[Talk-GB] Has someone just given us (the start of) access to the crown jewels?

2018-06-13 Thread Jon Stockill

It looks like bits of OS MasterMap are being released under OGL.


This could be interesting!

Jon Stockill

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Street cabinets

2014-02-11 Thread Jon Stockill

On Sun, 9 Feb 2014 18:31:25 +0100, François Lacombe wrote:


I was pretty frustrated to dont encounter any common tag to map 

cabinets (trafic lights control, water metering, phone connection
points...) in my city.

I was looking for something like man_made=street_cabinet or whatever
but its not widely used in the DB.

I've used utility=cabinet for such things. With additional tags like 
cabinet=cable_tv  ref=

Jon Stockill

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Hitting reset on talk-au

2011-07-11 Thread Jon Stockill
 feel they have the authority to take on 
a role like moderating. Even if they do, it's an extremely thankless task that 
almost nobody will take on.

So - what do we do now?

Well to answer that I have to assume you agree with both the horrific tone on 
that list and that it should not be part of the community we represent. For 
that, you might be wanting references to some of the things I cite (like this 
http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2011-April/057947.html ) but I'll 
allow others to do that exhaustively (Grant is usually good, hint hint).

I want to get back to mapping. I can only do that if we do something about 
these people on our lists.

I don't want to contemplate ignoring the problem, which is one extreme end.

I don't want to be a part of a community that accepts this, so leaving it as-is 
is not an option.

We've tried hard to find moderators and failed. If you want to volunteer and 
moderate under the Etiquette guidelines, this is the first option I would 
consider, but you will get a lot of flack. And a beer from me.

We can remove everyone from talk-au and start afresh. No pseudonyms, no license 
talk (would have to go to legal-talk) under the new list. This would hit reset 
but remove people who have legitimate concerns and those just trying to get on 
with mapping.

We can block the 'main' people. Then you have to draw the line somewhere 
between the good and the bad anonymous posters. I would suggest anyone who's 
posted that they want to disrupt the project and anyone operating under a 

We can place everyone under the emergency moderation flag and clear each post 
one by one, by moderator, by vote, I don't care. I can log in and do that too.

Lots of people from talk@ could join talk-au@ and make it a nice place to be 
again, the way we took back legal-talk@ from the very same people.

Maybe you have a better option?

Either way, this is an ugly bridge to cross. We need to do something to make it 
clear this is not how things work in OSM. We need to make the message heard 
that this is not normal, this is not the reputation we want to be known by and 
we won't let it be this way.

talk@ has been bad enough with the constant repetitive arguments that go 
nowhere, tbh it's resulted in me just marking the entire list as read 
and moving on on many occasions. I'm sure that there's genuinely useful 
discussion going on, but the signal to noise ratio got to the point 
where finding the useful posts was something I simply didn't have time 
to do. I can only imagine how had the .au list could be.

The lists should be a useful source of information, and help but I'm 
afraid some lists haven't provided a positive view of the project for 
quite some time, which is a great shame because what we're producing is 
a genuinely useful (and rather amazing) end product. The lists shouldn't 
be a place where new contributors fear to tread.

If a reset of the lists is what it takes to get back on track, then I'm 
all for it.

Jon Stockill

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] emergency=*

2010-07-30 Thread Jon Stockill

Ross Scanlon wrote:

Then show why and where they don't make sense rather than carrying on about 
possible broken apps.


amenity=hospital emergency=yes

when replaced with emergency=hospital results in lost data.


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Use of OS OpenData in OSM

2010-07-22 Thread Jon Stockill

Kevin Peat wrote:

In 6 months time the OS data will be so entrenched in the UK map that we 
could never strip it out in any useful way without vast amounts of fixup 
being required and I can't imagine many people being interested in doing 
that. So for me at least whatever license we change to must be OS 

The area around me is starting to get quite blue too - I've been adding 
buildings from streetview, then going out to survey for addresses. If 
the buildings get removed it'd better be done in a way that preserves 
the address data, or we lose the results of a lot of surveying.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Nav4All navigation shut down by Navteq

2010-02-03 Thread Jon Stockill
Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:

 Ah, but the rules have changed. We now have three umpires. The third stays
 in but decides if those who are in are out if those umpires who are out are
 unsure whether those who are in are out or in. 
 This certainly makes the rules a lot simpler don't you think?

Then there's the fact that both teams don't necessarily need to be out 
twice thanks to the follow on

Just when you thought you'd got it, we'll add some new rules :-)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] EGNOS

2009-10-05 Thread Jon Stockill
Peter Childs wrote:
 I'm sure EGNOS is something else other than the new Euro GPS system,
 but I can't for the life of me remember what, something to do with
 food and Christmas rings a bell but I can't think what.
 Anyway so EGNOS is now available for use.
 So what new things can we do with this new available accuracy, and
 which devices are EGNOS compatible Oh and is it going to achieve
 what they way it will or is it going to be a bit of a flop.
 Oh and I spose the best question If I have an EGNOS GPS can I actual
 use the data on OSM or is there some copyright stopping me.

Chances are if your device supports it you've been using it for months 
anyway. It's been available for *AGES*.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Breach of Copyright?

2009-09-25 Thread Jon Stockill
Tom Hughes wrote:
 On 25/09/09 14:30, Dave F. wrote:
 The map he sent is titled as a Definitive Map. It has an OS underlay,
 but the information laid on top is compiled from Council gathered info.
 eg GPS survey equipment from an independent company employed to produce
 the definitive maps.
 Do you know for absolute certainty that every single detail was gathered 
 from first principles like that? If it was then it is a very unusual bit 
 of local council mapping as they are not generally that scrupulously 
 The reason of course is that they have a license to do what they like 
 with OS data so it largely doesn't matter to them whether they derive 
 things from it (well at least until they try and overlay that data on a 
 google map and get nastygrams from the OS).

The simplest solution would be to work from the definitive statement, 
rather than the definitive map, except where the statement includes OS 
grid references.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] xybot rides again

2009-04-04 Thread Jon Stockill
Matt Amos wrote:
 hi everyone,
 a couple of weeks ago xybot appears to have added the fairly pointless
 tag addr:country=DK to all the address point information that was
 imported in denmark. the information about the import is here
 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/KMS but i can't find any
 information about the edits that xybot did on its page
 i thought it was considered polite for those who are running mass
 automated bots to at least announce them on the wiki or here and give
 a rationale? most people do, but i haven't seen anything from xybot's

About as pointless as all the changes to oneway streets a month or two 
back, and I don't recall anyone owning up then.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Front page design and SEO

2009-03-03 Thread Jon Stockill
Richard Fairhurst wrote:

 IMX it's a platform thing. Windows people genuinely do run their web
 browser, and most things, full screen. Hence the aberration that is MDI.
 Us Mac people, by contrast, usually have about 57 different non-full screen
 windows overlapping - that's why Apple came up with Expose to help us find
 them all. I dunno what Linux people do - whatever RMS has decreed is in the
 best interests of some weird notion of freedom, I guess. runs away very
 very fast

We have a screen full of terminal windows and access web servers with 
telnet :-P


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapping while hiking

2008-04-26 Thread Jon Stockill
Mike Collinson wrote:

 I noticed that I got much better tracks on a bicycle than walking, even in 
 similar conditions and speeds. After some experimentation, the reason seems 
 to be that a GPS device likes to be kept relatively stable and not shaken or 
 twisted around.  The best place I've found on the human body is to use a day 
 sack or rucksack with a central top pocket, i.e. centre upper torso with best 
 view of sky.  Hips and arms move too much.
 A rucksack strap should give similar results as other respondents suggest.  
 Like Andy, I also tried under or on the brim of an Australian stockman's hat 
 but I found that I move my head around too much, and also even the small 
 weight gives me a headache after a while.

I use a garmin carabiner clip to attach my gps60 to the shoulder strap 
of my rucksack - works very well, and is easy to get to for adding 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GPS accuracy

2008-04-18 Thread Jon Stockill
Chris Hill wrote:
 Over last week I've noticed that the accuracy reading on my ETrex has briefly 
 gone down to 10ft a few times.  Before last Saturday the best was 16ft.  
 Today I saw 9ft briefly.  Anyone else seen this or know what's going on?

I've noticed I've been getting WAAS signals a lot more reliably recently 
- that'll certainly help accuracy. I'm not sure if it's some changes 
that've been made to the GPS sats, or that I've just got better coverage 
in the areas I've mapped recently.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tagging HAM radio repeaters.

2008-03-27 Thread Jon Stockill

 Also any objection to a closed wey showing coverage limit, and how should
 this be tagged? (would probably need a wey per transmitter frequency).

Coverage would depend a great deal on the equipment used to access the 
repeater though.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GPS recommendation

2008-03-20 Thread Jon Stockill
John McKerrell wrote:

 Is that a problem? It's still cheap at £42.99. As far as I can tell  
 the only potential problem is going to be battery life compared to a  
 non-logging bluetooth GPS. Has anyone used one of these? I'm very  
 tempted to just go ahead and get one as I think it will be ideal for me.

I've found some reviews that say the minimum logging period is 5s - 
which isn't terribly accurate, particularly if you're using a vehicle 
for your mapping. The manual downloaded from the Holux website seems to 
back this up. If they've fixed that in recent revisions then it seems 
ideal, if not then I think that could be a serious problem.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Stares

2008-03-09 Thread Jon Stockill
SteveC wrote:
 Has anyone else noticed the number of stares going up? I had about 5  
 in my hour or so of mapping. I waved at 3 of them and got one wave back.

Yes, but that's mainly due to the fact that I've spent the last couple 
of weekends mapping an area where wandering around with something that 
looks like a radio clipped to your shoulder while writing notes and 
sketching a map makes the locals nervous (in a he looks official but I 
can't quite work out what he's up to kind of way).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM flyer

2008-02-20 Thread Jon Stockill
David Earl wrote:

 I think printing in Germany must be cheaper than here: I just did a 
 number of quotes using both offset litho and instant print for 2,500 A4 
 sheets (they're 2 to a sheet) with no finishing, and typical quotes are 
 about 260 - 280 pounds (about 400 Euros).

That does seem rather OTT.

printing.com will do double sided A4 full colour gloss at £296 for 5000.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] pint symbol

2008-02-15 Thread Jon Stockill
Artem Pavlenko wrote:
 On 15 Feb 2008, at 16:58, SteveC wrote:
 clearly needs to be half full not half empty
 You're right, too. So I propose four then:
 full, half-full, empty and guinness




talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Straw Poll - Disk space used by OSM photos/audio

2008-02-12 Thread Jon Stockill
John McKerrell wrote:

 But what's your total? I think I've had about 10 replies so far so I  
 think we'll just need around 20G somewhere to be able to host an OSM  
 flickr at this rate.

If you tell me what features you need I'm can prod the programmer who's 
currently implementing a new version of fotopic and get them included.

I've already told him that if it doesn't support geotagging he'll be 
shot ;-)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-dev] disputed areas

2008-02-10 Thread Jon Stockill
John McKerrell wrote:

 I must say, I wondered this earlier, wouldn't this be the simplest  
 option or would it lock out too may people?

One of two things happens:

1) You've just blocked a proxy address, resulting in lots of innocent 
people being unable to edit anything.


2) The person you've just blocked realises what happened and power 
cycles their modem/router/whatever, gets a new IP address, and continues.


talk mailing list