which for the first time gives the agency that 
regulates air pollution in the state the power to limit emissions of 
carbon dioxide, the main gas that scientists say is building up in 
the atmosphere and causing a warming of Earth's climate.

The vote was 41 to 30, with 9 members not voting and with a majority 
of 41 needed to pass the bill. Democrats control the Assembly 50 to 
30, and the vote was mostly along party lines, with Republicans in 

With the California Senate having passed the measure, 23 to 16, on 
Saturday, the Assembly's action seemed to signal that the bill would 
soon go to Gov. Gray Davis for his signature, though a few procedural 
hurdles might still derail it.

Steven Maviglio, a spokesman for Mr. Davis, said the governor made 
this statement about the bill: "This bill represents good public 
policy, but it has been subject to many amendments over the past 
several days. I will read all the amendments when the bill arrives on 
my desk before making a final decision."

Environmental advocates called the bill the most significant step 
ever taken to control heat-trapping gases in the United States, which 
is the world's leading source of such pollutants but which, under 
President Bush, has refused to join a global pact to restrict their 

Automakers contend that California is taking a unilateral step to 
increase the fuel efficiency of vehicles, something the federal 
government has not done for years. Because carbon dioxide is given 
off whenever gasoline is burned, the only way to cut how much of it 
vehicles produce is to make ones that burn less gasoline or to sell 
ones driven by electricity or by other means.

The measure would not take effect until 2005, and the first models 
that would come under its restrictions would be sold in 2009. Even 
so, environmental groups said this was the most important step to cut 
emissions of heat-trapping gases since global climate change first 
came to public attention some 20 years ago.

Fred Krupp, the president of Environmental Defense, a group that 
lobbied hard for the bill, said it was a sign that "solutions are at 
hand" for the threat of global warming.

"Finally," Mr. Krupp said, "somewhere in our governmental system, one 
state has taken action."

But other states, including Massachusetts, have taken steps, though 
more modest, to reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases.

Assemblyman Dario J. Frommer, a Los Angeles Democrat who supported 
the bill, said today: "In the long term, we'll all be served by 
cleaner air and reducing global warning. We have four of the dirtiest 
cities in the nation in this state. It is time for us to lead the 
nation in a responsible and measured approach, which is what we have 
in this bill."

But Assemblyman Dennis Hollingsworth, Republican of Murrieta, who 
opposed the bill, said: "This will cost lives. `The reason it will 
cost lives is that it will price people out of the market. So they 
will keep their older cars, which do not have the safety features of 
newer cars."

Automakers sought to thwart the bill with a vigorous campaign of 
television commercials and other publicity suggesting that the 
measure would result in a ban on sport utility vehicles and large 

In a compromise, the Assembly required that the bill not impose taxes 
or other prohibitions on large cars, and provided that automakers 
could pay other companies that emit heat-trapping gases to reduce 
their pollution, offsetting cuts that automakers would otherwise have 
to make.

Even so, the automakers reacted negatively to the measure passed today.

"This is another form of regulating fuel economy," said Chris Preuss, 
a spokesman for the General Motors Company. "That is strictly the 
right and authority of the federal government. There are more 
proactive ways of dealing with the environmental issues in California 
than this type of legislative approach."

Environmentalists argued that while fuel economy standards were 
regulated only by federal laws, California had the right to regulate 
all forms of air pollution, and that the current bill was carefully 
written to limit emissions of carbon dioxide, not fuel efficiency.

California is the largest market for automobiles in the United 
States, as well as the state with more serious air pollution problems 
than any other. Under federal clean air legislation, the state's air 
quality regulators are allowed to set standards for automobile 
pollution that are stricter than those imposed by federal law. In the 
past, many other states have followed California's lead in setting 
pollution rules on vehicles, and ultimately American automakers have 
been forced to build cars that meet California's standards and to 
sell them nationwide.

Heat-trapping gases, which are given off mainly when people burn 
fossil fuels, come from many sources; cars, homes, factories, power 
plants and farms are the most important. But transportation is the 
leading source.

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