Hello Thor

There's an apt picture of Bjorn Lomborg, author (perpetrator?) of 
"The Skeptical Environmentalist" here:


The local troll at the SANET sustag group was pushing Lomborg 
recently as jolly good sensible stuff, and Misha Gale-Sinex, slightly 
irked, posted this:

>Howdy, all--
>Regarding assistant professor of statistics Bjorn Lomborg's 
>now-dated and discredited honkings about topics well outside his 
>area of expertise (i.e., biology, meteorology, ecology, climate 
>science, zoology, forestry, economics, public health, energy), see 
>the following scientists' views.
>One could choose to characterize every one of them as 
>"environmentalists" and thus dismiss them all as "ideological." I'd 
>say that choice reflects a psychological inclination (the common 
>bipolar disorder, A versus B thinking), not clear reasoning nor an 
>interest in understanding the complexities of human impacts on the 
>fabric of terrestrial life.
>Lomborg's own colleagues and Danish scientists distance themselves 
>from him. This is their statement.
>Resources: "Lomborg's claims are untrue and dangerous" Henning 
>S¿rensen, Professor, dr.phil., former President of the Royal Danish 
>Academy of Sciences and Letters, Department of Geology, University 
>of Copenhagen.
>Species' extinction: "Lomborg's facts are absurd and irrelevant" Jon 
>Fjeldsaa, Professor, dr. scient., Vertebrate Department, Zoological 
>Museum, University of Copenhagen
>Economics: "Clean growth is not proven"
>Poul Schou, MSc in economics, Ph.D. student at the Department of 
>Economics, University of Copenhagen.
>Forest die-back: "Acid rain is not a myth" Per Gundersen, Senior 
>Researcher, Research Center for Forrest and Landscape (FSL), J. Bo 
>Larsen, Professor, Royal Agricultural University (KVL); Lars Bo 
>Pedersen, Senior Researcher, FSL and Karsten Raulund Rasmussen, 
>Chief Researcher, FSL.
>Pesticides: "Associate Professor always gets the last word" Allan 
>Astrup Jensen, Research Director, DK-Teknik.
>Breast cancer: "Lomborg's errors"
>Philippe Grandjean, Professor, dr.med., Institute of Public Health, 
>University of Southern Denmark.
>Climate change: "Greenhouse effect created by humans: Myth or reality?"
>Anne Mette K. J¿rgensen, Ph.D., Head of Research Department, 
>Denmarks Meteorological Institute (DMI) and Henrik Feddersen, Ph.D., 
>Danish Climate Centre, DMI.
>Climate and cost-benefit: "Lomborg's precarious model" Mikael Skou 
>Andersen, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Department of Political 
>Science, University of Aarhus.
>Book Review, Politica 1/1999
>"Bj¿rn Lomborg: Verdens sande tilstand (The True State of the 
>World), Viby: Centrum, 1998" (Politica is the scientific journal for 
>political science in Denmark).
>"Lomborg's estimate of extinction rates is at odds with the vast 
>majority of respected scholarship on extinction."
>Biologist E.O. Wilson -- two-time Pulitzer prize winner, discoverer 
>of hundreds of new species, and one of the world's greatest living 
>"What a monumental waste of busy people's time countering the scores 
>upon scores of strawmen, misquotes, unbalanced statements, and 
>selective inattention to the full literature." Stephen H. Schneider, 
>one of the foremost climate scientists in the United States.
>"Lomborg ignores or is ignorant of much of the work on extinction 
>rates.... a man who demonstrates repeatedly that he is not 
>acquainted with the basics of the issue." Norman Myers, an Honorary 
>Visiting Fellow of Oxford University, a member of the U.S. National 
>Academy of the Sciences, and a recipient of several of the world's 
>most prestigious environmental awards, looking at Lomborg on 
>"Lomborg's fellow faculty members are concerned that his work does 
>not satisfy basic academic standards. Other reviewers have pointed 
>out that he has never published a single article in a refereed 
>scientific journal." Lester R. Brown, founder of the Worldwatch 
>Institute and the Earth Policy Institute, reviews Lomborg on 
>"Lomborg's interpretation of global forest cover and Indonesian 
>forest fires are just two examples of the incomplete and superficial 
>analyses that underpin too much of this book." Emily Matthews, a 
>forest expert and senior associate with the World Resources 
>Institute, reviewing Lomborg on forest issues.
>"His call for a more rational and scientific debate on environmental 
>issues would be more persuasive if he cited authoritative scientific 
>sources, quoted or paraphrased accurately, and used quantitative 
>examples correctly." Al Hammond, senior scientist at World Resources 
>Institute, reviewing Lomborg for mischaracterizing the contemporary 
>environmental movement and committing precisely the sins for which 
>he attacks environmentalists: exaggeration, sweeping 
>generalizations, the presentation of false choices, selective use of 
>data, and outright errors of fact.
>"When it comes to public health, his lack of understanding of 
>science has led him to produce many fundamentally flawed analyses." 
>Devra Davis, a leading epidemiologist and environmental health 
>researcher, reviewing Lomborg on how the environment affects public 
>"In a manner more selective than skeptical, Lomborg extensively 
>documents energy discoveries and technological progress, while he 
>studiously neglects the enormous environmental cost of unchecked 
>energy consumption." Energy expert David Nemtzow, president of the 
>Alliance to Save Energy, reviewing Lomborg on energy.
>Where's Waldo?--Lomborg the latest in the literary genre of people 
>who ignore mounting data and trends. Freshwater resources expert Dr. 
>Peter Gleick reviews /The Skeptical Environmentalist/.
>Misuse of Data, Ignorance of Science
>Review by Jerry Mahlman of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
>Biodiversity distortions in /The Skeptical Environmentalist/, by 
>E.O. Wilson, Thomas Lovejoy, Norman Myers, Jeffrey Harvey, Stuart 
>As we know from the fulminations of Dennis Avery, playing the 
>contrarian requires only an untreated case of bipolar thinking (them 
>versus us, environmentalists versus scientists, emotion versus 
>reason, ___ versus ___) plus a bad case of attention-seeking.
>The photogenic, promotion-seeking Mr. Lomborg figured this out--as 
>Julian Simon and others have in the past. Media exposure can be a 
>great way to get tenure in an age where being interviewed by the 
>/New York Times/ is considered more important than, say, the complex 
>work of real research and reasoning, over decades.
>Since the mass media are caught up in sound bites and bipolar 
>thinking (point/counterpoint, pro/con, etc.), it is possible for the 
>most pathetic stuff to get big press, merely because its proponents 
>look good, talk in quotes, and offer View B, in contradistinction to 
>some View A.
>Thus the contrarian pumps the media for legitimacy merely by 
>strategically roaring "I'm agin it!" Mr. Lomborg's publications 
>prior to this book were on game theory and computer simulations. He 
>never did any professional research. A geek with an itch does not a 
>scientist make.
>But even media representatives are, one would hope, educable.
>World Resources Institute
>Debunking Pseudo-Scholarship: Things a journalist should know about 
>The Skeptical Environmentalist
>Nine things a journalist should know.
>Ten things an environmental journalist should know.
>Nine things journalists should know about /The Skeptical Environmentalist/
>As for Dale's ongoing trolling for controversy, I wish you'd take 
>just one Logic 101 course, and maybe a couple of graduate seminars 
>at first-rate institutions in the history and sociology of science 
>and technology.
>If nothing else, get a copy of Darrell Huff's /How to Lie with 
>Statistics/ and read it. Our boy Bjorn doesn't understand the 
>difference between association and causation--one of the first 
>things anybody learns in Quantitative Research Methods 101--but Huff 
>Bjorn Lomborg is four-year-old herring salad. By now he smells 
>really bad and has been exposed as toxic. People are, of course, 
>entitled to ingest toxins--McDonald's has made billions on that 
>consumer fetish. But the rest of us are entitled to resist having 
>peculiar appetites foisted upon us.
>Michele Gale-Sinex
>Home office:   360-459-5683
>Home office fax:       Same as above, phone first for enabling
>The Earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are 
>killing it have names and addresses. -Utah Philips

Dale, safe and secure in his common bipolar disorder, as befits a 
troll, remained unfazed.

I'd add the two links I posted yesterday:
#737 - Environmental Trends -- Part 1, 11-08-01

#738 - Environmental Trends -- Part 2, 11-22-01

And this:

The Tabloid Environmentalist

And your Worldwatch link below, thanks.

I'm about to add them all to this:
The Enemies of Democracy

One has to agree with Stephen H. Schneider: "What a monumental waste 
of busy people's time..."

But people like Lomborg and Bailey are good at that. It's a dilemma - 
it has to be debunked, but on the other hand quantity counts for 
almost as much as quality when it comes to media coverage, it's sheer 
column-inches that count, whether pro or con - no publicity is bad 
publicity. That certainly applied to Lomborg. It's a great pity they 
can't be ignored. But that "almost" is important, and maybe it's what 
counts in the end - after all, Lomborg had his 15 minutes but now 
he's a dead herring. That won't happen to Bailey, Frumental, Avery, 
Milloy et al, because industry keeps right on pouring the funds in, 
pushing the column-inches to stay ahead of the debunkings (and the 
bad smell).



>I'd like to mention another book along the same lines
>as Bailey's latest, that came out last year and caused
>quite a stir, called "The Skeptical Environmentalist."
>You can read reviews of this and how its many claims
>of falsely created environmental "problems" were
>debunked here:
>best to all,
>Grants Manager
>Stillaguamish Tribe Of Indians
>3439 Stoluckquamish Lane
>P.O. Box 277
>Arlington, WA 98223-0277
>(360) 652-7362  Ext 284

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