Re: [systemd-devel] device unit files

2022-04-11 Thread Elbek Mamajonov
On graph I have mmcblk.device taking 1.624s. From the point that this partition 
is where my rootfs lies, and systems does remounting of rootfs, I did look up 
for systemd-remount-fs.service, it took 231ms, and 
systemd-udev-trigger.service, as you suggested, it took 517ms to become active. 
But even after systemd-udev-trigger.service becomes active there is about 800ms 
for mmcblk.device to become active. Are those services related to the 
activation of the mmcblk.device? Can I consider those 231ms and 517ms as a part 
of the activation time of the mmcblk.device? How can I debug udev in this case?

- -

> On Apr 12, 2022, at 2:00 PM, Mantas Mikulėnas  wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 5:16 PM Elbek Mamajonov  
>> wrote:
>> How to track down the lifespan of the device unit file, i.e. the activating 
>> state? I have an embedded system where systemd-analyze plot shows that the 
>> unit file I am interested in, let’s say dev-mmcpartition.device, takes about 
>> 2 seconds to be become active. This partition (mmcpartition) holds my 
>> rootfs. I would like to know what is going on during those 2 seconds, what 
>> device unit file is doing, how to track what it is doing? Thanks in advance.
> Really the only thing a .device unit "does" is wait for udev to report that 
> the corresponding actual device is ready. As soon as udev sends out the 
> uevent with ACTION=add and systemd receives it, the .device unit becomes 
> active, that's all.
> So if that's slow, it might be the kernel not sending the initial 'add' event 
> *to* udev (AFAIK, systemd-udev-trigger.service is responsible for triggering 
> fake 'add' events for devices that already exist at boot time, so check where 
> that service shows up on the graph), or it might be udev taking a long time 
> to process its .rules for that device, or systemd not catching up fast 
> enough... Such delays for the mmcblk rootfs seem to be a frequent question 
> both here on the list as well as on IRC, but I don't think I remember any 
> specific answers.
> -- 
> Mantas Mikulėnas

Re: [systemd-devel] device unit files

2022-04-11 Thread Mantas Mikulėnas
On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 5:16 PM Elbek Mamajonov 

> How to track down the lifespan of the device unit file, i.e. the
> activating state? I have an embedded system where systemd-analyze plot
> shows that the unit file I am interested in, let’s say
> dev-mmcpartition.device, takes about 2 seconds to be become active. This
> partition (mmcpartition) holds my rootfs. I would like to know what is
> going on during those 2 seconds, what device unit file is doing, how to
> track what it is doing? Thanks in advance.

Really the only thing a .device unit "does" is wait for udev to report that
the corresponding actual device is ready. As soon as udev sends out the
uevent with ACTION=add and systemd receives it, the .device unit becomes
active, that's all.

So if that's slow, it might be the kernel not sending the initial 'add'
event *to* udev (AFAIK, systemd-udev-trigger.service is responsible for
triggering fake 'add' events for devices that already exist at boot time,
so check where that service shows up on the graph), or it might be udev
taking a long time to process its .rules for that device, or systemd not
catching up fast enough... Such delays for the mmcblk rootfs seem to be a
frequent question both here on the list as well as on IRC, but I don't
think I remember any specific answers.

Mantas Mikulėnas

[systemd-devel] Linux Inlaws about systemd and init systems from 2th April 2022

2022-04-11 Thread Luna Jernberg
*listening now*


[systemd-devel] device unit files

2022-04-11 Thread Elbek Mamajonov
How to track down the lifespan of the device unit file, i.e. the activating 
state? I have an embedded system where systemd-analyze plot shows that the unit 
file I am interested in, let’s say dev-mmcpartition.device, takes about 2 
seconds to be become active. This partition (mmcpartition) holds my rootfs. I 
would like to know what is going on during those 2 seconds, what device unit 
file is doing, how to track what it is doing? Thanks in advance.

Best regards 

Re: [systemd-devel] trivial net connection logs - ?

2022-04-11 Thread Ranbir Singh
i want to unsubscribe these emails
how to do it? kindly helpOn Monday, 11 April, 2022, 01:31:55 pm IST, Paul 
Menzel  wrote:  
 [Sorry for this resent to your personal address.]

Dear L,

Am 11.04.22 um 09:28 schrieb lejeczek:

> I must have gone blind cause can't find it in man page and to my 
> surprise internet search does not help or my quering is broken.
> 'systemctl' can show status for specific NM connection - what was that?

Does NM mean NetworkManager?

> - and can 'journalctl' do the same? (or was it the opposite way?)

To my knowledge there is no such integration from NetworkManager and 
systemctl. You can only check if NetworkManager is running with

    systemctl status NetworkManager

`networkctl` can show you information about the network configuration, 
also when it’s not managed by systemd-networkd.

Lastly, NetworkManager also ships `nmcli` and `nmtui`, you can use on 
the command line.

Kind regards,


PS: Next time, if you write an email to several hundreds/thousands of 
people, it’d be great if you could elaborate a little more.

Re: [systemd-devel] Starting one service when another one starts

2022-04-11 Thread Lennart Poettering
On Mo, 11.04.22 12:41, Nick Howitt ( wrote:

> > You can add WantedBy=siad.service to [Install] section of
> > clearshare-scheduler.service. In general you can always extend Wants by
> > manually creating necessary links. This does not require you to edit
> > unit definition itself. You can also create drop-in (although I am not
> > sure whether they are already supported in your systemd version).
> I've tried this and can implement what you've described, but as you say, it
> does not help me when starting the WantedBy service (siad).

You must issue "systemctl enable" to actually make the stuff from
[Install] apply.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] Starting one service when another one starts

2022-04-11 Thread Lennart Poettering
On Fr, 08.04.22 12:54, Nick Howitt ( wrote:

> Hi,
> I apologise if this is not the right place for user help. If it is not,
> please point me to the best place.
> I am trying to start a service (clearshare-scheduler) when another service
> (siad) starts. Clearshare-scheduler is an odd service. When you start it it
> may run for ages (days+) or it may terminate immediately so I have set it up
> as a oneshot:

That's not really necessary. You can set RemainAfterExit=yes to define
units if the other types which will remain in "running" state even if
all processes they define die.

> [Unit]
> Description=Clearshare Scheduler
> PartOf=siad.service
> After=siad.service
> [Service]
> Type=oneshot
> Environment="TERM=dumb"
> ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/killall -15 -q
> /usr/sbin/

I hope this is for testing only..

> ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/echo "$(/usr/bin/date) Starting scheduler from
> systemd" >> /var/log/scheduler.log

systemd does not implement a shell, and ">>" is shell syntax, not
systemd syntax.

> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ > /dev/null


> ExecStop=-/usr/bin/killall -15 -q /usr/sbin/

systemd will SIGTERM everything remaining in the service's cgroup anyway...

> [Unit]
> Description=Siad
> clearsync.service is long obsolete.

> [Service]
> Type=simple
> OOMScoreAdjust=500
> PIDFile=/var/run/
> EnvironmentFile=/etc/sysconfig/siad
> Environment="SIA_DATA_DIR=/var/lib/siad-data"
> ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/killall -15 -q

As above.

> ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/rm -f /var/run/

systemd removes declared PID files automatically.

> ExecStart=/usr/bin/siad $EXTRA_ARGS
> ExecStop=/usr/bin/siac stop
> WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/sia/
> ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/sh -c 'umask 022; /usr/bin/pgrep siad >
> /var/run/'
> [Install]
> A "systemctl show clearshare-scheduler" lists the PartOf=siad.service as one
> of its properties but, in reverse, "systemctl show siad" does not list the
> corresponding ConsistsOf property.

systemd loads units lazily, as they are referenced. Thus "systemctl
show siad" does not show the deps towards "clearshare-scheduler", then
that's because there was no reason to load the latter if you just ask
for the former.

Usually you would solve that by just adding a "Wants=" line to your unit
clearshare-scheduler.service towards siad.service.

if you want "losely couple" this, i.e. don't want to modify
"siad.ervice" in to point to "clearshare-scheduler.service", then use
"WantedBy=siad.service" in "clearshare-scheduler.service"'s [Install] section.q


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] Starting one service when another one starts

2022-04-11 Thread Nick Howitt

On 09/04/2022 06:17, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:

On 08.04.2022 23:35, Nick Howitt wrote:

Sorry, for the delay. Big internet outage.

On 08/04/2022 15:15, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:

On 08.04.2022 14:54, Nick Howitt wrote:

I apologise if this is not the right place for user help. If it is not,
please point me to the best place.

I am trying to start a service (clearshare-scheduler) when another
service (siad) starts. Clearshare-scheduler is an odd service. When you
start it it may run for ages (days+) or it may terminate immediately so
I have set it up as a oneshot:


Description=Clearshare Scheduler

ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/killall -15 -q /usr/sbin/
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/echo "$(/usr/bin/date) Starting scheduler from
systemd" >> /var/log/scheduler.log
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ > /dev/null
ExecStop=-/usr/bin/killall -15 -q /usr/sbin/


The siad service looks like:


Description=Siad clearsync.service

ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/killall -15 -q
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/rm -f /var/run/
ExecStart=/usr/bin/siad $EXTRA_ARGS
ExecStop=/usr/bin/siac stop
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/sh -c 'umask 022; /usr/bin/pgrep siad >


You do not show actual unit names which makes it rather difficult to follow.

Done. See above

A "systemctl show clearshare-scheduler" lists the PartOf=siad.service as
one of its properties but, in reverse, "systemctl show siad" does not
list the corresponding ConsistsOf property.

When I start siad, nothing happens to the clearshare-scheduler service.

Why do you expect to happen? There is no Wants or Requires in the unit
that is /probably/ siad.service so request to start siad.service will
not pull in any additional units.

Perhaps I have misunderstood, but from the documentation I understood
you could PartOf in force (in this case) clearshare-scheduler.service to
respond when siad.service was stopped or started. Have I misunderstood
the docs? I am hoping to not do any changes to the siad.service.

Documentation for PartOf says "limited to stopping and restarting of
units". Nothing about "starting". PartOf complements normal startup
dependencies, not replaces them. And yes, this is confusing, as are the
names of almost any systemd dependency which mean something entirely
different from what these names imply in English.

You can add WantedBy=siad.service to [Install] section of
clearshare-scheduler.service. In general you can always extend Wants by
manually creating necessary links. This does not require you to edit
unit definition itself. You can also create drop-in (although I am not
sure whether they are already supported in your systemd version).

I've tried this and can implement what you've described, but as you say, 
it does not help me when starting the WantedBy service (siad).

As an alternative, which does affect the siad.service, is there any way
I can run the script from the siad.service? I
have tried starting it as a ExecStartPost, but it does not appear to
work if the script does not exit immediately. If it runs for a while,
then systemd says siad has failed to start.

You can increase TimeoutStartSec.

I've tried launching it with

"-" affects command that completed with failure status, in your case
command does not complete so this does not have any effect.

ExecStartPost=-/usr/sbin/ &
ExecStartPost=-/usr/bin/nohup /usr/sbin/ &

sytsemd is not shell, what made you think this would work? If you want
to use shell syntax, you need to invoke shell

/bin/sh -c "/usr/sbin/ &"

Using bash rather than sh:
/bin/bash -c '/usr/sbin/ &'

This is not producing the results expected. It does not go into the 
background with the '&' and does not even appear to run. I have 
simplified the script to just:

/usr/bin/sleep 10
/usr/bin/echo hello >> /var/log/scheduler.log

If I do this the service start fails and times out. At the same time a 
"ps aux | grep scheduler" never shows the script running and "hello" is 
not output to /var/log/scheduler.log

If I remove the '&', runs and outputs to file, 
but it is no good if the scheduler script does not terminate for a long 
time as the service fails when the unit file times out.

I think I am stuck here.

It does not try to start but it runs when I run it on its own. 

Re: [systemd-devel] Samba Config Reload

2022-04-11 Thread Simon McVittie
On Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 09:58:54 +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> dbus-daemon for example uses:
> ExecReload=/usr/bin/busctl call org.freedesktop.DBus 
> /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus ReloadConfig
> Which is a synchronous call to reload the config: the daemon is told
> to reload it, and "busctl call" then waits for the reply before
> returning to systemd.

... and, crucially, the implementation of ReloadConfig in dbus-daemon
also waits for its own reload to have actually been done (not just put
in a queue, but actually done) *before* sending back its reply to the
caller (in this case busctl).

If you need to wait for something to have happened, then the whole chain
of interactions needs to be synchronous: all it takes to break the chain
is one component thinking "OK, I'll do that later".


Re: [systemd-devel] Samba Config Reload

2022-04-11 Thread Lennart Poettering
On Sa, 09.04.22 19:20, Leon Fauster ( wrote:

> It seems that killing with USR1|USR2|HUP is commonly used:
> $ grep -R ExecReload /usr/lib/systemd/|grep -v kill|wc -l
> 19
> $ grep -R ExecReload /usr/lib/systemd/|grep kill|wc -l
> 27

Yes. I am aware. It's less than ideal.

There are simple services where the synchronous vs. asynchronous
reload thing doesn't matter, because there are no services the daemon
offers to local clients that might rely on the synchronous
execution. But most daemons are probably not like that.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] trivial net connection logs - ?

2022-04-11 Thread Paul Menzel

[Sorry for this resent to your personal address.]

Dear L,

Am 11.04.22 um 09:28 schrieb lejeczek:

I must have gone blind cause can't find it in man page and to my 
surprise internet search does not help or my quering is broken.

'systemctl' can show status for specific NM connection - what was that?

Does NM mean NetworkManager?

- and can 'journalctl' do the same? (or was it the opposite way?)

To my knowledge there is no such integration from NetworkManager and 
systemctl. You can only check if NetworkManager is running with

systemctl status NetworkManager

`networkctl` can show you information about the network configuration, 
also when it’s not managed by systemd-networkd.

Lastly, NetworkManager also ships `nmcli` and `nmtui`, you can use on 
the command line.

Kind regards,


PS: Next time, if you write an email to several hundreds/thousands of 
people, it’d be great if you could elaborate a little more.

Re: [systemd-devel] trivial net connection logs - ?

2022-04-11 Thread Tomasz Torcz
On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 08:28:28AM +0100, lejeczek wrote:
> Hi gents
> I must have gone blind cause can't find it in man page and to my surprise
> internet search does not help or my quering is broken.
> 'systemctl' can show status for specific NM connection - what was that? -
> and can 'journalctl' do the same? (or was it the opposite way?)

  There's no such integration, although there are some options:

  - `nmcli`, and `nmcli c` in particualar, native NM tool to manage

  - `networkctl` can show information about interface, including the
ones managed by NM

  - NM put some additional fields in journal, you can filter on them
with for example `journalctl NM_DEVICE=wlp61s0`; to see more fields use
something like:
`journalctl -u NetworkManager -o export | grep ^NM_`

  - some distribution (Arch?) have a generator creating a instance unit
for each interface, but I do not know specifics

Tomasz Torcz   RIP is irrevelant. Spoofing is futile. Your routes will be aggreggated. -- Alex Yuriev

Re: [systemd-devel] Samba Config Reload

2022-04-11 Thread Lennart Poettering
On Sa, 09.04.22 08:00, Yolo von BNANA ( wrote:

> --- Original Message ---
> On Friday, April 8th, 2022 at 13:49, Lennart Poettering 
>  wrote:
> > This could be done better. Plugging in just a "kill" here, means the
> > reload is async. i.e. "systemctl reload" will basically return
> > immediately without the reload being complete, thus subsequent
> > commands can't rely the new config is already in place.
> >
> > It's typically nicer to invoke some synchronous command from
> > ExecReload=.
> Can you please explain this in more Detail?
> What does this mean: " "systemctl reload" will basically return
> immediately without the reload being complete"?

reload-via-SIGHUP means that the ExecReload= will just enqueue the
SIGHUP signal in the daemon and immdiately return. The daemon then
might take a while before it notices that the signal was queued, and
then take a while until it completed the reload.

Thus, if you have some script change a config file and then
immediately call "systemctl reload" on the relevant service, and
immediately expect the setting to be applied, then it might happen
that the daemon still hasn't noticed or completed the result.

Hence, typically it's better to plug in some tool into ExecReload=
that will not just enqueue a reload, but then wait until the daemon
reported back that the reload is now complete.

> And what is an Example for an synchronous command for ExecReload=

dbus-daemon for example uses:

ExecReload=/usr/bin/busctl call org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus 
org.freedesktop.DBus ReloadConfig

Which is a synchronous call to reload the config: the daemon is told
to reload it, and "busctl call" then waits for the reply before
returning to systemd.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Re: [systemd-devel] Antw: [EXT] Re: [systemd‑devel] Intercepting/Delaying the boot process

2022-04-11 Thread Lennart Poettering
On Mo, 11.04.22 07:56, Ulrich Windl ( wrote:

> >>> Lennart Poettering  schrieb am 08.04.2022 um 
> >>> 15:14 in
> Nachricht :
> ...
> > This reminds of an RFE we have had for a while, and which I think
> > would make sense to add directly to systemd: a generator that detects
> > whether the battery is nearly empty at boot, and if so redirects boot
> > to some special target showing a nice message for a bit and then
> > powering off.
> Why does it have to be a generator; can't a normal unit detect and handle 
> that?

Sure. But it should be nicer to move the whole system into a specific
state for such cases, so that services explicitly have to opt-into
running in that state (by means of enabling themselves in the unit), instead of all being pulled in, and waiting
forever in the queue. After all, in such a low battey case you want to
waste as little resources as you can, hence when the state is detecte
you really just want to bring the message to screen and then shut down
after a while, and not start a myriad of low-level system services.

(Also, for robust embedded devices you probably want to put an overall
timeout on the boot process via JobTimeoutSec=+JobTimeoutAction= on And that would collide with any scheme where we
just stall the boot process for a long time)


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

[systemd-devel] Antw: [systemd‑devel] Antw: [EXT] Re: Samba Config Reload

2022-04-11 Thread Ulrich Windl
>>> "Ulrich Windl"  schrieb am 11.04.2022
08:26 in Nachricht <>:
> Hi!

Sorry for the typos:

> I thin Lennart had pointed it out: If the sapplication being reloaded does 
> not provide any feedback when the reloading is complete, you can never be 
> sure what it did complete.


> Adding some sleep may catch a grat number of cases whule waiting too long in

s/grat/great/; s/whule/while/

> most cases.
> So before discussing systemd meachnisms: How do you know when reload is 
> complete?
> Regards,
> Ulrich
 Wols Lists  schrieb am 09.04.2022 um 17:10 in
> Nachricht :
>> On 09/04/2022 09:00, Yolo von BNANA wrote:
>>> Can you please explain this in more Detail?
>>> What does this mean: " "systemctl reload" will basically return
>>> immediately without the reload being complete"?
>>> And what is an Example for an synchronous command for ExecReload=
>> Do you understand the difference between "synchronous" and 
>> "asynchronous"? The words basically mean "aligned in time" and "without 
>> timed alignment".
>> Think of writing to files. In the old days of MS‑DOS et al, when your 
>> program called "write", the CPU went off, saved the data to disk, and 
>> returned to your program. That's "synchronous", all nicely ordered in 
>> time, and your program knew the data was safe.
>> Now, when your linux program calls write, linux itself replies "got it", 
>> and your program goes off knowing that something else is going to take 
>> care of actually saving the data to disk ‑ that's "asynchronous". Except 
>> that sometimes the program needs to know that the data HAS been safely 
>> squirreled away (hence all these fsync calls).
>> So when systemd calls ExecReload *A*synchronously, it goes off and fires 
>> off a load more stuff, knowing that the ExecReload IS GOING (future 
>> tense) to happen. What the previous poster wanted was a synchronous 
>> ExecReload, so that when systemd goes off do the next thing, the 
>> ExecReload HAS ALREADY HAPPENED (past tense). (Which in general is a bad 
>> thing because it *seriously* knackers performance).
>> Cheers,
>> Wol

[systemd-devel] Antw: [EXT] Re: Samba Config Reload

2022-04-11 Thread Ulrich Windl

I thin Lennart had pointed it out: If the sapplication being reloaded does not 
provide any feedback when the reloading is complete, you can never be sure what 
it did complete.
Adding some sleep may catch a grat number of cases whule waiting too long in 
most cases.

So before discussing systemd meachnisms: How do you know when reload is 


>>> Wols Lists  schrieb am 09.04.2022 um 17:10 in
Nachricht :
> On 09/04/2022 09:00, Yolo von BNANA wrote:
>> Can you please explain this in more Detail?
>> What does this mean: " "systemctl reload" will basically return
>> immediately without the reload being complete"?
>> And what is an Example for an synchronous command for ExecReload=
> Do you understand the difference between "synchronous" and 
> "asynchronous"? The words basically mean "aligned in time" and "without 
> timed alignment".
> Think of writing to files. In the old days of MS-DOS et al, when your 
> program called "write", the CPU went off, saved the data to disk, and 
> returned to your program. That's "synchronous", all nicely ordered in 
> time, and your program knew the data was safe.
> Now, when your linux program calls write, linux itself replies "got it", 
> and your program goes off knowing that something else is going to take 
> care of actually saving the data to disk - that's "asynchronous". Except 
> that sometimes the program needs to know that the data HAS been safely 
> squirreled away (hence all these fsync calls).
> So when systemd calls ExecReload *A*synchronously, it goes off and fires 
> off a load more stuff, knowing that the ExecReload IS GOING (future 
> tense) to happen. What the previous poster wanted was a synchronous 
> ExecReload, so that when systemd goes off do the next thing, the 
> ExecReload HAS ALREADY HAPPENED (past tense). (Which in general is a bad 
> thing because it *seriously* knackers performance).
> Cheers,
> Wol