Corporate Watch - Program on Corporations Law & Democracy

What are Corporations?- Where did they come from? How did they become 
so powerful?


Not-for-profit corporations

Very Brief History of Corporate Development

First Wave (1600 - 1720)


Second Wave (1720 - 1825)

Third Wave (1825 - 1998)

Rights to Challenge Corporate Behaviour


Program on Corporations Law & Democracy: The creation & development 
of English commercial corporations and the abolition of democratic 
control over their behaviour - an article by Dan Bennett

The first Commercial Corporation was created by direct unlawful 
action by the members of the company. From that date onwards our 
democratic right to control what Corporations do has been eroded and 
diminished until no control remained at all. Corporations and 
Governments have defined this erosion of control as being the 
liberation of Corporations from the shackles of the past. 
Corporations have achieved this "liberation" by breaking the law on 
mass until the Courts and the Government gave up trying to control 

The State (through the Government and the Courts) has:

1. Abandoned rules which forbade the creation and continuance of 
Corporations that acted in a manner that caused the public harm 
(introduced in 1720 - repealed 1825);

2. Abandoned state control over the types of business operation that 
could become Corporations (finally abandoned in 1844);

3. Restricted then abolished the right of anyone who isn't the 
"Corporation" to challenge the right of the Corporation to take 
various courses of action (abolished by the Companies Act 1989); and 
Transferred from the Government to the Courts and then to the 
Directors of the Corporation itself the final say over what any 
Corporation has the power to do.

4. A Corporation is special because by becoming a Corporation (a 
process called "incorporation"), a thing is given a distinct legal 
identity separate from the people who run it. This shields those who 
actually run the business from responsibility for their actions.

Rather than people carrying out business in their own name, a 
Commercial Corporation is considered to be a person in its own right. 
The Courts, when dealing with a Corporation, accept the fiction that 
the Corporation has a birth, a death (although a corporation can live 
forever) and more importantly, entitlement to human and civil rights. 
A Corporation, which exists solely on paper, can assert that it has 
the right to do something (eg pollute) and that that right can 
prevail over a real person's right to object.

A Commercial Corporation can create for itself a multiple personality 
with separate Corporations (all owned by the same parent Corporation) 
existing simultaneously. All risky and dangerous operations carried 
out by Corporations are carried out by subsidiaries. The parent 
Corporation, being only a shareholder in the subsidiaries (and 
therefore a separate legal person) cannot in any way be held 
responsible for the actions of the subsidiary . These subsidiaries 
(and/or their immediate if not ultimate parent Corporations) can be 
sited "off-shore" in a national register of companies which does not 
allow you to find out who is the ultimate parent Corporation (ie you 
cannot find out who, theoretically, should be responsible).

A subsidiary Commercial Corporation can be created owning no assets. 
It can then decide for itself to accept the risk and responsibility 
of transporting crude oil and nuclear fuels (by air as well as by 
road and sea), running chemical plants, creating new drugs and 
herbicides, drilling and excavating sensitive areas.

At all times this subsidiary corporate person bears the sole 
responsibility for its actions. If anything goes wrong, the 
subsidiary simply folds and disappears. The parent corporation, 
investors and directors know that, should anything go wrong, we are 
not entitled to look beyond the veil of the subsidiary Corporate 
person to see if the real persons who took those decisions should 
have been allowed to do so.

Whilst Corporations (as legal persons) do not have the right to vote, 
they do have the right to lobby and fund political parties. They 
choose to pollute and exploit natural resources not only in their own 
land but in other lands, often without their new neighbours having 
any say over their presence. Corporations also have enormous 
influence in determining the manner in which resources are allocated 
and the nature of their products and markets. Whilst it is in the 
public's interest that resources be used sparingly and in a 
sustainable reusable manner, Corporations choose to create disposable 
products which require constant replacement/repurchase. The 
Corporations' interest in maximising sales and profits is in direct 
conflict with our own democratic right to choose how finite resources 
are allocated.

Modern Corporations are given not just the right to exploit resources 
but also the right to choose how they are exploited, marketed and 
packaged leaving the public with only the right to choose the method 
of cleaning up the mess left behind.

As neighbours of these Corporate Persons (in that we share the same 
environment and society) and as citizens, why do we have so little 
say how Corporations use their rights and powers? Why is it that 
these Corporate persons have no responsibility for their actions?

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        Not-for-profit corporations
The fiction of a corporation being a distinct legal person does exist 
for other collections of people. The concept of the corporation was 
initially created for charities such as churches, schools and 
universities, clubs, hospitals and so on and then latterly extended 
to municipal councils. These "not-for-profit" corporations were, by 
their nature, intended to advance the public good.

Before the seventeenth century incorporation was used only as a tool 
for not-for-profit entities. By making a hospital (for instance) into 
a corporate person its function was simplified and difficulties that 
could otherwise occur when control passed to later generations (death 
duties, transfer of assets etc.) could be avoided. It clearly served 
the public good for the long-term administration of such bodies to be 

Not-for-profit corporations had constitutions drafted and approved by 
the Crown or the Government, which set out their powers and the 
objects the corporation sought to attain. If a corporation acted 
outside its constitution (i.e. sought to attain an objective not 
within its objects or not within the spirit of its constitution), it 
was acting "ultra vires" and the Court had the power to declare the 
offending action void and unlawful. Before the development of 
Commercial Corporations, this doctrine of ultra vires was relatively 
simple but rarely used . But, making a profit (for what was always a 
charitable organisation) was clearly ultra vires.

Unincorporated businesses such as cooperatives or partnerships 
(including law, accountancy and architects firms) have no legal 
identity of their own. Each partner retains a share of responsibility 
for the actions and decisions taken. The name of their business 
remains, before the law, merely a name by which to identify the 

When we talk about companies we are talking about Commercial 
Corporations. The term "company" originates from the term "joint 
stock company", and means the same thing as the term Commercial 
Corporation. A non-corporate "business association" is not a company 
at all but a partnership or a cooperative.

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        Very Brief History of Corporate Development
The development of Commercial Corporations occurred in three waves. 
First, when the financial demands of colonial expansion grew too 
great, not-for-profit corporations were created to assist in carrying 
out trade with the colonies. These trade associations started, 
fraudulently, trading for a profit, encouraging others to do the 
same. Following the initial profits of these fraudulent trade 
associations, Corporations were created by the Crown through Royal 
Charter ("Chartered Corporations") in the 1600s and early 1700s to 
carry out the business of "merchant adventuring" or "colonial 
plunder" (choose according to your political viewpoint).

Commercial Corporations reduced greatly in number after the South Sea 
Bubble crisis in 1720 until there was a second wave of development 
with the creation of Corporations by Act of Parliament to build 
canals, waterworks and later railways from the end of the 1700s 
onwards. The actions of these "Statutory Corporations" were closely 
controlled by the State and all general business activity remained in 
non-corporate forms.

The third wave of development occurred following the Joint Stock 
Companies Act of 1844. This allowed Corporations to be created by a 
simple act of registration. It is this "Registered Corporation" which 
is the modern form that we recognise. These Registered Corporations 
then undertook a 100 year long struggle using direct unlawful action 
to "free" themselves from the remaining controls imposed upon them by 
the Government and the Courts.

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        First Wave (1600 - 1720)
Businesses at the time typically involved small numbers of people 
operating as partners, sharing the risks of the business. Each 
partner retained individual responsibility for all the actions of the 

Towards the end of the 1500s Charters of Incorporation from the Crown 
were granted to trade associations. These trade associations did not 
carry out trade in their own names but were not-for-profit 
corporations. The Crown would grant the trade association a monopoly 
over a narrow area of trade. Business partners could become "members" 
of the trade association so entitling them to carry out business in 
that trade. However, each business would trade independently, with 
each business's partners sharing ownership of each business's stock 
with the partners remaining individually responsible for each 
business's actions.

The East India Company received its Royal Charter in 1600. When 
incorporated it too was merely a trade association, its members 
having the right to share in the monopoly on trade in "the Indies". A 
business partnership could become a member of the East India Company 
and so be licensed to trade to and (more importantly) from "the 

During the course of the century, all the individual member/ partners 
started to amalgamate their stock until they became one big 
partnership owning all the stock jointly. That is, the East India 
Company had only one partnership operating within it carrying out all 
the trade.

Later in the seventeenth century , the stock from being owned 
collectively by all the member partners, became owned by (ie 
ownership was transferred to) the East India Company itself. The 
partners (who were all members of the corporation in its nature as a 
trading association) swapped their shared ownership of the stock of 
the business partnership for a share in the "Joint Stock" of the 
Corporation itself. The Corporation then traded this stock in its own 
name and made its own profit. The profits were then distributed 
amongst the members/shareholders.

So the East India Company came to be the first Corporation to operate 
for a profit. Or the first Commercial Corporation (or Joint Stock 
Company) owned by shareholding members, carrying out trade in the 
person of the Corporation. The first Commercial Corporation was 
created by the actions of its members alone. Not by the Government or 
the Courts or the public deciding it was a good idea but simply by 
the members of the East India Company choosing to act in that manner. 
As a result, there was neither debate on the ethics of allowing a 
business association to use the corporate form nor consideration of 
how this development might affect the public in general. The East 
India Company was undoubtedly exercising powers not within its 
constitution (i.e. "ultra vires") by operating for a profit. It was 
without doubt acting unlawfully. No one really challenged this.

Trading as a Commercial Corporation offered clear advantages over 
business partnerships. These advantages greatly exceeded the 
advantages to a hospital or other charity being incorporated as the 
Corporate form effectively protected from many of the risks of 

The Corporation continued to exist even if the original partners died 
or transferred their shares. The Corporation could bring and defend 
legal actions in its own name rather than the names of the partners. 
The Corporation would not die, so did not pay death duties. If one 
shareholder became bankrupt, company assets could not be used to pay 
his debts as company assets belonged to the Corporation (its own 
separate legal person) and not the shareholder. Although not fully 
realised at the time, if the Corporation couldn't pay its debts, 
shareholders own assets could not be used to pay the debts of the 
company. However, the Courts did at that time allow creditors to sue 
the shareholders and directors when a Corporation could not pay its 

The corporate form drew a veil between the actions of the Corporation 
and the people directing it, protecting them from responsibility for 
the actions of the Corporation. It avoided the individual and 
collective responsibility for all business activities that previously 

Over the course of the late 1600s until 1720 many other trade 
associations started to trade unlawfully on joint stock so becoming 
Commercial Corporations. The Crown began to grant charters to new 
Corporations expressly for them to trade as Commercial Corporations. 
In time, new Corporations were formed by both Charter and Act of 
Parliament to develop new patents and domestic trade, by now asking 
for outside investors to provide the finance.

Dubious Corporations were created and persons masqueraded as 
Corporations to fraudulently obtain investors money. The greatest of 
these was the South Sea Company. Formed in 1711, it was given a 
monopoly on trade to ports in South America then under Spanish 
control. Shares in the Company were traded wildly, speculating on the 
rich profits that would be made as soon as access to the port was 
obtained. The investors only realised that access to the ports would 
never be obtained when the company founders fled the country. The 
share price collapsed overnight to nothing, triggering similar 
collapses in numerous other similar companies causing the first stock 
market crash.

The East India Company created further problems for the Government. 
Its vast expansion in India meant that it not only had a monopoly on 
trade but was also in charge of the army, the roads, food supply, in 
fact all the domestic and foreign powers of a government. The East 
India Company had, through its business activities, conquered and 
ruled the whole of India. The Government realised that British 
foreign policy must be reclaimed from the East India Company as well 
as others such as the Levant Company and Hudson Bay Company.

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The Government responses were, first, to wind up or nationalise many 
of the Chartered Corporations, bringing their territories into the 
British Empire. Then, to control fraudulent activity, the Government 
created the "Bubble Act" of 1720.

This Act provided in section 18 that all commercial undertakings 
(both Corporations and partnerships) "tending to the common 
grievance, prejudice and inconvenience of His Majesty's subjects" 
would be illegal and void. The Act also banned speculative buying and 
selling of shares and outlawed stockbroking in such shares. After 
1720 (until 1825) shares could only legally be sold to persons 
genuinely taking over a role in running the Corporation or 

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        Second Wave (1720 - 1825)
Between 1720 and 1844 new businesses that might previously have 
sought incorporation were operated as partnerships. Investigations 
into the old Corporations found many instances of fraud and a large 
number collapsed due to debts. Crown Servants became reluctant to 
grant Charters for new Commercial Corporations fearing that their 
creations would fall foul of the Bubble Act. However, the Bubble Act 
was rarely used. Only one prosecution under the Act is reported to 
have occurred. The general public did not have the resources to use 
the Act and the State did not appear to have the desire.

Parliament at first was wary of creating new Corporations by Act of 
Parliament. However, there was a public need for canals and 
waterworks to be built and the State did not have the money to 
finance such schemes without the assistance of outside financiers. 
The financiers where not prepared to put up the money if it meant 
that they would be responsible for all debts and liabilities of the 
project. The corporate form appeared ideal.

Parliament approved specific Corporations to be created by Act of 
Parliament ("Statutory Corporations"). These Corporations were 
similar to those founded to build the Channel Tunnel and develop 
Docklands in recent years. An Act of Parliament would authorise the 
creation of a Corporation for a specific and narrow purpose and allow 
it to bring and defend legal actions in its own name (so protecting 
the financiers from personal responsibility should the Corporation 

The general view at the time was that Corporations should only be 
created for very specific purposes. Adam Smith commented in 1776 that 
the only trades that justified incorporation were banking, insurance, 
canal building and waterworks. He believed it was contrary to the 
public interest for any other businesses or trades to be incorporated 
and that all should be run as partnerships .

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        Third Wave (1825 - 1998)
Between 1825 and 1856 a series of Acts of Parliament abandoned the 
controlled formation of Corporations and created the modern 
Registered Corporation. Two Presidents of the Board of Trade, 
Huskisson and more importantly, Gladstone sponsored these moves. The 
aim was widescale liberalisation of the market - often called 
"laissez-faire" capitalism. This was part of a wider battle between 
the new merchant class and traditional landowners.

In 1825 the Bubble Act was repealed, allowing shares to be traded 
freely. Also repealed was the rule that, for a Corporation to be 
allowed to trade, "it must not tend to the common grievance, 
prejudice and inconvenience of His Majesty's subjects".

The Joint Stock Companies Act of 1844 created the modern form of 
Corporation for general business and trade. Via a simple process of 
registration, a Corporation with its own legal identity could be 
created ("Registered Corporation") to carry out any stated commercial 
activity, subject to approval by the Company Registrar. The 
Corporation would be required to register its constitution including 
an "objects clause" stating its purpose. However, the founders of the 
Corporation were free to decide the Corporation's purposes and 
limitations. The debate in the House of Commons records Gladstone 

        Joint Stock Companies at present could not be formed with any 
privilege such as that of suing and being sued, except, by coming to 
Her Majesty in Council, or by applying to Parliament¼ Under this 
Bill, there would be a power for the first time, for persons to 
associate themselves in companies, for the purpose of commercial 
pursuits, without the fear of interference from any human being 
The intention of the bill was clearly to grant the corporate person 
civil and human rights. The risks associated with allowing fictitious 
persons to hold these rights were downplayed. Hansard goes on to 

        Mr Parker agreed that great harm had been done by the abuse 
of the principles of Joint-Stock Companies; but ¼ One great principle 
distinguishing this country from others was the non-interference of 
the Government with the regulations of trade.
Initially, these new Registered Corporations did not have limited 
liability. If the Corporation could not pay its debts, creditors 
could recover their money from the shareholders. However, following 
10 years of debate, in 1855 an Act was passed limiting shareholders 
liability to the amount they had paid for their shares (i.e. once the 
shares are paid for, a shareholder had no further responsibility for 
any debts or actions of the Corporation).

The debates include two instances illuminating the State's view of 
who the public is. In 1850, a select committee reported on 
"Investments for the Savings of the Middle and Working Classes" . 
This report argued that limited liability for company shareholders 
was in the interests of the poor. The idea was that the poor could 
buy shares for their own purposes and limited liability would protect 
them. What was not considered was what would happen when Corporations 
with limited liability could not (for instance) pay wages?

When a Corporation collapses we are given the choice between 
shareholders bearing the cost or the employees bearing the cost. A 
limited liability scheme clearly chose the employees to bear the 
cost. A similar choice had to be made when a bank cannot repay its 
savers' money. Again, limited liability favours the bank's 
shareholders over its customers.

The second argument used in favour of limited liability was that by 
adding the word "limited" or "ltd" after the name of the Corporation, 
anyone dealing with the Corporation would know that they were dealing 
with a corporate person and not a real person. They would then know 
the risks they were facing and had the "choice" whether or not to 
deal with the Corporation. Whilst this may be true for lenders and 
other traders, employees and neighbours of a Corporation have little 
choice. Further, those who put forward these arguments failed to 
foresee the day when corporate persons would carry out all business 
activity. No one considered the idea that Corporations could spawn 
subsidiary Corporations to carry out the dirty work.

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        Rights to Challenge Corporate Behaviour
Officially, whilst a Corporation had all the rights of a person, it 
could perform no acts nor enter into transactions other than that 
which sprang naturally out its objects . Now that a Corporation could 
choose its own objects, the power to control Corporations passed from 
the Government (which used to vet the objects) to the Courts.

One of the problems with English law is that so much of it is based 
on the precedent of previous cases. Once a case has been decided, its 
decision (or judgment) is law. If a case has not been brought on any 
area for a long time, the weight of the precedent diminishes. Because 
previously the Government so carefully controlled the objects of 
Corporations, the Court was seldom called upon to declare Corporate 
acts ultra vires.

When the Courts were first called upon to rule on the legitimacy of 
the actions of, first, the proliferation of Railway Companies and 
then the Registered Companies, the power of the Courts to use the 
doctrine of ultra vires against these Corporations was unclear.

Between 1846 and 1875, a series of cases concerning the acts of 
Commercial Corporations came before the Courts. Through the course of 
these cases, the Judges made absolutely clear that the doctrine of 
ultra vires did apply to Commercial Corporations and that, 
ultimately, the Courts controlled corporate behaviour .

The first cases concerned the railway Corporations created by Act of 
Parliament. In East Anglian Railways Company v Eastern Counties 
Railways Co [1851] Lord Chief Justice Jervis stated:

        It is clear that the [Eastern Counties Railway Co] have a 
limited authority only, and are a corporation only, for the purpose 
of making and maintaining the railway sanctioned by the Act; and that 
their funds can only be applied for the purposes directed and 
provided for by the statute.
Adding support to this, in Shrewsbury Railway Company v L&NW Railway 
Company [1853] Lord Justice Turner stated:

        [T]hese bodies have no existence independent of the Acts 
which created them, and they are created by Parliament with special 
and limited powers, and for limited purposes¼ The fact of their being 
endued with such powers ¼ only shows that Parliament did not think 
fit to entrust them with more extended powers, or to incorporate them 
for other purposes.
Finally, leaving no doubt over the Court's control of Statutory 
Corporations, in Eastern Counties Railways Company v Hawkes [1859] , 
Lord Chief Justice Pollock stated that:

        [A] Parliamentary Corporation is a corporation merely for the 
purposes for which it is established¼; and it has no existence for 
any other purpose. Whatever is done beyond that purpose is ultra 
vires and void.
It was presumed that the new Registered Corporations created by the 
1844 Act were also to be controlled by the Courts through the 
doctrine of ultra vires. As stated above, a Registered Corporation 
has, within its constitution, an "objects clause" which sets out what 
the Corporation was formed to do. However, by the 1844 Act, the 
Government had given the founders of these Corporations the power to 
create their own objects clause. Could the Courts, with the doctrine 
of ultra vires, still limit corporate behaviour?

In the first case of ultra vires of a Registered Corporation (Riche v 
Ashbury Railway Carriage Company [1875] Lord Selborne confirmed the 
application of "ultra vires" to Registered Corporations, stating:

        [C]ontracts for objects and purposes foreign to, or 
inconsistent with, [the objects clause] are ultra vires of the 
corporation itself.
Whilst accepting that a Corporation was a person before the law, the 
Courts also recognised that the corporate person was created for a 
specific purpose and it was within the Court's power to restrict and 
control the Corporation's actions to within that purpose.

However, there followed a series of developments that rendered the 
doctrine useless. First, in the case of Bournemouth Corporation v 
Watts [1884] it was decided that outsiders could not use the doctrine 
of ultra vires to challenge corporate actions . With respect to 
Commercial Corporations, that limited the right to use the doctrine 
to shareholders and directors and, in limited circumstances, 
creditors of the Corporation.

With the Courts' insistence on maintaining the ultra vires rules, 
Commercial Corporations could not bulldoze past the Courts' power to 
decide what was or was not within their power. However, Corporate 
lawyers realised that the 1844 Act gave them the power to circumvent 
the Courts. New Registered Corporations gave themselves wide objects 
clauses, giving them power to do more and more and adding final 
clauses stating that:

        The objects specified in each paragraph of this clause shall 
be in no way limited or restricted by reference to or inference from 
the terms of any other paragraph or the name of the company.
The Courts were not prepared to allow such clauses. In Stephens v 
Mysore Reefs (Kangundy) Company [1902] Justice Swinfen Eady stated:

        It is not right to accept a construction which would 
virtually enable the company to carry on any business or undertaking 
of any kind whatsoever.
Between 1902 and 1965 Corporations simply ignored this judgment. As 
in the days of the East India Company, they simply broke the law. 
Case after case was brought before the Courts where Corporations had 
attempted to use unlawfully wide, all encompassing objects clauses. 
Sometimes the Courts were brave and ruled the Corporate act ultra 
vires. But more and more the judges were attacked by the Corporations 
and by parliament for restricting the "freedom" of trade.

Eventually, the Court abandoned any attempt at control of Commercial 
Corporations in the case of Bell Houses Limited v City Wall 
Properties Limited [1966] . The Court of Appeal approved an objects 
clause giving the Corporation power to:

        Carry on any other trade or business whatsoever which can, in 
the opinion of the board of directors, be advantageously carried on 
by the company in connection with or as ancillary to any of the above 
businesses or the general business of the company...The effect of the 
so-called "Bell Houses clause" and the Court of Appeal's decision was 
to transfer the right to decide the limits of a Corporation's powers 
from the Courts to the Board of Directors of each Corporation.

The final demise of the doctrine of ultra vires (so far as it related 
to the restriction on the rights of Commercial Corporations) took 
place in the Companies Act 1989 . The Act maintained the requirement 
for Corporations to include a statement of their objects in the 
constitution. But, under section 3A, allowed the Corporation to (a) 
state simply that it was a "general commercial company" and (b) that 
the Corporation has "power to do all such things as are incidental or 
conducive to the carrying on of any trade or business by it".

Finally, section 35(1) of the same Act altered the law so that "the 
validity of an act done by a company shall not be called into 
question on the ground of lack of capacity by reason of anything in 
the company's [objects clause]".

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And so the corporate persons were liberated from the last of the 
legal restraints on their rights, free of all restrictions. In 
theory, a Corporation can still be brought to book for its breaches 
of duty to the public as neighbours, just as we are to each other. 
However, with subsidiary Corporations holding all the duty and 
responsibility for corporate behaviour, this control is somewhat 

Over the course of 400 years, the State, which initially was very 
wary of allowing Corporations to have profitable motives, has 
relinquished every one of the mechanisms it had in place to allow the 
public interest to overrule corporate interest. When disempowering 
the public, the only debate concerned Corporations' right to be free. 
This was largely presumed by those making the changes to be in the 
public's interest.

Daniel Bennett
March 99

Biofuels at Journey to Forever
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