Re: [OSM-talk-nl] EUR 15K grant for software development

2008-02-15 Berichten over hetzelfde onderwerp Martijn van Exel
I put up the draft proposal on the wiki:

It's now Feb. 15th, it would be good to have the proposal finalized  
before the month is out.

If you know of relevant wiki pages that should link to this, please add!

Take care,
martijn van exel -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+-

Op 11 feb 2008, om 22:16 heeft Martijn van Exel het volgende geschreven:

 Hi all,

 Back in November '07 I raised the issue of most pressing software  
 development issues [1]. The objective was to give body to a proposal  
 we were preparing for NLNet [2], which would include a grant for  
 software development.

 The resulting discussion on talk / dev and discussion within the  
 Dutch chapter led to a proposal submitted on Dec. 1st. The proposal  
 is in Dutch and encompasses much more than the software development.  
 It is available here [3]. Last month NLNet granted our request for  
 funding -- at least, the software development part. So now we have  
 EUR15k to spend on various development projects! Great, huh?

 This is how we think we should proceed:
 1. I'll set a page up on the Wiki up to enable us to finetune the  
 projects we're going to be supporting (asap). Starting point will be  
 the central issues outlined in the proposal:
   a. Monitoring and Rollback
   b. Mobile Editor
   c. 'Map annotation for the rest of us'
 2. We'll have a review period to finalize the project definitions.  
 This can't last too long, NLNet wants to see progress. Two weeks max.
 3. After the review, I submit the definitive project plans to NLNet  
 for approval.
 4. On approval, anyone (individual or group) would be able bid on  
 the projects.
 After that, we agree on who's doing what and we can start  

 NLNet will require close monitoring, a transparent process,  
 definition of milestones and progress reports throughout the year.
 This will be an excellent opportunity to catalyse some of the OSM  
 development projects, don't you agree?

 Let's hear your thoughts on this, I'll let you know when the wiki is  

 On behalf of the Dutch chapter,
 Take care,


 martijn van exel -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+-

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] EUR 15K grant for software development

2008-02-15 Berichten over hetzelfde onderwerp Zoran Kovacevic
I was wondering if the 3 initial subprojects are still current.
- Has any progress been made on those topics since November?
- Are the requirements stated in the wiki complete and realistic?
- Is the budgetted time in any way sufficient?
The wiki page is intended to define subprojects that we actually need,  
so please discuss and refactor as needed.

Just to be clear: anyone can bid for a sub-project, you don't have to  
be Dutch :)

On 15 feb 2008, at 19:07, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 I put up the draft proposal on the wiki:

 It's now Feb. 15th, it would be good to have the proposal finalized
 before the month is out.

 If you know of relevant wiki pages that should link to this, please  

 Take care,
 martijn van exel -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+-

 Op 11 feb 2008, om 22:16 heeft Martijn van Exel het volgende  

 Hi all,

 Back in November '07 I raised the issue of most pressing software
 development issues [1]. The objective was to give body to a proposal
 we were preparing for NLNet [2], which would include a grant for
 software development.

 The resulting discussion on talk / dev and discussion within the
 Dutch chapter led to a proposal submitted on Dec. 1st. The proposal
 is in Dutch and encompasses much more than the software development.
 It is available here [3]. Last month NLNet granted our request for
 funding -- at least, the software development part. So now we have
 EUR15k to spend on various development projects! Great, huh?

 This is how we think we should proceed:
 1. I'll set a page up on the Wiki up to enable us to finetune the
 projects we're going to be supporting (asap). Starting point will be
 the central issues outlined in the proposal:
  a. Monitoring and Rollback
  b. Mobile Editor
  c. 'Map annotation for the rest of us'
 2. We'll have a review period to finalize the project definitions.
 This can't last too long, NLNet wants to see progress. Two weeks max.
 3. After the review, I submit the definitive project plans to NLNet
 for approval.
 4. On approval, anyone (individual or group) would be able bid on
 the projects.
 After that, we agree on who's doing what and we can start

 NLNet will require close monitoring, a transparent process,
 definition of milestones and progress reports throughout the year.
 This will be an excellent opportunity to catalyse some of the OSM
 development projects, don't you agree?

 Let's hear your thoughts on this, I'll let you know when the wiki is

 On behalf of the Dutch chapter,
 Take care,


 martijn van exel -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+- http://

 Talk-nl mailing list


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] EUR 15K grant for software development

2008-02-12 Berichten over hetzelfde onderwerp Zoran Kovacevic
 Zowaar een fantastisch resultaat.
 Ik denk dat we wel even na moeten denken op basis waarvan
 eventuele software auteurs betaald moeten worden.
 Tegen de marktconforme tarieven van softwarehouses, is de pot  
 wel heel erg snel leeg.
 Misschien moeten we een soort OpenSource uurloon definieren ?
 Of kiezen we voor project financiering (lijkt mij beter).

In het voorstel is uit gegaan van een redelijk tarief voor een  
freelancer die OSM een warm hart toedraagt, maar wel geld moet  
verdienen. Door dit geld kan die persoon nu kiezen om te werken aan  
OSM i.p.v. een wat beter betaalde commerciëlere klus.

Uit het initiële voorstel:
Software Development
Ontwikkelen van systemen voor backups, rollback-mogelijkheden,  
signaleren van wijzigingen en toekenning van niveaus van vertrouwen  
gekoppeld aan bijdragers en hun wijzigingen. 160 uur.
Ontwikkelen van een lichtgewicht mobiele editor om het rechtstreeks  
controleren en aanpassen van de OpenStreetMap-data ‘in het veld’  
mogelijk te maken. 160 uur.
Ontwikkelen van een laagdrempeliger interface voor het doorgeven van  
eenvoudige wijzigingen door ‘leken’. 120 uur.

Totaal 440 uur software development. We rekenen op eenderde van de  
tijd uit de community. Resteert grosso modo 300 uur à €50.

We moeten nu (snel) voorstel herzien tot wat we echt nodig hebben, wat  
het precies gaat doen, hoeveel tijd het gaat kosten en daarna  
voorstellen van developers vragen.

 Wie wordt de juridische opdrachtgever, en wie gaat de resultaten

Vrijschrift heeft aangegeven dat ze onder voorwaarden (geen  
arbeidsrelatie e.d.) juridisch entiteit willen zijn. Doelstellingen  
van Vrijschrift en OSM sluiten perfect bij elkaar aan en het scheelt  
opstart en operationele kosten.

 op kwaliteit, en daarmee de betalingen  fiatteren ??

Er per uit te voeren subproject een contract opgesteld worden. Hierin  
worden deliverables, milestones, betalingen en andere voorwaarden  
vastgelegd worden. Fixed fee lijkt mij inderdaad zeer wenselijk :)

 Komt er per project een programma van eisen ??

Ja, zie mail Martijn. Op te stellen met community.

 We zijn allemaal van goede wil, maar we moeten daar wel afspraken
 over maken en ons daaraan houden.

Terecht een van de belangrijkste aandachtspunten. Als we dit goed  
aanpakken kunnen we in de toekomst eenvoudiger meer fondsen werven.  
Wees dus vooral mede-scherp op proces en kwaliteit en bemoei je er  
mee. Ga ik ook proberen te doen :)

Groet, Zoran

 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Martijn van Exel
 Verzonden: maandag 11 februari 2008 22:17
 Aan: Talk Openstreetmap
 CC: OpenStreetMap BE discussion list; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Onderwerp: [OSM-talk-nl] EUR 15K grant for software development

 Hi all,

 Back in November '07 I raised the issue of most pressing software
 development issues [1]. The objective was to give body to a proposal
 we were preparing for NLNet [2], which would include a grant for
 software development.

 The resulting discussion on talk / dev and discussion within the Dutch
 chapter led to a proposal submitted on Dec. 1st. The proposal is in
 Dutch and encompasses much more than the software development. It is
 available here [3]. Last month NLNet granted our request for funding
 -- at least, the software development part. So now we have EUR15k to  
 spend on various development projects! Great, huh?

 This is how we think we should proceed:
 1. I'll set a page up on the Wiki up to enable us to finetune the
 projects we're going to be supporting (asap). Starting point will be
 the central issues outlined in the proposal:
   a. Monitoring and Rollback
   b. Mobile Editor
   c. 'Map annotation for the rest of us'
 2. We'll have a review period to finalize the project definitions.
 This can't last too long, NLNet wants to see progress. Two weeks max.
 3. After the review, I submit the definitive project plans to NLNet
 for approval.
 4. On approval, anyone (individual or group) would be able bid on the
 After that, we agree on who's doing what and we can start

 NLNet will require close monitoring, a transparent process, definition
 of milestones and progress reports throughout the year.
 This will be an excellent opportunity to catalyse some of the OSM
 development projects, don't you agree?

 Let's hear your thoughts on this, I'll let you know when the wiki is

 On behalf of the Dutch chapter,
 Take care,


 martijn van exel -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+-

 Talk-nl mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] EUR 15K grant for software development

2008-02-11 Berichten over hetzelfde onderwerp Martijn van Exel
Hi all,

Back in November '07 I raised the issue of most pressing software  
development issues [1]. The objective was to give body to a proposal  
we were preparing for NLNet [2], which would include a grant for  
software development.

The resulting discussion on talk / dev and discussion within the Dutch  
chapter led to a proposal submitted on Dec. 1st. The proposal is in  
Dutch and encompasses much more than the software development. It is  
available here [3]. Last month NLNet granted our request for funding  
-- at least, the software development part. So now we have EUR15k to  
spend on various development projects! Great, huh?

This is how we think we should proceed:
1. I'll set a page up on the Wiki up to enable us to finetune the  
projects we're going to be supporting (asap). Starting point will be  
the central issues outlined in the proposal:
a. Monitoring and Rollback
b. Mobile Editor
c. 'Map annotation for the rest of us'
2. We'll have a review period to finalize the project definitions.  
This can't last too long, NLNet wants to see progress. Two weeks max.
3. After the review, I submit the definitive project plans to NLNet  
for approval.
4. On approval, anyone (individual or group) would be able bid on the  
After that, we agree on who's doing what and we can start  

NLNet will require close monitoring, a transparent process, definition  
of milestones and progress reports throughout the year.
This will be an excellent opportunity to catalyse some of the OSM  
development projects, don't you agree?

Let's hear your thoughts on this, I'll let you know when the wiki is  

On behalf of the Dutch chapter,
Take care,


martijn van exel -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+-

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] EUR 15K grant for software development

2008-02-11 Berichten over hetzelfde onderwerp Gert Gremmen
Zowaar een fantastisch resultaat.
Ik denk dat we wel even na moeten denken op basis waarvan
eventuele software auteurs betaald moeten worden.
Tegen de marktconforme tarieven van softwarehouses, is de pot natuurlijk
wel heel erg snel leeg. 
Misschien moeten we een soort OpenSource uurloon definieren ?
Of kiezen we voor project financiering (lijkt mij beter).
Wie wordt de juridische opdrachtgever, en wie gaat de resultaten
op kwaliteit, en daarmee de betalingen  fiatteren ??
Komt er per project een programma van eisen ??
We zijn allemaal van goede wil, maar we moeten daar wel afspraken
over maken en ons daaraan houden.

Gert Gremmen

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Namens Martijn van Exel
Verzonden: maandag 11 februari 2008 22:17
Aan: Talk Openstreetmap
CC: OpenStreetMap BE discussion list; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Onderwerp: [OSM-talk-nl] EUR 15K grant for software development

Hi all,

Back in November '07 I raised the issue of most pressing software  
development issues [1]. The objective was to give body to a proposal  
we were preparing for NLNet [2], which would include a grant for  
software development.

The resulting discussion on talk / dev and discussion within the Dutch  
chapter led to a proposal submitted on Dec. 1st. The proposal is in  
Dutch and encompasses much more than the software development. It is  
available here [3]. Last month NLNet granted our request for funding  
-- at least, the software development part. So now we have EUR15k to  
spend on various development projects! Great, huh?

This is how we think we should proceed:
1. I'll set a page up on the Wiki up to enable us to finetune the  
projects we're going to be supporting (asap). Starting point will be  
the central issues outlined in the proposal:
a. Monitoring and Rollback
b. Mobile Editor
c. 'Map annotation for the rest of us'
2. We'll have a review period to finalize the project definitions.  
This can't last too long, NLNet wants to see progress. Two weeks max.
3. After the review, I submit the definitive project plans to NLNet  
for approval.
4. On approval, anyone (individual or group) would be able bid on the  
After that, we agree on who's doing what and we can start  

NLNet will require close monitoring, a transparent process, definition  
of milestones and progress reports throughout the year.
This will be an excellent opportunity to catalyse some of the OSM  
development projects, don't you agree?

Let's hear your thoughts on this, I'll let you know when the wiki is  

On behalf of the Dutch chapter,
Take care,


martijn van exel -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+-

Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] EUR 15K grant for software development

2008-02-11 Berichten over hetzelfde onderwerp Stefan de Konink
On Tue, 12 Feb 2008, Gert Gremmen wrote:

 Misschien moeten we een soort OpenSource uurloon definieren ?
 Of kiezen we voor project financiering (lijkt mij beter)

Ja, bounty systeem wil ook nog wel eens positieve stimulans opleveren.


Talk-nl mailing list