Re: Gaia - was Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-10 Thread Keith Addison

Hello Hoagy

 From my view   you gentlemen made some excellent comments!
 I've attempted a comment below although may easily be
 considered trivial in pursuit and not worth considering.

Keith and Curtis wrote:
  Hi Curtis
  I dunno.
  I've always looked at the whole thing like:
  Religion: the study of WHO  WHY the universe was created.
  Science: the study of HOW the universe was created.
  I mean, this God could of waved his (rather big)
  hands and used the manufacturing process of the big
  bang to get the job done.  For example.
  I'm quite happy with that idea, it doesn't preclude anything.
  What I'm getting at is that... Science  Religion ..
  they don't have to conflict with one another.

  Have you seen this? I think he has a point.
   From Gaia Theory to Deep Ecology, by Stephan Harding
  Stephan Harding, who teaches at Schumacher College, and is currently
  co-teacher with Professor Brian Goodwin of the new one-year taught
  MSc in Holistic Science, discusses how a scientific understanding of
  our planet as a living whole can lead to a deeper relationship with

  My friend from college used to always say...
  This is such a cool discussion group!!
  Good job Keith!! :)
  I think so too - but it's you guys who make it cool. For which thanks!

 Thank you Curtis and Keith for this interesting link!
   From Gaia Theory to Deep Ecology, by Stephan Harding
 In Daisyworld it got me to thinking about white and black daisies
 in which black daisy's adjusted first -- in time allowing
 white daisy's to adapt as the environment warmed.

 I'm guessing, so please help me understand, the warmth of the
 atmosphere probably varied radically till conditions stabilized
 kind of like a bouncing ball effected by gravity.  What I visualize
 is black daisies established first by heat absorption
 till the heat island affect helped white daisies catch on but
 in-between time the black majority may have suffered heat exhaustion
 and dehydration will whites multiplied thus reflecting heat via
 cooling their surroundings with reduced evaporation allowing generations
 of blacks and whites to eventually balance these cycles out -- in time.

 This kind of relates to a Public Broadcasting Service tv program
 called Nova Fire Wars about the North Americas gradual drought
 and increasing fire conditions along the east and west mountain ranges
 and permafrost possibly affected by a one degree variation of annual
 mean temperature IF fires where to hit these areas releasing tons of
 carbon dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide adding to the warming effect.
 It also mentioned this causation could radically increase warming trends
 that could effect our daisy's so im attempting meagerly
 to seek knowledge to gain understanding from
 those wiser in the ways of the world and how it might affect us.

 Thanks In Advance.

You might find Lovelock's book interesting. I don't agree with some 
of his thinking - I reckon he's a bit too optimistic that Gaia can 
happily adjust to whatever abuse we chuck at it, and he has a 
touching faith in technology - but it's well worth a read. There's 
also a lot he doesn't seem to be aware of, eg that some of the ground 
he thinks is new is already well-trodden in other disciplines - the 
world mind is a very old idea (any tribal animist knows that!). 
Still, this is an interesting view of it.

Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth by James Lovelock, Oxford, 1979, 
ISBN 0192862189

This later one has more about Daisyworld:
The Ages of Gaia: A Biography of Our Living Earth, by J. E. 
Lovelock, W.W. Norton, ISBN 0393312399

Google will find you lots about Daisyworld.

You might also find Pierre Teilhard de Chardin interesting - Gaia and 
more, and sod teleology. Especially The Human Phenomenon (or The 
Phenomenon of Man, whichever).



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Gaia - was Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-08 Thread MH

 From my view   you gentlemen made some excellent comments! 
 I've attempted a comment below although may easily be
 considered trivial in pursuit and not worth considering. 

Keith and Curtis wrote:
 Hi Curtis
 I dunno.
 I've always looked at the whole thing like:
 Religion: the study of WHO  WHY the universe was created.
 Science: the study of HOW the universe was created.
 I mean, this God could of waved his (rather big)
 hands and used the manufacturing process of the big
 bang to get the job done.  For example.
 I'm quite happy with that idea, it doesn't preclude anything.
 What I'm getting at is that... Science  Religion ..
 they don't have to conflict with one another.

 Have you seen this? I think he has a point.
  From Gaia Theory to Deep Ecology, by Stephan Harding
 Stephan Harding, who teaches at Schumacher College, and is currently
 co-teacher with Professor Brian Goodwin of the new one-year taught
 MSc in Holistic Science, discusses how a scientific understanding of
 our planet as a living whole can lead to a deeper relationship with

 My friend from college used to always say...
 This is such a cool discussion group!!
 Good job Keith!! :)
 I think so too - but it's you guys who make it cool. For which thanks!

 Thank you Curtis and Keith for this interesting link!
  From Gaia Theory to Deep Ecology, by Stephan Harding
 In Daisyworld it got me to thinking about white and black daisies
 in which black daisy's adjusted first -- in time allowing
 white daisy's to adapt as the environment warmed.  

 I'm guessing, so please help me understand, the warmth of the 
 atmosphere probably varied radically till conditions stabilized
 kind of like a bouncing ball effected by gravity.  What I visualize 
 is black daisies established first by heat absorption
 till the heat island affect helped white daisies catch on but
 in-between time the black majority may have suffered heat exhaustion
 and dehydration will whites multiplied thus reflecting heat via
 cooling their surroundings with reduced evaporation allowing generations
 of blacks and whites to eventually balance these cycles out -- in time. 

 This kind of relates to a Public Broadcasting Service tv program 
 called Nova Fire Wars about the North Americas gradual drought
 and increasing fire conditions along the east and west mountain ranges
 and permafrost possibly affected by a one degree variation of annual 
 mean temperature IF fires where to hit these areas releasing tons of
 carbon dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide adding to the warming effect. 
 It also mentioned this causation could radically increase warming trends
 that could effect our daisy's so im attempting meagerly
 to seek knowledge to gain understanding from
 those wiser in the ways of the world and how it might affect us.

 Thanks In Advance. 

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Re: Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-08 Thread Curtis Sakima

I tried to snip without removing too much essential
content.  Apologies to either Keith or Harmon if I
have failed 

But I thought that the Lord's work WAS to love thy
neighbor meaning:

Love: and rebuild your neighbor's house.

Love: respect and not push you point. Or try to

Love: Demonstrate good works ... that he may see your
good works ... AND DESIRE IT FOR HIMSELF. Or beg
for it ... as Harmon would put it.

Looks like there's alot of people out there that talk
and talk and talk.  Yet never reading the actual rules
... and seeking to live it out themselves.

Like commanding someone not to force people ...
while holding a shotgun to his head.


Keith Addison wrote:

It's quite possible to leave the dogma at home.
Christian groups (for instance) and missionaries do
some of the best work in Third World rural
development, and generally they work to improve local
conditions, not to score up converts, 


...and the Bible simply never comes into it. They do
the Lord's work, but without pushing the Lord's

---to which the Harmon Seaver replied-

OTOH, having been involved in christian missionary


I can truthfully testify that in many cases the
message is pushed pretty hard. 

Of those I know today, some are involved in actual
material work, such as rebuilding Bosnia and Kosovo 
(and the entrance of christian missionaries in islamic
areas speaks for itself, I think), but the majority
are just there to preach and convert, of the ones I
know at least.

The religions which I find most objectionable are
those that proselytize


...even to the point of killing and torturing those
who disagree with them. Or just imprisoning them as we
see here in the US.

One would think that if a religion had any real value,
it would be so evident in the lives of it's followers
that people would beg them to learn about it.
 Harmon Seaver  

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Re: Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-07 Thread MH

 I was pleased to hear of inter faith based
 stewardship of the environment.  This example is more
 US bible based but there are others on the web
 if you care to share -- consensus willing  

 Questions and Answers about Science, Public Policy, and Faith  

 - What is global warming and how does it relate to climate?
 Climate and warming
 - What do scientists know about global warming, its causes and effects?
 - What do scientists project about future warming and its effects?
 - Why is global warming a religious issue?
 Psalm 24 tells us and
 - What has happened about global warming in international diplomacy?
 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992-3, Kyoto, USA,
 European Union (EU), President Bush.
 - Can the Kyoto Protocol work if the developing countries don't participate?
 - What is happening in national policy and politics?
 President Bush and US Congress.
 The Global Climate Coalition, a lobby for certain
  coal, oil, and auto interests.
 - What are the alternatives to our present energy system?
 - Will complying with the Kyoto Protocol cost jobs and hurt the economy?
 National Academy of Sciences,
 Eight Nobel economists and 2,400 of their colleagues concluded...
 - Also see these websites
 - What can you do?

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Re: Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-06 Thread Keith Addison

Hello m65

On Mon, 6 May 2002 03:53:14 +0900, you wrote:

 Kris Book wrote:
 If you guys can't stop discussing religion, at least change
 the subject line so that those who are willing to follow
 the rules can simply delete these off topic posts.
 What rules?
 One non-rule I keep repeating is that nothing's off-topic in the big
 wide wonderful world of biofuels, at least not on this list with its
 diverse and global membership.


 Anyway, no rules maybe, but as Harmon pointed out there was a ruling
 recently, a different matter: NO MORE RELIGION!
 Please all take note.
 Keith Addison

$.02: A good discussion group (and this is one, why have I been
wasting all my energies on yahoo-HIPC all these years?) is invariably
going to make connections and dig deeper,

Yes it will, and should be allowed to, IMO.

though the nominative
discussion group topic may be well-defined and compartmentalized.

... which it isn't, in this case, for just that reason.

If debating some of the basic science of energy is very much on-topic,
then I don't see any way to avoid bringing up philosophy and religion.

You're quite right, and I was aware of the contradiction in my own posts.

I may personally look down upon clinging to the idea that the Bible
(or some other religious thought) is pertinent to cosmology physics
discussions in 21st century society, but others may not.

There's a blurred area between physics and metaphysics where it's 
hard to distinguish the two, and maybe foolish to try. Harmon talked 
of the physics of Tao, or is it the Tao of physics, and many 
physicists take that seriously. You can see why - they're different 
angles on the same thing, and when that thing is so slippery to 
grasp, it helps to consider every angle you can. Dreams are not 
exactly rational, the stuff of Jungian psychology, the spirit, and 
perhaps metaphysics, but Niels Bohr's famous model of the atom came 
to him in a dream in which he was sitting on the sun with all the 
planets whizzing around on strings. Not the only such case. I think 
any strict division here would be a false one, and a subtraction.

The problem seems to arise at one step removed, in the overlap 
between metaphysics and sectarian religion, where seeking for truth 
becomes a futile argument over The Truth, a clash between opposing 
convictions. I think we all ought to try and avoid this. Nothing can 
be gained by it.

I guess I
can build a list of email filters, though that is a double-edged


I suppose a line that can be drawn here is to point out that if
sometimes the science of energy is going to come up, that the Bible
and other religious texts are discredited as good sources of
scientific physics thinking, and so are generally not pertinent on a
specific scientific level.  But there is no hope of convincing too
many others of that, or of getting them to respect that, so I wouldn't
bother to try personally.  I'd just ignore them for the most part.

But it quite quickly gets right out of hand.

Further, there are other nuances to such matters, such as the
philosophic and psychological issues that come up on political
strategizing, as well as in discussing the issues around science and
its history.  Since religion is a subset of philosophy (at least as I
see it) I don't see a quick easy to way to delienate here.

No. It has to be case by case, I guess.

Anyway, this is a great discussion group, though obviously I am not up
to the hardcore chemistry discussion.

I think most of us aren't, but some of us are, and they don't seem to 
mind if the rest of us sit at their feet. We can all learn from each 
other - except where overheated arguments start to form a vortex that 
distorts healthy discussion.

I'd rather have it that folks
go over the line, since it's hard to find integrated thinking or
attempts at it, and then I can just filter out what I don't want to
respond to.  But that's just my $.02 and I haven't been here that

Very good deal for only 2 cents, you sell yourself short. :-)

I'm very glad you like the group. You've been here a while, and 
you've contributed much, it's as much your group as anybody else's.

I think most people are pretty sensible, they know how to behave, 
they moderate themselves, they draw their own line, and that's 
usually good enough, and why I don't want to lay down any rules. I'd 
much rather have it get out of hand now and then than constrict the 
thing to prevent transgressions and stifle discussion in the doing.

Have to do something though. So let's try this then: NO RELIGIOUS 
WARS! By order. (Think that'll work, for now?)


Keith Addison
Slightly baffled moderator

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Re: Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-06 Thread Curtis Sakima

I dunno.

I've always looked at the whole thing like:

Religion: the study of WHO  WHY the universe was

Science: the study of HOW the universe was created.

I mean, this God could of waved his (rather big)
hands and used the manufacturing process of the big
bang to get the job done.  For example.

What I'm getting at is that... Science  Religion ..
they don't have to conflict with one another.

My friend from college used to always say...


This is such a cool discussion group!!
Good job Keith!! :)


 If debating some of the basic science of energy is
 very much on-topic,
 then I don't see any way to avoid bringing up
 philosophy and religion.
 You're quite right, and I was aware of the
 contradiction in my own posts.
 I may personally look down upon clinging to the
 idea that the Bible
 (or some other religious thought) is pertinent to
 cosmology physics
 discussions in 21st century society, but others may
 There's a blurred area between physics and
 metaphysics where it's 
 hard to distinguish the two, and maybe foolish to
 try. Harmon talked 
 of the physics of Tao, or is it the Tao of physics,
 and many 
 physicists take that seriously. You can see why -
 they're different 
 angles on the same thing, and when that thing is
 so slippery to 
 grasp, it helps to consider every angle you can.
 Dreams are not 
 exactly rational, the stuff of Jungian psychology,
 the spirit, and 
 perhaps metaphysics, but Niels Bohr's famous model
 of the atom came 
 to him in a dream in which he was sitting on the sun
 with all the 
 planets whizzing around on strings. Not the only
 such case. I think 
 any strict division here would be a false one, and a
 The problem seems to arise at one step removed, in
 the overlap 
 between metaphysics and sectarian religion, where
 seeking for truth 
 becomes a futile argument over The Truth, a clash
 between opposing 
 convictions. I think we all ought to try and avoid
 this. Nothing can 
 be gained by it.
 I guess I
 can build a list of email filters, though that is a
 I suppose a line that can be drawn here is to point
 out that if
 sometimes the science of energy is going to come
 up, that the Bible
 and other religious texts are discredited as good
 sources of
 scientific physics thinking, and so are generally
 not pertinent on a
 specific scientific level.  But there is no hope of
 convincing too
 many others of that, or of getting them to respect
 that, so I wouldn't
 bother to try personally.  I'd just ignore them for
 the most part.
 But it quite quickly gets right out of hand.
 Further, there are other nuances to such matters,
 such as the
 philosophic and psychological issues that come up
 on political
 strategizing, as well as in discussing the issues
 around science and
 its history.  Since religion is a subset of
 philosophy (at least as I
 see it) I don't see a quick easy to way to
 delienate here.
 No. It has to be case by case, I guess.
 Anyway, this is a great discussion group, though
 obviously I am not up
 to the hardcore chemistry discussion.
 I think most of us aren't, but some of us are, and
 they don't seem to 
 mind if the rest of us sit at their feet. We can all
 learn from each 
 other - except where overheated arguments start to
 form a vortex that 
 distorts healthy discussion.
 I'd rather have it that folks
 go over the line, since it's hard to find
 integrated thinking or
 attempts at it, and then I can just filter out what
 I don't want to
 respond to.  But that's just my $.02 and I haven't
 been here that
 Very good deal for only 2 cents, you sell yourself
 short. :-)
 I'm very glad you like the group. You've been here a
 while, and 
 you've contributed much, it's as much your group as
 anybody else's.
 I think most people are pretty sensible, they know
 how to behave, 
 they moderate themselves, they draw their own line,
 and that's 
 usually good enough, and why I don't want to lay
 down any rules. I'd 
 much rather have it get out of hand now and then
 than constrict the 
 thing to prevent transgressions and stifle
 discussion in the doing.
 Have to do something though. So let's try this then:
 WARS! By order. (Think that'll work, for now?)
 Keith Addison
 Slightly baffled moderator

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Re: Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-06 Thread Curtis Sakima

I dunno.

I've always looked at the whole thing like:

Religion: the study of WHO  WHY the universe was

Science: the study of HOW the universe was created.

I mean, this God could of waved his (rather big)
hands and used the manufacturing process of the big
bang to get the job done.  For example.

What I'm getting at is that... Science  Religion ..
they don't have to conflict with one another.

My friend from college used to always say...


This is such a cool discussion group!!
Good job Keith!! :)


 If debating some of the basic science of energy is
 very much on-topic,
 then I don't see any way to avoid bringing up
 philosophy and religion.
 You're quite right, and I was aware of the
 contradiction in my own posts.
 I may personally look down upon clinging to the
 idea that the Bible
 (or some other religious thought) is pertinent to
 cosmology physics
 discussions in 21st century society, but others may
 There's a blurred area between physics and
 metaphysics where it's 
 hard to distinguish the two, and maybe foolish to
 try. Harmon talked 
 of the physics of Tao, or is it the Tao of physics,
 and many 
 physicists take that seriously. You can see why -
 they're different 
 angles on the same thing, and when that thing is
 so slippery to 
 grasp, it helps to consider every angle you can.
 Dreams are not 
 exactly rational, the stuff of Jungian psychology,
 the spirit, and 
 perhaps metaphysics, but Niels Bohr's famous model
 of the atom came 
 to him in a dream in which he was sitting on the sun
 with all the 
 planets whizzing around on strings. Not the only
 such case. I think 
 any strict division here would be a false one, and a
 The problem seems to arise at one step removed, in
 the overlap 
 between metaphysics and sectarian religion, where
 seeking for truth 
 becomes a futile argument over The Truth, a clash
 between opposing 
 convictions. I think we all ought to try and avoid
 this. Nothing can 
 be gained by it.
 I guess I
 can build a list of email filters, though that is a
 I suppose a line that can be drawn here is to point
 out that if
 sometimes the science of energy is going to come
 up, that the Bible
 and other religious texts are discredited as good
 sources of
 scientific physics thinking, and so are generally
 not pertinent on a
 specific scientific level.  But there is no hope of
 convincing too
 many others of that, or of getting them to respect
 that, so I wouldn't
 bother to try personally.  I'd just ignore them for
 the most part.
 But it quite quickly gets right out of hand.
 Further, there are other nuances to such matters,
 such as the
 philosophic and psychological issues that come up
 on political
 strategizing, as well as in discussing the issues
 around science and
 its history.  Since religion is a subset of
 philosophy (at least as I
 see it) I don't see a quick easy to way to
 delienate here.
 No. It has to be case by case, I guess.
 Anyway, this is a great discussion group, though
 obviously I am not up
 to the hardcore chemistry discussion.
 I think most of us aren't, but some of us are, and
 they don't seem to 
 mind if the rest of us sit at their feet. We can all
 learn from each 
 other - except where overheated arguments start to
 form a vortex that 
 distorts healthy discussion.
 I'd rather have it that folks
 go over the line, since it's hard to find
 integrated thinking or
 attempts at it, and then I can just filter out what
 I don't want to
 respond to.  But that's just my $.02 and I haven't
 been here that
 Very good deal for only 2 cents, you sell yourself
 short. :-)
 I'm very glad you like the group. You've been here a
 while, and 
 you've contributed much, it's as much your group as
 anybody else's.
 I think most people are pretty sensible, they know
 how to behave, 
 they moderate themselves, they draw their own line,
 and that's 
 usually good enough, and why I don't want to lay
 down any rules. I'd 
 much rather have it get out of hand now and then
 than constrict the 
 thing to prevent transgressions and stifle
 discussion in the doing.
 Have to do something though. So let's try this then:
 WARS! By order. (Think that'll work, for now?)
 Keith Addison
 Slightly baffled moderator

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Re: Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have to do something though. So let's try this then: NO RELIGIOUS 
WARS! By order. (Think that'll work, for now?)

An improvement, perhaps.


Keith Addison
Slightly baffled moderator

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Re: Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-05 Thread Keith Addison

Kris Book wrote:

If you guys can't stop discussing religion, at least change
the subject line so that those who are willing to follow
the rules can simply delete these off topic posts.

What rules?

One non-rule I keep repeating is that nothing's off-topic in the big 
wide wonderful world of biofuels, at least not on this list with its 
diverse and global membership. Posts may be uninteresting to 
individual members, sure, but not necessarily off-topic. Even where 
it definitely goes off any conceivable topic, it quite often turns up 
something on-topic that might not otherwise have emerged.

But you're right about changing the subject lines, good netiquette. 
We get occasional reminders but not often enough, thankyou.

Weird though, off-topic religion is causing a fuss on several 
different lists right now, nothing to do with biofuels. Things happen 
in strange patterns. Or maybe William Gibson's right and the 
Internet's infested with a bunch of unruly Haitian bush gods with an 
agenda all their own.

Anyway, no rules maybe, but as Harmon pointed out there was a ruling 
recently, a different matter: NO MORE RELIGION!

Please all take note.

Keith Addison

--- Harmon Seaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 09:10:47AM -0600, kirk wrote:
   A Moslem friend of mine sent me a cd with a bunch of
  video presentations
   refuting Darwin etc and talking about the big bang.
   I think most people believe Moslems believe something
  strange. As a
   Christian I found little to disagree with. The snip
  below from Harun Yahya,
   a Moslem evangelist, is a representative sample. The
  big bang needs to be
   seen in its entirety as there are some fascinating
  aspects. The velocity of
   the bang if altered even 1% would result in a mostly
  empty night sky and so
   The main difference I see between Islam and
  Christianity is they don't know
   who Jesus is. Beyond that the similarities are greater
  than the differences.
  It's pretty interesting to take a really close look
  at the origins of both
  Islam and Mormonism -- both religions were started by con
  men who made their way
  in life by bilking people before they became
  enlightened. Joseph Smith even
  did time for it. Lots of other parallels.
 But I thought we were done with the religion/biofuels
  Harmon Seaver

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Re: Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Mon, 6 May 2002 03:53:14 +0900, you wrote:

Kris Book wrote:

If you guys can't stop discussing religion, at least change
the subject line so that those who are willing to follow
the rules can simply delete these off topic posts.

What rules?

One non-rule I keep repeating is that nothing's off-topic in the big 
wide wonderful world of biofuels, at least not on this list with its 
diverse and global membership.


Anyway, no rules maybe, but as Harmon pointed out there was a ruling 
recently, a different matter: NO MORE RELIGION!

Please all take note.

Keith Addison

$.02: A good discussion group (and this is one, why have I been
wasting all my energies on yahoo-HIPC all these years?) is invariably
going to make connections and dig deeper, though the nominative
discussion group topic may be well-defined and compartmentalized.

If debating some of the basic science of energy is very much on-topic,
then I don't see any way to avoid bringing up philosophy and religion.
I may personally look down upon clinging to the idea that the Bible
(or some other religious thought) is pertinent to cosmology physics
discussions in 21st century society, but others may not.  I guess I
can build a list of email filters, though that is a double-edged

I suppose a line that can be drawn here is to point out that if
sometimes the science of energy is going to come up, that the Bible
and other religious texts are discredited as good sources of
scientific physics thinking, and so are generally not pertinent on a
specific scientific level.  But there is no hope of convincing too
many others of that, or of getting them to respect that, so I wouldn't
bother to try personally.  I'd just ignore them for the most part.

Further, there are other nuances to such matters, such as the
philosophic and psychological issues that come up on political
strategizing, as well as in discussing the issues around science and
its history.  Since religion is a subset of philosophy (at least as I
see it) I don't see a quick easy to way to delienate here.

Anyway, this is a great discussion group, though obviously I am not up
to the hardcore chemistry discussion.  I'd rather have it that folks
go over the line, since it's hard to find integrated thinking or
attempts at it, and then I can just filter out what I don't want to
respond to.  But that's just my $.02 and I haven't been here that

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Re: Religion - was [biofuel] More free energy (maybe)

2002-05-05 Thread motie_d

 Further, there are other nuances to such matters, such as the
 philosophic and psychological issues that come up on political
 strategizing, as well as in discussing the issues around science and
 its history.  Since religion is a subset of philosophy (at least as 
 see it) I don't see a quick easy to way to delienate here.
 Anyway, this is a great discussion group, though obviously I am not 
 to the hardcore chemistry discussion.  I'd rather have it that folks
 go over the line, since it's hard to find integrated thinking or
 attempts at it, and then I can just filter out what I don't want to
 respond to.  But that's just my $.02 and I haven't been here that

 I tend to agree with the need for Political strategizing. We can 
only progress to a certain level,(commercial production) before 
poltics will rear it's head.
That is a reality we do need to deal with. Some of us are at 
different levels of progress in our interests. Many have not reached 
the level where Politics kick in. Some may never reach that level, if 
they intend to keep it as a hobby in the backyard.


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